The Howie Carr Radio Network

Uber Elitist Katherine Maher & Hate Mail for Howie and the Gang | 4.17.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie takes a deep dive into one of the uber-elitist Biden disciples doing the bidding of Sleepy Joe. Then, join Grace, Taylor, and Howie as they sift through this week's bag of Hate Mail.

Broadcast on:
17 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I think at this point, we can say, it's not going to be an acquittal. They think the most Trump can hope for was a hung jury with one person holding on. And my biggest concern, of course, is that five of the seven read The New York Times, which is deeply alarming. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios-- Jimmy Carter, my long shot. Jimmy Carter's happy because he's got-- he's had a brilliant presidency compared to Biden. That's my gas prices. They've been going up over the last month, 20 cents a gallon. Is the president considering any new actions like releasing more of them to be teaching control history? I will say, I will note that gas prices remain well below their peak. That's only three cents lower than a year ago. It's up 52% from when President Biden came to office. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] How he car. You know, Brandon told the story about his uncle being eaten by cannibals today during World War II when his plane was, quote unquote, shot down. It wasn't shot down. It went down into engine trouble. It wasn't a single engine. To me, it sounded like it was a fighter plane. It wasn't. It was a bomber. There were three people on. One of them survived. Uncle Bossy didn't survive. There's no evidence he was eaten by cannibals. But a textor mentioned it brought up something that there was a famous case back in the early '60s. I was a little kid, but I still remember it because it was so weird. Nelson Rockefeller, the governor of New York at the time, future vice president, had a son named Michael. And Michael was like in the Peace Corps or something like that, or a missionary, something down there. And he got kidnapped, I guess, by cannibals, and eaten. And later on, they just said he disappeared, and they couldn't find them, and all that. Later, it turned out there were stories that had been eaten by cannibals down there. Very, very weird story. Michael Rockefeller was his name. And this would have been when Joe Biden was, I was like, I don't know. I was like seven, eight years old. So Joe would have been in his early '20s, I guess. It would have been an early college years. So he probably remembers it pretty well. And it just all kind of blends together after a while. So another textor said, they always say when you start seeing dead people, and you're not in the movie, the sixth sense, and you're a little kid, it usually means you're rounding third. And I used to hear those stories too. Well, yeah, we knew he was dying when he started yelling out to his deceased mother, or his deceased sister, or something like that. But now he's talking about his uncle Ambrose, not to be confused with his grandfather Ambrose. People are saying, well, he didn't die till '57. So the cannibals must have roasted him over a slow spit. No, no, the uncle and the grandfather, I guess, had the same name, I'm not an expert on. Brandon, family trees, genealogy. But apparently, Brandon told the story again. He told it twice in one-- he told the cannibal story twice in one day. We gave you one. And Bruce from the Mets, I apologize. He only told it twice today, so we're going to just play the second one here. Back when D-Day occurred and on Sunday, the next day, my mother's four brothers all went down to the recruiting station and joined the military. Every one of them volunteered. And my uncle, they called him, Ambrose. They called him Bosey. My uncle Bosey was a hell of an athlete. They told me when he was a kid. And he became an Army Air Corps before the Air Force came along. He was one of those single engine planes. He was in counsel. It's over war zones. Longer bridge. And he got shot down in New Guinea. And they never found the body, because there used to be-- there are a lot of cannibals for real in that part of New Guinea. A lot of cannibals for real. And then my son volunteered to go to Iraq for a year, and he came back with stage four, a day of Astoma. And they gave, like many of you, risked your life, and you know, people who gave the life to the country, for heroes. But one of the things that I was doing that today, I was reminded of what my opponent said in Paris, not tomorrow. Oh, man. They asked me to go for the American Games. I said, no, he wouldn't do it. Even by General Kelly, who hated-- both those guys hate Trump. They despise Trump. And they said that story is BS. It was made up by some Canadian who works for Atlantic monthly, not even an American. They don't even have to be an American to make stuff up about Trump. So according to RNC research on X, this was the third time in less than 24 hours, he told the story of Uncle Buzzy and the cannibals. The cannibals. Well, aren't there some rock groups, the fine young cannibals? And then there was a group in the '60s named the cannibals. Someone will come up with it on the text line. Headhunter in the cannibals, or was a cannibal in the head hunters? It's all kind of blending together. The third time he's told a story about the cannibals. And by the way, his uncle was a very good athlete, I assume, in college. But even though he was the first one in his family to go to college, he said that last week, even though we know that his grandfather Ambros Ambros Finnegan was an all-American at Santa Clara, or so he says, hey, 844, 500, 42, 42, cannibals, good lord. And then there was a story about the motel rooms that he told. And as somebody pointed out, being in a motel with young people, with a towel wrapped around him, isn't that the same story that Andrew Gillum told? When he overdosed on crack cocaine, or was it fentanyl in the Miami Beach hotel room, he was with the young gay hustler, supposedly down for a wedding from Tallahassee in Miami Beach. Florida dodged a bullet in that election, I'll tell you. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. 71 says turtle boy today. I think we're going to wait until they get the jury picked before we have a turtle boy on today. Somebody just sent me the questionnaire for the prospective jurors. And most of it's pretty standard stuff. But I found some of these questions, though. There's 29 questions that I have here. And just a few of them seem a little on the weird side. Do you believe Karen Reed should prove her innocence? What does that mean? She doesn't have to prove her innocence. They have to prove that she's guilty beyond the reasonable doubt. It just seems like a weird question to me. Have you or anyone close to you ever been involved in or witnessed a motor vehicle crash? If you're in America who hasn't been or seen a motor vehicle crash, you'd have to have been eaten by cannibals at the age of 18. Not to have seen a motor vehicle crash. Good lord, that's a weird one. How about this one? Is there anything about crash reconstruction testimony that would make it difficult for you to be fair or impartial in this case? I don't know. I've never heard people talking. You know what? I don't believe it's when somebody gets up there on the stand and talks about accident reconstruction. That's never come up as a topic of conversation in all my years on the planet. But there it is. So we'll talk to Turtle Boy again when they get the jury picked or when something-- this is just like routine stuff. I got a list of the people that have been selected for Trump's jury. I don't think-- none of these people look good to me. Technofog thought he's this lawyer that's on substack. And he's pretty good, actually. He's very smart. And obviously, that's his pseudonym. But he thinks it's not a bad jury. So far. But I don't see-- I don't know. All he needs is one-- one got one out of 12 to hang the jury. That's all he needs. And that's-- I mean, that's what they're going for. But what they're doing is they give their name. And as soon as they give their name, Trump's defense team does all their social media. And a lot of them are already lying. Oh, no, I have never posted anything about Trump. No, they're just lying. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Yeah, Turtle Boy was with Grace earlier today. And Turtle Boy was also on Meghan Kelly's show today. Yeah, it's just-- I mean, it's good if you're just catching up. The funniest part of the Turtle Boy story that I saw today was in the New York Post. Yesterday, he was in front of a courthouse. And he's wearing slacks and a blazer. It's standard equipment. So the New York Post says, "Aiden Cairney, known as Turtle Boy, appears in court wearing a suit." A suit? I mean, this is what you used to have editors for. That's not a suit. That's a blazer and slacks. Nobody edits anything anymore. 844, 500, 42, 42, 917. One day Biden is going to slip up and tell the story about, oh, he and Uncle Bosey used to take showers together. The cannibals have made three appearances. Wow. 844, 500. It's only a matter of time till he invites Barbecue from Haiti. Barbecue is the guy. I guess he's the runner. Does he run the cannibal gangs in Haiti now? It's really-- Haiti is devolving back to its primitive third world status. They're building giant walls to keep them out of the Dominican Republic. And we're inviting them to come over and come into our motels and we'll support them forever. What could possibly go wrong? 844, 500, 42, 42. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. OK, we-- oh, sorry. Yep, we're running late. Sorry. All right, we'll be right back. And then we'll take all your phone calls. Spring is here, and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier 3 pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with Code Howie 3. He uses them in both his home and his office, and he also buys them his gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nosset Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the Vets swears by them. Not only does it help with the pollen in your home, but also the USB cable, excuse me, the USB cable. You can use it in your SUV? Yeah, you can use the USB cable in your SUV, or you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming in. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the Thunderstorm Air Purifier. The Eden Pure 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand that doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and so much more, you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3 pack. It's back in stock now. I have one in every room. What are now at Use code Howey3. That's the number three. And get yours now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. The HoweyCar show will be right back. You're listening to The HoweyCar show. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint. Located in Ware, New Hampshire, Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver, local silver You don't have to buy your precious metals on the internet or from people you don't know. You can go to Silver Dave directly in Ware, New Hampshire. local silver Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HoweyCar, is would you vote to vacate the chair and remove Mike Johnson as US House Speaker? Yes, he's been terrible. No, the new guy might be Hakim the dream Jeffries or no, but I like holding the vote over Johnson's head to stop money for Ukraine. No, the new guy might be Hakim the dream. It's too risky. 29% say it might be Hakim. 57% say no, I like holding the vote over his head. 14% say yes, he's been terrible. Well, that's political equivalent of suicide bombing. You don't know what's going to happen. But probably you're not going to survive. 844-540. Can we hear the beginning of the second Brandon cut? Because he did make a mistake. His World War II history, like all of his history, is a little off. Back when D-Day occurred. D-Day. And on Sunday, the next day, my mother's four brothers all went down to a recruiting station and joined the military. They waited till D-Day? Then they were probably known as draft hunters. Because most everybody else went down the day after Pearl Harbor Day, which was a Sunday. D-Day was a Tuesday. D-Day was 1944. So he's getting D-Day in. But again, he calls January 6th, June 6th, July 6th, et cetera, et cetera. Just be happy he's not in a towel in this story. OK, Hallie? Just stop complaining. He's got no shaving cream on his face. He's not in a towel. And it's fine. I know. OK, well, now it's time for Hate Mail Monday on a list. It's time for Howie Cars Hate Mail Monday. It's a hate show. Through you. All right, at this time every week-- we usually do it Mondays, but I wasn't around for reasons that I won't go into. We'd like to check in with all of the great, great mail that we get all the fan letters, the match notes, the love letters, et cetera, et cetera, from our listeners, viewers, readers, et cetera. So, and Grace puts them all together. What do you got this week, Grace? Well, Howie, one person sent in a voicemail. They think they have our listener-based down pat. So this is Cut 3. Welcome to the Howie Cars Show. If you would like to express sympathy for poor, persecuted Donald Trump, press 1. If you want to accuse Democrats of voter fraud, despite the total lack of evidence, press 2. If you simply would like to suck up to Howie, give him some comfort in his dosage, press 3. If you are not a right-wing nut job, with a god-awful Boston accent, hang up now. Is that AI? No, I think that-- I wish. I think that was very real. No, but I mean, it wasn't voice-generated, is what I mean. Oh, I don't know. All right. Well, Howie, I had been complaining about a story about airplanes, and then I got this hate mail cut for. Grace, stopping a dumb [BLEEP] and found yourself a fractional airline sponsor. Then you can go on your own little private jet with a couple of people, and not have to worry about the riff-raff. I'd gladly take an airplane sponsor, if anybody's out there. And it's been a while since we've played Taylor's Hate Mail, but it's still coming in. Cut 6, please, Taylor. Oh, great. Now Tucker Taylor doesn't know the name of one of the most iconic store chains in all of Massachusetts. Didn't you have a delivery like back in the '70s that you didn't pay for? Yeah, they didn't-- they didn't charge me. Birchmere, was that it? What are you talking about? Leechmere. Leechmere. Leechmere. Leechmere. It's out of business now. I wonder why they went out of business. So people are laughing at you for not knowing Leechmere, Taylor. It went out of business in 1997. I was six years old. Yeah, and Frank Sinatra went out of business in 1998. And you know everything about him. Yeah. Not only is there train station and a neighborhood in East Cambridge, there was Leechmere, Jen. So there were more reason-- More reason not to-- again, I was six years old. I didn't know what Jen was. You weren't pounding Jen at six years old? Jen Rummy, maybe. I think Leechmere, Jen, long outlived the Leechmere appliances. Now, you just had Toby on Howie, and we have a hate mail for you complimenting Toby. This is cut, too. Jesus, keep that Toby from Cape Gunwork's [BLEEP] in that idiot car. I didn't hear the phone number 400 times yesterday. He never talked over anybody. He just listened to people. Like a talk show host is supposed to do. So car, stay the [BLEEP] home. 800, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, did you miss me? That's it, Howie, for a hate mail Monday. Thank you very much. All right, great. We will be right back, and everybody is hung on, and we can talk about cannibals, and head hunters, and barbecue, the new head cannibals, and hey feet. 844, 542, 42, and Howie phone. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We still have memberships left to Cape Gunworks at our Howie Car Show dot com store. Go to, click on store for the cheap bastard deal. It's a $575 value. It's a year-long membership with all kinds of great perks that Cape Gunworks, the premier gun range in New England. It's in Hyannis, right down on Cape Cod. Very convenient. $575 value for just $250 right now. Get your half off-- more than half off-- membership by visiting, clicking on store. Membership codes and instructions will be sent via email within 48 hours. It's got all kinds of great benefits. Check them out online, and you will not be dissatisfied with being an annual member of Cape Gunworks. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. Dennis, you're next with Howie Car. Thanks for holding on, Dennis. Welcome back, Howie. Right-wing nut job with a bad box in Boston accent here. "Time Away" was so conveniently coincided with what looked like the beginning of World War III that some of them might think. You were tipped off by the stapler pop and spent the long weekend in a comfy bomb shelter some way. Did you see, though, Dennis, that Biden said to Israel, "Take the win." And this is the same guy-- I'd forgotten this. But the Wall Street Journal pointed out, this is the same guy who railed all through the 1980s against missile defense systems. That was when they called them Star Wars. That's what saved Israel's bacon. That and the fact that they had the great Air Force. They had the US Air Force, the UK Air Force, even the Jordanian Air Force. But mostly, it was the Air Defense, the Star Wars Defense that saved them. And Biden was 100% opposed to it. And now he's saying, "Take the win." Probably, he's going to say, "I'm the one who got him the money to build it." On the good athlete, Uncle Ambrose. Do you think maybe he meant that his Uncle Ambrose was a tasty athlete? You know, the thing is, the Senate, by the way, just dismissed the Articles of Impeachment against Mayorkas. That trial lasted even less time than Uncle Bossy lasted when he was playing ditched, and he was captured by the cannibals in New Guinea. Thanks for the call, Dennis. Patrick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Patrick. I just wanted to point out that the story that Biden spun today, or the last couple of days, was very similar to the war stories that were actually true about George Herbert Walker Bush. Remember that his plane went down very close to an island, and they said that if the tide had pushed him in, rather than out, there's a good chance that he would have been eaten up, eaten by cannibals. This sounds like he just basically swapped the names of the story. But also, Michael Rockefeller, that was more in his wheelhouse. I mean, that was something that he-- when you get senility, I think you remember stuff more clearly what happened when you were young. And this would have been in his teen years, his late teen, early 20s, when Michael Rockefeller was eaten by cannibals. I didn't even know that. I didn't even know that story, so. Yeah, apparently there was just a Netflix documentary on it. I just remember, as rescuers are searching for Michael Rockefeller, the governor of New York's son, and he was missing, and they must have known what was happening. I don't know if they just thought that we didn't have-- or we didn't have the, you're probably the expression, the stomach, to hear the real story. But the real story didn't get out for until the late 1960s. And now, I think there's a Netflix documentary out on it now about what happened. Thanks for the call, Patrick. But check it out. Just Google it. Michael Rockefeller cannibals. 844-542-42. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mr. Garcia. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, I want to ask you a question, Harry Carr. If all the Congress and senators unite together in right and Supreme Court and protect Donald Trump, why not doing a New York-- order 12 jury, all Democrats, why not protecting him? I wonder why. Well, there's no Republicans in New York. I mean, Lee Zelden wrote a column for the New York Post the other day about just how terribly unfair it is. This is like a Soviet-style prosecution. But the thing is, if Lee Zelden were the governor, if he'd been elected over HOCO in 2022, this wouldn't be a problem because he would just automatically pardon him. And they could do away with these ridiculous charges. But I mean, they want to tie him up and get him off the campaign trail. But the thing is, he's campaigning like last night in Harlem. And he's getting all kinds of great video shot. And it's reinforcing the out-of-control crime in the blue cities and states. And then you got Joe Biden today. He's out-- Trump-- the trial's not going on today. I think he's back down here in Palm Beach. But Brandon is out there, and he's talking about cannibals. I mean, so I mean, who wins in this 24-hour cycle? Trump being cheered by kids and other people in Harlem or Brandon, again, showing his senility. I think everything is backfiring on the Democrats. Thanks for the call, Mr. Garcia. By the way, that-- that reporter/editor for a national panhandle of radio, Yuri Berliner. He resigned today. He was forced out. He was suspended yesterday. So they proved that they are radio Moscos. I've been saying for a long time. By suspending him. So he finally just quit. And so now all this-- they have a new CEO. Her name is Catherine Maher or Maher. I think it's Maher, M-A-H-E-R. And she's this uber elitist. It's just amazing what her background is. I'm going to actually tweet it out from a powerline blog. But let's just play a couple of sound cuts from Catherine Maher. And this is at the Atlantic Council 360 Summit. Her parents' wedding was announced in the New York Times just to give you some examples of her background. She was raised in the wealthy white suburbs of New York City, studied at the American University in Cairo, some French Institute in Syria, and finally NYU, internships on the Council on Foreign Relations in the Eurasia Group in London and Germany. Then she went to work at UNICEF, National Democratic Institute and the World Bank, among other global nonprofit groups, before becoming the CEO of Wikimedia in 2019. And as the Washington Examiner pointed out, it would be impossible to create a resume of a person more disconnected from Americans and more intertwined with the wealthy urban globalist elite who run the largest banks media company and nonprofit groups in the United States. In other words, Maher has the perfect resume to run NPR. She's a vegetarian. She hates cars and white men flying on planes. She supports race-based reparations, rioting and black lives matter. She believes America is addicted to white supremacy. See, again, she wants to take it out on people like us. She is the ultimate poster gal for white supremacy. But of course, she would never give up anything. She would give a cannibal the shirt or the skin off your back. Well, she goes, I feel better now that they've eaten a deplorable American. She admits to growing up feeling superior, because I was from New England and my part of the country didn't have slaves. You know, I never-- that never occurred to me in all my years. Being born in New England lived here most of my life. It never occurred to me that I was better than anybody else. 844-- as a matter of fact, I was told many times I was worse than a lot of people, especially when I went to get jobs or get into Ivy League colleges. I wasn't all that wasn't any good, even though I was born here. Well, I guess she comes from a different part of New England than I do. 844-- 542-- 42-- 207-- Howie. I'm 70, and I recall clearly about the disappearance of the 20-something son of Nelson Rockefeller disappearing. Nothing was spared in the search for that young man. No, I agree. Yeah, no, there wasn't any-- no, nothing was spared. But I never-- maybe because I was a little kid like you, but I never remember hearing the word cannibal. Nobody ever said they think cannibals got Michael Rockefeller. I didn't-- I don't remember reading that until like the late '60s. 844-- 542-- 42-- OK, let's play-- this is Catherine Marr when she was at the Atlantic Council 360 Summit. You ever been to the Atlantic Council 360 Summit? I heard they had an open bar there. Yeah, no. They had a meat raffle at the Atlantic Council 360 Summit. Here she is, cut, Ted. The number one challenge here that we see and is, of course, the First Amendment in the United States is a fairly robust protection of rights. And that is a protection of rights, both for platforms, which I actually think is very important. The platforms have those rights to be able to regulate what kind of content they want on their sites. But it also means that it is a little bit tricky to really address some of the real challenges of where does bad information come from and sort of the influence peddlers who have made a real market economy around it. Our number one challenge is the First Amendment and how robust it is. And she's now running National Panhandle Radio. But it's totally on the level. Here's another one from Catherine Marr, cut 11. Perhaps for our most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the truth might not be the right place to start. In fact, our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that's getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done. Reverence for the truth, finding common ground. You know, like this reverence for the truth, like saying the Russian collusion hoax didn't exist. The Hunter Biden laptop is real. COVID is a scam. Those are all distractions from the truth. 844-542-42, James-- yeah, James, go ahead, James. Yeah, hi, Howie. The reason-- this is James from Bar Harbor. The reason I'm calling you is, you know, you have a connection to the Trump people. And the thing I would suggest is, you know, yesterday, after the trial, Trump went down to, I guess, the spandy section of New York City and made an appearance. Yeah, at the Bodega, where Alvin Bragg, the guy who's prosecuting him, tried to prosecute the Dominican immigrant who defended himself and killed a thug, who had a gun, and the Dominican killed him with a knife. And then he was prosecuted, briefly, yes. Oh, yeah. And so I hope that Trump will take every evening that is at all possible and go down and then visit a section in New York. I'm sure there are dozens of places that would love to have him. And, you know, he's talked about possibly taking New York-- you know, winning New York this time. And boy, in order to do so, he's going to need to get a lot more votes in New York City than he ever did in the past. And so I-- Oh, yeah, you know, you're right. I mean, all he has to do-- all he has to do, James, is open the New York Post every day and look at-- just pick out a couple of crime stories and go to the crime scenes. That's all he needs to do. There are endless, endless places he could go. He could go to the airport in West Chester County, White Plains, where they're bringing them in by the plane loads after midnight at night. There are innumerable photo ops. That's a really good idea. If I see him tonight, I'll mention that to him, James. As a matter of fact, thanks. I don't know if I will see him or not, but I think he's probably in town. I don't think he wants to spend the day in New York City that he doesn't have to spend. Thanks for the call. That's a good suggestion, James. 844-542-42. Spring is here in the outdoor opportunities on the Cape or special, especially if you're staying at the Nossett Beach Inn. The Cape Cod Rail Trail on an electric bike is a great way to spend an afternoon. You can get discounts on e-bike rentals. They're available from the Nossett Beach Inn. The Nossett Beach Inn in East Orleans. It's the only public accommodations on the Cape Cod National Seashore. You can view the Great Herring Migration in Brewster. It's a one-of-a-kind fish run with swarms of fish. There are endless beach and shore paths to hike. You can watch the return of the humpback whales. They're visible from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn. Want to warm up after a long day outside? Every room has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn, I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view, but that the ocean view is ever-changing with a different surf to watch. Nossett Beach Inn is pet-friendly. And each room has two queen-sized beds, so it is also very family-friendly as well. Got a couple of small kids? Just bring them down, put them in the second queen-sized bed, and you and your spouse can have the other bed. Plenty of room. Everybody can sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset and conversations while the adults are enjoying their cocktails. The Nossett Beach Inn, a short drive to a vacation far away, April rooms from 249.99, and in May, rooms from 269.99. Reserve your rooms. At this price, they won't last long., that's I'm Howie Carr. You got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from the Howie Carr Show Store. Ooh. [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Carr is back. [MUSIC PLAYING] 844-542-42. That is the toll-free number of the Howie Carr Show. And again, we have a great cheap bastard deal. Cape Gun Works, the annual membership with all kinds of perks. Great place, premier gun range in New England. Hyannis, right at the airport, the Rotary, the Cape Cod Mall, you know where it is. Or you know where it's close to. It's a $500 value, $575 with the initiation fee for just $250. Check it out., Howie Carr Click on Store. [DING] See what it entails. It's a really good deal. All right. James, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, James. Yeah, Howie, basically Joe Biden is stealing George Bush Senior's story. George Bush Senior served as a pilot in the United States Navy during World War II. And he was shot down while attacking an island radar station that was a Japanese tele-violent. And in his-- tail gunner was killed in the attack. He was rescued by a submarine. But other pilots were also shot down and captured by the Japanese on that island. Who were in, you know, they did what the Japanese did in the Second World War and defended the island to the death. The colonel on that island, his accountant and James Reston's book had to get if it's flags of our fathers or one of them. But the colonel actually murdered American pilots or at least one and consumed his liver committed in that cannibalism. I never heard that story. Well, it's in James Reston's book, you know. I forget if it's flags of our father or it was the other one he wrote. But he-- it was the same island George Bush was attacking. And if George Bush hadn't been rescued by the submarine, he might have felt, you know, to assimilate his this. It was, you know, terrible. So when you hear George Joe Biden, you know, talking about this, it's like, Joe, it's been done already. Come on, come on, we've got no. You know, when I heard-- when I read this afternoon that he actually was just a passenger on the plane, that's like Lyndon Johnson. He was the one guy in Congress who didn't resign Congress to go into the army. He kept his seat in Congress. And he just-- he was a passenger on a plane that was strived by the Japanese. And he put it and he got a bronze star or a silver star. He was a passenger like Uncle Bossy.