Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 53

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19 Apr 2024
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'Nun baiz' on a baiz, five lines from the bottom. Second word is 'gufo' we put a parallelogram on the 'gufa', 'gufoiz' goes back to something we had said earlier, and here it is. 'Amar Kiskiya' we underlined 'Kiskiya'. So Kiskiya tells us, 'Myser Shehni', 'Shanbeshavapruta', you have a little bit of 'Myser Shehniya' that second tithe, so little that you don't even have a 'prutas' worth of it, 'Oynmeri' you are allowed to say, 'Who the shame-join, the hula-lamos', or 're-shine-ice'. That it, this 'Myser Shehniya' as well as, because this is the person himself who's being put his own 'Myser Shehniya' has to add a fifth, is hereby the holiness transferred onto earlier money that I have from 'Myser Shehniya'. Now, if you guys really are wondering for 'Myser Shehniya' isn't that money totally filled up? Because a person doesn't have exactly on his 'Myser Shehniya' money, that value of 'Myser Shehniya' is a little bit less, leaving a bit of space for this to be 'Tovis'. 'Myser Shehniya' we have a 'Tineix' source, it goes to the first word on the fourth line on 'Nud-Gimmelomidalef' and it starts here, and then a couple lines after that of analysis and we'll see our question. So 'Myser Shehniya' is going to be a question on 'Kiskiya'. The 'Tineix' source, 'Myshniya' and 'Myser Shehniya' starts here. 'Hatsumova Habikurim' we're going to compare 'Chumma' which is the first 2% that you separate off of any produce and give to the 'Cohen' and 'Bikurim' which are first true, which go to the 'Cohen' we're going to compare those to 'Myser Shehniya'. So 'Chumma' and 'Bikurim'. Number one, 'Chayal Vennalef' and 'Myser' if somebody who is a non-Cohen or even a 'Cohen' who is 'Tameh' and eats them on purpose, the punishment for that is 'Myser Bidei Shehniyaam'. The 'Chayal Vennalef' and if you have a non-Cohen who eats 'Beshogake', 'Chumma' or 'Bikurim', he has to add a fifth when he pays it back. The 'Asurim Lazarim' and it's forbidden for non-Cohen which is, we know that, but we'll see why this has to be taught because we're going to compare it 'Chumma' and 'Bikurim' that is to 'Myser Shehni' the 'Hane' 'Nirse Cohen' also, once the 'Cohen' gets it, it's considered like totally his stuff. So much so that if he wants to be 'Makadei Shehwoman' using some of the 'Chumma' or 'Bikurim' that was given, he can do that. And here's really what we want to focus on, let's squiggle online these three words. The 'Oilim Be'echadu Me'ah, 'Oilim' is a lotion of 'Bittel' if it's mixed in some of this stuff with a hundred other parts of other stuff that it would become 'Battel' you would need either a hundred or a hundred other, a hundred plus this one to be 'Mimavattel' it and the concept of 'Bittel Barov' just like 'majority wins' if it's got a majority of other stuff that would not work, you'd need to raise your '100s one'. 'Ute Unin Ruhitsa Sehdaim' to 'consume it' you would have to properly wash your hands beforehand because the hands are 'Shniyos Medirabbanan' and also if somebody was 'Tame' and went to the 'Mikvan' it's still the afternoon that would not be good enough, rather you'd have to wait till 'Harev Shemish' if you wanted to consume some of this 'Chumma' and 'Bikurim' if he's a 'Cohen' have to wait till the sun's set. 'Hare Elu' and again this whole list of things apply to 'Chumma' and 'Bikurim Kama Masha' 'Anken' which is not the case by 'Mayser Shemih' okay that's the end of this next source and we're going to analyze it. 'My' what do we mean like these last few words 'Masha' 'Anken' to 'Mayser' but that in 'Right Angles' well how so, 'Lav Miklau' does that not seem to imply 'Demyser 'Battel Barov' one of the things on the list was that 'Chumma' and 'Mayser' oh you need much more to be with 'Battel' it that sounds like 'Myser Shemih' would be 'Battel' 'B' 'Rov' now the 'Emisa De Kiskia' if what 'Kiskia' had said that we started to share with today is true 'Havele' then it becomes the 'Myser Shemih' less than a 'Sha' 'Pruhta' is where it becomes a 'Dovar' 'Shiyesh' low 'Materin' it it actually has something that could be 'Materin' you could be 'Poda' it and we know as a general rule hold over 'Sha' 'Materin' if there's anything out there that has the ability to become 'Mater' not 'Rupital' even if it's like it has to be 'Aphilub' 'L' 'Lav' like 'Battel' even one in a thousand won't be 'Battel' that's the question on 'Kiskia' didn't want to reject this question and says back 'Umi' 'My' well that's wonderful but who says that those last four words of the 'Tinei' 'X' source of 'Marsher' 'Ain' 'Kain' 'B' 'Mayser' I put that in 'Right Angles' 'Debattel Baruba' who says that what that means is that yeah 'Troom' and 'My' 'Sir' you need a one to one hundred ratio to 'Mavattel' but 'Mashher' 'Ain' came in 'My' 'Sir' what it means is that 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Mavattel' even baroque 'Dilma' maybe it's the other way maybe 'Mashher' 'Ain' came in 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' is 'Dilma' 'Low' 'Battel' 'Claw' maybe you could never be 'Mavattel' it like Mar says no that's not a valid rejection 'Low' 'Matsa' 'Somriss' you can't really say that why because 'Will' is enough a whole slew of 'Humra's' that apply to 'Troom' and 'Bikurum' and comparing that to 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' where it's much more 'Makul' and therefore 'Laymat' 'Somriss' you can't suggest that 'Diligabe' 'Trooma' what we're listing off all these different things about 'Troom' is 'Humra' did 'Trooma' 'Katani' things that were very mock when it comes to 'Trooma' cool they did 'Trooma' like 'Katani' we're not listening to things that are 'Makul' and it would make this a 'Coola' of 'Trooma' that 'Trooma' one to a hundred you can move out to it but 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' you could never be move out to it that's not uh fitting for the list the 'Gomra' says well 'Actiona' maybe would be a good rejection 'Vaha' 'Katani' because didn't we list off as one of the things about 'Trooma' and 'Bikurum' 'Vahain' 'Nixay' 'Kai'ain' which is a 'Coola' by 'Trooma' so similarly the mission lists the 'Bittle' of 'Trooma' as a 'Coola' possibly one to a hundred which would 'Mashankain' that maybe by 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' can't move out to it at all uh no that can't be because bottom line we now have mostly shortly in its next source black-and-white that 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' is 'Battal' 'Barov' 'Losaka' 'Daitak' you can't entertain that as a 'possibility' that there's not 'Bittle' 'Dasane' 'Bihadya' you have a Mufourish Bryce and here's the Bryce it goes for about two and a half lines and starts here this Bryce is talking about 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' and the first thing it says 'I' 'Dadd' 'Underline' 'Battal' 'Biruba' if you have 'My' 'Sir' 'Sha' 'Nig' and it gets mixed in with something else if there's a majority of the mixture that's something else it's 'Battal' Well, based on Mysore-Shani, I'm going to know which Mysore-Shani we're referring to. That was A and B. We're going to have two possibilities here, but Mysore- Shain by Shavapruta. Shain by Shavapruta. And B, Ushinikla's Ushalayim Vyatsa. So either Mysore that doesn't even have a Shavapruta's value. Or B, it had... What are you supposed to do with your Mysore-Shani? You're supposed to take it into your Ushalayim, wherever you live in Israel. And then Ushalayim, you can eat it. This Mysore-Shani went into, meaning it was in the walls of the city of Jerusalem. But then it was taken out. Now, Connector, Vyim Isa, lede Risqia. If what Risqia said was really correct, the Avid lay lede Risqia. Well, wouldn't you have a solution? Like Risqia, Connector, Vennekal lay al-Mazari Shaines. And why won't you just be able to transfer toliness onto money that you have previously from other Mysore-Shani? And the Gomar, I believe here, is going to have two approaches. By the way, I put a triangle on that word, Vyim, Naikal. And now I'm going to put a series of triangles. The word underneath that is Venneci. I put a triangle on that. The next line, second to last word, is Venneci. Triangle on that. The next line, third to last word is Venneci. Put a triangle around that. And then four lines from the bottom. First word, a line is Venneci. I put a triangle around that. Now, I'm also going to put these two approaches the Gomar is going to have to this. The line that we're at right now that starts with the words Delo Paric. I put a big Roman numeral one. And on Ummud Bay, it's about 10, 11 lines down. First word a line is Les Nahu. I'm going to put a big Roman numeral two in the margin there. Okay, so let's go back to where we were. We said, well, if Risqia said it was really correct, then why don't we just lay Risqia? And transfer the holiness of this Pari Smei Shavapruta of Mysor Shaney onto some other money that you have. Well, you know why? Very simply, Delo Paric. This person doesn't have any other Mysor Shaney that he was put onto coins. You could say, well, he's got that coin already that's partially filled with Mysor Shaney on it. Well, okay, well, how about this? Vanessa, why don't then just bring some Mysor de Islay. If he's got some Mysor Shaney, then it's Tarfin, who would have it join together with this Paric Smei Shavapruta of Mysor Shaney and redeem them onto the coin. Well, no, you can't do that either because Delo Risa, who Durabonon, Les Midsarfi. If you have something that's high to Mysor Shaney, it's Mysor Shaney Me Delo Risa and now there's other stuff which is really Butzil Barov, so it's only Durabonon, those two cannot join together. Okay, well, how about this? Vanessa, Mysor, don't bring some other Vadha Mysor Shaney. Why don't you bring some? Demi, which, you know, is protest that itself is only a Suffolk. And that might have been a solution, but we're concerned that that is too similar to our case. Dilma, if you let people do that, they might come to us with Vasuye Vadha to have their Paric Smei Shavapruta, which is only Chaimi Durabon, and together with some Vadha Mysor Shaney. Vanessa, well, how about this then? Just bring Shdei Prutais, bring two Pruta coins, then Nakhala Laihu, and then transfer the holiness onto these two coins of Mysor, like real Mysor Mysor Duraisa. However, only a Pruta Umexa's worth, a Pruta and a half worth. And then you'll have that, ostensibly, that other Pruta that's only got half of a Pruta's worth instead of a half Pruta of space on it, but Nakhala Lai, and this stuff that you have, this less than a Shavapruta's worth, Al-Haihu Saira Han to the coin that has a little bit of extra room on it. Niigamur says back, well, that's an assumption you're making there, and that assumption might not be correct to be made. Misa Vazhu says that a two-word phrase, Pruta Umexa. If you have a Pruta Umexa worth of Mysor Shaney, Tafsa Shay Pruta is that it will fill up two Pruta's low. You know what'll happen? Pruta, Tafsa, Pruta. Pruta's worth of the real Mysor Shaney will be Tafsa's one Pruta. The Khatsipruta, Lai Tafsa, and half of the Pruta's worth left that you still have of Vadai Mysor Shaney, it won't grasp onto the coin. Hader Havelu, and then you're back with the case of Hader Havela, Duraisa and Durabana, and we know Duraisa and Durabana together, Laihmin Starfi. Okay, how about this? Forget about bringing Pruta's, just bring a Isra coin. In other words, a much more valuable coin, and that would work. Well, the problem there is Dilma Asula Asuyay Prutais. You, my country, in Prutais, will you bring an Isra, because hey, will you bring a certain coin and people won't necessarily pay attention to the fact that it's a larger coin, and they'll come to bring the smaller coins. And therefore, Kiska Salacha stands, namely, that a person can Makhala less than a Shava Pruta of Mysor Shaney onto money that he already has, that has a little bit of space on it for Mysor Shaney, period. We say now, Shinigla Suu Shlai and Vyatsai put that in right angles. That was one of the cases where that was the B case in the Bryce in the middle of the Amur, where Mysor Shaney, that you could then say is butthole, berove, if it falls into, you know, more than 50% of some other thing, it would be totally okay. The mixture would be okay. It's, let's see, went into the walls of Yushalayim and out. Am I? Now, one second. If you took it out of Yushalayim, it brought it into Yushalayim, took it out of Yushalayim. Why do you have to move out to the one, and you just bring it back in? Billi Hader, Ve, Ne, Ayle, bring it back into the walls of Yushalayim, even if you have a mixture, and eat it there. Well, the problem is Bishinitma. A big problem because it became Tommy, then it cannot be eaten as Mysor Shaney anymore. Okay, well, why not then Ve, Nifricay? Why don't you redeem it? And the harmony in the here is that you have a Shavapruta. It's worth, well, or maybe we can continue reading the question. Nifricay, Damirablazar. And this question actually takes till about the third line, and I'm at base to finish being developed. The Nifricay, question mark, Damirablazar. Me nyan le Mysor Shaney, Shennithma. How do you know if you have Mysor Shaney that became Tommy? Shavapruta Nysor, that you can, yes, redeem it. Affiliu, Bishalayim. Now, normally, if you're in Yushalayim, you can't be played in Mysor Shaney, but if it became Tommy, you can be played in even Yushalayim, Shaneyamar. Like the puzzle says, Ki-laisuhal se-aisei. One of the things that are, the puzzle that says about Mysor Shaney is that you are unable to se-aise it. Now, usually what we translate is that is, it's very heavy. You can carry it. You can transfer it onto a coin. But another way of looking at it is connect-aisei e-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei. And talking about eating food over there, eating. So you can't eat it and that would be, certainly, if it was, Tom, but you can't eat it. Or produce that is real misei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei-aisei. You were redeemed onto money and then you bought with that money things in your usual line. And that's the stuff that went out of your usual line. So the words is one second then La Coya, but kesser Meisser, ami Lifferke should also be able to redeem it. It's not like we see in the following mission of missions. It's exactly a line. I box it off. It says hala koach, bikesseth, Meisser, sheini, shindizmah, which became Tommy, which is apparently our case. Yifte, you can redeem it. Well, that's true. However, we are going like the other today, companion, like Rabbi Yudu, who says that if you have stuff that was purchased with us from my shame, became Tommy, you actually cannot redeem it. But rather, I put this one word in a box. It's a continuation of the snake source. According to Rabbi Yudu, you cover, you actually have to bury it. Okay. Well, one second source saying it's a calling according to Rabbi Yudu, Rabbi Yudu, my ear here. Then why did you have to come on to Yatsa? You had Meisser, sheini, you brought it into the walls of Yushalayim, and you took it outside the walls of Yushalayim, according to Rabbi Yatsa, even if you didn't take it out of the walls of Yushalayim, the same case would apply because you'd have to bury it. Ella, so sort of back to the drawing board. Ella Olum, we're talking about not Meisser, sheini, became Tommy. Rather, Meisser, sheini, that is Tahor, Umay Yatsa. Now, we did say that it went out. It was in the walls of Yushalayim, and then it went out. It actually didn't move anywhere, but rather, the walls themselves fell down, so it's basically no longer in the walls, not because it was taken out, but rather because the walls fell down, did not fall. Meisser, okay, lemursa is a one second. Valma Rava, I don't know why Rava's name. When we talk about Meisser, sheini, you have to have it within the walls of Yushalayim, that is right. Meisser Lechol, if you want to eat it, you have to be within the walls of Yushalayim, that is a derisa concept. However, to say that once it's been within the walls, if it's no longer within the walls, that's an issue, Meisser Lechol, to be collated, to absorb the fruit, in other words, fruit that was once within the walls of Yushalayim, even if it's taken out, it can all be redeemed, that is only a derabana. Now, in general, when they were able to make their degrees, that is where there are walls, because most of the time there are walls, but if it happened to be, no walls, because the walls fell down, three minutes ago, lemursa were able to go, and if that's the case, there's no xirabana, and you should be able to be potent. Well, yeah, you should, however, the rabban in here applied a lo-plu, lo-plu, rabban, meaning they made no distinctions, but it doesn't have walls, it doesn't have walls, it has walls, most of the time it doesn't make a difference, the same halacha would apply across the board. Semicolon. Now, we had mentioned earlier that we put a Roman numeral to here, the reason is, because on Ahmud Oliph, just about the same place on the Ahmud, we had asked on Fiskia from the snake sources that had served. Well, which reminds me of what we're talking about, is something that doesn't have a shavaputa. This is a second approach, Raphuna Bar-Yahudah, whose name I underlined Ammar, Raphshasya says, and then Raphshasya says, that actually haddakatani, it's one case. It's Mysar Shaini, first of all, sheain by shavaputa doesn't have a shavaputa's worth, shanit lassiu shalayim vyatsa, that you took that into you shalayim, and then you took it out. Okay. Am I? Why do you say, bit of a rave, why not just find a hadra vyatani lassiu shalayim, bring it back in, and you didn't know why lassiu shalayim. Well, the problem is, the naful makhitsas, that would be wonderful, however, you took it out, and really not your lucky day, because a moment later, the walls of your shalayim fell down. The nifra-kay, well then why not redeem it? Vammar rava, because we know, it's a little bit repetitive here, but we had said before, that makhitsa lekholas darayim, that which you have to be within the walls of your shalayim. To eat the Mysar Shaini, that's the darayim'sa concept, but makhitsa lekholay, that you have the wall to be collated. Actually, I just said, once it's within the walls, that's only the rava-nan. Vakhitsa lekholas darayim, the makhitsa lekholas darayim, the rava-nan make their gzeira when there are walls. Kileso makhitsas, but if there happened to be no walls, because they fell down three minutes ago, low gaza rava-nan. Well, as we said before, we're sailing over here, loi plu grava-nan, the rava-nan made no distinctions between those two cases. Well, then Ihakhi, my area, then why you have to even come on to English of a pruta. That the Mysar Shaini in question is a teeny-weeny amount, doesn't even have a pruta's worth of value. Afilu, you don't even have to say that, you could even say yayishboi nami. And once the wall brought it in, and it was within the walls, then you took it out, so you could even have like three or four, however many prutas, it doesn't have to have that limitation. Well, that's true, however loi baya kammar, the style or the structure of the teneic sources, I don't even have to tell you the case, it's much more obvious, but the other one, loi baya, in a case of two-word phrase, yayishboi, that if it has, I don't know, pruta's worth of value or more, des kaltan lei makhitsis, where once it was in the walls of Yushalayim, the walls of Yushalayim absorbed it and gave it a certain restriction, kama aval ainboi, let's say it doesn't even have a pruta's worth of value. Ayim, I might have thought to say, even though you took it into the walls of Yushalayim, loi kalta lei makhitsis, well, it wasn't like a significant enough of a sheer, significant amount to have the inside of the walls of Yushalayim, give it that special status, kamashmalan, we don't say that, and therefore, no question, kriskia, from the teneic source, period. Tenor al-Bannan, if you come over here and say, price now goes for two-and-a-half lines and starts here, and again, we're continuing for another daf and a half or so, but the sogas have to do with Meister Shaini. Pasuk says, imgal yigal ishmi maasrai if a man should redeem from his maisan, and Pasukut has said, imgal yigal if he redeems ish maasrai. His maisar, what's Me maasrai from his maisar, so the Bryce adartians, Me maasrai, I double underline the first mem, valoi komasrai, and not all of its maisar, Prat that comes to exclude the case of Meister Shaini, Shain by Shavapruta. We're back to this again, yes, Meister Shaini, that does not have a Shavapruta's worth of value. Itmar, we have a little makhlokas here as to how to read that last few words of the Bryce, so revami who we circled, and a few words later, revasi, who we also circled. So revami has it understood when we say we're talking about maisar Shaini that doesn't have a Shavapruta's worth of value, that's the way revami understands it. If we say we have a Shavapruta's worth of value, then we have a Shavapruta's worth of value. This is a home show, and that would parallel makhlokasrai makhlokasrai makhlokasrai. Mais vai, we have a teneic source, two lines exactly, that is going to be a bit of a difficulty for the mandama who says "ain boi", and we'll ask the question, and we'll point it out, and then we'll pause for the sheer. Maisar Shaini says the snake source, shain by Shavapruta, that's what we're talking about, less than Shavapruta's worth of value, I double underline this word "dio", it's enough. Shayoy mar, that you make the following declaration, one line, put quotation marks, that's till the end of the Bryce, who? That's what I'm talking about, that it, plus an additional fifth is going to be transferred, the holiness of it onto the original money that we have, that lesson of "dio", "dio shayoy mar". So, let's see the rashi, four lines under the camara, "dio shayoy mar", "kidde kiskia", just like kiskia had said. The lea amrina, and we don't say "yamt'in 'ad sha' lea'ish lain, why don't you wait to get to shalayim? Oh, yamt'in 'ad shi' esar fenu, im 'ak'ar, or maybe wait till you have more stuff that you can join together with, the kevin de bechom shay, like 'apruta', since it doesn't have 'apruta' in its homish, lea kakashev, the 'dio bechomiz' enough with this, so let's see back in the camara. Bish, lea amal is well according to the mandam who says, in bechom show, that it even doesn't have a, in its fifth, 'a sha'apruta, 'hainu de katani', that's why the tine exo are supposed to use the term 'dio', which is a 'kiddish', because even though that it itself, that 'my sashini' itself has a 'sha'apruta value, might even have two or three. 'puta's worth of value, dawgav de bedide isbei', kevin de bechom shay, since the 'chomiz' which will have to be added by, if it's the person himself who's 'puta's own 'my sashini', leka, then 'sha'apr, the term 'dio' makes a lot of sense, 'elemanda amar', according to the approach who says, 'ain-boy', that if it itself doesn't have a 'sha'apruta's worth of value, 'my dio', what's the 'lush' of 'dio'? It just doesn't fit at all, and indeed, the camara concludes that that is, caution, it's a little bit of a difficulty for that opinion. it. Adkad.