The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump Trial in Flames, Literally plus Plagiarism Pervades | 4.19.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Someone set himself on fire in front of the courthouse where Trump's jury selection took place. Tune in for Howie's live reaction to the identity reveal of this very sick man.

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19 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. People are doing better. And then you have this AP poll saying have Biden's policies helped or hurt you. Hurt a lot since 42%. Yeah, wish. But being weird, you can't even make speeches. Some of the ***** say it doesn't even make sense. I don't even understand what he's saying. You sure about that? That important foreign product, I'm exporting for their products. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I know there's a lot, a lot of interest in reports from the Middle East overnight. I'm going to say it now, though I know you all will certainly ask me about it, that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. Please, it's worse. I think you can see here, please. Is, let's be clear, a vote for Trump. Don't do it. Vote for Trump. Excuse me, vote for Biden. Trump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. It's Friday afternoon. The Congress will be in session tomorrow, at least the House will, to consider more handouts to Ukraine. And I think that's a good bear poll question. How would you vote on handouts for Ukraine? But the news of the world continues to be extremely weird. Try not to let this destroy your faith at Harvard University. But here's a headline just went up in the New York Post. Harvard Medical School professor massively plagiarized report for Lockheed Martin's suit. That's a judge said that. I can't, I cannot believe that. Assistant professor Deepak Panagrahi sent it a 500 page report. And the judge said the plagiarism in this report is so ubiquitous throughout the report, it is frankly overwhelming to try to make heads or tails of just what is Dr. Panagrahi's own work. But of course, this is the university that had as its president until recent last couple of months. Dr. I'm putting it in air quotes, Claudine Gay, who plagiarized most of her academic career. And now she's still making $900,000 after basically being fired as president of Harvard University. And she's going to teach a course this fall for her $900,000 a year salary. And reading and research, reading and research. Shouldn't it be cutting and pasting that she's teaching the course in? She even plagiarized the acknowledgement in her doctoral dissertation. A protester outside the trial of Donald Trump in Manhattan just set himself on fire. There's a press conference going on about it. Some guy looks like he's a nut. And he waited until all the jury was picked. And then he decided to set himself on fire. Let's pick up a little bit of press conference. Efforts to put him out. They use their coats. They use fly extinguishers. Eventually, F.D. and Y response. We're able to put the mail extinguisher fire. And from that point, we remove him to Cornell burn unit where right now he's there in critical condition. At this moment, I'll let a fly commissioner talk about the condition of the mail and the condition of people who also helped and who are witnesses over there. Commissioner. As the chief mentioned, the victim is in critical condition, but is alive and intubated at Cornell Burn Center at this time. There were four three NYPD officers and one court officer. So four officers who had minor injuries from their exposure to the fire. They are all fine. They are stable and they are green tags, which is minor at this time. 844-542. Meanwhile, the secretary of transportation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts gave a weird speech. She's one of these people with a hyphenated last name, Mary to a woman. And I get compliments on the hyphen. Sure you would. Sure you would. Yeah. And she wants to toll on all of the highway entrances into Massachusetts. She wants to tax lift and Uber delivery drivers and I assume Amazon delivery says anyone who's there, anyone who's making money has to be taxed more. And they're wondering why people working age residents are leaving Massachusetts at an amazing rate. Here's an interesting story from CNBC. I'm just going to try to go over a few of these things that we're going to get to throughout the course of the day. Something strange has been happening with jobless claims numbers lately. For the five of the past six weeks, the level of initial jobless filings totally exactly 212,000. No change, just 212,000, period. Given a labor force that is 168 million strong, assuming such stability seems at least unusual if not uncanny, yet that is what the figures released each Thursday morning since mid-March have shown. "How is this statistically possible?" said one market veteran. "Whether seasonality holidays, economic vibrations drive the number of people filing claims from week to week and state to state. Yet this measure is so stable it does not vary by even 1,000 applications per week. It's almost enough to make you think they're just making the numbers up. Just making the numbers up. 844, 542, here's an interesting story out of Maryland. Maryland teen accused of raising schools shooting after memoir raises alarms. The guy's name, he wanted to shoot up the school. His name is Alex Ye. But you have to read down to the fourth or fifth paragraph in some of the stories in the Washington, D.C. state run media. And some of them, they don't have it at all. 18-year-old Alex Ye of Rockville, whose legal name is Andrea Ye. You mean he's kind of like the school shooter in Maryland? You mean it's ma'am. It is ma'am. Well no, in this case it's mister. Don't call Andrea ma'am, call Andrea Alex because Alex is mister. Court documents state that the memoir was about a transgender main character named James Wang. Police said in court records that Ye's sexist female, but he uses male pronouns. The writings included detailed descriptions of how the character would carry out a shooting, saying he would cherry pick the classrooms that are easiest targets. And he said he might have gone after elementary schools because that was easier. But yeah, Maryland teen accused, that's ABC News. This is from another D.C. station Montgomery County student. There's nothing about transgender in these stories. I don't understand it. Even though it's mentioned, even in the Montgomery County, which is one of the most woke counties in the U.S., but the official statement, Rockville teen, not Rockville transgender. I wonder why. I wonder why they're not telling the truth here, huh? Why could that possibly be? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42. So this Monica Tibbetts nut, who wants, oh, she also wants to increase the excise tax. And she said she's going to do anything. She's going to, you know what? She also wants. And she said this in a speech. This is all on tape. We'll play the actual cuts later on. She's angry because the cops aren't giving out enough tickets. She wants to discourage people from driving, and she says they're giving out too many warnings. They got to start giving out more speeding tickets to people. And she wants to, and even though she's the transportation secretary, her commitment is to housing, and she wants to put more new housing, public housing, that will serve the "communities." I don't know what communities these are. The communities that will be providing housing for these new illegal aliens is what it is. So they're going to use old tea land. They're going to take old tea land to let them build public housing to provide more flop houses for illegal aliens, is what it boils down to. So this is their master plan, the Democrats. And again, it's not going to happen. But the fact is that you have these nuts that are in there. And they're, I'm just looking at her, you know, what they announced when they appointed her, Monica Tibbetts hyphen nut. She is a nut. She's a one tea, her name is nut, N-U-T-T, but she's a one tea nut. All the nuts aren't on the Sundays anymore. She also serves on the WTS, whatever that is, foundation, which seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable transportation industry, and it would provide scholarships to female identifying professionals and students. I guess that means Alex Wee. He is a female who thinks he's a male. So I guess he's not a female identifying professional, so he can't get a scholarship from Monica Tibbetts nut. These are the people who are running the state. 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean that you have to. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder, Jerome Manning. One of the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price. Well, in the Manning method, there are no contingencies. In the Manning method, the buyer signs are exclusive P&S and makes it 10% nonrefundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms by which all buyers have to follow. JJ Manning uses their own 30-30 marketing plan. 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. No deviations to the purchase and the buyer's feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-5-2-1-1-1. Or visit Call Charlie today at 800-5-2-1-1-1. Or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show returns after this. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. Blue Sky by the Almond Brothers. You keep bets. The Taurus lead, the Taurus died yesterday. One of the lead, the Taurus. The age of 80. Go into Carolina. It won't be long until I'll be there. That's the final lines of that song. The day who won't be going back to Carolina is the guy who burned himself up today. He's a UNC grad, like me. So proud, so much to be proud of. It's Tar Heel alumni. Today's poll question is brought to you by Rizzo Insurance. When was the last time you had someone audit your insurance to see if you're getting the most coverage for your money? Contact Dan or Paul Rizzo at They have helped me and my staff, and they can help you save money too. Get the Rizzo Insurance Audit in. No charge, no obligation. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is if you were in the US House, would you vote for the $60 billion in aid to Ukraine tomorrow? No, I would not. 92% say no. I thought that seems about right. That seems about right. I heard Speaker Johnson on another show today, and he sounds pretty weak. Pretty damn weak on Ukraine and NATO and FISA and all this. I mean, he sounds like he got rolled, just totally rolled. And again, I wouldn't vote to remove him just because of the alternative. But he's a weak sister, as my father used to say. 844-500-4242-844-542-442. This is from the Daily Mail about Biden's comment about his uncle being eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. Do we have a statement from the cannibal who laid him? I think we do somewhere. Outraged, New Guinea academics have slammed President Joe Biden for his unacceptable suggestion that his uncle was eaten by cannibals after his... Those were the last words Uncle Bosey heard before he was turned into a frickazae. It was shot down during World War II, but it wasn't shot. We don't even know if it was shot down. It had unspecified engine problems. Local academics say Biden's characterization of the act is very offensive and that they would... And that he would not eat just any white man that fell from the sky. It depended on how hungry they were. I would assume. A local political science lecturer told reporters cannibalism was practiced by some communities in very specific contexts. Hunger! And that locals wouldn't just eat any white man that fell from the sky. How about someone from another race? Would they eat someone from another race that fell from the sky? A local academic say Biden is very offensive. His characterization is very offensive. Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum. Allen Byrd, Governor of Papua New Guinea's Province of East Sepic, said he was not offended by Biden's comments instead that he had actually found Brandon's comments to be hilarious. He said he was actually at a loss for words. Governor Byrd suggested that Biden probably heard his parents claim Finnegan was eaten by cannibals as a child and that the family legend "probably stuck with him for all his life." I think that's probably what happened. I was going to say he watched the Little Rascals, the Uncle George episode, the 18 minutes that we've been playing from all of the last couple of days. But you know what? Biden is so old. He didn't see it on TV. He saw it in the movie theater. It was a double feature with a couple of monogram Charlie Chan movies or Republic Westerns or something like that. 844, 500, 42, 42, 802 as impossible as it sounds within a few weeks time or way sooner Brandon will say something crazier than his uncle being eaten by cannibals. Oh, I don't think there's any doubt about that. You know, my thought is though that isn't whoever thought you would read a headline anywhere about a president of the United States and cannibals. And under my own, Scranton is where I played shortstop at the Grimys Little League in the first year. It was put up, my dad helped build the field down there and spent a lot of time at Simi's by and Penny Candy and Hank's Hogis on Woodlawn Street. Someone says Uncle Bozy, the other white meat. 203, the guy that set himself on fire gives new meaning to Tarheel. We didn't come here to be made sport of me and John Edwards and Lawrence Taylor. Have some respect for isn't the nation's oldest public university or second. I think it's the nation's oldest. I'm Howard Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, 603. When it comes to cannibalism, I prefer dark meat. Someone asked, someone asked one, Uncle George. That's the guy in the little rascal skit. If what Uncle Bozy tasted like and he said, like chicken. 844, 500, 42, 42. Chickens. Chickens tasted like chickens. I wonder if he'll say that again. I wouldn't put it past him. Did you see that what was weird yesterday, though, was the thing at Wawa, where he couldn't close the box and he just wandered away with his Italian sub, a hoagie. It was when he hands the, "Here is your tip." What was the last time you said to someone, "Here is your tip." You know who says, "Here is your tip." Someone who has never tipped in his life. Another tell that he's never tipped in his life is when he brags about how he's the one who always goes at the banquet. He's the one who always goes around and thanks the waiters. What? The bus boys. If you're the one who thanks them, they're going to make sure everybody knows. You get word of mouth if you're good to help. You know, if you've ever worked at a restaurant, you know that the bus boys and the people who are busting the tables, they're just trying to move. They have a hard job. They're busting their humps most of the time. If Joe Biden is wandering over to you, "Hey, you're doing a good job." I'd be like, "Oh man, get out of the way. I got to get these dishes to the back." Yeah. Are you drunk or are you gay or are you both? That's what you would, if it was a male bus boy. That's what you would think. You wouldn't appreciate it. If you want to say something, just give away and say, "Thanks." That's it. That's all you got to do. But Joe has to let you know. And Grace's husband is a member of the IBEW. But Joe Biden today at least got the initials correct, I think, didn't he? Did he? Grace? Or maybe he just didn't say, the last time he talked about the International Brotherhood of Electoral Workers, he called them the I.E. B.W. And he got it right today. He got it right today, right? Okay. Because he's the most pro-union president in the country. Well, again, as I repeat this because it bears repeating. Not only has he never been in a union, he's never done any kind of job that has unions. He's never had a job. It's like Homer said yesterday when he was talking to Raskin. And Raskin said, "Well, Trump made money in Russia." And he said, "Well, Trump had businesses. The Bidens have made money in all these foreign countries. What business are the Bidens in? Product or service have the Bidens ever provided." And of course, that shut Raskin up. Or should I say Raskins? Anyway, time for Grace with the nose. Howie News out of California. File this under who could have seen this coming. Fast food prices in California rose 7% in a six-month period leading up to the state's new $20 an hour minimum wage that has forced franchisees in the Golden State to cut back on work hours, postpone capital improvements, and expedite the rollout of self-serve kiosks. This is from the New York Post. McDonald's down the street from us here at the studio has a self-serve kiosk. They do? Yeah, they do. But it's tough because you can't use cash at it. You know what I mean? You have to use a card. And it's always asking me to sign up for the app. It's like, "Well, I'm not trying to be friends here. I'm just trying to order a burger." Yeah, every one of these places has their own app. Dunkin' Donuts Starbucks. See, the Dunkin' app I used because it's easy for me to flash my phone. But McDonald's, it's like once in a while I'm there. I don't need to sign up and search in emails from you so you can check in. How did it go with your Sunday? How did it go with the burger? How'd you like your soda? Enough. There was only one reason to eat at McDonald's. And that was that it was cheap, right? If it's not cheap, why are you going to McDonald's? I know it is getting extremely pricey. But I still stand by a hot fresh Sunday from McDonald's. There's nothing better. There's nothing better. It hits every time. Well, no. It hits every time the ice cream machine is working. But those are rare occasions. Yes. But now the minimum wage, and we were having a conversation about the minimum wage in California because of that Panera cut out for Panera with the bread and the guy who runs Panera or owns a lot of franchises. He's also a good friend at Gavin Newsom. With the high school together, and he's a big campaign contributor. Yeah. And so this is the latest update at California registered the highest rate of menu price inflation in the country in the period leading up to April 1st when the minimum wage increased from $16 an hour to $20 an hour went into effect according to a study by data essential. Washington State saw the second highest price hikes for fast food items which rose 6.1% during the same period. Also, how we follow up from yesterday, Columbia students rebuild anti-Israel solidarity camp less than 24 hours after mass arrest. This is kind of becoming like the Chaz. Or was it the Chad in Seattle? Chaz. I think it was Chaz. It was Chaz. Okay. Well, this is the Chaz of Columbia. Student protesters at Columbia University reassembled their anti-Israel tent encampment on a central campus lawn early Friday, less than 24 hours after the NYPD arrested more than 100 people at the original installation. Did you see the front page of the New York Post today? I didn't. E-victory. And they had them being dragged out. E-victory. Got it? Oh, yes. Yes. So that took me a second. I was just, I was actually just talking about all the headlines at the New York Post. How about the Ilhan Omar's daughter? Have you, have you been following what she's into? She is, again, this is a woman. Her mother came in to the country on welfare. They were all on welfare. She committed immigration fraud to get her brother into the country and claiming it was her husband. So is this, so who's the father of this, of this isra? Hersey. Is this the, is this the, her uncle? Is the father? Is her father? I was wondering that too. I didn't know Ilhan Omar had a daughter until this news broke yesterday. So I'm not sure. Well, yeah, let me tell you something else about her. She has on her. We can find out this daughter is actually her sister. Well, if it's, well, isn't it, that's, that's like the old Chinatown thing, isn't it? So if for, no, if the, if the, if the, the brother is the father of the daughter, then this is a riddle, this is, this is really, this is like one of those questions you'd get at school. You know, like the continental math where it's really hard to figure out if her brother is also her sister, then what does that make her mother? Well she has a hammer and sickle on her Twitter account, a hammer and sickle because she's been treated so shabbily and her whole family's been treated so shabbily being on welfare of one former and other since they arrived and get to check all the boxes, get to, get to, you know, get, get in line and get all the nice, nice benefits ahead of Americans who've been here for generations and worked and fought. They just come over here and flop. I'm a Somali. You have to give me everything. So she has a hammer and sickle on her Twitter and she, she, she did a lecture, believe it or not at Wake Forest University where I used to, in the town, I, a town I used, another town in North Carolina, I used to live in Winston Salem. And you know what the title of her talk was, Grace? What? An angry black girl because she's got so much to be angry about, right? She said it's so tough. Well, a lot of the people who got the boot yesterday from Columbia and also their dorms, they couldn't get into their dorms are very angry. They were writing rants on social media looking for sympathy. I haven't been this sad since they, they threw the, the gay guy from Vandy out. Remember him? A couple of weeks ago. He said he was trying to escape the, the, the racism in the deep South turns out he's from Flagler County in Florida. That's suburban, that's suburban Jacksonville. That's where, that's where, well, your husband went to college. Yes. Second shout out. Well, today. A lot like Emmett Till country, isn't it? The cross-burnings every night down there. This guy, he's just this, this, this gay guy, this privileged, rich, gay, white guy. And now he's angry that he's been thrown out of Vanderbilt. Howie Grace's News is brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth. Keep your Toyota, a Toyota and schedule your next service appointment online at Get more value with factory train technicians and genuine Toyota parts. Howie, I wanted to read this story to you because I feel like these things pop up sometimes, but it's still fun to discuss. The wife of, the wife of a top official in President Biden's White House is considering a run for Congress in New Hampshire. Have you heard about this? Yeah, I saw that. Yeah, I did see that. Jake Sullivan's wife. Did you hear about her issue? No. What's her issue? She's not voted in the district for 16 years. Yeah, but she's a beautiful person. She was interviewed by Fox News Digital, showed that the last time Goodlander voted in the district was by absentee ballot for the 2008 presidential primary and general elections. She did not vote in several follow up elections, but she eventually registered in New Hampshire's first congressional district in 2016. She works as a top lawyer in Biden administration's Department of Justice, residing in TV with her husband. That's quite an accolade for you. That's quite an achievement, isn't it? In the Justice Department, the injustice department. How strict are these rules, though? Do people are people able to circumvent this whole thing of actually living in the place you're running? Well, I mean, they're technical things. You've got to be a resident for 30 days, or you have to be on the voting rolls for the free. I think in Massachusetts, you have to be on the voting rolls for a year to be able to run for an office, but I think it varies from state to state. In some ways, Massachusetts has more stringent voting laws than New Hampshire does, like the same day registration, for instance. Howie, I will be back a little bit later with police plotter facts Friday, and just a reminder to everyone, you still have time to get your submissions in. You have about a couple of hours, but I keep checking the inbox until the very last minute, so. Okay, we have a good, very popular cheap bastard deal coming up, so hang on for that. Perfect smiles is growing. Dr. Houghton has brought in two new dentists, Dr. Sy and Dr. Tam. Both have their own specialties in dentistry. This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. Perfect smiles will be my first checkup when I return to New England in a few weeks. I've had it on the calendar since before I left for Florida. I've learned how important it is to keep up my dental cleanings. Poor oral health is linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienists at Perfect Smiles are the best. Dr. Houghton and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes so they can remain up to date on all the latest advancements in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. Parking is easy and free. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houghton, Tam and Sy. I think you will be very interested in what you hear., change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal. Sounds good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. The bleaker the news gets. The more people want to have some emergency food supplies on hand and that's where Ready Wise comes in. This is one of our most popular cheap bastard deals, anything from Ready Wise. Today we're offering a 100 serving sampler bucket. Our friends at Ready Wise have prepared a way to sample many of their most popular freeze dried emergency meals in just one bucket. The 100 serving sampler bucket includes three breakfast options, five entree options and two drink options. While supplies last and they won't last very long, you can purchase the Ready Wise 100 serving sampler bucket, that's a $125 value for just $62.50, that's a great deal, $62.50 for $125 value. Get yours now at and click on store. Shipping is free when you order more than one bucket. With us now to tell us more about today's deal is Brandon Erickson of Ready Wise. Thanks for being with us again, Brandon. Howie, thanks for having me. Great to be back. This included in today's 100 serving sampler bucket, Brandon. Yeah, this is a new item and it's quickly become one of our best selling items. It has a variety of the five different entrees, meals that people are used to eating that they love. It truly is our customers' favorites, pasta alfredo, creamy pasta with vegetables, cheesy macaroni, our barbecue beans, which is delicious. We have traditional breakfast like apple cinnamon cereal, pancake mix and a brown sugar maple multigrain. And then you have servings of whey milk and orange drink mix along with eight servings of vegetables. So it's really a combination of everything you need to get started or it's great to add on to what you've already got. So if you've already got one stashed, this gives you some breakfast, gives you some more of the entrees that are probably included in the buckets you've already bought. And then you've got some drinks to go along as well. So this is either a starter kit or an upgrade or a supplement. Yeah, this is really close to a 10-day supply for one person. There's almost 17,000 calories. So if you think about it, you really have a variety of everything you need, breakfast, lunch, dinner, some vegetables along with drink mixes. So it's a good variety for those people that are just getting started. Don't know where to start. Obviously, you're offering a tremendous deal. You're not going to find this kind of price anywhere. Or if you have additional stuff, this is going to contain stuff typically that you don't have in our buckets, that is going to be a great addition to keeping your car, sending your kids who are off in college, whatever it may be, or just have additional stuff on hand. So 10 days for one person, so if you've got two of these deals, two for one, $125, you'd have two people taken care of for 10 days, or four people taken care of for five days. Yeah, that's pretty good. So you've told us-- It's less than $7 a day. Less than $7, but that's pretty good. That's pretty good, especially in an emergency. You've told us business is picking up. What is causing people to shop for emergency food, as if I didn't know? This is a rhetorical question, but hit it out of the park, Brandon. No, the world's a crazy place. I mean, there's two wars going on. Food prices continue to go up. We continue to hear about supply chain issues. There's barges hitting bridges, and nobody can explain it. There's just a lot of things out there that are concerning to people. Now we have an election where we have one of the candidates on trial. Five years ago, you never would have guessed this would be happening, and so this is a great way to protect yourself with you and your family. We have to have food, and people know that, and it's a great value. It's easy to make. It tastes delicious, and I think everyone is just tired of relying on the government. They've let us down time and time again, so we can't rely on the government to feed us. We need to be prepared. Right. Since Biden became president, food prices are up at least 33%, probably more like 40%, and it's just out of control. The president of the United States is talking about cannibals. Who would have ever thought in the United States would be talking about cannibals, Brandon? Start to lay in an emergency supply of food with ready-wise. It really is, and this is the best deal out there, Howie. You continue to take care of all your listeners, 50% off. We're also offering Howie 25. If there's any other items you want on, you can call and talk to one of our associates. If you have questions, we'll take care of you and make sure you have every opportunity to be prepared. So if people want additional items, do you have any other specials other than the 25% off if you want to use the code? Yeah, there's a variety of specials on the website that you'll be able to find, whether it's on water filtration units, some of our other options, some of the bigger packages. They can go there and scurry the website, and they can call 85595 Ready, and those product specialists will walk through any questions they have, make sure they take advantage of any special and their promo code is applied at checkout. 85595 Ready, and this package is going to go fast, this is the best package that's available today. ReadyWise 100 serving sampler bucket, it's a $125 value for just $62, 50, just $62.50. This is three breakfast options, five entree options, and two drink options, and plus there's a lot more. Just remember the code Howie 25 to get 25% off on any deal. Thank you, Brandon. I'm not where you are. (upbeat music)