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This Could Have Been an Email: Rep. Bill Keating hand-delivers vote to President Zelensky | 4.22.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Why was Congressman Bill Keating anywhere near Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, let alone personally handing him the sign-off that he'd be getting another American blank check?

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22 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And you know, I go back to the responsibility of Congress here, because had the Senate actually gone through with the impeachment of Donald Trump... Hello. We would not be in this situation. Okay, okay. You know what? This is disgusting. This is like a witch hunt. This is like the Blair Witch Hunt project. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Joe Biden is far less like than he was four years ago. Just 43% of voters now view Joe Biden's payroll he needs today. The play reports a pretty big jump at the pump. The average price of a gallon of gas in the Buffalo and Niagara Falls region today is $3.56. You know, it's gonna be great when Donald Trump gets elected. But when he does win, the screaming that you're doing at Zion is gonna be nothing compared to the screaming you're gonna be doing coming November. Oh, the tears of a sensible status! Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaats beware. It's... [Music] Howie Car... 844-542-442-844-542-42. By the way, at the Earth Day ceremonies today, representative Ilhan Omar D. Somalia was asked about the arrest of her young terrorist daughter at Barnard College. And what happened? Some people did something? Yes, they did. Yes, they did. By the way, try what I'm about to tell you, not destroy your faith in the integrity and the moral titans of the Democrat Party. But a former senior policy advisor to Obama and Hillary Clinton has been charged with sex offenses in Britain. A former senior policy advisor to the Obama administration and also to Hillary Clinton has appeared in court in Britain charged with child sex offenses. Rahimin? Arami Shai? They say he's from New Jersey. He's accused of arranging the commission of a child sex offense. He worked at the White House under President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He was arrested in late February. He's been charged with child sex offenses, and he's being held in custody as a dangerous person. He worked for city financial services. They claim that he no longer works for them. Mr. Rahimim... Rahimin? Rahimi Shai? Again. Trying to let this destroy your faith in the integrity of the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign for president. Time now for the Trump line. Is it my imagination or have Democrats been on fire recently? Yes, they have. Did you see the stories about the latest Democrat to emulate himself? Excuse me. He's also not coming down for breakfast. Oh, I know. It was pretty clear he wasn't coming down for breakfast. Imagine if Chris Crisco had crashed in that plane. It would have driven all the cannibals insane. Here's this tub of large right in their backyard, and they can't get them out because they need a crane. You know, wasn't Biden engaging in that? Like, stereotyping by talking about the people in New Guinea being cannibals. I mean, again, what would happen if Donald Trump ever said something like that? They would be screaming racist for the next 10 months. Today's Trump line is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April in May saved $1,000 off their new PFE Hair Restoration procedure. And listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with the doctors. I think you're going to learn a lot of stuff about hair restoration. Go to or call 1-800-208-H-A-I-R. That's 1-800-208-H-A-I-R Hair. Say Ed, did you see that Ilhan Omar's protesting daughter described herself as a quote "angry black girl"? You love her accent. She's had a hard life though. For instance, every father's day she has to buy a present for her uncle. Yes, she's had a tough life. Very, very tough life. She likes to get in all the radical groups. And then she finds herself in these predominantly white groups and feels very marginalized. It's so terrible. I think she'd be much more comfortable if she returned to Somali and became a child bride of some warlord. Howie, you do have to hand it to Joe Biden about one thing. He always has that "I'm as confused as a cow on AstroTurf look on its face." Yeah. You know, I was looking at, though, they had some pictures of this guy shy when they were watching the killing of Osama bin Laden back in 2011. That wasn't that long ago, 12 years. I mean, Biden was close to 70 even then, but he looked like he had a functioning brain. Maybe not a well-functioning brain, but there was something there. He would now, again, he looks lost, dazed, tired, emotional, confused. Generally speaking, noncompassmentous. Hey, howie. All Elon Omar's daughter has to do is marry her brother. She gives all the welfare she wants. I don't think she has to marry anyone to get all the welfare she wants. I think the whole family's been on welfare since the moment they arrived here after lying on their immigration forms. And they've been checking the boxes ever since and living high on the hog. Never breaking a sweat, not once. And by the way, she says she's homeless and she doesn't know what she's going to do for money. I mean, didn't her mother funnel over $2 million in campaign contributions to her stepfather or one of her stepfathers, the guy who's the manager of the campaign? Yeah, that's the one America. But please, please, please, please pay my college fees. It's worse than that. They're college loans. They want death to America. They want to kill all the taxpayers, all the Jews, everyone who believes in capitalism. But at the same time, they want all of those people that they want to murder and slaughter and commit genocide against to pay off their student loans. Bravo, Libs. I thought Joe Biden was going to be this great leader. The man couldn't even raise his dog. I don't know about you. I never thought he was going to be a great leader. I watched him in '87, stealing those speeches from Neil Kennock and Robert F. Kennedy. I read about it being thrown out of Syracuse University Law School. I knew he was a buffoon. I think everybody who paid attention for more than five minutes knew it, and that he was corrupt as well. Hey, Howie, are you sure it was Elon Omar's daughter that got kicked off of campus or her niece? Wait a minute. They're one of the same, aren't they? Or her... I guess it wouldn't be her sister, would it? It would be her niece. Yeah, it would be her niece, I think. Again, I'm not familiar with this type of genealogy from the savage lands of the third world. Lovey, did you see that guy who lit himself on fire outside the Trump courtroom? What do you and see? He went down in flames faster than their basketball team. What was he doing in personating Genes cars 59 in Palau or his movie career? You know, we were all saddened that they were eliminated in the round of 16 by Alabama, but that guy was the only one who set himself on fire. Kamala Harris doesn't laugh. She tackles. I agree. I agree. If ever a verb like cackled was required, this is the situation that calls for it. How is that seen outside of the New York courthouse on Friday was wild. Where the heck was Jamal Bolton when he needed him? Yeah, he was too busy heading over to the all you can eat buffet. That was your last Trump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right. That's it for the Chump line today. The Chump line is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call it. Leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. Every weekday, the Chump line number, if you'd like to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442. Press 2 for the Chump line. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chump line, we have one every week night around 7 p.m. Eastern. It's called Chop Chumps. It's where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. You can get Chop Chumps every week night around 7, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chump line is brought to you by Northeast Hair Restoration. This April and May save $1,000 off their new PFE hair restoration procedure. And listen to my Meet the Expert podcast with the doctors. Go to or call 1-800-208-HARE. The Howie Carr show. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream Sheets, go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how will the first Trump criminal trial in New York turn out? Conviction, acquittal, or hung jury mistrial? Hung jury mistrial? 62% say hung jury mistrial, 29% say conviction, 8% for acquittal. By the way, we've just reached the mother of Rahimun Rami Sky, Democrat operative, who's just been arrested as a sex pervert in the UK. This is what Mrs. Sky had to say about her pervert, Democrat son. That's what she had to say. He's a good boy, a very good boy. Said he was from New Jersey. All right, 781 was the guy on fire playing Billy Joel. We didn't start the fire. No, I thought he was just playing, "I am the God of Hellfire, and I bring you fire." Or maybe he was playing fire by the Ohio Express. Or was it the Ohio players? The Ohio players, not the Ohio Express. There are a lot of fire songs out there. You like Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire, too? All right, 844-542. You know, we do have a despicable group of politicians in the United States, or especially in Massachusetts, and not just the ones who fled, like Jerry Connolly and Adam Schiff. How about the local people? On the Israeli vote, the Israeli-aid vote, which, you know, was a pittance, relatively speaking, compared to what the oligarchs in the Ukraine got. Two members of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation voted against the bald woman from Chicago, Ayanna Pressley, whose husband did 10 years in the can for drug trafficking. And, of course, Jim McGovern, the fat bastard from Worcester, who spent his entire life at the public trot, and he looks it. They voted against it. But wait, it gets worse. They sent a member of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to Ukraine today to grovel and slobber over Zelensky. And I'm sure he's very proud of it. Bill Keating. I remember when Bill Keating was a semi-decent politician. He was the last Massachusetts politician to go toe-to-toe with Whitey Bulger. Back at the polls in 1994, Whitey Bulger was campaigning for his opponent because he'd gone up against Billy Bulger. And the next month Whitey disappeared, no one saw him, for all those years. But since then, he's become a -- just a hacks-hack. In the tradition of Bill Delahont and Michael past the gravy moracy right in the middle there is Delahont, collecting his $117,000 state pension on top of his $174,000 Congressional money, his salary. So today he goes to Ukraine to hand the liver the vote, the roll call vote in the house, giving Zelensky all that money to buy a new round of penthouses and ocean villas and yachts and all the rest of the wonderful things that they're buying with our -- and paying for their government pensions. So here's Bill Keating. And also Bill Keating from Massachusetts. And I have something that you're really going to like. This is the official town of the world. Yes, I see. For the supplemental aid. Yes. And look at that vote, 73%. Yes. Thank you so much. That's a good vote. That's a good vote. My wife's going to have plenty money for next shopping spree in Paris. We will be buying around at the craps table and the roulette wheel. The next time we are visiting the casinos in Monte Carlo. Oh, God. 844-542. Ernest, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Ernest. Good afternoon. I have a complaint. Why does the government pass bills and legislation and spend our money on the weekends? The banks are closed. This is this Monday through Friday, 9 to 5. But yet every Saturday night at midnight or Sunday morning and a wee hours of the day, they want to cram down our throats legislation that against our will to begin with. And I strongly believe there should be a law passed that no business should be dealt with on the weekends. Monday to Friday. I'd go along with that, Ernest. You know what? There used to be a senator in Massachusetts, a state senator, David Locke. He was a good guy. He was my senator for a long time and wellesley. And he always used to say, you know, it's all the sun has set. It's time for us to go to work. We don't come out until after dark. We're like raccoons. You know, it's even truer for Congress than it is for the Massachusetts legislature, Ernest. They're like raccoons. Thanks for the call. 844-542. You know, the difference? They're not wearing masks. They're stealing rights. You can identify. I'm Howie Carr. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. [Music] The crazy world of Arthur Brown. Fire. Fire by the Ohio players. 844-542. Here it comes. [Music] I... I told you earlier, now Emerson and MIT are camping out in solidarity with the Columbia Pro-Nazi protest. Now Tufts. Tufts. The Jumbos have joined the protest. 844-542-661. Zelinsky replied to Keating, "Tell Joe Biden we won't release the tapes on him and his son any time soon. Keep the money coming." Right. I know. What a return on investment though, you know? 10 million dollars, supposedly. If you don't believe that FBI report, then it's still like it's even less. 4 million dollars to Hunter. And now they've gotten back what? 160, 170 billion dollars. Wow. It's pretty good. 844-542. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. First of all, Howie, you've got to stop doing that Muslim war cry. Every time you do that, I pee my pants laughing. That is hysterical. But I'm going to tell you something right now. You talk about Despicable. Yesterday, I saw the Ed Harding interview with Julian Sears. And how Julian Sears was telling and walked here, warning everybody that the transfer attacks and the taxing of the wealthy and for hospital beds and for the poor and of course the illegals. And then at the end of it, he says, "Because I can't afford to pay it, so I'm looking for a boyfriend or a husband to help me pay for this." I couldn't believe he said this on national TV. But yet, this is what-- What channel was that on? We got to get that cut. We got to get that cut. Channel five. Channel five. Channel five. This is the state senator from Cape Cod, Cape of the Islands. That's what he said. He lives in Provincetown. He's looking for a husband. He's looking for a sugar daddy. Is that what he said? He did. And this is the second time he said it. He said it three weeks ago at the community college and they believed it. So other people would hear it on the local television. This guy will say anything. And he's going to be your next senator unless Chris Luzon wins against him. These are the lunatics. Wait until he goes over to Europe. And if that's doing stuff like that, he won't be coming home. Have a good day. Man, thanks. And, you know, I remember when the-- I remember the last Republican on the Cape, Henri Rouschenbach. He was tried on corruption charges and we renamed him Henri Kickenbach. But he looks like Winston Churchill. He was acquitted. He's now a big money lobbyist in his donage. But, you know, I mean, compared to Henri Kickenbach, looks like just-- he looks like a combination of John Wayne and Winston Churchill compared to this guy. I think he's appeared in rather strange attire at some of the summer fests in Provincetown. But we'll have to find that sound cut and play it. Good Lord. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Seven, eight, one. Was that the emulation clause? He tried to get Trump on. That's a good play on words. The emolument clause. What's the difference between the emolument clause and the emulation clause? Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, five-o-eight. Why are we flying anyone over to Ukraine? Can't we just send them an email? Yeah. How about a text? Wouldn't the text do the same thing? You just take a picture of the roll call vote and you send it on the phone, right? That's all. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. At least Trump would broker a peace deal and save $170 billion. And remember, there's five or six hundred thousand people dead in this war. And none of the Nazi love and Muslim hippies on these college campuses are complaining about all the dead people in Ukraine. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, happy Earth Day to you and your listeners. It's one of my favorite planets. You've got to be among the top three. Yeah, so far we've managed to keep it alive for the last fifty-three years. I've been working hard at it. I don't know about you, Dennis, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the future. It might be time to amend the First Amendment to not apply to any able-bodied person who is dependent on government benefits. They can still speak, but they just can't stay on the dole after. Thanks for the call, Dennis. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. I remain convinced that the freak show who torched him, he did the freak show. He's an alumnus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Outside the Trump trial was a devoted fan of the doors celebrating the release, the anniversary of LA Woman release on April 19th. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Doors never appeared at Chapel Hill. Not that they were doing much touring after the famous appearance in Miami. I think it was 1969 where Morrison got arrested for indecent exposure. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, there, Dan. Hey, yeah, Amir. I'm just wondering, we're talking about Ukraine and Ukraine funding earlier. From your perspective, at their point, our line of demarked between people who's lived through the Cold War fear and things like that. People who were convinced are otherwise in terms of polling in their support of the war. Because I spoke to younger and older people with support of funding with the same kind of points. I would continue crossing lines who's fighting for democracy. On that note, has there been any basic polling of citizens in regards to support of the war? I think originally people had some vestigial sympathy for the underdog. But then as time went on and they saw what was going on and there didn't appear to be any kind of pushback to end the war. And people realized that there were these potential implications for a larger conflict that we basically had no real geopolitical stake in. I think the support has faded. I think this was a terrible, terrible vote. And I think the vast majority of it, I think the fact that you haven't seen any polling on it indicates the way the polling would have gone. Because the deep state is behind this 100%. And not just the Democrats. But the Wall Street Journal has a glowing editorial about it today. They're the Uniparty. I don't see any reason for this money. And Mike Johnson has lost his mind. And someone said to me, "Well, he's your guy. He's not my guy. I just said he's better than Hakim Jeffries." I wasn't forgetting rid of Kevin McCarthy because I just figured that the same knuckleheads that supported Jim Jones Lions and Jeff Deal in Massachusetts wanted to get rid of Kevin McCarthy for reasons. I didn't quite understand. I mean, I know they were disappointed in them, but you got to be disappointed in a lot of people. So the knuckleheads prevailed, just like they prevailed here for a little while. But this is representative Tony Gonzales from Texas. And he's mentioning that Matt Gaetz is the guy who got rid of McCarthy. And McCarthy has said that the reason that Matt Gaetz went after him had nothing to do with anything other than the fact that he wouldn't shut down a house ethics probe on whether he had sex with this underage girl at a drug party. And he's never been indicted, but she's suing him. She's now of age. But this is what Tony Gonzales, a Republican of Texas, a combat veteran, was talking, saying about Matt Gaetz who led the uprising against McCarthy, which has now given us Mike Johnson and are all you happy that you got Mike Johnson now. Cut 10 people survive. Look, the house is a rough and rowdy place, but Mike Johnson is going to be just fine. I served 20 years in the military. It's my absolute honor to be in Congress, but I served with some real scumbags. Look, Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties. Bob Good endorsed my opponent, a no neo-Nazi. These people used to walk around with white hoods at night. Now they're walking around with white hoods in the daytime. If you don't like Johnson, I mean, that's okay. You don't have to like Johnson, but just, you know, if you were forgetting where to McCarthy, then you have something to answer for. 844-542-42. Jeff, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Jeff. There, Jeff. No, Jeff. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Well, you know how the biggest thing to me is he couldn't get on the oversight of this money. You know, you know, I worked down there years ago contracting for DOD. And I got to tell you, when they sent money like this overseas, I mean, we're talking billions now, which is millions back then. But there was always somebody from the State Department assigned three or four of them and two of them from Treasury. And they went over and when they dispersed the funds, every damn time was accounted for. Right. That's a good point. Mike, didn't somebody a few months ago, Congressman or Senator, want to make sure that all this money was all the expenditures were audited and suggested maybe like the, I don't know, the Defense Department, Inspector General or somebody. And they reacted like, you know, they wanted to give the money to Hamas, didn't they? Yeah. I mean, it's crazy. I've never seen anything like them. It's going down down there. And I got one word for the protesters. It's called tear gas. Okay. That's the word for the protesters. How about police horses, Mike, like the old days with busing? That might help too. How are you? You know what I mean? Just like the good old days. You know, as I've told you, I've told this story before, but think about the horses is you bring in the horses early and they relieve themselves. And you give, Dapper O'Neill used to call it a physics, you know, give them some laxative. Right. So the horses relieve themselves. And then you put them right in front of the demonstrators and you say, Hey, hippies, you're going to get up and leave? Or are we going to drag you? And you know what? You know where you're dragging them through. You're dragging them through where the horses were. You know what, Mike? They all get up. It's an amazing thing. They don't want to get their sandals all soiled. You got that right. Thanks for the call, Mike. 844-542-42 the glory days of the demonstrations. And a lot of these were post-bussing demonstrations out in front of the JFK building on tax day. Then they would bring those horses out and drag, drag people. All you had to do was drag a couple of the hippies through and through the horse manure. And they all stood up. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. ♪♪♪ Howie Carr is back. ♪♪♪ So this is Senator Julian Sier. This is how crazy the state Senate is in Massachusetts. I mean, Spilka is a hard core left-wing liberal, but she's the only thing standing between all these nuts in the state Senate like Julian Sier. This is the senator from Cape Cod yesterday on Channel 5 talking about the high cost of living in his district, the Cape and Islands. We are in a situation now where if you are a year-round working Cape Codder, doing whatever you're doing, right? Making well into six figures potentially, you cannot afford to own a home or buy or purchase a home on Cape Cod on the islands if you don't already have one. In my hometown, Truro, a household has to make $400,000 a year to afford the median home. I mean, I can't afford to buy a home in my district. And you have a pretty good job. I have a pretty good job. I probably need a boyfriend or a husband to maybe help me get to that $400,000, you know, point here, but that's ridiculous. ♪♪♪ How about you get a job, Senator? A real job. How often are you going to work in Boston? Damn seldom. I would say none of these people, none of these gay, straight Republican Democrats, they don't go to work. He also brought up in the same interview. I don't have the cut, but how his sister is also homosexual. Is that supposed to make us more likely to vote for him or does he think that's going to, you know, make him even? Why did he have to bring that up, I guess? They were asking about a specific set of laws or lack of laws about, I don't know, it was very, very convoluted. They were talking about gay rights. And he mentioned, well, if my sister moved out of state to a state with a different set of laws and, you know, she passed away, the adopted baby could be taken away from its mother. ♪♪♪ God, 844-542-844-542. By the way, you know, Joe Biden, he's a master of Congress. He's a regular LBJ for the 21st century. He knows the names of everybody there. You know, like there's a famous former bartender from New York City. Cut 10. In 1933, it was referenced by the Congress lady. But Congress lady. The Congress lady? Cut, too. And Representative Casio Cortez in New York, you know, I learned a long time ago, listen to that, lady. Listen to that, lady, we're going to talk more about another part of the world, too, real quickly. And that was after she made these comments. She spoke, obviously, before Joe Biden at this Earth Day event. It is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days. As we once again witnessed the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campus, this is like Columbia, Yale, Berkeley, and many others. Peaceful. Peaceful. They're attacking Jews. And now these riots, these hippie Nazis have spread their poison to Emerson, to MIT, to Tufts. And Representative Casio Cortez in New York, you know, I learned a long time ago, listen to that, lady. Cut one. As President, I've seen the devastating cold toll of climate firsthand. One day it's raining. The next day it's cold. Then a few months later, it's hot. And you're sweating. You've got to get in out of the sun. He's seen it firsthand. Then in the fall, all the leaves fall off the trees. And how we car.