The Email Sound Booth with Liz Wilcox

Episode 53: How I’m Changing My Offer from 2023 to 2024

Broadcast on:
26 Nov 2024
Audio Format:

Offers should chnage over time to accomodate for what is helpful to the customer in the here and now. Hear how Liz’s Black Friday offer has changed since its inception in 2021.

What's up? What's up? What's up? It's the Fresh Princess of email marketing here. Liz Wilcox in the house, well in your ears. And this is episode 53 of the email sound booth. And speaking of Fresh, when it comes to our offers, we have to keep them fresh. Every time you launch your product, you should be looking at your product for, what do I need to change? What do I need to tweak? What, you know, how do I need to sell it differently or how do I need to package or position it differently for this new launch, for this new audience? So in this episode, episode 53, I'm gonna be talking about how I'm changing my annual pass offer from 2023 to 2024. The core of the offer, the essence of the offer, it is the exact same, but there are always certain tweaks that I do to ensure that this is gonna be the best annual pass, the best offer it can be for these existing and new customers. Because I love my customers, I love my people. Literally, I'm like sitting in my living room right now on a Sunday with a curled up in a blankie in my favorite chair with my favorite lamp. And I'm like, oh, none of this will be possible without my customers. So I, as much as my customers have poured into me, I want to pour into them. So when I think of, you know, new iterations of my offers, it's not like, oh, you know, I've already done this. It's like, oh my gosh, what can I do for my people that I haven't done before? Or, you know, that they needed, they need now, but maybe they didn't need before. And what did I do last year that they don't need anymore? So it's really important to think about the timeliness and what's going on in your industry and what people need. All right, so that was a long winded way of, you know, here's how my offer has changed. So I just said, I'm gonna, you know, 2023 into 2024, but let's go all the way back. So the annual pass is my Black Friday offer. If you don't know, if you've been living underneath a rock or you're new to me and someone just sent this podcast to you, shout out to them. Anyway, my annual pass is joined a year into my membership, 108 bucks. It's $9 a month, times 12. There's no discount there, right? But you get access to all my products or anything I will create in the next year for free. Kind of like Costco, right? I stole the idea from Costco, first of all. Costco, you know, they make millions of dollars like every few minutes, right? And how do they make their money with a membership fee? $60, right? So I stole that idea, I was like, certainly, I mean, I don't need to make millions of dollars every few minutes, I just need to make a living. I don't need to make a killing, I just need to make a living here. So that's the pass, right? And that's how, that's the first iteration of it. I launched it in Black Friday, 2021. I actually just launched it on Cyber Saturday. It was one email, it said I'm only selling 100 of these and it was, hey, I want you to join my membership for an entire year, that's $108. If you give me $108, I'm gonna give you a year of myself. I've got some new ideas for products, you're gonna get all those products for free, plus all the products I already have, which I think at the time was like, you know, three to five workshops or mini courses, outlines, templates, things like that, you're gonna get those for free. And that sold out 100 in two, two and a half hours. It was wild, it was awesome. And so that was the first iteration of the annual pass. And that really still is the absolute core of the offer. Buy for a year, get access to all my products for free, the products I already have and the products I will create in the next year of your membership. That still is the offer. Now, of course, the way I've positioned it and I've added a few things here and there. So in 2022, I had to sell it. It still was that, you know, hey, get in for a year, you get all my stuff for free, but in 2022, I came up, came out with a schedule. Oh, in the next year, here's what I have planned. But it wasn't solidified. It was, you know, in 2022, I still had a lot of people that I had gone out and found on my email list. It wasn't as many people promoting me and my stuff, like cold traffic, so to speak. And so I didn't feel like I had to, you know, be very solid in this. It was like, hey, here's what I'm thinking of coming up with. It was like a metrics workshop, you know, a list building challenge of this and that. And, you know, that was able to sell, it's sold really, really well. I think that your Black Friday 2022, wow, this is so nuts. I think that was the first time I had a six figure month. I was really like, come on, let's go, six figures. And it was super fun to do, it was super fun to do. But, you know, the past didn't really change much. I just gave a little more detail. Now in 2023, this is when I really had to up the ante. Like you probably already know, 2023 was a hard year in business for a lot of people. And so I had to change my positioning. And I had to say, it was less about the excitement and the novelty of my offer. 'Cause back in the day, I was the only one really, with a $9 a month membership, I was definitely the only person giving away all my products for free in my industry and my little entrepreneur bubble. So the novelty of the past really sold it. But now, you know, I had an established email list in 2023. People had heard of the past over and over again. And so I felt like the offer didn't need to change much, but the position of it and the way I sold it definitely needed to change. If I was going to have another six-figure Black Friday, right? And so in 2023, I felt that the energy for the next year was going to be, we need accountability, we need support lives. So in my messaging and in the offer itself, I offered a lot of accountability. I promised accountability groups and tasks. I promised rewards for showing up live. I promised five live cohorts of my most essential courses. So it was a huge selling point to say, in January, we're gonna do this. In April, we're gonna do that. You know, in August, we're gonna do two weeks of launching where I'm gonna walk you through everything I know about launching. And I feel like that was great and perfect for 2023. I ended up making that $100,000 again. Hang on, my mic just unplugged. Give me a second, I'm not editing this. You already know that. I will pause it while I fix this up. Hang on, you're gonna hear some clicking. All right, I think I got my mic back. Sorry about that. I really need a new cord. Anyway, so in 2023, that's what I felt was really going to help me sell. And also again, help my customers. It felt like the right thing to do. Like we were gonna need a lot of accountability. We were gonna need live cohorts. We were gonna need co-working hours during those live cohorts, right? And honestly, it sold well. And the last year has been awesome getting to know people in those live cohorts. I, if you don't know this, like I come from a teaching background. So I actually super duper love these live cohorts. I love teaching and it reminded me of, you know, kind of where I came from. So that's been super, super amazing. Now, you know, fast forward to today, 2024. How am I changing the offer? I've loved the, you know, over the years being able to say, hey, this is what's up and coming. So of course, I'm keeping that. I'm sharing that I'm doing seven live events next year. Of course, you know, live cohorts, events, whatever you wanna call them. That seems like a lot, but I feel like it's really just what my people need. It's going to be a lot more support. I feel like in these modern times, you know, what's different from 2021 and 2024 is, you know, it's as, gosh, I hate to say it, but it's for a lot of my customers. It appears that it is harder to sell. And so when it's harder to sell, I feel like it's easier for my customers to give up. I don't want them to give up. So I'm doing all I can to keep them motivated, keep them on track. So I'm adding in all those live events so that throughout the year, they know that I, Liz Wilcox, am here for them. And so also I'm going really heavy. This is different than in the past. I'm going really heavy on one topic. So I've found, you know, after nearly four years of having email marketing membership and helping thousands and thousands of people and talking to, you know, thousands of them that, you know, list building is really the area that can help make sales, help drive, you know, better metrics, et cetera. So growing your email list, but it's also something that I haven't done too much with 'cause at the end of the day, it's a $9 membership, right? The list building is not what the membership's about, but for my past elders, people who say, "Yeah, Liz, I'm with you for a year." I've always taken it very seriously that I wanna help them succeed with the membership. And I feel like list building is that gap. And so we're gonna keep the accountability and support, right, with the live events, but the majority of the live events are going to be around growing your email list. I really, really want you to grow your email list in the next 365 days. So I'm adding in a lot of that 'cause I find, you know, the more you grow your list, the more you're gonna use my membership, right? So 'cause my membership is sending out emails, helping you send out emails. So the more you can have people on your list, the more you're gonna wanna send out emails to those people. So that's how the annual pass has evolved. It's still, again, at its core is, hey, join my membership for a year. I'll give you access to all my products for free. I love it so much, just saying that. I'm like, yes, damn, that's a good offer. But over the years, you know, it's evolved into being something a little more solid, something I can tell people, yes, this is for sure what we're doing in the new year. And now I can even give people dates, set 'em up with a calendar and tell them the topics. I'm super, super excited for this new iteration, this new evolution of the annual pass. I hope you are too. If you're not already a pass holder, I'm gonna link to the sales page in the show notes. Sale ends November 29th at midnight Pacific. I'm so, so, so excited for all my new pass holders and existing for us to grow our list together in the next year for us to have the support of the community and to do it for a stupid, low price, that's gonna be so, so awesome. That is one thing that has not changed since I launched it in 2021. And I refuse to change the price. So if you've been in other memberships, you've probably dealt with different price changes. I've never changed the price of my $9 month membership or my annual pass and I'm so, so proud that I'm able to offer seven live events next year without having to up the price. So hopefully you'll join me in the annual pass if you're not already there. Again, link in the show notes. I will see you later. [BLANK_AUDIO]