
Bava Basra Daf 155

Broadcast on:
28 Nov 2024
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Zukruf al-Fabas al-Kufnanehei, the first Sugeh in the Daf, what is the minimum age to sell an inherited property? Dikummar asks, "When can a kat'an sell bin rsi alviv?" Rava quotes of Nakhmin, 18 years old, v'hunibar kunna quotes of Nakhmin, 20. Either way, he has to be considered a god-all, which was the reason why they had to be bite the individual that sold his father's property. Even a 20-year-old without Simannim is halachically a kat'an, unless he shows symptoms of a stress. Dikummar quotes a Makhlykis, "If Taizman is K'lafnaizman or K'lakhazman." Dikummar says in the next Daf that only a 20-year-old can sell an inherited property, but not during the 20th year. Rava paskin, that a 14-year-old girl who knows Masomatan, could sell an inherited property, and the same applies to a 12-year-old girl as well as an adult boy. Second Sugeh in the Daf, the aedis of someone who's too young to sell property. V'hunibar Dibishua says, "The aedis of a young man, who's not old or knowledgeable enough to sell property, is considered aedis." M'zutis only applies to metallotlam, which he could sell, but regarding karka, which he can't sell, his aedis is not good. Avashias Masotra, why is his aedis accepted for metallotlam? If it's because he's able to sell, then he should be able to say aedis when he's a child, 6-7 years old who could sell metallotlam. Masotra answered, the paskic says, "V'omnushni'a anoshim," and "K'etanim" or not "anoshim," but any adult can say aedis about items that he can sell. Third Sugeh in the Daf, the metallotlam, a young man, is valid. Amenemar says, "The metallotlam, a young man, giving away inherited property, is k'lafnaiz." Avashias, since if he sells property and gets money, it's still not k'l because we're afraid he might sell it for less than the value, certainly if he gives away a metan or they didn't get anything, for sure, it shouldn't work. Amemar answered that if Avashias was correct, that if he sold land for a profit, the sale should work, and it's not. Rather, Abundant understood that a young man is drawn to money, and therefore, if his sale would be valid, people would offer him money and he would sell his father's property less than it's worth. So, therefore, they disqualified his sale. However, he wouldn't give a gift unless he received some benefit from the person, therefore, the k'om say that his gift does work. In order that people should do things for him. Zukr-flaf-vestlaf-kufn-nhei, the first zug in the daf, what is the minimum age to sell inherited property? Second, zug in the aidus of someone who's too young to sell property. Third, zug in the matan of a young man is valid. This infra-vestlaf-kufn-nhei is a k'nah, a reed. When the young man celebrated his 20th birthday by selling his inherited field of reeds, his younger brother, who was only believed to say aidus about the sale of the flute, made of a carved reed, but not the field, gave his portion of the field as a gift to the man who did him favors. K'nah reminds daf-kufn-nhei, the young man who celebrated his 20th birthday by selling his inherited field of reeds, reminds the first zug in the daf, what is the minimum age to sell inherited property? His younger brother, who was only believed to say aidus about the sale of the flute, made out of the carved reed, but not about the field, reminds the second zug in the daf, aidus of someone who's too young to sell property. He gave his portion of the field as a gift to the man who did him favors, reminds the third zug in the daf, the matan of a young man, is valid.