Bava Basra Daf 156
(speaks in foreign language) The first thing you're gonna do is we check for Simonim of godless regarding kadushin, gharishin, et cetera. Schmool says your binder for kadushin, gharishin, chalitsa and meunen. Although we assume a boy of 13 and a girl of 12 already developed simanim, we don't rely on this assumption, and we have to be binder. Did you mind if I ask why a boy needs to be checked before gharishin, if he was already examined before he got married? Did you mind if my answer to the trollivans for katuna did Yibam to his brother's wife, whose marriage takes effect, but dare I say, even if he's a katuna. Schmool mentioned checking for kalitsa to exclude the biasis sheeta, that a katuna is eligible for kalitsa. He mentioned checking for meun to exclude a bihuda sheeta that a girl could do meun until a stage of maturity later than two sires. Second, so you can adopt the malikis of the Reikhol sons were wicked for maintaining kaitum in their kara. In the next mission, (speaks in foreign language) has to make a king into transfer property. The Khum disagree and told Wias about a story in which a mother of Reikhol sons gave her kvina to her daughter, and the Khummar Makayim her words, even though she didn't make a king yet. A blazer responded, (speaks in foreign language) that they were Reikhol and therefore was given to the daughter to punish them, not because the matana worked. Schmool explains a blazer considers the Reikhol sons to be Reikhol because they are Makayim kaitum in their vineyard, and it goes according to the sheeta and the Mishnah that if someone's Makayim kaitum in the kara, he answers the field. But the Khum say the only thing that answers the field is something that people usually maintain. Since people generally do not maintain kaitum, they don't make kalai. (speaks in foreign language) But the other holds that since in Arabia, they do, it is kalai. (speaks in foreign language) and zachin for a gaudel versus a katam. In the next Mishnah, (speaks in foreign language) if a shimmar gives a gift on Shabbos, (speaks in foreign language) because he can't write, but not during the week. He also has al only allowed a shimmar to verbally give a gift on Shabbos when he has no other option. Have you sure answers? They said it on Shabbos and for sure, (speaks in foreign language) He argues that if he could verbally give a gift, when he lacks that ability to make a Kenyan, for sure he could do it when he has the ability to make a Kenyan. The Mishnah brings a similar Makayis, probably as it says he could be zachin for a katam, but not for a gaudel, 'cause he could be kind of for himself, and be sure to disagree, and it says that if he could be zachin for a gaudel, for sure for a katam. In a bracelet, Amir quotes these Makayis the opposite way. (speaks in foreign language) The first thing in the day off, we check for a Simonum of Godless, regarding Kadushin, (speaks in foreign language) Second, (speaks in foreign language) if Rachel's sons were wicked for maintaining Kaitzim in the Kara. Third, (speaks in foreign language) on weekday versus Shabbos, and zachin for a gaudel versus a katam. (speaks in foreign language) The 13-year-old boys canoeing to the Simonum of Badikah Center made sure not to dock near the wicked boys, who were maintaining Kaitzim in the Karaum, which is problematic because of Kalayim, and was told by a man in a fancy canoe, that it was a gift for Mishtimirah, who gave it verbally to him on Chavez. (speaks in foreign language) They were canoeing to the Simonum of Badikah Center. Reminds the first thing on the daft, we check for Simonum of Godless, regarding Kadushin, Garishin, et cetera. They kept away from the boys, who were maintaining Kaitzim in a Karaum, which is problematic because of Kalayim, ones of the second Suga in the daft. (speaks in foreign language) sons were wicked from maintaining Kaitzim in a Karaum, and they were told by the man in the fancy canoe, that it was a gift for Mishtimirah, who gave it verbally on Chavez, reminds the third Suga in the daft, (speaks in foreign language) on a weekday versus Shabbos, and zachin for a gaudel versus a katam.