The Howie Carr Radio Network

She's a rich girl, and she's gone too far | 4.22.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie uncovers the reason why certain women haven't seen repercussions for their actions. In short, it's because their daddy is rich. Tune in for the latest out of America's "top" institutions and more.

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22 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And you know, I go back to the responsibility of Congress here, because had the Senate actually gone through with the impeachment of Donald Trump. Hello. We would not be in this situation. Okay. Okay. You know what? This is disgusting. This is like a witch hunt. This is like the Blair Witch Hunt project. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Joe Biden is far less like than he was four years ago. Just 43% of voters now view Joe Biden's payroll he needs to take. Play reports a pretty big jump at the pump. The average price of a gallon of gas in the Buffalo and Niagara Falls region today is $3.56. You know, it's going to be great when Donald Trump gets elected. But when he does win, the screaming that you're doing at Zionists is going to be nothing compared to the screaming you're going to be doing come November. [Music] From swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Who would have ever dreamed that they would seat the Donald Trump jury before the Karen Reid jury, but that is indeed the case. Welcome to the Howie Car Show 844-542-424844-542-4242. We've got a full day planned. Lots and lots of stuff to get to. And I think the first thing is this is what's going on in the Ivy League schools or at least a couple of them at Columbia University. You've seen what's happening there. These students are just out of control. They've been arrested. This morning, they deactivated an Israeli professor's entrance card into the morning side heights, the campus saying that they couldn't protect them. So they're banning the victims of this violence. They're not protecting them. They're trying to just tell them he can't come into the campus because they can't protect them. And you have all these nuts like Ilhan Omar's daughter who now claims she's homeless because she's been tossed out of Barnard College or suspended. And she says she's homeless. She doesn't know where she's from. Somalia. She's from DC. She's from Minneapolis. Where's she from? But she's homeless now, she says. And she only has like four pairs of four shirts and two pairs of pants. Oh man, how many would she have if she was still in Somalia? I'm guessing she'd have nothing. I'm guessing she'd be somebody sex-laved somewhere. That's the way they treat women over there. But she's an angry black girl. And again, this woman that Grace was just talking about during the break, at the age of 16, she's driving a pickup truck crosses the center lane, not paying attention, and strikes a couple, 72 and 73 years old. She's driving one of these huge trucks that the Secretary of Transportation in Massachusetts thinks is an 18-wheeler, attractive trailer, and she runs it up and kills these two people. And then there's a big scandal. You know what the scandal was? They released her name because she's a rich girl. She's a rich girl, and she's gone too far, but she knows it don't matter anyhow. Some people did something. This one, this is her, Ilhan Omar's daughter's friend. She can rely on the old man's money. I just thought of that. Why didn't I think of that before the show, so we could have pulsed them all in oats. But anyway, she's a rich girl, and daddy got her out of it. And she, the scandal was that they released the rich girl's name. I'm not kidding you. The state police got into trouble in Vermont for releasing the rich girl's name with the prosecutor's office in that county. But you know, she paid a stiff price for killing two people while probably while texting while driving $220 fine. That's $110 per person for killing him. And now she's an angry white girl, and she's been thrown out with the angry black girl. I mean, you know, I went to college at the tail end of Vietnam, but I may have told this story before. When I was a freshman, I was only 17, so I didn't take part in the lottery. My birthday wasn't in the lottery. But the night of the lottery, you know, your eligibility for the draft was decided on your birthday. You know, like, so if you were, if your birthday, my birthday, the next year was January 17, I was number nine. So I was in jeopardy. But 90% of the people were in that lottery, that first lottery, suddenly were not eligible. They didn't have to worry about Vietnam. That was basically the end of the Vietnam protest. People were protesting because they were afraid they were going to go away. These people, they're protesting just because they don't like Jews, and they don't like America, any of us. They don't like capitalism. They don't like people who work for a living. They don't like people who don't have trust funds. They don't like people who don't have, who don't check the boxes. They don't like people who are cis-gendered. This is what this is all. This is insanity. I don't know if you saw it today. This story just started, just broke a few minutes ago. One of the, you know, all the people in Harvard have pulled, a lot of people have pulled out of Harvard, like Ken Griffin, the big guy from Citadel, who lives down here. He's a multi-multi-multi-billionaire, pulled his operation out of Chicago. He's originally from down here. He owns a billion dollar piece of property south of Mar-a-Lago. So, he probably owns something that's, it's worth more than Mar-a-Lago, what he owns. It's not even got a house on it yet, but he's pulled out of Harvard. But Columbia has, as is starting, and a lot of people have pulled out a pen. In Griffin isn't even Jewish. A lot of people have pulled out a pen. And today, Bob Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, a billionaire, obviously, he's a Columbia University grad. And I didn't know this, but he said today, and his press release, he said, I went to Columbia on a scholarship. That's the reason I could only go to the Ivy League because I got a scholarship, so I've always had, you know, this fondness in my heart for the school, for letting me in and, you know, getting me into the, getting me into the fast lane of American society. And I guess he, the Jewish center, you know, they have Jewish Catholic centers all over all these places. The Jewish center at Columbia is named the Craft Center. And he just said today, he said, I'm not in on this anymore. I can't put up with this. This is insane. What's going on? And this isn't just Columbia, it's Yale, too. Do you remember a few years ago that they had some, what were ruled by the, by the apparat check, apparat checks of the deep state to be politically incorrect Halloween costumes? Do you remember that? And they ran out a proctor, you know, someone who just, you know, one of the faculty, junior faculty members who oversaw the dorm, they ran them out because they'd signed off on this stuff or had a party where they allowed some. I don't, I don't even know what the costumes were. It was insanity that they did this. But that'll get you, but, but having, having these protests, these, these sleep-ins at Yale, where they attack Jewish students, they attacked Jewish students. Sayhar Tartak, a sophomore, she writes for the paper. She's also written for the Wall Street Journal, was poked in the eye with a flagpole and needed hospital treatment. On Friday night, the mob cheered. This is the Wall Street Journal as students ripped down the American flag in front of a memorial for fallen soldiers and tried to burn it. They were chanting, they, they called Yale University administrators and trustees terrorists. There is only one solution, anti, anti, anti, fought out revolution. And then the, the, the, the dean, dean of, the dean of Yale College, Pericles, Lewis, for that is indeed his name, Pericles. Pericles, Lewis promised that the, the protest leaders, he would meet with them if they pack up their tents. Needless to say, they didn't pack up their tents. They learned nothing from the Columbia riots of 1968, did they? 844, 542, 42, 781, so all the suburban lives with their hate has no home here signs, packed up all the hate and sent it off to the colleges with their kids, huh? There was another case, it's in the New York Post today, this Miss Israel of 2021, she's a, she's a good looking woman. She was a combat medic over there, but she was in New York when there was this demonstration last month, when there was this demonstration taking place, so she and a bunch of other pro-Israeli citizens and pro-Israeli types went down to confront these people. She got smacked in the face in front of a cop, and she said, she said, I've never had a, I've never had a black eye before. She's, she's in the medic, she's treated, she's been treating Hamas terrorists in addition to IDF soldiers over there. She, she was on a, on a, on a furlough basically. She comes over to New York and gets attacked by these savages on welfare, and the cops don't do anything. They're, they're trying Trump. They're not the cops, but the, the prosecutors in New York City are, they're going after Trump, but they're not going after these people who, who be. And she's a tourist. She's a, and she's not an illegal alien. She came in it with money in her pocket to spend and a visa. And she, and she gets treated worse than some illegal alien rapist or carjacker. This is, this is, we live in an insane, insane time right now. And it's, we've got to end it in November. And we've got to make it too big to rig. That's my, I like that. That's my favorite Donald Trump slogan of the year, too big to rig. That's what it's got to be. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll take some calls when we come back. I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr will be right back. Howie Carr is back. I love My Pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. I dry off with their towels. Now you can enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code Howie at From pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets. Go to and use code Howie for amazing discounts. Taylor, what's the, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is how will the first Trump criminal trial in New York turn out conviction, acquittal, or hung jury slash mistrial? I think it's going to be a hung jury. It has to, you know, it's a criminal trial, so it has to be unanimous. Twelve zero. I just, there's got to be one or two holdouts in that group. There's two lawyers on it. I know the lawyer being a lawyer doesn't really mean you have much connection to the law in many cases anymore. Look at Rachel Rollins. Look at Merrick Garland. But I'm still going to say it's going to be a mistrial. Sixty three percent say hung jury or mistrial. Thirty percent say conviction and seven percent say acquittal. Yeah, I heard Dick Morris saying that on W.A.B.C. yesterday on his weekend show. I, I, Dick's crazy though, you know. He doesn't, I don't think he knows what he's talking. There's no way, there's no way they can get an acquittal in that case. But a hung jury will get the job done for the time being anyway. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, three, three, nine. I'd love to know how Omar's daughter got into Columbia. Is she paying a full vote, says Nick D? I think you know the answer to that. I'd rather know what she got on her SATs. Or did she, or is she, is she one of the, one of the people in the new generation that probably didn't have to have to take the SATs. You know, they bring it, they're bringing them back at the Yale at Dartmouth at a few other places. Thank goodness. But a lot of, a lot of the DEI types didn't have to take them. I'm guessing there weren't a lot of books in Ilhan Omar's house in, in Somaliville, in Minneapolis. That would just be my hunch. Her mom doesn't strike me as the most well read person in the world. So I'm guessing daughter is about in the same boat. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, two, three. Ironically, the Yale protests are happening outside of the new Schwartzman Center built with a hundred and fifty million dollar donation from a Jewish man. Is that Schwartzman, the guy who owns the place on Nantucket where Biden spends every Thanksgiving? Isn't it, isn't his name Schwartzman, the guy who's house he's, he's at? I think it is. I don't know. This is what Bob Kraft had. We'll go to the calls in just a moment. This is what Bob Kraft said today in his statement. He's pulling his support. It was through the full academic scholarship Columbia gave me that I was able to attend college and get my start in life. And for that, I have been tremendously grateful. However, the school, I love so much, the one that welcomed me and provided me with so much opportunity is no longer an institution I recognize. You could be speaking for a lot of people who didn't even go to Ivy League schools. I am deeply saddened that the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus throughout our country. I am no longer confident that Columbia can protect its students and staff. And I am not comfortable supporting the university until corrective action is taken. Good for Kraft for saying that. Arthur, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Arthur. Thank you, Harry. Years ago, I saw at I think it was channel two. There was some justice like in the mid 90s, a panel about growing tension between Muslim community in this country and American citizens. And these people were professional people, professors, lawyers, doctors. These were just students. A lot of them lived in Georgetown. Alexandria, Virginia, I remember, was a town that was listed. And it got a little tense at the end. And I never realized how bad it was till the narrator asked them, "What can Americans do to Jesus?" And the woman who was a physician, she was a surgeon. She said, "Stop leaving Jesus Christ." Do you remember when October 7th happened and there was this woman going around? Right as soon as they put up the hostage posters on the street lights and elsewhere. And she was ripping them down. Do you remember where she was? She was a dentist, Arthur. I mean, she was a very well educated person, but she just hated, not just Jews, she hated Americans. Arthur, that's what it boiled down to. Thanks for the call. Steve, from Cambridge, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Steve. Howdy, two things. Number one, I think a lot of these kids are grown up with helicopter parents in upper middle class or more wealthy families. Never had to do anything that was risky or never experienced any kind of hardship or... Risky, how about they just have a job, Steve? I just, I'd settle for them just having a job. Well, I think they feel that when they're in college, the cool thing is to protest. And that's what they think college is about. And a lot of it is just, they're just useful idiots. And they're being played. They don't really do a lot of thinking whatsoever. It's just a game to them. Yeah, I know it is, but I mean, the thing is it's a game with no consequences, at least in Columbia, at Columbia and Barnard, they got arrested. But they're just, you know, pampering them at Yale. It's really counterproductive. But there's nothing new here. There's a famous picture from the '68 takeover of the president's office at Columbia University. This guy with a mustache looks like a hippie in a coat. He's smoking one of the president's cigars with his feet up on his desk. He did that in D.C. on January 6th. It's still be behind under the jail cell. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. That is Isabelle Jennifer Seward's favorite hauling out song. Rich Girl. She's the one who is a teenager. She crossed the double line in Vermont and collided head-on with two elderly people. This was September of 2020. And killed both of them. And their niece claimed the only reason she wasn't charged with murder is because she has a rich daddy. And guess what? Now she's, as the niece said, now she's just prancing around Columbia with her Ivy League privilege. She has no remorse. She received no punishment. After basically getting away with murder, she's now promoting murder with no understanding of what she's promoting. I wonder how proud her daddy must be. Yeah, I mean, Seward, you don't get much more waspy and privileged to name than that. You know what they call the purchase of Alaska back in 1867, right? Seward's folly. Because he was the, I don't know, the secretary of whatever. He bought Alaska from the Russians. Seward's folly, they called it. And I'll bet she's a descendant of Seward. This is Seward's latest folly, Isabelle's Jennifer Seward. God, the audacity of these people. All right, time now for Grace's News. Yes, Howie. On this same front, Elise Stefanik and all of the New York House GOP lawmakers are demanding that the Columbia President, Mnous Chefique, resign immediately. They demanded on Monday that Columbia President Mnous Chefique resign immediately for failing to crack down on a large, unauthorized, anti-Semitic riot that has engulfed the university's campus. You know what's really shocking is that the lead rabbi for the students advised them all to stay home because they're not safe. And again, the business professor who's in Israeli, his path, his key didn't work to get through the gates today. And this is, you know, Passover is tonight. This is a high holiday for Jewish people. I mean, it would be insulting any day for any group of people. But this is a really wretched, horrible time for these privileged box-checking Nazi netwits to be doing this to people. Yeah, so they have all these tents. I was talking to Emma about this earlier, Howie. It's like everyone's got a tent on hand, too, which is very strange. So there's tents now all over campus. People are chanting things not only chanting things about we honor the martyrs, but I've been seeing a lot of chants on Fox of students, chanting things about October 7th. And so I think the mask has dropped as far as pretending that this isn't just pro-humous celebrations that are going on. It's clear that that's what's happening. But this is what the House Republicans did. They denounced the anarchy at the Morningside Heights campus that has unfolded over the past few days with in-person classes canceled on Monday. And like Howie said, a prominent rabbi urging Jewish students at Columbia and Barnard to go home before the start of Passover. You know, after they bring back the SAT equation, what I wanted to bring back next. What? Razi. Oh, we have that in Providence. That would be, how about mandatory Razi for these people? We have that in Providence and sometimes in the mornings when everyone will be sleeping, you would hear them outside, you know, doing their walkarounds. 508 say, "Can tomorrow's poll a question be what's your preferred method to end illegal Ivy League campus demonstrations? Water, cannon, tear gas, police horses or canine officers?" Well, you know, I'm 70s Boston, as they say. So you know what I'm going for, Grace? I'm going for police horses. T.P.F. bring back the T.P.F. the tactical patrol force. Yeah, I do think that when you see all of these students out there, it's really just a sign that people, or they don't have meaning in their lives. Like this really makes me sad because I saw someone today Howie on Twitter said, "Don't these kids have class to go to?" And then somebody else replied and said, "This is class. Like this is what the schools want them to be doing." And so now all these presidents and all of these professors, you know, they want to sit there during these hearings and claim that, "Oh, it just got out of hand," or, you know, "We don't promote this kind of stuff, but I don't think anyone believes that." No. And, you know, it's what the Republican congressman from New York State, that doesn't matter as much as people like Bob Kraft just saying, "Our checkbooks are closed from here on out." That's what got rid of all these. You know, Pritzker got, you know, what does it marry out hotel and her cousin is the governor of Illinois. They're multi-multi-billionaires. She's the one who got rid of Claudine Gay because she was talking to all of her fellow billionaires. You know, they were out. If Kraft can get the rich people out of Columbia, this woman will be gone. But I'm not even sure how much of fact that will have. I mean, it's window dressing, isn't it? She's kind of a token sacrifice, but they'll get some Pavlam-puking replacement for her that'll be just as terrible. Yeah, and I thought Senator John Sederman from Pennsylvania had a really good point. He was talking about all these protests, and he said, "You have a right to protest, but you don't have a right to disrupt people who are trying to live their lives. You don't have a right to stop traffic or to deface a Starbucks because you're angry about something." That is not included in the Constitution. Right. Well, you know, I mentioned in my column yesterday this Secretary of Transportation in Massachusetts, who says she wants to start issuing more tickets to people who drive trucks. She compared pickup trucks to tractor trailers. And then she said she said she doesn't care. She just wants to drag them into court. They can appeal their fines and, you know, just basically hassle the hell out of them. And I wrote that, and the paper was being printed, and then all of a sudden they have this drag racing by all these illegal aliens on Commonwealth Avenue in the Back Bay. And they're no arrests made. That's the point I was trying to make in my column. So they weren't drag racing with trucks? They weren't drag racing. And they all have their illegal aliens. They don't have jobs. They're criminals. And of course, that's why they're up at two o'clock in the morning, and they're hassling people who work for a living. But whereas the truck drivers actually pay taxes or responsible citizens, you know, perform services that people need or in the country legally speak English, don't have diseases, have their own dental and health insurance. So they're going to be the targets. Yeah. No, you're right. Howie, I wanted your take on this story. Sam Bankman Freed agrees to help FTX. Oh, this is one of the field get stories. My opinion. Well, that's what I'm always here to bring a little sunshine to your lives. Sam Bankman Freed agrees to help FTX investors in lawsuits against Tom Brady and Larry David. So investors in SBF's bankrupt crypto firm FTX agreed to drop their claims against the convicted fraudster in exchange for his cooperation in lawsuits against other defendants. Some people who still have some money left. Giselle. He doesn't have any money left, but you know, Tom Brady, Giselle, Shaq. Larry David. Curry, these guy, these Trevor Lawrence, he get Trevor Lawrence got a million. Some of these people like to, I was told, just got the, you know, stock options, but they said Trevor Lawrence, the quarterback of the Jaguars, actually got 500,000 cash. According to the settlement filed by a group of FTX investors in Miami federal court on Friday, Bankman Freed would be free of any civil liabilities from the multi-district litigation now and in the future, according to Bloomberg. See, this, you know, this kind of reminds me of, you know, when, you remember when they, the Whitey and Stevie and John Connolly kill and Marirano killed Callahan, John Callahan? Yeah. And they said he won't, he's never done time. He won't stand up. We can't trust anybody who's never done time. And that's why they whacked him. You know, that was sad. But it's, isn't it the same sort of thing? Sam Bankman Freed is soft. He's never done time. You think Sam Bankman Freed would stand up? All you got to do is look at the guy. Now he prefers the beanie bag. He likes to, he likes to sit down. He lasted even a shorter amount of time than Kevin two weeks. He likes to sit down and play his, his, uh, Xbox. He's a vegan. Don't you know? Howie Kamala Harris's laugh is sparking concern from Democrats as they rush to turn around dire approval ratings as AOC praises her and the authority that comes with having a uterus. This is from the Daily Mail, but the report is from CNN. So I looked at the report. How do we know she has a uterus? Are these people that are saying this are, but are they biologists? That's a good question. Are they gynecologists? AOC considers herself. Did you see last week, there was a story saying that now when you go to a gynecologist's office, you have to, you have to say what your preferred pronouns are? I didn't see that. I'm not surprised though. I'm sorry. The DNC has conducted focus groups on Vice President Kamala Harris. I'm sure they didn't like what they got from those focus groups. And to understand why voters do not like her, some voters in the focus group said they did not like Harris specifically citing her laugh for criticism. Others questioned whether Biden even likes her. I don't like what she said about the man in the moon. Harris approved her. I like the man in the moon. Harris is approval rating, continues to rest somewhere in the mid 30s. See, for me, it's not the sound of her laugh, which is fine to me. It's just she's laughing at the most random things, like I don't like when people laugh at everything. One would almost think that she was stoned. Yeah, yeah. One more story for you here, Howie, Trump, Hush Money, NYC, Try Alive, X National Inquirer publisher David Packard gives first witness testimony. Did you hear these reports? It's somewhere in this story, but it's because they covered the whole thing, that they had to like call off or close down the case today because somebody got a toothache? Yeah, I did see that, yeah. What gives? Is that typical? Well, don't you usually have an alternate or something? Yeah, they usually have four alternates, maybe because this was the first day. At some point, they just say, you know, if you get sick, they just say, hey, you're out. And that's why we have the four alternates. And they just, the four alternates then draw straws to see who's going to replace the juror that's been dismissed. I mean, a toothache, I think you could, I would think you'd be able to stuff it out. And again, maybe I just haven't had a really bad toothache. Yeah. And again, I just want to repeat what I didn't hear this until last week, but usually like in the Karen Reed case, the dark day is Friday, because not just because it's, you know, the start of the weekend, but it's also the day when Jewish people have to be home at, or Orthodox Jewish people have to be home at sunset, but they wanted to make sure that they would have no Orthodox Jews on this jury, because they tend to be pro-Trump for obvious reasons, right? So the dark day in this trial is going to be, I think, Monday or Wednesday. I think, no, it's Wednesday. The dark day is Wednesday, but they always are going to have court on Friday. So there are no Jews on the jury, no Orthodox Jews on the jury. Yeah. This is taking a long time. I'm not surprised that it's taking this long, but it's going to be an even longer process it seems. I will be back in just a little bit with heat now, Monday. All right. Thank you, Grace. 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Go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr Show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals and other special offers from the Howie Carr Show. Just enter your name and email at The Howie Carr Show is back. 844-542-508, the entire trial can be delayed for a juror's toothache, but DJT can't attend his son's high school graduation. I'm predicting the need for DJT to get a root canal coinciding with Barron's graduation. Then another one of 802. If Tom Brady and Trevor Lawrence were registered Democrats, do you think the deep state would be coordinating with a bunch of Democrat operatives and attorneys to try to stick it to them? Yeah, but I mean, they're also going after Larry David and Steph Curry, who I rather doubt her, a MAGA Republicans. I don't know about Shaq O'Neal, but he's probably not one either. I think they're just going where the money is, who's ever got the most money is going to get sued here. 844-542-844-542-542. We always say that the nuttiest politicians, sometimes you have to do a little digging. But the nuttiest of the nutty of the worst of the worst always turn out to be from Massachusetts. This weekend's example, representative Jerry Connolly from Northern Virginia, and you have to look, I remembered that where he was from, but I took a while to find it today online just to check it out, but he's from Massachusetts, not just Harvard, he was born here. This is what he said about the, he doesn't give a bleep about the southern border, even though the beltway is being inundated with crime and disease and welfare dependency and drunk driving, et cetera, et cetera. But he doesn't care about that, but he, boy, does he care about Ukraine. Cut seven. Some say, well, we have to deal with our border first. The Ukrainian Russian border is our border is the border between depraved autocracy and freedom loving people seeking our democratic way of life. Do we have a stake in that outcome? Yes. Undeniably. Yes. Well, why did Zelensky shut down all the opposition press? Why did he close the churches in some cases? Why did he imprison his political opponents, much like your party does here in the United States, representative Connolly, D. Virginia and Massachusetts. Cut eight. Will we rise to the occasion? Will we stand shoulder to shoulder? Are you going to join brothers and sisters for 1,151 days have been holding off. How's the man bumper? The depraved, thuggish, dictative, Vladimir Putin, who has respected no norms of warfare. He's targeted children and hospitals and schools. He's bombed. He's bombed apartment blocks, killing thousands. I guess you want a ceasefire. Oh, no. You only want a ceasefire in Gaza, where the terrorists who raped and murdered Israeli civilians. Julie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Julie. Well, I just want to say, I think the taxpayers should listen to what's happening in New York and at Yale, and this is a good reason for not supporting Biden's thoughts about -- Amen. Amen, Julie. Right. I mean, why should taxpayers be paying yet tuition and have forgiveness of their loans and they're burning the American flag and saying death to America? Right. They want to overthrow the government of the United States. They want to kill all of us who pay taxes, but they want their student loans forgiven at the same time. They're an excellent point, Julie. Thank you for calling in. 844-542-42. We'll be right back on Howie Carr. [MUSIC]