Coffee Charged Conversations
The Power of Positivity: Chevan Naidu on Gratitude, Optimism, and Building Genuine Relationships
What's a common mistake that sales people often make and perhaps don't even realise? People fail because they don't learn and they don't up their skill, so it's techniques. I mean there's a lot of even techniques that sales has. What tips would you have for someone to become a better closer? Why people don't close? It's a fear of rejection. So having said that, do you believe happiness is a choice? [Music] Hello and welcome to Coffee Charge Conversations here at Real Global Productions. Today we are joined by Siobhan Naidu who is a sales coach and we actually met each other in the sauna at gym of all places. But he goes by the nickname Mr Fantastic. Where did that nickname come from? Thank you Mike for having me here today and just to give you a little bit of insight on Mr Fantastic. So I was, or I am a sales trainer and sales coach which I've just sort of parked that in the back burner right now because I'm busy with being an entrepreneur. And at that stage when ever somebody came out of my sales training program, the favorite word or the favorite word that came out was fantastic, fantastic. So my CEO at that time called me Captain Fantastic. And because I don't support Man United, Captain Fantastic was one of the players, I think it was Robson that they called Captain Fantastic and I was an avid Liverpool supporter. So I said I'd rather be Mr Fantastic. And we also found that when I did sales training with groups, they stayed longer, the results were higher. So at some point I clearly got through and shifted the mindset of those students. So they were no longer people that couldn't make target, they were people that exceeded target. So that's how I became Mr Fantastic and I'm always in a jolly good mood. And as a sales coach, obviously your job is to inspire the people who are going to be working on the ground. What's been the best way that you've led or inspired others? Look, sharing my story and my journey is very important because I actually come out of a poor background and I understand the rules of poverty very well and I know the limitations of poverty. In fact, if I look back at all of my cousins that I grew up with and family that I grew up with, they still have the poverty mindset. So I think for me the inspiration to others is helping them to shift that mindset because I love working with people that come from disadvantaged backgrounds because I believe there's hope for everybody. I mean if I can make it this far on my own journey and I'm not in competition with anybody else, for me I'm living my best life and I would like them to be the best version of themselves. What's a common mistake that salespeople often make and perhaps don't even realize? Look, I think the common mistake that salespeople make is that they think they salespeople. I'll say why they think they salespeople is selling is a skill and an art and it needs to be practiced, drilled, rehearsed, practiced, drilled, rehearsed. I mean if you, a salesperson, you've got to do a role play by yourself. You've got to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and say this is my pitch, these are the objections. So it's all about planning that and a lot of people don't plan, they win it. So when you're winging stuff you're not anticipating objections that will come through. So it's basically you don't have training or you don't have skills and with everything being available on the internet right now you can do all of these courses and self-teach yourself but people fail because they don't learn and they don't up their skill. So it's techniques, I mean there's a lot of even techniques that sales has that salespeople don't use. So again you think you're a salesperson but are you? So when you're doing a sale I was in sales for a little period of my life. It was actually quite a short period four months and I was doing cold calling and door-to-door sales and I was kind of taught to ignore the customer in a way so that I could get my point across which I don't think was necessarily the right way to go about things but now that I've spoken to a few more people about sales I've heard that listening is quite a core ingredient of being a good salesperson would you agree? Absolutely it is the fundamental principle of selling because that's where the magic happens. So two things right? Number one is you listen to what they want, you listen to what they need and you also listen to what they're not saying because many because we speak in code right? So you know I'm in with my wife for 23 years but when she says one thing she means something else right and we as men we think differently right? Men are from Mars, women are from Venus so we're like why don't you just get to the point but by listening you actually hear you listen for buying signals so what is a buying signal? A buying signal is something where they would say things that will elude you to think okay cool I'm actually interested or not because remember influence happens in a moment right? That decision is made people buy on emotions and they justify logic anything that you buy I mean that beautiful refinery t-shirt that you're wearing there when you tried it on you was like that will look good on me so looking good is an emotion correct? Whatever you do is emotion when you buy something to eat it's on emotions we're talking about coffee beans it's an emotion it's that feeling so everything that we do in life is based on feeling so when people when you listen you can listen to the tone so let me let me unpack this for you right there's a there's tone tone is so important I could say 55% of what we say comes out from our body 38% of what we say comes out from the tone and 7% are your actual words so if I sat here and said today is a great day or if I woke up and I said today is a great day can you hear the difference or if I say listen to my words right? I'm such a great salesperson no tone I am such a great salesperson so the tonality so the inflection of the voice so you got to listen to these little notes that come out now it's not rocket science so it's not a special skill it's about understanding what to listen for so absolutely and the biggest problem salespeople make is they don't know when to shut up so you talk and you listen you talk and you listen when you listen you take that information and you use it for the client not against them I mean we've known aggressive salespeople to say that you must use this information against the client and make them feel so bad that they have to buy your product almost to confuse them in a sense absolutely I mean we live in a different world today I mean your generation is looking for standard is looking for quality of life my generation is looking for standard of living so we have different ones you got different audiences you need to know how to connect to those audiences I mean I've been highly successful in business recently only because I know how to talk to people and I know how to listen and when you when you digest that information seek first to understand then to be understood habit number five from the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey it is the greatest thing that you could ever do is seek first to understand that person then to be understood what happens is when you try to make your point and not listen to their point people put up a wall they put up a guard and your sale is lost selling and the definition of selling is taking people on their journey to your destination wow so you let them think it's theirs but you bring in them to you because ultimately that's what you want to get you need the sale but there's a lot of stuff that comes in between that number one is make sure you're making the right decision is this good for the customer because if you believe your product is good for the customer and you believe it wholeheartedly I mean Tom Hopkins in how to master the art of selling talks about his friend that and him were selling pots and for some reason they were selling pots in the fifties right and he was cleaning it Tom Hopkins right and again he writes the master the art of selling and he said he went to his friend's home and he opened the cupboard and there were no pots there that they were selling and he said to his friend well that's your problem if you can't buy it how do you expect somebody else to buy it yeah I think people can almost see straight straight through that in a way and nowadays it's easier to see straight through that yes why do you think people don't get sold on facts but emotion look we live in a world where everything is based on emotions right everything is about feeling everything is about energy so you also get left brain people and you get right brain people right and what we call the Ben Franklin close which I learned from Tony Robbins right where people will write down the pros and write down the cons of something so that's definitely more logical decision but again it's biased to emotions it's only a pro or a con because everyone's experience of something is different does that make sense yeah it makes sense right because how you would experience something and how I would experience something is two different things how so you might get I mean I often get sales calls and stuff like that and while I did sales I also had times where people would say are you trying to sell me something how do you answer that question and how do you build trust with your your client or the person you're in a negotiation with so that's that's a very common objection right now what we did was we you know when when somebody says am I trying to sell you something that's generally upfront right it's before you've done your sales pitch right so they haven't listened to you so I would generally unpack it and say Mike you know what I love what you're saying that I'm trying to sell you something but all I'm trying to do is tell you a little bit more about on product and Mike you an educated person correct I hope so well I believe you're an educated person that's why I'm talking to you and all you need to do is make an educated decision whether this product is for you or not do you think you can allow me a few minutes for me to just tell you about what I'm doing so that's what we call objection handling right so that's that's what we call early objections because it's difficult to try and close someone into selling it or not saying just give me a few minutes of your time it's you know you're going to have a conversation with somebody but the biggest problem that daily marketers make today is they start the conversation with hello how are you right firstly it's too call a block to your ID then you it's a number you don't know and somebody says hello how are you and you're like straight away it's what I call the first 30 seconds to fame or 30 seconds to shame so straight away there's a god who's this why but if I say hey mike it's chev here and I'm calling you from xyz and the reason for my call today then I've told you who I am where I'm from and why I'm calling what I call who where and why www if you could say if a salesperson could say who where and why it eases everybody everybody likes to become I mean I watch my wife shame when when there's a number she doesn't know she just clicks the red icon on the phone she just cuts the call and it's not easy I mean it's it's a profession right you know and people have to respect it and but if you don't do it well nobody's going to respect you so you mentioned closing I think closing is important not only in business or in the sales industry but just in in life and negotiations what tips would you have for someone to become a better closer so for someone to become a better closer is is my favorite acronym it's abc always be closing wherever you go whatever you do always be closing be in a constant state of closing even if you're talking to your missus or you're talking to your friends you subconsciously trying to convince them on something so that's you closing right so I close that person or in your mind you know what I just close my I'm doing this I close Chris I'm doing this so you understand so it's you have to you have to be in a constant state of closing but closing is not being you see why people don't close is the fear of rejection because it is that point when you get rejection now people have a subconscious fear of rejection every nobody likes rejection right but if you know that every know is one step closer to a yes it's about your mindset it's about your conditioning so if you got a note today okay cool no problem every no is one step closer to a yes every no is one step closer to a yes so so that's the mindset it comes down to your mindset and did you have a mentor growing up at all oh yeah absolutely I've had many mentors and look I think the woman that opened my mind was my trainer and look I'll make mention of her name her name was Claire and Claire opened my mind and and she mentored me into becoming a great trainer that I used to be when I was in corporate and I think I still am I just don't mind putting a suit back on and getting onto the stage because I feed off people's energy and you know Tony Robbins for me was a great mentor I got to listen to Tony Robbins on CD my late father in law was quite ill and he was listening he was on his way out right and he was listening to Tony Robbins and I was like who's this guy he said he called me to his bed and he whispered in my ear and he said listen to this guy you change your life and I did that exactly the same thing so I started with personal power I love the likes of Zig Ziglar who has some great closing techniques you know you can listen to their videos they're all old-school guys and when you say mentors I doesn't have to be somebody that I know you know personally to be a mentor Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich is about the best book you could ever read if you are in sales because there's 13 principles in Think and Grow Rich and if you practice those 13 principles you'll have an abundance of income so you mentioned Tony Robbins and you actually gave me a few audiobooks before we recorded today's episode just so I could get a little bit of an insight into sales and one of the quotes that I quite like from Tony Robbins is an undisturbed prospect will not buy oh yes oh you love that yeah you got to undisturb it right an undisturbed prospect will not buy you got to hit hurt them and heal them that is the next part right because you got to show them and he's so right you got to paint a bad picture of if you don't have this product and you paint a good picture if you do have this product so let's give me an example let's give me give me any product and I'll do a quick picture here okay let's go with cleaning materials so cleaning materials right now there's different types of cleaning materials so let's say we're selling premier cleaning material right the most expensive one let's go you you a corporate company I came to you and my product is double the price of what you currently paint right so that's so how that's a good one to address because how do you sell something like that you know there's a there's a good there's a good saying so if I came to you and I said Mike and you gave me the objection and I said Mike it's too expensive Mike I do understand it's too expensive but I want you to listen to this way carefully in africans we have a saying it says hood quip is dear quip it means if you think you're saving money it's going to cost you more in the end now I want to ask you a question you have a beautiful business here let's say for example if the the dishwasher liquid that you're using right now leave some stains on your cup right and for a little bit more for a little bit more and a guest sees that and with hours you guarantee it'll be clean what would the impact of that dirty cup have on your business well I feel like it would damage the reputation on that yeah so by you willing to invest in our product you willing to invest in your business correct so when I ask you whether you want to buy this or not that's the choice you have to make because from what I see is beauty and I see first class all the way Mike you're first class business this is a first class product we are matched for each other right see they touched on the emotional side I thought like you understood me yes and this is what we got to do we got to talk to people's emotions so look I've mastered this art because I know I'm a quick thinker you have to be a quick thinker because when someone throws an objection you have to come back with the rebuttal that's and we've got a rebuttal process right so what I use is an objection handling process there's five steps to the objection handling process so mentally I've already calculated my next move it's like chess okay so I think indifference is the place based on that quote indifference is a place that you don't want to be at because you'd rather have someone love you or some people love you and some people hate you but if people feel indifferent about you there's no ways they're gonna buy what you're selling absolutely absolutely I you know what there's a book by Ogman Dino it's called The Greater Salesman in the world in fact I've got that tattoo here that says I will persist until I succeed right and in in the second scroll he talks about love right I don't think for my personal experience as the same person if you do everything with love even if they reject you he says you may reject my words you may reject my apparel my bargains may cause you suspicion but my undying love for you as my customer will never be rejected so today you may say no to me but tomorrow if I did a great job and even if you said no I'm gonna understand I'm gonna move on and you're gonna refer me to somebody else because maybe we want to match for each other what do you do in the case where you perhaps feel like your product isn't suited towards that's fine you see this is where people get stuck and I think exploring a conversation and and if my products are not suited to the client I'd rather tell the client listen this is not for you for example I mean we run a spare parts business and how we got into the spare parts business is that I actually own a digital business lereco digital where we build e-commerce websites and I built a website sort of like an auto trader for scrap yards so they can because it's an unlook after market so they can advertise their car they scrap cars and people could ask for parts and we would sell the leads to them and I thought there's over a thousand scrap yards if I got 200 scrap yards to pay me a thousand dollar a month this business would bring me 200 k per month okay I've had more money than that in the past but right now I would be happy with that and you know because I'm coming from losing everything right Mike and I from from having six cars to an uber right so I had to build myself up all over again and again I had to do it with love because love is the only weapon that I have I love the rain for cleanses my spirit I love the sun for it dries my bones I love the darkness for it shows me the stars I love the light for it shows me the way love is the only weapon that I have and not to transgress and let's get back to your question you have got to put yourself in a situation where you're operating from a point of love and you say to the client this is not for you so we get all of these leads and customer says well how can I trust you I've been scammed before and I say to them listen we are now launching the first use parts platform my app is ready it will be available on the play store soon you know apple as their restrictions we're still waiting for apple and I said we're launching our app and even before that and I said listen I can't convince you to trust me unfortunately and if you want us to help you this is how we can help you and if you don't trust us it's fine we lose about 80% of our general leads that come in because of mistrust and we have to move on I don't get emotional about it because I understand where they are we live in South Africa people are getting scammed for car parts and marketplace every single day so I can't whatever I say will never build your trust I can only tell you what I know and share that information with you and then it becomes a customer's decision and funny enough we've from the 20% we've got some beautiful customers amazing customers so you know this is the gamble of life do you feel like if people like you they've more they have a better chance of buying what you're selling wow I want to tell you something now and I want you to remember this for the rest of your life people don't buy products they buy people people don't buy products you buy people because if you walked into a car dealership and you were walking straight towards the new golf 8.5 GTI which I went into VW the other day to pick up some parts and I looked at the car and the sales person looked at me and he could see I was Indian and it's a GTI and he sort of almost came to me and I just started walking quickly and I could find it quite funny right but he smiled it was a pleasant experience people buy people they don't buy products they never because you can buy the GTI in any other shop you're gonna buy mic right if people will never but it depends on you so to for your theory it's 100% they don't buy products they buy people so when we met it was quite synchronous in a way and quite random as well I mean we we both go to the same gym we didn't know that went for a sauna afterwards I was told about the sauna from another guest actually that I had on the podcast and he said you won't believe when you go into a sauna how authentic those conversations are and the people that you'll meet and I thought that's a strange like I'd never really thought of that but I also wanted to do saunas anyways for for my own and I met you in the sauna and you don't have that screen to hide behind you know you don't have to chat the whole time but you you started talking about your life and and what you had gone through and it was so synchronous in a way because you started speaking about mental health mindset and your whole perspective on life and people aren't naturally inclined to do that especially when we're sitting behind our our phones do you believe everything happens for a reason absolutely everything is synchronicity you know one decision cause an effect right everything is cause an effect you it it has a ripple so as you said one gets it to you that you should try the sauna and and how random is that it's not random it's what we call synchronicity right because you can make a decision today and you can see the result of it in 10 years time that's how life is so absolutely I believe in synchronicity I believe in energy I believe that I'm also in a space now where I attract the right energy at 47 years old your experience is the best teacher right I've been blessed enough to travel a lot I've been 20 times to China right and China for me was an amazing experience because you meet people from all over the world that come to I spend a lot of time in Guangzhou and Shenzhen and I've got some great Chinese friends up till now we share pictures of our kids and Ellen and I we talk to each other we did a little bit a little bit of business together at one point I was doing fitness watches and tracking what kids tracking watches whatever but we still friends and it's such amazing this beauty you see I believe and I've seen this on a few videos online as well but I it's it's also my belief I believe there's a little bit of God in everybody right and if you speak to that person or that portion of that person that's God you'll see the magic you'll see the beauty and I see good in everybody no matter how angry they are and I don't win all the time right at certain times you don't win because I'm always friendly to the staff at KFC which I shouldn't be doing all the time but I'm friendly at the staff at chicken lichen which I shouldn't be doing all the time I'm friendly to the car guards the car guard here at kristam all the one that sits on the other side the entrance where the hardware is where the builders is I mean he's from lady smith he has two kids one is eight one is six and you know I took ten minutes to have a conversation with it beautiful guy and he told me how he lives here in joebagalone and you know this so for me there's beauty everywhere so for us meeting is not the end of and it's it's wild how that small little conversation can make someone's day or week or month or whatever without you even realizing yeah absolutely and you know going going back to what you said mental health issues people are struggling and they need to realize they're not alone they need to realize that hey listen it's okay because since covid the world has changed right all right so there's something that I really want to share with everybody and it's a good technique it's a couple of techniques so I've got my own little book that I'm busy with and I haven't finished it because I've been procrastinating and busy with business but it's a coaching book and the first technique that you need to do is the gratitude list so be grateful for what you have a lot of people are suffering with mental health issues because they are actually miserable and they are bitter my suggestion is be better for what you have then bitter for what you don't have if you start your morning the first thing that I do is when I wake up in the morning I say thank you god for this life that you've given me today I actually saw it in in in an uncut gyms where the Jewish guys do it right in the Jewish community the first thing they do is they thank god for the life force and what we call in in Hinduism prana prana is your life force right and people's life forces actually stuck these days and one of the the next thing that you got to do is thank god for that and then thank god for everything that you have you have eyes thank god do a gratitude list I do a gratitude list every morning 20 things and at some points I even thank god for my kneecaps because there are people without kneecaps I thank god for my fingernails thank god for my eyes I thank god for my wife my kid and I'm so thankful I live in an internal gratitude state and when you are eternally gratitude grateful even in the Bible it says those that had more shall be given and those that had not even the little that they have shall be taken away those that have gratitude more shall be given when you have gratitude you you'll see abundance comes to you people are stuck but right it starts with the gratitude list it's so simple write it down in the morning and read that same list in the evening before you go to bed because remember you're programming your subconscious mind when you go to bed so the last thing that you should do is now you know we were saying somebody was saying they're newly married right and the last thing that you should do is maybe say thank you now I'm I'm whole I'm complete and you wake up in the morning and it's different because I'm married for almost 20 years right and it's a journey and it's amazing and the first thing I do in a wake up is I look at this beautiful woman next to me and I go thank you god and I'm grateful because she stuck through me through my hardest times and my most difficult times and you see people so so the biggest thing is be grateful that's that can combat your mental health issues and people are lost people don't know where they are but you need to start taking control of your life and the gratitude list is the first thing second thing is meditation quite in your mind for five minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes you don't want to go into 20 30 minutes of meditation it's a bit deep but calm calm the mind you know once you meditate I go out into the grass in the morning I put my feet onto the ground because the earth has got energy I love the energy I put my toes in between the sand and it feels so good it's about feeling good because when you're feeling good you're feeling god now look for the small things in life people are chasing the big things one of the guys that comes to the gym he said to me he said we're living large but I've been trying to unclutter my life so we got rid of the big cars and getting rid of the big expenses and all of these things because I mean you can see that even wealthy people are now buying Chinese vehicles in South Africa because for the same amount that you're going to pay a spin on a luxury German brand you're going to spend half and get all the bells and whistles so that's why people have had a shifted mindset right because those things are not important anymore why are we chasing things we should be chasing moments right so people need to stop chasing things forget about it chase moments because be grateful for what you have I mean there's many other people that don't have what you have if you look at poverty if you look at poor people you you must go and do charity work at a charity home because it'll make you grateful for what you have it's nice to talk about it but it's better to do it did you ever have a stage in your life where you perhaps weren't thinking positively oh absolutely you had a bit of a mindset shift well absolutely so coming out of my big loss where where I had lost everything I blamed other people but I made those decisions I mean at some point there was a lot of alcohol and substances I had nightclub right so I was a big party animal I used to be known as the guy's guy I've never look I mean other women is not my thing I've come from a single parent home and my wife also come from a single parent home so all we wanted to do was give our kid you know a good home but I was I was arrogant because money makes you arrogant and I was blinded you know they say young money cash money we don't know how to handle money we think we are I was at a point where it was all about name brands and you know shopping and centen and you know wearing all expensive stuff I mean now people are shopping in Paris and whatever but listen whether you sit in the front of the plane or the back of the plane goes to the same place it's about you enjoying your journey and you meet some humble wealthy humble people so I was in a negative space and I blamed the world and then when I let go and I said okay right chef it's your fault must have fantastic okay it's your fault you've made these choices it's time for you to put that aside and move on and I became grateful I have a listen Navada that has been through me through my darkest times coming from having an ml 63 m3 a nice expensive cars and I had a whole fleet of expensive cars to taking a Uber right and even now though I've got a new Abaki I still look at that Navada I keep you there and I'm like thank you so having said that do you believe happiness is a choice oh wow I'm smiling now because you're so synchronized in the way so I've got a saying there is no way to happiness happiness is the way right happiness is not a destination it's a choice wow that is so amazing you just spot on because that's my belief I believe that we have a choice to be happy we don't have to get something to be happy we can choose to be happy so you look for moment to moment right so every moment is going to be different but remember you also got to navigate the other emotions so happiness is about understanding that you're going to be sad as well because sadness is part of life grief is part of life joy is part of life loss is part of life so every emotion is part of life people don't understand that they only want to be happy they don't want problems problems are a sign of life Norman Vincent Peele at 13 at 93 years old sorry said problems are a sign of life normal Vincent Peele writes a book called the power of positive thinking right and it must read the power of positive thinking really Christian based book but I'm like any religion has got something good to teach you right when you stop judging right I mean that you chapter 7 verse 2 says do not judge for you not like to be judged but the same measure that you have judged with you will be judged upon I'm a Hindu I need the Bible so you know is there anything wrong with that no but people have closed mindset you have to have an open mindset everyone's an individual everyone has something to teach you so yeah how can we ensure that our thoughts are more positive throughout the day firstly you could slap yourself when you're being negative now I'm just kidding so what I do is subconsciously programming so we've got a conscious mind which is your mouth and the subconscious mind which is your actions so when you are when you are pressured right if you squeeze an orange you get out orange juice correct but if you somebody squeezes you and out comes anger animosity hatred violence what's truly inside of you so you got to fix what's inside of you so I do subconsciously programming so I'm very very very aware your awareness of the words that come out yourself talk so in the book the four agreements the by Don Miguel Rose help the rule number one is be impeccable with the word only say what you mean especially when you talk to yourself you know you often find yourself saying oh I'm so stupid well then you are oh I'm such an idiot well then you are because whatever use whatever comes out of your mouth is becoming your reality so if you keep telling yourself you're stupid like for example we all lose it in traffic right and I often remind my wife because my wife's a lawyer she's feisty she's she's a Taurus right and she's Indian so it's not easy right but I love her two birds but she's like very feisty and I always say to the only person that years you're screaming at the other driver is yourself so if you call them an idiot they don't hear it but you hear it but we all guilty of it even I get angry and there she goes oh she's like clearly that meditation doesn't work for you so I said to her my reply was what do you want me to stop as she just looks at me because I've got a smart mouth on myself right but you got to do the self maintenance I listen to affirmations the whole day if I'm in the car even at the gym I don't listen to music at the gym I've got this one abundance affirmation right and I listen to that every single day I mean the car it's about attracting right it says you are wealthy you have abundance you are born rich you attract abundance so I don't chase money anymore it follows me it's it's drawn to me I'm never chasing a target at the beginning of this month I wrote down my target right which was extremely unheard of and we hit 95% of their target and you know you get two types of people you say but you don't need to 100% and then you get the other person that says at least you hit 95% so you get the negative people that will say you didn't hit your target great well good for you but for me I doubled what I did the previous month you know what I mean so writing it down is committing to it right so writing it down whether you write it on your phone and writing in your book book is nice writing in your book read those things commit to it so it's about subconscious reprogramming and everything that I'm so conscious of the people that I speak to don't contaminate my energy I don't want to speak to people that contaminate my energy don't come you with your negativity you can air-fly it off I don't want negativity we could no time to tolerate negativity say I had a saying in sales training I would say say no to negativity say no to negativity and and that's how I would suggest people can become more positive and two people can look at the same situation or have the same experience yeah but it'll be so different for them internally that almost reminds me of a Dr. Wayne Dier quote which I'm sure you will know is when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change if you change the way you look at things the things you look at change we very synchronized right that's one of my favorite in fact my friend he became auto-dealer as he bribed right we we trained his uh his dealership when 12 years ago and we had that stuck we had the written on the wall when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change he went from selling 20 cars to now selling 300 cars per month right absolutely amazing guy and what a journey for him right and we so synchronized I mean I'm I'm one of his top five right I mean this guy is he's doing phenomenally well but humble as ever right and you're so right when you change but now let me explain that I don't know if you know about how this is this whole thing works when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change so Deepak Chopra talks about the physical energy and the study of atoms right your observation of that changes the nature of that energy of that thing for example if I looked at the rows it would change the when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change so your your energy changes it I know it's getting a bit deeper now but Deepak Chopra is deep like that because he's talking about quantum physics now right so you know what quantum physics is right so let's try this right if you guys want to join us as well you can join us right put your hands in front of you like this right and just let's do this let's do this okay so for people listening we're putting our hands in front of us yeah at a what a sideways angle almost like a clap like a clap but not touching bringing we're bringing our hands closer together and can you feel that there's almost like an energy that's pushing and pulling right which means everything is energy right so when you are in a when you are in a low state of energy it takes you longer to feel that so it's a good test to test your order right am I vibrating in a low energy or high energy that's a high energy because we felt it because there's high energy right now because this discussion so if you took water right and you wrote positive words on it and you wrote negative words in another bottle come back in a week and see what happens to the ones that you wrote negative words with so your negative words will destroy things i mean you know what's uh you know kinesiology right where the study of energy so if i took something and i said good words to it it would blossom it's like you talking to the plants go to a plant and say negative words to a plant it will die so it's as simple as that so imagine if that energy that you're sending out remember it's also coming in so when you say bad things you know you can hypochondriacs people that are always sick right i mean in my medicine cupboard i've got my lion's main mushroom from i don't know if i can make mention of the one that i i use can i yeah yeah so i use dr marty's mushrooms dr martin crueger out in inveil amazing guy amazing energy you must check this guy's like lovely energy i love the energy he's like floating right white foot in when you can stand out and i use that and i use omega three that's it in the morning i start my my morning with a half a teaspoon of turmeric kind pepper and ginger powder squeeze a little bit of lemon in it put a little bit of olive oil and some Himalayan salt morning fix i never get sick i'm in always good energy i'm 47 years old i can outwork most most people half my age how's that changed your mindset how how is the like the lion's main mushroom oh i mean i i i suffer with self diagnosed ADHD right as my wife says self diagnosed because in our days we were called hyperactive and naughty your days there's ritalin and there's concerta and all of these pharmaceutical things and listen i don't have a problem with pharmaceuticals not for me right i'm a believer in natural healing i believe that when dot when god made ermine eve he didn't make dr patel on the other side like how are you didn't make him right so the natural pharmacy is inside so healing takes place from inside so the lion's main has helped me to focus before i used to be all over the place now i can handle five things six things at one time ten things at one time and and when the problems come and they do come i'm calm i'm relaxed remember we work in a very dynamic industry in the automotive industry sometimes you supply a part it's wrong you spend your money now you're not going to get a refund because we work in the industry of tugs they take your money and they say you listen you bought the part the cpa doesn't work yeah take your cpa and get the hell out of here you can't go there and say but you know about the consumer protection act no we work in scorpions you understand so i'm like okay cool no problem we'll take a credit and then it happened to me yesterday right i lost an invoice and i spoke to the owner and i was losing my mind because i couldn't find the invoice because i've been working so hard took my lion's main and i was like okay cool listen let's do this in the same day that he gave me the credit i bought another part so i got my money back so i fix my problem other people be pining about oh my word i lost this now listen this too shall pass whatever you're going through this too shall pass so the lion's main for me helps me to focus and ADHD i think i'm also self diagnosed with ADHD and i found that my mind can just jump onto things very easily but i used to see it as i'm actually quite newly self diagnosed but when i first started hearing about the signs of ADHD and all of that i was like that sounds familiar i do that i do that and i used to see it as such a bad thing but now if i channel that energy in the right way it actually helped like i don't forget the important things because my mind's so so active but sometimes i can go into the worrying stage where i'm not being as present as i want to be and i'm too busy focusing on the future and what could happen did you ever find that you battled with that yeah absolutely but recently i realized something right now listen to this carefully why worry about the things that are not in your control because if they're not in your control why worry why worry about the things that are in your control because if you're truly are in control then why worry which means you're not in control so worrying never changes anything and that story about worry is the worst place because the manifestation of sickness and disease and cancer and all of these things come from stress right the highest cause of cancer is stress you understand people stress and the mind and you manifest itself into the body i mean dude you don't see a chicken that's got stress you don't see a cow that has got stress right you don't see a animal a dog that is any dogs do get cancer but you know i'm not saying anything bad about anybody else but maybe because the owner's so like that the dog becomes like that you understand yeah so if you have a happy owner you have a happy dog you have a grumpy owner you have a grumpy dog because you create your environment so animals don't get sick with all of these things because they don't manage they don't manage they they don't live on emotions like we do because we live in the past or we live in the present sorry we live in the past or the future we're playing a movie of something that already happened can't change that or we're playing a movie of something that hasn't happened could happen it you know it could happen by you playing the movie in your mind you creating that reality so what we think about we bring about what we think about we bring about so how do we stop ourselves from thinking too far ahead we can't we have to control it i wouldn't say stop we can control it right and how is becoming present so i've got an affirmation that i do when i'm being negative and all i do is as soon as that happens i say the universe is working in my favor the universe is working in my favor the universe is working my favor i feel absolutely fantastic i feel absolutely fantastic i feel absolutely fantastic within two minutes i'm back but you have to be conscious i remember a long time ago i used to struggle i did the mind power cause cause with robin bangs i changed my life completely i was fortunate enough to meet john keill right so would meeting would bring that mind power these techniques that you use so you bring yourself back bring yourself back and how do you bring yourself back to the present when you find your mind drifting off so these days it doesn't happen very often but i listen to that thing on repeat the whole day monday to thursday monday to friday i listen to that friday at two o'clock i i listen to it in the uston because i only listen to music because it's important what you feed yourself right listen i love rap music i love r&b hip hop i love biggie i love two park yeah there's such great words that come out of it and when you start becoming conscious you're like it's a bit negative sometimes you get a bit angry or yeah you get angry with your situation or or life and yeah you start you're feeding yourself that right you're feeding yourself you say no listen i'm a very positive person and then you're listening to a hardcore music about negative stuff i haven't even got time for music anymore because i listen to love music older music i listen to love songs i love brine mcknite and i love luta vendros and i love all of this here because it makes me feel loved one of my favorite songs is the best things in life are for free because the best things in life are for free you the the moments that you remember didn't cost you money in closing and i wish i wish we could chat forever but we have quite a few i'd say 24 to 30 year olds that listen to the show and at the age of 47 if you had to speak to yourself maybe at the age of 25 or so what would you say to yourself i would probably say number one is giving up alcohol because i think that really misses with your emotions because people are lost in a world where you need a substance to feel better right so be grateful for what you have right now 24 year olds to 30 year olds it's sad because they haven't they've been protected parents have protected them you know i mean when i was 24 i was living on my own what my first subaru went racing with my friends i left home when i was 18 you know it's a different world now so don't be afraid to make mistakes make mistakes when you make mistakes you're trying the only people that don't make mistakes are the ones that don't try so to that audience i would say go out there put yourself out there fail i am failing my way to success so if i could and listen if there's any advice i would give myself is just stay away from the fast life you know work on yourself go to the gym sit in the steam room let it all out go for a run become more healthy eat better you know eat healthy so those things are important mr fantastic thank you for an epic conversation and thanks for just being so present and you know you say it's one thing to say that you're a positive person but i think you really show that positive energy and everything you do and we haven't really known each other for a long time at all but that just it really seeps through and yeah i really hope that you can inspire someone through this episode and yeah it was just such a cool conversation so thank you thank you mike and the team for having me on board and if i could leave you guys with anything life is an amazing gift it is a gift you know they say the past is history the future is a mystery and the present is a gift that's why it's called a gift so just be present and you know enjoy just love life love everything about life i mean when last did you touch a blade of grass and say oh this is so amazing so just enjoy everything thank you (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)