Bava Basra Daf 157
"Zukr-fil-aif-a-s-dukr-fne-zain." The first "Zukr-fne-daf-naf-a-l-a-bai-s-a-l-a-l-a-l-a-viv." The Mishra says, "If naf-a-l-a-bai-s-a-l-a-l-a-l-a-viv, and it was a super-o-o-r-hive against the sun's assets, the Yershem claimed the Bandai at first and then the Father died, and therefore the sun wasn't Yerush, and the Balehraiv can't come take. The Balehraiv claimed that the Father died first and the sun was Yerush, says "Yerush, Yerush can't be collected from these assets." Peshami says, "Yerush, Yerush, Yerush, Yerush have a definite claim to be Yerush, regardless of who died first, but the Balehraiv's claim is uncertain since they can only collect if the Father died first." Therefore, Peshami still holds that the Balehraiv can't take. Peshami holds that money that stands to be collected with the Shtar is considered as if it was already collected, so the Balehraiv are considered to have an equal claim. Secondly, in the Daff, the Ikhni, if property purchased after a loan can become Ishmael, Shmul asked the Ikhni to cut him out. If a Balehra writes in the Shtar that he's mischabbit, whatever properties he will be kind of, and he was kind of property, what's dallocha? Does it become Ishmael to the earlier hive? According to how Mary holds the person could be Makkad of Ishmael, Islam, if he sure becomes mischabbit. What about according to the abundance they normally, a person cannot be Makkad of Ishmael. If Yerush is being the missioner that we see, that a Malva does collect land that was nicknamed after the hive. Malva says there's no rhyme from that missioner, because if you're collecting from the bar or himself, you could collect anything, even the beggar that's on his shoulder. Rather, the Shilah is, if it was Karina, and then he sold it, or if it was Karina, and then he was Mairushit, so it's not in his possession, could the Balehraiv collect from that. Third story in the Daff, if someone borrowed from two people saying the Ikhni, and then purchased property. The Gamar asks, assuming the Ikhni is able to be mischabbit properties that were purchased later. Let's he borrowed from one person, and then he borrowed from another person, and he said the Ikhni, and then he brought property, what's dallocha? Is it mischabbit to the first lender, because his shave was first, or to the second, because when the barter said the Ikhni on the second loan, he was being raised from the Ikhni on the first loan. If Naqman said that the chammer where it's a sole pasket, that the first one is Karina, if one and her above would say, Yaqalayku, because it becomes mischabbit to both simultaneously. In Avashis Madura Kamma, he paskin that the first one gets it. In the second Madura, he paskin Yaqalayku, and we paskin Yaqalayku. Zukra Fala'f Vasslaf Kufnansayin, the first Suga Nadaaf, Nafl al-Baiya Sala'l Al-A'lal-A'th. Second Suga de Ikhni, if property purchased after a loan, can become mischabbit to the loan. Third Suga have one barter from two people saying to Ikhni, and then purchase property. The same from Vasslaf Kufnansayin are cones, ice cream cones. When the ice cream stores shaped like a giant cone collapsed on the owner and his son, and the son's b'alchayv couldn't collect, because ain't something made to me de vadai, he tried collecting other debts from a barter who told him to Ikhni, but found out he was not. But found out he would have to split it with another lender, because the barter also told him to Ikhni. Conge reminds the Daf Kufnansayin, when it collapsed on the owner and his son, and the son's b'alchayv couldn't collect, because ain't something made to me de vadai, reminds the first Suga Nadaaf, Nafl al-Baiya Sala'lal-A'th. He tried collecting other debts from a barter who told him to Ikhni, reminds the second Suga Nadaaf, to Ikhni, if property purchased after a loan can become mischabbit to the loan. He found out he would have to split it with another lender, because the barter also told him to Ikhni, reminds the third Suga Nadaaf, if one borrowed from two people, saying de Ikhni, and then purchased property.