The Howie Carr Radio Network

Mayorkas lied, people died, but Trump is the one on trial | 4.18.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

The buck stops at Alejandro Mayorkas when it comes to the death of Laken Riley, whose killer crossed the border illegally. For some reason, Mayorkas and millions of illegals roam free while President Trump sits in a very cold courtroom in Manhattan.

Broadcast on:
18 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And I made it clear to Israelis, don't move on high-fiving. Before Russia attacked, we made sure Russia had javelins and other weapons. Russia could end this war tomorrow by withdrawing its forces in Ukraine, reckoning his international borders and ceasing his attacks on his inhumane attacks on Russia. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. We'll let the record show that Mr. Raskins could not answer the question. Let me start with this. My last name is Raskin. That's right Mr. Bill Back. Call me Robert. That's right, Robert. Robert. You don't have to add the S. Do you know who I am? Bush. Okay. We just have a cannibal tab in your book. There's a cannibal tab in your book. That's bound in the snow squad. Maybe you act like an animal. Look! That one's easier. 50 candles. What do you mean my uncle quoted as 50 candles? From swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. We're going to have a turtle boy, Aidan Cairney, on to discuss what's going on in the Karen Reed murder trial. They're still picking the jury, I think. And the witness list have been released. I was just looking at it over. We'll talk to him about that at 605. Trump's jury has been seated and he's having a live press conference right now outside the courthouse in New York. Let's just pick up a little bit of the press conference. A trial that really is a very unfair trial. These are all stories. This is over the last few days from legal experts. This is Wall Street Journal editorial. But all of these are stories from legal experts saying how this is not a case. The case is ridiculous. This is another one. The case is a ridiculous Trump indictment. It's missing fraud. There is no fraud. All of these stories are stories of how... These are done by the experts and their tutorials. Greg falsified Mr.'s record and he falsifies them. He's the one. He's the fraud. Take a look at all of these are our stories. You see them here. Greg's indictment even falses an indictment. All of them. He's obviously pretty angry about this. Who can blame him? Who can blame him? I object, Your Honor. This trial is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham, of a mockery of a travesty of two mockery of a sham. We've just summed it up. Woody Allen summed it up more than a half a century ago. But that's what it is. We'll play some cuts as the hours go by. But first it's time for the Trump line. Joe Biden said if you don't vote for him you ain't accountable. Those were the last words Uncle Bossy heard before he was ingested by a cannibal or not. Hey, Howie. Joe Biden said they made a movie about his brothers four brothers, but they had to change the name. It originally was going to be called saving private finigan. It was amazing. His uncle too, his uncle was killed in or eaten by a cannibal in May of 1944. And Joe said that the next month he enlisted in the military. When is the fact checkers? When are the fact checkers going to fact check that? Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. And now another excerpt from Paper Boy, my life and media, as read by the author. On December the 7th, 1941, we were gathered around a radio listening to Father Cobblin when we heard that Pearl Harbor had been bombed. Then the party line rang and we found out that my war hero cousin, in namesake, Frank Howie sat in it and shot down. We immediately cut a Northeast Airlines flight to Hawaii to find him. I'll never forget the days we spent searching for him in entangled records of airplane and body parts. Turns out he was in North Africa. There was an element of truth to that. He was shot down. He was in the Royal Canadian Air Force. I didn't tell you yesterday. My mother said when he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, my mother was like, I guess, 17, 18. And she said, "Frank, why did you join the Canadian Air Force? You're from North Carolina." And he said, "Well, we all have to get involved." And that was the last she ever spoke to him because he was shot down on December 7th, 1941. Now, that's a true story. I looked it up on Wikipedia. Frank Howie Sutton, they named Camp Sutton after him in North Carolina. You're a World War II. After yesterday's debacle with his Uncle Bozy rant, Brandon's handlers now want the right to prosecute anyone who lets them speak off script. He did it those three times apparently. I wonder if they, do they, maybe they need to, you know, like a, you know, dogs wear a collar and if they go by a certain point, they get the zap to keep them inside on the property of the owner. Maybe, you know, whenever he mentions a word like "cannibal," he gets a zap and it just, and it snaps him out of it and he moves on to something else and just talks about Trump and suckers and losers. But there would be so many words that there would have to be like that. You know, anytime you mention debt or deficit or jump, you just have to, you know, hit him. Tibetan plateau would be another one. Haifa, Ukraine, Russia, javelin, missiles, actually, I guess that wouldn't work. You'd be able, even if you gave him like minor, minor doses of charge, as electrical charges, it'd be, it'd probably keel over in about two minutes. I bet that liberal activist never knew what hit him when he got bumped from the jury. Guess you could say he was a blood deer in the headlights. That's pretty good. I like that. I like that. Google turns over two dozen Nazi Googlers into ex-Googlers. Maybe the pride is turning. By the way, speaking of liberals in New York, they always say a liberal, a conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. Did you see yesterday an NYU female administrator, NYU administrator? Do you think she's liberal or conservative? She was mugged down in lower Manhattan and they had an identification of her assailant. You know how they described him? An attacker who presented as male. That's the new phrase. I hadn't heard that before that nut who was arrested for graffiti at the pro-Nazi protest in New York. He said he was very angry that he was arrested by a police officer who presented as lesbian. So there's a phrase, you know, a week ago, maybe we'd heard it once or twice in our entire lives. Now it's becoming the assailant wanted presented as male, presented. What did he present? He presented a fest to this liberal. The White House corrected Joe Biden's claim that his uncle was even by candles. They're actually transgender of Negan candles. Yes, a text pointed out that Nancy Pelosi has already criticized him saying he should have should have not used that the pejorative word "cannibal." He should have used flesh attracted human being. Do we have a statement from the flesh attracted human being, Taylor? Now I can see why Biden let the barbecue or into the country. After hearing what happened to Uncle Bozy, I guess they're pretty much just like family. Is there going to be a special visa process for any Haitian cannibals who want to come into the country directly? Come on, man. I remember during World War II, the day after VE Day, I was wearing a towel and shaving cream. When I found out my uncle, Ambrose, Ambrose, who was piloting a B-52, was shot down in New Guinea and eaten by vegan cannibals. I asked my father, "Why did he eat Uncle Bozy?" And he said, "It's simple, Joey. They're hungry." Thank you, everybody. Month or two from now, Uncle Bozy was going to be piloting the Enola Gay when he was shot down and eaten by the cannibals. What's up, chief? Mango, coconut, leg of Ambrose. You know what the appetizer was for the cannibals? Oyster's Rockefeller. Boylan, JFK's PT-109 went down. It's a good thing he didn't run into any cannibals. I seem to vaguely recall hearing about cannibals in the area, but not even the PR machine of Joe Kennedy Sr. could put across cannibals. They didn't even try, I don't think, very hard. But Biden, with even less evidence, decided to put it across. Now he's got the endorsement of the Kennedy family. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. Okay, that's it for the Chumpline. Today, the Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you want to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message, you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every evening weekdays. We have one. It's posted every weeknight around 7 p.m. Eastern. It's called Chop Chumps. It's all the messages we didn't have room or time for. Just now you can get Chop Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It is incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Come on, man. I remember during World War II, the day after VE Day, I was wearing a towel and shaving cream when I found out my help with Ambrose Ambrose, who was piloting a B-52, which got down in New Kitty and eaten by vegan cannibals. I asked my father, "Why did he eat okobasi?" And he said, "It's simple, Joey. They're hungry." Thank you, everybody. Good day to help. Press conference. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So, just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean that you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago with its founder, Jerome Manning. What are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price? Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs are exclusive P&S and makes it 10 percent nonrefundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. We'll be right back. Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and may save $1,000 off their new PFE hair restoration procedure and listen to my Meet the Expert Podcasts with the doctors. Go to or call 1-800-H-A-I-R 1-800-208-H-A-I-R 1-800-208-H-A-I-R 1-800-208-H-A-R. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what is the biggest cause of Massachusetts taxpayers fleeing the state in record numbers? High taxes, rotten weather, housing costs, illegal aliens, crime, bad infrastructure, political corruption or wokeness. I'm going to stick with bad weather. I'm surprised it's doing so rotten weather. I'm surprised it's doing so poorly. Still at 1%. 1%. Yep, bad infrastructure is at a statistical 0%. 2% for crime. What about the potholes? I'm tired. That includes the MBTA. 37% say high taxes, 20% say political corruption, 16% for wokeness and 14% for illegal aliens. They're all good answers though. They're all good answers. 844-542, 42. Before they got to still see the alternate jurors tomorrow, five of them. Perspective juror, this was a few minutes ago, before they got the last juror, booted for past vitriolic anti-Trump posts. She harbored a deep hatred for Trump, said Trump's lawyer, referencing years old posts that described Trump as a racist, sexist, narcissist. She said, "I wouldn't believe Donald Trump if his tongue was notarized." Notarized? And said that he was anathema to everything she was taught about love. She's an older white woman. She stopped getting political online after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Was she wearing a mask? I would say anyone who was wearing a mask, that would have been worthy of a preemptive challenge. No one has mentioned that. When she was standing at the podium, Trump watched her from a few feet away with his right arm slung over the back of his chair. Those are strong words, and I do feel I was in a disturbed frame of mind during that election cycle, she said. I dare say she's still in a disturbed state of mind, an older white woman, and I guarantee she still has all of her masks left. 844-542-42. Rob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rob. Hey, Howie, how are you doing today? Good. Well, I'm a high-endist boy, so I understand what's going on in Massachusetts. That's not the greatest thing, that's for sure. But I wanted to bring to attention something I don't hear a lot of people talk about, the illegal aliens. When I lived on a Florida for quite a few years, I would watch a bunch of them like live in a house, like 20 or 30 of them live in a house, and they would save all their money up and then buy the house next to them, and it changed neighborhoods. It changed the American dream. How do you compete if you just want to buy a house and raise kids? Right. Well, some of them too, in the Boston area, they would get into a three-decker, and they would buy the three-decker, and then they would get the daughter pregnant, and they would put her in on welfare on a section 8. And sometimes they'd put two of them in. If they had two daughters, they'd get them two pregnant ones, and they'd be collecting all, they'd have their main apartment and some kind of welfare there, whatever it was, because most of them are on welfare of some form or another, and then they'd have the two daughters on section 8, AFDC, WIC, all the welfare payments, and you're right. How does an American who works for a live and compete with that? They don't. Does an American get $30,000 through this, what do they call it, the Save Home program or something like that? The illegal aliens are all getting $30,000 in subsidized rents for two years. At the end of the two years, everything will be, the house will be destroyed, but the landlord won't care. I don't know why won't care. $30,000. You can't replace a house with $30,000. Thanks for the call. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. There's a headline from the Herald. Massachusetts man. Arrested after him. After allegedly posting anti-Semitic video, horrific, quote, horrific threats against Jews, unquote, a man standing in front of a Jewish community center and making horrific threats against Jews while holding what looked like a gun has been arrested, according to police. This was outside the Springfield Jewish community center. It showed a man on social media man showed a man making a man making hateful statements against the Jewish community. Holding what appeared to be a firearm while making threats and spitting on the Jewish community center sign. The Massachusetts man's name, you ask? Sifaldin Fazi. S-A-I-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-L-D-E-E-N. Fazi. S-A-O-F-A-E-N. Fazi. of West Springfield. Okay. There's a, he's a good boy. He's a good boy, a very good boy. They, that's what his, that's what his mother Fatima said when she was reached for comment. 844-542-42. Josh Hawley really tore into Alexander Mayorkas. He, he's the one who came, he's the one who asked him about Lake and Riley's savage thug killer. And here's a, here's a couple of tweets from him, from, from Josh Hawley. We've got some sound to play to. Mayorkas was caught in a lie. He said eight days ago, Lake and Riley's killer was parole, meaning they, that's, again, he was not in custody. He, they just, they just kind of, he, he was not coming out of prison or anything like that. They just cut him at the, they catch him at the border and just tell him, go all the, all the oxen free, you know, you're, you're on your own. Get out of here and come back in 2029 for a hearing. That's what they mean by parole. He was paroled because the feds had no reason to hold them. False. Mayorkas said two days ago, he couldn't remember why. False. He said today, he just wouldn't talk about it. The truth is they let Lacon's killer in illegally. Here's the truth. Mayorkas illegally paroled Lake and Riley's killer into the US. He had a criminal record. He then committed a crime against a child in New York. No prosecution. In fact, he got a work permit. They're trying, they're trying Donald Trump on a misdemeanor. The, the, the, uh, statute of limitations has expired on, but they let this, uh, they let this savage third world thug into the country. He attacked the child in New York. They let him go and gave him a work permit and then he killed Lacon. Mayorkas knew all about this. He lied about it. Then there's this kid in, uh, in Josh Hawley's home state of Missouri. His name is, uh, his name was Travis Wolf, just a kid. He was, uh, on the, you know, 11 about to turn 12 years old. He was in a car traveling with his, uh, family. And, uh, this drunk illegal alien, I think, from Columbia, just was going the wrong way. Stop me if you've heard this one before. You know, probably, probably never been in a car before, you know, coming from south of the border where they use burrows probably. And, uh, she, she had him and killed him. And so this is what, uh, this is, this was his questioning. Senator Josh Hawley's questioning of Mayorkas about his constituent, Travis Wolf, savagely killed by an illegal alien led in by Democrats. Cut nine. Travis Wolf. Do you know that name? Not off the top of my head. Travis Wolf is a 12 year old boy from Missouri. This is him. Travis was killed on December 20th, 2023, or I should say he was in a, a tragic attack on that night. He died some weeks later, head on collision. The person driving the vehicle, who's now been charged with six criminal counts is in Drena Braco. Do you know who that is? I do not, but, uh, let me, um, communicate that I know that all of our hearts break for the family of this young boy who died in that accident. Well, she's an illegal migrant here from Venezuela. Local law enforcement tell me that she was detained briefly at the border in 2023 and then released. And then she commits this crime. Multiple people have been stabbed in O'Fallon, Missouri by illegal migrants. Mr. Secretary, I know that you think your policies are a success. You sat right there in that chair and you've told me over and over our policies are working. You're on the record years and years saying that maybe they're working for you. Maybe they're working for your political objectives, whatever they may be. I don't know, but they're not working for Lake and Riley or Travis Wolf or the people of my state. Amen. We're any other state for that matter. Even the blue states eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, five, oh, eight. Don't jump, jump to conclusions about sci-fouling, Fazui. He may, he and his family may have well immigrated from County Cork. Oh, yes, they, they, oh, there's a good possibility that happened. Yes, eight, four, four, and, and he's, he's from, he's, I'm sure he's an adherent of the religion of peace as George W. Bush called it. But the Democrat, a lot of, a lot of Jewish people are still voting Democrat. Tell me why. Just like, tell me why the Kennedy family endorsed Joe Biden today when he won't provide secret service protection for their kinsmen, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And why is there a law in place that allows the government to pay for secret service protection for presidential candidates? It's because an Arab immigrant shot RFK senior down in coal blood in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles back in 1968. But now the Kennedys are all, oh, I'm sure that I'm sure they're all for Biden. They love the fact that Biden doesn't want the Israelis to do anything to Iran or to, or to the genocidal Nazi killers. Like the, like the people who killed his, like the guy who killed his, their father, RFK senior. Rick, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Rick. Yeah, hey, good afternoon. I've been listening to you since back in the jury Wednesday. Appreciate how you're doing. Thanks. A couple points out on your, on your, on your poll, quick shout out to John and Margaret and Quincy on your poll. There's so many topics there that both for it. I had a conversation with my three grown children back when they were on the early and mid 20s. And I said to them, as your father, it's my duty to advise you to leave this state. And that was six, seven, eight years ago and things have gotten a lot worse since. And my wonderful wife wasn't too happy with me because she wanted the kids to stay close to home for obvious reasons. But I said, it's my duty as their father to tell them, even if you go to New Hampshire, get the hell out of this state, it just got worse and worse since then, especially the last three or four years. I think they'll agree with that. Oh, I absolutely. Now, my, now my point with Trump, I have a dear friend that I fish with, great guy, his wife's a great lady. She cannot stand Trump because he's, her words, not mine, he's arrogant. And I looked at her last time I talked with her and I said, are you not looking out for the future of your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren, who's going to be a better choice to leave this country from here on in this, this as they say for many years, how we, this is the election of not just our lifetime of three lifetimes. And you know, is he perfect? No, he's not perfect. But I don't know, but he's perfect. What's America? Exactly. He puts America for us. He's strong. And, you know, he's going to do the right thing. Nine times out of 10, where this guy's likely to do the right thing. I know, I, you know, I think of what, what Al Davis, the owner of the Oakland Raiders, now deceased said, just when baby. And how about we just change it in looking at it in terms of Biden? How about just don't keep losing baby? He loses everything. Everything he says is wrong. Every move he makes is a disaster. Everything he does damages the American people. How can people vote for this guy? They were just driven insane by the, by the media, by the, by the panic in 2020, like this juror. The jurors said, basically said this, this afternoon in New York. I just, I just lost it in, in, in the panic. Thanks for the call, Rick. Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, how we, we've all heard the term, there's no honor among thieves. But man, now we definitely know there's no honor among the Kennedys. You know, it isn't bad enough. They all just hang them out to dry. At the same time, we now have our government hanging them out to dry like a sitting duck. Okay. It's just, it's hard to believe this is America today. You know, this is worse than banana Republic. This is Soviet Republic. It's, it's, it's unfathomable. I don't know. I, I'm beside myself, really, with everything I keep here and it just never gets better. These people are completely unhinged. Yeah, I know Joe Biden, how about Joe Biden running around saying, just pay your fair share. And his son is about to come up on, on a federal trial, a federal trial in LA for not paying a million dollars in income taxes or not paying taxes on a million dollars. I mean, what, what did JFK say? Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. What have the Biden's ever done for their country? What has Hunter done for his country? What is Joe? Joe was, Joe was a draft dodger. No one ever wants to talk. They talk about Trump had bone spurs. No one ever talks about Joe being a draft dodger. And he says, he wants to, he wants to bring peace because of Vietnam. Where was he when he had a chance to, to bring some peace? He didn't even join the Peace Corps. Thanks for the call 844-542-413. Kennedy family proudly supporting Biden is just the men that heard comment today from them. Oh, he's always worked for the working man. Oh my God, lunacy. He's never had a job. You know, you don't have to be a union guy, but it would help if you'd had a job. He's 80 years, he's like Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders never had a job, but he's for the working man too. The more they're for the working man, the more you can be assured they've never worked for a living. 844-542-4242. Jay, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Jay. Hi, a couple of conservative observations about the latest events in sporting. I noticed on the masters this weekend, every prior masters, they used to have the flag next to the leaderboard of, in the lower right hand corner, they would have the, you know, on the leaderboard, they would have the flag of the origin of country. Yeah, honeymore. That's one. That's gone. I thought we were celebrating diversity. Wouldn't you want to have that in there? Were there too many American flags? Was that the problem? Yeah, it was about 80% American. There is a brilliant and a Swiss, but there was no more flags next to the name. It was just the name. Second observation, the NCAA women's tournament garnished the biggest ratings in history over the men's. Yeah, 5 million more of yours than the American, than the men's championship. Yeah, and the women's tournament was at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday. Right. And the men's tournament was on Monday night. Yeah, on a Monday. So what do we push in here? And I, you know, and I like Joe Biden saying they, you know, Katelyn Clark deserves, quote unquote, deserves to make more money. No, I don't, I think Katelyn Clark is going to be okay. I think she's going to make a lot of money. And again, who, who is Joe Biden, a guy who's never done anything, nothing other than feathering his own nest. Who is he to be giving instructions to anyone? How much to pay the guy who rakes their lawn, let alone anything else? He knows nothing. Thanks for the call, Jay. 844 500 42 42. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code howie three. He uses them in both his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the naucet beach end. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can also use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. 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We've got at least one or two callers today and the textures talking about the 711 that was robbed and Norwell right on the hang of mine near the illegal alien flop house for Haitians. These were Hispanics, probably illegals, who robbed at three of them in early in the morning a couple of days ago. And it appears now they've also hit these three illegals also hit a convenience store in Quincy as well. So they're on a rampage. They've got guns. But hey, you know, celebrate diversity. It's a sanctuary. It's a sanctuary state, basically, even though it's not technically 844, 500, 42, 42, we'll have turtle boy on after the top of the hour to talk about the witness list coming out and how far along they are and picking the jury in in datum for the care and read murder trial. They've they picked the jury per se in New York, but they still have to pick the alternate jurors tomorrow and they're hoping for opening arguments in the sham kangaroo court star chamber trial. The the mist the mist the mist, expired misdemeanors dressed up as a felony as a federal felony in a state court. That's other than that, it's a totally legitimate prosecution. 844, 500, 42, 42, Wendy, you're next with how we car go ahead, Wendy. Hi, hi, hi, howie. My name is Wendy Lee McTowell. How are you? Good. Good. I'm calling for Maine and I wanted to just talk about the upcoming elections in November. The reason that our democratic house and senate are so out of control is because they have the majority. So our goal as the we the people Republicans in Maine is to run. We have 92 really great just normal citizen candidates, not politicians, but people with courage and integrity who are running for the state rep house and the senate. And right now in each one of their campaigns is a critical time. People could really help out by supporting their candidate by donating five bucks for the clean election fund. Yeah, okay. And thank you then the clean elections fund. We'll put it out. The message is delivered, Wendy. Thank you. Vincent, very quickly, Vincent, not much time left. How are you? Good. You know, I can't believe what miscreants and the generous, the Kennedy's have descended to, to back Joe, who's in the world separate. I know. I know he was breaking up, but we got the point. I mean, it's it. Do they need the jobs that bad? I mean, they're just, they're just sort of make work ambassador type jobs. The Kennedy's have fallen a very, very, very long way and how we go.