The Howie Carr Radio Network

"We are Hamas!" Protesters Near Columbia Wreak Havoc | 4.18.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

The urban terrorists return to the streets of New York, this time on Columbia University's campus. Then, Grace shares the disappointing news that Ilhan Omar's daughter has been suspended from school for similar events.

Broadcast on:
18 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring you a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I'm still laughing at Stephanie Rule on MSNBC. She's filling us in on the fact that Russia and the Saudis are conspiring with Donald J. Trump to keep gas prices high so that Trump can win the election. Even though from what I've seen, it seems like Russia's pretty pleased with Joe Biden's job thus far. And you know, the whole minor incursion thing. And really nothing about this conspiracy makes sense. But that's the cool thing about Trump is that if you want to concoct a wild theory, you don't have to have any of that pesky evidence behind it. Everybody's always blaming me for everything. I just hope for the sequel, like I hope for the second time around, if Trump wins in November, fingers crossed, we've got to keep the cannibal man out. If Trump wins in November and they rehash this. And I hate to ask for too much. But if there's going to be a sequel of all this crap, I just hope this time they make it a little bit more interesting. You know, you can bring back something, Jared, you can do a reboot, but you've got to bring the heat. You've got to get some good creative minds on this. If it's like the Russian hookers peeing on Trump in a hotel room, I just, and there needs to be more. And you know what, they need to hold themselves to a higher standard because I think back in the day with the Steele dossier, with Hillary Clinton, with Elias, with all this stuff, I don't think they ever thought there was going to be as much pushback. I think they thought the American people were going to just take this hook line and sinker. And to be fair, some people in the media did, and they were handsomely rewarded for it with Pulitzer Prizes and podcasts and book deals and all sorts of things. But I don't think that they imagined there would be actual journalists and actual Internet sleuths who were able to debunk all of this BS right away in over the course of the two years, two and a half years that this played out in this loomed over Trump's presidency. But if we're going to do this again, like the Trump's conspiring with the Russians and Michael Cohen and Prague and passports and all this stuff, I just, I would really, I would encourage Stephanie Rule and the rest of the nut jobs at MSNBC, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, everyone who partook in the original to just do your homework this time. You know, if you're going to make stuff up, make it interesting. Make it a little bit believable. Make it stick. That's just my two cents for all of you. I know you won't take it. Speaking of MSNBC, you know what's out there right now, Jared, which I'm just throwing this at you, so I don't expect it right away. I guess Joe Scarborough called Donald Trump an animal. Now, I have been told that referring to people, even if they're murderers who bash girls skulls in while they're going for a run at the University of Georgia, I have been told that referring to anyone as an animal is racist and despicable and hateful and violent. But I guess if you're referring to Donald Trump as an animal, it's okay. And actually speaking of that, Joe Biden's own staffers, according to Politico, refer to Trump as Hitler Pig. So really, you can call Trump whatever you, you can fat shame him, you can call him an animal and that's okay. But if you try to call the guy who murdered like an Riley an animal, you're going to have a problem. If you're a student and you try to just label someone as an illegal alien, you might get suspended. I'm constantly reminding you guys of the rules because they get increasingly hard to follow as each day passes. All right, now, let's talk a little bit about the anti-Semitism we're seeing all over these college campuses. And right now, police are detaining protesters. What did Jake Novak tell us? He said, stop calling them protesters, call them urban terrorists, because that's what they're doing. Well, they're at Columbia University right now. And I think that we should play this again. These were protesters near Columbia University. I'm not sure if they have any affiliation with the school, they just happen to be nearby. You can make your own bets about that. But here's what one of the protesters was saying. Cut 11, please. We are Hamas! You're a Hamas. You're what? Yes, we're a Hamas! I'm sure that even members of the squad, because they're getting asked about this, like Rashida Taib was asked about people cheering on Hamas, people saying death to America and Dearborn. And she didn't respond, not because she doesn't condemn it, I'm sure, but because she doesn't want to interact with Hillary Vaughn from Fox. But I'm sure even members of the squad at this point, even Ilhan Omar, whose daughter just got kicked out of her school, Barnard University. I'm pronouncing that right. It feels weird. Barnard University. She got kicked out for her anti-Semitism. Suspended. And I'm sure that even the squad members are looking at these protesters and going, "Yeah, it's great that you are Hamas. We're Hamas too. We represent. We promote Hamas's propaganda. We support Hamas. However, you can't say it so openly." Like, you know what, Jared? I bet Ilhan Omar is looking at these protesters going, "They need to learn the art of subtlety like me. They need to learn how to hide their anti-Semitism in a way where Nancy Pelosi could still, in theory, defend you to the masses." When you say, "We are Hamas," it kind of takes away the mystery, you know? You're not leaving a lot of room to get out of it. So, this is what's happening all over the country. And these are the voters that Joe Biden is going around trying, you know, door knocking, trying to win over, trying to say, "Please, please, please don't give up on me. I promise I'll make you happy. I'm going to cancel your student loan debt. I'm going to give you whatever you want. I've got a green climate core. It's going to make sure that nobody can drive a car in the year 2035. I will do whatever you need me to do if you'll just vote for me one more time." So, the protesters are now saying, "We are Hamas." And now, take a listen to, speaking of Hillary Vaughn, she goes around and she asks these questions to Democrats, and they wouldn't be that hard to answer if any of these people had scruples. But there's the rub. They don't have any scruples, and so they can't answer them. So, Katie Porter gets asked by Hillary Vaughn if she condemns people burning American flags and chanting death to America. Again, this is like when Nikki Haley was asked about the Civil War. These trick questions, man, they just don't stop. Can I get cut 10? Anti-Israel protesters blocking the Brooklyn Bridge burned the American flag and chanted "Death to America." Do you condemn this type of rhetoric? We've got to get her on to her next event here. Are you okay with people burning the American flag? If you'd like to follow up with us now. Are you okay with people chanting "Death to America"? Sorry, we've got to head in. Congresswoman Porter, are you okay with people chanting "Death to America"? Is it okay? Do you not have a problem with it? Happy to reach out here. Have a great day. I mean, I give Hillary Vaughn a lot of credit because I've only done it once. I've only approached a politician once and asked that line of questioning, and it wasn't even that aggressive. You've got to be a certain kind of person, and I'm full disclosure, it's not me. I'm a bit of a delicate flower, but you have to kind of... It's almost like jumping off a diving board or something. You just have to go into it and kind of not be in your own body for a second because it's so uncomfortable yelling at someone and them not responding, but she's very good at it. And the great part for her is no one else is doing this, and they're all giving her sound. Them not responding is even better because, I mean, in the perfect scenario, I think Rashida Taeib really gives her everything she wants because she does respond just enough to get audio, but she doesn't answer the basic questions. But again, I would like to remind people that Donald J. Trump, Kellyanne Conway, anyone who had any association with the Trump administration, was asked to condemn any sort of situation that could even be seen as racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic. They're constantly asked, "Do you denounce this person? Do you denounce David Duke? Do you condemn David Duke? What do you have to say about David Duke?" And it just seems like when the shoe's on the other foot, and it's a very easy... And by the way, if you do condemn them, it's not hard. People will call up here sometimes and say, "What about this? What about that?" And if I don't think it's right, I'll say, "Yeah, I condemn it. There you go. Mark it down. I don't know what it does for you, but if that's what you need to hear, and by the way, I don't know what it does for you." But it only makes sense that if you're going to ask me to condemn everything that you see that's wrong in the world, then I should be able to do it to you too. And the Democrats are being asked to condemn very simple things, burning American flags, chanting "Death to America, beheading babies." These aren't issues that I would think would require a lot of nuance or a lot of time to think about. I think the walk to the hallway is plenty of time for you to figure out where you stand on those issues. 844-542-42. When we come back, I want to switch gears and talk a little bit about the Mayorkas impeachment precedent that was just set by the Democrats. But before I do, let me get one more thing in here, Jared, on the anti-Israel activists, the urban terrorists, as Jake Novak called them. This isn't Seattle. There's no shortage of dysfunction in Seattle. And I would say, out of all of the stunts that these activists like to pull, I think blocking the highways really where they get the most amount of joy from. Would you agree? Like, blocking the highways is where they feel that their message is getting across. And they blocked a highway. They were blocking the Seattle airport. It says anti-Israel activists were arrested Monday for blocking the freeway leading to Seattle to Coma International Airport. They were bailed out of jail by the Northwest Community bail fund. By the way, this bail fund also previously bailed out a man accused of shooting a Washington State trooper nine times. So the Northwest Community bail fund continues to do such great work for the community. And because of this blocking of the highway, there were flight delays. Ari Hoffman told the -- or the spokesperson for the airport told Ari Hoffman that 20 to 24 flights were delayed. The majority were 20 minutes or less. The longest were two international flights that were delayed 90 and 77 minutes. And yeah, I would consider those -- do you think the solicitor general and the J6 hearing would consider those meaningful disruptions? How long does an airport have to delay a flight for it to be considered a meaningful delay, a meaningful disruption in your life? 844-500-4242. We'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. Listen up, everyone. You've waded through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March, and now the longer warmer days are finally on their way. Spring means more flowers and more sunshine, and we love that. But it also can mean allergies, and it can also mean that, you know, you're working on the lawn, you come in, you leave your shoes, you get kind of that damp, musty smell in the mudroom or sometimes you get that in the basement, and there's a lot of room for that now that the weather is changing, but you want to keep the air pure, you want to keep the air clear, and that's how you do it is with the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. The great part of the Thunderstorm 3 pack is you can use one in your office, if you have an office like ours where you can't open the windows, you can use one in your kitchen to eliminate kitchen smells, and you can use one in your car, which a lot of people, Jared, they don't take advantage of that, but it's a pretty cool feature. Yeah, it's great for just any associated car smells, whether it's fast food, you're, you know, kid throwing up in his car seat, hypothetically, or gasoline smells, anything like that, but it's really great for me for allergies, because when you have the windows down, pollen is going to get in the car, when you open the door to get in and out, pollen is going to get in the car, there's no way getting around it, but each Thunderstorm unit has its own USB cable which plugs into the unit, and then it plugs right into the USB port in your car, so while you're in your car, you can ionize the air, you can get that super oxygen and that's what's going to eliminate the allergens and pollutants and the odors in the air. Yes, and you can get the three-pack special, it's such a great deal, say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens, here's what I want you to do, go to and use code GRACE3, that's, code GRACE and the number three, we'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. ♪♪♪ Steely Dan, not to be confused with Uncle Bosey and the cannibals featuring Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. Really taking the world by storm, and Jared, I am going to let you, we're going to get back to all of this. It wasn't Joe Scarborough who called Donald Trump an animal, it was actually Marigay. If you don't remember Marigay, she made waves when she went on with Brian Williams way back when, and they had this tweet up about how Michael Bloomberg, I think she said, Michael Bloomberg could give every American a million dollars based off his campaign money, and then the math wasn't really math-ing, and it was a bit of an embarrassment for not only Brian Williams and Marigay, but also for the entire staff at his show that decided to put this tweet up on the screen. You can't let the man continue with fuzzy math. And not correct them, so that's what she's known for. She was actually the person on Morning Joe who called Donald Trump an animal, which again, that's okay if Marigay says it on MSNBC, if Grace Curly said it, if you said it, if Donald Trump said it, it would be another story. Jared, I am though, I'm a woman of my word sometimes, depending on the day, and I am feeling like you need your time in court here to defend your poll question decision. Before we get to that, let's tell people what the question is, and it's brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to Jared, what is the poll question, and then we'll get into some of the details here. Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Biden anecdote is more bizarre? Corn pop in the pool chain or Uncle Bosey in the cannibals. I'm saying cannibal, it's like rock's paper scissor here, I think cannibal trumps all, I think it's really hard to beat. Yeah, a little Trump. When you put a cannibal in a story, it's unstoppable. That is tough. How does somebody top that? But you're claiming, Jared, that you went back in the records, you checked out the archives, and that you think that corn pop actually stands the test of time, and beats out the cannibal story. I do, the full corn pop story is like the director's cut of the corn pop story. Amazing. Give me a little taste of it, just so I can see what you're talking about. This is, we all remember corn pop was a bad dude, while here we learned about why. And corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad boys. And I did, and back in those days, to show how things have changed, one of the things you had to use, if you used pomade in your hair, you had to wear a bathing cap. And so he was up on the board with a list, and I said, "Hey Esther, you, off the board, I'll come up and drag you off." So he came off, and he said, "I'll meet you outside." My car, this was mostly, these were all public housing behind it. My car, there was a gate out here. I parked my car outside the gate, and he said, "I'll be waiting for you." He was waiting for three guys and straight razors. Not a joke. There was a guy named Bill Wright, mouse, the only white guy, and he did all the pools. He was the mechanic. And I said, "What am I going to do?" He said, "Come down here in the basement where mechanics, where all the pool builder is." You know, the chain, there used to be a chain that went across the deep end. And he cut off a six foot and left the chain. He folded up. He said, "You walk out with that chain." And you walked out of the car and said, "You may cut me, man, but I'm going to wrap this chain around your head." I said, "You kidding me?" He said, "No, if you don't, don't come back." And he was right. So I walked out with the chain, and I walked up to my car. And those days you used to remember the straight race. You had to bang them on the curb, get them rusty, put them in the rain barrel, get them rusty. And I looked at them, but I was smart then. I said, "First of all," I said, "When I tell you you get off the board, you get off the board. I'll kick you out again, but I shouldn't have called you." Esther Williams, I apologized for that. I apologized, but I didn't know that apology was going to work. He said, "You apologize to me?" I said, "I apologize when I'm not for throwing you out." But I apologized for what I said. He said, "Okay, close the straight razor and my heart begin to beat again." This is all happening at the community pool. Do I have that right? Yes. This is all happening with people who are trying to swim. Do you think people were swimming in between this, like going back and forth? I just want to say to my child, "Get out of the pool. He's got a straight razor. It's getting a little bit easier." 82% say Uncle Bozy and the cannibals. Only 18% for corn pop and the pool change. But hey, that may change as the day goes on. I don't know. I mean, is anyone playing sharks and minnows? Like, what is this? We'll be right back. [Music] Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Come back, and he was right. So I walked out with the chain, and I walked up to my car. And those days you remember the straight razor, bang them on the curb, get them rusty, put them in the rain barrel. Get them rusty. And I looked at them, but I was smart then. I said, "First of all," I said, "When I tell you you get off the board, you get off the board. I'll kick you out again, but I shouldn't have called you." Esther Williams, I apologize for that. Mr. Can you move over? I'm just trying to go off the diving board. [Laughs] You know, Jared. Sir, this is a Wendy's. Jared, I'm going to give it to you. The cannibal comment is crazy, but the fact that that's the corn pop story, and that doesn't even go into the kids rubbing his legs. That was from the same. I learned about roaches. The kids would rub my hairy legs in the pool, press contract. He's getting into this. This isn't what he was sharp to. He's getting into this fight that involves, like, razors, and what was the other thing, pool chains, and he's hitting the pool chain off the ground. And then, the next day he's coming in and having all these kids rub his legs, these people at the pool must have been thinking, "Who is this crazy white man, and why is he insisting on showing up here and causing such a ruckus?" Why can't we just enjoy the pool for corn pop? Corn pop was a bad dude. Can we get one hour of enjoying the pool without this weird white guy showing up and really just putting a... He's like a turd and a punch bowl, Joe Biden. I speak to the club manager, please. He's a real Debbie downer here. Bring in, bring in everybody down. I would like to also mention that Dr. Jill, I was just thinking about this because when he tells stories... Nana! Like the corn pop story, like the Valentine's Day stories, all the weird stories, any stories involving kids with him, it always gets weird. I have to imagine that as his wife, she says to him afterwards, "Hey, lose that story. Okay, you know the story you told about the roaches and the kids in the pool? Don't go with that anymore." It clearly doesn't work. He clearly does not heed her advice because there's no wife on planet Earth who would ever say like, "Oh yeah, just say whatever stories you want." That's a common thing. You go to a dinner party, you know, your spouse says something, you get behind closed doors, you go, "Hey, by the way, enough of that. You know, that embarrassed me." Or, you know, we've all had a conversation like that. I can't imagine that she's not drilling him, drilling into his head behind the scenes, "Hey, stop talking about this stuff!" And here's the only thing I'm going to say and then we'll move on. As far as the cannibal story goes, it's strange that it took him this long to get to it. It's strange that it took him this long to bring that out of the back of his brain. Not that it actually ever happened, but just that this is the first time we're seeing him have a little fun with this story. And I'm going to go out in a limb and say that we're going to hear a lot more about the cannibals leading up to November. And here's why. Joe Biden does this weird thing where the things that he gets the most fact-checked on. I'm going to give you an example. Traveling was Xi Jinping for 6 billion miles, however many miles, 17,000 miles. He's been fact-checked on that so many times. By the Washington Post of all places, he's gotten Pinocchio's on it. When there are stories that are easily debunked, the story about the fire, his home had a fire, and he says like, "Oh, such a big fire!" "I was lost with Corvette, man!" And the actual story is that it was a kitchen fire was put out in five minutes. The stories that the more people come out and say that is a lie, and they might not say that, NBC, you know, and mischaracterized, but the more hoopla there is over one of his lies, over one of these tall tales, the more pig-headed and defiant he gets about trotting it out. Have you noticed that? The more he'll come out and say like, "You think you can tell me I can't tell that story?" Ugh, for real! It's his way of saying, "No joke!" If you're gonna question him, no joke, he's gonna come out and tell that story every flipping chance he gets, and his aides know it, his handlers know. Now that they're telling him it didn't happen, about Uncle Bosey getting eaten by the cannibal, this old man is not going down without a fight. He is going to tell that story every chance he gets, so that would be a good poll question at some point. How many more times, because sometimes if Joe Biden goes to the derailment of the train in East Palestine, we would do a poll question. How many times is he gonna bring up Amtrak Joe, and how many miles? I'm a train guy. And it's, you know, you place your bets. So I lost my train of thought. I'm curious, how many times do people think? And maybe we'll do this tomorrow for a poll question. How many times do we should be now? And it starts, the clock starts now! You don't get to count the other two. Clock starts now. How many times between now and election day are we going to hear the word cannibal come out of Joe Biden's mouth? Over under on three, Jared, what do you say? Oh, I'd say over. I think so too. I think we're talking at least four or five. All right, I want to go to something quickly here that I liked. It was very short, very easy to understand. But this was from the Wall Street Journal, the Mayorkas impeachment precedent. So if you missed this yesterday, Senate Democrats are now refusing to hold even a token trial on House Articles of Impeachment. And let me read you a little bit of this, and then we can discuss. The Senate voted on party lines Wednesday to summarily dispose of the two impeachment articles passed by the House against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, which is one more step in defining down the constitutional power of impeachment. Republicans will return the disfavor possibly sooner than Democrats expect. This reminds me of when Democrats were doing away with the nuclear option and McConnell warned Harry Reid, you'll regret this and you may regret this sooner than you think. And it ended up being a lot sooner than they thought. It's the same thing. It's like, you guys, okay, so now we've set this precedent where you don't actually have to hold a trial for the House Articles of Impeachment. And next time you guys have impeachments, which, by the way, you do tend to really enjoy these impeachments. Like, I would say if I had to decide which party right now is more impeachment crazy, I would argue the left has that one covered. They impeach Trump twice in one turn. Actually, I think one of the impeachments was after. It was after he was already not president, so these people are impeachment crazy. To validate this gross abuse by the House, this is Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer would be a grave mistake and could set a dangerous precedent for the future. Yeah, right, we wouldn't want a political party to make a mockery out of impeachments, right, Chuck? With custom gold pens and dramatic processions across the Capitol and mob parodies of phone call transcripts by serial liars like Adam Schiff, it would be a real shame if impeachments lost their integrity. I agree with you on that, Chuck. I think you're right. I think this is the right move. How insane does it get? 844-500-42-42. Now, speaking of Alejandro Mayorkas, he was asked a great question by Senator Josh Hawley. Take a listen. He's asked if he knows Travis Wolf, victim of an illegal alien, 12 years old. This is Cup 14. Travis Wolf, do you know that name? Not off the top of my head. Travis Wolf is a 12 year old boy from Missouri. This is him. Travis was killed on December 20th, 2023, or I should say he was in a tragic attack on that night. He died some weeks later, head on collision. The person driving the vehicle who's now been charged with six criminal counts is Indrina Braco. Do you know who that is? I do not, but let me communicate that I know that all of our hearts break for the family of this young boy who died in that accident. Well, she's an illegal migrant here from Venezuela. Local law enforcement tell me that she was detained briefly at the border in 2023 and then released. And then she commits this crime. Multiple people have been stabbed in O'Fallon, Missouri by illegal migrants. Mr. Secretary, I know that you think your policies are a success. You've sat right there in that chair and you've told me over and over our policies are working. You're on the record years and years saying that. Maybe they're working for you. Maybe they're working for your political objectives, whatever they may be. I don't know. But they're not working for Lake and Riley or Travis Wolf or the people of my state. Did you notice he called that woman an illegal migrant? I hope Mayorkas is going to put out a statement about that soon because that can't stand. That's the real tragedy here, right? Is that what we learned? The real tragedy is if you call anyone an illegal. Mayorkas wants to sit there and say, "I know all our hearts break for the families." Well, your heart doesn't break enough to do a damn thing about it. Your heart doesn't break enough to do anything differently to acknowledge the crisis. His heart, you know how little his heart breaks through those people? He refused to acknowledge this crisis until Biden gave him the okay, until they all changed their narrative. And only then when they acknowledged the crisis was it because they could say, "But it's Donald Trump's fault." They had no interest in actually admitting the reality of what was going on in our border for the last four years. It's only when old Joe said, "All right, you know, I give up. You can acknowledge that it's there, but you got to blame it on Hitler Pig Donald Trump." And I know realistically that is really the nickname of the face. It's ridiculous. Hitler Pig Donald Trump. I realize in reality, Alejandro Maricas cannot keep track of every crime. I get that. But if you're going into a hearing like this, I mean, that's devastating that you don't know anything about a 12-year-old boy. That's just devastating audio if you're Alejandro Maricas. We understand like there's a lot going on, you can't understand everything, but you got to be prepared for that at least kind of look up. Have somebody investigate how many deaths, whether you want to hide them or not, at least have knowledge of these people. So when somebody pulls something like that, you can at least look like you're interested in solving the problem that you say you're interested in solving. Yeah, but that's a common theme with everyone in this administration and everyone, they don't do any prep work. You know, I think the person who does the most prep work is Kamala Harris when she's on the planes. She's just constantly been diagram, been diagram crossover, who's in the crossover section. Besides that, though, everyone kind of comes in. And we see it with Senator John Kennedy when he's interviewing people. But you know what's also disturbing is, yeah, they're having these impeachment proceedings for my Yorkas. He's a grandstand and asking questions. He's not going to know the answer. I'll talk about it on the show. But when it comes to actually passing anything, using the leverage of Ukraine, which the Democrats are insistent and really a lot of Republicans do are insistent. We continue to fund this war. Well, at least use the leverage we have and use it to get some funding for the border. Use it to do something about the border, but Republicans will not do that. Republicans will give that up. And I do go back to what Chris Bedford said. If you missed it, re-listen to that podcast. We're kind of like. We're fighting based off policies and we're fighting based off principles and we're fighting based off all these things and the left is fighting. The left has a lot of zealots like they're fighting. As more of a religious battle than anything else, like they truly, truly, truly want to undo the country and they're determined and they're motivated. And I was thinking about this the other day, like when you talk about activist bases and parties, whether you're talking about pro life activists in the Republican party or you're talking about the urban terrorist activists in the Democrat party. You can say what you want. You can disagree with what they're fighting for, but you don't ever doubt the commitment. You don't ever doubt the sincerity of the motivation. And I just think that the left right now, especially the people in power, like the Democrat senators, the Democrat Congress people who are even looneier than the senators, they really believe this stuff. You know, they're not phonies. And I think the Republicans have a lot more turncoats. I think the Republicans have a lot of people, like Chris Bedford said, who show off, they think it's a dignified thing to do while working politics for a little bit. I'll make my mark, then I'll go back to my job as private business. We're outmatched here. Do you know, do you get what I'm saying? It's like we're coming into this with a level of not stupidity, but we just were naive. We think that other people are going to compromise with us or are going to, like the left doesn't do that. And this fear of, well, if I don't fund this or I don't fund that, then we're going to get blamed for this person dying. We're going to get blamed for everything all the time, no matter what. So you've got to take a stand and you've got to learn how to fight a little bit because Democrats know what they're doing. They're not bad at this for as crazy as they are and as insane as they are and how much they've ruined this country thus far in the last four years. Strategy wise, they outdo us every time, every day and twice on Sunday, they have us beat as far as political strategy. We got to work on that. By the way, speaking of illegal immigration during a Tuesday city council meeting in New York City, African migrants complained about the food they were given and having to leave the city accommodations after a set period. One woman said that during Ramadan, a period where observers can't eat until sundown, we couldn't eat because when you came back for the breaks, the food is no good at all. And they gave us two months to stay at the shelter and then you have to go out again with your luggage and your kids and find another place. It's very difficult. She also complained that her older child, 18 or 19 years of age, doesn't have schooling. Well, I hope that Eric Adams in the city of New York can figure this out. They've got some unhappy customers right now. We'll be right back. We're going to talk to the captain. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. I hope you guys had fun. I know I did. And, you know, Thursday's wrapping up. We'll be heading into Friday tomorrow. But joining us before then is Howie Carr in Howie. I was just scrolling social media and the Kennedy family has come out in support of Joe Biden. They really want to make it known that they are not supporting RFK Junior. Do you think this helps or hurts RFK Junior? Do you think he's saddened or glad that his family is not backing him? Well, I mean, he's, you know, he's already broken with them on Serhan Serhan. And, you know, he said some problems. I don't think this is like, does anyone care? I mean, how many of the Kennedys are on the payroll? Hey, he was in here briefly, got here late a couple of weeks ago. I didn't have a chance to ask him, but I think it isn't Joe, Joe, Joe. He's, he's on, he's the special envoy in Northern Ireland. Caroline Kennedy, I think, is the ambassador to Japan. I think there may be a third one on the payroll. Maybe, maybe Joe, Joe, Joe's brother, his twin brother, the black-haired one. Yeah. And also Howie, I think when the Kennedys are coming out and they're trying to kind of give you a knock or disparage you and lift up the other candidate, like they have some sort of moral compass, I think it just makes you look better. Like, if you're the black sheep of that family, that's probably a good thing. If you're not like everybody else in that family, I mean, you know from your books, there's plenty there that they shouldn't be proud of. They shouldn't really be lecturing R.F.K. Jr. on, you know, everything he's done wrong. Right. And, you know, and, and as you, if you know, if you read Kennedy Babylon, volume two, especially, I mean, he was, he was one of the premier reprobates in the family and a family of premier reprobates, you know? But now they've turned on him. And I don't know. I, I think he's, I think he's doing okay. I think he's doing pretty well. And this is, this is certainly not going to hurt him at all. Yes. Not on a day when the White House is having to, when there's a headline saying President was wrong about cannibals. Howie, howie, he got some of the details wrong. Okay. He shaved off the truth a little bit. But I wouldn't say that he was lying. It was just a misunderstanding, a miscommunication. By the way, the car crossover is brought to you by the Cape Gun Works membership that you can get for half off. If you go to and click on store, $500 membership for just $250. Go there now. I'll see you all tomorrow. (upbeat music)