Turley Talks

Ep. 2501 Is Speaker Johnson Being BLACKMAILED?

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18 Apr 2024
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Is Speaker Johnson being blackmailed? That’s exactly what more and more Republicans are coming out and openly saying as all calls grow to have Johnson ousted as speaker! 

We’re going to see the latest on Johnson’s outrageous betrayal of his Republican base, and what many believe to be the real reason why Johnson appears to be so willing to give Democrats anything they want! 


  • “To make matters even worse, it was just announced that Johnson will hold a vote this weekend on funding Ukraine and Israel’s wars along with other foreign aid and assets, but without any measures whatsoever to secure the southern border!”
  • “Johnson came into Washington as a lion ready to take on the establishment, and now he’s been fully and completely emasculated into a cheerleader for that very same establishment! Obviously, something has happened!” 


[02:14] Speaker Johnson promised to enact Joe Biden’s multi-billion dollar Ukraine agenda

[06:58] The growing calls to remove Johnson as a speaker

[09:22] How Johnson is becoming the latest victim of institutional capture in real-time


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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turley Talks. Mike Johnson has completely changed his character in a matter of about five months after he has become Speaker of the House. Mike Johnson is a Christian. He called himself a conservative, always has been. He's a Republican member. But yet, here we are after the many busts was passed just almost two weeks ago in Washington, and now with the $60 billion going to Warren, Ukraine, that Americans, 70% of Americans do not support it. That's the most recent polling. 70% of Americans, and the majority of our majority of Republicans do not support funding Ukraine. People want to see a peace deal in Ukraine, not murdering more Ukrainians and more Russians. This needs to end. But no, Mike Johnson has made a complete departure of who he is and what he stands for. And to the point where people are literally asking is he blackmailed, what is wrong with him? Because he's completely disconnected with what we want. So Speaker Johnson being blackmailed. That's exactly what more and more Republicans are coming out and openly saying all his calls grow to have Johnson ousted as Speaker. We're going to see the latest on Johnson's outrageous betrayal of his Republican base and what many believe to be the real reason why Johnson appears to be so willing to give Democrats anything they want. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor here to help you stay sane in these insane and betraying times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button and let's dive right in. I'm sure many of you are aware that this weekend, Speaker Johnson has promised to once again sell out his own Republican voters and funnel tens of billions of dollars of taxpayer money to Ukraine, which of course he originally promised he would never do. In an utterly maddening turn of events, Johnson virtually all Democrats along with betraying establishment Republicans are coming together to enact Joe Biden's multi-billion dollar Ukraine agenda. Now, just to show you, by the way, how sick establishment Republicans are and all of this Wisconsin representative Mike Gallagher, he's leaving. He's retiring at the end of the month. He could have left office last week and it would have triggered a special election to fill a seat. Instead, he refused, which will leave that seat vacant until November. And do you know why he refused? So that he could help ensure Johnson's Ukraine funding passes this weekend. That's your George Bush, Karl Rove, Republican establishment. And to make matters even worse, it was just announced that Johnson will hold a vote this weekend on funding Ukraine and Israel's wars along with other foreign aid and assets, but without any measures whatsoever to secure the southern border. He's surrendered the Republicans leverage of requiring any foreign aid be contingent on closing and securing the southern border. And if you want to know why, here you go. I'm doing here what I believe to be the right thing. I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important. I really do. I really do believe the intel and the briefings that we've gotten that I believe G and Vladimir Putin and Iran really are an axis of evil. I think they're in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed. I think he might go to the Balkans next. I think he might have a showdown with Poland or one of our NATO allies. To put it bluntly, I would rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys. My son is going to begin in the naval academy this fall. This is a live fire exercise for me as it is so many American families. This is not a game. It's not a joke. We can't play politics of this. We have to do the right thing. And I'm going to allow an opportunity for every single member of the house to vote their conscience and their will on this. And I think that's the way this institution is supposed to work. And I'm willing to take personal risk for that because we have to do the right thing in history judges. And Johnson all due respect. I think that Republican grassroots are going to judge you a lot sooner than history does. What you just saw there was 60 seconds of patent nonsense. What evidence? What precise evidence does anyone have that Vladimir Putin is preparing to, in his words, march through Europe? What actual evidence does anyone have that Putin is preparing to invade Poland? Let alone march throughout Europe. This is what makes the Republican and Democrat leadership into a single uni party. You know what it is? They both think you're stupid. That's what they both share in common. They both think you are a bunch of easily led, easily manipulated sheep. This is personal for me. My son is about to go into the naval academy. Yeah, which means he graduates as an officer. I'll never see a day of front lines combat in his life. You freak. What about our kids? Your kids are protected. What about ours? Seriously, I would have so much more respect for Johnson if he just went up to those microphones and told the truth. If he was just blatantly honest, you know, I told you I would never pass a Ukraine funding bill without the requisite border security that would stop illegal immigration once and for all. I promised you that. I know, but you just got to understand my donors who write me the big checks, they stand and make billions and billions of dollars with this Ukraine bill. And passing that bill is the reason they wrote me those checks. And if I want to be on a one of their boards, making seven figures after my voters boot me out of here, I got to pass that bill. I'll just be honest, stop freaking lying to us. Stop with the lies. That put us any intention whatsoever marching through Europe to patent other people refing dying. And my Johnson is lying to you. Just to keep the multi-billion dollar military industrial complex fueled and funded. It's beyond disgusting and short, when all said and done, who needs Nancy Pelosi when you got Mike Johnson, it is without question, a stunning betrayal of the Republican base that has worked so hard to put represents like Mike Johnson in office. And look, the result is it may be the end of the line for Johnson. The MAGA wing is rising up and saying, that's it. We're done with this guy, representing Marjorie Taylor Greene, who we heard at the beginning of the video, she sent a letter to all of her Republican colleagues, urging them to support her in her motion to vacate the speakership and oust Johnson once and for all precise of what Matt Gaetz did to speaker McCarthy, right? Thomas Massey's come out in favor of forcing a vote on ousting Johnson. And now even Senator Rand Paul is supporting this. I think Thomas Massey's doing the right thing and I think that the Republicans need real leadership. We need to use our power. Our people are frustrated. Why don't we use the power of the purse? Why does the debt keep getting bigger even when Republicans are in charge of the house? So I think we need somebody that has some courage and some intestinal fortitude. Hey, gang, you know, I'm really passionate about our health and I wanted to share with you this new supplement that I've been taking of Lake because it's just been so awesome. It's called NMN from our sponsor Black Force and gang, I'm serious when I say, I don't know how I manage without it. The boost in my energy levels, my mental clarity, my overall well-being, it's just so good. But did you know that the FDA is actually trying to get in the way of this? It's true. The FDA is actually in the process of potentially reclassifying NMN, which stands for nicotinamide mononucleotide as a drug instead of a supplement, which in the end only serves the interests of big pharmaceutical companies because now they get to control its distribution, leaving you and me, the consumer out in the cold and it's no wonder why they want to do this. Studies have shown that NMN can provide numerous health benefits, such as improved energy, weight management, endurance, strength, even anti-aging. But the good news is that despite the controversy of this big pharma attack, you still have a window of opportunity to take advantage of this awesome supplement. Our sponsor Black Forest has the best NMN supplement on the market. Trust me, I love it. And if you click on that link below right now, you can take advantage of their buy-to-get-one free special just for our audience, but that's only for the next 48 hours. Don't wait, click on that link below right now and enjoy this amazing supplement, why you still can today. Now, while we wait and see what happens with the motion to vacate the chair, Revolver had a great piece out the other day describing precisely how we're seeing Johnson becoming yet the latest victim of what's known as institutional capture in real time. Here's Representative Bob Good describing precisely that process of institutional capture when it came to Johnson's flip-flop on the deep state Pfizer bill authorizing warrantless spying. >> Turner, the Intelligence Committee Chairman, is lying to him. And they've convinced him that there's going to be the apocalypse if Pfizer is not reauthorized, it's set to expire April 19. The conservative constitutionalist position is let it expire if we don't have the appropriate reforms in place. And Johnson was a seven year member of the Judiciary Committee where he voted for the very reforms that we're trying to put in place now. And I don't serve on the Judiciary Committee, but as you know, you've got courageous conservative warriors led by Andy Biggs and Matt Gates and Chip Roy are a part of that committee. And they've done great work to put the appropriate reforms in place that empowers law enforcement to do what they need to do, but puts a premium on the Constitution, a priority on Americans' constitutional liberties. And I think Johnson has just listened to the wrong people. He's been kind of co-opted by the deep state in this sense. And they've got the fear of him and unfortunately he's on the wrong side on this issue. So we're seeing a bunch of worm tongues, you know, for you, Lord of the Rings fans, right? We got a bunch of worm tongues whispering into Mike Johnson's ear, bewitching him to align himself with the very deep state military complex that his donors are a part of. So there's a perfect storm here to sway him in the direction of the swamp. Now, interestingly, after Johnson came out of his meeting with deep state intelligence officers and announced he was changing his position on warrantless FISA spying, Edward Snowden weighed in. And here's what he tweeted out. This is a textbook case of congressional capture with a single briefing. The intelligence agencies routinely transform their most strident critics into the tamest of cheerleaders. Obviously, something's happened. I mean, Johnson came into Washington originally as a lion ready to take on the establishment and how he's been fully and totally emasculated into a cheerleader for the very same establishment. Obviously, something has happened. Here's how the revolver piece defines congressional capture, quote, "Congressional captures when law makers or legislative bodies fall under the heavy influence of outside interest, like big corporations, special interest groups, or U.S. Intel. These influences ensure that their agendas take precedence over the public's needs. In simple terms, this means certain policies or laws that favor these groups are advanced while criticism or resistance is quietly suppressed. Suddenly, their most ferocious critics become their biggest cheerleaders. And I think that's frankly exactly what happened to Johnson. In the end, the guy simply could not resist the siren songs of the perfect storm of donors, special interests, and deep state intel agencies. And in the end, having been seduced by that song like the ancient sailors of old, it looks like his speaker ship is about to be dashed on the rocks. Hey gang, I just wanted to give you a huge note of thanks to each and every one of you. The thousands of you that have recently clicked on the link below and joined our insiders club. As many of you know, we were, we took a big hit from Big Tech. Our channel was completely and totally demonetized, but you literally thousands of you stepped in and you rescued me and this channel by bypassing Big Tech and joining our insiders club. You made it loud and clear to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that were a movement, an army of like-minded patriots who refused to be silenced by the international woke police. And so once again, I just want to take this moment to thank each and every one of you who have joined our insiders club for coming to our rescue. And for those of you who want to join in on the effort and take action, gang, just click on the link below and join our email list. That way we will never, ever, ever lose touch with each other no matter what Big Tech does. So just click on that link below, join our email list and become a part of an army of literally hundreds of thousands of patriots dedicated to taking our nation back, most importantly, together. [Music]