The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Speaker Johnson is Sounding More McCarthian by the day plus Gov. Mills' War on Guns | 4.17.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Filling in for Howie is Maine man Aaron Chadbourne, who comes in swinging at Speaker Mike Johnson as he does his network news tours. Aaron points to one particular interview with CNN's Jake Tapper where Johnson is starting to sound more and more centrist by the day. Then, Aaron takes calls from his fellow Mainers who are fed up with Draconian Governor Janet Mills.

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17 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I think at this point, we can say, "It's not going to be an acquittal." They think the most Trump can hope for was a hung jury with one person holding on. And my biggest concern, of course, is that five of the seven read the New York Times, which is deeply alarming. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Jimmy Carter, Michael Longshot. Jimmy Carter is happy. Because he's got a brilliant presidency compared to Biden. That's about gas prices. They've been going up over the last month, 20 cents a gallon. Is the president considering any new actions, like releasing more of from the strategic control industry? I will say, I will note that gas prices remain well below their peak. It's only three cents lower than a year ago. It's up 52% from the president of Biden's Game of the Office. Humming, Humming, Humming, Humming, Humming. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. This is not Howie Car. If you were listening just before the break, Howie is on his way to Mar-a-Lago. There is... I think he said there's a buffet calling his name. Is that what he said, Taylor? Wednesday is buffet night at Mar-a-Lago. Will we get an alert if Howie does get to talk to Trump? Like, do I have to just watch my Twitter feed to see if there's a picture? Like, how am I going to know? That's exactly how he will post a photo if he sees the president tonight. Well, I hope he does. I hope he sees Emma Foley as well. I am Aaron Chadborn filling in for Howie Car joined by Taylor Cormier. Taylor, thanks so much for making the magic happen. You might know me. I'm on WGAN up in Portland, Maine, where I help host Inside Maine, and I fill in up here. I fill in for Grace, former senior policy advisor to Governor Paula Page, one of the greatest governors in our state's history. We certainly wish we had him now. And while I'm on the topic of Maine, and I promise not to make this broadcast about the state of Maine, I do want to give a shout out to all the Republican legislators who are putting up with whatever the Democrats are doing in Augusta right now. I don't know if it's like this in Massachusetts, Taylor, but today is statutory adjournment in the Maine legislature. And with single party control, you have Democrats in charge of everything, just like in Massachusetts. They keep you up until the wee hours of the night, and they try to pass all of these crazy, terrible things. I think a few gun restriction bills. I think they just banned bump stocks. They're just flying fast and furious. They passed an abortion trafficking bill, a transgender surgery trafficking bill. They're just everything, and they do it in the dark of night. So sending thoughts and prayers to any of the legislators up there. Any of you, feel free to call in too. We'll have you on 844-542, the number here on the Howie Car Show. And it's been a, I don't know if I was going to say it was an eventful day, because you've got everything that's going on right now with Speaker Johnson. And the fact that Marjorie Taylor Greene has brought, or is threatening to, and I think she's introduced the motion to vacate. So there's a lot of focus on that. But at the same time, we had what was supposed to be the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas. Now, this is also interesting because it was also sponsored by Marjorie Taylor Greene. And I thought, you know, I filled in for Grace a couple of weeks ago when they announced, when they were going to bring this Taylor. And I told Jared, I think that Speaker Johnson was timing the delivery of the impeachment articles, which were, again, introduced by Marjorie Taylor Greene. I think he introduced them this week to try to, like, curry favor with her. And I don't think it's working so well. I think she's still dogging the bone trying to get him out. And it was, it seemed like it was going to be a failed effort until all of a sudden Thomas Massey has now signed on. And I saw Rand Paul giving an interview. And Speaker Johnson has been out doing this talk show circuit. He was on CLN. He was on Fox Business. He's, I think, on every different show. And you know what it's giving? It's giving Kevin McCarthy vibes. It's giving circling the drain, right? You can tell, you know, when, like, the, the dais cast, when you start to see them all, kind of pulling out all the stops. And I think he's sounding increasingly and increasingly desperate. I think, but I mean, I'm not overly surprised. I don't think anyone's overly surprised because who the heck is Mike Johnson? And I mean no disrespect because I think much like Mike Pence, he's probably a principled conservative. He's probably taken, you know, votes that I would agree with for the majority of his career, right? But he's not anyone that was made for leadership. He's, he was very far down the pecking order, which is both the reason why he was able to get elected, right? When Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise and all of the others, Tom Emmer, when they were all blocked on their pathway to become Speaker, they were blocked. But because Mike Johnson was really a nobody. He was a backbendcher. He was sixth in line. Nobody knew who he was. And that's meant that, you know, he was able to get the speakership, but he has no clue what he's doing. And there have been so many flip flops, and I really think this, it's Ukrainian aid that's going to do him in, right? He, he, you know, passed the budget. He got it appropriated. He was way, way outplayed by the Democrats in every step of the way. But it's really right now where he's trying to figure out how to have his cake and eat it too, going from being someone who opposed funding for Ukraine. They brought him in the skiff. They showed him what they had on him, and now he supports it fully, and he's trying to figure out a way to do it. And you can tell it's the same thing I felt about Kevin McCarthy. Kevin McCarthy blinked. He got up to the point where he would have to actually not fund the government, shut down parts of government, not even all of government, and he blinked. That was his mistake. Kevin McCarthy should have shut down government. You could always trust Democrats to want to vote with you to reopen it. That he could have done. Then he could have saved face. He could have had credibility from his caucus. He could have actually saved money. He could have helped people understand how much they didn't miss government when it was closed down. That's what we did when I worked for a Paula Page up here in the state of Maine. We had a government shut down, and the Democrats were so mad, because while the government was shut down for, there was only an over a long weekend, nobody missed it. And that made them more mad than anything, because it's the center of their lives. They can't imagine a world in which the government isn't the center of your life. That's what they're after. They're after control, they're after dominance. It's the whole ballgame for them. So Mike Johnson, he finds himself a speaker of the house, and he really can't find his way up. He's making the rounds. If you were a speaker of the house trying to save your job and build credibility, who would you go on television with? What would you be your first choice for an anchor? Building credibility? Yeah, so you're trying to show the old leader. Any of the networks these days, you're making a really tough call. But if you had to pick one, bad choice, who do you pick? Which show do you go in? You're putting me in a corner here. There's no right answer as far as I'm concerned. There is a right answer, but the very last one I would go on with is Jake Tapper. Now, they've apparently been doing each other for over 20 years. He thinks he can go on CNN and plead his case. And I'm going to tell you, I was kind of on the fence about Mike Johnson, but now listening to him, I just think he's out of touch and way over his skin. You have to listen to how he talks about his job and how he talks about what he's going through to understand how I think he's doomed at this point. Let's take Cut 21. I'm not asking the Democrats to get involved in that. I believe the House will do its will. Look, I'm trying to govern and lead this institution at a very interesting, unprecedented time. We have challenges right now that no previous generation has faced. Newt Gingrich posted a few days ago on social media. The speaker's job is effectively impossible now. He said that I'm doing the hardest job that maybe has ever been in the history of the U.S. House. Maybe he said arguably since the Civil War. Why? Because... Okay, so here's my issue with that. Number one, he's trying to side-set these issues, but there are all these pep talks that people are giving him privately and maybe on TV, and he's starting to believe them. And he's now repeating them because he's trying to convince himself that what did he say? I'm speaker at the toughest time in the American history of the Congress, maybe since the Civil War. First of all, I think it's funny that he had to qualify. First he said ever that he said since the Civil War, realizing the Civil War was probably harder than now. But all right, now he's got these ideas of grandeur. And you are speaker of the House of the United States. Now you have a one-two-volt majority, so it's not really... I get it. I get it, right? But really, like, you could lead. You could do this. Or if you were going to cave, just own that you're going to cave, right? You could allow that you're going to cave. But instead he has such a glass job that he has to convince us. He has the hardest, hardest job. Cut 23. This is very simple. I'm operating with the smallest margin in U.S. history. I have a one-vote margin, Jake. So in order to get something into this underlying package, we have to have the votes on the floor to pass a rule. Now that's how the process works here. The rule allows for the substantive bill to be put on the floor. I don't have all my Republicans who agree on that rule. And that means the only way to get a rule on the floor is that it requires a couple of Democrats. Well, they're not for the border security. That's not their policy. Some of these folks like open borders. That's what their votes show and indicate. And so we don't have a way. I literally don't have the numbers. I don't have a way to merge it together. See, here's the thing. That's the thing about not knowing what you're doing and being outplayed is that there are all of these procedural moves. It's the one advantage I will tell you that we've had to having Mitch McConnell in the Senate is that Mitch has been around so long. And he's been in charge for so long that he's seen all of the tricks that the Democrats play, the rules that they use, how they manipulate. And Mitch McConnell has been able to then use them in the favor of the Republican agenda. We saw it with the judges with confirming judges at a record pace. It's resulted in the Supreme Court changing the balance, changing the makeup of the Supreme Court. It's because Mitch McConnell has been around. He knows what he's doing. Mike Johnson has no clue. And so here he's like, all right, well, there's this terrible package of bills. So to make it less terrible, I'm going to cut it up into smaller bites. So we're going to eat the same bleep sandwich, but we're just going to eat it in smaller bites. Like that makes no sense. It does allow, and I think this is really why he's doing this. I've been trying to rack my brain like, what is he doing? And I think there are people that want to vote for Israel and want to vote against Ukraine, right? They're those people. And then because he's going to lose Republicans with whatever he does, he has to work with Democrats. So then he has this other border thing, which wasn't the border supposed to be the one thing that we held out for. Like there's no action on Ukraine. You can't defend the Ukraine borders until we defend our borders. Go ahead. Cut 25. We're not going to get 100% of what we want right now because we have the smallest majority in history and we only have the majority in one chamber. The Republicans run the house. We have the small majority in the house. The Democrats are in charge of the Senate and the White House. So by definition, we won't get everything we want, but we got a great product here at the end, much better than the alternative that came in the Senate supplemental. And now everybody gets to vote their conscience, up or down. That's what we're for, regular process, regular order, and accountability to the people. And I think you'll see that here this week. We're not asking for everything we want, Mike. Just one thing, one thing. You're listening to Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn in for Howie, and we'll be right back. The Howie Car Show will be right back. The Howie Car Show is back. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show. I am Aaron Chadburn sitting in for Howie, who is at a previously scheduled engagement. He'll be back tomorrow. No worries. Before the break, we were talking about Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. I've barely learned his name and they're already talking about a motion to vacate the chair. How long has it been? Like four months, five months, six months? I don't know. It's less than half a year. This guy has been in the position. They're talking about the motion to vacate the chair. 512 says Mike Johnson, just a placeholder for deadlock Congress, people who expect him to pass legislation left and right are kidding themselves. I mean, that's not too super accurate, but you could probably do a better job. Which brings us to today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silvermint, located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local All right, Taylor, one more time. What's today's poll question and what are the results? This poll question, which you can vote in at, is would you vote to vacate the chair and remove Mike Johnson as U.S. House Speaker? Yes, he's been terrible. No, the new guy might be Hakim the Dream Jeffries. Or no, but I like holding the vote over Johnson's head to stop money for Ukraine. What did Howie say that last one? No, he doesn't want Hakim Jeffries in there. That's mine too. I see. I'm on the same page because here's the thing. Did you watch the vote the last time and it was a clown show? And the thing that bothers me is when you put Republicans in charge and they show that they don't know what to do, it undermines your argument forever being in charge again. So I think that's the problem. I think no, I think they might end up electing Hakim Jeffries. Placeholders better than nothing. That's in the middle of the pack. 32% agree with you. 55% say no, but I like holding the vote over his head to stop money for Ukraine. And 13% say yes, we should vacate the chair. He's been terrible. That's probably a pretty reflective breakdown of where people are in the house right now. Wouldn't you think that like 13% probably want him out? And then everyone else is like, oh, it could be worse. Or at least we can keep him from funding Ukraine. But now we're going to fund Ukraine. So I don't know what's being achieved here either by Johnson. And what do you think when he went into this game and they shared the intelligence with him that got him to reauthorize the surveillance bill and then got him to fund Ukraine? Like, what do you think they showed him? It's going to be something, right? If you have an opinion, 844-500-4242, the number on the Howie Car Show. Taylor, the text line is saying they like hearing your voice. They probably like you more than me, but I'm here. So I'm filling in. We'll keep on trucking. I wanted to get to the Mayorkas impeachment because I, for one, was, I've been waiting for this for a very long time. Because if there is someone, if there's a member of the Biden administration, more than the President himself that deserves to be impeached, it is Secretary of Mayorkas who has single-handedly, I mean, first of all, he has lied to Congress more times than anyone in recent history. So if you're someone from the Trump administration, if you've ever been accused of obstructing Congress or lying to Congress and tried for it, if you didn't respond to your subpoena, you have to look at what Mayorkas has done. And you have to be, you have to be beside yourself because this guy, I mean, he, not only has he not defended our border, allowing the largest invasion that we've ever seen in the history of this country. But he's refused to do his job and then he lied about it. I mean, how many times do we hear him say that the border is closed, that there is no crisis? And now they're admitting it because they've figured out that for the election, it's better to say that Republicans are the ones that are standing in the way of having of having the border secure, but it's the one, the Republicans have the ones been banging the drum and banging the drum. So I've been waiting for this. However, they got rid of it in what, like 10 minutes. I think it took maybe a couple hours for it to go once they delivered it to the Senate for Chuck Schumer to use procedural voodoo to get rid of it. And I think for the Republicans not to have seen this coming, like, I mean, I don't know why they didn't start a while ago. Maybe, maybe, you know, I'm looking forward to having a new Republican leader in the Senate. I don't know who it's going to be, but I feel like Mitch have rolled over on this one. McConnell said that Schumer just do what you're going to do. And Lisa Murkowski, Lisa Murkowski voted present. I don't think it should be a surprise, but I think it's a disappointment because if there was ever a time when all Americans, not just Republicans, not just those who for immigration is the first issue, but all Americans can agree that what's been going on at the border is an atrocity that our own Department of Homeland Security. He's been willfully, willfully undermining the security of the United States. The security, the sanctity, he hasn't defended our borders. It's been wide open. It's been a, and everyone, I mean, I can't think if you tried how to do a worse job than what Secretary of Mayorgas has been doing. So I was looking forward to the trial, what they did, and then we'll get more of this after the break, but what they did is they just moved. They opened up the hearing, they had a little bit of a debate at the beginning about how they were going to conduct the trial, and then they moved, they moved to rule it out of order. They moved to rule both counts of impeachment out of order on the grounds they were unconstitutional. If there's someone I don't need to be lectured about on the Constitution, it's Chuck Schumer. The guy that stood on the steps of the Supreme Court threatening the lives and the security and the safety of the Supreme Court justice. Remember, we're after you, Kavanaugh. I mean, this is the guy that's now telling us that he's the arbiter of the Constitution. They're taking away fundamental rights. I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind. Release the Kraken. We'll get into that, and much more when we come back on Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We are back. I am Aaron Chadburn sitting in for Howie Carr. Howie is at a previously scheduled engagement at Mar-a-Lago. I haven't seen the picture. Haven't seen him pop up yet at the buffet with Trump. I hope he gets to see him, though, because this is what Trump's day off from, from court. He can't, he can't get off to attend Barron's graduation, but they'll let him attend buffet night at Mar-a-Lago. At least we've got some priorities in this country. It's the 10th grade graduation. Is that what I heard? Is that all it is? Oh, no. I thought it was his high school graduation. Yeah, I think it's his high school graduation. But I did also see an analysis that said he didn't go to Don, Jr. or Ivanka or Eric's graduation. But I guess later in life, people set their priorities on their family. Now Trump has made it. He's not climbing the ladder anymore. He would have time to go to Barron's graduation, if not for those pesky prosecutions, which are ridiculous, by the way, but speaking of people who call President Chuck Schumer, and I wish I hadn't more time to pull the other cuts of a historic Chuck Schumer, Chuck Schumer back during the January 6th impeachment votes, talking about how important a trial is after there's an impeachment, how it's the solemn duty of the United States Senate to have the trial after an impeachment. Donald John Trump incited the erection. He's singing a different tune today. Chuck Schumer doesn't think that trials are invoked anymore. Cut 26. The charges brought against Secretary Mayorkas failed to meet the high standard of high crimes and misdemeanors. To validate this gross abuse by the House would be a grave mistake and could set a dangerous precedent for the future. For the sake of the Senate's integrity and to protect impeachment for those rare cases we truly needed, Senators should dismiss today's charges. For the sake of the Senate's integrity, just let that hang there for a second. For the sake of the Senate's integrity and to preserve impeachment for the future, go back to what you said two seconds before where you said this set's a dangerous precedent. You Chuck Schumer are the one creating a new precedent here, where if you don't like the impeachment charges, you don't have to have a trial. You just say, "Oh, we've opted point of order that these aren't a charge that we think mean anything." And then you dismiss it. And honestly, it's a lesson, again, for the Republicans for McConnell. I take back the good things I said about McConnell earlier. He really, really could have learned something from Schumer and you just vote them down, you do what they did, who's the attorney general right now? What's his name? Merrick Garland. Merrick Garland. Give him the Merrick Garland treatment. When Merrick Garland was nominated to the Supreme Court and you just said, "Never mind. We're going to ignore that." That's what Chuck Schumer did today. He said, "Oh, well, these charges, they don't rise. It's a constitution." Like, no, you're now making a mockery of impeachment. So in all of these ways where the Democrats have systematically undermined the institutions, that they claim to love so much, this is the last one. And so it means that anytime there's an impeachment in the future, if the other party is in charge of the Senate, they're just going to dismiss it without even allowing the arguments to be presented. And I'll give credit to the Republicans who tried, right? They tried and they wanted to debate and they stood up. I think Mike Lee did the best job today as I was watching it. Wasn't successful, but he did. And he pointed out the fallacy of what Chuck Schumer was saying. Cut 27. Madam President, as wrong as the majority leader was moments ago in making this particular point of order as to Article 1 of the impeachment articles. Article 1, remember, refers to the willful defiance by Secretary Mayorkas of the law. As wrong as he was in making that as to Article 1. And he was very wrong for the reasons articulated moments ago by the Senate from Texas. He is even more wrong, far more so, with respect to Article 2. Because Article 2 accuses him of knowingly making false statements. This is a violation of 18 U.S.C. Section 1001, a felony offense. If this is not a high crime in misdemeanor, what is? If this is not impeachable, what is? What precedent will be presented? Senator, we need to address this. And to discuss it, we need to discuss it in closed session. So that recent matter, President, I move that the Senate proceed. I mean, this is what they did. And he's doing it. If you're someone like Roger Stone or Mike Flynn or any Trump administration official who's been dragged through it by these Democrats, you're looking at this saying, "How can they possibly just excuse it?" And then what they do is what you just heard right there where Patty Murray just bangs the gavel and says, "No Republicans. You don't get a voice." 844-542-42, the number here on The Howie Car Show. See, when I host some from Maine, my Maine callers love to call in. Let's go ahead and take Laura and Waterville. Go ahead, Laura. Good evening. Good to talk to you. What's in your mind? Well, I heard your shout out to the legislators that had been trying to hold the line with regards to gun rights in the state of Maine. Today, in the Senate particularly, there was a lot of backdoor deals going on because they actually pulled out a very obscure law with regards to Senate voting that allowed Democrats who were not present to be able to pair their votes with those who were. And it allowed for 72-hour waiting periods to be passed through enactment and on its way to the governor's office. And I've been watching legislation in the state of Maine for over a decade, and we've never seen that rule used until this year. I guess they're pretty desperate to get their way when it comes to anti-gun legislation if they're willing to pull out these obscure rules and pair votes with people who aren't even present. These are the people, Laura, that lecture you about saving democracy. And it's so important that they save democracy, that they have to undermine it every turn. They say, "Oh, we want the national popular vote, so it's one person, one vote." But even there, you see it in the Maine Senate because Janim Mills has decided that it's war on guns and it's free open season for abortion up to the moment of birth, right? They'll do anything they can to get their way. And I think you're right to be appalled by it. It's very telling when you have a Senate president that's from the county, that's what we call a rustic county, one of the northernmost counties in the entire country, which the state of Maine has more guns than we do people. And so he is in charge of how these votes come about. And so when you have somebody who's representing a constituency that is historically one of the most pro-gun areas, not just in our state, but in our nation, that is allowing these types of anti-gun votes to happen. It just really speaks to this constant barrage of anti-gun legislation, anti-gun legislators, and people who frankly have been using things that have occurred in our state over the last six months to push through legislation that would honestly, 70 to our waiting periods in the state of Maine will decimate gun shows. It won't allow people to be able to defend themselves in a timely fashion. And even the Maine State Guides Association came out with a letter that was brought before the Senate and the House and said, "Listen, we've got people that are coming into our state spending tens of thousands of dollars to come and do these once in a lifetime moose hunts and bear hunts. And if something happens to their firearm and they have to wait 72 hours to get a new one, their hunt is over by the time that waiting period is over. So it's just a very interesting dynamic that we have right now in the state of Maine. And I'm hoping that, depending on how the governor falls with her vetoes, that people will use this as an opportunity to have a fire lit under them, to go out and vote in November for people who actually care about our rights as Maine residents. Thanks for the call, Laura. No, you're right. I mean, if you're waiting for Janet Mills to bail you out, if you're putting your hopes on Janet Mills, and again, I worked for her predecessor, Paula Page, and I will tell you, we would be so much better off in Maine if the page were still governor. We certainly miss him and wish he were still there. But if you're putting your hopes on Janet Mills and the Democrats to bail you out, they passed a bump stock ban despite the fact that it's redundant with federal law because they don't want to pass up any opportunity to what is the old saying, don't let a crisis go to waste. The second that the shootings were over in Lewiston, there were a flurry of bills put in because people who've been pushing this for forever finally saw their opening. 844-542-42, the number on the Howie Car Show, we'll take more of your calls when we come back from this break. I'm Aaron Chadburn, and for Howie Car, stay tuned, we'll be right back. He's Howie Car, and he's back. Welcome back to The Howie Car Show, 844-542-42, the number. If you'd like to join the conversation, I am Aaron Chadburn, sitting in for Howie. We'll go to the phones and talk to John. Go ahead John. Hi Aaron. How's it going? You know, it's going pretty good, but we're ready to build our own wall up here, just toward the Bangor, and you know, we're not represented, you know, they're trying to take our vote away with the national popular vote, take our gun rights away. We're simple people, we like simple life, and we won't be marginalized, you know. We just want to be left alone. Good points John. Thanks for the call. No, I left that off my list of the crazy stuff they've been cramming through under the cloak of darkness up in the main state legislature, joining the national popular vote compact, which Taylor explained this to me, in Nebraska. Nebraska and Maine are the only two states in the country that split their electoral votes. In Nebraska, they decided, hey, we want to change that so that all of the electoral votes go to the same person. The person who wins the popular vote in Nebraska, and they said, how dare you? That's anti-democratic. That's how can you take that away? It's going to just support Trump. In Maine, the Democrats are changing it and they're saying, oh, not only are we not going to split votes, but we're not even going to award Maine's electoral votes to anyone based on who the people of Maine vote for, we're going to award it based on who the people in California and New York vote for. It's ridiculous. Like, how do they how do they do it? That's bizarre. That sounds very bizarre to me. Well, of course, Maine also has ranked choice voting too. So I mean, this is not too far off base. So Janimil, she didn't veto the bill and she didn't sign the bill. She did that, you know, chickening out thing where you let it become law without your signature. So if the governor doesn't act in a certain number of days, the bill becomes a law. So she did that and she said, oh, well, because, you know, if unless we can get the, I think the most fair system would be national ranked choice voting. That is what she said. You're right. You hit it. You, you, you've got, you've got them figured out, Taylor. They really do have their agenda and their agenda is ranked choice voting everywhere because they want to undermine the ability for people they disagree with to win. That's it. They're just trying to change the rules of the game. And we saw it. We saw it in 2020, when the rules were changed, many times without following the constitution of a given state, without following the laws of a given state, they used COVID to rig the rules of the game and they do it every single time. Every time they're in charge, you can, you can rest assured that they're going to change the rules of the game to favor themselves. You see it. And what do they get? What do we get in return? What we get in return is President Joe Biden, which I mean, there is an argument. It's an argument to be made. And I think Trump made it just yesterday in Harlem. That Biden is the worst president in the history of the United States. Actually, let's take it from Trump himself. Cut six. I think what's going to happen is we're going to end up doing so well. We're way ahead in the polls against Biden, Biden is destroyed our country. Look, Biden is the worst president in the history of our country. Justin Jimmy Carter by a long shot, Jimmy Carter is happy because he's got, he's had a brilliant presidency compared to Biden. He's destroyed our country between the borders and everything else. He has destroyed our country. Not only that, wars are breaking out all over the world. We'll end up with this foolish person, this person that doesn't, we're going to end up in a world where we're going. So we have to get rid of Biden. We're going to end up in a world where three, and I honestly think November is going to be too late. It's going to be there. Do you think World War three is already beginning and Biden's doing everything he can to fan the flames and started everywhere? I think, I think November is too late. It's funny too. He mentions Jimmy Carter and it was Jimmy Carter's birthday not that long ago. And I felt bad because like on his birthday, I was like, didn't he already die? And I remember his wife. I just thought the same thing, just as soon as he mentioned him, I, but he's been like that guy. And I will say this for Jimmy Carter. He is the longest living former president of all time. I think he was put in the hospice last February. Over a year ago, the guy has been in the hospice, but he is a person of faith. So maybe that's playing a role in it. See, faith actually serves you well. Other Democrats could take note, but yeah, I had this whole thing where they were celebrating. I think he turned, he turned 90, he turned 90 something and they were celebrating his birthday. And I was like, didn't this guy die? And like, no, like Jimmy Carter's still kicking. He saw the images of his wife's, you know, though he looked awful, but good for him. If you look that great when you're 90, whatever, but yeah, I don't, I'm, yeah, I'm not going to make it that old, but I also think he, do you think he wanted to stick around long enough to see a president who was worse than him? And he's like, Oh, I can't stop watching now. That's history. That would be a pretty good motivator. Right. You're going to stick around until history books turn around on you because they say rather than being the worst president, you're now the second worst president of all time. Although the history books nowadays, because, you know, up is down and down is up and woke is the new black, like, I'm sure Trump, did they rank Trump number? They must rank him last, right? Like, there's no way that you can still be in a credit. By the way, speaking of academia, did you see Elise Stefanik is at it again? And she's after the president of Columbia this time. And I don't know how as an Ivy League president, you stumble your way into Congress and not know what you're walking into, and we don't have time to get into it and play the clips. But the president of Columbia University now had the same Elise Stefanik treatment and she flubbed it. Like, what is wrong with these? Is it just hubris that they think they don't have to prepare? They're just so much smarter than these Republican rubes in charge of Congress that I can just walk in unprepared and say, Oh, no, everything's cool here. It's insanity to me. But maybe it just shows how out of touch they are. What's going on on their, their own campuses, they think that things are fine. They think that if I just tell you how great Columbia is, you'll, you'll, you'll want to give us more federal dollars. And that's also in the whole talk of student debt relief, what really gets me more than anything else. And I am really upset about the people who made smart decisions, didn't take out student loans, paid them back on time. They're not getting forgiveness. If you never borrowed it, you're not getting the, the bailout, but the question that we don't spend a lot of time on is where did the money go? Who got it? So yes, I understand that people had loans and Biden trying to wipe them out on the backs of the hardworking men and women who never took out the debt or who worked hard to pay it off. That is terrible. Oh, Texas says Carter is 99. That's older than I thought. So I understand the outrage for the people who are now having to absorb those costs and never took them out on their own, but where did the money go? The universities took it. They pocketed. It was a transfer. It's a wealth transfer on the backs of hardworking men and women, not just to the people who took out the debt, but to where they paid it. And those universities aren't being made to give it back despite the impact they've had on the economy, despite the fact that so many people graduating with all of the student debt aren't able to pay it back because it didn't improve their ability to get a job and improve their lifestyle. What are the universities going to pay that back? Let's take one more call. 844-542-42, the number on the Howie Car Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn. Let's go to Henry. Go ahead, Henry. Yes, I believe Biden would. I doesn't care if America is ruined or if the world wars as long as people aren't talking about him and Hunter Biden and all the corruption that surrounds his family. I think everything to him is a distraction that he's happy about. I think there's something to that. I don't know that he's just, I don't think he's ever afraid that they're going to talk about him and his corruption because he ignores it. He's brazen. He's brazen because he has the right letter next to his name. It's because there are two systems of justice here in the United States and he knows it. He's in no fear and he's not worried about it at all. Thanks for the call, Henry. That's all the time that we have today. I'm Aaron Chadburn in for Howie Car. Howie will be back tomorrow. Huge thanks to the Portland radio group for letting me broadcast here at WGAN. Thanks to Taylor Cormier. Howie's back tomorrow. [Music]