The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read Witness Lists Released: Turtleboy Joins the Show | 4.18.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie welcomes Aidan Kearney to the show as the Karen Read trial begins. Turns out, it's very hard to find an unbiased jury because of the work Aidan has done investigating the facts of the case.

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18 Apr 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. Bogo is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at, code word Howie Bogo. [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And I made it clear to Israelis, don't move on high-fat. Before Russia attacked, we made sure Russia had javelins and other weapons. Russia could end this war tomorrow by withdrawing its forces in Ukraine, reckoning international borders, and ceasing its attacks on its inhumane attacks on Russia. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We'll let the record show that Mr. Raskin could not enter the question. Let me start with this. My last name is Raskin. Let's try Mr. Buildac. Call me Robert. Let's try Robert. You don't have to add the ass. Do you know who I am? Bush. OK. We just have a cannibal tab in your book. [LAUGHTER] There's a cannibal tab in your book. That bone in his nose was born. Maybe you actually smell him. Look, that one of these are 50 cannibals. What do you mean, my uncle told you that 50 cannibals? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware. It's-- [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-42. Who would have thought it would take longer to seat a jury in the Karen Reed murder case in Dedham, Massachusetts, and it went to seat a jury in the Donald Trump non-crime case in New York City? The jury, 12 jurors, have been seated in the Trump trial. And they've got to pick a few more alternates on Monday. But there are still four jurors that have to be picked-- regular jurors that have to be picked in the Karen Reed case. Joining us now to discuss what's going on with the case is Aiden Kearney, aka Turtle Boy. He's the blogger who's been covering this. He's been outside the courtroom. Outside the Cordon Sanitaire, the 200-foot area where you can't protest you, you can't say anything. Aiden, are we going to have opening arguments on Tuesday now? I mean, there's no court tomorrow. So they'll pick the-- supposedly they'll pick the final jurors or should pick the final jurors on Monday. And we'll have opening arguments on Tuesday. Is that the way it looks? You know, that's what it's looking like right now, how. You're possibly Wednesday. We'll see, like the first day that picked four. Then they picked seven yesterday. And then they only got two today. So you never know. I sat in on some jury deliberations yesterday. I saw 40 jurors go up and did. Not one of them got picked. Not one of them got picked. It's hard to pick. This is a very educated jury pool, how we accidentally-- I don't know how this happened. I write about this a lot. I publicize it a lot. A lot of people read it. And next thing you know, the population is highly educated. So a lot of people are just coming into this, and they already know about it. I mean, I didn't mean to do that. It's not a crime to educate the population. How is it trying to make it into one? But here we are. Yeah, I know they talk about a media frenzy. It wasn't really much of a media frenzy until the last few weeks. I mean, it was basically you. I mean, for most of the time, the media in Boston was giving it a good leaving alone, as we always say. Let me ask you about this jury list here. These-- excuse me, the witness list. And I'm familiar with the witness list. I was on Whitey Bulger's witness list, and he was just trying to keep me out of the courtroom, me and several reporters from the Globe. And I mean, this is a huge list from the defense. I mean, how many of these people do you really think-- I mean, do they really want to call John O'Keefe the victim's father, do you think? Or are they just trying to keep him out of the courtroom, like Whitey was trying to keep me out of the courtroom? Well, they-- there was a motion to keep the family in the courtroom, even if they are called as witnesses. But I had heard rumblings, and I have no-- the data to back this up, that John O'Keefe's father was having second thoughts about, you know, Karen Reid's innocence was even thinking about sitting on her side. And I have no way to back that up. I can't confirm that. But he hasn't been to a lot of court dates. And I know that he was somewhat closer with Karen Reid. They got along pretty well. And if you sit here and absorb these facts, you know, the whole time, how can you not reach that conclusion? So he could be called as a character witness that, you know, because the whole case against Karen Reid is going to be-- she's a bad person. She's an angry woman and gets in cars, runs people over. The middle of the winter, that's what she does. That's what we care and read. And so I think to counter that, they're going to have to show that she's not a bad character. And if it's John's own father has good things to say about her, it wouldn't mean that would be something. I don't think they're going to put them on the list that they haven't spoken on. So, I mean, so how many-- do you really think they're going to call most of these 70 witnesses that they've put on the list? I mean, I know some of them are pretty obvious. Like, we'll call on Albert B., you know, I mean, he's not going to test. Again, we go back to the Bulger trial. They call witnesses that, you know, would have-- you know, they were going to take the Fifth Amendment. So they just said, don't even bother to come in, because they were involved in murders. Yeah, well, you know, these people claim they're not involved in murders, so they allegedly have nothing to hide. So why wouldn't they come in? And Colin Albert's got the sharpest tool in his shed. So who, God knows what he'll say or the stand? God knows what Jennifer McCabe will say on the stand. But a lot of these people will say on the stand. But I think the strongest witnesses, and I wrote about this today, Howie, are at the end. They're the expert witnesses. They have four experts that are trained in the field of accident reconstruction and injury causation, three of whom have PhDs, all of whom are hired by the FBI, and all of whom are going to testify that John's injuries could not possibly have come from being hit by a car. The Commonwealth has exactly zero witnesses that actually want to talk about the accident reconstruction and the science of this, about how his injuries could have been caused by this car. Instead, they want to talk about some trip to Aruba a month prior in which Karen Reid was rude to some, you know, salty women from Pembroke. Who are real mad about it still, and they want to talk about what a horrible person she is. That's going to be their entire case against Karen Reid. Well, I would assume the defense is going to object to that testimony as immaterial, your honor. Yeah, I mean, Harry could be as mad as she wants. It doesn't explain dog bites on the arms, Howie. Right, well, I see here one of the witnesses is from the UC Davis Veterinary Lab. I assume that's going to be a witness that's going to be testifying that she's she's specs Chloe. The the missing German Shepherd is is responsible for those marks on the late John O'Keefe's arms. Was that a defense witness or a Commonwealth witness? That's a defense witness. Terry Kuhn, K-U-N. Well, well, they didn't have, you know, they never got his arm tissue DNA that that disappeared. They never got that tested. They got some closed tests allegedly. Of course, Michael Proctor is the one that submitted the samples and they said that there was no dog DNA on those. So we'll see what those come back. But the bottom line is, Howie. There's actually the reconstruction guys that are most important witnesses. Because they are going to convince the jury that this guy could not have been hit by a car. If he wasn't hit by a car, the care Reid didn't kill him. End of story. She's going home. She's not guilty. And honestly, what I think is going to happen with this is I think the feds are just giving them the rope to hang themselves. And they're going to see how far, how far are the districtors offs going to go with this? Are they going to prevent, are they going to present evidence in court that the FBI knows that they know is bunk? Are they going to see how far are they willing to go with this game of chicken? And who wants to get indicted? But I don't see, I don't see anybody here for on the, I'm looking at the list from the defense witnesses. We should probably tweet this out actually. We should tweet out these, these defense and the prosecution witness list. Just because they're, they're kind of interesting for people that don't have them. But I don't see like Josh Levy, the US attorney, or what's her name, Cohen, who's the, the, the, the special agent in charge of the Boston FBI office. We're, why aren't they on the list? I'm told that I've heard conflicting things about this, that they have some sort of, they can't talk about an ongoing case. And so, but what do you need them for when you have the experts that the FBI hired that will tell you that John wasn't hit by a car. You got that. They're just good. So, you know, if John, if John wasn't hit by a car, care, we'd be able to kill him. End of story. So I, I'm looking at the Commonwealth's list now, these prosecution. And they have the, the police officers and the first one, the first name on the list is Michael Proctor. I, I know they don't have to call him in this, this order. But I, you know, if they put him on the stand the first day, I mean, there would be fireworks right after the opening arguments. There would be fireworks right out of the box, because he'd have to be cross-examined that he'd have to be asked about the internal investigation that he's, he's under right now, from the state police and from internal affairs. You'd have to be asked about a lot of things about why he lied to the state grand jury about not knowing the witnesses in the case, about why he was offered a gift by Julie Albert on the day that, that Carrey is arrested as the quote, unquote, thank you. Why you didn't investigate anyone inside that house? Why he didn't disclose that he's known Colin Albert for 18 months? Why he didn't interview the plow driver until after something called Turtle Boy tracked him down and interviewed him for him. That would be Brian Loughran, right? Loughran, Brian Lucky Loughran, that's him, right? You're learning how to get, you're getting all the names down. I know, I know. Takes a while to learn all these names, but you can, I know, I'm getting it. And, yeah, I mean, you can have a lot of explaining to them. And I think any juror sitting there, they're always talking about, oh, you're turning it into a juror. I don't need to influence the jury. The facts are going to influence the jury. They're going to look at, they're going to look at the exact same way I did with an open mind going into it. And they're just going to realize no way, absolutely no way, something's up here. And they're going to reach the same conclusion that we all did. I see number 66 Norfolk. Well, we'll talk about Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey. Can you stick around for one more segment and we'll ask you about Michael Morrissey. He's, I have a feeling he's not going to testify. That's, that's a hunch. 844-542-42, we'll be right back with Turtle Boy for one more segment. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. We retweeted some earlier postings with the list of witnesses in the Cairn Reed murder trial that's going to start next week. And the prosecution and the defense witness list, the prosecution's list, isn't as long as the defense list. We're also going to post them, post the lists on our website. If you, if you're not on Twitter, you can just go to Howie, in a few minutes, go to, and get the entire list. With us for one more segment here is Turtle Boy, Aiden Kearney. He's the blogger who's involved in this. And he's been following the case from, from his, from outside the courthouse. Because he, they're, they're, they're keeping the, the, the public away 200 feet away from the courthouse. Aiden, where, what are the, what do you think the chances are? The morsey is going to be on the witness stand. Then they may try to call him, but what do you think the chances of them getting on the witness stand are the defense getting him on the, the prosecutor? I mean, how can they, how can he just refuse it? I mean, they're probably going to call him. Why wouldn't they call him? Well, no, they're going to call, they're going to try to call him, but they're going to say, well, he's, he, you know, he's part of the investigation and, you know, he has, you know, they'll, they'll, they'll come up with some defense. You know what? They, they immunity or something or he's part of the case or something, I would think. Yeah, I'm sure they got, I'm sure they got something up personally though, or they always do, but they don't want meatball on the stand. You would, you would not be a good witness for them. Because he's going to have to explain his August 25th statement about why he said that Michael Proctor has no personal relationship with any of the witnesses in this case. And then it came out a month later in the story that I published that Jennifer McCabe is at the Proctor's house on September 25th for a social visit. And for posting about that, his office then charged me with felony witness intimidation. So he's going to have to explain why he just got up there and lied to the people, why he vouched for the credibility of witnesses, which he's not allowed to do. And you know, if his case is so strong, why does he need to do that? You know what they're saying to all the commenters on, on, on social media are saying, well, why would Morrissey, you know, a hack in the twilight of his career, why would he risk his, his entire legacy, maybe even going to prison to protect a bunch of low life townies from Ken? They're, they're saying he doesn't even know these people. Does he know them or not? That's a million dollar question, Ari. That's a million dollar question we did. That pondered with the whole time. Why does this guy, because he could easily just throw these scumbags under the bus and just say, not my party, you know, which makes me believe, you know, you know, a guy like Morrissey, who in 2013 falls asleep behind the wheel of a car after he says he passed out from eating pizza. And he just, you know, sometimes that happens. How are you? I'm familiar with that pizza place. They also serve other things other than pizzas. Yeah, they put roofy, roofy flavored pizzas. I got there at that pizza place. And it melted. And he crashed his car and he's driving along. And so a guy like that, you, you wonder what kind of lifestyle he leaves. You know, I got his phone number, Ari. I called him on the show one time. I called him at 11 o'clock and I got his wife on the phone. And I couldn't believe it. She answered the phone and I said, is he home right now? Can I talk to him? And she said, no, he's not here right now. I'm like, it's Tuesday night at 11 o'clock. Where is he? Is he at party? It makes me wonder what kind of lifestyle this guy is leading. And when you leave that kind of lifestyle, you know, what kind of things have you seen and done and what kind of things did somebody like, I don't know, Brian Albert know about you and what kind of things can they hold over your head? It makes me wonder about stuff like that. Yeah, I'm just looking here. Is Brian Higgins on their list? He's not on the prosecution list, is he? But he's certainly on the defense list here. Brian Higgins is the ATF agent who, who, by the way, what does this pro offer, proffer mean from the feds? I mean, I know what it means in organized crime cases, is he? Is it the same thing that they offer him? He tells what he knows and then the proffer is he tells what they know and then they set, then they try to negotiate a deal. But he apparently doesn't have a deal, but he was negotiating a deal with this proffer? Is that, is that, is my understanding correct? Yeah, that's what David United threw in at the last year, and that he's got a federal proffer, which, you know, to my understanding, what I've researched about federal proffers mean that you are either a charged defendant, which he's not, or somebody who is a suspect in a criminal matter. And, you know, yeah, you, you agree, you say, here's the stuff I can testify to, and I'll testify to this, if you won't, if you'll give me a reduced sentence, or you won't prosecute me, that's my, that's my understanding from writing hitman with John Monterano. That's always explained to me by Johnny, and he had a proffer. Yeah, so suppose, suppose they go to Brian Higgins, there's an ATF agent, and they say, look it, we got your cell phone, we got these texts, we know that you lied to the grand jury about this, you're in an X amount of years in prison, unless you come clean. And then, as soon as he got that subpoena in April of 2023, Higgins just stops talking to the McAlberts, and he doesn't return Brian Albert's phone calls, and Kevin Albert, the canned police detective, Brian's brother, has to reach out to him and say, hey, what's going on, buddy, you're still on the team? We're getting a little worried about you over here. And I got Jill Daniels on the phone, who is the sister-in-law of Chris Albert. I think she was hitting the sauce one August night, and I get her on the show, and she says to me, oh, what about Higgins? Why had you talked about Higgins? And it was very clear that these people don't trust Brian Higgins, and they, because he wasn't returning their phone calls. So you think the proffer, do you think the proffer has been, has been agreed to and signed, and that he is now cooperating with the feds? Or was it just in negotiations, and the negotiations fell through? I mean, that's the big question, I think. I mean, it's my understanding that if you're on a proffer that you've already come to the, you've come to the terms, you know, you, you, you're making a deal, you know, you're looking at a lot of your, you, you, you're, you're, it's like, it's like, it's like speaking off the record, though. That's my understanding of a proffer. You say, here's what I can tell you, but I want these terms to give you up to all these bodies or give you all this evidence. That's, that's the way I understand the proffer. And they have, both sides have to agree to the proffer. And I, and I don't, I don't know what, what Yanetti said in court about what the status of it is. Oh, he just kind of, kind of just shoehorned it in there and didn't make a big deal out. He just mentioned a federal proffer, he need to go back and listen to it. And it was kind of the biggest bombshell of gold. It is a, it's a big deal. It's a real big deal. So where can people go? Where are you going to be? When are you going to be on social media next? TV Daily or check me on Twitter at Dr. Turtle Boy. At Dr. Turtle Boy. Thank you, Aiden Cairney. Turtle Boy. We'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. You made it through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. Now the longer warmer days are finally on their way. Spring means more flowers and sunshine. Unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen and allergens. Right when you're looking forward to opening your windows to let that fresh air in your home or in your car, you suddenly realize the sneezing's about to start. Luckily, the Aiden Pure Thunderstorm is here to eliminate any allergens floating around in the air. And with a three-pack special, you don't have to move your thunderstorm from one spot to another. Put one in your house, one in your car, and one in your office, and you're good to go. Go to and use code GRACE and the number three to get the three-pack. With the thunderstorm, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for the tissues. Go to and use code GRACE three. That's, code GRACE and the number three. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-508 says, I think this guy sounds like a lawyer, a federal proffer is king for a day. If you're getting a proffer, they've got you cold. You lie, they throw you under the jail. But it's more than that, too. My understanding of it, again, and I don't know a lot about proffers, but I spent a lot of time with Johnny Monorano. He had all the... He could solve like a lot of murders going back to the '60s, and they wanted to solve all these murders, even the ones he wasn't connected to. They started negotiations on what he's going to tell them and what kind of deal he's going to get and who he's going to have to testify against. A proffer, it's spelled by the way, P-R-O-F-F-E-R, if you want to look it up, a proffer. They wanted him to testify against everybody that he'd ever been with. And he said, "No, I'm not going to... I'm not a rat." I don't... His, you know, the chapter in the book "Hitman" is, "You can't rat a rat out of rat." He would only test it. He only said, "I'm only going to testify against the rats. I'm going to testify against Whitey, Stevie Fleming, his part, Whitey's partner, and Zip Connolly, the Crooked FBI agent." And the Fed said, "That's not good enough. You've got to testify against Moore." So they said, "Well, again, this is negotiations they're going on. This is what this is. It's a negotiating process." They said, "You got to testify. We're going to put you... We can't put you down for just three guys when we got you for 19 murders. You're going to only testify against three guys. We're going to put you... You have to testify against all the Southy guys, too." And so he said, "I didn't do anything with them." And they said, "Well, it'll look better if we have you tested... You're really going to testify against the Hogan and not me. He wasn't going to testify against me. Some of the other guys that were involved, the minor characters in the mob." And so he said, "Okay, but it was only three guys." And for a while it broke down and they threw him into Otisville, I think it was, the federal prison. They put him in the hole for 90 days as part of the negotiation process. So I'll just give you... Let me just give you the definition. We'll take some calls here in a moment. I'm just trying to explain it a little bit my understanding. And again, my understanding may not be perfect here. Most commonly, this is from a law website and this seems pretty accurate to me. Most commonly, proffers are a prelude to cooperation. That's the key here. Higgins is just probably going to cooperate. The individual is under investigation or has been charged with a crime or wants to offer information to law enforcement authorities in exchange for some benefit, such as dropped or reduced charges or an agreement for a lower sentence. In Monterano's case, he got seven years. That was the deal for his testimony against the three guys, Whitey, Stevie, and Connolly. However, law enforcement authorities do not know whether the individual is going to give truthful information or if the information will be useful. An informal proffer allows the individual to give some bits of information so the law enforcement authorities can decide whether they want to offer formal cooperation. Again, this is what Monterano did. In other words, a proffer can be like an auction to determine whether an individual will be allowed to cooperate with the government. And again, the only reason we know that Higgins, the ATF agent who was involved in this and was getting calls the night that John O'Keefe died is that Yannetti, the defense lawyer for Karen Reed mentioned this and it was a bombshell. Turtle Boy was on that night with me and I proffered. The word just went over my head. I hadn't thought about it in years. Because again, I don't cover trials on a daily basis and this is stuff. This is the way they set up trials. This is before the trial starts. That's when the proffer agreement, the proffered negotiations are going on. So it is really a bombshell here that Yannetti, the defense lawyer says that Higgins, a federal agent who's admitted, again, according to Yannetti, has admitted the lying to a state grand jury about what happened that night and then told the federal grand jury that he had been untruthful to the grand jury, the state grand jury that he's trying to negotiate a proffer. 844, 542, 42, another 508, a federal proffer is the feds tell you they've got you called on X, Y, and Z and you accept the proffer and you get no reduced charges if you answer everything truthfully or if they indict you and you will not offer or accept any leniency and sentencing, you admit to anything that's truthful and only face their offer as to maximum consequences, they lie, they bury you. I'll give you an example of how they bury somebody who lies. They gave Frank Cadillac Frank Salimme a proffer. He was the mob guy. He was Stevie Flemi's former partner. He was a big time organized crime and so he got a proffer and he testified against all these people. He was set up by Connolly and everybody but he lied. His son was involved in a murder. His son, who's now dead, had AIDS and he lied about his son's involvement in a murder of a nightclub owner in Boston and they came back and they got him and Salimme died in prison because he if he had told the truth about that murder of that guy in his the nightclub owner, he would have died a free man but he went back to prison. So they do if you lie after after they've cut a deal with you and they catch you, they will bury you and you will be taken out in a box as as Larry Bayona used to say. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, three, three, nine, only three guys. I like five guys. See, but he was, the proffer said he was going to testify against everybody in Southie. But he hadn't done anything with anybody in Southie. It was like a, it was like a, it was like a trick. You know, it was a technicality that he only had to testify against the three, the three guys that had really double crossed him. Michael, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Michael. Hello, Howie. Hi. How are you doing? Good. Well, first time caller, thank you. You're welcome, sir. I'm here to tell you that Mr. Turtleboy has put in a cart before the horse with the Karen Reed case. You see, for some time now, he's been talking about this case. But you see, there could have been a lie like myself. I have a question for him that I want him to ask Karen Reed whenever he gets the chance, when he sees her outside with his phone. How about he asked her? When she left the house at 508, and when she arrived at Jennifer McCabe's house at 530, that's 22 minutes. Every single location with this story, the waterfall, 34 Fairview. Okay, all of these locations are so close to John's house. So my question that I want him to ask her is, where does she drive to? I don't know the, I don't know the answer to that question, Michael. There are other questions that, you know, like what, what happened to the, to the, to the video, the surveillance video at the Canton Library? Why did it, why did the crucial minutes disappear? Why did the, why did the surveillance video, when they drag, when they towed her car into the Canton police station, why did that surveillance camera suddenly fail? It was, it's, it's, it's, it's rather, it's rather convenient, isn't it, for the prosecution that they, that they lost territory evidence or what will certainly be presented to the jury is potentially exculpatory evidence. Thanks for the call, Michael. 844-542-508, you only, you also typically only see a federal proffer when the feds think you're the key to bigger fish. Very good point. Very good. Yeah, they're not, they're not letting, they're not giving a, or, you know, a big time gangster, a, a chance to, a proffer to, to, to rat out people who worked for him, who were his numbers runners or, or, you know, broke into, and stole the catalytic converters. It goes, it goes the other way. You, you trade up, and a, and a federal agent, an FBI agent, in the case of Zipp Connolly, that was a way of trading up. They, they wanted to get Zipp Connolly really bad, and they wanted to get Flemi and, and Bulger too, because they had embarrassed the feds, obviously, terminally embarrassed them. 844-542-844-542-339, do you think they're proffers when it comes to charging Trump? I mean, you know, what are they going to charge the, give a proffer to the, to the, to the maintenance guy at Mar-a-Lago and say he told them to move the papers? I think we already know that. I don't, I don't think there's, these, these cases are also, are so Jerry rigged and, and bogus to begin with. I mean, that, that's the thing about these, they're, you know, like a, case like the, the Bulger case or, or, or Karen Reed, they're, they're dead people involved in this. They, they were, they were actually people killed. I mean, there's no, there's none of that alleged in any of the Trump cases. They were, this was, this is all nonsense. 844-542-442. Tom, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, Howie, earlier you were talking about the migrants in Massachusetts. And I just wanted to throw some figures out here. All right. So we know Spennellies has been a contract. Yes. But $64 a day adds up to times three, $64 a day times 365 adds up to $23,360 a year for, for a single migrant, 23 grand for food. Yeah. Let's just say that, that migrant is single and lives in a hotel room at $150 a day. That's, that's a conservative estimate. That's $54,750 a day. So if we, we could just wrap, we could, the Senate chairman of Ways and Means, Rodricks, Mike Rodricks, he has said that they're spending 932 million this year. And, and does anyone think that's the real number? I mean, and that's the, that's the best number that they've been able to come up with. The administration has no idea how much they're spending. So you figure he's the, he's the closest one to an honest figure, and it's not honest. It's like got to be a billion and a half or $2 billion, doesn't it? During how we, during Baker's administration, I was told by a state rep for legal and illegal immigration, we're going back six, seven, eight years ago. We were spending about $2 billion a year to deal with immigration. And the other thing that I left out about that was the health care, the free health care, as well as the dental, that doesn't include the legal, legal advice, which you cannot find an immigration lawyer in Massachusetts for under $300 an hour. I have a house in Brockton. Okay. It's a low rent district. I get it. Now, that doesn't include the NGOs that are giving these people these migrants that are so-called asylum seekers anywhere from $800 to $2400 a month. I cannot find an accurate amount on the internet. They're also getting, you know, I've got the, I've got the list, which they've never, you know, they've never, they've never given us a full list. They gave us the, they gave us 65 no bid contracts, one of which was Spinelli's. We're trying to go through. It's very slow, slow process going through this, but you know, damn well, there's a lot of no bid contracts, and I don't think the Herald is the only one going through this stuff. I mean, the media isn't what it used to aren't what they used to be, obviously, but there's going to be more stuff turning up. And Spinelli's the two, the two women that run the place, they're both from Rockport, 170, 166. They've given Marahili a total of $5,200, $5,200, and in return they, oh, I'm sure there's no coincidence. There's no connection, but they get a $10 million no bid contract. Isn't that nice? Isn't that swell? You know, just like, just like the new climate control chief in the city of Boston, $195,000 a year, he gave $3,250 to Michelle Wu. His wife gave another $1,000 to Michelle Wu, and now he's got a job for $195,000. Wonderful. We'll be right back. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr show from anywhere. Go to and click "Listen" to start streaming Howie live in crystal clear, high definition. The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. 844-542-844-542. We just posted the list on, the defense and the prosecution witness list for the Karen Reed trial. It's a very interesting list. 844-542. Isn't there a state auditor to look into these no bid contracts or an inspector general? Yeah, there is an inspector general. There's also an auditor. The auditor is, I assume she's got somebody looking into it. She's more concerned about getting all of the financial records of the state legislature. That's her obsession right now because she used to be in the legislature and she was an aide to the legislature. Diana DiZoglio, I would vote for it if I was still a Massachusetts resident to release the, to give her the rights to the legislative audit list. But it's much more important to find out how much money is being spent. And I understand that someone just pointed out, I said that guy was trying to make it out to show how much they're spending on each one of these illegal aliens. But you can't really tell anything because they're getting everything thrown at them. I mean, I think the best way to look at it is just to see what's available to them. And we put that out on how we car show dot com. And I've written about it in my columns about how much, and the state has never denied any of the benefits that we put out there, you know, through sources. They won't tell us. It's too appalling. They get women and children, infant, wick money. They get welfare checks. This is in addition to the free room and board. The free motel rooms, the three meals a day, the free dental, the free medical, the free clothes, the free shoes, the free tablets, the free cell phones, they get everything, the free lawyers, the, the applications to apply for SSI. So they think get on federal relief programs. They get everything, everything handed to them. We don't have time to take another call. David want to talk about homeless mass citizens. They could only be so lucky as to be illegal aliens. That's the, that's the bottom line. They're moving more illegal aliens into Lowell. They were today. They're trying to consolidate them. I don't know what they're trying to consolidate them for. I like to consolidate them back in Port of Prince and Caracas. That's where I'd send them home. That's what they don't belong here. They belong somewhere else. In my opinion. 844-542-42. Back tomorrow on Howie Car. John Mel, eat them up. Eat them up.