Youth Culture Today with Walt Mueller

Girls, Fragrances, and Precocious Puberty

Broadcast on:
27 Nov 2024
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Precocious puberty, also known as early puberty, takes place when a child’s body begins to change into an adult body too soon. In today’s world, puberty usually begins for girls around age eight, and around age nine for our boys. In recent years, there has also been research showing that in general, our kids are reaching puberty at earlier and earlier ages. There have been lots of different theories put forward regarding what’s causing this. Researchers tell us that one factor which triggers early puberty in girls are the fragrance producing chemicals that are in the commercial beauty and skin-care products that flood the market, and that have become especially popular among pre-teen and younger girls in recent years. Research indicates these fragrances have the potential to stimulate parts of the brain that trigger early puberty, risks of psychological problems, heart disease, and breast cancer associated with early puberty. Parents, keep an eye on the products your kids are using.

Youth culture today with Walt Mueller of the Center for Parent Youth Understanding. Recocious puberty, also known as early puberty, takes place when a child's body begins to change into an adult body too soon. In today's world, puberty usually begins for girls around age eight and around age nine for our boys. In recent years, there has also been research showing that in general, our kids are reaching puberty at earlier and earlier ages. There have been lots of different theories put forward regarding what's causing this. Teachers tell us that one factor which triggers early puberty in girls are the fragrance producing chemicals that are in the commercial beauty and skincare products that flood the market and that have become especially popular among preteen and younger girls in recent years. Research indicates these fragrances have a potential to stimulate the parts of the brain that trigger early puberty, risks of psychological problems, heart disease, and breast cancer associated with early puberty. Parents keep an eye on the products your kids are using. For more on youth culture, visit us on the web at (upbeat music)