The Howie Carr Radio Network

Every way the MassDOT Secretary wants to Tax You to the Moon + Meet the Experts Teaser | 4.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie plays part of the statement from Monica Tibbits-Nutt, the CEO and Secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. She has concocted very creative new ways to raise revenue in the Bay State...that means raising taxes on YOU. Then, Howie shares a sneak peek of his latest episode of Meet the Experts featuring new author Michael Walsh.

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19 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. People are doing better. And then you have this AP poll saying, "Have Biden's policies helped or hurt you?" Hurt a lot, says 42 percent. Yeah, wish. But being weird, you can't even make speeches. Some of the s*** say it doesn't even make sense. I don't even understand what he's saying. You sure about that? That important foreign product, I'm exporting for their product. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I know there's a lot, a lot of interest in reports from the Middle East overnight. I'm going to say it now, though I know you all will certainly ask me about it, that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. Please, it's worse. Nothing to see here, please. Wish. Is, let's be clear, a vote for Trump. Don't do it. Vote for Trump. Excuse me, vote for Biden. Trump swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Carr. Kerry Kennedy, was that the Jack Daniels or the ambient speaking when you said vote for Trump? What up, the phone? 844-500-4242-844-542-442. I'm going to play some cuts from Monica Tibbetts Nut. You've probably never heard of her. She's the secretary of transportation, just the sort of person you would expect. Marhele to pick as her secretary of transportation. But we'll get to those cuts in a moment. I want to do the Biden cuts. Biden today was at the IBEW International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Construction and Maintenance Conference. And, you know, he's a big union guy, and the last time he was talking about the IBEW, he called him the I-E-B-W. He's no malarkey, no malarkey. He's a great union guy, just to ask him. And so, let's just play some of these cuts today. And then we'll move on. These cuts from this woman in the Hacorama, they're just going to irritate you to no end. This is what happens in a one-party state, though. Not going anywhere. But anyway, let's first do the Biden stuff. Cut five. The law said that when the federal government spends taxpayers' dollars, it has to. It has to buy American products with it and has to use American labor. But that was honored in an exception. The vast majority of the president didn't do it, and the last guy didn't even know it. That was honored in exception. What does that mean? And the last guy didn't even know what. He didn't know the exception. How about this one? Student loans cut seven. And despite the Supreme Court and Republican friends trying to block us, they haven't stopped me from pursuing an alternative path to relieve the crushing burden of student debt. That includes forgiving loans for vocational school. Community college. And some apprentice programs as well. By the way, all these things are saving America money. We're not costing money. It's saving America. It's growing the economy for God's sake. People are doing better. People are doing better. Are they really doing better? Very fake, isn't it? Are they really doing better? We're going to have to take a break to go to another cut from Fox News. Are people doing better? Let's ask the latest poll to come out of Fox News. Cut four. Culver number two here shows a median monthly payment for a home purchase is up 10%. Mortgage raise change since the start of Biden's term is up 7%. And then you have this AP poll saying, "Have Biden's policies helped or hurt you?" Hurt a lot. It says 42%. That's not spin on our part, right? That's just facts. They're better off. That's why only 42% say the policies have hurt them a lot. Because it's doing well. They're doing well. Cut eight. How do I just parenthetically, you know how much we have 1,000 billionaires, Mayor? Do you know what they have in federal tax ratings tonight? Billionaire. Billion. Not million, billion. Billion, million, trillion, gazillion, bobillion. It's all the same, right? Cut nine. For the years, for the previous 15 years, 20 years. Corporations look for the cheapest labor in the world. Sent the jobs, sent the product to those, sent the jobs to those laborers, whether they're in Asia or Europe or wherever they were. And then they sent the product back home. Well, instead of important foreign products, I'm exporting for their products. I'm espriting this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this and this. Cut one. The reason I got the first four years is the IBEW and that's no malarkey. You guys stood up first. Wait a second. He said the United Steelworkers yesterday stood up first, didn't he? And then a couple of weeks before that, he said it was the UAW that stood up first. Was this in the Persian or the Polish or the Jewish or the Greek or the Puerto Rican or the black neighborhood? Was this before or after he went to the black church or to the synagogue or to mass? Cut two. You're your workers IBEW. I'm president and that's not no malarkey because of you. That's no joke. So it's no malarkey and no joke. His word as a Biden. That's not hyperbole. I like the way, you know, okay, so sometimes I guess you call. I didn't, I didn't, my grandfather's were long dead before I was born, so I never talked much about him. But maybe you do refer to your maternal grandfather by his last name, but how often do you refer to an uncle by his last name? Cut, cut four. I had an uncle named Ed Finney and he said, "Joe, you are a union from belt buckle to shoe sole." Again though, he's never, he's never been in a union. And it doesn't make you a better person for having been in a union, but why does he keep claiming to have been in a union? I mean, if you're, if you claim to be a veteran and you're not a veteran, it's stolen valor. What is, what is, what is the claim to be a union person? Is that, what do you call that? Is that stolen labor? We need a phrase for how he claims to keep being in a union. Let me hear that again, how he's, he's union. Cut four. I had an uncle named Ed Finney and he said, "Joe, you are a union from belt buckle to shoe sole." You see, it doesn't need a card or something to, you know, like, that was the ultimate proof that Elizabeth Warren was a fake Indian. She didn't have a card from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. If you're, if you're an Indian and Native American, you have the card proving it. You know, if you're in a union, you have a card or you, or you get a pension or you have some proof. Where's your proof, Joe? Where's your proof? Cut three. I tell you what, my grandfather Ambrose, he'd be proud as hell. I'm, this is the most pro union president history. There was an old man named Ambrose Finnegan. He had whiskers on his chin again. They fell out and then grew in again. And my grandfather Ambrose Finnegan would also be proud that I brought up his namesake and the fact that he was eaten by cannibals in the Pacific during World War II in May of 1944. And the next month, the day after D-Day, he and his three brothers signed up for the military, for the army. Even though he was dead and had been eaten and ingested by cannibals, he signed up for the military. Cut six. What's it take to be an electrician? He said you get a little bit of training. Four to five years of training to become an electrician. You're the best in the world. That's why it's a loose training. Really, you're going to bring DEI to the trades too? Then we won't have the best electricians in the world. You can rest assured that that's not going to happen. 844-500-42-42. Was that guy who sent himself on fire an extinguished graduate? Yes, he was an extinguished graduate of U.N.C. The F-B-N-Y responded and put him out as the chief said in an odd turn of phrase. 844-500-42-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. Tied to the whipping post. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in the U.S. house, would you vote for the $60 billion in aid to Ukraine tomorrow? No malarkey, the answer is no. 92% say no. Okay. All right. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Hi, Howie. Thank you very much for taking my call. Sure. I'm laughing my butt off Howie. And the reason why I'm laughing my butt off is because two things. Joe Biden, he's going to kill the kill in Alaska for oil drilling and everywhere else. I saw that. He just took off 13 million acres, 13 million acres. Pete, this is a religious decision by some nut. Somebody who wasn't elected, someone in his administration, who's as crazy as this transportation secretary in Massachusetts, who's cuts I'm going to play now. And they've just made petroleum, all fossil fuel products coming out of Alaska more expensive for all of us, just because they have this superstition that the planet is coming to an end. Which is fine. It was just fine. They can believe whatever they want. But, you know, that's the all saying your beliefs or your religion in that at the bridge of my nose, right? I mean, take it out. Don't bother me. Yeah. And the other thing, Howie, is that guy that let himself that fellow to let himself on fire outside of the courthouse where Trump was today. Yes. Apparently he didn't have much to live for. The women in New York said he was a real hottie. That's from six. That's from six six. Thanks for the call. Anyway, this woman Monica Tibbetts nut. Indeed, she is a nut. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Sure you would. Yeah. And she looks just like what you would expect someone in the Marahili administration with a hyphenated last name to look like. And she gave an unfiltered take to this conference of fellow nuts. And it was reported today by Commonwealth Beacon. That's the online magazine. And she said that she came out for all this stuff and she said she has a task force on what she wants to do. This is an, oh, it's an, she addressed the advocates. He grew block Massachusetts last week. Walk, walk Massachusetts. I wonder how they like to get around. Bicycles are too much for them, apparently. She wants the installation of toll gantries at the state's borders with neighboring states. She wants to charge Uber and Lyft more. She wants to charge more for package deliveries, charge more for the payroll. How do you, the payroll tax, how is she going to do these things without the legislative approval? I mean, she's not going to get that. She's not going to get it. Even this nutty is as bad as the legislature is in Massachusetts. But still it's crazy that someone like this has a job paying almost $200,000 a year. This nut, this nut named the nut. We're going to go after all the people who should be giving us money to make our transportation better and our communities better. Like any, like any of the stuff that they're going to do is going to make anything better. They're just going to have more DEI advocates. They're going to have more outreach coordinators. They're going to have more celebrations and commemorations. Let me just tell you, here's the, she wants to, she wants to have more ticketing of people driving around the state. I'm sure she has a driver. Cut 20. So then what are we doing as this? We're getting really, really aggressive. We are pushing for less warnings, more citation. Because I'm telling you, some slows someone down real quick, like get your license suspended. And the beauty is we get to be in charge of that too. Because we will 100% take your license. We have absolutely no problem doing that. Feel free to leave this out in a hearing. Does that include illegal aliens too? Of course it doesn't. They're not going to be punished. They already aren't punished. Why would they be punished now? This is only for American citizens, taxpayers. This is only for people trying to go to work in the morning. This is not for fentanyl dealers who are here illegally. We want to help them. So then they're asking, the people are really angry about pickup trucks. You know that the, you know, I wrote the column recently about the guy who went to the Bruins game and he had Trump stickers on the back of his F-150 and it drove some nut crazy. This was in downtown Boston, their government center. And the guy just left him discreet about how he was a racist, big at beer drinking, Trump voting media there. She and these people have the same problems. Cut 16. And gigantic SUVs, but also now these pickup trucks like the Ford F-150 bazillionists. I am terrified that they're going to just squish me like a bug and not even notice. I think that's very reasonable. They're massive. Is there anything that DOT can do to help protect us a little bit from them or at least disincentivize people from buying them? Promise we can't. They're already so expensive. I mean, that's just true. We can't price them high enough or put enough fees on them enough that's going to stop the type of person who wants to buy that car. And I'm 100% passing judgment on someone who wants to drive basically an 18-wheeler as their personal car. We have no control over it. She's comparing an F-150 to an 18-wheeler. This is the Secretary of Transportation and she's 100% passing judgment. She doesn't care. How about if we passed judgment on her lifestyle? Would that be okay? I don't think so. That would be a hate crime. She's 100% passing judgment. Oh my goodness. I got a lot more of these cuts. I see the lines are already starting to fill up. People want to discuss this. Again, this woman makes $196,000 a year. She's the Secretary of Transportation in the Mara Healy Administration. And you should check out her photograph because she looks like what you probably think she looks like. 844-542-42. We'll be right back on how it's done. [Music] [Music] [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. This nutty, we got a lot of people want to talk, but I want to play a few more of these cuts. She has no authority to do any of these things. I don't care what a task force says. Listen to this one. Cut 17. We can't. There's nothing we can do. At least legally. There's nothing we can do about it. Oh, you know, I don't think we can do that either. That's federal highway. She said require a CDL. Didn't case people didn't hear that. Yeah, no, that's federal highway. We can't do that. How about touching the excise tax? Oh, I'm going after that. Okay, great. Oh, that's already on my list. I don't need to worry about that. Yeah, let's think about this heavier vehicles. That might do it. Yeah. Okay, that's not about it. I did not agree to it. I just said it's not a bad idea. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That I will actually look and see if any other states done it. Great. Also, maybe think about on the local New York is doing something right now. Well, okay, New York is doing this. Do you think I don't have their entire playbook? I do. I'm just going to go down through their list. See, the difference between Charlie Parker as bad as he was when they had this, that, that nut a few years ago, they climb a change, knit with. And he wanted to, you know, crush everybody who drove a car and, you know, make them reduce the temperature in their houses. He was fired. This woman will not be fired. She's, she checks all the boxes. And she's, she's going, though, she has no power over the excise tax. Who appointed her? She's not even from here. She's a first generation college graduate. Wow. That's very impressive. Cut 21. Comes back to funding. We talk about this all the time. We're broke. I literally said that in a budget meeting, I'm like, we're poor. So if anybody wants to think like we are poor, we have no money, especially for private developers who already have money. You don't need my money, but we don't have enough money. But we've never had enough money. You're probably very rarely going to have enough money for transportation, especially safe transportation. So what are we going to do about that? Kind of aggressive. This governor likes to fight. He does. He loves to fight. So, you know, while we're creating this task force and this funding task force is different than the other commissions, the other task force and the committees. I know. I trust me. I sat on a couple of these. So I'm going to be realistic with everyone. This one's actually different because we're not censoring this. I'm going to talk about talking. I'm going to talk about charging TNC is more. I'm going to talk about potentially charging more for packets. Charging more for payroll tech. Basically going after everybody who has money. We're going after everybody who has money. We're going after everybody who works for a living and we're going to give all the money to people who don't work for a living like me and my wife. It's just amazing. The arrogance here. The arrogance. 844-542-42. Monique, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Monique. Yeah, a couple of items on the list, Howie. So at one point, she talks about making people pay to use the roads or something like that. Right. I mean, is she aware that every resident of the state of Massachusetts pays for the roads fully in multiple ways already? Right. I mean, we pay for that. And Monique, we're not gay. We have the highest cost per maintaining roads in the country. I think we're four times what New Hampshire is or five times what New Hampshire is. And we have crappy roads. You don't need to do any research. Just go out and ride around for a couple of hours. Right. And she wants to get more money. Right. Right. No, I just know. I mean, it's already paid for, lady. The other thing is that this thing about putting tolls on the state lines. Right. That's blatantly illegal. We went through our experience with tolls in Rhode Island. And even they, our state officials, were not as dumb as that. That's, we learned from our research that's completely illegal. You can't do that. So she, I mean, she sounds really uneducated about all the matters. And she's the transportation secretary. So wow, that's quite remarkable. Well, she has certain qualifications as far as Marheli is concerned. If you, if you get what I'm saying here. There's Chris Sonuno, Chris Sonuno, the governor of New Hampshire. He issued a statement after the story broke this morning. Looks like Massachusetts has found yet another way to unnecessarily take your money. All the more reason for more Massachusetts residents to make the permanent move to New Hampshire. The live free or die state continues to be the place to be. This is Mr. X, your next with highway car. Go ahead, Mr. X. Hey, Captain. Hey, listen, this is, you know, the previous caller, God bless her. She's right on target here. Howie, howie, you know, 30 year fed in aviation. I mean, you know, every Friday afternoon, you know, booted, judge, whatever. I pronounce that name, sends the email out. I don't even, it gets swiped right. The elite. I cannot stand working for the illegitimate government that I work for. But unfortunately, after 30 years, I'm in the system and that is. I understand. But I won't say this. I will say this, Howie. The exercise tax, the local exercise tax, was always designed for what? For the local road preservation. As we talked about the road, we talked about it. You drive down your typical road. It looks like you were in Beirut. Like, you know, there were mortar shells coming in last night. I know. And we spend more per mile, I think, than any state in the union. We're number one of 50 states. I believe it's, I believe that the number is five times per mile that New Hampshire spends. Is New Hampshire one-fifth as good as their roads are as good as? No, there is good or better than ours. Howie, when you cross that line up in the North Shore into New Hampshire, it's like they're paved with gold. There's no question. Massachusetts, I'll give you the rough number. It's literally like $7 million per highway mile. The average is like 600,000 per highway mile a year ago. And so, where does that excess tax money go? Where it goes to the flop houses in Taunton on the hotels that you drive. Right. It goes past, you know. And the MBTA pensions, where the bulgers were getting out and everybody else was getting out at age 45. They were tight, you could go out, you could not anymore, but you could go out with a full pension after 22 years. That was costing a lot of money, you know. How? I tell my son that. I said, you know, back in the old days, the smartest thing I could have done out of high school, it was the 20 year MBTA and out. I knew a guy who was 46 years old, Howie, got out bold at full 80 percent. You still? Yeah, no, there was a guy named Rooney. He had other big hack jobs, but he retired. He went to Harvard while he was working for the MBTA and he retired at like 40 with a full pension. You know, I just, I mentioned earlier in the day that Kevin Weeks did a podcast with this guy, Bean Shooter from Lowell. And I watched it last week. It was kind of interesting. And weeks when he went to work for Whitey and was making big money and it was all cash, he had a job at the MBTA. And he went in and he said, "I'm quitting my job at the MBTA." And the guy said to him, "Are you insane? Nobody quits a job at the MBTA." And he said, "Well, I'm quitting." And he said, "Mr. X, you know what, you know what Weeks says now? He's almost 70 years old." He said, "He was right. I never should have quit that job, right?" Never. Howie, the last thing, the last thing, Howie, I'll leave you with this. I've got two years ago, my kids out of high school, I'm out of here to New Hampshire or someplace, greener pastures. But I got to find some sucker to buy my house and appreciated value that it's at today. I'm praying to God. I can find some sucker to buy it. They'll be somebody because they're ruining all these communities with these flop houses. So the people that are trying to get out of the flop house communities into the other communities, so those prices are still going up. Unless you're in a flop house town, Mr. X, you should be okay. Otherwise, you may have a problem. Thanks for the call, 844-542-42. Cut to 22. But we're going after all the people who should be giving us money to make our transportation better and our communities better. Who should be giving us money? How about this? We already spend more per mile than any other state in the union. How about you get some more value for the money that's already being pumped in to the system? Rocky, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rocky. Howie, thanks for taking my call. How's Roscoe doing? Good? Roscoe's doing great. He went to the doggy daycare center today. He was trying, he was pawing at the window trying to get out of the car. He was so happy to be there. Yeah, that's what not should be. Hey, Howie, I got a quick thing to throw you. Remember in the old days, when you'd come into Massachusetts from like Rhode Island or from New Hampshire, they used to have these big signs they'd make up. They'd say, "This is your tax dollars, how'd it work?" They'd have, like, instructions on or something. Right. And the governor and the governor and the secretary of transportation's names, yes. Yeah, and the wood would, and it was pressure treated, it would rot away before the project ever got finished. I mean, come on. Anyway, it's just ridiculous. If you know where all the money's going, it's going in the hacks pockets, pensions, retirements, you have to work. Right. If you're in the state, you can retire. Come on. Yeah. Please. I know, and she wants to crack down on tax paying people who are speeding to get to their second or third jobs to pay for all the illegal aliens. But the illegal aliens can just cruise whatever they want, whatever speeds they want. Thanks for the call, Rocky. TJ, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, TJ. Hey, Harry. Hope you're feeling well. I've been looking around, and I can't find how much the chief access, diversity, and fairness officer is making for the trial court of Massachusetts. Natasha Scruggs. It's a senior position. Scruggs. I'm looking it up right now. I don't know if I'll have time. I'm going to see if I get here. Is that a Scruggs with a U? S-C-R-U-G-G-S. Okay. Hold on. Tell me. So when was she hired? That was last effective August 14th, 2023. I've got her. N-A-T-O-S-C-H-I-A. Would you care to take a guess, TJ? 220. Little on the high side, 203-265. Well, we can pump that up. But it's a starter job, like you say. It is. She only was hired last year. Natasha Scruggs. Chief access, diversity, and fairness. Oh, man. That's a very important... I'm sure she worked a long, long day today, TJ. She checks off all the mocks too. All the boxes. I wish I didn't know to name my daughters. Give them good names with, you know, apostrophes and just makeup names. They'd be making more money than they're making now. Thank you. Thanks for the call, TJ. Natasha Scruggs. Rick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Rick. Hi, Chad. I'm Howie. Long time listener, first time caller. I bought one of your books down in Chatham. And I still have the right and T-shirt. And I was wondering why, after the statute of limitations, Trump is being charged, why does a state prosecutor prosecute a federal charge? It doesn't... I don't know the answer to that either. I don't know how that works. I don't know how they get away with this. They have all these felons committing these horrible violent crimes, many of them illegal aliens. And they always downgrade the crimes to misdemeanors and then let them go with no bail, or Carrie Kennedy who says vote for Trump instead of Biden because she's... I don't know what her problem is. She gets the bail for them. And then they take Trump. It's an expired stat... It's an expired under the statute of limitations as a state misdemeanor. And basically, they took the Rico. They made it into a Rico case where they take all these predicate acts and they just throw in everything but the kitchen sink. And that's the way it goes. And it's an outrage, is what it is. And that's what people understand about how bad it is. Alright, 844-500-424844-500-4242. This is the Howie Car Show and we will be right back. Become a Howie Car Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals, and other special offers from the Howie Car Show. Just enter your name and email at