(upbeat music) - Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that's not immune to the facts with your host, Dan Bongino. - I hope you're all enjoying a very happy Thanksgiving with family. I mean, they come first, right? God, family, country, that order. Get it right and everything falls in line. Folks, I thought to myself, what do we do for folks for Thanksgiving to put a little smile on their face? And given that, Geraldo is back in the news who bizarrely wants to fight me again or something like that. Geraldo wants to fight me again, and, but he does end it off pretty nice. So it's all in good fun. Check this out. - That's about Dan Bongino, because I'm sure that you saw this. He's been floated as Secret Service Director. The possibility of, I mean, there you go. And I just want to be clear for our viewers who aren't familiar. You two sparred a lot on Fox and man, am I being understated when I say that? How would you feel about him being Secret Service Director? - I can't imagine anyone who I feel more fiercely combative with than Dan Bongino. If he were to walk into a bar and I was having a beer, we'd probably square off. We disagree on everything. You know, I think he has his own set of facts. I think he's a, you know, provocateur. But I go back to what I said about Major Pete. I have no issue at all with his honesty, his credibility, his character, his patriotism, his love of the Secret Service. I think all those things are positive for Bongino. And, you know, I think that in some ways all of these people in the cabinet, and you could name others as well, Dr. Oz, are great on TV. They are bigger than life. They're great communicators. I see where the president-elect was going with this cabinet. Can they do the job, you know, the day-to-day, the administrative stuff, running these businesses, and they are giant businesses, even though they're government agencies. You know, I guess we'll see, some will, some won't. But with Bongino, you know, I would, let me put it this way. If I was a target and Bongino was on the job, I feel that Bongino would keep me safe. He would do the job, Brianna. Or although I don't know. - A very nice compliment at the end. It's all in good fun, folks. I guess that we remember that, again, I don't know why everybody wants to fight me all the time. It's this fascination with me and fighting, and we are not squaring. Can you imagine, folks? I wanna leave this here. I know I'm beating this. I just can't take Bongino intended. Can you, I mean, listen, I'm 50, and I feel every second of it, the dude is 31 years older than me. Can you imagine squaring up with a guy you outweigh by probably 40 plus pounds in a bar? You're, oh my gosh, this is just insane. Real hilarious, how many people sent that to you? I thought it would be really great to go over some of our greatest hits, pun intended, and misses with Geraldo. And a comment on him now, years later, I kind of missed that stuff. I think you'll enjoy this. So I have not seen these in advance. However, I was there because it was me when it happened. But my team picked out a few of these. So, I'm gonna comment on, I'm gonna tell you what I was thinking when I was there, and I think you're really gonna enjoy this. But again, I have not seen these since I was there when it happened. Beam Cyber Sale is here. Bongino listeners enjoy up to 50% off at shopbeam.com/bongino, use code Bongino. Get some sleep. Don't miss Beam's biggest sale of the year, Beam Stream Powder. Check it out. All right, this is a surprise to me. The bell has wrong. Let's see what you guys got. Let's bring it on. - Have people like you that don't credit the humanity of half the country? They are running scared. - Really? - And they're scared of cops. And it doesn't matter. - Why? We love cops. - Why? - Why? - Why? - Blue lives matter, or that they're the thin line between civilization. - Why are they scared of cops? Why are they scared of cops? - What matters? - It's not pontificating. - Why? - I produced some actual data. You're a reporter, right? - Because here's a 20-year-old kid, a 20-year-old kid has an expired registration. He ends up dead in the same town where George Floyd was as exphyxiated by a brutal cop's knee on his neck. - I need those incidents. - I need those incidents. - Don't you see that. - The cosmic-- - Wait, wait, hold on. - Why are those two incidents you've extrapolated as a reporter data that every child in America should be afraid of the police? And that's rational to you. That's rational? Explain that reasonably. - I'll talk to the police. - I, that one vividly sticks out because Geraldo claims to be a journalist, right, guys? And here's the thing. If you actually look at the data, who is it, Roland Fryer and others who've done actual data research analysis on police interactions between minorities and the police, you'll find out that not only are the data on use of force incidents against black men and minorities are grossly exaggerated by the media narrative that black men are being hunted. But they're exaggerated so badly. It's not even in the ballpark. It's not even in the ballpark. I think the number of unarmed black men who were shot by the police was somewhere in the neighborhood of 11. And yet when you ask people out there who like Geraldo claim to be journalist and don't know the data, you know, what's going on with police interactions with young black men? You would think there were hundreds of thousands of people being hunted in the street. What killed me about that clip is, I remember he's not so much an opinion guy. He portrays himself as an investigative reporter and he totally missed a ball on that. And when I asked him for the data, can you produce the data and I stopped him? Do you notice he just kept filibustering? This was kind of like what went on with me and Geraldo over my entire time at doing this show, Hannity with him over the course of five years. He would never produce facts. He claimed to be a facts guy, but it was always some bizarre, crazy opinion that he got from like joy-read or something. That's a good one. What was it? Yeah, all right, let me see the next one. - Well, we have a process for that. And just injecting race into this, Geraldo, which you do on these police issues constantly, when you have none of the data, you have no evidence whatsoever. There's a race of the issue again. - Don't you have an argument to make that doesn't concern me? - I'm not making you the issue. I'm responding to your dopey comments. You have no idea that there's a racial undertone to this at all. And you're saying, "Oh, black parents are really "because they're black kids. "You have no data as to back that up at all." - 20 year old black kids. - You're just further inflaming the situation and the country will burn to the ground because of people like you who say dumb things like that with no evidence to back it up. - You see? Any time you ask Geraldo, I'm guessing guys, this is gonna be a theme, right? That me asking Geraldo to actually back up his opinion. And then watch, watch what he does every time. Instead of actually producing data, show me 'cause I will go to the mat for anyone being abused by police officers anytime. I will. If you're a civil rights survivor and I'm a civil libertarian, call my show, email us, you know, we'll do our best. Well, you know, if you can produce a viable case to us, we'll highlight it, okay? He never does that. Then he says, "You're making it about me. "I'm debating you, you knucklehead." What the hell's the, the Hannity of me and you on, had me and you on the show, so I can debate you. You're gonna say something stupid, it's about you saying something stupid. Gosh, just give me some data. I mean, anything to chew on like Pac-Man. And that maybe we can argue about some. These opinions are just based in stupid stuff all the time. It's so ridiculous. Anybody can get out about me? Of course, about you. You said something dumb. - Arugno's perfectly entitled to an opinion, you know, just because you weren't a police officer doesn't mean you can't comment on policing issues. I always hate when liberals say that about us. But, you know, whatever, going to dinner with a police CEO, - I'm not a liberal. - Captain, doesn't, I'm not suggesting you are. I'm just saying that, you know, you don't understand - I don't start minimizing my experience. - Harugno, can you shout out for two seconds? - I'm a half a cent then. - Listen, Harugno, I'm not one of you. - You just be quiet. - This is frustrating. - I'm the foundation of my Harugno. - If you stop, see me, I remember this. - I'll just keep going. - This is actually right here. - Let him talk, then we'll let him live. - He's in this chair. - I just go back and forth. - I'm tired of this guy. - I'm dead. - He never shuts up. - I'm dead. - He's always got something to say. - Now Hanning, go back to your statement, coffee. - See, how many of you and I are friends, he's entitled to an opinion, he's not entitled to a certain set of facts. You don't know anything about actual policing if you haven't done it. Saying or suggesting you can relate to the experience of police officers, you can't. I'm not suggesting what happened yesterday wasn't a tragedy. It was, obviously. There's a dead young man who's never gonna take another breath of oxygen again in his life. We don't have all the facts on this. We know she said, Taser, it appears, it appears to be, and this... - You know, listen, me commenting on my own commentary, kind of silly, however, on Thanksgiving, I think it's kind of funny. - Do I, it is, right? I mean, I'm listening to that, trying to pretend it's not me. Who sounds irrational there? Is it me or her, although? I'm not talking over him. He keeps yelling and screaming, and all I'm asking him is produce a fact set or a data set to show that he has evidence that this man in that incident where the woman thought she was grabbing her, Taser, and grabbed her gun, targeted because he was black. Notice I repeat over and over, I am not denying the tragic nature what happened at all. The young man will never be with us again, okay? Period. I never deny that. I'm simply asking her all, though, show me your evidence this was race-based, 'cause you keep making a race argument. Who's the crazy one? And he's screaming over me. Now, I've known Hannity a long time. We were really good friends. He's a good man. He can tell I'm getting pissed off, and I gotta tell ya, of all the times I've debated for all that, so one thing, and again, this is not personal. We were always friendly off the air. That used to bother me the most. You notice how I sit there and listen to him? And in the minute you open your mouth, it's like he couldn't control himself, and it was so hard to make a point because he just couldn't stop talking. This is better than I thought. I didn't even realize you guys dug all this stuff up. All right, let me see the next one here. You keep using the beer analogy. Heraldo, you're a lawyer. I have not seen Amendment 2.5, the right to buy a court's light, shall not be infringed. These are legal adults in the country. Now, having said that, if you're gonna infringe on a constitutional right, according to the court system, you have to do it. It has to be a compelling government interest. We all agree, preventing mass murders, a compelling government interest, government interest, point taken, but it has to be agreed on that, Dan. Thank God. But it has to, wait, I'm not done. There's a second part to that, and you're a lawyer. I think you know this. It's through the least restrictive means. The least restrictive means is not to tell every single 18-year-old in the entire country who's done nothing wrong, you can no longer purchase a rifle because of some nut. Why do you tell them they can't drink beer? Why do you tell them they can't drive a semi? That's full on to me, Dan. Did you just hear myself? That's what we were. Our brother, Dan. He don't, okay. Even these guys are laughing. This is like a totally unplanned show. We just got to this the other day. We got to say that, we got to do this for Thanksgiving. This is another thing that used to bother me about these debates with Geraldo. You make a point. He never addresses the point, and he brings up the same point you just countered without ever addressing what you said. So just to be clear, this segment's about gun control and legislation that would prevent 18-year-olds who did nothing wrong from exercising their constitutional right to protect themselves, right? Geraldo's obviously a gun grabber, okay? So Geraldo compares that to other things like buying a beer. But when I bring up the point that buying a beer is not a constitutional right, it is not addressed in the Constitution at all. However, the right to bear arms, which shall not be infringed is, he just as a lawyer, he bypasses the point. Notice how I put an accent on that point because there are constitutional rights that are infringed on. No, there are, yes, there are. If you have the right to freedom of religion, if your religion says, "I get to go over and slash my neighbors back "with a razor blade 'cause my religion told you to," the government's gonna put fringe on it, correct? Constitutional rights are infringed on all the time, but for the government to do that legally, it has to have a compelling government interest preventing you from getting slashed on the back, which is a compelling government interest, and it has to do with do the least restrictive means. So we can't ban all religions to stop you from slashing your neighbor in the back. Does that make sense, guys? You can infringe on a constitutional right, but you have to defend it. You have to defend it. That is not the least restrictive means to ban every 18-year-old for the acts of one person, it's not even close. And you notice how he doesn't address it at all, and he brings up the exact same point. He brings up the exact driving the car. That's not a constitutional right. There is no constitutional right to driving a car on a public road with no license. There isn't. Oh, man, it's guys an attorney, too. I shouldn't want to law school. Sheesh. They'll give these things out like Hershey bars. What else? Oh, wait, hold on. Let me take a quick break and we'll get to the next one. Hey, when the doctors at Breakhouse Nutrition announced a Black Friday sale, it's a big event. Now's the time to save a bundle while you reboot and optimize your health. This is the biggest sale of the year on everything. It includes field degrees. It's a life-changing, super-fruit and vegetable drink that promises your doctor will notice your improved health from good nutrition or your money back. Hold on, I'm going to read something. Don't lie. This is real. There's not a joke, folks. So I just want for blood work. This is from, this is from my doctor. I'm not kidding, Dr. Neil B is his name. He's in Stuart if you want to look him up. "Man, your cholesterol values are a thing of beauty. "Your HDL of 82 is the best male good cholesterol "I've ever seen. "Exercise, diet, all help. "Very rare to see a male this healthy. "Field of greens antioxidants might help as well." That's an actual text from my doctor. I swear I just put that, I just thought of that. Folks, check it out. Check out their collagen accelerator to radiance with four times more health and anti-aging power than the influencer collagen. That's on sale, too. From weight loss to sleep aids, from creatine to whole flubards and roll on sale. Try field of greens today. Go get your blood work done. Let your doctor check out how you are before and after. Go to fieldofgreens.com, use code "sale." That's promo code "sale" at fieldofgreens.com. Last time, don't forget promo code "sale" at fieldofgreens.com. Check it out, and maybe Dr. Neil, check out your blood, too. I had mine was really, really good. So thank you, field of greens. We really appreciate it. All right, let's see what you guys next from our good buddy wants to fight me all the time. Heralta. - Heralta doesn't... - Heralta doesn't... - Heralta doesn't know the numbers. I live here in Florida's 26. - I worry, man, I don't know. - I just look at the numbers. - Dan, it's the answer. - Heralta, it's not my fault. You never know what you're talking about. It's not my fault that you never research anything before you come on the air. - You are so full of it, you know. That's why I think coming up with you, too. - Please look at this guy. - This guy's forced for every guy. - Right? - You're a bass. - This guy, Heralta. - Let Dan talk. - Heralta. - Dan. - He doesn't like to do that, Sean, because he always gets caught. - He can't. - Never knowing what he's thinking about. - And he's infected a story. - And his position on the order. - Stick to the facts while he has not. - I did stick to the facts. - I'm embarrassed to be on this air with you. That's why I'm embarrassed. - You never know, though. - But he kept coming back. - That's unbelievable. - Chasing my clout. - Do you want to know about me a thousand dollars? You want to bet a thousand dollars? - You want to bet a thousand dollars. - You want to bet at that. You want to put your money where your mouth is? - You want to put your money where your mouth is? - 16 dollars. - All right. - 16 dollars. 17 dollars. - Again, he cannot stop talking ever. And whenever, he had this bad habit here, although, of coming on the air and he would fall for every media narrative. You just saw a couple. The guns randomly kill people. It doesn't matter about the person. It's the guns. We got to control the guns, not the people, right? Black men are being hunted by cops everywhere. That segment, I do remember, that was during the COVID hysteria where Ron DeSantis very smartly opened up the state in the schools earlier than a lot, his other COVID lock-downers. And Eraldo was going nuts 'cause he fell for the media narrative, of course. 'Cause he always does that. 'Cause he just doesn't do his homework. That COVID deaths were the highest in Florida or something like that. And my data was accurate, of course. They were not. And he just made it up. And what happens is when he gets called out on the facts, he tells you you don't know the facts while he presents facts that are wrong. And then he says, stick to the facts. When you correct the facts that were wrong every single time, as he talks over you, I remember that one. That one really pissed me off 'cause I went back and looked later, I'm like, this guy will fall for anything. I'm like, damn, at least one time, can we agree on anything? All right, let's see what you got next. - There's dozens of-- - And whose fault is that? - Whose fault does that? - Whose fault is that? - And the mission provided to Israel by the United States without even a demand for a ceasefire. - Whose fault is that? - I demand a ceasefire. - I demand that Israel win the ceasefire. - Israel needs to win the war against terrorism-- - By what? - And terror-- - And terror the false things-- - That a fiery rocket said they're people. - That's killing a bunch of people. - All these children. - I'm gonna bet he ain't the rep-- - Geraldo, you do this every time. This is such garbage and I'm really getting sick of it. You play this emotional game with the audience and use your position of responsibility to put out misinformation-- - You don't stop attacking me. - Give me the police thing. - Address the issue. - Address the issue. - This is the gust to address the issue. - And not address the issue. - This is not about me. - You didn't come on the show to attack me. - You can't control yourself. - You came on the show to talk about the issue. - Because they do have a point about the issue. - The issue in your position of a thargaming fear. - How sick of you-- - Don't say sick of me. - You're on the show. - You're on the show with me. - You're on the show with me. - It's up there. - All right. - I don't know where you are, right? - I don't know where you are, right? - I was just gonna-- - Stop, stop, stop. - Because you can't go on the air. - I'm gonna have to control it down. - Can you calm it down? - Yeah, you really need to calm down. - I'm a 10-time Emi winner. - That is that, that one of folks, just so you know, I'm sitting here and a little background on that clip. I did not know, do you guys know why I didn't know? I did not know he threw the paper at the screen. You know why? I think he, he made him do it. We didn't have a return. So I'm not seeing him, all I see is a black screen in front of me. I didn't find out the next day. I, the next day I'm watching the clip. Like, did he throw a piece of paper? This guy's in Stewart, Florida. He's, he's 800, not miles away. He's throwing paper at his screen. That was Geraldo, man. That's how he would do it all the time. This thing on the, on the Israel-Palestinian issue, he falls for every single media narrative. He never did his homework. And you notice his impulse control is so bad. He simply can't stop talking when given the opportunity for me to make a counter-argument. All he does is start screaming every single time. But I didn't see that when it happened. Now I, I take the back. I think someone texted me about two hours later. I was like, can he throw a piece of paper at you? And I went and looked on Twitter. I'm like, holy Moses, he did. He's throwing paper at the screen. I throw a paper at the screen. What a lunatic. Folks, is that his or the list one? Oh man, those are good ones. We got to do this again sometime. We may do them. Listen, I got to get a thing going to roll this. Sean, if you want to set it up, I will do another round with a roll. But it's got to be like multiple segments, all right? If you want to do it, I'll do it. The ratings would be killer. We'll do it up. We can do a round two of this. Hey folks, thanks for tuning in. Hope you're enjoying your Thanksgiving. I thought you'd enjoy that. We really appreciate it. I'll see you guys back here on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino Show. [BLANK_AUDIO]
Daily live shows return Monday, 12/02.
Happy Thanksgiving Bongino Army! The team and I wanted to bring you some content on the break sparked by Geraldo's hilarious resurgence in the news earlier this week. So watch with me as we look back upon Geraldo and I's greatest on-air moments of all time.
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