Apostolic Lighthouse

Fear God And Keep His Commandments - Bro Eddie Jones

1h 20m
Broadcast on:
01 Dec 2024
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Glory, let's give the Lord the praise, everybody. Well, I heard about a place that the Lord went away to prepare. It sounded so great that I thought I'd want to live up there. Since He saved my weary soul, heaven is my goal. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Hallelujah, help me sing it. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Made up my mind, no turning back. This is it. With Jesus to carry the load, sweet heaven is my goal. Not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. There's a river to cross, and a mountain up ahead to climb. I'm trusting in the Lord, and I know the victory is mine. Just over the hill I'm told, I'll be walking on the street of gold. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. How many feel that way about it? I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Hallelujah, made up my mind, no turning back. This is it. With Jesus to carry the load, sweet heaven is my goal. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Old Satan, he'll tell you that there's nothing left to do but stop. He'll say no way that you're ever going to reach the top. But praise God from where I stand, I got a glimpse of the promised land. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Help me sing it. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Hallelujah, made up my mind, no turning back. This is it. With Jesus to carry the load, sweet heaven is my goal. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Old Satan, he'll tell you that there's nothing left to do but stop. He'll say no way that you're ever going to reach the top. But praise God from where I stand, I got a glimpse of the promised land. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip one more time. I'm not only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Hallelujah, made up my mind, no turning back. This is it. With Jesus to carry the load, sweet heaven is my goal. I'm only going to make it, I'm enjoying the trip. Hallelujah, could you lift your hands? Everybody, can I still hear pretty good down there? Yes, sir. But I can turn these. OK, let's do that. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, praise God. I want to put this phone somewhere where I can-- is there a clock where you can see it? Maybe right here. I think all of this will stay on here. Well, the Samson talked about being a school teacher. Wow, that was just probably fabricated just for a couple of months, I think, maybe three or so. And can you believe he was in my class? He's as old as I am. Amen. And so we tell everybody that 75 is just middle age, you know, even though we still have a little problem, you know, but we just push through and do the best that we can do. And we love, brother and sister, Samson, and I know a lot of folks here today. It's been a long time, a lot of the children, I probably, you know, don't-- probably if you tell me who they are, I can recognize them and, you know, kind of figure it out that way, but it just feels like being home. If you go back 50-- wow, it's probably 54 years that I've been out of the race scene apostolic church, amen, the old show apostolic church. More folks here that I know than the other. And it just feels like being at home, really, just feels like being at home, amen. And so we just-- you can be seated for just a moment. How many is rooted in your pew? You just going to stay where you're at. Could I have all of y'all move over here? Could I do that? Look, there's plenty of room and could I have all of y'all move right over here? We've got plenty of room, lots of room. Get up close. Look at these front rows right here. I was preaching at a church many years ago and it just kind of brings us together today. When you get older, you do a little more teaching, they say, than preaching. But maybe I'll do, you know, preach, teach or whatever. Yeah. And I went in to this church and we hadn't been knowing them all that long, but a little while. They invited us to come and preach and I got up on the platform and he told me some place to sit. I went over there and said a little bit, here come a sister in with a trumpet. And she said, "Sir, you got my pew. You're sitting in my seat." And I said, "Oh, I'm sorry." And I jumped up and moved and I was looking around for another place to sit. And so some folks have got their pew and you're not going to get them out of their seat. That's their seat. And at home, we have a little trouble with it. If vistas get there earlier than they do and they take their seats, you can tell they're a little moved about having to sit someplace else. So this is a one God, apostolic, Jesus name, tongue talking, holy rolling, I'll run in, foot stomping, hand clapping, church. You ought to be able to enjoy the presence of God anywhere you sit. Praise God. And so we do love the Samson so much. He brings back a lot of memories. He reminds me a lot of elder triplet and a man's sister, Samson, the way she does when she's singing and all of that, just a lot of memories. And we're glad to be here. It is indeed an honor to preach. I hate to just that I'm getting so old now. Man, here a while back, we tried to rub the owls with the young folks and we still try to do it sometimes. When you fall and bust your head and all that kind of stuff, you kind of watch what you do, but in the floor and jump right up and just like like it was pretty normal, you know. If you're trying to worship and give God your best, then just do your best. Do what you can do. And so we miss that, younger years, what the Caleb said, he said that how many years ago he heard me preach, well, the message that he was talking about, man, that's been years ago. That's been a long time. And so when you see, when you see a preacher pull out this, it's just maybe a little bit different. There's something to say today and we're going to talk to us. We're living in a very critical time, very critical age and it's very important to know that time that we're living in. And I feel like the Lord has laid this on my heart. I've been listening to the news, especially not so much now that, and I hope I don't get in trouble here, that Trump's been elected. I'm relieved a little bit. We have a little bit of a reprieve for God to do what he wants to do. Of course, he's in charge and he knows exactly what's going on, not that we have anything to do with it, but it looks like that we might have just a little bit more time to get our loved ones, our children, those that are out of the arc of safety and not in church and to reach the laws. What a beautiful building this is. We were here at the dedication and what a beautiful place to have Holy Ghost Revival. Look at all the room that we have to fill it up with souls, amen. And so we loved them, enjoyed the fellowship last evening, and just like old times, do you remember this and do you remember that? And I do remember, there are some things I don't remember, I hate to say, but some things is left kind of vivid in your mind, Sister Simpson, good to see you, my mind. I don't know, you must be getting up way close to 70, no, I'm just kidding, wow, good to see you still hanging around here and just good. Folks that I know were here when I came, 54 years, I don't know how old you are, but you can kind of figure that out, that's when me and Sister Jones came. We enjoyed the fellowship, we thank you for the meal, the basket. I got in the basket before we went to the restaurant last night. I said, get us, we'll just eat something light, so we ate something light before we left, and so the light part of it just kind of left the time we got in the restaurant. Amen. Well, I could say a lot of things, and I could probably ramble, and sometimes I get to chase in rabbits, and hopefully I won't do that today, maybe we can stay on course, but we want to turn in your Bibles today, again, I want to say thank you for the opportunity to be here is indeed a privilege and honor to have been asked. And almost going on 55 years of preaching, I've never take the pulpit without feeling like, especially now, that sometimes I feel kind of inadequate, but, amen, I'm not depending on what I can do, I'm just believing God to kind of help me through it today. Now, Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 13, very familiar scripture today. Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 13 said, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Everybody found it. I still hear some pages. Ecclesiastes 12, 13 and 14. I know how it is. They tell you where they're going to read the scripture out of, and they go to it so fast, and I get to look in, and I thought, well, they've took it out of my Bible. I can't, I just don't seem to find it. All right, let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear God and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man. Fear God and keep his commandments. For God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. And I want to just kind of spring off of fear God and keep his commandments, keep his word. We all ought to have the knowledge of God and the wisdom of God, amen. of the Samson, but you just pray, lead us and pray. Everybody pray with us right now. Thank you, God. I depend on you, Master. Thank you, God. I depend on you, Master. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. In Jesus' name, in Jesus' name, and everybody said, Praise the Lord. God bless you, you can be seated. Fear God and keep His commandments. Now, I want to make three points, and it may take a little while. Usually, try to preach about 45 minutes, and most of the time, try to cut it off on both ends and set it a fire in the middle. And not take too long, but I've been accused of taking a little longer lately, but dirt definitely don't want to wear folks out. Fear God, something that folks don't have today, the fear of God, not interested in the knowledge of God, the Word of God, and we want to talk about that. Proverbs 1 and 7, I want to give a few scriptures, so you may just want to write them down rather than turn to it. Proverbs 1 and 7 said, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction." 1 John 4, 18 said, "There is no fear in love, perfect love casteth out fear." So the master spring of every principle that we're going to talk about today can permanently, and it was secure our stability as a people and as a church. We need to fear God and keep His commandments. We need to fear God and have the knowledge of the Almighty God. And so this is the alpha and omega of what God wants us to do, is to have the knowledge of Him, to have a revelation of Him, to fear Him, to respect Him, to reverence Him, to love Him, a man, and look to Him as the only God, the Almighty God. Hosea 4 and 6 said it like this, "For my people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge, because they have rejected knowledge, I will reject them. Their children, a man, shall no more be my children, because you have forgotten my law, I'm going to forget your children." And then 5 and 13 of Isaiah, the prophet said, "Therefore my people are gone in too captivity, because they have no knowledge." So when God tells us there is a knowledge for the lack of which a people is destroyed, we've got to know that it is the knowledge of Himself, His nature, His deity, His power, His providence. It's all about God and not about ourselves, it's all about God. So if you want to know and have the knowledge of God, Matthew 7 and 7, and if I'm going too fast just do this, I'm going to lay a little bit of foundation. Matthew 7 and 7 said, "Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened." So if you want it, you can have it. All you have to do is ask God and He will give it to you. James chapter 1 and verse 5, James said, "If any of you lack wisdom, let a mask of God who give it to all men liberal and abradeeth not, and it shall be given him." So if you really want it, you can have it today, but you've got to get hungry for it. And so the wise man puts it like this in Proverbs chapter 2, beginning at verse 3. He compares it to a mind searching for it, like head treasure, or for gold, or silver mind, or whatever. He said, "Yay, if thou cryest after knowledge, and lift up thy voice for understanding, if thou seekest her as silver and search for her as for head treasures, then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God." So if you desire it and you're hungry for it, you can have it. We can know about God. His ways is really past finding out, but He has allowed us through the ministry, amen, to have the knowledge to be saved, and to please Him, and to do what is needed. But you've got to hunger for this. You've got to really want it. The Bible said in Matthew chapter 5 and verse 6, "Blessed are they, which do hunger and thirst after righteousness." You've got to be hungry. How many come hungry for the Word today? How many come hungry for the Spirit of God and the presence of God? The psalmist in 42 and 1, he said, "As a heart penteth after the water brook, even so doth my soul pant after thee, O God." This, you've got to just really desire this. And if you desire it, you can have it. Philippians 2 and 5 said, "Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God." So I come to tell you today that Satan does not want us to have the knowledge of God. He does not want us to be informed. I want to talk about the power of being informed today. The power of being informed. Having knowledge, God will give it to us if we're hungry for it. Psalm 119 and verse 105 said, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway." I was in the doctor's office just a few days ago. And it's one of those places where it's homeopathic medicines. You know, you can get a vitamin C treatment or you can get vitamins and all that kind of stuff, and we've been kind of doing some of that as well as some of the other. And by the way, we thank you folks for all your prayers, praying for us, and later sometimes I may give, maybe before I'm through, some of my testimony about what God has done. But one of the men in there spoke up and they were talking about the Bible, and I was sitting by just listening, and they know who I am. They can tell you that I've passed her for 48 years, and I've been in the same place for 50 years. And they'll ask me questions sometimes and sometimes they just listen or don't say anything. And I've had an opportunity to introduce them to the plan of salvation. Eventually, I did. I've worked into it slow because they talk about being saved and their children being saved and all of that. And I'm sure what they have, they really feel like God has given them, and they're pleasing Him, but there's more for folks that are hungry. You've got to be informed, and if you're informed, there's power. You can know your rights in God. Can you say, "Man?" One of the men spoke up and said, "Well, you know, I prayed for one sister that was in there, and a lot of people come in, and they, with cancer, and they don't have any hair, they don't wear a scarf. They don't put nothing on it. Some of them, some of them wear scarves on their head. Some of them wear hats on their heads. Others come in, and they just, most people are plagued with a disease that has been very common in our day and is called cancer. And so, he said, "Well, it's not God's will to always heal. You know, you can't expect God to heal you all the time." And so I just spoke up and I said, "Well, I don't want to be, you know, controversial with you today, but, you know, I believe that we can expect God to do some things. I believe that we can reach out to God as his children, and he will do things." And I said, "The very one that you're talking about," and he quoted Paul, said, "Well, you know, Paul, even Paul had a thorn in the flesh, and he sought God, and he was denied three times. And so God don't always do it." I said, "What was his thorn? What was it? Was it a dreaded disease? Was it one preacher Brother Triplett said they thought he was just being short, or maybe he wore glasses, he couldn't see good. But I'll tell you what, he was a knowledgeable man, said at the feet of Gomelio. He knew a lot, wrote most of the New Testament. I don't know really what his thorn was, but God evidently told him, "My grace is sufficient. Don't worry about it." But I said, "The very man that you're talking about in 2 Corinthians 1 and 20 said that all the promises of God are yay, and in him, amen, every word, every promise. It won't fail one shot or one tittle." God said, "If we can believe it, we can have it. If you have the knowledge, it makes all the difference in the world." You can let the devil tell you a lot of things, but I come to tell you, he's a liar, and the father of lies. Praise God. Praise God. And so God just helped me to tell them. I said 2 Peter 1 and 3, so according to his divine powers given unto us all things that pertain to life. All things, all things that pertain to life and Godliness, all things. And then he went on to say, "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises." That's what God said. That's what the book said. And you know, if you don't have that knowledge, the devil can tell you anything. God don't love you. God's not going to heal you. I may have battled something for four years, but you know what? Every morning when I get up, I lift my hands and say, "God, I want to thank you that I'm cancer free today. I want to praise you that my wife is asthma free today. We are your children. We thank God for your presence and what you do." So you just got to have a knowledge. And so I'm going fairly quickly. If I get to going too fast, I can slow down. I can divide this up and may have to into two different times. But I remember Brother Triplet one time, I know of, he came to church and he got so caught up in the subject that he was preaching that we came in at 10 o'clock and of around 12. He said, "I'm not going to get done. No way near. Am I going to finish today?" You know, by 12. And he said, "Y'all go grab a quick bite to eat. Make it quick and be back here at, I think you said two o'clock." And so we did that. We come back at two o'clock. He got to preaching and he preached for another hour and a half or so. And he said, "Well, I think maybe we'll just break it off and come back tonight and finish it up." Now, some of y'all are kind of used to that. And hopefully, I'm not planning on doing that today because, you know, only he could do that and get by with it. But I have something to say today. Some one in one, "Blessed is a man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly or standeth in the way of the sinner, nor siteth in the seeeth as scornful." But his delight is in the law of the Lord. And in his law, does he meditate day and night? You've got to love this. You've got to hunger for this. You've got to be thirsty for this. And if you are, you can't wait to get to church and listen for joy is okay or running the owls is all right. But your main desire is you can't wait to see what God is going to tell us today. What God is going to speak to us today. So his delight is in the law of the Lord. And in his law, does he meditate day and night? I forgot to look at when I even started. It's 10 till 11. He shall be like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. He shall bring forth his fruit, his leaf shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Real quick, Psalm 111, the psalmist said, "Thy word, O God, have I hid in my heart, that I may not sin against thee." The Apostle Paul again in 2 Corinthians 3 and 3, he said, "For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistles of Christ, ministered unto by us, written not with ink, but by the spirit of the living God, not in tables of stone, but in the fleshy tables of the heart." And this is what I like. Job put it this way, millenniums ago. Job said, "Neither have I gone back 23 and 12 of Job." We preach from that a lot, preachers. Amen. Job, you know, he got to looking for God. He said, "I went forward and backward. I went to the left, you know, where he works on the right, where he hides himself." And he said, "I can't find him, but you know what his conclusion was? I may not know where he's at, but he knows where I'm at. He knows what I'm going through." And the devil really tried to put him through it, but Job said these words. And not long ago I used this for Scripture. Neither have I gone back from the commandments of his lips, for I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food. Thousands of years later when Jesus came manifest, God manifest in the flesh, he told the religious leaders, he said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, Matthew 4 and 4, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God." Job said, "I want God more than I want my food." He was skinny. He was just bones. He was seeking God. He couldn't understand why he was afflicted, but he said, "I'll tell you this, though God slay me, yet will I trust him." I know I'm missing something. I can't find out where he condemned me. I know I'm nothing in comparison with God, but I've done my best to walk with God. And I feel like when I stand before him, I'm going to be pleasing unto him. In this flesh I'm going to see him, and I'm going to see him as he is. Real quick, Psalm 119 verse 54, the psalmist said, "Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage. Thy word, thy statutes, has been the songs in the house of my pilgrimage." If you get interested in the Word of God enough that you look at it every day, you look at it, you hunger for it. If there's just something about it, I can be reading the Word of God and maybe just being a preacher, but I think if I wasn't a preacher, if I'd see something in the Word and it excites me, I'd just have to get up and move around a little bit and begin to praise God. Sometimes I just feel like doing something. It just excites me. And the psalmist said, "Thy word has been my song in the house of my pilgrimage." Now, Brother Triplett had a say and I've used it many times throughout the years. He said, "Just because you got the Holy Ghost, and just because you've been in church doesn't mean that you're up on top of the mountain all the time riding the big white horse and everything is eighth in Hallelujah. You don't never have no problems. You don't never have to worry about anything. That's not true." He said, "Whoever told you that lied to you, but there's one thing about it. You know, if it's our song, we can look at it." Some of the old timers, they may have not had what we used to have. I come from an humble beginning. I am a cotton picker, literally. I am a potato picker. I've worked in the vineyards. Great vineyards. I mean, I worked. I worked, you know, if I could pick 300 sacks of potatoes a day at 12 and 14 years old. And in the day, six cents a sack. Sometimes if they were seven cents, times 300 is $21. And you talk about bid money. Wow. I mean, that was money in anybody's book back in those days. So, I know what it is. We were poor, but we really didn't know what it was to be poor. My mama had got in church, and I wasn't in church, and I'd try to slip in the house and shit. I could hear her praying. No way could I come in, sneak down the hall, and it would be just a few seconds. I could hear her say, "God, thank you for bringing Eddie home tonight." I praise you, God, save him. Move on him. Do something in his life. Let conviction get ahold of him. But some of the old timers, even though, man, we are spoiled, Leo to see you, right? Look at this. Beautiful, padded pews, heating this morning, air conditioning. But some of them didn't have nothing at all. And when they got the feeling like, and maybe feeling sorry for themselves, they could sing, "I'm a poor rich man. I'm a poor, poor rich man." Brother Hancock used to say, "Oh, you see, it really happened to me. I'm a millionaire. I know that I am poor, but I've got a lot more than many rich folks that I know." "I got a home in the sky that money didn't buy, and I'm a poor, rich man. And when times got rough, they could probably sing this." "I'm coming up on the rough side of the mountain, holding to God's powerful hand. I'm coming on up." "Yeah, y'all can help me. Are you excited about it? If you've got the word of God, it doesn't make any difference what you possess." And then when you get the feeling like you're lacking, I sing it a whole bunch in my prayer time. I just sing, "I love him. I love him because he first loved me and just sing it and worship him." Songs that I'm sure you could have a song. If I ask you to stand up and sing a song that comes to you quite a bit in your prayer and when you are in the Word, the Word has become your song. "Amen, I like you are my everything. You are my all. You are my everything, both great and small. You gave your life for me and made everything new." "You are my everything. I love you and it just feels so good. It's a song that I've been in the Word and it comes to me and I feel good all about it." And then there's times when I'm not just necessarily in that mood. In that mood, I kind of remember years ago preaching for the black church in the bonds out in California and the bond sisters, they would get up and they would say, "My God is almighty. My God is all righteous." Why don't we make this a congregational? You just repeat, right? "My God is almighty. We can do better than that. Come on. My God is almighty. That's better. My God is all righteous. I found out he's jealous when he said, "Thou shalt have no other God before me." And they would go, "Who? Who? Check your Bible." And there you will find God comes out a winner every time. "My God comes out a winner at the finishing line." Come on, clap your hands and praise the Lord with me today. Whoo! Hallelujah! Thank you for your Word, God. Thank you for your Word. But we're living in a day. We're living in a day when we need to educate this generation really on Satan's Word. Satan's deceit, especially the young folks. I know people that have compromised. I know people that have went back. I know folks that have just feel like they can do pretty much anything and still, you know, be saved. But aren't you glad that you have a Bible preaching church, a Bible believing church, and that you have a man of God that tells you what it takes to be saved? Come on now. That tells you we're in the last days. You can't do that. You can't go there. It's going to take it today. If we ever heard it, we need to hear it today. Shout, yes, if you believe it. And so we just need to educate them way back in the beginning of Genesis 3 and 1. The Bible said, now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field that the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, half God said, did God say it, ye shall not eat of every tree in the midst of the garden? And she said, yes, he said it. But he didn't really mean that. He knew that if you become, you have not the knowledge of good and evil that you would find some things out for yourself. And it's okay. And we know that they took of the fruit and they failed. People, listen, we need, he gave the five full ministry Ephesians 4 and 11. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers for the perfecting of the church, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. We all come in the unity of faith until the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man. We got to have preaching. You ain't smart enough to get it on your own. God chose preaching 1 Corinthians 1, 18. He chose, and 20, the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. Is that what the Bible said? Then the Apostle Paul warned us in 2 Corinthians 11 and 3. But I fear, lest by any means as the serpent begowed Eve through his subtlety, even so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. He does not want you to know who God is. He doesn't want you to have a revelation of God. He don't want us to have a relationship with God. He don't want us to know what our rights are and how we can step out on the Word of God that we have power and authority over him very quickly. Amen. Somebody can help me keep track. Eleven. A little bit after eleven. Let's go to Exodus. Point one. I've made it to my first point. God does not want us to know the devil that wants us to know, but God wants us to know that we have power over him. Satan don't want us to know who God is. Exodus 5 and 1. I'm going to read this quick. If you found it, just read along with me. If not, just write it down. Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, let my people go, that they may hold a feast unto me in the wilderness." And Pharaoh said, "Who is the Lord that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I don't know the Lord God." I think we'll just skip right on down. And they said, "We need to do a feast. We need to go three days journey and have a feast unto our God." And Pharaoh said, "I don't know your God. I'm not going to let you go. You're not going to go." But I'm telling you what, Pharaoh was fixing to find out pretty quick who God is. Amen. And God wants us to know who he is. He told Pharaoh, Moses said to Pharaoh, when Pharaoh said, "Who am I going to say, sent me? What's your name?" And God said, "I am that I am. I'm not the God that used to be. I'm not the God that was, but you tell him that I am that I am." So he is our Jehovah Jaira. The Lord will provide. Jehovah Nissi, the Lord, my banner. Jehovah Shalom, the Lord is my peace. Jehovah Shama, the Lord is there. He's always with us. The Lord test-bought. I am the Lord of hosts. Thank God that I know him. I have a revelation of him. And so I jot this down if you can get excited about it. It's my song. When I begin to read the Word of God, I get excited about it. He's my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my sword, my shield, my buckler, my tower, my refuge, my stay, my Savior, my way maker, my healer, my provider, my protector. He's God. He's my God. Thank God for him. Y'all give me those little badness ways. Brother, if you've got us, if it puts a desire in your song, in your heart, man, you can't be steel. You've got to get up and say, "Yeah, it's a lie." Get up and say, "Yes, come on, preacher. Yes, preacher, come on. He's my God. I know who he is. He's my God." He will supply all of my needs according to his riches by Christ Jesus. Praise God. God will do it. Psalm 125 and 2. As the mountains around about Jerusalem, even so the Lord is around about his people from henceforth, even forever. What a promise. Psalm 37, 34 and 7 said, "The angels of the Lord encampeth around about them that fear him." I got a whole encampment of angels around me today, whether you can't see them, but I know they're there. The mountains around about Jerusalem, God is with me ever where I go, and he is my protector. I have that, and the devil cannot take it away from me. And when you say, "Yes, I do have a revelation." And so there is no excuses. Romans 1 and 20. I'm going fast, ain't I? Is it too fast? I can make this last a long time. I guarantee you. I got something to say about every scripture. Romans 1 and 20. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse." And so just a few scriptures in the Old Testament, they wrote concerning God, Deuteronomy 32 and 39. See now that I, even I am he, and there is no God with me. I kill and I make alive. I wound and I heal, and neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. That's who he is. I know who he is. Deuteronomy 6 and 4, hero Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord, and thou shalt love the Lord by God with all my heart, with all thy soul, with all my mind, with all my strength, everything that you've got in you, you need to give it to God. We come to church to meet with him today. We come to sing to him today. We come to lift our hands, to clap our hands, to leave for joy, to praise him. He's everything. You are one God. Amen. And then I jotted down Isaiah 43 and 10, "You are my witnesses, sayeth the Lord and my servant who I've chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he, and before me there was no God formed. Neither shall there be after me." Does that do anything to y'all? 44 and 24 of Isaiah does sayeth the Lord thy Redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb. I am God that makeeth all things. I stretch forth the heavens alone, and I spread abroad the earth by myself. I'm God, the devil I want you to know about our great God. He don't want us to be informed about who God is. Someone say yes. Isaiah 7 and 14 said, "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. A virgin shall conceive and bring forth the Son, and you shall call his name, Emmanuel." Matthew chapter 1 and 21 said, "A man, you shall bring forth the Son, and they shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sin." Verse 23 said, "A virgin, we read it in the Prophet, shall be with child, and shall bring forth the Son, and they shall call his name, Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us." Everybody shout, "Jesus! Jesus!" Isaiah 9 and 6 front to us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. What? And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, the mighty God, and the lasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. Come on, we ought to give him some praise. Aren't you happy you know who he is? Aren't you happy that you know who he is? Yes! Yes! But here we are getting down to the last of point one. Can I get through two more points in the next 30 minutes? I believe I can. Clossians 2 and 8. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit. After the traditions of men, and after the rudiments of this world, and not after Christ, traditions, rudiments, form, fashion, praise God. I'll tell you, I'll be happy any day to give my seat up to a visitor. You just come right on in. If I have to, I'll sit on the altar. I'll probably need to be there a lot of times anyway. Amen. I'm not interested in going through just a traditional Pentecostal service. Amen. When we come to church, we ought to see a manifestation of the power of God, and hungry enough to see him. Step in among us, and we can feel that divine touch of God. I used to preach like this, amen 50 years ago, and evangelizing, and before I could get 20 minutes into the message, they were already in the altar. They were already coming up front. They were so hungry. You could just preach a little while, but it's not so today, but I come to inform you. It's just as important to love God, and to get the Word of God in us, and hunger for God now, amen that it was then. Help us, God. Help us, Lord. We want to do that. Then verse 9 said, "For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you are complete in him, who is the head of all principalities and powers." I'm talking about Jesus. I'm talking about God, who was manifested in the flesh, and He gave His life for us. And now we're here today to lift and exalt him and thank him and magnify him. We serve that today. There's power, power, wonder, work, or in the blood. John 1 and 1 in the beginning was a word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I don't want to get too fast. I've got to amen slow down so I can talk. I've slowed up just a little bit. Verse 10 said, "He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not." Is that right? They did not, the religious world, the Jews did not know him. But verse 14 said, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelle among us, and we beheld His glory as the only begotten Son of the Father." Second Timothy 3 and 16. Verse 10, Timothy 3 and 16. "Great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifested in the flesh. God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, and believed on in the world." Whoo! He's my song. He's my everything. Well, I woke up this morning with my mind, stayed on Jesus. He's my everything. He has been my song for going on 57 years. He's still my song. I love this. This is my life. I wouldn't give anything for what I've lived. How foolish would it be for me to come this far? To come this far and throw my hands up and compromise. Hallelujah. Not going to do it. It's not going to happen. He, we become, let's just read it again. The Word was made flesh and dwelle among us, and we beheld His glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth. God is a good God. Colossians 1, 15, and I'm finishing up with this first point. Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of ever creature? For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, principalities or powers. All things were created by Him and for Him. He's the head of the body, the church, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things, that in everything He might have the preeminence. All the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Him. Everyone say Jesus. John the revelator said in one and eight, "I am Alpha and Omega. I am the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord. I am He which is and was and is to come. Say it with me. The Almighty. I'm the Almighty. My God is Almighty." You're not going to be healed. You're not going to be. You didn't get a good report. I go back to Houston. Amen. The fifth to MD Anderson. I'm expecting a good report. Amen. I've got reports. It wasn't good, but I'm expecting one. And I don't care what the doctor says. Amen. Dr. Jesus is the one I look to. He's the one that's going to work for me. He's the Almighty God. Can you shout yes? Can you clap your hands and shout yes? Can you leave for Joel and I and shout? Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Number two. Number two by 11.30, I think. Maybe. It's still kind of early. It's still kind of early, y'all. Satan don't want us to know who he is. You know that? He don't want us to know who he is. He's the one who was thrust out of heaven for his rebellion. And he will spend eternity in a lake of fire. He failed. And he wants us to fail. Isaiah 14 and 12, the prophet said, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer? Son of the morning. How art thou cut down to the ground with this weak in the nations? For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into the heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will also, it may be upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be light unto the most high. But the Bible said, the prophet said, "Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit." That's the devil. That's where he's going to wind up. We know who he is. And I've got a few names for the devil. He's not only called Satan or the devil, he's the dragon, the evil one, the angel of the abyss, the angel of light, the rulers of the darkness of this world, prince and power of the air, the god of this world, accuser of the brethren, a polyon, a baton, belial, seducer, bells above, the ruler of the darkness of this world, the wicked one, the father of lies, that old serpent, the destroyer. Everybody say, he's a liar. Has he talked to you today? He talks to me. I just say, you're a liar. I cast down that thought. My weapons are not carnal, but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of stronghold. He's a liar. And the father of lies, shout yes. It's the job of Satan to keep us from the things of God. By showing us the things of the world, he tends to move our attention away from God. Ignorance can be of divine things, can keep your conscience under a fatal ignorance. It exposes us to every kind of error in our conduct and obstructs us from the usefulness, both in public and in private life. It distracts us. He don't want us to see who God is, and he don't want us to know who he is. But can I quote it? And I've quoted it for many years. 1 John 2, 15 said, "Love not the world. Neither the things that are in the world. If any man loved the world, the love of the father is not in him. For all that is in the world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life." These are not of the father, but they are of the world. Can you shout yes? He's a liar. John 10 and 10 said, "The thief cometh not but for the steal and to kill and to destroy." But Jesus said, "I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. Clap your hands and shout yes, somebody." [Applause] Don't be afraid. I'm just having hot flashes, and I'm on a little bit of stuff that causes that. And so I know, I'd like to tell the devil he's a liar. Call him every name the Bible tells him he is. And so 0.3, 0.3, Satan doesn't want us to know who we are. He don't want you to know who God is. He don't want you. They meant to know who he is, and he most certainly don't want you to know who you are. Galatians chapter 4 and verse 4. Amen. "But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because he, our sons, God, sent forth the spirit of his son into your hearts, crying, "Abba Father, wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son, and if a son, then the heir of God through Christ." I am somebody. I am the child of God. I come to tell people who don't live for God. Amen. God put a conscience in you. And you know right from wrong whether you have the Holy Ghost or not. Just jot these scriptures down real quick. Romans 2, 14 said, "We do by nature the things contained in the law, because we have a conscience. We know right from wrong." The first Corinthians 11, 14 said, "Do not even nature teach you that it's a shame for a man to have long hair." Romans 1, 26 said, "Amen, everything that that generation back then was partaken in. We're living in that day." And maybe we ought to just instead of running over it. Let's just look at it real quick. This cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is, and everybody say it with me, against nature. I'm a man. I know who I am. Hey, it's a shame when they can take our kids at 10 and 12 years old and tell them, "You're not a man. You're a woman." They can operate on them with even out the parents consent. I say the devil's a liar. God has given us time. I feel like God is waking up this generation. God, just coming up here, just coming, driving down here. They were trying to figure out the Democrats. You know, there may be some here today. I don't know how you could be a Democrat and look at where we are and where we were just four years ago. But the commentator said, and I thought, "God, thank you for that confirmation, that they are looking and trying to find out where they missed it." And they're trying to seek knowledge. And then the other man stepped in and said, "This is what happened." People are not listening to what they're having to say because they see what's taken place in the perversiveness of this age. And it costs more for a dozen eggs and a loaf of bread and gas and everything else. And so they begin to educate themselves and look at the way that it really is. And you know, the reason they lost, this is what he said. And I said, "Thank you, God, for confirming the word you gave me." He said, "It's because America has become informed." They become informed, and that's exactly why they voted the way that they did. But I want you to know who you are today. You're a child of God. You're a son and a daughter of the Most High God. You can write it down. John 8 and 9, even they brought a woman before him who was caught in the very act of adultery. But he began to write on the ground. They all left. And the Bible said in verse 9, "And they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience begin to leave." Your conscience will talk to you. Your conscience will preach to you. Your conscience will say, "Don't go to hell. Don't do that. Don't wait too long. Don't go to sleep in church." I preached it. Y'all may have heard it. I mean, there's so much. There's so much. What do you call it? Stuff on the phone and all that kind of stuff that you don't know of you. If you've heard what I'm preaching too bad, I've preached it not many times, but I've preached it before. But I just preached not long ago on the danger of falling asleep in church. Wow, I grabbed a man one time and shook him and he kicked. He kicked and I jumped back just. I was young then and got out of the way. I mean, you never know how people are going to respond. Today I might have to fight them. I don't know if they made connection. I'm just cutting up. I'm just teasing with you. But you know what? I remember Brother Triplett and y'all forgive me. It just brings back a lot of memories. I remember Brother Triplett talking to your dad. He said, "Brother Samson, you get over there by the wall. You stand up on the wall." And Brother Samson is just a Samson. I know you remember it surely. And he would stand over here against the wall to help him keep him from going to sleep. But after a while, even standing up. Praise God. I'm preaching to folks that get tired. If y'all are tired and through, I'm through. But if you're hungry, God wants to tell you you're a child of God today. You don't have to put up with all of his junk. You don't have to put up with his lies. Amen. Is that what the Bible said? Praise God. Daniel 12 and 4, real quick. But thou, O Daniel, shut up by words and seal the book even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Everybody say there's a lot of knowledge today. But 2 Timothy 3 and 7 said they're ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. And he said in verse 8, "Now as James and Jamborees withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth. Men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith." Amos chapter 8 verse 11 said, "Behold, there comes in the last day saith the Lord. I will send a famine in the land, not for a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but for hearing the words of God, hearing. They're going to go from the sea to sea and from the north to the east. They shall run to and fro, and they shall seek the word of God, and they're not going to find it. I don't have any time for charismatic folks who think that it don't take what it took for me fifty-seven years ago when I got in the church. You may be looking for another gospel, but I'm not looking for another gospel. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I'm going twelve in the house of the Lord forever, twenty-three and six of Psalms. Deuteronomy 28 and two, and all of these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. God said, I will run you down and bless you. I will overtake you. You can run, but God said I'll catch you. How you doing? Long time. Long time. Praise God, brother. I was preaching like this many, many years ago. I think I was about twenty-three years old, and I'm talking about what was his name? He lived in Arkansas and passed away. Man, sometimes I get these, some of the stuff I'm on it says it can fog your mind. Carol, Bob Carol, I was preaching in Faraday many years ago. I couldn't have been over twenty-three, maybe Brother Carol was twenty-four, and I got to preaching like that, and I got to running around the church, and I said, the blessing will overtake you. You can't outrun God's blessing. And if that was the way it was in the Old Testament, Brother Caleb, what about the new? Hebrews eight and six, he said, we got a better covenant, and he established it upon better promises. Better promises, if God would run him down in the Old Testament under the Old Covenant, what do you think he will do today? Ah, come on now. Hey man, Brother Carol got to chasing me. I cut that corner, I could run back then. I mean, I could cut and I could jump a pew and get over here and do all of that stuff, and I turned the corner and he was running real fast. He didn't make the corner, and he hit that wall and knocked a great big old hole in the sheetrock. We were having church! I said we was having church! We was excited about what God was doing in our life. I'm closing. You can come and sit by the music. That will give them just a little bit of comfort. First John 3 and 1, the Bible said, "Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not. Beloved, now, everybody say now. Now are ye the sons of God, or the children of God. And it does not yet appear what we shall be. But we know that when he shall appear, we shall see him as he is. Every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure." That's 1 John 3 verses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, I think, whatever. It's pretty close. And I want you to look at this with me. Among the scotch layers, there's one whose father died in the poor house, like a beggar notwithstanding, his possession of the very same riches his heir had present at his disposal. But he simply did not know how rich he was shortly after his disease. Rich metallic ore was discovered on the estate that he inherited. The mines, which were worked at once, gave such returns that very soon all mortgages and debts were paid off. And moreover, put the present owner in possession of a nobleman's fortune. He was rich. His father possessed no less, but he didn't know that it was there. He didn't know that it was his, all the time it was there. And that this holy book that I'm preaching out of today, amen, is a rich mind. That if you study to show yourself to prove unto God and you get in the Word of God, you will know who you are and you don't have to take a back seat to the devil. You can say, "God, I thank you for my healing. I praise you for health. I praise you for strength. God, you are my everything. How strange is it that I preach today about a good God, the revelation of God. And what God wants to do. And we are nothing but flesh. And flesh can look at God just, just, we're dirt. And he stretches out his hand to us. And we slap it away. And we walk away from it. Amen, the devil's a liar. Not too many times can we do that and get away from it. I believe God wants to give this church revival. There's plenty of room to have revival. God wants to work. I know who he is. I know who Satan is. I'm not ignorant of his desires, of his devices. He's not going to take advantage of me. I know who God is. I know who I am. Can you shout? Yes, somebody. Can you shout? Yes, somebody. Somebody that's here right now today, would you just pray with me, master? I know I'm nothing today. And I've went through this pretty quick, God. I want you to move and meet needs. I want you God to minister to folks. I want you to heal. I want you to speak. Brother, Darrell, it's so good to see you in church. Man, it was, I don't want to say it was hard for me to believe that you all got in. But they sent me a picture and I said, wow, how many years? 34 years. I've never seen his face. Look at it. Ooh, hallelujah to God. Mama, look in my coat and seek my hankies there. In Jesus' name, I want God to minister. God's got some great things for you. Brother, Darrell, amen. We may get in in our latter days, but the best is yet to come. God wants to work. God wants to move in your family. In the name of Jesus Christ, God, I know that I'm nothing and you're the healer. Our trust and confidence is in you. I rebuke this disease. I rebuke this sickness. I rebuke the battle that she goes through in the mind, war, God, that she fights every day. I come against it, God. We know who we are. We know God that you want to do it today in Jesus' name. Be healed. I'm expecting immediate results. I'm expecting God to give you a testimony in the name of Jesus. Does anybody believe with me? Does anybody believe with me? In Jesus' name, hallelujah. Soto kuramanda yalabokotala baha yah. In the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus Christ. God, I give you praise. I magnify you. I glorify you. In Jesus' name. Anybody need a touch of God. I'm not going to be labor this. Amen. If you need a touch of God, you ought to already been up here. God wants to work in Jesus' name. God, move for this couple. In the name of Jesus Christ. Speak to them, God. We're somebody to you today. Yekot olamo. Brother God hadn't forgot you. Amen. He's mindful of you. He knows exactly where you're at today and what he wants to do. In Jesus' precious name. Thank you, Father. In the name of Jesus Christ. Move from my brother, God. Work your work. Stretch forth your hand. In Jesus' name. Thank you, Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. God, I'm nothing, Lord, but would you confirm the word that I preach today? Would you confirm the word, God, that I preach today? Praise God. Praise God. Run the thing. Come on. Amen. I don't know if he's the only one, but I'm fixing the hand in back. In Jesus' name right now. God let him feel what we felt through this service. Let him feel the touch of your hand, God. Touch him. Go through his body. You can heal those knees. You can touch him in the body. He's always watching over Jesus Christ. God let him feel what I've learned through this service. God is burning! [BLANK_AUDIO]