Apostolic Lighthouse

Prayer, Praise and Preaching - Bro Matherly

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01 Dec 2024
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We've asked God. I've looked at different areas of this congregation of people. I give honor to you. I want to tell you something. I love this church. I've grown to love it. I know the potential. I see it even more. I just overjoyed my wife and I to get to be apart of the family of God. Bible, family, word family. I just want to give honor to you. It hasn't been easy. I know some of you have went through and are because it's part of living for God is having the attitude. I'll be checked by mine and I got checked this morning. My wife said, "You know, you preached for years in the church about being on time for prayer." He said, "You've got me five minutes late." That's what my wife said. I said, "I'm sorry, honey." It was just something that goes along. You tell it, but now I live 12 miles away and I have to adjust my time for my time with the Lord and my purpose. I have to make up my mind of what comes first in my life. It is exciting and I say that in the growth and the direction of this church and I'm happy to be a part of it, but my wife says, "You've got to live what you preach." She's in my helpmate. That doesn't mean she cooks my scrambled eggs every Sunday morning, but she always has. She's always been there as a helpmate for me, support for me. She actually prayed me through those 13 years that I was an alcoholic. She, in all that, people support her and my daughters also. I look back at all this. I've got an old book where I wrote down. I thought when I came to this, I was so happy and I couldn't believe that God would have mercy on me, and I found out that He loves us all. He was there all the time, waiting on me, and I know it's not about me. It's about every person, so that's in this house, in every house that happened. I'm not trying to start a new fad pastor. I've got a home missionary pastor in Virginia that his wife, they made these years ago and I told him I'd wear it in his behalf. I used to spell Jesus, "J-E-S-A-S," believe it or not, when I came to God. Now, does that mean I read the Word of God? No. I never did. I only glanced over it and I said, "I can't get nothing out of this." The carnal mind cannot get anything out of it. It's got to be this spiritual, hungry mind. It's got to be where I realized that I need God to lead me. I read the scripture that you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost come upon you to be a witness unto me, and I was always cried, and I just, boy, when I got a hold of this, I couldn't shut up. I told someone the other day, and I'm getting ready to get in this Word, but I told someone the other day, I said, "Pastor, you may not hurt me," but we were in a building program, first one. I never was seen anything in the carpenter area, and I was just excited. I'm still excited, but my pastor looked at me and he said, "Brother, why don't you just be quiet a little bit and let's do some work?" And I was learning obedience because sometimes you just want to sit and talk, talk, talk, but we weren't getting anything done, and they got around me. And it's the learning process. I'm still learning. I'm still growing. Amen. If you have your Bible tonight, I'm going to turn to a passage of scripture that is, I would say, probably used more. I would think it probably is in this church, so it has been the past, but the reason is is that it's in the Book of Jeremiah chapter, and when I say this, it's chapter six, verse number 16, and I'm happy to come from North Carolina to a great place in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas. Soon we travel the road. It's got a little computer and it tells us everywhere we're at, and we're going to Missouri, Kansas, back around. My wife said, "There it goes again." I said, "We're just on a state-line road, aren't we?" But it's a wonderful feeling. I don't know how to tell you. I'm so excited. You'll probably think, "Man, this guy. What's he up here for?" But the beauty of holiness that was preached this morning. The pastor gave with all his heart, preaching a message that he's got to get it out from God, and I know how he felt, and he felt like crawling under the table and he'd do that. But we need to support the strength of a pastor who'll stand up for the Word, pastor, and tell it like it is from the Scripture. Now, I'm just, that's just not this other. I'm just, I know you're like that, I know you love them, but man, we need to just get behind him more and more, because it's truth. We, I don't want to live in a false life. I want to live the right life of God, and I've got to find the area to get there in my life, because it's me I've got to work on. I'm up here preaching to me, okay? Because we have to. My wife has been my God for these years, and I thank God for a good, great wife. And she's, she put up with a lot of stuff in the beginning. And I, I've always, I want to make it up to her. I don't, but I don't know her enough, and I owe you every soul that you meet. Does Set the Lord, verse 16 of chapter 6 of Jeremiah, does Set the Lord, "Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the O paths." Where is the good way? And walk therein, and you shall find rest for your souls. But they said, y'all to say, say they, we will not walk therein. Also, I said, watchmen over you saying, "Harken to the sound of the trumpet." But they said, we will not harken. "Therefore hear your nations and know, O congregation, what is among them? Hear O worth, behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not harkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it." I, I, I want to, today, just to bring about something. I want you to take it as this isn't to me, but still, if it does fall on where it needs to be, say, oh, me, oh my, because that's my, that's my life right now sometimes. Me and my wife, she said, what's, you know, good for the goose, good for the gander, that's one of the old sayings, or, and we would talk about this, but oh, me, oh my, if it falls there, then I got to eat it. That's, that's just life. Hallelujah. Would you pray with me right now, Lord Jesus, Father, I need you more than ever before. Every time we get up here, Lord, I ask you, to this time, oh, to the Holy Ghost, Lord, let the Holy Ghost reach out to us. Let the Holy Ghost, Lord, touch our lives. Lord, let the name of Jesus reach down into the depth of our hearts. Let the mind of God be in us and us and you. Help me, Jesus, and bless everyone here. And everybody said, amen? Jesus' name, you may be seated. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. I'm, I was so blessed today and with the pastor, we ought to be with the pastor and pastor's wife. It just encouraged me more. And it, it, it just gets me, you know, because I always start out one scripture in my testimony or to anybody with son. Jesus has to become Isaiah nine and six to me. He's got to become wonderful. Counselor, mighty God, everlasting thought, Prince of Peace. And it goes right on to his government, there'll be no end. You, you have to say, I'm going to live in the word enough that it can become where he is that wonderful counselor. He is the joy of my life. His purpose is to bring me in to a living soul in him. But it takes a lot of movement sometimes. It takes a lot of desire. When you're living in Canaan land, you got a, you got a concrete where you, when you're living in a place in the world that you don't know where you at, you've got to get your feet established and understand what your purpose is. And working together to find that in the kingdom of God. It's real short. I, I've got three peas that I always got to hold of me. And that's prayer. Praise and preaching. You can take them in different orders, but those three peas have to be a part of my life. If I get prayer in my life and I get praise in my life, then I'm gonna have something that God has in my life through the preaching of the word. And when you get the preaching of the word, it'll set you alive. Oh, yes it will. I don't care what you're going to. I don't care where you've been. The trials of life are nothing compared to what we have now. Hallelujah. I heard that song well ago, Brother Tim was singing and I could thought about the Magrutors and and how that's written and nobody can say it like we can. When you came to God, you you just started living. When you get a hold of this, you just start living and you start living the good life. Don't let nobody tell you there's not a better life than living for God. Oh, it's the joy of my strength. But I have to die. I have to find someplace and kill Mike and I have to find someplace that will make me better than what I tried out in the world that didn't do any good. I don't care where you at. I don't care how successful you can't be. Of the world's goods, you'll never be happy till you get a full-blown blooming life of the of the rose of Sharon that Jesus is in your life. He is the lily of the valley. He's a bride and mornin star. He's the wish-wish-wish-wish-trends and which is to come because he's the alpha and the omega. He's the beginning and the end. Which was, which is, which is to come. He's the Lord God Almighty. If you need a drink, he's the water of life. He's that new wine that I need. I really have a good time in. Oh, somebody ought to say I'm gonna praise him when nobody else does. I'm gonna lift him up when nobody else does. I'm gonna praise him no matter what nobody else. I'm not looking for nobody else. It's my relationship. It's my God. When you get this doctrine and you get it right, it's my gospel. Just like Paul said, it was my gospel. Well, it's Peter's gospel. It's Jesus's gospel. But when you get it in your heart, it's your gospel. You don't got, you didn't hear me a lot of you. It's mine. I'm not gonna turn loose of it. I'm not gonna let it go. If I lose it, I'm gonna get it back. I'm not gonna let the devil come and take away what I got is giving me. I'm not gonna let the devil come in and put me down. You got to make up your mind that that altar, that prayer meeting is not just a place of action, but it's a place of dying. And then when you get there, you'll come alive. It's easy to teach you, but it's hard to get down in there. I was in this, we were in this thanksgiving, you maybe said, I was in this thanksgiving relationship. We were all there and my daughter made the mistake of our son, dad, to pray. And I hadn't preached in a well while, but I don't have to preach. I just want to follow the preachers. I'm gonna be honest with you, I was supposed to have been retired, but just something about it. Got one night, I was crying. Brother, I was crying. Sister, I was crying. Lord, they don't want to listen to me. I'm just no man. Later on, whoa is me. I preached out the gospel. Whoa is me if I don't tell somebody. Whoa is me if I don't get somewhere in a fire to prayer meeting and let that first p, that prayer get ahold of me and break open that person that used to be an introvert. My wife said, they used to be quiet and I was one of those and now when God let me out, I said, Lord, I'm free. I'm free. Hallelujah. I got so free. I got so free. I'd get in the back corner where that woman has been praying for before the service back there and she's been praying all the time. And all I'd do was pray for the pastor and everybody. I didn't know anything else, but I knew he answered prayer. I knew he had told me and showed me, gave me a demonstration of a prayer and said, God. And I said, Lord, and then he teaches me, he wouldn't just give me that candy stick after a while. He pulled me out so I'd start laboring. Because you know, you, my, when I started to say about this Thanksgiving, I got a Carson. He, I haven't seen a member when he was born and we've been away from 35 years and this, this child, he's, he asked me and I don't want to talk about military, but he asked me, he said, well, you know, I said, yeah, I was a Marine Vietnam. He said, I've been fighting over this and Air Force and army, but he's talking about, but he wasn't talking about military. He was talking about growing up and being a hero. And I've said it many times and I'm, I would, people would believe you. The heroes are the true church. The heroes are the ones that sacrifice for this whole truth that we have right now. The, you listen, you're the heroes. If you follow after the truth, you're the heroes of this world. Now, I'm going to say it again. It takes a bigger man to live for God and let God use them than anything else there is in this world. Now, I'll say it again. It takes a bigger man and a woman to stand up for the truth than any soldier that fights over the world. I've been there. I know what it's all about. This is the greatest thing you ever lived for. Every person you need needs a uplifting hand out the trenches where they're in. There aren't trenches that can't get out. They need somebody to get them out. They need somebody to pull them up. I can't help it. I got to preach it because it's the truth. I'm not trying to be your friend or anything. You just, when you walk up and you're going to church and they're telling like it is and you preach like you preach this morning. It just, it just gets me, you can't miss church when it's good food to tell you the truth. You may know what you want to hear, but if you get that prayer room hot enough, you fast hard enough. I'm trying to tell you something. It takes time to bring life. And this is a great family church, but you've got to hear this pastor and this preacher when they talking about it. It can't be a habit because I see so much going on and it's going forward now. I don't want to dampen nobody's spirits. I just want you to know that it's waiting on us to really go. It's waiting on us now. The facility everything. It's waiting on us to give our efforts as much as my wife's just talked about these passing out cards and reaching the people. Prayer will develop the doors in the open areas for souls. That's why he gave us the Holy Ghost. That's why the Holy Ghost is the power to be a witness. And on your job, I was talking to Brother Eddie that he was talking about it. I said they watch you. They'll try you. Just stand there and pray about it. You don't laugh. I don't laugh at the jokes. I never after I got in the Lord, I was the joke giver before I got come to God. Don't you have this change? You can't change without God. Can't change. And some in advice and things would happen. Little Carson, I told him I didn't want to get into it too much. He was just I knew what he was doesn't want to be. He's seen so much sorrow, seen broken home, seen things that were there that were struggles that you see him and you see such maturity in a child. How old is he eight? But you don't have to be very old. Just get on their way. My nine year old daughter gave me a testimony of this and I knew she was telling the truth. I mean, she I was alcoholic. I mean way out there. She said daddy, it's real. It's talking in tongues. It's real. Yeah, I didn't understand in the beginning. It's like renewing, you know, Titus 3, 5. Not by works of righteousness, but what you're saved. It's by the mercy of God. Through the constant renewing of the Holy Ghost. I'm being saved every time I come up here and get prayed for. I'm being saved every time I go through a prayer meeting and God works on me and then takes me into something or takes a change from me. I can't I can't do like Saul of Tarsus and kick back at the pricks. I mean God trying to move on me. I'm preaching to myself because I've got to be ready for whatever comes in the future and I can't do it without my relationship with God. I don't want to do it without my relationship. I don't want to go out there in the world without the Holy Ghost upon me. I don't want to leave for job in the morning without the Holy Ghost. I mean, I didn't pass her for 30 years. I did pest control while we did it. You've done it. You've been out on a job when you go out on a job and everywhere you need to prepare yourself a prayer for every temptation that may come your way. Development. I know this I know you're more mature than I am but I just got to tell you I never have stopped preparing myself what I'm going to run into because you never know and you and if you start out your day with God finish it you do pretty good because whatever comes your way you could shake it off stomp it down. Pray it. I want to be a hero. In second Corinthians chapter 10 I want to say this as I'm moving here in second Corinthians. For you that I mean you can you can try to do everything you can for God and then send her later you're gonna flip flop and fall. I hate to say it but that's part of life. But if I got to forgive you you got to forgive me I don't want to put this on you 490 times in a day. How often should I forgive my brother then he's gonna forgive me 490 times a day. So I can be a new convert and fall ten times over because I sure did but kept trusting him and he'll pick me right back up put me right back in because I was obeying and going to the prayer room and praying to God and then I would come out and have fall again maybe just you know I was one of those up and down up and down. My wife thought oh no you're afraid I just I was quiet for a while because God had delivered me from cussing. He had delivered me but my mouth would be clean. My attitude. Every time that rain when I was in the center world I got mad because I like to go outside. Why's the kid? Believe it or not when I got filled with the Holy Ghost the next day Tuesday it'll rain a lot crazier. I'll just... Who are you? What's your silence on Mike? I got something that'll take care of everything you've ever been in. I got something that'll deliver me. I got something that'll pick me up and bring me out and give me the positive attitude that I can destroy the yoke of the devil because the anointing destroys the yoke of the devil and when you got the power of the Holy Ghost the devil is not your problem. He's afraid of you to get full of the Holy Ghost and stop on his head but we have a promise that he's got to get under our feet. We're the one that's in charge. He's not in charge but the temptation of the world and things of the world will try to affect you and knowledge and understanding. And I told my wife, "Honey, don't let me be passed oral. I'm just gonna tell the truth. This is the good life. I'm testifying. This is the good life. This is the better life. Everybody needs this. If they have a love for the truth." He says in this particular area of 2nd Corinthians, "For though we walk into flesh, we do not war after the flesh." Verse 4, "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations." Shout out. Find out who's talking to you. Find out that a lot of times you get up in the morning that he'll start talking right off where you can even think. Castin down imaginations to every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. And bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. That means Paul talked about it once, those things I would. I could not. Those things I do. I do not. He was understanding the war that goes on in the flesh. And then here is as he explaining that you need to bring vengeance upon the weaknesses that you have. That you can realize in your imagination that I'm not gonna let this keep bothering me. And it's not to do it. But how do you do that without seeking the Lord? Because you're seeking Him. And then when you're seeking Him and praying and I'm not saying this and I don't I'm not looking at vocation areas and everything. I just know that it becomes a part of me that I can't walk without Him. I can't talk with Him because He walks and He talks to me and He tells me I'm His own. And when I realize that I'm part of Him and He's a part of me because the confidence is believing that the devil will condemn you. He's the accuser of the brethren. So we develop in our mind a faithfulness to God that the number one thing I need is prayer. And then once I build up on the power of prayer, then there's something happens just like it did Paul in silence. I mean they're in jail. They're in the bottom, on the low side. They're in chains. They're locked down. And you'll read sometimes I say they start singing praises. And I can sing a praise and pray. Oh yeah. I love this church. I love it. But if I just rely on that without my own relationship later on I'm going to need I'm going to need somewhere where I'm in that place that I'm by myself, me and silence, you know. And what did you say Paul? You said we ought to pray. Yeah, we're going to pray right here with the rats. We're going to pray down here on a dungeon floor right now. We're held down but we're going to start praying. And they agreed together and started praying where any two or three gathered together in my name, He's in the midst. And they started praying. And the prisoners heard them pray. How could you pray and really pray unless somebody hears you. Open your mouth wide. God said I'll feel it. So you learn to break open your mouth and say I'm going to call on the name of Jesus. Oh, what kind of prayer you're going to pray if I get ready to dump you over the side on your head? Help me Jesus. I'm not going to say Lord would you please? You got to get let him know how serious it is. And you got to believe. So when they they went to pray and it is about midnight, the prisoners heard them. Next thing you got to do and I understand this prayer here. I felt the whole of those when I came in here first time. Some of you greeters walked in here my wife and God wanted me to feel him. He had one of you praying a whole lot. And I knew when my wife shook I just felt that a morning I said, that's a good sign. I saw him two sons of the pastor today and I thought they got that smile on them. And that that's what you need is that smile and that and that hand of Holy Ghost power. Somebody is getting it right now. I'm going to tell you some somebody is getting a faith right now to know that the prayer and reaching out through a handshake can change somebody when they walk through that door. It can change the whole service for them. Now that takes us a greeter that's anointed of the Holy Ghost and if you've got the Holy Ghost you're anointed to greet them by a handshake. Come on, come on we put ourselves down too much. It becomes a good belief and then it gets where I can't wait to get prayed up so I can help them when they come through because they're in jail. They're in prison and then he's somebody to uplift them and get them enough strength that they can make that last journey for their selves to come alive. My little prisoners heard them and all of a sudden there's an earthquake. That's what happens inside of a person. They just something happens and get free and you come to church and you get free in this church. But I'm not happy unless I got some freedom I take it out there. I've seen them around you. I've seen them feeling that after it today. You know that's the way they do pastors that are friendly as your pastor is and his wife. People need we need that fellowship of that purpose but I could be the friend that's gone to the world without the Holy Ghost so I'm just dead. So I have to build my foundation, set my sights, my purpose. So when I am out there I'm ready. I'm ready because it's an old pass that's gonna get me there. It's the old paths that were paid for us in the past. It's still the Holy Ghost and fire that's keeping me alive. It's still the winds of Pentecost that blow in and God has control and authority and move amongst us when we allow him to move and we're not looking for individuality but we're looking for God to move to somebody and touch somebody and help them and lead them out because we got to we got to lead those out there in the church. It's about the soul. It's about all those in prison. It's a route to completeness of the word. Not just what must I do to be saved and the jailers said when he came in after Paul saved his life from killing himself. He said they'll believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved but he didn't stop there. A lot of people love the stop there because you just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they'll be saved but he then took them out and instructed them, taught them. Then they washed their stripes off of them and then they were the family. Everybody was baptized and you study the source of it and we know this but we must teach other people that the source of everything comes into the unity of the faith. Colossians tells us till we all come to the unity of the faith. That's the belief with evangelists. Go to Mark's coming Wednesday, excuse me, it's letting that out but I can't wait. You need evangelists, prophets, you need teachers, you need you need someone there to get it get it out. You need to lay out there and say Lord whatever is in me, get rid of it. God will work but it's praying then praising and then they went to preaching there. Chapter 16 of Acts but Paul, he came up against again with a disciples, he could have changed it in chapter 19 couldn't he? Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Oh I got it. You got it. Did you speak in tongues when you got it? Did you learn to worship God with freedom? I mean see we're not I'm not I'm not a Jew. I had to learn how there's seven praises in the Bible and I had to learn through everyone from Yoda right on up to to acting crazy in the church because when the Spirit moves on you you do a whole lot of things but you learn to worship God. Praise as you do that has to do with your speech. What's in your heart becomes a part of your action on the outside. So you praise him with a loud voice, enter his cases with thanksgiving his courts with praise. A lot of times I'll be praying and I'll be praying and crying and all of a sudden I might flip in a good old song like he's saying sister and the words will make me come alive and God said why don't you start praising me a little bit and quit crying like a baby and realize there's other ways of praying and praising and you learn to praise God in so many different ways and you start moving a little bit more and all the things start stopping into you. I ain't nothing like it. You got to let loose. Don't let somebody lead you into it, lead them into it. Become a warrior, a hero, a worshipper, a appraiser. Well the pastor tells me I'll do it. God says do it. God says do it. He's a mediator between me and he's a mediator. I mean they're leading me to God but once I get God I need that power of prayer and that praise and I need that preaching that feed my soul that I wouldn't be lost. God can read out the things that I need to help me with. Developing something that you're just not doing it to a habit but you're doing it because God's gonna make something out of you. He might make you a preacher if you're a preacher and God might be calling you and you're fighting it off and you ought to just sell out. He's gonna keep working with you if you're in the church and you need a pastor or authority to help you. Am I getting too bold? Takes the fullness of preaching and this scripture when we look at it and we think about it all the things I want to talk about the fullness of preaching we know that this is involved in the book of 2 Corinthians 1 Corinthians but it refers to being foolish to other people. Other people think you're crazy but you get in the morning of the Holy Ghost. I mean my I came into church I've said this before told somebody the other day I said my wife she I said these people are crazy. That's what I said when I first came in. I said there I was always taught to be quiet and decent in order. That's all I knew you know I only went a couple of times. I went my wife one time went to church with me at a place and it was dead but I didn't think it was. I just went and thought that was church and went in there and my youngest daughter oldest daughter they started singing a pretty good upbeat song and all of a sudden she started clapping their hands. Everybody looked at it all the people in the church like what are you doing? And I've got out there when we left there that first church were frozen dead and and we got out there. I said Charlotte I said honey what's going on here? How come they got upset with Sherry? She said honey they don't like the worship. It's been it's the devil's got a hold of it and they ain't gonna get loose of it till they break out through God. So I said oh my I don't want that to happen to me. I remember how hard it was to get handed. I told somebody I remember the first time when I was in the prayer room I was praying nobody around is home trying to find out studying all this and how can I come in the sanctuary and then the Lord would bless my flesh but I didn't know it was like binding. First time I ever got behind the pulpit it was like it's the same thing. My flesh my nerves and my flesh would almost bind spirits. I don't want that to ever come back on me again because when God started loosening me up because it talks about and clap your hands. Oh you people play on the high sounding instruments. You know play tells you about doing the things the right way but how I've got a young man he's 11 years old. I can remember what I was gonna talk about him today but he was one area of the church. The field of the Holocaust would baptize him in the name of Jesus Christ for the mission of sins is the only way and we're going through that and I said, Brother Tyler, I said you know you want to play them drums aren't you? I said you know God has called you to do that. I already still got some anointing of him like he was using anointing cloth and I brought that over there to him. He was like heaven from earth came down on one person. He had a burden. His sister she same way twin sister didn't you know she both of them feel the Holy Ghost. You ought to see her pray with people pray them through the Holy Ghost. Be with them always compassionate and not too long ago she you know she's always held back but prayer her mom I told her mom I said you take them in the prayer room with you always and she did she followed my wife's teaching take them in the prayer room and pray with them teach them how. I had a man that let me understand that please understand I'm not bragging about this I'm just telling you I ended up going to a church where I actually excuse children close your ears. I cursed out a man that was a deacon in the church out in the mind of parking lot one time in a safely where it was and I didn't know God's gonna stick me right in front of him later on. Of course I wouldn't have done it. But when I yielded to the truth of God's word then he brought me I told brother Larry the other day brother Larry I told you didn't God put me at his feet and he taught me how to pray. I'm 34 years old 35 and a man you know and I didn't care I just wanted to go to heaven I just want to be saved. I don't want I don't want this this broken contact spirit to ever lead me I want to be teachable and I've got to have prayer and the preaching and praying in my life and I can't do it because you'll get hardened you'll get you'll get stiff sometimes and you won't you'll lose that desire I don't care what happens if I stand on my head I used to say whatever the word says I got to do it I get to do it but it's hard to break down and I'm not talking to you you're not maybe not where I'm at but I like it when I'm dead I like it when I I'm been humbled you say why are you like that because God can move me he can make me merciful like David he can make he can create in me a compassion like I see I'm I'm not trying to lift you up pastor but I sure admire you I know you went through back we were all we all do but the point is on a lift up that word that and the prayer with them and support them I want to be a support that's why I run around and shake hand do things because I love people I just I've always loved people and it's an honor to get to in this church and develop a relationship with God if you never had one it's they that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved that means you're calling on him that means you're talking to him that means he's you get a hold of him and he takes hold of you it's a it's a it's a place where 19 have you seen it we have not said you got to find teachable people I'm preaching to teachable people it's easy to preach to teachable people it's easy to talk to somebody that that wants more this it's easy for me to say to you with do you want more just break out of your comfort zone and get a little bit more just break out of that comfort zone and let the pastor lead you a little bit more just go amounts the monks the people and say I've got do you need prayer let's have a little prayer meeting right here in the supermarket let's let them know another Holy Ghost try it you'll find out there's hungry souls out there wanting you to lay hands on the sick they'll find out you got the hands to heal in your life they'll find out that in the King of Kings and the Lord of lords that he dwells within you we should don't go and defeat let the Holy God don't get don't get past the prayer though don't don't get in the air get side but if you prepare yourself in humble yourself in the sight of God that's what he's talking about he resists the proud gets grace to the humble so if he gets grace to the humble I'm gonna stay humble and let him do the work and I'm gonna find a place of prayer and preparatory way in my life and then I'm gonna praise him I'm gonna praise him I'm gonna say God let the gift of faith work in the church I'm gonna praise him and the more praise you get gone the more power you're gonna have in the house of God it's gonna set the captive free it'll it'll set them free every time because it's it's that pray in preaching and praising without faith it's impossible please God we heard it this morning where he that come at the God must believe that he is in the reward or them that diligently seeking you diligently seek the Lord it's not just coming and setting on a few I don't want to backslide on a few that's just my instruction area this is just my springboard that causes me to go to the next day Monday who am I gonna run into tomorrow what am I what I'm gonna find out on Tuesday that God's God for me what am I gonna as I walk with God I've got to walk every day with him there's nothing more exciting to go knowing that you're welcome to God and God is making a path for you in your future yes you're some people will say like you kind of said today yeah you're I'm retired no I'm not God's got something else for me to do sister you said God's got something else for me to do out there where my family members hadn't seen in 30 years God's got somebody to throw me to reach down at the job site where I'll be working around somebody guys got something for me to reach out to somebody guys got work for me to do wherever it might be around the church there's a lot to do build a book or preach the message one time I'm you know you he warned me one Sunday what he preached but I didn't make a move but in my heart I said this is they got this they got something here then I tried to prove it wrong now I went right I'm face value all the way through it I mean why not get in the Bible try to prove it wrong by obedience if I got just I shouldn't say this cross port but if I run into somebody they say they love Jesus I said if you love me will you obey him I mean it's a chain of command I'm military is taught Peter was number one man he was chosen by the Holy Ghost to have Thomas and them behind him he was he was given that opportunity to speak when they asked him what shall we do of course he said repent that's what I've been talking about repentance is part of our life if you cut John the Baptist's head off you in trouble if you don't have John the Baptist in your life that's that's I can't make it without John John prepared me for the Lord he paid the way he preached repentance of course Jesus preached repentance said unless you repent you likewise perish part of my life is repenting dying out of an altar it brings me up because I know that I'll always be vacant when it comes to him I'm fine not minded he's infinite or lower he knows all I'm not I heard it this morning I'm just kind of repeating man I ain't gonna fool God doesn't begins at the house of God I'm being judged in my attitude whether I want to grow and God or not right is right wrong is wrong that's that's one of what I wanted to say earlier you got you got to look at the truth because the truth woman set you free it makes you free and being set and being made free is the greatest opportunity I get to have and I wasn't raised in this I only had the effect of a woman that lived for God but I searched the world over this is it I'm not going nowhere sister madly I'm not going nowhere now God will guide us amen would you stand this world is quaking and bondage it needs a witness needs truth it needs a church it believes and I'm I'm correct me from wrong but it needs a prayer praise and preach in church need to save that which believe and it's always going to be that way it's not God does not change is Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever I can tell you it's a daydream visions read chapter two verse 14 I remember going around I said this is we're not drunk as you supposed a lot I'm gonna say it I said I'm not drunk as you suppose now I got something that just blowed it away and you can keep it vibrant fast and pray I've been living for God 41 years and my wife will tell you ain't ever damping down maybe I'm too wild at times but the God has got it he's got to answer for your joy for you healing you can talk about him he's my provider he makes everything you can point black hit everything but you know what I just love the love of God I love that feeling that you get with brethren and and I get with men of God and and I'm saying it's everybody in virtue but it's God that has to be in our hearts and and he convicts us and helps us but if there's nothing like this brother in my wife we can't wait to get the church I even I know when I'm going to a damaging trial something's good gonna happen at the house of God God's got something gonna really happen good because the devil's fighting me harder today than than he has and I made up my mind that I'm gonna overcome everything and I'm gonna get where I need to be and I made up my mind years ago we're not well we talked about it for years I said we're just gonna go together and enjoy the kingdom of God because this this don't look around at the world they don't know what joy is now we know that testimony but you get that praying and that preaching and that praising more involved hallelujah get your get your don't matter if you don't feel a thing just praising I'm gonna praise him if I don't feel the Holy Ghost no more I'm gonna praise him because he deserves all my praise he deserves all my worship he does my hands he puts a show in my feet he puts a he gives a walk in my life and I'm gonna keep on praising as long as I can because I the devil served me long enough I served him he served me and I'm not gonna let the devil I want to get back everything he takes from me amen you can do it in this church would you clap your hands for the Lord