
Bava Basra Daf 158

Broadcast on:
01 Dec 2024
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'Zuqaflaf Abbaslaf Qufman Qasz, the first Suqya on the daaf, Na'afl al-Biasl al-Avalishtai.' The mission says that the house collapsed on someone and his wife, the husband's yarishim claimed the wife died first, and the husband's yarish, and their yarishim. The wife's yarishim claimed the husband died first, without being yarishir, and she became entitled to Xubah and their yarishir. 'Pishameh says Yaqalayku, since we can't determine who should get it. 'Pishil says Naqaszim qaszim qaszim, meaning Nixit's embarks or remain Baqaszqaszim. The Qsubah which the husband pays remains by the husband's yarishim. 'Nixit's a memorial remain by the wife's yarishim.' Threep's shot am I giving in the gamara, regarding Naqaszim qaszim. 'Yaikhan says that by the husband's yarishim.' 'Bishlaksh says by the wife's yarishim.' And Baqapar says there's split. 'Second Suqya on the daaf, Naqal al-Biaslaf al-Avalimah.' The mission says that if the Bias fell on someone and his mother, the mother's yarishim claimed the son died first, and wasn't yarishir, so they're yarish. The son's yarishim claimed the mother died first, and the son was yarish, so they're yarishir and the husband also. 'Tanaqama says that Bisham may still both agree, they are yarishil. This is different in the case of Kufsund Zion, where the two parties are making different claims, one claims Yusha, and one claims Raif, and from the mission of Naqaszim were considered previously in the possession of different people. Here both parties are claiming the entire estate through yarishir, so therefore it's yarishil. 'Ya bikimah disagrees and says even here, Baqapar says even here, Baqapar says even here, and the commander will explain.' But now as it says, they're already even styer on where they disagreed. You want to say they disagree even in the case that we assume they agree. Thirds are going to die of defining the mother's assets, 'Bikazkassan, and Avir there to sur al-Maqim.' 'Ya bikimah says that we're a mother, and her only son died, and there's a makhalikis who's yarish, Baqal says nothassan, 'Bikazkassan.' 'Tikama explains who's hazaka is it.' 'Abilah says 'Bikazk se' al-shayim,' 'Abilah says 'Bikazk se' al-shayim bed,' 'When Abzir and Abtare to surall he changed his mind, and Pazkin like Abilah.' And he said, we see from here, that the Avir very to surall makes someone a haqam, because when he came up, 'Abtare to surall he changed his mind.' Abbai explains Abilah's shiitah, since the Naqalah was Haqsaq and her shavit, and her yarish and maqim from her shavit, that's where they get it. Zuqah falaqfabasl al-qufun al-hass. The first sugih in the daf, Naqfabasl al-Aqalishtay. Second sugih, Naqfabasl al-Aqalimah. Third sugihah, defining the mother's assets, 'Bikazkassan, and Avir there to surall makhim.' The same fabasl al-qufun al-hass is a desert reception, 'Kinuaq.' When the earthquake occurred during the outdoor desert reception, collapsing one house, killing a husband and wife, and collapsing the house next door. Killing someone and his unmarried mother, Arav appeared and told the guests, who were yarishim to the people that died, and were debating who died first, that he is clarity now regarding the Yerushah since Avir there to surall makhim. Dessert reminds us of Khufun al-hass, 'Kinuaq.' One house collapsed, killing a husband and wife, reminds the first sugih in the daf, Naqfabasl al-Aqalishtay. The house next door collapsed, killing someone and his unmarried mother, reminds the second sugih in the daf, Naqfabasl al-Aqalimah. The Revuud clarity regarding the signing the assets, because Avir there to surall makhim, reminds the third sugih in the daf, defining the mother's assets because Khufun al-hass, and Avir there to surall makhim.