The Howie Carr Radio Network

GloRilla & Drunk Vultures on Police Blotter Fax Friday | 4.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

It's time for this week's edition of Police Blotter Fax, where Howie and Taylor snicker over stories from across the country.

Broadcast on:
19 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. People are doing better. And then you have this AP poll saying have Biden's policies helped to hurt you. Hurt a lot says 42 percent. Yeah, wish. But being weird, you can't even make speeches. Some of the **** say it doesn't even make sense. I don't even understand what you're saying. You sure about that? That important foreign product. I'm exporting for the product. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I know there's a lot, a lot of interest in reports from the Middle East overnight. I'm going to say it now, though I know you all will will certainly ask me about it. That we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. Please, it's worse. Nothing to see here, please. Bush is, let's be clear, a vote for Trump. Don't do it. Vote her Trump. Excuse me, vote for Biden. Trump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's. Howie Carr. That member of the Kennedy family who just said vote for Trump. That's Kerry Kennedy, formerly Kerry Kennedy Cuomo. She's been known to take a drink under extreme social pressure. She's also been known to get a bad ice cube on occasion, as you may recall. Oh, I think she claimed that she took a an ambient. The family is, I think the family enjoys ambience. Wasn't that one of Patches excuses when, when he smashed into the, one of the security barrels at the Capitol? Few way back, I don't know, 17, 18 years ago now. But Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, she was, she was one of the people that she was on CNN, trying to, she's the, the sister of a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and her marriage broke up after she was having an affair with a McDonald's heir, who was a, or McDonald's franchise owner, very rich guy who was a polo player. And the New York Post later reported that after she bedded the polo player. Her, her brother, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. picked up the polo players, a strange wife on the, on the rebound. Which is kind of a weird thing. And we're, we're hearing about Ilhan, not as weird as Ilhan Omar, marrying her brother, but still it's kind of kinky. Remember, she was also, when she got arrested for a drunk driving and they were trying her in Westchester, Ethel Kennedy. Her mother went into court in the, in a wheelchair and then Kerry Kennedy beat the rap and Ethel Kennedy strolled out of the courthouse to the, to the press conference. No wheelchair. I don't know, I don't know where the wheelchair went, but you know, once the verdict was in and Kerry was okay, then they let her go. And she's also the one who set up that bail fund. They let out, they let out all kinds of criminals. All kinds of people got knocked over the head, robbed, assaulted by all these people that, that Kerry Kennedy cut out of a prison with her bail fund or jail out of her with her bail fund after the, after the fentanyl addict known as George Floyd died in police custody. He was not murdered in case you were operating under that delusion from state run media. Okay, time now for the chump line. It turns out Ilhan Omar's daughter is just a chip off the old he job. The hammer and sickle on her, on her Twitter profile, the hammer and sickle. Like she's, she's really got a lot to complain about. She's an angry black girl, according to a speech she made. And she's an angry, what does she got to be angry about? Like her mother, she said everything in life, absolutely everything in life handed to her on a silver platter. Never had to work a day in her life. Never had to break a sweat just like her mother. Boy, those Bidens are a real tough family, just ask any putting from New Guinea. Tastes like chicken. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ready wise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. And right now you can get a great, great 100 serving sampler bucket at click on store. And right now you can also use, we also have a different code, which is Howie25. So you get an extra, extra discount on your ready wise products. If you do, if you don't get the cheap bastard deal. Howie, Donald right cutting. You always were telling tall kids the deer field, but this one about your supposed war hero cousin takes the cake. You stole his name from the old Gomer pile program. Frank Sutton, the actor who played Sergeant Carter. And you stole his story from your life story. As soon as the war started, he left North Carolina for Canada. I seem to remember when the Korean war started. You 23 is good to Canada too. You draft dodging scoundrel. Very little, very little truth to that from the former Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth. And my fellow deer field alum, former publisher of the Minneapolis Star Tribune, before it became the red Tribune. And he also his family owned the whole yoke transcript, which I believe no longer exists. When I visited a polka thaw, really under asked me to order a cheesesteak sandwich with extra permission and a two-eater bottle. Or was it a two kilo bag of Coke? That was really a pitiful moment. We didn't play any audio of it because there wasn't much audio. He tries to, apparently they put the sub or the hoagie in a box if you go to Wawa. And he tried to close the box. As you can imagine, it's not a difficult box to close if they're giving out thousands of them a day at every location. But he couldn't do it. He couldn't do it. And finally just he said, "You do it." I get the nice scream. And he wanders off. And there's nobody in the place. It's not like the Chick-fil-A in Atlanta or the Burger Joy to Long Island or the Deli in Miami. There was nobody there except the press and the photographers. And he was just wandering around lost. It was sad. Howie, how much of a cabin footprint is via Marshall Billie's in New York today? Hey! You know, if they're going to kill themselves as political protests, can't they decarbonize? That's the big word they use. That's one of the big words they use. They want to decarbonize everything. This guy was not worried about decarbonizing. He was a disgrace to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Not the first one. By the way, he lived in St. Augustine, Florida. But no one had seen him and some people suggested he was maybe homeless. His family didn't know he was in New York. What the media didn't play for you was the audio of before Biden tried to mimic Trump and go into the gas station. Everybody in the gas station yelled out in unison, "Don't!" I got some, I got some man in the street stuff from Philadelphia with the black bonus talking to me. [Music] All it takes is giving money to me. [Music] The Bay State has no clue. [Music] We seem to have lost howie, so we'll keep rolling with the chumpline. Sands commentary. [Music] Come on, man. I remember when I was on meet the press of Lawrence Spivak. And I got a call to my uncle, Ambrose Ambrose. It just crashed his plane. The spirit of St. Louis into my kitchen. I nearly lost my cat, my Corvette, and the fire. That corn pop, who was a bad dude, came over hungry. Because McDoll's park a lot was full of kids using the sci-fi hotshot. He was so hungry. Amy, press conference. [Music] Hey, Holly. Joe Biden keeps on saying his uncle Bozy was a hell of an athlete. Apparently, he wasn't on the swim team. [Music] Hey, Holly. You know, if she charged tolls to leave Massachusetts, she'd make a ton of money. [Music] Wait, so Biden's uncle didn't get eaten my cannibals? Man, I knew that story seemed a little hard to swallow. [Music] That was your last chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. That does it for the chumpline today again. Do we have Howie back now? Not back, I think. All right, you're back. I'm sorry. We missed the chumpline. So if you want to wrap it up. Right, I apologize for the technical problems. And I think we have them under control now. But anyway, that's it for the chumpline today. The chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of The Howie Carr Show. You can call and leave a message at any hour of the day between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. Anyway, the chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message. 844-542-844-542-442-442. Press 2 for the chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just want to hear a second brand new chumpline every weeknight, every weeknight, it's available 7 p.m. It's posted. It's called Chop Chumps, the second chumpline of the day. You can get chop chumps wherever you get your Howie Carr Show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ReadyWise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. And again, today we have a cheap bastard deal with 100 serving sampler bucket, a $125 value for $62.50, that's an even better buy and use Howie25 as your code right now and you get an even bigger discount. Howie25, but go to and get the cheap bastard deal. It turns out Ilhan Omar's daughter is just a chip off the old he job. She's she's an angry black girl because she's got so much to be angry about. I'm Howie Carr. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-42 or text the word Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. The Howie Carr Show is back. Get the Ilhan brothers, revival. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance? To see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have held me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in the US House, would you vote for the $60 billion aid package to you rain tomorrow? No, I would not. 93% say no. Not much movement today, but it's gone up one percentage point from 92 to 93. All right, joining us now is John from New York to discuss the latest financial news. And I think the most interesting thing I've read today, John, is this thing from CNBC about the jobless, the first time claims for unemployment benefits have not fluctuated at all for four weeks. I mean, they haven't changed like one, it's 212,000, 212,000 again and again. And then this weekend went up to 222,000. Like they decided they had to mess around with it. It's almost like these aren't real numbers, isn't it, John? Who knew Joe Biden was steady yeti? Not me. Magidive Trump had tried something like this. Yeah, the numbers are so bad. And it's finally catching up, Howie. Stocks really got hit. Now the money's coming out today. All these technology stocks really got hit this week. And the NASDAQ, which you know is the leader, is only up 2% year to date. Just to give you one idea of this company called Super Micro Computer that had been one of these AI stocks, it plunged $300 this week. $300? Yeah, from 1,020 at the peak this week to 713 on the close. All the money's coming out and it's going into the safer stocks like American Express and JP Morgan. So basically the Dow was up today, but the rest of the stock market was down quite a bit because it's come out of technology. So the seven stocks that were holding up the market for months, it went down to four. How many is it down to now of the seven? Well, I don't know exactly, but I could tell you in the video, which you probably read about has been the market leader. That peaked at 9.75 and today it's 7.62. It was down almost $90 today. 90 bucks? Yeah, NVDA, $90. No, I know, I know, yeah. So what does this mean, John? It's just that they can't keep printing money, that they're just running on fumes now with the Federal Reserve and whatever other tricks they've tried. They're not working anymore. Well, yeah, well, yeah, it basically what happened this week is, you know, the stuff's been overvalued. I've been telling you that for a couple months now, but I'll just give you one example. The Treasury next week is going to sell 213 billion of new notes. This is in one week. 75 billion of that's new money. They also announced between May and July, they have to raise a trillion dollars to finance a deficit. $550 billion, that's new money. Meaning, it just printed out of thin air. Well, yeah, nobody's going to, the only person that's going to buy it at the rate they're issuing it is the Fed eventually and the market's definitely out. You're going to get higher inflation. So it is catching up the Joe Biden. The, a lot of the stunts that they pulled last year are beginning to unwind on them. So we could be in for a big decline, although today, most of the money, like I said, moved into the Dow stocks, so it wasn't that bad, it wasn't that bad. Are they going to be able to hold this off until after the election? I mean, that's what they, that's all they care about. It's just trying to, you know, steal the election. Are they going to be able to hold close tone at that long? I don't know. The money's drying up. And like I said, these declines today, when you get home, you can look at it. Everybody's super micro in the video and the video literally down 200 points. And that's a liquid company. It's, there's nothing to matter with the company. It was just higher rates are catching up with the market. God, let's play, let's play cut 10 as we go, as we leave, John. Cut 10 from Biden today. Well, guess what, we've created $550 billion in investments here. John, $500 billion, $50 billion. Who's counting? Thanks, John. Have a good weekend. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242. And it's that time of the week. The third hour of the Friday show, that means it's time for police blotter facts Friday. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police blotter. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, a duly authorized organization swings into action. A fact! A fact is coming through! Oh, yeah, your facts! Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear. Hard-boiled action and mystery. So stand by for trouble and suspense. Stand by for adventure. You know how it works? All week long, we ask you to send in funny stories about the local police. First responders, L-E-O's, whatever you want to call them. Stories you see online or in your local daily or weekly newspapers, some police departments still have their own columns, where they print the police blotter, the police log, you know, Hampshire State Police send out the police logs every week. No narrative, but they're just there. But anyway, send the funny items you see to police blotter at Police blotter at We check them out, and at this time, every Friday, we read the funniest entries of the week, in our opinion, just to see what was going on, just as long as they're not grotesque and bloody, just as long as they're somewhat entertaining and funny. We prefer a humorous element. Yes, we prefer humorous elements. We prefer animals, naked men, naked women. Adult beverages are allowed, but just, you know, not too gruesome. That's all we ask. So how we go to police blotter at And at this time, we read the best entries, the two best entries of the week, in our opinion, get a nice prize. What do they get this week, Taylor? It'll get a go-woke, go-broke t-shirt. Go-woke, go-broke t-shirt. Okay, so these are the runners up. Yes, they do not win a prize. Michigan police say dispute over subpar sushi leads to sword fight, assault, and feces throwing. This is a-- Subpar sushi? Is this at a gas station? Can you use those, that old cliche? It doesn't appear to be. The Traverse City Police Department in Michigan arrested a man Tuesday after he allegedly assaulted a man with a sharp object over an argument about subpar sushi. The suspect, a 20-year-old male, was allegedly upset because the victim, a 27-year-old, brought sushi to a campsite Monday that he did not like. The suspect allegedly became violent and swung at the victim with a sharp object. Why didn't he have some potato chips or a hot dog or something else? Yeah, you always get a-- you always get a bring-in alternative. You can't guarantee everybody's gonna like what you bring. Who brings sushi to a campsite? That's a weird choice. It is. You're asking for trouble. That lends itself, you've got to travel from wherever you got the sushi out into the boonies. I doubt there's a sushi place near a campground. Sushi is a tricky thing to begin with. Margaret was asking me how good the food at Marlago is. I'm not a big sushi person, but they have fantastic sushi there, too. I can't imagine you eating sushi. I would have thought that you have never tried sushi before. No, I had some. I had some salmon the other night. You asked Jay Kennedy from Kennedy Carpet. Sushi's great stuff, but this guy didn't like it. He started swinging a sharp object, either a machete or a hatchet. I'd like to think it's a samurai sword. I think that fits in with the theme. The two allegedly engaged in what police described as a sword fight as the victim grabbed a shovel to defend himself in the middle of the struggle of-- Was it a sword fight? It was a shovel fight. Shovel is a hammer and a sickle, sword and a shovel, whatever. In the middle of the struggle, a third unknown person allegedly flung feces at the victim. The 20-year-old suspect was arrested for phlonious assault, and police said they did not find any weapons inside of the tent of the suspect, but alleged that three hatchets and two shovels were found in a nearby tent. They'd never find weapons in a tent. That's the lesson of massing casts over the years. They never found the guns. Don't let this next story destroy your faith in the integrity of the hip-hop community. The rap artist known as Glorilla has been charged with drunken driving in Georgia. Glorilla, whose real name is Gloria Woods, was charged Tuesday with first-defense driving under the influence of alcohol, having an open container of alcohol and failing to obey a traffic-controlled device. Woods, 24 of Memphis, Tennessee--I'm gonna call her Glorilla, the name that she wants to go by. I like the name. She was arrested by police in Swagney about 30 miles northeast of Atlanta. Officers pulled over a black Mercedes Benz after it was seen making a U-turn at a red light. I asked Woods how much she had consumed and what beverages she had consumed. However, Woods continued to relay that it does not matter and she was good to drive, the officer wrote. Woods' eyes appeared to be bloodshot. She had a hard time finishing her thoughts and refused to take a breathalyzer. She was booked into the jail at 612 a.m. on Tuesday. 612 a.m. Yeah. Okay, she was up early. And by the way, if you had--if you bet that she has multiple tattoos, you win! Glorilla, I've not heard any of her music, so I can't say I'm too familiar with the rap stylings of Glorilla. St. Peter-- Yo! Yo! Yo! That's the beginning of one of her songs. I'm looking forward to a yo-passi-glorilla collab. I think that'll be-- It's a-- Waiting for tonight! Oh! Should be good. I'm guessing that's a few years down the road, though. You never know. They could end up in the same pen someday. Maybe yo-passi starts identifying as a woman. Well, they have a few co-ed federal pens, but she's looking at state time anyway, so probably not. St. Petersburg man arrested in bizarre pizza dough brawl with roommate. A man's pizza-making session turned violent after he threw dough at his roommate and damaged furniture in their St. Petersburg department over coughing sounds. Please say-- Over what? Coughing sounds. Please say 32-year-old Joseph Tresselt was arrested on charges of criminal mischief and simple battery. According to the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office, the battery began while Tresselt was preparing a pizza and heard voices instructing him on his pizza-making techniques. I hate when that happens. The situation escalated when Tresselt's roommate began coughing-- Was it a little-- Was it a little Caesar or-- It's a pizza. Tresselt responded to his roommate's coughing by throwing a piece of pizza-dough at his roommate, striking his roommate on the hip. The arrest affidavit states that the roommate sustained no visible bruising during the incident. Tresselt then entered his roommate's room and forcefully slammed his dresser, damaging the frame in the process. Following his arrest, Tresselt admitted to the pizza-dough attack and the dresser damaged during an interview with police. Explained his actions by stating his dislike for his roommate's coughing and his anger. Do you think there was alcohol involved in this incident? I think there's definitely a history between these two roommates, and this was just the final straw. Final slice, if you will. Overland St. Louis County Overland men stole $1,500 worth of vibrators. He's currently in the St. Louis County jail accused of stealing more than $1,500 worth of vibrators from the Hustler Hollywood store in Berkeley. Please say that Christopher Booth, 34, entered the store one day. Any relation to John Wilkes? I don't think so. Enter the store one Wednesday evening last month and took eight high-end vibrators from the shelves. So that answers my question. How much does a vibrator cost? About just under 200 bucks. These are, I guess, I would imagine their high-end. Booth allegedly stole vibrators made by Swedish sex toy company Lilo, that retail for a little less than $200 each. Booth had been at the porn and erotica store the day prior and had gotten into an argument with employees before being asked to leave. Employees easily identified him as the alleged thief by his large 3-1-4 neck tattoo. How many times do we have to repeat that? If you want to have a life of crime, it's probably wise to avoid getting neck or face tattoos. Definitely. A law enforcement subsequently located the vibrators listed for sale on Facebook marketplace by Booth that didn't even have a burner Facebook account. Interviewed by police, he denied having a Facebook account. Dumb criminals. Drunk vultures rescued and released after hangover meal. Wildlife rehabilitators, a place called Hope in a post on social media, said that the two vultures nicknamed the dynamic duo were found unable to balance or stand. They were literally drunk, the facility said. Unable to balance, stand kept passing out or in our eyes actively dying. We ran every test and in the end they were too drunk to fly. The facility said that their staff members and those at the Watertown Animal Control suspected the worst and were confused about what was happening with the two birds. What state was this in? Which Watertown was this in? This is Connecticut. They didn't know what was happening with the two birds until the details of their story fell into place and it was eventually deduced that the vultures were simply intoxicated and not dying. These two, the dynamic duo, celebrated a day early for the eclipse by dumpster diving and getting themselves into something that was fermented enough to cause severe intoxication. The two birds were then given plenty of fluids and were tucked in overnight so they could recover from the hangover. The next day they were given a big breakfast to regain their health before they could be released back into the wild. Did they give them a little Bloody Mary here as a dog? They must have been pretty hungover. Bloody Roadkill? Yeah, something like that. I don't like the name dynamic duo. They should have called him Heckle and Jackle. Heckle and Jackle? Yeah, you know Heckle and Jackle, don't you? No. They were these two magpies in cartoons in my era. Back in the Little Rascals days? This was post, yeah, they were on TV at the same, black and white TV at the same time, but they post-dated Uncle George. They weren't nearly as good as Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom Yom. But they were okay for Saturday. They were by the same company that made Mighty Mouse, I think. One more story before we go to break how a Texas mom went on cruise left young kids home alone. A Texas woman went on a cruise and left her children an eight-year-old boy and a six-year-old girl home alone in the family's $3,600 a month apartment in Houston. According to a criminal complaint, neighbors of Laquisha Woods Williams, 29 years old. Laquisha? Laquisha. Is there an apostrophe in there? No, it's Lake and Shaw, Laquisha, L-A-K-E-S-H. I wonder if she's in relation to the wife of the mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Her name was La Apostrophe Cuita. Well, this is Laquisha Woods Williams. She might be related to Glorilla. His last name was Woods, Gloria Woods, I believe. Neighbors spotted her departing the luxury McKinley apartments on April 4th with luggage and bags and never saw her return to the location. Aware that children may have been left in the 21st floor apartment, which does have a balcony, a witness- 21st floor? Yep. With a balcony? Eating a six-year-old kid. Cops who visited the complex on April 9th discovered the two children in the apartment. So five days had gone by. What could possibly go wrong? Yeah, got in. The apartment was in complete disarray and had trash and leftover food all over the unit. The children told police that their mother had left them since April 4th to go on vacation on a cruise. They didn't know when she'd be back. The boy used a phone to text his mother while she was vacationing, and cops found a webcam that Williams allegedly was using to watch and talk to the children while she was away. Children were examined and they were subsequently released to the custody of their aunt. After an April 12th court hearing a judge ordered Williams who was busted on a felony child, a bad admit count locked up in lieu of $25,000 vales citing the egregious nature of this offense. The son texted his mom, "You have the right to remain silent." According to a financial affidavit, Williams earns $6,000 monthly working full-time for a nursing service. She's lived for the past year in a 1,300-square-foot apartment with two bedrooms and two baths. The McKinley complex features an outdoor pool, club room, library, fitness club, sports lounge, and private wine storage. Is there a special room for the parole? Too bad they don't have their own lock up, exactly. Yeah. All right, we'll get to the winners after the break, Howie. All right, 844-542, 42, we'll be right back on Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. He's Howie Car, and he's back. The cheap bastard deal, the Reddy Wise 100 serving sampler bucket has sold out, but if it's not too late, if you missed out on today's deal, Reddy Wise is running a special on their site just for Howie Car Show. Listeners get 25% off, 25% off any full-priced items at with code Howie25. That's code Howie25, or you can call them at the toll-free number 85595 ready and talk to somebody if you want to figure out what you want, but it's a good deal, Reddy Wise. All right, do we have any time for runners up or just straight to watch? We do not, straight to the winners here. I'm cracking this beer, okay? Florida man asks, please, if he can drink a beer during his arrest. A Florida man who is wearing sunglasses at night asked officers to let him crack open another cold one shortly before he was arrested. It allegedly fired a gun during a dispute with a neighbor. Port Orange Police Department said officers responded to a dispute between neighbors shortly before 9 p.m. Tuesday video showed the complaining neighbor alleging that his neighbor drove by earlier opening his window and telling me that he was going to shoot me. At that moment, a shot can be heard in the area. You see what I mean? The complaining neighbor says officers followed the sound of sound and found the suspect Brett McPeek outside of his residence. Brett McPeek, was he high? No, he was not an officer directs McPeek to show his hands and stay where he is. McPeek said, quote, "I'm cracking this beer, okay?" The officer asks if McPeek has any firearms. He said, "No." Officer asks if there's firearms in the house. He said, "Yes." Speaking over his radio, the officer said McPeek has two beers in his hand. This beer is cold, sir, and I want to drink it, McPeek said. Two beer McPeek. The officer declined and McPeek said, "Well, I'm going to drink this beer. Is that cool?" McPeek insists he's done nothing wrong. Please search the house and they found two handguns. One of which was a 38 special revolver with a special gift. Were you drinking bushes? Maybe. Sorry, I'm trying or maybe a course. I'm thinking I'm going for the mountain motif with the peaks. Yeah, it doesn't exactly say, I'm sorry. Our last story, final winner here. Brazilian woman brazenly wheels elderly man's corpse into bank to cosign alone for her. In a mind-boggling scene, straight out of weekend, at Bernie's a Brazilian woman. I thought it was straight out of the White House. She reportedly wheeled the corpse of an elderly man into a Rio de Janeiro bank Tuesday to try to get him to cosign. The bank customer, identified as Erika De Sousa, Viera Nunes, was captured on video standing next to the deceased seated in a chair and seemingly holding up his drooping head. He looked better than Biden did at that Wawa yesterday. She was trying to get a $3,400 loan. Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign the papers. If you don't sign, there's no way because I can't sign for you. Nune says in the video, "Sign" so you don't have to get him away. And then the uncle says, "I told the Israelis not to invade Haifa." Don't, don't. When a bank worker tries to point out that the man's color looks often, he appears not well, Nune dismisses his concerns. He's like that, he doesn't say anything. He's warning his uncle was eaten by cannibals. He's sad. It was later determined that the decident identified as 68-year-old Paulo Roberto Braga had been dead for several hours prior to his trip to the bank. Just because he's dead doesn't make him a bad person. He's planning to vote for Joe Biden in the fall. Thank you, Taylor. We'll be back. And now we car.