Five On The Floor: Miami Heat/NBA

The Miami Heat's stakes vs. Boston (plus a Delon Wright interview)

Broadcast on:
21 Apr 2024
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Ethan Skolnick and Greg Sylvander look at the history of Heat vs. Celtics prior to their first round series, and what the Heat organization can learn. Then Ethan sits down with Delon Wright to talk about his recent rise in the rotation.

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If you are listening to this prior to tip today, we'll be doing playback during the game. That's where you can watch the game with us, chat with us. Both Greg and I will be making appearances on there today, as well as others like Eternal Naveen, Major, and the rest of the Five Reason Sports Heat team. Also, after the game, as I mentioned, we'll have a post game show. We will be hosting that one that will be live on the YouTube channel and expect off-day episodes all week. We'll actually have Coach Tony on the podcast at some point this week as well. We wanted to get you some more content here prior to the game. Greg didn't have a chance to weigh in yesterday when we looked at this series. We tend to do the narrative stuff here, so we'll get into that here. Also, at the end of this episode, I had a few minutes with Delon Wright after the win against the Bulls the other night. I got a chance to pull him aside. A little bit of a challenge because locker room was busy. People were taking other people's lockers. Like, Yovich was doing his availability in front of Highsmiths. Delon and Highsmith wasn't happy. Delon and I found a place to do it, and I thought it was a worthy interview because, you know, people have been asking why he wasn't playing more, especially now that he's playing so well. So, he gets into some of the reasons for that, so we advise you to stick around for the second part of this episode. But, Greg, here we are again. We've got four of the last five years that they've played this team. Now, they have a rivalry with Milwaukee because they played them so often of late, right, three times recently. But this is the most they played one team in a stretch like this in the postseason since the Knicks in the late '90s, where they played them in four straight. Every game went to the wire. They were all the storylines with those series. We would always obviously talk about, you know, Pat leaving New York, and then there was Sprewell and Hardaway who didn't get along in a previous stop and Larry Johnson and Zoe who didn't get a previous stop. So, there was a lot of stuff that went on in those series. Of course, Zoe, you know, then got the grabbing Zoe's leg and PJ Brown and Charlie Ward, which is one of the weirdest fights in history. And yet, in some ways, this has been as interesting, I think, right? Like, I never thought anything would match that, but the game, here's the difference. This is the first round series and it's a 1/8 match up in the heater. The biggest under the ugly have been in any series in their history. Okay, they are literally, if you go to the sports books, they're given a 1.2% chance to win this series. Like, I have milk in my fridge that has more, 2% milk. Okay, and that has more milk fat than the heater given a chance to win this series. But, typically, the stakes have been higher. All of those were first round. These have not, obviously, we've got a first round one now, but they haven't been. And again, it does seem like the organization's kind of defined themselves against each other. At this stage, to the point that the heat were so frustrated when, you know, not the dame thing, but then dame gets traded and drew holiday goes to Portland and so where does Portland send drew to Boston? And so that's kind of what we're looking at here. Obviously, this is a different series than we've seen before, because the heat are such heavy underdogs. But just put into context kind of what we've seen here over the past five years. I mean, it's the biggest rivalry in Miami Heat history. And it's been the most meaningful rivalry, too. I think that it surpasses the New York Knicks as the biggest rivalry. The tough part about it, though, is that this specific series, I think, may lack a little bit more of the flair for a dramatic because the stakes, because they're, you know, heading into game one, 13 and a half point underdogs in just game one. I don't, it's just, there's a little bit of the expectations have kind of washed away for me because there's no Jimmy, and that's a big deal. And so I can't help but just feel like things can change. Series can get interesting, but this is, if there's ever going to be a series that has maybe a little less of the thematic that the others have had, it's probably this one that we're heading towards right now. And that is the thing. I mean, we look at the memes. I mean, there was the, you know, C. in Boston, you know, from Jimmy on the plane and all that, and you're not going to get any of this. We don't even know if Jimmy's going to be there, likely. He didn't travel with them. He could always join them at some point. And then, like you said, we've got, it's not just Jimmy out. I mean, Terry Rosier, who would have been a factor in this series, a former Celtic. We're kind of looking forward to that. We're not expecting him till game three at the earliest. He did travel with the team. I was a little surprised about that. I thought they might leave him back for rehab for this neck injury, which kind of again popped out of nowhere. There's a lot of these injuries with the heat have this here, like the hero foot and all that kind of stuff. It leaves the Jimmy thing. We saw it. Some of these are like, you know, guys sleeping and they get hurt. But I think that we have to put this in the context on, you know, what this means for the rivalry and also what it means for the organization and what it means for specific people. And Brady and Alex and I got into this. To me, overall, this is not a what if season. I said this on playback the other day. Like, I see some heat fans are like, well, what if, you know, they've been, you know, this had happened and that had happened and Jimmy was healthy now and what if we've gotten the, you know, he hadn't gotten a hurt in the Philly game and so they finished the Philly game and that next team looks really beatable and all the rest of that. There have been a lot of what if seasons in Miami heat history. Okay. I mean, you go, you go all the way back. I mean, to me, the first one that I covered that was certainly what if season was 2000-2001 because that was the year that they had, they had reshuffled the deck. They put this really nice team around Zo with Eddie Jones and Anthony Mason and the Brian Grant coming in. And then, you know, Zofails, a physical pre-season and, you know, he doesn't come back till 13 games left in the year and they'd created this one identity and he came back and the whole thing fell apart and they got swept out by Charlotte. That was a what if season? Okay. For sure. 2005, to me, is a what if season? They were the best team in the East that year. Duane pulls a rib cage muscle in game five. It doesn't play in game six, plays poorly in game seven. Stan keeps feeding in the ball. They lose Detroit. They probably win the championship that year. If he's healthy, they probably win it a year earlier than they did because I think that San Antonio team of all the teams that they had was probably the most beatable. You know, you look at other what if seasons. You know, I don't look at 2011 as a what if season because it was there for them. Okay. And LeBron just bleeped the bed. All right, I think 2016 a little bit was a what if season. Bosch, you know, with the blood clots, goes out, you know, and then they kind of had enough to get to the Eastern Conference Finals anyway. And then honestly, I know we hate to say it's what Whiteside got hurt. And then they were playing Justice Winslow at center at the end of that series against Toronto and Kyle Lowry sent them into the postseason. So to me, that was a bit of a what if season. And then even there were other ones on a smaller scale, like the 30 and 11. That team wasn't winning a championship. But literally if Dion doesn't get hurt in the last two weeks of that year, sprains his ankle, they probably get one more win. And they at least would have made the playoffs and who knows with that team. That team was so weird with what they were doing that year with a 13 game winning streak and everything else that maybe they actually win a couple of rounds. Those are all what if seasons. And so is 2020, okay, in the sense of what if Drogage doesn't get hurt in the finals? What if BAM doesn't get hurt in the finals, right? This is not this, this, no matter what happens in this series, Greg, they put themselves in this position. You're right. Do you agree with that? I do agree with that. Even like the season where Jimmy missed the three, that's a what if season to me to some degree, because it's just like, what if that one three goes in? This, they have their own circumstances are based off of their own actions in terms of how they've played, how they approach the regular season for better or worse. There were moments where you could see flashes and I think we all know what this team is made up of because you saw them, you know, this same group, this core group has been comprised of deep playoff runs. So we all expected it to show itself at some point and it didn't. And although they had a better record than they did the year prior, they had just as many of the same struggles and a lot of it was self-imposed. And so that's like a situation where it's not a what if season for me either. The Jimmy part of the injury thing, I guess you could lean into what if Jimmy was available now, but they'd still be huge underdogs. They still would be probably the biggest first round underdog of all the series. So to me, it's just a different heat team at a different moment in time. And that's something that the organization will have to evaluate this summer in terms of like, did you shift further away from the path than maybe you thought you did and you need to find reinforcements, et cetera. So it's a different time and it's not a what if season like those others were. I mean, just you think about Gore and getting hurt and ban getting hurt or Jimmy missing that three. Those are what if moments. This is not a what if moment. Well, I think it can be what if if you feel like a team maximized itself prior to something going bad, right? Like that's how I view it. Like that 2020 team in the bubble, they maximize. They, they, you know, you know, they squeezed everything they could out of that run. And then, oh, Goron, like the guy who along with Jimmy kind of propelled the run. He's hurt and now Bams hurt like that, you get it. Like, you know, you, again, you put a team together in that off season of 2000. And like this is the new team around Zoh and you're going to capitalize on this great season that Zoh had and then Zoh gets sick. Or you finally rebuild the thing after LeBron leaves and you've got something built with Bosch and Dragach and Wade. And then Bosch goes out like that's all like that's stuff that's out of your control, like that is out of your control. What was in this organization's control this last off season was to upgrade the roster. We talked about it. They tried to do certain things, certain things didn't happen. They did upgrade it during the season and Terry hasn't been entirely healthy. I mean, it just seems like one thing has gone wrong after another. But, you know, this is a team that if they had won a Washington game, if they had won a Memphis game, they get out of the play in. And Jimmy never plays in that game. Yeah. And that's the thing. Like we can say, okay, he could have gotten hurt any time. That's true. That's true. The universe works in strange ways. You never know what it could have happened. You know, one thing doesn't necessarily lead to another lead to another lead to another. But we just know that it happened in that game that they shouldn't have been playing. That this or this team should not have been playing because I'm watching that Orlando Cleveland game yesterday. And I'm like, come on. Like seriously, like what are we talking about here? Like these teams are not better than Miami at this stage. They don't have higher expectations than Miami is this stage. Cleveland literally, you know, dropped a game so that they would have to get out of a certain bracket because all they care about is getting a first round win. That's it. Okay. And Orlando, literally, if they get a first round series win and get swept by Boston, that will be an ultimate success with that organization from where it's been and what it's trying to build towards. Miami should not be below those teams in their class, let alone below those teams. This team has higher aspirations than that. They were further along in a build. And so they should not have been in that game. So I can't give them that. What I'm looking for right now, okay, though, is I'm looking for first thing. I want to see fight. All right. I want to see fight. We know what's against them. A lot of them have a chip on the shoulder right now. Good. Sometimes organization is better. Their coach is better when he has less to work with. We've talked about that a lot. So I want to see fight. I want to see. I want to see them totally unfazed and not scared and that again starts with a coach. I try everything. I said this in the last podcast. Treat these like individual play in games. This is not a series where you're like, okay, I got to hold this back for game six or game seven. There's probably not going to be one. Just try to get a game. Like do throw with the kitchen sink out to get a game zone. Junk it up. This rotation, that rotation. Close with the long right. Whatever it is. Okay. Just get it, get a game and then kind of see if you can get another game. And that's, that's kind of where I know people say one game at a time. But I don't think most NBA teams and coaches really look at it that way. They do look it in the context of a total series. In this case, you don't. This is not a series. This is a series of individual games. You're just trying to survive. You know, that's it. I also think that there's a part of this where you shouldn't hold back on minutes. I think BAM should play heavy, heavy minutes. Tyler should play heavy, heavy minutes. I really want to see Tyler Hero in a playoff atmosphere. If you're talking about things, I'm taking away from this series. At least we get to watch Tyler and BAM and kind of what Jaime's going to look like. Nico's going to look like. There are things to watch for in this series. Big game moments for all of those guys is good. I mean, BAM's been in a ton of them. But everybody else, we need to further evaluate. But it's, it's, they're in a tough position right now. And my expectations are probably as low for a heat playoff series as they've been. Maybe since before game one of last playoffs. I think the minor even lower, but they're not, but they're not lower in the sense of. That, you know, that I don't think this is going to be worth watching. I do think it's, it's worth watching because of the four guys you mentioned. But not individually, collectively. Because technically, that's the core going forward, right? I mean, one of the one or two of those guys could be moved. You know, particularly, obviously, Tyler would be foremost among them. But, you know, when they talked about their future build, which, you know, it has to be post Jimmy at some point, right? And I would expect Jimmy to be playing less games and declining more as he goes forward. It's just, that's, that's age. That's what happens. But it was always described to me as, well, this is about halfway through the season. As, you know, the build was Bam, Tyler, cock is, and maybe Nico. And now we're at a point where, well, actually. All four starting. Right. All four starting. And the fifth guy who's starting is a guy whose contract is up after this year. And who's had an up and down season in Kayla Martin. And maybe you get to keep him for less now, possibly. Or maybe you just move on from him. But it's essentially like you're throwing your future out there and saying, okay, what do you got? And that's, to me, that's what this series is about now. You're going to a hostile environment. You got a chip on your shoulder. Okay. Can Tyler create when all of this, you know, defensive attention is going to be on him? Can Bam make plays down the stretch? And can he demand the ball when he needs to now that Jimmy is not there? We've seen him kind of bust through the rookie wall now. All right. So we call him Jaime, Jimmy Jr. and all the rest of that. All right, fine. Is there a little bit more to his game? Can he start hunting the mismatches in this? And I set this on the podcast with Brady and Alice. I think that Yovitch is the wild card here. And I forgot who tweeted this yesterday. It might have been John Jablanca. But like he hardly played against the Celtics this year. And it was all garbage time. Like they don't really have any tape on him as far as what he does against them. To me, yeah, to me, he's the secret weapon in this series. I like, okay, we know what he can do with the ball in his hands. We just don't get to see it very often. So why not put it there? I think you bring up a great point about this being something where it's not about individual performances. It's about seeing how they play as a collective because this is a group that like you fit together to complement one another. And they're getting an earlier than expected moment in the playoffs to try to figure out how to gut out a victory as a unit because you're not going to will yourself to win. Like an individual is not going to will this team to win against Boston, particularly up in Boston. It's going to be a team effort. You shoot the lights out. Kayla Martin's going to have to be game seven and Caleb from John. Like that's the kind of stuff you're going to need. And so it is really an interesting moment where you do get to evaluate a lot of the pieces that Miami's going to have to make tough decisions on this summer. And that's why I would like to see Rosier come back in this series. It's not because I think they have a chance to win it necessarily. It's because, okay, now take Caleb out of the mix, put Rosier in that starting lineup. What is if we're looking at a post Jimmy era. I mean, Terry's got two years left in his contract, right? All of these guys are signed. Okay. So, and Bam's going to get that extension. So like what is a Rosier hero, Hakez, Yovitch, Bam lineup look like? We haven't, you know, obviously look, and nobody is pushing Jimmy out the door. There's going to be conversations about that extension for sure. And I know there have been. And that's going to be a topic that we get into a lot. Like how far out do you go with Jimmy at the max? And how much do you count on him and all the rest? But I do think that if you suit Terry come back, if they can maybe extend this series to five. Terry comes back in game three. They got a three game sample size to take a look at what that starting lineup looks like. It gives you a better idea of the future. And I'm not saying that will be the starting lineup going forward. Again, that Jimmy's getting pushed out, but that's a five man unit that we could see playing a lot together as we go there. And again, this gives people an opportunity to show other elements of their game. So this is not sunshine pumping. I don't think that they, you know, again, I agree with the 98.9% this time. Like I don't know a way that you beat this team in this context without, you know, the guy who even though he has struggled in the clutch this year has been your success or against this team. Like I just, I just don't know how you do it. And I'm not, you know, we came up with all kinds of different ways to junk it up and all that. But to me, that's to win a game. It's not to win a series. But I do think that this is instructive for the heat, not to say, okay, we don't need reinforcements. They do. Okay. And I think they know that. Not to say, okay, we're not going to at least make a run at a guy like Donovan Mitchell or somebody like that. No, I don't think anything in the series is going to change that. And I do think at least it gives you the context of, all right, if we can't get a guy like that, if we have to, if we have to reshape in a different way, what do our young guns look like and what, and what, as BAM as the oldest of them, you know, what is the next era of heat basketball. And, and so I think that's why this series was important and that's why I wanted them to win the game against Chicago. And that's kind of where I'm at. Before we get to the Delon Wright interview, any other thoughts? This is the time for a guts check typically before a playoff series. I mean, what, what, what are the guts about at this point? Can the heat get a game? That's the guts, especially on the road. It would be nice to just get one up in Boston, shut that crowd up for, for one game. But otherwise I'm not, I'm not going to sunshine pump this as some sort of series that the heat can win. It does not look like they have enough and, you know, they kind of, sometimes they excel when they're back in the corner and that'll mean they get two games in this series. If you talk about excelling in your backs in the corner, I just don't see how you turn around a 64 win team and also one just through the metrics. Brian Windhorse was quoting this the other day that, you know, they're one of the four or five best teams ever if you look at a lot of offensive and defensive metrics. So I don't agree with that, but that's what the numbers say currently. See, I'd say let's go. Heat go get two games and you've got to feel pretty damn good about how this series went, frankly. I feel on that. I just want to see Boston crack once or twice. That's it. I want to see the heat force them to crack. Like I feel like that would be satisfying. Heat fans should be prepared. Nobody but us is going to talk about the heat. If the Celtics drop a game in this series, it's going to be wall to wall. What's wrong with Boston? Nobody's going to give the heat any credit for it. It's just the nature of this thing. Then they'll start complaining that the fans arrive late in Miami and all the rest of that bullshit that was out there this week. I just want to see him compete. I want to see him fight. I want to see what the chemistry looks like between these young guys. I want to see how they handle things when things go wrong because that's going to happen. The playoffs tell, but I think in this case it can only really tell you good things about this team. It's going to be hard to criticize anybody. I hope honestly that doesn't happen. If guys are going out of their comfort zones because they don't have Jimmy, don't have Rosie, or maybe don't have Duncan. We're still waiting on that. Certainly don't have Duncan at 100%. They fail trying to do something different. That's the discourse on Twitter that I'm going to fight back against. They shouldn't be in that position. They shouldn't be in that position. If we get to see Yovich run some stuff, get to see Hakez taking Jalen Brown down low and scoring over him and all the rest of that stuff, that's going to be good for Heat fans. Going into the offseason is like, we have some pieces here. Whether they're for us or for another team, we have some pieces here. I think at least that'll be a positive way to end what has been a very frustrating season. I think both of us would agree. Somebody who's not been frustrating to watch lately is Delon Wright. After a word from our next sponsor, we'll get to that interview. Our next sponsor, of course, is Water Cleanup of Florida. You can find them at Michael Roberts, team, they'll take good care of you. They've got all those five-star Google reviews. They're based in Boca Raton. They serve as the entire tricami area. You know all of that. If you've got a leak in your home or business anywhere, reach out to them. 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So, it's definitely gratifying and it's like solidifying, you know, my reason of coming here is, you know, after leaving Washington. You talk about it being rocky up and down with the minutes. I know Patty came in and then he was getting some of this. What do you think it is that kind of got you in, suppose, sight line here to be a regular in the rotation? Oh, I'll step up. Kevin's about to be able to take one space. What do you think it was that kind of got you sort of in the express sights? Yeah, come on. I feel like when guys went out, Terry went out, I think Duncan was out. I got to play, I forgot what game it was, but he was like pushing me and Patty. I guess he likely sees one whole thing with a date. 'Cause you got a strong game on Sacramento when you first, I mean, I forgot. And then we didn't see if you just broke. I want to think down with myself, but it was tough to play good. I think I got like seven D&Ps and I played another three games and I played four D&Ps. It was definitely tough, but a lot of people told me to stay ready. I was like, stay ready. You go time, I'll come back around, I didn't see it at first because I'm like, everybody's coming back. And then a few more injuries happen and I'm able to get back to the rotation. I guess it seemed like the defensive stuff you were comfortable from the very beginning. So was it just like offensive system? 'Cause you've been a very low turnover since you come, which is a good thing. They value that. You know what, in this offense, I'm not really a ball handling team. I'm kind of like playing a good doctor, being a second, you know, ball handling. So, our team are going to be low if I'm not handling that much. I'm not playing that much. So I still have to figure out, I think, to shoot more of this. You know, everybody can tell me to shoot the ball and shoot the ball. And I'm like, well, head to center. Were you told that in other places? 'Cause you hadn't been in a catch-and-shoot position for the most part in the other places you've been. When I was playing with Lucas, this was similar. He was on the ball and he wanted me to catch my shoot, but I wasn't comfortable. I wanted to get guys involved. But, you know, in the system, I'm in a position I'm putting, I hope it'd be ready to shoot. And I don't have a shot, I'm with the ball. I'm on attack. This is Boston matchup. They don't have, like, one guard who has the ball in his hands all the time. It kind of spread it out. Obviously Drew will have it some, and then Jason and Jalen will have it also. Where do you see, like, defensively? Like, if you get opportunities in this series, what is the primary focus against a team that's that diverse? From my recollection of playing them, they were one-on-one team. Like, not in a bad way. They were attacking first, and then they moved the ball. So you have to initially guard them when you're bringing the ball to court. And, you know, everybody has to be around you to help. Because, initially, they're going to attack you first, and then they don't have that to get off of you. So, that's my recollection. So, just being able to guard them one-on-one, you know, guard your guard, guard your guard, let's close this day. After that, have your teamies help you. When we were, you were on the podcast with us, and we were talking about the possibilities of you with that guy at the top of the zone. Without giving away too much game plan, it seemed to me that that might be a way to attack a team like this. With the ball pressure and that kind of stuff. How do you enjoy the opportunities you've got to kind of do that with him? When I first got here, it was tired. I was tired. I didn't really buy in as much as I see the vision now. But, at first, I wasn't in great shape. So, when I was in the zone, I was like, "I just want to play man." But now, I see where the other teams, I know what it feels like to be on the other side of that. You see, you've got to burn up here in my press. You don't want to be press. No, it's the NBA. This is in college. So, guys, mentally, you know, it takes a toll on me. You said you were in a great shape. There is such a thing as NBA shape, and then there's heat shape. Yes, yes, no for sure. Ed, you've noticed the difference. Heat shape is me, and they just pop it as on, moving around, chasing guys. That's like a real shape. So, from my courtyard here, it was telephone pin. That was probably what I was struggling with too. I wasn't paying much on Washington, and now, you know, I'm a rhythm. I know what they expect from me. It's been a lot easier. Say goodbye to your credit card rewards, greedy corporate megastores, led by Walmart and Target, are pushing for law in Congress to take away your hard-earned cashback and travel points to line their pockets. 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