Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about the House foreign aid bills

Broadcast on:
19 Apr 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else this is a podcast from WOR Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday is what we got we're gonna do with this foreign policy foreign a deep state stuff I'll get to that here in a minute the disconnect of the voter the voter Disconnecting themselves from the results of their choices as an amazing little pull out of Harvard today a bunch of emails So much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Okay. Now. Let's gear up for what's coming The foreign aid bill This foreign aid bill has got all kinds of crap in it It's the money for Ukraine and money for Israel and money for Taiwan and money for everything There's no money for you. Of course. No no money for you, but money for all these people Mike Johnson's out there today. Well saying things like we have to stand for freedom And we have to beat the beacon of light and we have stopped Let me stop you right there for a moment You see a lot of these buzzwords in fact, I'm gonna stop this I have to talk for a minute What Chris I would I let that I have something to say. I'll let the rest of it play in a minute anyway politicians love their buzzwords and they love these terms and People get caught up in these things and we always have to understand something This is a manipulation tactic that has been used since the dawn of politics It's a manipulation tactic that is effective on the public. I brought this up before it was fascinating Henry Kissinger piece of trash, but whatever Henry Kissinger talked about the phrase support our troops I wish I've got to find the audio of it one day. I will actually dig I actually heard him talking about it, but I've never actually found the audio of it But Henry Henry Kissinger was talking about support our troops and what he essentially said was It doesn't really mean anything Or if it does mean something it can mean Whatever you want it to mean, right? Maybe maybe if me maybe if I'm I'll tell you what it meant to me when I was a marine When I was a very average grunt marine in Iraq Support our troops it meant something to me. Hey, yeah, give us some better food How about the support of the public for what we're doing here? Hey, that's what support our troops meant if you were against that whole thing totally understandable and hindsight Let's be honest. That's the correct point of view. Maybe Supporting our troops for you Maybe it meant Bringing them home. That's let's get them home. So they can be safe. You see It doesn't actually mean anything and can mean whatever you want it to mean support our troops But that doesn't it's not grounded in anything They use this all the time Republicans in particular use this all the time when it comes to freedom Freedom that he did it right away here right off the bat freedom freedom. We have to stand for freedom and we have to beat Stand for freedom. We have to stand for freedom stand for freedom Russia Ukraine stand for freedom I know Russia invaded Ukraine. I understand that Vladimir Putin's peace trash totally get it How do we stand for freedom by choosing a side there Ukraine is not a NATO ally They are not a free country Ukraine has canceled elections They've canceled the opposition party and they control the media. This is not a free country. It's not a democracy It's not a republic. It's none of those things. This is not standing for freedom But why do they use these words? They use these words because they're effective buzz words on the masses. We have to stand for freedom They understand this is why I really despise Republican leadership so much Because they take advantage of the GOP base the GOP base is made of people who genuinely love America And they love freedom the GOP base is made up of people who stand for the national anthem at a baseball game and get a Little teary-eyed when she hits the high notes. That's the GOP base the GOP leadership doesn't they're not like that They don't give a crap about the country or the anthem or anything else But they understand you and me we are so they come up with these buzz words that they know can be Effective to manipulate us. We have to stand for freedom They say that because that's that's something that gets to my heart. It's something that gets to your heart, right freedom. Yeah freedom, but That's not what we're talking about here We're talking about billions of dollars in for this defense contractor for this border in Ukraine for this and that we're not talking about Freedom here at all. I'll let him talk now Chris. I'm gonna let him talk I think Chris unless I have something else to say we have to stand for freedom and we have to be look Chris I want you to remember something, but my focus is just stay focused. That's my focus Chris. All right. That's my focus All right, we have to stand for freedom and we have to beat the beacon of light And we have to show strength because the perception of a strong America is good for the entire world The only thing that has kept terrorist and tyrants at bay is the perception of a strong America I'll let him keep going you hear all these buzzwords terrorists and tyrants strong America keep the evil at bay Speaking directly to you. None of this bill doesn't do any of those things of course, but he understands This is how you manipulate the GOP base My philosophy is you do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may I don't if I operated out of fear over a motion to vacate I would never be able to do my job Look history judges us for what we do. This is a critical timer. They love this one They love that line history judges just judges us. They love that line history will judge you History's gonna look back in the judges. Remember Mike McCall the other day Or was it Mike McCall the other day who came on and told you that this is the time either you're never Devil Chamberlain or your church hell, of course. Yeah, of course right now critical time in the world stage I'm doing here what I believe to be the right thing. I think providing lethal aid to Ukraine right now is critically important I really do I really do believe the intel and and the briefings that we've gotten that I believe she and in Vladimir Putin and in Iran really are in axis of evil I think they're in coordination on this. I think that Vladimir Putin would continue to march through Europe if he were allowed I think he might go to the Balkans next I think he might have a straight down with Poland or one of our NATO allies to put it bluntly I would rather send bullets to Ukraine than American boys my son is Gonna begin in the naval academy this fall. This is a live power exercise for me as it is so many American families See that last part That's probably the part that makes me most angry They've all been doing this the Democrats have been doing this Republican leadership has been doing this Not just trying to you see what they did on the front end at the front end They were giving you the carrot the carrot was don't you want to stand for freedom and the light of the world Don't you want to stand for freedom? But at the end common manipulation tactic very common in politics. They give you the stick Hey, you don't want your son to die, right? They know the demons on the left. They just want to murder their kids or trans them They know that the Republican base More family oriented. They know we love our children. So now that they gave you the carrot Hey, you want us to fight for freedom, right? Freedom freedom freedom Then at the end pull out the stick. You don't want your daughter to die, right? They love these manipulation tactics and This is how it works member Mike Gallagher that loser out of Wisconsin that congressman who announced he was going to retire He stood against the impeachment, of course Torpedo that whole thing and then promptly announced he's going to retire well, I've got great news He announced he's going to postpone that for how long oh to after the weekend so he can vote for foreign aid one last time Quote the congressman has flexibility to stay and support the aid package on Saturday a spokesperson told political He's going to postpone that retirement now. Why? Is it because you Can't afford steak Is it because you? Can't take your wife out to dinner anymore cuz times are so tough Is it because you're moving back in with your parents or your children as I why Mike Gallagher's postponing retirement? I just got to go back and fight for America one more time the American people no don't be ridiculous Doesn't think about you give a crap about you it's coming back one more time to make sure the deep state is flooded with as much money as humanly possible and Chris go ahead write this one down for me, buddy. If you wouldn't mind Mike Gallagher His name will resurface again Don't think he's going to retire to the mountains and live in a cottage splitting firewood and shooting deer Mike Gallagher will have himself a wonderful well-paid Cushy little deep state job about five minutes after he leaves the house of representatives Why do you think he would postpone retirement to vote for billions of dollars to defense contractors? Why do you think he would do that? Everyone knows and this is what I mean by the looting of the treasury and the destruction of our financial system And why these people they just don't have the essential element we need for a nation They don't have patriotism Patriotism is not some side thing. It's the essential element for a country and that's what our leaders like All right I have to knock out some of these emails before we get to voters and how they're disconnected from their choices the FBI's Officially lumping you in with the Islamic terrorists and so much more before we get to that. Let's get to this Chris commented on the fact that I'm a little peped up lately. I'll be honest with you I just look I'll let everyone know where I'm at right now I Take a male vitality stack from chalk every day and as part of that I've been taking three Tonkat 100s. I think you're only supposed to take two. I've been taking three It's been very busy and I've been feeling so good that I've upped that to four and now I'm just I'm just bouncing off the walls. I want to go. I don't I didn't want a commercial break gentlemen Do you want to feel like that? It's the best feeling in the world to have your mind and your body prepped ready to go fired up That's what a male vitality stack from chalk natural herbal supplements. That's what it did for me I'm tired all the time. Jesse. I need another cup of coffee You don't need another cup of coffee even though that would be wonderful Go ahead and have one of those you need a male vitality stack from chalk gentlemen ladies female vitality stacks for you same thing You want to feel the same way? C-h-o-q calm promo code Jesse get a subscription so you save money try it 90 days You can't imagine how good you'll feel chalk calm promo code Jesse Feeling a little starchy It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Remember if you miss any part of the show Download it I heart Google Spotify iTunes. Did you hear Joe Biden today? I want to make sure I'm clear about something Raffa is a town in Palestine Raffa with an R Here was Joe Biden today, and I made it clear to Israelis. Don't move on hypa. It's just not I mean Anyway, I just Haifa is a town in Israel Haifa Raffa Two different places did you know what that's to get to some emails Jesse? I took your advice and I got involved. I'm now running as the common-sense commissioner and Jefferson County Colorado district one How about that? I'm an anti-communist swimming upstream in the sea of Gulag wastewater Can you throw me a life jacket and his name's Charlie? You'll get him Charlie Charlie Johnson is his name officially rooting for a Charlie Johnson out there Okay advice Let's deal with this because we've been talking a lot about getting involved and locally and and how do we how do we fight back? What do we do so let me give you a little bit of advice as somebody who's lost to congressional races? Okay, I ran twice I lost twice. What do you want me to do? I won both Republican primaries and the first one I almost won was 4,000 votes the general election So I think we can call me an almost winner All right, shut up. Um Let me give you some advice It will help and this is gonna sound really really cheesy and I know it's gonna sound cheesy stay with me When you decide to get involved run for school board run for city commissioner and things like that you are probably unlike me a good person and You're running to do good and that's good. I want you to run to do good. That's the idea the idea is to do good but you have got to Got to see yourself as a warrior first And this is what I mean you think these local elections They're gonna be I wouldn't say easy, but not that bad You're not running for Congress after all no one's gonna run TV commercials on you when you're running for commissioner For for county commissioner. You're never gonna run a you see a TV commercial with someone calling you the anti-Christ So you don't have to worry about that. No biggie, right? But these local elections They are the soft underbelly of American communism The soft underbelly of American communism is school boards and city councils and county commissioners and things like that meaning the communists they control all these things even in red areas, but They don't have a lock on them because they're outnumbered They've been Luxuriating in these positions because we've never gotten involved. We drive by the public library instead of stopping in we've never gotten involved They're soft. They do not have a strong hold on their positions Because they're soft and because they understand these positions are vulnerable. They might lose their spot at any moment When you try to take these positions from these people they are nasty absolutely nasty I'm not telling you you're gonna be physically threatened or something like that Although some dirty commie is definitely gonna send you an email threatening to kill you. It happens to me all the time It's no big deal, but Look, I'll tell you my friend Kira Davis actually in California. Here's a great example Kira Davis ran for school board in California I love her she lost but she put herself out there got involved ran for California ran for school board in California Kira Davis is talking to me one day she had Someone following her around town now not threatening her It was the opposition trying to catch her doing something stupid I caught her down in vodka's at noon or something like that before whatever the case may be But this is a local school board race and she had someone follow her You're going to get yelled at in the grocery store. You are They're not going to just hand you that school board position. You are trying to take Power remember you're not getting involved in politics. You're getting involved in power Someone has it you're trying to take it away from them They are going to defend it and they're gonna defend it with all they have and this applies to GOP primaries as well Because you know the most important thing you could do is challenge the current GOP loser in your area who's selling us out The GOP establishment types they jealously guard these seats And I mean jealously guard these seats You should have seen all the crap they tried to pull on me when I was taking these people on in a primary You should have seen all the crap they tried to throw on me So my best advice I can give you is to see yourself as a warrior when you get involved Don't be afraid of it. Don't don't live in fear of the next nasty thing They're gonna say do you redo to you learn to embrace it weighed into it? I love when these people come after me. I have always loved it. Why what's that old saying? If you're not catching flack you're not over the target when they start coming after you you should take it as nothing But encouragement you are doing good and the bad people don't want you to do good That is the mentality you have to have running for office. Hi, but Jesse. I'm just a housewife. You're not You're the one who knows what needs to be done. You're the warrior Go kick out the dirty piece of commie trash on your school board. You're not just a house just a housewife I'm just a lawyer. I'm just a constrict. You're an American citizen You are the one with the power. You're the one that knows what needs to be done So go out there and kick these people out of office. All right All right, I got myself all fired up there. I am fired up today Chris. I don't know what's going on I've got a calm down. I've only had a reasonable amount. It's the tonk at I'm telling you this anyway Here's something you need to do on top of being a warrior for your community you need to take care of your dog and We don't take care of our dogs I know you love your dog and you walk him and you pet him and you give him water and you give him food and I bet you money I bet you this you give your dog the best food you can don't you whatever you can afford you give him the best food You can't we all do is we love them But what color is your dog's food It's brown, isn't it? It's brown because it's dead You know why those leaves turn in the fall as they die Brown things are dead things Start pouring rough greens on your dog's food. It's a natural nutritional supplement They kill the nutrition and dog food. That's why our dogs are ravaged by all this endless disease And it's why they die so early here. We don't ever give them nutrition Rough greens is vitamins and minerals and probiotics and omega oils and I mean you want to see a difference in your dog You don't have to take my word for it You'll see a difference in your dog and his coat his breath is energy They give out free jumpstart trial bags for you to try it Rough greens calm slash Jesse all right or you can call them eight three three three three my dog Let's talk about the disconnect of the American voter fascinating pull out there next Jesse Kelly show We are having so much fun here on a Thursday edition of the Jesse Kelly showed And I dig it into all kinds of things and I'm gonna do a bunch of emails and stuff in a few minutes But I wanted to get to something first because there's it is an interesting thing that happens That's not gonna be about us specifically. It's just more of a human nature talk. We're about to have but it is interesting the headline is for media media media. I don't know how to say it some crappy call me rag, but There was a Harvard poll out there, and it's just just stay with me young people This is voters 30 years or younger Joe Biden is polling at 50% Trump's just 37 likely voters Biden's at 56% Trump's at 37 and then you skip down a little bit and you find this little stat 9% of the people they asked remember this is the same group of people same group of people 9% of them say the country is generally headed in the right direction 9% 60% 6 0 say that flat out the country's on the wrong track headed on the wrong track now What's the disconnect there? what What's the disconnect because it can be hard for someone like you for someone like me it will be difficult Who are you you think you you read things well if you're like Chris you read audiobooks But you you you do don't you you consume? Information audio wise, maybe you're listening to me live right now on one of our affiliates Maybe you've got the podcast. I bet you watch things maybe TV shows Maybe you watch mine remember I have a TV show every night 9 p.m. Eastern time on the first TV I bet you read different things by different people you seek out information and you think and you try to come to appropriate conclusions on things So for someone like you It's hard to understand how somebody could be so lost in this countries in the wrong direction Man things are terrible. I can't believe how bad things are going who you vote for this November. Oh the same guy We've got in there why? It's crazy talk right well you should understand One this is human nature to divorce yourself and your choices from Their results, you know, oh man. I'm looking down right now. Actually got a little kind of a little belly going on here. Why well During the break I'm talking about one minute ago. I was stuffing a white sauce and sausage pizza into my mouth I Can divorce myself from my choices, but the truth is the proof is in the pudding that used to be a stomach here That's the proof voters love to do this and This is why Democrats campaign the way they campaign Especially right now. I think this will help all of us understand why they're campaigning the way they are You notice they don't have anything nothing. There's nothing tangible to campaign on Biden himself Everything's bad the borders open people are mad about it inflation's bad. So by themselves you see him flailing grasping at straw I'm junk fees right now for many Americans life is too expensive Are you concerned that stubborn inflation will hurt your reelection bid? We've brought down inflation by over two-thirds and It is being stubborn and not going down to two percent. We need but it's significantly different number one number two The thing that really affects people's lives are all the small things that are right up to big numbers for people all these junk fees What junk fee what? Okay, so Why can't why even bring up junk fees? Well, they don't have Anything else and so what they normally do what you will see all across the country as you'll see them campaigning on abortion Because they know American women love abortion. They just adore it. It's like their little teddy bear at night Please just let me murder my baby. That's the American woman now. They understand that they will campaign on Donald Trump being a Nazi Trump this Trump that mega this mega that you don't need me to play any clips for you You know, that's what these people do Trump's a Nazi and they're trying to take away. You're right to kill your baby. But for me Why Because for people who are demoralized for a society for citizens who are Demoralized and remember demoralized doesn't necessarily mean down and out. That's what people think it means It can mean that but for our purposes here. It just means kind of Lost and listless with no actual direction because our culture does not promote American values anymore freedom The government should be small where you should work hard. You will succeed on your merits These kinds of ideals these American ideals because we took those away the dirty commies took those away Now we have a society full of people who are floating They're aimlessly floating with the win Completely demoralized and what that does for you is this you can take that person and you can move them Any direction you want even if it's a direction. They're not even sure they want to go because they don't have their eyes Set on anything. What's a good example? You know, here's a personal example of this stretching you ever you ever stretched it all You ever done that stretch where you stand up and you kick your heel back So it's up to your butt and you grab the top of your foot and you're kind of stretching out the front of your thighs there You know what I'm talking about you've either done it or you've seen it ever do that without leaning on something You fall over don't you unless? You focus on something Meaning just pick a dot pick a rock in the ground if your eyes focus on it You will maintain your balance. You'll be able to stand up. Do you know that? Well human beings are built that way We need a goal a purpose a direction This is some place we're going and if you take that away So you're just blowing in the wind what it does is it makes it impossible in fact your abesement I've talked about this to come to logical conclusions once you have taken away that thing to focus on you will fall You will blow over you will go any different direction So when you look around you right now and you're screaming at the norms and normas in your life And you're trying to get them to wake up. Why don't you realize? What are you doing? What the reason your frustrated is? You have something you're focused on You have an idea You have a place you want to go a place you want for yourself for your country you have a goal you are focused on something Therefore because you're focused on something you're able to come to logical conclusions Why well if it let's say it was me what if I came on the radio right now and I tried to pull you away from that thing That thing you're focused on I tried to I tried to yank you out of that Well because you're focused on it because you're focused on whatever your freedom will make it just about freedom If I come on here and I start promoting things that are anti freedom You will immediately be able to pick up on that because it's taking your eyes off of where you were going You're but whoa, what's this? What's this but? if you're not focused on anything and I grab ahold of you and I start to pull you in a bad direction I start to pull you towards things that are harmful to you You may know that you don't like where you're going currently But that doesn't mean you have some preference on going someplace else Where would you go? You weren't focused on anything anyway, you were floating in the wind and that is why For decades they have gotten into the education system And they've destroyed the idea of what it means to be an American Ask most Americans today. They will tell you we are Multicultural that alone is evil and wrong and sick. We should never be multicultural one culture American culture that should be it, but no they take that away or America's a melting pot It's not really anything in just America's whatever when you take away the thing people can focus on That's when you get a pull full of people who say this country's heading in the wrong direction This is a disaster. Hey, who you voting for this November? All the same again same guy we got in there now Lost people They'll demonize our side and that is all they need to get enough of the well to get a bunch of these people in their corner Let's hope it's not enough. I didn't mean to put it that way. All right We have to get to some emails before we get to the FBI Merging their radical Islamic strategies with you who's been telling you about that for the longest time before we do that speaking about abortion and how lost people are I Really hard on Americans because of this issue and I'm not apologizing for that But I do understand there's a reason Americans love abortions so much. They don't truly understand it They don't know years and years of lies Referring to it a reproductive rights and things like that It's demoralized our country to where we don't know now that it's a baby It's alive That's why pre-born works so well. Did you know that? Preborn brings it back into focus with an ultrasound. You see these women that they go have these abortions And they don't ever really put two and two together that that's a baby. It's a clump of cells It's a this but when you lay down for a free ultrasound that is given to you by pre-born You see the baby you hear the heartbeat and then the truth is right there and they choose life almost every time That's where your pre-born money goes 28 bucks buys them an ultrasound 5 grand Funs the entire network. You save 200 lives whatever you can do 28 bucks and 28 million. I don't care Preborn comm slash Jesse tax deductible. Give it monthly. Give it weekly Preborn comm slash Jesse sponsored by preborn feeling a little stocky It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday Do not forget to send in your ass dr. Jesse questions for tomorrow All three hours belong to you send them in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly show comm before I get to a couple These emails I want to try to get to some of those tonight the stack is Increasing here. There's been too much to get to this representative this dirty commie Jayapow or whatever how you say a dumb name She got up today and spoke and I have something. I need to get off my chest about this They are literally choosing Literally You don't I'll let her I'll let her go for a second They are literally choosing to make health care more expensive for seniors They were literally choosing it I'm just I just want to know How does that change the sentence from they are choosing to well what she said right now for many Americans wrong What wrong wrong wrong wrong but here it was here was they are literally choosing to make health care more expensive for seniors They are choosing to make health care more expensive for seniors versus They are literally choosing to make health care more explicit more expensive for they are literally choosing to make health care more expensive for seniors I'm not gonna get my blood pressure up. I'm fine But what did literally add to that? Did you did it change that sentence in any way? And even the tiniest way what what what did it add? I'm I can't take it anymore. Let's get to some emails Jesse I love listening to the Medal of Honor Mondays Have you ever thought about making an audio drama podcasts about these heroes? His name is Jack, you know, I Have I have this thing that I want to do I Don't know how to properly implement it implement it I don't want to can't talk and I don't know how I will get the time to do it So I don't have time to do it right now, but I have thought about this before About making either probably not a straight podcast version of this Maybe podcast with video in pictures that would that would be a production it would be more than we had time for it We would have to hire people for this and we would need it would take time to do it So don't get your hopes up. It's not about to come okay But I think that one day we will get something like this going I should say of Telling these history stories and maybe just Medal of Honor stories I'm putting pictures on them and and giving backgrounds on the battle and stuff like that I love that stuff so much like that stuff. I love doing this. It's not a job You know, I've had real jobs my whole life So I love just talking to you every day like this that stuff I really really really really really love it and I think that I think that we will end up doing something like that I do I I don't know when that's gonna be but who knows hey torpedo guy. Oh, he's He's talking about my idea About the big lake with the jet skis that fired torpedoes at people Only we don't want the torpedoes to necessarily kill anyone except on pedophile day Then we'll put pedophiles on a boat and we'll get real torpedoes, but other than that It's just one we want it to be fun We want people be able to watch and we want people to be able to people to be able to participate I want you to be on a jet ski and me on a jet ski and we'll be firing torpedoes at each other out there But ones that don't explode. I don't want anyone to die. You know anyway this guy says Jesse. I'm here to solve your jet ski torpedo problem You outfit the torpedo with a computer chip When struck the chip sends a minute long stall out to the jet ski engine Like when you bump someone while racing on go-karts the opposition can then bomb bar the sitting dot jacks Sitting duck jet ski with a rooster tail to the face Or a nice wake liability goes way down You can run with this, but I want 10% of the gross since I doubt I can rely on you to make this profitable Okay, but here's why I don't like your idea We already are holding ourselves back by making this whole thing bloodless again Let's set aside pedophile day when we're gonna fire torpedoes at pedophiles. That's not what we're gonna We're not talking about that. We're talking about the fun purpose of our jet ski torpedo park We're already Decreasing the entertainment value by how bloodless this whole thing is, you know, we don't want the modern gladiator games here We don't want anyone to die however There has to be some form of punishment That's greater than having your jet ski stall out in the middle of the lake I've I've been on jet skis in the middle of the lake and I've just shut them off Just so I can sit there in the middle of the lake might be fine with it and you could splash me with water I like my idea more probably because it's my idea where the torpedo When it hits the jet ski there's some kind of mechanism in there that whoo that's a sign of to make too It launches people off the back of the jet ski and I don't mean just kind of mildly dumps you in I'm talking 20 feet. Boom. You're just getting launched off the back end of that thing into the water You're not going to really get hurt. You're not going to get hurt at all You're going to land in the water. Maybe you get a little water up You knows we all know the women will hold their nose anyway when they're in the air The women and anyone who was in the air force Yeah, we have a gosh. I'm going into the water and so we know those things are going to happen, but There's got to be some payoff for the fans as well. So that's why your thing isn't going to work Hey, Jesse Can you rip on all the Iowa reps in congress? I think everyone thinks Iowa is a red state But the reps in congress are anything but conservative Even though they are republicans Okay, uh, I actually you know I've been talking about this the whole show We talked about it and we decided we should probably just go ahead and play for you Some of these things some of me sitting down with tucker and about what we were talking about And this is a lot of the stuff you've heard before on the show But um, I'll I'll play you a clip in just a moment of that dear jesse I saw your interview with tucker on youtube I really wish you would be on that platform war as well I know you're not as handsome on videos you're on the radio, but I use youtube as my main source of information We're on youtube You just look up jesse kelly right chris Look up jesse kelly on youtube or since youtube's hot steaming garbage look us up on rumble We're on rumble too. It's if you want the the pleasure of gazing on me Well, what chris if you want the pleasure of gazing on me you can go do it there. All right We're going to talk about these Republicans in red states in fact, I'll play you a little tucker clip in a moment This has been a podcast from w o r Okay, round two name something that's not boring laundry Oh a book club computer solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry. We were looking for chumba casino That's right chumba casino dot com has over a hundred casino style games Going today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba casino dot com [MUSIC PLAYING]