The Howie Carr Radio Network

Jury full of Red Flags | 4.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Look. Not every single middle-aged woman who reads the New York Times is crazy. But Howie thinks the chances are significantly worse for Trump after a look at his jury.

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19 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by Balance 7. Stop procrastinating and get your energy back. New customers can save 20% and get free shipping at with Code Howie. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. People are doing better. And then you have this AP poll saying have Biden's policies helped or hurt you. Hurt a lot says 42%. Yeah, whoosh. But being weird, you can't even make speeches. Some say it doesn't even make sense. I don't even understand what he's saying. Are you sure about that? That important foreign product, I'm exporting for their products. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. I know there's a lot, a lot of interest in reports from the Middle East overnight. I'm going to say it now, though I know you all will will certainly ask me about it, that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. Please disperse. I think you see here, please. Bush. Is let's be clear a vote for Trump. Don't do it. Vote for Trump. Excuse me, vote for Biden. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... Howie Car. 844-542-428-4444-542. That's the number to call if you'd like to be on the show today or leave a message on the chumpline. Just press two for the chumpline and you will be there. And we've got a lot of stuff to get to here and we've got police, water, facts, Friday. And I just want to give you a tease for something that's coming up in the last hour. This woman, Monica Tibbitt's nut in UTT. Monica Tibbitt's hyphen nut. She's the secretary of transportation for the Commonwealth, $196,000 a year. She has a wife and a to adopt the daughter, she might expect. And she wants to change the world. And one of the things she wants to do, among other things, is give out more tickets to motorists to teach them a good lesson. And I just want to play this one cut. We got a lot of cuts to play, but I just want to give this to you as a tease for later in the show. Cut 20. Monica Tibbitt's nut. This is Governor Healy's transportation secretary cut 20. So then what are we doing as this aggressive? We're getting really, really aggressive. We are pushing for last morning's more citation. Take it. Because I'm telling you, some slows someone down real quick, like in your license suspended. And the beauty is we get to be in charge of that too. Because we will 100% take your license. We have absolutely no problem doing that. Feel free to plead this out in a hearing. That's only for US citizens, of course, though. If you're an illegal alien, feel free to drive without a license. Feel free to drive an unregistered, uninspected, uninsured vehicle. But if you are an American citizen in an F-150, you and you drive five miles over the speed limit, we're just going to take away a license. Because we can do it. Because, you know, we're the bosses. By the way, she's safe. It says prominently in her biography. She's a first generation college graduate. Welcome to the club. It's a mighty big club out here. Monica Tibbitt's nut. Like that's... And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Sure you would. Yeah. She once went to McDonald's, too. Wow. It's almost as exclusive as being a first generation college graduate. Wow. Boy, she's really pulled herself up by the bootstraps, hasn't she? 844-500-4242-844-500. We got a lot of these cuts to play, though, as the hours go by. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie to LA, one of the possible anxieties of both the Israeli and the Iranian pilots in your audience. They should know that between and within the nations of Israel and Iran, there are no known tribes of cannibals. There are tribes of bushes. There are tribes of savages, but zero cannibals. Someone pointed out today that when Israel was attacked last week, they got aid from some of their neighbors, including Muslims like Jordan. Did Iran get any aid from any of its neighbors when it was attacked last night? I don't believe it did. You know, they talk about pariah states in the mid-east. I think the ultimate pariah state right now is Iran, Dennis. The most is homophobic countries in the world right now are all Muslim. I know. Israel is not trying to overthrow Jordan. Israel is not trying to overthrow Saudi Arabia. Iran is. Guess who side those countries are going to be on? I think Egypt would fall into that same category. They may have people in their countries, some Muslims, that have some sympathy for the Palestinians, but the governments certainly don't have any sympathy for the Palestinians who are supported by the Iranians. Who could have ever predicted this, Dennis, that if you give a pariah terror rogue state a lot of money, it would not make them more docile. It would make them more bellicose, and they would use the money to try to kill you. Who could have ever predicted this? After studying history in human nature, Dennis. Can I ask you something about zealots? I mean, if somebody has involved in self-immolation and you put him out, are you denying him his truth? I like the way the fire chief put it. He said, we arrived on the scene and put him out. I mean, I guess that's technically what they did, but doesn't mean they put the fire out. And by the way, he didn't just have the UNC connection. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. However, his LinkedIn portrait is with Bill Clinton. Now, if his LinkedIn portrait had been with Donald Trump, that would be the big story. He's a nut, but he has it taken with Bill Clinton. Oh, it's just, he's just a mentally ill young man. Thanks for the call. Margaret, you're next with Howie Carter. Go ahead, Margaret. Hi, Howie. How was the buffet? It was excellent. It was amazing. Oh, I want to go down there with you one Wednesday. Can you say how much it was on the year? It's a lot. I mean, the prices are high. I think it's the best restaurant in Palm Beach, but the prices for the buffet are really high. I don't want to say it on the year. People will think I'm a swell, but I did it for my, I liked being with these people that I was with, but they're my clients too. They're advertisers with the company. So, it was a business expense, Margaret. I never understood the value of having a being a member of a club. People always explain it to me. It's great to be able to take your customers or your clients to a club, but I never, I never understood it firsthand until I was a member of the club. Right. Listen, do you ever watch Fox Business News channel? No, no, no, I don't. I mean, I've watched it in the past. The Prime Minister from England was on their list. Yeah, Liz Truss. She said Trump's got to get back in. She said, she talks to all the different leaders, and they said that they felt the world was safer when he was a president. Yeah. Liz Truss was a Prime Minister for 40 days last year, and she wrote a column for the Wall Street. She's promoting a new book. That's why she's on all these shows right now. But she wrote a column for the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, and she said that she was taken out by the Deep State, and she never understood it till it happened to her, and that the same thing happened to Trump and that the people of all the Western countries have got to stop these kinds of basically coups from happening against elected leaders. And again, she's embittered, but can you blame her? 40 days running a country? I mean, she lasted what a couple of days longer than William Henry Harrison, and he was like, you know, 75 years old and died of pneumonia. I mean, she just got run out on a rail. Mr. Garcia, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Mr. Garcia. You know, the mayor of Newark running for governor, you believe that? He is. I didn't know that. This is the guy that had the quiet days during during COVID. Oh, Monday, shutdown Monday. You imagine that? Every supermarket, every supermarket had to be checked now on Monday. And what the hell going on? This guy is not popular in Newark. I mean, I know I know New Jersey is insane, and you know, Menendez is your senator, and Menendez is your congressman. But surely a guy this insane can't be elected governor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed here. Give me some hope for the garden state, Mr. Garcia. I ask you a question. The equally winning in New York, Donald Trump, or he not going in New York. I think I think I unfortunately, you know, the people who, you know, voted for voted for Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush in New York. And I think he carried, he certainly carried the state. Ronald Reagan carried the state. I know that. But most of those people have moved to Florida or they're dead there, but they're not in New York anymore, Mr. Garcia. I think it's really a hard thing for him to win, even, you know, even though when he goes to places like, you know, Spanish Harlem and all the Badaga owners love him and they're chanting, "We want Trump. We want Trump." I mean, you still got all these nuts. I got to read you the list of the people that are on this jury that are, you know, I mean, at least half of the people on the jury were as nutty, at least as nutty as the guy who set himself on fire this afternoon. I mean, they let these women, you know, single women live in New York. I mean, they're not all crazy, but being a single middle-aged woman living in New York, I mean, it increases the likelihood that you're out of your mind by exponentially, as Brandon would say. Thanks for the call. 603 was the guy wearing a mask before he set himself on fire. You know, that's, you know, this is the key. This is an indicator of mental illness. If a cop suspects someone is out of his mind, you have probable cause to stop him or her if they're wearing a mask, I think, at this point. 844-542-42. I heard about a podcast. I was actually watching one with one of the two weeks, Kevin, two weeks, Kevin Squeaks, the guy that threatened to kill me on 60 minutes, the gangster. And he was doing a podcast. It was kind of interesting with this guy from Lowell. And apparently the guy from Lowell, he just amuses himself. Sometimes he shoots, he shoots photographs himself. He just cruises around Lowell or that area, northern, north of the city. And he just, he rolls down the window when he sees someone walking with a mask and just begins, begins basically, heckling them and say, Hey, you think fresh air might help you a little bit? Can't die? You're really worried about dying out here on the street? And it's just, I mean, I've seen that guy's videos. Yeah. Oh, watch out for that fresh air. That fresh air will kill you. Yeah, maybe we should pull some of that. That's it. I'm told, I just watched the podcast with weeks, but I've told it's pretty damn funny when he's out on the street, just yelling at these people with the masks on it. And I'll bet, I wonder how many, that would be a good question. How many of the people on the jury, the Trump jury in the New York wear masks? Let me guess they get this. There's what 18 of them, including the alternates. I'm going to guess at least four or five though. Yeah, that's that would be my over unders four or five. Experience the ultimate savings event with my pillows $25 extravaganza for a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two pack multi-use my pillows or stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during my pillows $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four pack dish towels. You guessed it, also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it's debut, the premium my pillows with all new geez of fabric, choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code howie. Elevate your comfort with the my pillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay, go to and don't forget the code howie. I'm howie car. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonderpug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three columns a week? Oh wow. Read his latest at He's Howie car. 603 says, believe it or not, I actually put on a mask when I'm on a plane. It's awesome. Everyone treats you royally thinking you're a fragile nut job and leaves you the heck alone. I always get a window seat too. Try it on your next flight back. It's a riot. LOL. I used to in the old days, used to take a Hitler book, a Nazi book on the plane and just have that with me. That would make him leave me alone. Both are signs of fascism so. Well, I'm just trying to educate myself. I could defend myself having a book or at least a book cover, a book jacket over another book with you know gerbils or garing or even Hitler on the cover. I would not ever wear a mask on an airplane. I don't care what kind of perks I would get. I would not want to have people looking at me the way I look at people who are wearing a mask. I don't wear a fresh hair. Dangerous. Dangerous. So, watch out for the fresh hair. Very dangerous in the morning. Oh, that guy's pretty funny. I got to watch, I got to watch an entire, an entire broadcast or podcast, whatever you call it. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo insurance audit at no charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in the US House, would you vote for the $60 billion in aid to Ukraine tomorrow? No, I would not. 92% say no. A steady 92%. 844, 542, 42. I don't think that they're presenting a very good case for it from what I heard from Speaker Johnson today. They're just sort of going along with the talking points. Russia will be on the border of Poland and the Baltic states. You're going to let Ukraine into NATO when they're already in a war. How is that going to help us stay out of a war? These people, and then the other thing is, well, most of the money is going to the military-industrial complex here in the US. Wait a second. I thought we were supposed to be suspicious of the military-industrial complex. Who was the first person who warned us about the military-industrial complex? I believe it was a Republican by the name of Dwight David Eisenhower, who was a charter member of the military-industrial complex. He was the Supreme Allied commander during World War II. Was he not, Speaker Johnson? He would seem to know more about the military-industrial complex than you would do. But that's just me. 844, 542, 917 are human beings considered fossil fuel. If so, this guy from UNC who torched himself may have lost his good standing with the left. He left some pamphlets, though, behind. Pamphlets aren't real big these days. Not many people stopped to pick up a pamphlet from someone, especially someone who's wearing gasoline on himself. And how we are. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 542, 42 people are asking who's the guy that's heckling mass people by saying it's danger. Fresh air is dangerous. Isn't his name Bean Shooter? Taylor? Yes. Bean Shooter. So how would people find him? That's his Instagram. He's on Instagram as Bean Shooter. Instagram as Bean Shooter. Okay, he said that's that's pretty funny. 844, 545. It's dangerous. Fresh air. So it's really tricky picking at picking a jury. And that's why they have jury consultants. Sarnia have had a had jury consultants. They spent hundreds of thousands of our taxpayer dollars for his jury consultants. Not that they did them a lot of good. They still give him the death penalty. But you know, you try to find people who are going to be sympathetic to you. And again, you only have a limited number of pre-emptory challenges and all this stuff. And I still remember the Bulger trial 10 years ago. And they had Whitey cold for 1920 murders. And they only ended up getting convictions on 12 because there was this woman who just fell in love with Whitey. She was a woman again. And I asked them later. I asked one of the people who was involved in the trial, the feds, the prosecution. I said, how did you let this woman onto the jury? She had a hyphenated last name. And she was a quote unquote freelance writer. I said, you know, again, that doesn't make you a nut to have a hyphenated last name and to be a freelance writer and or to be a freelance writer. But it increases the odds greatly. And the guy said to me, so we screwed up. We should have issued a challenge. But you know, in Manhattan, it's even it's even more impossible to get to get a jury of, let's be blunt, normal people. You know, there aren't a lot of normal people in that jury pool. So I'm just looking at who was picked today. A man who lives in Hell's Kitchen, that's the West Side, it's kind of gone gay now, but it was a traditionally a work in class area. Works in investment banking is married and lives with his wife. I like that. That's good. He could be a Trump. He could be a he could hang the jury. Describes himself as agnostic, but raised Catholic. That means he's kind of serious about his religion, you know, and he thinks about it. He he's uses X Twitter and follows truth social. That's Trump's group. Okay. But on the on the downside, he follows Michael Cohen, the serial purger is going to be the chief witness. Okay, here's another one. A man who lives in West Village. That's a red flag right there. Worked as a security engineer for 25 years, married with three children. Okay, I like that. He he has he's in the metal and woodworking does not have social media. This is good stuff. He has a friend or a relative or a close friend who worked for Donald Trump. Okay, that's a good guy. A man who lives on the Upper East Side originally from Lebanon, he came in he came to the country in 1980 in the midst of the Civil War. So chances are he's a Maronite Christian who was driven out when the when the Muslim, the Palestinian terrorists got got a larger share power in that troubled country. He followed on the bad side. He follows the New York Times, the BBC. That's an even worse sign. Okay, now here's here's one. This is what I mean by, you know, a total red flag. I would have just given up if I were the jury consultant or the lawyer, a woman who lives on the Upper East Side, grew up in New Jersey, works as a speech therapist for the Department of Education. In other words, government has a BA and master's degree is single with no children, single with no children. I'm sorry. Again, I hate to generalize single with no children living in New York City, working for the government. I don't think I don't. I don't know about that, but I don't think she's a friend of Donald J. Trump. I don't think she's a friend of any of us deplorables out there. She said about Trump, I do have opinions yet. Yes, but insisted she could be fair and impartial, right? A man who lives in Murray Hill, originally from Ohio, unmarried with no children, lives with an accountant. Probably gay, but that's not necessarily a total detriment. There are a lot of gay people for Trump. A woman who lives in Upper Manhattan is unmarried with no children. Again, that's not the profile you want on the jury. I don't like his persona, how he presents himself in politics. A woman who lives on the Upper East Side has a BA and a doctorate in physical therapy, married with no children. She reads the New York Times USA Today, which is just like New York Times Without the Verbs, watches CNN. No, no, no, no. Don't like that at all. Hardly any of these people have children. And again, I know it's Manhattan, but still, I don't know. I think you can get... All he needs is one, one out of 12. Can he get one out of 12? What do you think? I think he can. I think maybe he can even get two. Maybe the guy from Hell's Kitchen, the immigrant from Lebanon. I think he can get it. 844-500. Is a security engineer a security guard? I don't know what a security engineer is. 844-542-42. Dr. Phil was a jury picker. Again, it's quite a skill to pick a jury, I think. So it's like handicapping in an athletic event. Those guys are really good if you've ever tried to beat the odds in athletic events. And as the season goes on, they get better and better. If you're going to make money, I've never been serious gambler, but the football cards, I used to play the football cards. The time to win is in the early season before they really have figured out how good the teams are. You get into the late games. Again, a card is like four picks. You can't hit four picks. It wasn't possible for me. 844-542. 42. Limerick guy says, "H, I don't know about you, but I'm getting real sick of hearing the right say we screwed up." No, I am. I've been sick of it for a long time, Limerick guy. 844-542-42. Edward, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Edward. Hey Howie, I'm really getting tired of Elon Omar's daughter saying, "Now we had 15 minutes to get my stuff out." Yeah, I know. I thought in 1933 and 1934 when the Nazis gave the Jews five minutes to get their livelihoods out of their apartments or their homes. Yeah, I like one of them one of them put on social media. I had to haphazardly pack my bags haphazardly. You ever use that word, Edward haphazardly? She brought it on herself. She didn't have to be haphazardly packing her bags. Oh, and it was at 2 a.m. Oh, well, why are you scared? This is New York City. You love all the people that are on the streets at 2 a.m. in New York City. You guys, this is the society you've wanted to create. I would think you would want to join them. Don't sleep in the subways, but you o'clock said, but now you want to sleep in the subways, right? That's correct. Yeah. Thanks for the call, Edward. 844-542-508. Trump can get one out of 12, but the libs still win by sidelining him from campaigning for two months. I don't think that keeping him, I mean, it's a pain to not be on the campaign trail. He's going to be, I think, in Wilmington, North Carolina, home of another great U.N.C. alumnus, Michael Jordan, or it's his hometown, I think. But he goes to Harlem at night. That was a huge win for him compared to Biden stumbling around Philadelphia the other day. And he becomes a victim. Where is Stephen Smith? Where is the, this is Stephen Smith. And he was on with Hannity last night. He's the ESPN guy, black guy. And he was talking about how Trump is very sympathetic character to the black community now, cut to. And there I say something that might probably be termed the most uncomfortable thing that I've ever had to articulate out of my mouth from a political perspective. But I got to tell you something, as much as people may have been abhorred by Donald Trump statement weeks ago, talking about how black folks, he's hearing that black folks find him relatable, because what he's going through is similar to what black Americans have gone through. He wasn't lying. He was telling the truth. When you see the law, law enforcement, the court system, and everything else being exercised against him, it is something that black folks throughout this nation can relate to with some of our historic iconic figures. We've seen that happen throughout society. So no matter what race, what ethnicity you may emanate from, we relate to you when you're suffering like that, because we know we have. And that's what he articulated is unpopular as it was. As much as we didn't like to hear it, it's the truth. And there's no way around it. Those are all contributing factors to the state of affairs with the slippage that appears to be taken forward when it comes to President Biden. Unfortunately, how about the fact that he's senile? How about the fact that inflation is out of control? How about the fact that they he's he's he's a sleep walk in us toward everybody towards World War three? How about any of those things, too? 844-542-42. Charlie, you're next with how we car go ahead, Charlie. Yes, how you doing? Good. I just happened to stumble on your station. It's very refreshing. Thank you. Finally, our news speaks some truth. You know, I'm tired of all the Trump passion. I end up on NPR. And I don't like I don't listen to that anymore. It's just very one way. They don't speak the truth. It's always about Trump passion, passion, passion. Very concerned about this Jerry selection myself. I don't feel he is going to get a fish shot. It's just another another way of like a unfair election that's going to be happening in January. I do feel our military may have our back here in the backgrounds that people don't know about. I don't know about that. I wouldn't count on that. I just I don't think we can rely on any of that. We got to win the election fair and square. We got a too big to rig. That's Trump's one of his slogans. I like that slogan. And he's talking about sending people, you know, sending the put out of press release last night. They're going to send thousands of poll watchers. But I think it's got to be beyond poll watching. We got to get that guy Jay Valentine on again, not Taylor next week. Let's get him on again because they're going to they're not going to steal the election or try to steal the election at the well, they will try to at the polling places. But the the the real the real theft that occurs is going to occur with with high tech in the and that that's how they're going to do it. Then I you get I'm glad they're going to have a lot of poll watchers, but that's that's secondary to to the bigger problem. I think eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code how we three. He uses them in both his home and his office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming through inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and so much more. You need the Eden Pier thunderstorm three pack. I have Roscoe living with me and you know sometimes he gets not bad smelling, but he smells a little like a dog, especially when he's been doggy daycare all weekend. The thunderstorm is a beautiful dog place, a talented dog. He's a very talented dog. He's going back to the doggy daycare center in Wellesley very soon. We just signed him up again. They're so happy he's coming back. But wherever we go, now we have the Eden Pier thunderstorm. Well, every room he's in most. Back in stock now, order now at use code Howie3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code Howie3. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show. Howie Car is back. We still have some of our cheap bastard deals left. This is a great way to get into getting food in case there's a big problem down the line. Ready wise 100 serving sampler bucket. A lot of you have other ready wise cheap bastard deals or you've just bought it under normal conditions. But this is a good deal. While supplies last, you can purchase the ready wise 100 serving sampler bucket. It's $125 value for just $62.50. Get yours now at Howie Car and Click Store. Shipping is free when you order more than one bucket. So that's even a better deal. The 100 serving sampler bucket includes three breakfast options, five entree options and two drink options. It's 17,000 calories and it's 10 days of supplies food for one person. So that's about seven bucks a day. You can't beat that and they just stash it and hope for the best or you can use it and some of their most popular entree options like Pasta Alfredo, Cheesy Macaroni, BBQ beans, etc. It's a great deal. Ready wise is offering a special on their site just for Howie Car Show listeners. I get 25% off any full priced items at with code Howie25. That's if you want a different option than this one or if you get onto the site after we've sold out, it won't be long before we're sold out. They're pretty much gone but we have a few left ready wise 100 serving sampler bucket. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, Peter, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Peter. Yeah, good afternoon Howie. Yesterday we're talking, I spent a little time talking about Donald Trump versus Justin Trudeau in Canada and I found it amusing. There was a poll done recently. I thought you'd get a kick out of this. The National Post, which is a very good newspaper in Canada, commissioned a poll and they asked Canadians, you know, what do you think of this? Comparing Trump to Trudeau, where's your support? Majority of Canadians preferred Donald Trump on the matters of economic policy and national security over Justin Trudeau. I thought that was very, very interesting. Why is Trudeau still in there? What percentage of the vote? I couldn't remember and I asked a couple of Canadians who called in yesterday. What percentage of the vote, the popular vote that Trudeau get in the last election? Yes, in the last election, it was about 30% or 31% of the popular vote. And in the previous years, earlier, two years early, you got the same thing. So it's really a minority of a minority. But the way they distribute the seats makes all the difference, you know? Jerry Mandarin. It's not just for America anymore, huh? Or is it the world of Brits always did it too? They called it Rotten Burrows. Well, it must be a lot of Rotten Burrows up in north of the border, Peter. Absolutely. And but you know, let's we think that Canadians are so brilliant. I got to tell you, here's where we're really stupid. They asked about who do you prefer on the subject of immigration, Trudeau or Trump and majority of Canadians that we prefer Trudeau's policy. Yeah, they're not paying attention any more than American people, voters who like Biden are paying attention. Thanks for the call, Peter. We'll be back on How We Car.