Kayal and Company
Tony Bruno Hour 4
He'll in company week demoting six till ten because of the work of many people in Pennsylvania the great scott pressler who went out there And and got the Amish and a lot of people who had now hunters who had never actually signed up before or registered to vote He got them to vote, but then there's another guy. I've never met this man, but we go back and forth on X Will rock 24 24 will rock in box sounds like a rock and roll band member, but he's not He's a listener, and he's a guy Who has the final total in a recap as they like to say at the end of sporting events and he joins us right now here on talk radio 12 10 w Ph t Will good morning Good morning, Tony and Robin Happy to be on with you guys. It's a pleasure to finally talk to you guys and you know, I'm happy to To get down to a business here and what's going on in Bucks County Well, you know We got to get down to the business That's what we do on the show the great hose one of our frequent calls, and let's get down to the business. Yo So it all started during the election Bucks County government. We saw the lines. They wouldn't let they cut it off at five o'clock in the afternoon People didn't get a chance to register to vote and then couldn't get back So now it's all said and done and we'll so explain because scott pressler Obviously is a guy who's a hero to many Americans because of his work getting people registered to vote and he concentrated on Pennsylvania did a great job up in Bucks County though, where you are you are also working on this Bucks County initiative to make sure that this election was handled the right way. So tell us what's going on and what the final is Yeah, so I'm not gonna come on here and act like I did more work than scott pressler nobody, you know did more work than those guys and Jim Worthington and and Bucks County GOP and I just want to acknowledge right for bucks as well I mean, I think if we're leaving a group out of the equation here I think the party as a whole isn't gonna miss a major opportunity to really come together and make Bucks County the backbone of Pennsylvania for Republicans moving forward like it should be 291 votes was the Total the win total for Donald Trump in Bucks County. That's not a lot of votes I mean, it's a very complicated county with a lot of rich deep political history to begin with So 291 votes is what Donald Trump won by and I think if we're leaving out any particular group that helped Make that happen. I think we're really missing out on a potential future where we could all come together And you could really could really recognize something special that just happened in this country and Bucks County is a microcosm of the entire country The old saying as Bucks goes the state goes so does the White House. I mean that that's really true I mean it's been proven here in this election. So I just want to shout out to all three groups I mean, you know Scott's group with the RNC the Bucks GOP in general did a hell of a job and as well as right for Bucks Now now that's all said and done. It's unbelievable how close the election was yeah We're seeing around the country and again, I stand I stand with the comments that I've made about about Josh Shapiro I think he's a weasel. I think he's smarmy greasy. I think he's a bad guy I know he looks good and looks smooth But what he did because remember he was supporting those Bucks commissioners. It's on tape These aren't like accusations that can't be founded He was up there and he was supporting the two commissioners who lied about the election lied about how clean it was lied about not the she got caught she got caught clean talking about Not paying attention to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court not once but twice How was she not being punished? How was she not being thrown out of that seat and not allowed to run for any political office in Pennsylvania ever again? Well, it's gonna be really interesting to watch over the course of the holidays in the next couple of months because Chris Lassavita who was the Trump campaign co-chair is now on record saying that they will be going to jail and We have to hold his feet to the fire on that I mean as Republicans and we have to hold the Bucks County GOP responsible for that as well I mean you have an opportunity here to take hold of the entire county Not in and not in any sort of bad way in a good way. Just the law is the law So yeah, any sort of any sort of rebuttal to that there we have to expect better from our elected officials And what absolutely should have should have never happened and they work for us That's the thing that people forget about elected officials They work for us the voters art the taxpayers and what happened in Bucks County was a Nash and I'm glad it became a national story Because you know most local elections don't become a big deal But the but the big thing is You know that this story became national news that chick. What's her name again? I want to make sure I I rip her one more time Diane something Marsaglia, right? She is She is unfit to even work at Wawa When they have a hulky fest She wouldn't be able to run hulky fest at a Wawa in Bucks County And they were all involved in each other's campaigns going, you know from Shapiro to Casey down to the commissioners And I don't know how many people actually, you know, I think X what we do on X is Sometimes we got to remember that very few people are actually on X in the you know in the real world So they're not seeing the stuff that's posted 24/7. They're not following the truth It's a full-time job to to actually get down to the truth in especially in a county like Bucks County um, but the the actual the Was gonna say the uh, so bob harvey was honored in bristle burrow Saturday night for being the You know person of the year In the bristle fall fest. I mean it said you can't make this stuff up. I know but then you have josh Shapiro taking a hundred and fifty three million dollars that were supposed to be for Pennsylvania roads and just giving it to septa and you know and harvey sits on the board of septa Exactly. This is the kind of stuff that's and if we had a legitimate media in fact If the philadelphia inquire and daily news would actually do some journalism Instead of just being house organs for the pennsylvania democratic party. This stuff would be exposed That's the medius job. The medius job is not to be a cheerleader for any political party And the philadelphia inquire and the daily news have been an embarrassment Just like many many other big city media companies in this in this in this country. They are a joke It's been a long time coming. It's been a long time coming So I encourage anybody throughout the holidays if you're just sitting around do some homework on, you know, the actual Bucks county gop the history of it. Do some homework on harry fox, you know the guy who ran the bucks county gop Committee before at paprik took over. I mean these these major players around this county have been Have been in control of things for a long time and and there's back door stuff that goes on with elections You know in in a lot of these major counties, but we have to refocus our The will of the people has to be the driving force for the republican party and and if The gop is not going to allow the will of the people to Essentially be the voice You're going to lose election. So I'm I'm really I'd like to throw a warning suck signal out I mean everything's all great now, but 2025 we have to hit the ground running I would love to work with everybody, you know that's involved and and I'm open to anybody Any suggestion suggestions for us to win moving forward because there was a race in the northwestern part of ohio In to leado's congressional district where a guy by the name of jr majuski actually he was told to Exit the race before the primary when he was up by about 20 percent in the primary polls He was up by about 20 percent and he was told to to leave and that the party wouldn't support him if he won the primary And stuff like that if it if stuff like that's going to happen all over the country then uh, you know Who who's the gop really working for? Yeah, trust me. I'm not I don't I'm not a show for either party. I call out the gop or any I don't I don't I'm not in bed with a gop. I was a democrat most of my life when I lived in philly because that's the way you grew up there But I'm I look at I look at both parties and the reason we all know why kamala harris lost It was the worst campaign the worst candidate in my lifetime and I go back to to jfk days Okay when he was president so the worst candidate and she lost and she should have lost anybody who thinks that she Deserved to win and should have won and then with that stupid tape that she put out there where she sounded drunk and battered I mean it's embarrassing, but we got to give love also Uh to another great woman who's always on linda kerns Linda kerns has done a lot of great work in the state of pennsylvania when it comes to election laws and understanding how it works In the city and in this state. So well, I actually have a question in bucks county in particular Is there a certain demographic that still has not been reached or is it in the future? Just trying to convince the demographics that are already registered to vote to understand the positions more Or is there still a demographic that still needs to be reached by either party Well, the reason that robin the reason that right for bucks is a group that exists and and they've taken a lot of heat in the past Four years these right for bucks for bucks people. I've watched them You know be down and out multiple times and they just continue to fight back they continue to grow they continue to organize they continue to help the community and They are very good people and the ability for the gop has to see that and see their abilities and recognize Their skills and put them to work Otherwise the the county is going to swing back democrat I mean the pendulum swings and politics you can't allow it to swing when you have This much success at the national level and it's so well known now that what's going on is corrupt If you allow it to swing back to the other side That means you didn't listen to the voice of the people Exactly and that's all people want they want to have their voices heard they want to have their votes counted Those are the things that matter. You know when you go and vote and we tell everybody to go out and vote regardless of who you vote for It's it's got to be Done right and people have to have confidence Unlike the debacle we saw with the people standing in line up there in doils town I mean that kind of stuff can't happen in a world now with the technology available It's just an embarrassment for the state of pennsylvania for josh shapiro and everybody else That is involved in local politics and pa regardless of the party Hey, well, thank you so much man. Appreciate you coming on and explaining that stuff Yeah, the best is you have to come guys uh tony and uh and robin. Thank you. God bless. Have a happy. Thanks. Give it YouTube brother. Thank you so much There you have it the update. It's the final now as we say in the world of sports But guess what's hot guess what time it is right now? Robin do you know what time it is? Is it the witching hour? Yeah, it's not the witching hour. No That'll be tine o'clock. I keep waiting for it. That'll be the bitching hour when they get off the air and say man, i'm tired I know I know what time it was. It was time for our our camera to kind of glitch out there Did it glitch a little bit? Yeah, it did. I hopefully I fixed it. What happens when you bump the main stage? It's a killing company on demand from talk radio 12 10 w p h t and the free honesty app There's a lot of like a lot of listeners from from the original tony show that you know when I started That are on and I get to see them like wayne Atkinson's here. He's he's on he's on on friday nights with us all the time Lot's got to cool. We'll see all these great people here And do you know what else is fabulous? This hour is brought to you by first harvest credit union grow your savings when you open a first harvest credit union growth savings account Earn as high as three points to three point two five percent Annual percentage yield with flexible access to your funds first visit first harvest See you dot com for details membership restrictions apply insured by n c ua Got broken the cool right now. I didn't get credit for being on the show. See I told robin to read that over As she watched it again. I I stumbled over what just happened to you. Yeah TV's that got to call the credit union. We're still on though, right? Yeah, we're still on lap We're here. It's It's the first harvest credit union robin Not first harvard credit union. I said it. What are the heck are you talking about? I hate to do it. Give it one of those. I hate to do it this time. I have to give it one of those No Do you have one of those i have control i have control over the board and i'm not gonna allow you to get the important to this radio station For the folk for the Who haven't uh had the chance to to understand what I hold in my hand right here. This is the sound board There's a lot of magic Exactly a lot of magic and that magic is not going to give me a bump bump to ball Not just that but if I played half of it, we'd be front of the hand That's so john Williams is still alive at age 92 But I doubt if he's going out much and who else we found out is still a lot i'm taking the under on how long we found out He's in his 90s. We were talking about it last night. We're watching a movie or something And we're saying that that person's still alive. Oh, we're watching We were watching cinder element and max bears Fuck no son. That's right clip it the guy who played that's right max bear jr. Mm-hmm played Jed not jet clamply played uh jeff jeff bro jeff go and he's still alive and he's in his 90s But the actual boxer max ball max bear max bear died at age 50 But things are you know things are uh things were tougher back in those days during the depression Yeah, because it was you know the depression It was the depression Things were a little tight back. Yeah, it's funny. Tony. It's crazy because like I remember You know, but my my grandmother and like, you know, you were telling me stories about your your mother Yeah, you know growing up into depression living that time It's like when and as I got a little bit older and I when you would see these these people from then from those times If you even thought of wasting an ounce of food or an hour. Yeah, we could use it for this we could use it for that like They cut your hands off. Oh, yeah, it was crazy. Well, and I think that a lot of the depression error like i'm i'm my parents are Children of depression and I still have some of that like the idea of throwing away anything Like you can fix it Right. If something breaks you put it aside because you're going to fix it You're you're not going to throw it away. You're going to fix it. And that's how american hoarders was born Play it right there And I have I actually For real my great aunt my mother's aunt Was a hoarder and I remember going to her house and one of the things that she collected or newspapers magazines and books and she literally like you walked into her house and There were little halls With stacks of magazines and papers all the way up to the ceiling and you would walk through and you never know what you were going to find And if something like god forbid because this was in california god forbid there was an earthquake You knew you were going to die underneath a rubble of magazines books and newspapers Because she was she couldn't throw it away. She was gonna read them someday Sort of like your desk robin when we get mail and you just keep stacking I can't buy it naturally. What can I say? It's an outrage Meanwhile, it's got news appeal. Can we get a couple more of our mystery, uh, none? Well, the miss miss why did we have a caller? We have a caller right? We have a call. Yes. We do We do i like when we got chuck and chester county who I think he's to work with you tony chuck Everybody do chuck chuck chuck Bobo, banana, that's the only song you could do in the name game by surely ellis The only one remember that chuck was the only one you couldn't do hi chuck. Hi chuck. What's up chuck Chuck left the building man. Is chuck still there? I think you can check on chuck see what happens when you make fun of the names people I didn't make fun of his name. Did you know how much wood a wood chuck could chuck it? Exactly. I know how much how much how much a wood chuck could chuck as much what is a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood Well, that's impressive. I am that'll get you nothing, but it's fine. So chuck left. He just up and chucked out of here. No, they're load I don't know. Get the contact. Can we get a couple? I know it is And we started at six o'clock today and we'll start again Tomorrow be a special thanksgiving program in Italy, right? Yes, no, we'll be back on friday morning friday morning Same back time same back station. Yeah, you'll be a fat stuffed drunk leftover turkey yourself I'll be sounding like Kamala Harris on friday morning And I will be my fabulous happy chipper self Other unlike what you accuse me of not being it you accuse me all the time of not being able to get up in the morning And you were so wrong, but you can do it. I know you can do it every day five days a week Year after year. There's nobody that has a better temperament in this household than I Am I right? That's that's the sound of writing right there I will give you that I will cetone and I are very quick to go from zero to a hundred very fast You go zero to a hundred at a at a florida driver's pace Oh when I do a force that I that you you weave in and out you stop a lot a lot of heartbreaking But eventually you do get the thing rolling the forward momentum. So that's that's that's basically a florida driver for it So I had the great phil almquist ready for the show left working on his Big finale. Yes, apparently there's a lot of music news today. Yes Yes indeed. I'm very much looking for it. Do we have time since we have to play a couple more cuts from We are going to go to mystery before we do it. Wait. Are we are we going to check on chuck? Is any do we stop caring? I think he's gone Chuck might be alive chuck you there chuck Chuck Chuck. I'm not Chuck. I'm not Chuck. Well, you're on the board is Chuck. What's your name is angry about not Who are you? What's your purpose? Name and town name and town if you wish to apply Hey, it's Tony Bruno. I'm a peat from south billi in your own neighborhoods. Hey, yo pea. How are you man? But go into the location your peat I'm gonna take you back real quick. Tom big me was the program director when you were wip right That is correct Okay, they were owned by edge snider at that time Well, yeah, the the the sit the what happened is that edge snider and the fliers Are bought the radio station so they can put the flyers and Sixers or the flyers on the radio station because 12 10 w ph two Phd where I was working back in 1990. They had the eagles and And the and the fillies and so those were the two big properties wip then got the eagles Obviously and the rest is history. Yeah, but tom bigbie He was the program director, but the radio station was bought and tom brook shire Who was the original morning guy with with al morgan with the howard with the angel ocataldi? He was part management He would that go out and sell the radio station because everybody loved brookie And he had the juice and he would go into these big meetings with clients and sell advertising Well, you know, it's funny. I was at w w sh Beautiful music stereo 106 and in 1982 or free We went down to vet stadium to meet with Leonard tose We were going to be the first FM station to do and it felt football in the country Wow wip as you know has right of first refusal cost them an extra 150 Thousand that year and they kept the uh brookage rights Yeah, no, and they've had it forever and they will keep it because you know you would look around the country at radio stations that have broadcast rights Like like some of the stations like can be are in san francisco great monster radio station You know, they just pretty much got rid of everybody and now they're they're getting up there giving up their studios right there in the south But market area really high expensive real estate They're not they got rid of their offices and they're moving down to the stadium in san eclair So their offices will be in where the san francisco 49ers work and practice because it makes more sense because they pay so much For the rights to the niners games and the warriors that they want to make sure that they're down where the action is and obviously the niners You know drive the revenue and so that's what's happening They're getting rid of air talent and they're just paying overpaying for these rights fees because they have to because if they don't Somebody else will buy somebody else. Well, well, listen just take it back real quick You work the ws and i When my dear friend mike marta was the general manager correct All right. Do you remember gusted john? Absolutely. He was the sales guy. He was at wfil when i was there in the 70s I met gusted john in 1976. He was at wibg I met at a cb store in levantown. I was at wc at the time Gus goes over to fil he goes over to s no he went to wdbr with mike marta And i was a wish they tried to hire me. I said no thank you. I was happy where i was Called me up to go to ws and i and that was the worst mistake i made and i would have worked with a dear friend of mine It was there you remember michael smack Absolutely. I remember every i'd worked with everybody who's ever worked in the philita yet I never get a call from the broadcast pioneers of philadelphia. This is now Can you believe that they put everybody in there and they all belong in there? How do i how am i not in the broadcast pioneers? Do you have a friend that's got a few bucks to put on the table? That's how it gets done I got everybody i know is broke All of my actions don't have role access For a bride for the hall of fame over here I I have several people that I know are we're part of the broadcast pioneers And and well, I'll have to throw the names out so you look at more of that Our dear departed friend jerry blavitt the geeder with the heater became a person of the year Another long time friend of mine mr Bob pentano from the saturday dance party who I had to talk to you about because you made a funny comment a couple months ago I love bob pentano Yeah, well He got in with that. He was he was that year and it was just so funny because I got to meet at that function at time um Larry med team and and um kind of going blank his um His wife is lovely wife don stenzland or Don stenzland Don stenzland and I met jerry lee for the first time And when jerry lee found out that I worked at wish across the parking lot on city line avenue He said you're the you're the guy that took my business Because I don't want to pat myself on the back. I was pretty damn good in account account sales there That's the kind of south philly confidence we love to see By the way, uh, you mentioned, uh, the radio stations I Forgot that was gonna say Oh, oh is it that time of day? No, yes No, you mentioned the name. Oh Nevermind. I mean I work with all those people Pantano No, not Bob. No, I love Bob. I know all those people trying to trigger and again I'm not begging to get into any hall fame or the broadcast pioneers Right though. This is one of the things like like, um uh Tony should be uh at He's on the temple wikipedia page, but they're but they're they have like a special something From temple. He's not on there. Yes. I am. I'm I'm I'm mentioned as one of the Graduate you are you are one of the few with the plaque at loot Turks my friend There's so many of these I mean, they're still in astounded two toots and a blow on the way out of par. Come on man I've worked them all. Amen. I worked at the greatest uh establishment had rigatoni wrestling out at the tommy d's uh golden What were they called? Listen, you've been hitting the polls hard anybody I'm sorry that the color I I missed your name though. What was your first name? He's gone. Hey. Oh, okay. He's gone. He was an accountant from south philly, which means south philly. Oh, fading taxes Get a payoff for the broadcast problem W Thomas so much as it caught to get into the broadcast pioneers Everybody that I work was dead now Everybody that I work with has died. You can't even say I know a guy. They're all dead. They're all dead None of these people running the broadcast pioneers even know who I am anymore gets in on the extra ballot I'm going to get the bucks county commissioners to put me in and uh get up there and i get a court order so that they force to put me in Bailey something Seriously, like they should be really something. I don't care. I don't really don't precedent by a court doesn't matter anymore in this You're right about that hon Correct the moon. Hey, we got a thing about All right. We got a break when people get mad when I call them hon I learned that at the melrose diner. Yeah, when you go into a diner in philly or new jersey I like it The waitress is always called you hon and they're always women now. I've had some guys call me hon too, but that's fine But the thing about when women when you call somebody hon, it's endearing. It is. It's not an insult It's not sexist. It's sort of like this down home feel good kind of thing exactly I was I was with a woman. I was seeing a couple years ago and I was at the Oregon you are getting done all right And again the waitress in there every time she's talking to everybody Hey, sweetie. Hey, it's like to me a whole time right sweetie hugs the whole thing, right? And the girls just look at him. She goes you're okay with this. I'm like, okay, okay with what? So she's calling you these names. I'm like, so names. I'm like, what do you think? This is nothing sexual whatsoever. I'm like, are you out of your skull? It's so weird. I'm like, you're just some crazy dame. Why are you shut up? Dame dame dame dame dale dale faces my favorite dale hon tutz Really broad. I love broad. I love dame brought us the street. You should hear what they call me All right, we got to take one more break. A lot of J's involved And we're going to play a couple more clips and then we're going to go to sleep And then we're going to have Phil come in Phil is he going to fill in Phil's filling in the great Phil ompquist will have all the great musical knowledge of things that happened in this day Oh, I love those kind of things. That's Phil. He's the best Nobody works nobody in music radio in Philly works his heart putting together these really good like all that stuff already happened. He just has to yeah, but he he researches I I do that too. I work with high lit too. High ski or uni McVadio zoot, man Everybody high ski is that an instrument? Are we speaking English, though? I think it's what I thought and every day. Well, the legendary Philadelphia broadcast Butterball not the turkey the broadcaster All the greats from back in the day, yo Not the movie back in the day We're coming right back. It's tony bruno miss robin Luigi Everybody having fun. I don't like the way you said that on talk radio 12 10 w p h t This is the kaolin company podcast from dark radio 12 10 w p h d and on the free odyssey app On the cut sheet Oh, yes, it's been a fast three hours and 44 minutes, but who's counting It's tony bruno filling in for nick kaolin company miss robin's here Luigi kurdo All having a lot of fun, but we got to get a couple more cuts from the cut sheet and eat them And then we got to get uh by the way larry mentee that was when he mentioned larry mentee the caller He was my intern at w f i l larry mentioned yes, he was you asked him Wow, he used to follow me around when I would go to press conference. You're older than dirt damn right Is that really something you want to meet here on the air? No, absolutely i'm proud of it I've worked with a lot of young people and they've gone on the unbelievable successful I had nothing to do with their success But I was I was happy to work with these young people sure just you know the show them the ropes And then all the other devices and now i'm going to show you show people another clip Yes, go to the Actually, it's funny because you let into that perfectly because I want your opinion on this because you are you have a huge history in full Delphi a long time sports radio host and one of the all-time great eagles Injured sadly and announced that he's not going to be returning some audio from brand and gram real quick from our sister station 94 wip, uh, why don't you hit that phil? Well, you know what um Hold on. I'm trying not trying to keep it in Man, I'm sorry. Thank you mom. It's cool. Take a moment brana. Take a moment man I And I know I needed it, but boy I just you know, I just love what we What we've been building and I just don't want to I know I ain't letting nobody down as far as you You know getting hurt and stuff because I know I'm bringing that energy Fran, let me jump in for one second. You're not you're not letting anybody down. You're not on the city down your teammates I know i'm just nobody. I'm being i'm not being let it be because you're mine. I got you I got you because I promise you, uh, I'm just more hurt of This on how we've been coming every week trying to defy, you know, the eyes and being with it But being with him, you know, I'm saying and I'm gonna be with him. I'm still with him. You know, I'm saying I know that Uh, but yeah, man. I just needed this right here. I needed to get this. I've been a while since I cried man I'm just you know hurting a little bit because man Man, I just would for the 15 years, you know, I've been here and people doubt me You know, this was a big one for me and and I think I accomplished a lot this year and you know, um, man if that uh If um You know, just one little thing, but I know it's guys playing man and I'm trusting that and so that's where I'm at and um But I needed this man. I needed this uh in a big way How many thoughts Uh, you know, and listen, I've watched I've watched that guy from day one Remember when he came out a lot of people thought he was underperforming This guy is not he's one of the all-time great eagles period and he's going to be in the hall of fame The very few defensive lineman who brought the funk and the noise and have been a great human being and teammate More than him and but boy joe de camera another guy started out as a producer The hammer joe de camera and the other guy The guy used to believe when he tried to write I know I know And he remember used to bleed from the helmet area when he would get hit left from other places for the raiders Yeah, I bleed from a lot of places too. But anyway, that's awesome I grabbed a grand man. How could you not love that guy? I just want to say really quick about about that. It's There are very few people I can't speak, you know, nationally about a lot of players and a lot of the teams Because I don't know what they really meant to their communities and things like that But brand as a guy has been here since day one to now year 15 Yeah, he's he's one of the players who deserves He deserved to be able to walk out On his own be done and not have it be done because injury said you can no longer do this This was his swan song and he should have been able to what whether it would have been a super bowl victory play off Whatever it was he should have been able to left on his leave on his own accord and not because an injury told him he had to That's why and I act I genuinely feel bad for the guy because he deserved it Well, you remember he made the big play in the super bowl So he was there and this was instrumental in the eagles winning Their only super bowl in the history of the treasure But he's just he was just always a consummate pro and he did it right You know he did everything right on and off the field and that's what you always want from these guys and by all accounts I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about him What you know on the field off the field locker room He's just a genuinely genuinely nice guy Who really involved himself in philadelphia the culture the people everything and I met brandon Several times a couple times as a as a fan and then a few times professionally and there was no difference in brand in the entire time Absolutely either either time. We got to take a break. We got to come back We're going to have phil join us and we're going to have a special guest who I know another guy I know from way way back in the day jesus. Well that guy too Okay, i'll talk to him later and a thanksgiving and I will give thanks with him tomorrow as well stony broone here closing moments It's kaolin company on demand from talk radio 12 10 w p h d and the free honesty app Terri courso from alien ant farm who's 53 mic board and from faith no more who's 62 and charlie birch hill from symbol minds Who's now 65 headley burt day shout us to jamey henryx any rabbit and buffalo bob smith from the howdy duty show Sings the coot. I want to know what love is by forner and 84 You are so vain by carly simon and 72 and you don't want be by the human league in 81 Albums a coon welcome to the real world by mr. Mr. Mister and 85 live in the raw by wasp and back for the attack in 87 by docking Speaking of devil by aussie in 82 all things must pass by george harrison and 70 and magical mystery tore by the beatles in 67 Also today in 91 was freddy mercury's funeral in 86 bond joey was atop the singles chart in 85 rocky for premiered By the way, it's my favorite soundtrack of all time bar none in 68 step and wolf debut is certified gold And on this day in 69 the stones recorded get your yayas out But lastly on this day in 88 iron maiden show during the 7th son of a 7th son tour is recorded and then released in 89 As maiden england speaking made actually in shilly tonight No, I will not be going but they were great when they were here in philly have a great thanksgiving. I'm philonquist Hi berry. How are you? How are you my friend? I'm doing great. Nice to see you as always we miss you I'm here. There you go. I'm here. You you miss me berry or you miss phil. I miss all you guys. How are you bruno? I'm good man. I haven't seen you in forever. Yes, even though you were still around. I thought you left the left the country No, no, no, you know what they say the only way i get a chance to talk to you is i have to become a radio talk show host That's it. No matter what they will not give me your telephone number I can't check in house florida It's beautiful. It's 82. It's 77 now going up to 82 Luigi will be heading to the beach this afternoon To peruse the uh the accoutrement out there. It's beautiful down here. You know that Tony, I mean philly still and always will be my home. Of course, you know a lot of people move Don't you have property here in florida? Well, i'm heading there, but I have to tell you quick story because I know my time is limited Here's what happened as you know in sable diamonds I had all the pictures of the guys the celebrities the ball players including yourself They came into my store having said that I have a picture I'm going to take you back. You probably won't remember I have a picture with you me La master and vince pepali at a golf outing 1000 years ago Beautiful man. And what's interesting the hammer la master no longer with us But a great player and vince is down here. He lives in jupiter I know he does. I have to tell you quick story. You'll laugh at that day was the first day i met la master So they team me up in the cart with la master and you know, this guy is a cuckable I mean he was special, but he was off the charts and he kept Chewing tobacco and he would go hit a shot and he'd leave the tobacco on the seat After the fifth hole. I had enough. I swear to god. He grabbed his driver went to the tea box I took the chew put it in my mouth and started chewing it. This is a true story I can't help it and let me tell you something. He came back. Where is my chew? I'm chewing it from that day on he and I became best friends. How do you like that? Wow I think I just threw up in my mouth. Hey, sometimes that's what points you to make friends. You know what I mean? I used to shake hands say hello. No, he was my boy. I'll tell you and he Obviously he died to sad death, but he was a terrific guy and a revered ball player in philadelphia Absolutely frank the hammer la master. We used to call i gotta tell you i'm picking up another man's chew putting your mouth and chewing it That's a strong move I wouldn't even do that with a woman They call a prison handshake So do whatever it takes to make best friends and i'm telling you he and i became best friends after that So it is my story. How you doing? I go way back Barry. I've been hanging out It was the good old days, but hopefully, you know, the good old days will continue and we'll re reinvent them In philadelphia when you're coming back to philly Well, hopefully we can get in there for a week before christmas well and all through the house Listen, you make time dinners on me anywhere. You want to go my friend Thank you, berry ladies and gentlemen the greatness that is berry sable. Thank even robin met berry sale I know. Yeah, he actually get me he helped me get a ring resized. Yes, you did listen when you have a big No switching in the back by the way No switching in the back Yes, that's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. That's right. You know i know that i live through that era boys All right, we gotta get going guys Listen, all right. We gotta get going guys. This if i Barry have a great show. Happy thanksgiving everybody. I want to thank dand barasti and of course phil almquist jim kelly Even henry matt shat who's doing the afternoons now Everybody who participated who called in listened and watched want to thank all of you have the best Healthiest thanksgiving don't let any of that nonsense get in the way with your family just enjoy Life and be thankful don't even hang out with your family exactly screw your families and we'll be back here friday morning right now Good night everybody Your day with kaolin company weekday morning six till ten i'm talk radio 12 10 w p h t and the free odyssey app
Will Rockenbach Bucks County Republican Committeeman,
Pete From South Philly Sharing Some Radio Memories With Tony, An Emotional Brandon Graham Following His Recent Injury And A Great Cross Over With Tony Bruno And Barry Sable