Luis Zamot
Fort Myers Community Church Podcast
God's Mission > My Mission
(upbeat music) - You're listening to Fort Myers Community Church. Together, let's grow in faith, hope, and love as we pursue God's purpose for our lives. - My name is Louis. It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to preach here on a Sunday. Very thankful for it, but for those of you who don't know me, I get the distinct privilege of serving on our leadership team here. I also have the joy of serving in our youth ministry as well. And it is truly a pleasure to come and share the word with you. I'm humbled by it, quite frankly. It's been a busy season for my family and I. We just, we moved recently and we also had a baby recently as well, our fourth boy. So pray for us. We have a lot going on. In fact, we moved into our house August 8th and our baby was due October 19th. And so we set out to make a home. You know, we wanted to like move into this new house and make it perfect for the baby and put our pictures up and hang all the fans because the tax bracket that I'm in, our houses don't come with fans. And so we had to put fans into our house and light fixtures and all that kind of stuff. And so we set out to do it. We were on a good track one weekend after another. We were putting things up and getting things in order. And then we had this crazy wild hair. Like things were going so well that we decided, hey, let's do something different. Let's make the downstairs of our house. Let's just put Chiplap up. Let's change the baseboards too. And while we're at it, let's go ahead and reframe the windows and doors because it's not good enough the way it is. And so my wife and I, being the not very handy people that we are, we thought, okay, that's fine. We got this. We'll just go to the store, whichever one, the Home Depot, I guess, grab some stuff. And over the course of a weekend, put it up. How hard could it be, right? Anyone else been there before? Yeah, severely overestimated the magnitude of this project. And so thanks to a friend who did 99% of the work, I mean, I was at work and he'd be at my house putting stuff up and the help from some other friends. We finally got it done, but it took weekend after weekend, after weekend, weekdays, countless of hours. Baby came home downstairs, looks awesome. The rest of the house, you know, we still have picture frames on the floor and they're ready to go, but nothing's put up. And some of our, well, two of our kids' rooms don't even have a fan yet. Sorry, Liam, he's not even here. But I don't really feel bad for him. He has a box fan in there and he does fine. But we're working on it. You know, we're trying to, we're getting things in order. We lost sight, really, of what we needed to do. What we needed to do was get the basics done. We wanted to get the things done that we saw that were really important. But we lost sight of that mission. And we got sidetracked with this project downstairs. The project wasn't bad though. I wouldn't say. I think the project adds a great appeal to our house. We love it. We think it looks beautiful. But it certainly kept us from doing what we set out to do for the entirety of the house. And we see that here with the Israelites. They do the exact same thing. They're set out by God on a mission to take these cities and by take we mean destroy them, kill the people, take the stuff, destroy the material possessions, take some of it as plunder, take some of it as offerings, but really destroy. That's what they were supposed to do. And to summarize what happened there in all of those verses, the Israelites came out. They were on their way to destroy these cities and a nearby city that gave you nights came. And they put on a show. They, I guess they majored in theater and brought out some men who look like they were from a far off place. If you didn't catch it, they said worn out so many times. Their clothes were worn out, their sandals were worn out, their wineskins were worn out, the bread was dry and crumbly. I mean, their hair was probably disheveled, no gel. I mean, they were done, like they look like they had come from miles and miles and miles and miles away. So they come to the Israelites, looking all beat and battered, looking like a project, and they ask the Israelites, hey, take us in, help us out. Please don't destroy us, we're from far off. Don't just look at us, we're a mess, don't destroy us. And the Israelites, they had a moment, they were like, well, how do we know? How do we know that you're who you say you are? And the giving nets were like, well, clearly, this bread. See this bread? This bread was, it was fresh and now it's not. See, see, it's not fresh anymore. See these sandals, they are really worn. Our hair, our clothes, everything is really worn. And the Israelites were like, okay, makes sense. We've got it, we'll take an oath and they made the oath. And then they found out that the oath was based on lies. And that's where they find themselves throughout these verses here. So we're gonna unpack that a little bit, we're gonna see how that applies to our life. But first, let's take a moment and pray. Father, we are grateful for who you are, we're grateful that you see us and you love us despite what you see. I'm thankful that you call us on mission, every single one of us. And you fuel and power that mission within us. I thank you for the churches around that are also on mission for you and that stand on the truth of the gospel. Thank you for those around us and those far away, that your gospel, your truth, the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ is being proclaimed even right now across the globe. Father, we pray for those countries, those cities, those people groups that do not have the ability to do that guy, would you be with them? Would you encourage them in your word? Would you encourage them with your people? And would you encourage them with your spirit within them? Father, we pray for our time this morning and just lift this, lift up this word, these passages that we would hear from you and we would leave here just completely stirred with new affections for you. We love you in Jesus' name, amen. So the Israelites lost sight of their mission, they took a detour and they did it with something really interesting, they did it with a good thing. So they forgot to realize that God's mission is greater than their plans. They were on mission, they were doing the thing and then a good opportunity came up, but seemingly good opportunity, right? I mean, people came to them, they looked disheveled, they looked worn, they looked like they needed help. And the Israelites gave them that help. It wasn't necessarily bad. Changing out our baseboards wasn't bad, I mean, it felt bad in the moment, but it wasn't necessarily bad, it was a good thing. But we, my wife and I, and just like the Israelites, we got sidetracked on the lost sight of the vision and the mission that God had for us with a good things. And so it's true that good things can distract us from God's greater plan. The Israelites were distracted from God's greater plan, which was to take all of those cities around them. They were distracted because of this good thing, seemingly good opportunity. And so we have to look at this and ask ourselves, how is it that this applies to me? Hopefully at home, we can look at this passage and figure out who we actually are in this story. Are we the Israelites being deceived? Are we actually the Gibeonites? Are we manipulators in our lives? Let's not get there today, but let's see how this applies to us as Israelites. We can get distracted with a lot of good things. We live in a society and a culture that makes it super easy. I have four kids, each, well, not each of them, but three of them can be in sports, all at once. We allow that, we don't allow it, but they can. There's a sport for every, my five-year-old can be in a sport. Those are all good things, right? Work, work's a great thing. I own a real estate title company with a couple other guys. I will all spare you the details, so it's not really fun to talk about, but I own this company and I get to go to work every single day and I enjoy what I get to do from a business perspective. It's fun. It's a good thing, but it can also be a distraction. How are you today? What are the things in your life that distract you? Are you a parent that takes your kids around? You've got lots going on. You have sports to be at, school events to be at. Cool, do you work? Find yourself at the office every day? Good. You like sports? You go out and play golf? Good for you, not a sport I enjoy. Where do you find yourself in those good things? And are you distracted from God's mission? None of those are bad. But God's mission is super clear. We all have our mission. Each and every single one of us is called to be on mission for God. But what does that actually mean? Jesus himself actually describes what that mission is. In two different places, one, Jesus talks about the great commandments, right? He's asked, what is the greatest of commandments? And his response is the greatest commandment, first and foremost, is to love God with everything you have. With all that you've got within you, love God. And the second commandment is very similar to it. Love your neighbor as yourself. Our first mission is to love God, love others. What's the other thing? On his way out, right? At the end of Jesus' ministry, personally here on earth, he sends his disciples off with one charge. Go and make disciples. So the mission is clear. Love God, love others, make disciples. We do say it here, it is the mission of FMCC, but not because some clever person came up with it. Literally Jesus himself came up with that mission. Love God, love others, make disciples. But in the midst of all of these good things, are we so distracted that we lose sight of the mission? Do we see that the parents that sit next to us at the soccer field are disciples? Do we look at our employees, our coworkers, our clients, our customers, our vendors? Do we look at them and say, my relationship with you is one of discipleship? Do we volunteer here at church, which we love? I gotta say, we can't do what we do without volunteers. It doesn't happen. Sunday mornings don't happen without volunteers. The rest of the week cannot happen without volunteers. We need volunteers. If every member were to volunteer, we would be in a fantastic spot. But do we sign up and do we volunteer for the good thing and lose sight of the mission? See, if you volunteer in our kids' environments, we thank you, we need that. But where others see a rambunctious group of fourth graders, do you see the disciples in front of you? In our youth environments, do you see a group of sixth grade, seventh grade girls that can't stop talking or do you see a group of disciples in front of you? Do we hold the door open because this is our expression of our love for God and our love for this church body and the people around us? And because we know that along the way, someone will walk through that door that I'm called to disciple. We need the doors held open. We need people in these rooms back here. But what we need the most are people that are wanting to do that because they love God, love others, and they want to make disciples who do the same. We don't want a church body of people that are so distracted with signing up for all the good things that we lose sight of why we do those good things to begin with. I do this. I do this at work. I get caught up in the tasks and everything needs to be done. 'Cause I want to do a good job, but I lose sight of the mission. Maybe for you, it's the extra things. Maybe for you, it is golf. I don't golf well. I tried. I did the lessons and it was evident that golf is not for me. I don't know any terms. So I tried this last service to use terms. I don't know, hole in ones. So like if you're, you know, maybe your golf game is all about getting a hole in one. Don't do people do that? I don't know. Maybe it's about getting your score as low as possible. Again, something I still can't grasp. But do you see that those men or those women that stand at the T with you? Those are your disciples too. Far, far more than just buddies. Far more than just your friendly competition. So your disciples. Those women that go to Bible study with you, disciples. Those men that go to Bible study with you, disciples. Those people that you run payroll for, disciples. Those people next to you, your HOA board, disciples. And that's a hard one. They're doing the best they can. Don't get lost in all the good things that we miss, lose sight of the vision that God has for us to love God with everything that we have to love those around us and to make disciples. For some of us, we get a little fearful when it comes to stepping into something like that. When it comes to stepping into the mission that God has for us, we get a little fearful. We know that there are limitations to our ability and we know that mistakes will be made. And if that's where you are today, I wanna encourage you. That is good. Be there, sit there. Because even in this story, we see that mistakes were made. Leaders will make mistakes. Those that are running towards the mission of God, they're going to make mistakes. Just like Joshua and the leaders of the Israelites here made these mistakes. They took in these people in a moment where they could have just, I don't know, why not? Say, "Hey, I see you." But instead of going into this spit handshake with you, why don't I just, Jackie's gonna get you some clothes, Bill's gonna get you some fresh bread. Logan's gonna come and take care of your horses and Steve's gonna send you with some money and we're gonna part ways. You can pass through safely, but as far as an oath goes, we've been given our charge. Why not? Some mistakes were made here. But these mistakes remind us of a few things. First, mistakes remind us that all things must go before the Lord. Had the leaders here gone before the Lord and asked God for some guidance, some help, some truth, how different would the story might be? I would bet I would say that God would probably have told them no. Or these men are liars, destroy them where they stand. I don't know, something like that, but they didn't. And the chapter calls it out because they did not inquire of the Lord. How often do we go through life without inquiring of the Lord? How often do we get lost in all of the good things in our own lives without even asking God if this is where we should be to begin with? Too often, I do it so much. And my personality is to fear, if I do that so much, everything should be ruined. That mission that God has from me is at stake. And yet, even in this story, they still go and destroy the cities and they still move forward with God's mission because it shows us that even when we make those mistakes, God's mission rests on the shoulders of God himself and not any one of us. There is zero way. It is impossible for God's mission to rest on your shoulders. It's too big it would crush you. And so that should be our fear, right? That we would be crushed under the weight of God's mission, but yet he holds it together. When we make those mistakes, he's holding it together and he's pushing us forward. If the mission that you believe you're on feels attainable, you're probably not accomplishing God's mission, you're probably just going through with your plan. Our mission is hardly attainable. To teach others to love God, I need to learn to love God. That feels impossible. To teach others to love others, I have selfish tendencies. How am I gonna do that? To make disciples that take sacrifice, that takes investment of time and resources, energy. Not gonna do it perfectly. That mission alone is big. There's going to be mistakes made, but those mistakes are so, so good. They remind us to bring everything before God and they remind us that the mission itself rests on God's shoulders. We don't need people to be all things for all people and all places. We just need every single one of us to respond to the mission that God has for us, to serve where God has us to serve and to entrust him with everything else. So the leaders here, I mentioned earlier, I'm one of the four buffoons that get to lead the church in certain ways. There's four guys, four regular dudes. There's no way that the mission of FMCC can rest on those shoulders, thankfully. There's no way that the success of God's mission for this church rests on the shoulders of four ordinary men. Those men are gonna mess up. They're gonna make mistakes. They're not gonna agree on everything. It's gonna feel like at times that we're standing in the way of what God has for this church, but I can tell you this. This church does not belong to those four men. We don't give to those four men. We don't serve those four men. We serve an almighty God. This is his church. We give to his mission. We serve his kingdom. We will make mistakes, and there will be murmuring and grumbling. Hopefully within that murmuring and grumbling, we would hear the reminders that we would take things before God and that we would see that this mission rests on his shoulders and not ours. The last thing is this. We see this in this story. So the Israelites are going, they're, you know, mistakes were made, you know, somebody took plunder and hit it under their tent. You know, Moses made mistakes. He doubted, didn't get to see or enter the promised land. He saw it. Joshua clearly made mistakes. But what we see time and time again is this is something similar to what we see in the last few verses, 22 to 27. And it's not the enemy fears God's plan. We see that this group, these groups, these groups of people, they're talking amongst themselves. Hey, do you see this? Do you see the Israelites coming for us? They're going to destroy us. And the enemy then reacted. The enemy with cunning reacted to God's plan and sent these actors to distract and to take away from what God had intended for the Israelites. How often do we get distracted? How often is the enemy sending to us distractions of doubt, distractions of inadequacy, distractions of busyness? You've heard me say it before, and our friend Mark Cook has said it before, that if the enemy can't cause you to sin, he'll keep you busy. How often do we get distracted with the schemes of the enemy that aren't necessarily clothed in scary things? That would show his hand. They always common these innocent and good opportunities. They come with a fear of success, right, that we wouldn't succeed in this mission that God has for us. And so it takes faith. It takes faith in a God who's faithful. It takes faith in the God who is greater than ourselves. It takes faith in the God who has created all of the universe and still holds it in his hands even today. And so I'll ask you these questions. Knowing that the enemy fears and trembles. I'll ask you these questions. If you're a believer, if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, these questions are particularly for you. And with this Christian, you can start coming up. Believer, do you feel inadequate to disciple others? The enemy trembles at the thought of your impact, God's impact through your life on the lives of other people. Do you feel lost in the Word of God? The enemy trembles in fear at the life-giving power and authority in the words of Scripture. Are you feeling weary today in the loss and the race of life? The enemy trembles at the thought of you realizing that your strength is not your own, but comes from the Holy Spirit within you. Are you feeling anxious or depressed today? The enemy trembles in fear at recognizing your joy and your forgiveness and your freedom found in the gospel? Are you feeling ridiculed for your faith this morning? Oh, how the enemy trembles at the thought of you realizing that that is your Christ likeness. Have you lost sight of the mission God has for you? Have you lost sight on this mission to love Him with everything you have to love others and make disciples? The enemy fears you realizing and waking up to that and then stepping into that mission, he fears that. If you're not a believer, if you don't have a relationship with Jesus this morning, thank you for being here. If you were invited, please thank the person who invited you. The enemy is in fear as well. The enemy trembles in fear at the thought of losing your soul to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, of course, there's going to be distractions. Of course, there's going to be a lot of life that happens before us. Of course, there's going to be a lot of opportunities to do a lot of good things that lose sight of the mission that God has for us. But here's the good news. The God we serve does not tremble in fear. The God we serve speaks an earth's shake. The God we serve moves and kingdoms fall. The God we serve dies and brings life. Did it for me? It's done it for you. And that's the enemy's greatest fear. That we would realize the reality that the God we serve never loses. God always wins. See the mission that God has set before you. See the who, the what, the where to love others, love God, make disciples. Don't get lost in the good things. And see that whatever fear you have, God has already overcome it. If you're not a believer this morning, if you haven't stepped into this relationship with Jesus Christ, I just want to invite you that maybe this morning would be that morning. Maybe today is the day of your salvation that you would surrender your life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That today you would enter into an eternal life that is in the fullness of God's glory and presence forever and ever and ever. So if that's you this morning, if you're feeling curious about that feeling like you need to step into that, feel called to that, please come find me, find Bill, find any of our prayer team, they've got their tags on. I want to pray for you. If you need prayer for anything else, our prayer team would be up here. I'm going to close this out with one more prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you that your mission is far greater than ours. Your mission has to be bigger than ourselves and you always do it. You always make a mission far bigger and grander than any one of us can handle. Even the communicative numbers here in this room cannot handle what you have for this church. And so we thank you for that. We thank you for always being a God that wins for never failing. We're always being faithful. And we thank you that you've invited us. You've given us the clearance and the leeway and the runway to be on mission with what you are already doing in us through us and in the community around us. What a joy it is to see your work done around us. So God, I just, I lift up this community. We pray for revival. We pray that your people would just speak the truth of Jesus, that the glory and the goodness of the gospel be proclaimed to those around us that we would see revival of people coming to you in salvation. And we lift us all up to you. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.