The Killer B's: Joel Blank & Jeremy Branham

12/02 Hour 2 - Texans-Jaguars, Don't Ignore in Victory What You Wouldn't in Defeat!

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03 Dec 2024
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If you're going to make a hit like that on a quarterback, whether it's Anderson or not, the other team is going to retaliate. I have nothing, no issue with what Jacksonville did. I mean, look, Aziz al-Shayor even said it in his apology on Twitter. The fact is, is he understands why the jaguar players came to the defense of Trevor Lawrence. He understands why everybody, there's an understanding, if this was CJ Stroud, Texans fans would be losing their mind and rightfully so. I wouldn't. I wouldn't. Like I, there are a lot of Texans right here are saying, oh, Brian, but this was Stroud, you'd be acting differently. No, I'm fair and balanced at all times unless it's the Cougars, then I'm a homer. I, I, I would like to see that. If that happened. Nikko Collins got earholed in this game, by the way. From behind. No. There was two. There was two. Okay. The one, I'm talking about a different play. Going down. And it was, it was Josh Allen who inserted a new name in his last name. So people stopped confusing him with the better Josh Allen. Insert ketchup. Ketchup. Hines. Oh, he hides. Yeah. Good joke. Anyways, here hold them. Here hold them. So like, yeah, I mean, this stuff happens, stuff happened, but the NFL is super, super careful in quarterbacks because they're the big money players to protect in their investment. Follow the money. Well, and I think that, that, you know, they, like you said, per previous to this, they've dealt with enough lawsuits and they understand that as much as, you know, the game used to be played in a, in a totally different way. It's like the NBA. They, you know, they completely changed the, the way that the complexion of the way the game is played. They took away a large majority of the, the physicality that was what a lot of people were signing up to watch it previously. Now they want to see the athleticism. Now they want to see in both sports. They want to see more of scoring and the sexiness of big points and, you know, shootouts and things like that, instead of seeing some of the more physical plays. But from the standpoint of if that's CJ Stroud, everyone's losing their mind. There's no doubt about it. Speak for yourself. I wouldn't have lost my mind. Okay. But so you're saying, because you said that if it means winning the football game, that you'd be okay trying to hurt the other quarterback? Um, I think that you should look, hurt is a very, very strong word. And whenever I said hurt, I was tongue in cheek, I do believe that you should be violent with a quarterback. Yes. That's the opportunity to hit a quarterback. Now do it legally. I'm not saying that. See, that's right. That's what the final line is. If the quarterback is down, I don't think that Aziz al Shire should use the crown of his helmet and dive right into Trevor Lawrence's head like a torpedo. I think you should hit the quarterback as hard as you could possibly hit him within the rules of the game. That is my firm belief. If you have an opportunity, you're playing Lamar Jackson in the AFC Championship game, and you have the opportunity to hit him legally, yes, you should hit him as hard as humanly possible within the rules. I firmly believe that I will not budge off. No, but that's definitely the heart of a tape. No, that's different than when we were talking about it at the time of saying if it's borderline or if it's, you know, like right after the whistle, it's like, I mean, it's, it's kind of like when you're stepping out of bounds, like it's a little bit like we two against Caleb. That one was not even that close though. Like even when Aziz al Shire makes contact, I still inbound support as he's hitting you as hard as he can. Like Caleb was not out of bounds. It's the hard Jacksons running out of bounds and like his first foot that's about to be on the out of bounds. Markers about to hit. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. As long as it's legitimately in the rules of play, hit him as hard as you can. That's why that's how the sport is meant to be played. It's when you're looking to head hunt or you're looking to do something after the whistle or you're looking for those type plays that I would completely disagree. I don't think you're trying to maim and ruin someone's life. I think if you're trying to win a football game and it's within the rules of play, like leading with your shoulder and hitting a guy as hard as you can, that's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're taught to do. That's fine of a line is that like you when you're trying to hit an incredibly athletic quarterback like a Lamar, I mean Trevor Lawrence is incredibly athletic too, but you're trying to hit a quarterback incredibly athletic right as they're stepping on the out of bounds line. Let's not undersell how difficult that is. And I feel like we as observers and we on our couches and our in our lazy boys, we sit there. Oh, well, he should have easily been able to pull back. What are you talking about? Man, have you never been on the sidelines of a football game? Probably not, because you don't understand the speed of play. It is very, very difficult in the split second, even as he's outshire, who I thought was very much on the side of being late. Even in that particular moment, once you've made up your mind that you're going to hit the guy, yes, maybe he didn't leave his like make an attempt to make a tackle or a hit on Trevor Lawrence after like he slid, right? Like we can see his ease and he's kind of breaking down. We see Trevor Lawrence slide and then as he hits him. But once you've committed to it, even before the action, it's almost impossible to stop. That's what I think is what most people don't understand, because I've been on the sidelines like you like you say, you have no idea how fast that game is played. And the fact is too, this goes back to the rule in the last couple of years. And whenever receivers are going across the middle, it that's why I so blatantly disagree with the objection of a football game from a defensive back standpoint when hitting a ride receiver. A wide receiver going, like you said, 20 miles an hour, a defensive back going the same. If he launches himself to catch the football, he changes the trajectory of his body to where you might be looking to hit him directly in his shoulder pad. But if he leaps or dives down, you might now be in direct line with his head or his shoulders. That I mean, that happened in the play yesterday though, Trevor Lawrence changed his target as well. Now it was late, not arguing that it wasn't a penalty. They don't get switched. Still got to know that's the quarterback. You know the situation and again, but we're talking about contact to the helmet and Trevor Lawrence, who is a tall quarterback, is probably standing whenever Aziz al-Shire starts to move forward to make the tackle, Trevor Lawrence is probably five feet high. By the time Aziz al-Shire hits him, he's at about two and a half feet. But the difference between that and the wider receiver situation we've been talking about is Aziz knew in that moment that Lawrence was going to slide. He knew that the he knew the target is still a moving target. Sure. But he knew Lawrence's head was going to drop like the wider sure, but it's still a moving target. But he knows it's the quarterback too, which means- But no one's arguing it's a penalty. We're talking about the difficulty of stopping in the moment and being able to hit a very specific spot of the target. Like that's where, and again, easier said than done, but that's where you see all the X players too saying that you just, you go, you can put your hands out, you can put your hands wide, but you go, you try, you do your best, you're still, you can't change your body trajectory, but you do your best to try and avoid or minimize the contact. We see linebackers and defensive backs do it weekly. Quarterback slide and they see it coming and they pull up. The problem is- I think they go over. And it's hard to do it. Sometimes they go over. Sometimes they pull up. I'm not saying it's easy, but we see it happen every single week and every game. The problem is Aziz made no attempt to pull up and he put the forearm out there, which I know it's a different conversation with intent. I'm not trying to re-litigate this, but there are a bunch of different points of that Aziz tackle that we see other linebackers and defensive players avoid in the situational or quarterback of sliding at their feet. I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know, I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I don't know how I'm going to do this, I I'm not here to say that I'm right, but it looks like in the videos that I've seen it looks like he's starting to give himself up while Aziz Is getting there so regardless of that and we can go back and forth on that the fact is as one of my important defenders I have to be smart enough to realize especially if I lead with my forearm that the ramifications are probably going to be far Greater and I know that's a hot button for you. I just don't understand why we're spending so much time on the floor But if he superman's it or he makes best effort to go over him or even push him if he's superman's it and hits him It's the same result same result I think that it is so much more blatant because he load it looked like he loaded up the forearm It looked like his intent was not just to tackle, but it was to do I don't want more. I don't necessarily disagree with that it looked more blatant or more intentful to use the forearm I just don't think it changes the outcome at all I think it could play a factor in suspense. I don't I don't I don't To the shoulder a form to the shoulder That hits the shoulder it slides into the face mask With a shoulder into his shoulder and it slides into his face mask that would it would change the outcome of this whole ordeal I think that the punishment might be less severe because of the fact that one he loaded it looks like he loads up before I'm it looks like the intent is there to do more than just tackle And I think that then because of the fact that the head is involved and the way he makes contact to the face mask of the helmet After the after he rolled up in the shoulder, okay, we can go back and forth on that, but it's true. It's not it's not a back and forth It's what happened. It's an accurate representation of the events that occur Jeremy when you load up with a forearm like there is nothing Illegal about using a forearm to an opposing player's shoulder. It's illegal to hit the quarterback or a sliding player late There is nothing illegal about a forearm to a shoulder at all ever, okay? All right, we'll just leave it there because we can go back and forth and Wrong I'm not illegal to use it for harm to the football players I think the punishment would be less severe if he didn't do what he did in the way he went about it Yes, it was a late hit He made the effort I don't think so if you get his best if Aziz al Shire leads with his shoulder into Trevor Lawrence's shoulder And Trevor Lawrence snaps back and gets concussed and to was up. It's going to lead to a different outcome Absolutely not I think if he looks like he's showing the intent to try and minimize the the the the violence of the the contact That's a little different going down shoulder into shoulder Whatever the action was for Aziz to hit Trevor Lawrence, whatever it was if Trevor Lawrence snaps back and hits his skull And the turf and gets concussed there's going to be a melee after that no matter what there might be a melee Yes, but in terms of the ramifications to him the potential for suspension Sure, there's probably gonna be a fine too But if you can see on video that he's not really loading up to get as much as he can behind the hit to get him If he's trying to do whatever he can to avoid making the contact as severe I think that that would be taken into consideration. Yeah. I mean, I think Aziz is moving way too fast to avoid contact Like softly like if there's gonna be contact on that play It's going to be vicious like no matter what part of the body hit Trevor Lawrence as part of the body The only thing that would have saved this is either Aziz doesn't hit him because it was late I'll agree I'll agree that I can see that or Trevor Lawrence doesn't get hurt like but once Trevor Lawrence was hurt Brawl was coming and suspensions coming no doubt in my mind a five zero four four look to me Like he was just trying to hit him hard with no malice or bad intent We really don't know like that's in Aziz's head like we can't be in Aziz's head So we really have no idea another texture if a quarterback waits to slide that it's on him if he gets hit I saw Josh Allen fake slide and score last year. That's to your point like we need to kind of figure out these rules That doesn't need to be eliminated Holmes has done it twice this year. There's college quarterbacks who will run up to the out of bounds boundary kind of wait there Step out of bounds right when they're getting hit and draw a personal found like quarterbacks are having a lot of And that's why it's tough for a defender like these quarterbacks are having liberties with this rule trying to gain extra Yardage and we have to make in a very split second time what we want to do was it late in this play? Yes, I'm not arguing that nine five zero six bunch of hard. I was trying to say how show how tough they are by saying something dirty Is okay another texture? What if he was gonna do a flakes a fake slide a point is it wouldn't be CJ Shout, he's the first one out of bounds. He protects himself. Some quarterbacks do some quarterbacks Don't a texture pretty sure Aziz al Shire uses his forearm so he doesn't lead with his helmet I don't know but it's way more dangerous to lead with your helmet than it is your forearms If your Trevor Lawrence, would you rather get hit with the crown of a helmet or with a forearm obvious answer obvious answer You rather get hit with a forearm. I agree that it's probably a stretch I don't think that Aziz I don't think he hit on with his forearm to save contact for himself But if he wanted to do damage, he's leading with the crown of his helmet if he wanted to be as dirty as he possibly could He's trying to be as dirty as he possibly can then he leads with the crown of his health So he showed a little bit of reservation, but okay, no, he's still trying to be as dirty as he possibly can The line it doesn't really matter, but that wasn't the conversation the conversation was how dirty was this Like was it a penalty? Yes? Yes, what would have been the dirtiest possible outcome here leading with the crown of his helmet Did he leave with the crown of his helmet? No, he didn't leave with the crown of his helmet So he showed some reservation Some but but it's still in play when you lead that you did or the amount of his helmet But he did lead with the forearm and extend which looks like he's trying to do more than just tackle the quarter But a forearm to the any part of the body is legal where the crown of the helmet is illegal So there is that aspect of it more text fair or not multiple issues this year already heard his cause I do think that his rep for his his Reputation is going to be part of this. He's got a fraction for sure. Yeah. He's yeah He's I mean he is definitely bordering on the edge of dirty in the past. I I had forgotten about the Tom Brady choke hold Yeah, I saw that one on I saw that one on the Internet. Yeah, help someone already I think it was Jacksonville fans, but they were putting together a real which was essentially like three plays I think to from this year in the Brady show Yeah, the Brady choke was a bad look I've got about all about that one as these uses his forearm to stop Lawrence's momentum Four it was too aggressive, but it's not dirty only is these no his intentions were and we should support our player and take him at his At his job at his heart. I don't know what that is word. Yeah, I I agree with that I agree with that take if you're a coach. I don't agree with that take if you're a you're a talk show host You should be giving your honest opinion on right right and I think that look I don't think Cincinnati fans were we're gonna go and say that perfect was in the right when perfect was hitting guys The way he was hitting guys back in the day dude at a screw loose He was trying to do some serious damage and that's really where my my the sensational Sensationalism of this like the the Gronkowski one John McLean said this was the most violent head He has seen in the history of covering the same all 84 years of him covering the NFL This was the most vicious hit he ever saw for this isn't top 50. This isn't top 50. That was the dirtiest hit That's exactly where my mind went when I read that it was like how long they've been covering the NFL and covering the NFL before all These rule changes where they softened up the sport and took away a lot of the violence and some of the the caller even mentioned The Ronnie lots of the world the the Jack Tatum's of the world the guys that were just hit men that were out there We're not even trying to hide it there I mean look they had they had line men that had when they broke their head Yeah, they had a club with a bowling ball on the end of it and the lineman Swinging against the head. I was just gonna say when McLean started covering the NFL. I think head slaps were still legal I mean that was that was a leather helmet. That was that was that legit Pat by I think it was Deacon Jones I that was part of it. I had Dobler was the king too I don't know that he was with the the Cardinals back in there He was a big nasty dude, and he didn't hide it. He clubbed the hell out of people Yeah, that was a part of a that was a legit pass rush moving back in the days of guys like Deacon Jones They were slapping as hard as you think you could upside the head to get you They would run by you that that to be was the biggest crime yesterday is that we're comparing the Aziz al-Shire hit to those hits Which is ridiculous. Is it is it a late hit sure is it? Is it is it dirty? Look? I'm okay calling it dirty, but whenever I saw McLean say it's the dirtiest hit I've ever seen in my 84 years of covering the NFL's Well, I draw the line all right 71378 DSP and what do you believe after this college football weekend regular season is? Over going to championship week. What do you believe is we enter championship week 71378 03776? It's the bees ESPN 97 5 and ESPN 92 5 The winners the losers and all the best college football moments this weekend Did you see it pressure comes see spirits free and I'll be back down Texas falls on it. Can you feel it? Do you believe now you believe that I'm wrong? Oh, no. Oh, no, no, do you believe that with the killer bees? What do you believe now regular season is over in college football championship week is here big day tomorrow for the committee? They're gonna tell us a lot of what they're thinking and finally large could be very very Interesting. What do you believe after this college football weekend 71378 03776 blinkers? What you get? I think the first one is as much as we've been talking about the rule change coming in terms of the quarterback Sliding and everything there's gonna be a ban on flag planting and all kinds of Celebrating at midfield it all happened in one weekend on one Saturday It was nuts and then wasn't there something I didn't even know this couldn't see the end of your game But the U of H BYU game there was yeah one there I was a flying back right I got into a little bit in the end zone or something. Yeah, I mean they got they got to do a fight Okay, there were some punches throw. Oh boy. I like punches being thrown It's a physical sport. I'm here for the drama. Um, I loved every bit of the flag planning thing Yeah, I think it's great entertainment like looking at me people are talking about it Look how many people are you know discussing if it's good or if it's bad. My sister doesn't even watch sports Like do you see all the fights this week? I think it's great for college football you get all the attention here now You probably shouldn't be pepper-strain the players That's what I'll tell you what I gotta do it with a couple people on Twitter that we're just like trying to to state how that's okay That's never okay. You do that with potential criminals. You're not doing that with college that they're committing us on a field Lakers You've got enough people on the field and coaching staff that we saw in the NFL yesterday and they controlled the situation without pepper spray And there was a lot worse things happening during the course of what was going on in that game I just think pepper spray has no place in being used in trying to curtail what's going on on a college football field I understand the whole thing about you know both sides. You're trying to protect your house They don't do that on our field at the same time if you wanted to stop it you had 60 minutes to do so Yeah, that's the yeah, that's the it's not new I mean Baker Bayfield did this what like seven years ago. This is not new get over it No, I do think because we do protect everybody and we've gone soft. There's a football playing society Like as he's our shares hit. I do think we're gonna see a rule against. Oh, no doubt It's kind of quick. It might be like the goalpost rule where you have the rule in place The universities get fined and then the teams just don't like actually, you know enforce it or they don't They find the universities a hundred grand for the fighting after play. They find what 250,000 if the fans storm the field after a win Yeah, something like that. I think it's different for each league It's in six figures for sure I have no problem with a school that goes on the road and wins a game trying to plant the flag on the level No problem with it. I also have no problem with the team trying to prevent the flag from being planted on the logo And I also agree with you that if you're still up in arms about it How about you try a little bit for the 60 minutes? How about you score more than ten points Ohio State in the first of all I think the one the other thing that's really retarded in it. I shouldn't say that the dumbest thing The dumbest thing I don't want to say I got you the dumbest thing that could possibly be done in a situation like this Period is if you don't understand the logic of astrophias. You can't plant anything in a nasturture sphere You can't plant the ASU pitchfork or whatever you call it. You can't plant a flag. It's not going in and it's not going to stay That is ridiculous. That is stupid. Okay. That's where you have to find some logic more than anything else Yeah, I thought Ohio State quite frankly though I did think that Ohio State showed the fight of national champion. I did they just happened after the game They just happened after the game. They showed the fight of a national champ By the way happened after regulation Ryan Day. You can't sit there watching it all unfold What's it gonna do and then go what happened? That's true. What's going on? Yeah, I thought it was a bad look probably should try to break them up But I do know Ryan though. What's he gonna do? Here's the go ahead? No, I was gonna say I like I like it's not like if he's he's not gonna be able to pull apart a 300 pound off That's alignment for fighting each other at the same time. You can tell his guys I know that's where I was going at the same time like Texas players after they beat A&M That you could tell they were having the thoughts like are we gonna do this and start quickly like ran out and like pull the model away So there was probably something Ryan Day could have done But at the point where a starlight at the point where's it right is the Michigan will lag off the bowling. Yeah, what happened? Well, you saw it here is kill little mollings in the aftermath of Michigan Ohio State is a Michigan player What do you have to say cracked me up? It was hilarious I see where you're coming from but how about winning well From a big 10 perspective they have all these different long standing your traditions you beat certain schools, and there's a trophy They parade the trophy around and if they're on the road They're parading it around your field your stadium, and they're celebrating Similarly you're not trying to jam something into someone else's field, but at the same time you're gloating you're celebrating Well, if you don't like it win the game. Yeah, I agree with that I do think that they're awesome though. I believe that George is cemented itself in the playoff by dominating an unranked 7 in 5 team that was 5 and 3 in such a powerful league what a win for the Bulldogs playoff bound Dominated at Georgia Tech it was 7 and 5 and 5 and 3 and what is a bad league according to everybody It'd be Florida State who had one win this year defending non playoff team Florida State Yeah, I look at eight over times to beat Georgia Tech not impressive, but I do think Georgia's in no matter What I would say the same for Texas said there's that conference title game to me only matters as far as who gets a buy And who who hosts the playoff game In a couple weeks after that like if both teams are in win or loss See I think that bothers me as you got you're right about that right, and I think that you're right about Texas and Georgia I think where it bothers me is the fact that now we're gonna get the match not gonna get the match up We need it in the big 10 or wanted to see for the sake of a good football game And at the same time now Penn State and Indiana are both gonna get in probably as well as I hate that I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. If I if I could piggyback that into one of my Believes I believe SMU has to win the ACC title game to get in and I hate that Indiana with their horrible strength The schedule gets to sit at home not play in a conference title game, but then SMU gets penalized produce 66 to nothing Pretty careable is barely a yeah, and they're gonna get it. I'm torn on that I don't know if SMU misses if they lose I think I mean they're what eight the eight people they're probably gonna be about eighth in the playoff ranking They follow pretty close who's jumping on them. I mean I think you can I think you could see a move for some of the SEC teams like Alabama I'm torn on this cuz I don't feel like SMU should be penalized for losing to Clemson At the same time I think they should because I rather see an SEC team ahead of them because if you're SMU and you lose to Clemson How can you justify SMU over South Carolina who just went into Clemson and beat them? No? Well, you're trying to prolong it. Yeah, which is a part of the problem because I mean old miss beat South Carolina So did Alabama and yes, South Carolina is the head of whole miss in the current AP ranking So there's these whole things as far as who you ranking doesn't matter I know but you're sure it shouldn't but the lot of times the playoff ranking follows the AP pretty closely And a lot of times unfortunately is whoever loses last not who who had the worst loss for the best win or anything that we think should matter What else do you believe? College overtime by the way End result is just focusing on Georgia and that tongue and G that accentuates just how horrible the we talked about it Previously kicking that all the time real sucks. It's kicking pks Which I know for the soccer peers out there soccer matters Tuesdays and Wednesdays six The I mean they hate the idea of oh, we we play 90 minutes, you know plus stoppage time Maybe it's 95 to 100 minutes and now we're gonna turn into a specialty contest for for penalty kicks Same thing for college football. It's no matter. It's no longer who has the better team It's just who draws up a better play on this one. It's exactly right a better play calling for one play as opposed to playing better football It's not real football. It's not I hate it. If it happens in the playoffs it's ridiculous I believe that Miami should be eliminated. I agree eliminated no matter what happens Eliminated they've tightrope it and got lucky way too many times and they sealed their own fate Yeah, there's schedules way that we've given and rightfully in the end of crap for a soft schedule Look at Miami schedules super soft. There's I don't think they can survive that loss. They're out On the flip side. I think Notre Dame's better than I thought they were noted aim You know for the the bad loss early in the season The fact is is that they've really kind of gotten better week in week out to where I might say Notre Dame's the final 14 I mean can't they cuz they're not a conference you had me until that last four. Yeah final 14 stand I was thinking of the four my can't you're right though. They can't they can't be they can't get it by yeah They swar big accepted that as like a compromise But I I think that they are better than they're way better than I thought cuz I don't A couple weeks ago. I was sitting there saying I don't know if they're worthy with their I just don't trust Riley Leonard in a big moment. I hear you their defense is great. Yeah, they're running game has been Jeremiah loves been great, especially me killed army a few weeks ago, but I don't trust Riley Leonard facing another top level defense That's kind of that's kind of where I Push back a little bit. I think they win one game I don't think that they win the yeah, they're gonna host they're gonna host the first round game Probably it's gonna be snowy in 30 holes. I think they win that especially if they're playing the southern team But after that they get my town 713 70 0 ESPN let's go out to the HRP listener line Jesse. What do you believe after this college football weekend? No, that you see is found a way to get a lot of teams in the into the college football playoffs no matter what It's kind of what we expected before the season a lot of people thought that this system wouldn't really change that much And of course they're gonna turn it end up being right because you know They keep these FCC teams in by going well Even though they lost to a two-loaf team and even though they have two losses, you know They're they're they lost to a ranked team. So by keeping all these two lost teams ranked They've ended up being able to squeeze in all they couldn't just a quick comment about Trevor Lawrence that here was a Looked a lot worse than it was because he has a glass y'all and that's all we finished problem He's got a glass skull. Yeah, that is true. He does get concussed pretty often It the SEC thing is interesting and I've had a lot of knockdown drag-out fights about this I think the SEC's non-conference resumes lousy. I think it's terrible. I think it's awful South Carolina Indiana on a neutral field. Who's favored South Carolina South Carolina SMU in a neutral field So, how are we deciding these teams? Are you going resume? Are you going to who you think has a better chance of winning a game? Because I think it was the reason you but I don't think you would hold true for Indiana And apparently played it's only lost one that was really the only legit And Ohio State did do any Indiana any favors by losing the Michigan although they did beat Michigan Indiana Didn't I just think that there is something to be said about a resume in which you're playing all of these teams in a conference in Which the competition is at a certain level, but how do we know that because they haven't beat anybody non-conference? That's I mean, I understand all of their knowledge wins are in conference They're best non-conference wins or Texas against Georgia and Georgia against Clemson And they've lost some pretty bad non-conference games too. Who had LSU all the SEC? Yeah South Carolina early on didn't look like they were anything close and then they just flipped a switch And they've been really really really good for the last five six weeks The SEC non-conference resume is not good. No, but I think the SEC is really good. Yes, so it's difficult for the committee What do you go on? Do you go on based on? Projection or do you go based on the resume that exists with only three non-conference games? Although SEC plays four because they're soft and only play eight conference games unlike the very difficult big 10 and big 12 that play nine My last one I believe that the big 12 is underrated You know what the big 12 is doing right now and you look at the big 12 four top 20 teams only three weeks can say that Only three yeah, they're being criminals with the big 12. They're robbing the big 12 There's only three conferences in America that have four teams in the top 20 the SEC the big 10 the big 12 And why is the big 12 getting no love compared to the big 10 in the SEC big 12 is underrated? What's your question for the killer B 7 1 3 7 8 0 ESPN 7 1 3 7 8 0 3 7 7 6 your question for the B's It is the B's ESPN 97 5 ESPN 97 5 It's a mailbag Monday with a killer B's you've got mail What is your question for the B 7 1 3 7 8 0 ESPN questions for the B 7 1 3 7 8 0 3 7 7 6 a couple of believes that I didn't see my bad I believe you can you can't spell fraud without the you or Miami. That's a good joke I wonder if that's an original. Is that an original? Did you come up with that on your own? Down it. I believe Quinn is the difference between Texas being a top five team in the locked for best team no question Yeah, kind of underwhelming. Yeah, he he worries me in clutch moments He he kind of shrunk up there at the end obviously through a pick and got strips act I'm not saying put arch in but I'm but I'm worried about Quinn in the big moment. But that run by art was pretty tough, too No, yeah, the further the first touchdown. Yeah, where he they put him in Iran's his own read Yeah, he was he's a physical runner like people think of obviously Peyton and Eli who were obviously not known Scrambers But arches a bit of a tank. He's a big dude. It's like Archie like his old grandpa. Do you think yours goes to the NFL or transfers transfers? Yeah, I'm curious that's gonna be interesting. I mean obviously depends on the projection, but I can't be high No, I don't think it's a pro. I've heard Lance talk about it. I mean, I think you'll get on a team Yeah, I know no, I don't think it'll be a starter right away I think from what I've heard from Lance. He's projecting like a third round pick I was that lock a change between now and April, but yeah, if he's the third round pick I wouldn't come out I go transfer. Yeah, I think he might transfer and get like the bag. Yeah, like go to somewhere where he's going to pay them And Texas is gonna be ready to move on Baylor may not be the may not be in the big 12 championship, but they may be one of the hottest teams right now They are playing really well Baylor is Steve Randa's doing a good job there and now that he's paying the recruits, which is fine to do now That's perfectly acceptable. They put it on t-shirts, right? They did yeah I mean, you know things you should talk about Arizona State guys wearing an NIL collective shirt on the sidelines And then after the game saying hey, don't know you're here. Well, did you see what how they drive their payroll? What's the name? Did it Oklahoma State? Gundy? Yeah, Gundy put a barcode on the back of the helmet. Yeah Well, it helped him in the non-con when they've been an SEC team just saying Eric the drive, right? Yeah, I mean Arkansas beat teams in the SEC though, right? And we talk about cannibalizing Oklahoma State beat Arkansas and didn't win a big 12 game Yeah, no, it's war non-con in the SEC Eric the driver I believe if you don't want your rival planning their flag at your midfield. You should have beat them I can really agree And then Troy alright. No back Monday 7 1 3 7 8 0 ESPN Troy asked you the game cocks get a look for the playoffs I think South Carolina is one of the best 12 teams in the country. I I think they're showing it They've impressed me. I've watched them the last couple weeks That's that's a team worthy of it. I don't think they're going to get in but I think they're worthy Yeah, I agree with that. I agree with that. I don't think they're gonna get in I think they're currently one of the top 12 teams in the country sellers had some injuries That's why they lost the LSU game because he didn't play the entire second half questionable calls in that game, too I think they're one of the top 12 teams in the country But I agree with blankers that they won't get in Ocho will you have a 20 games this season since both their non-con and conference games are tougher than usual Yeah, I think you have a just gonna be just fine. I know they're free They lost Auburn who's the number two team in the country by what five points? They lost an overtime to Alabama who's a top team in the country in overtime and they're up 10 And they lost to OT and against San Diego State. I think you have a should be just fine I think this is season. I think this is when you talk about look They're gonna look at the level of competition on the resume and realize tell us not running from anybody He's playing top tier team. He's getting him seasoned and ready for the big the big run down the stretch I think they're gonna be absolutely fine as well Next question for the bees big art is Christian Harris now known as Christian McCullers. Where is he? I mean if he's not Christian McCullers, I mean, is he not here, you know Someone else that we experienced an injury with this year at the Astros Kyle Tucker. He's one of the other but he's both he could be both. I need a mysterious Was it Jonathan Alexander that told us a few weeks ago after the buy? Yeah, so He said the Miami game Either Tucker or McCullers you hope it's more Tucker than McCullers to this one-year thing Pro assuming the Texans make the playoffs. I well, yes, they're gonna win the division cold schedule is not that difficult Yeah, but I mean because of the tiebreaker the Texans really only need to win one game Which you would think is the Tennessee game, but you've already lost it. I will actually I actually might put it on Miami But if they win one game the Colts have to win out. So I that's I yeah I'm still gonna bake on their little Anthony Richardson magic 70 how many co-workers pastor president could you drive cross-country with? I could I could try talking about three days I could do with any of my co-workers ever No problem, even I think it's easier to pick out the ones you wouldn't want to do it I mean, I would just put on headphones and get in my own world But I think that easy to do but if there were limitations you could probably pick the people you didn't want In my case like yours. I worked with a lot of great people over the years I think you pick the handful of people you're gonna name names. No Yeah, I could I could run a few of them. Yeah, you can cross country. Yeah, you but you certainly can could you right cross country with me? Yeah, I think yeah, I think I could You think you could with yourself. That's what I said. Oh, okay. Thank you. I could definitely do it with you now I'd ask you to pipe down be quiet. Let me do my own thing, but It's fine. I mean that normally happens dream breaks. We're gonna listen to it. Well, I'm doing other things. So am I? Yeah talking to us What will we listen to? Plankers? Will we listen to reruns of our show? No? Never I'm kidding. I'm kidding. We'll throw on some Bravo Watch that cross country. Yeah, I'm just kidding. All right, seven one three seven eight zero ESP and don't ignore in victory What you wouldn't defeat Texans had a dominating win yesterday, but what are we not ignoring in victory? We wouldn't defeat seven one three seven eight zero three seven seven six. It's the BZSPN 97 5 ESPN 95 ESPN 97 5 You're back with a killer bees on ESPN 97 5 and 92 5 live from the Veritex community bank studios Here's Joel Planken Jeremy Branham don't ignore in victory. What you wouldn't end of fate Feels like the lead story from yesterday's game was not the win. It was the Aziz al Shire hit some people were critical of Laura Asking CJ strout after the game about the Aziz al Shire hit Instead of like anything about the game. Oh, I was unprofessional. Why would she why would she asks CJ strout about that? I thought it was an appropriate question the the main thing from the game was the Aziz al Shire hit You have a player availability. You're not talking to anybody else. I have no problem with that question I don't either and I think that the other thing is is if you're like us and you watch the game That was a momentum changer. That was everything when it happened because no matter what momentum the Texans had Suddenly it looked like they for obvious reasons had, you know, everything zapped out of them It looked like there was a chip on the shoulder of the jags. It could change everything and that's what reporters are supposed to do I mean, we talk about soft not soft and whatever and you know We're you if you're working for you know a certain network or something with affiliations to the league You're not supposed to do that. That's a legit question that everybody wants the answer to yeah Yeah, I had no problem with the question whenever all right. What's over? She was a vegetable. Yeah She is seven one three seven eight zero ESPN. What are you not ignoring in victory what you wouldn't end defeat? Seven one three seven eight zero three seven seven six now. What are you leading with your blinkers? I'm trying to see if I should stay look at my notes and say should I stay away from what we've already spoken in depth about No, we just talk about whatever is at the top of your list I mean look I think the one thing when you talk about regardless of what happened or didn't happen I think the fact that the Darby pass interference wasn't called no matter how much you look at that That was pass interference the one to tank yeah for sure and I think that's a game changer now You're talking about maybe a totally different scenario because now you get a touchdown that should lead to a touchdown You would assume but the fact that was another big play not the Texans. Yeah, it's probably probably fair Not to assume maybe settle for three there But at least they should get points out of that and I thought that was taken away from them I thought that was a tough call. Yeah, I thought it was a bad call I thought that was I thought that was very clearly passing interference. I thought he ran right through the back I doubt about it. I do too, but one of my don't ignores was CJ was late and under on that throw like I completely agree that Darby should have been called for a pass interference But if the ball is put further out and doesn't have to be able to argue on my last hour today See I don't think that that matters at all I think the fact that the contact happened before I'm saying he's the flag should have been thrown I'm just saying like I completely a hundred percent agree Darby should have been called for passing interference I'm just saying if the throw had been more on time and further out a better throw overall Then it wouldn't even Darby would never come into the play. I'll give you on time I'll give you on time. Do you know how ball how far that ball traveled in the air? Oh, I didn't measure it now plus it was like his sixth option He was looking all over the field and he was extending the play and all of a sudden realized hey I got a shot here Yeah, it wasn't like he could just load up and step into it. He threw it up his back foot And he threw over I mean But it was a money pocket. I'll give you that it was a money pocket I have a I have a huge issue with you saying that it was under thrown a late Maybe I'm really curious you what it looks like on the all 22 like I wonder how quickly he could have you know Made that decision to go there with the ball. I think it was a late decision to go deep It was 70 yards in the air. Oh no, I can't say under throw the 70 yard throw. I'm not saying that okay I guess I am saying as a criticism, but if it doesn't change the fact if the ball is you know in strong I think our time is better, but you say it was an under throw and the guy throws at 70 yards in flight No, I'm sticking with it if the ball's out in front Darby's not in the play 75 yards Is that an under throw sure if it's a situation? Come on. I think you can't throw the ball 70 yards in the air and it'd be an under throw timing I'll give you not an under throw You say there's no quarterback who could have made that throw. Well, that's a different very very few maybe Anthony Richardson Alan my home Alan can I don't know about my home. Oh, I don't know my homes is not have a top three arm in the NFL Well, I'm talking pure strength pure strength. You put them on the goal line throw it as far as you can My homes isn't finishing top three. What's this like you'll see start a petition. Yeah, quarterback Anthony Richardson throwing it further Yeah, Josh Allen's throwing. Yes, we'll have is just throwing it. I thought we'll love us too He is he's got a stronger now. It's not as accurate He can't play the position all of those things you're talking pure arm strength who throws the ball the furthest my home's not top three And I would his size betrays him on this, but I would actually actually put Kyler in this conversation Well, he gets me strong deep. He's the best athlete. That's why I said you up here, but you're right He is he would be ahead of ahead of my homes Yeah, but he probably topped out at 82 83 Well, you had a gun on them I actually I actually did call a game where he was on the roster a base because he played baseball's freshman You're a tech Oh, and they played you of age, but he didn't actually play in the game He didn't play a little that year, but he didn't play in the game that I was calling Um, Mac Jones went off on them. That's my do not ignore in victory Which you wouldn't in defeat seven one three seven eight zero ESPN and he got kind of screwed, too Which one he had a lot of receivers drop balls early early on when he also went through Brian Thomas He did and he under threw that one receiver. I don't remember his name But the one that there was Daniel Hunter got in his face and he under threw it look like oh, yeah They said it was not a catch. Yeah, they said the ball hit and they did they did it was challenge Yeah, and then they and then Dean Blandino said not only did he think the nose of the football hit But that the ball was moving when he rolled over so therefore there wasn't enough to overturn it It was a good call not to overturn it Jones with a 235 again He missed that guy in the corner the front corner of the end zone - where it's the blatant bad. Oh, hey, bro Parker Washington why don't Well that was actually one of my do do not ignore us because Kamari Laster on that plate like just the softest the softest coverage Yes, I mean he might as well not even standing on the field at that point He was so he was playing so soft on that they told him prevent He thought it meant prevent being in the taste that might have been placing the blame on him I mean no challenge no contest nothing. He was just back pedaling and not in the play Justin Herbert says a texture You think Herbert throws the ball further than my home? I don't know if I would say further. I think you make that throw I think he throws it further than we've named six seven quarterbacks at least my home Just probably closer to ten than he is three Okay, but we still name like Like a rocket. No, all those guys have it rockets. Yeah, yeah, all those guys have rockets I almost want to go team by team see where my home stacks up. I know Jordan Maybe we'll do it later. Yeah, love would be it. Who do you think throws it farther between Stroud and Mahomes? Mahomes my homes. I think it's close How far do you think my homes throws it as far as he possibly can saving on the goal line? Yeah, and he can wind up. He can step into it. Crow hop 70 Stroud just did that in game Shroud that passed a tank Dell that should have been interference was 70 yards in a muddy pocket Was it 70? Yeah, I have to go back. I gotta go look at it. I don't trust me It might have been 68 it might have been 60 it's close to 70 Okay, I'm just trying to remember because I for some I was flipping channels like in the last couple of weeks And I saw a replay of that super stars competition Great show and and far of and I forget I think it was acumen and it was like in the 70 yard range that won it Really they're they're probably a bigger arms now. Probably yeah, probably a bigger arms now pessimistic Chad Can it nor Texas make every quarterback look like a Hall of Famer Mac Jones, Levis Richardson They actually do it with bad quarterbacks. They're good against good quarterbacks. They're bad against bad quarterbacks I think one of the things that really annoyed me yesterday was the fact that it was almost like a false positive that they were getting better Protection for CJ. He hung on to the ball way too long multiple multiple plays and cost them a lot of lost yardage Well, he was also like I mean, I know we you guys have given credit to the offensive line But a lot of the plays and a lot of my notes are about CJ, you know Makes a play to to to extend the play and avoid pressure he scrambles out there was he was still like yeah two sacks But that was obviously of also a lot of CJ magic in the pocket How many plays are okay to do that for though like because that's gonna happen in NFL games But you're gonna have to have a quarterback create a few plays a game So like what is the appropriate amount because I thought it was an appropriate amount like if it's happening 10 times a game That's way too many but if it happens three times a game. I think it's fair I thought it happened more than three times but hanging on to it too long or just making a play Having to cover up for poor blocking now sometimes it might not be poor blocking Sometimes they might just send an extra man and you have to have your quarterback sure in I think he's probably got to do it five or six times a game, right? I'm saying what do you what would be fair for like an average offensive line? Like because he is doing that currently, but they don't have an average offensive line Like how many how many time for the average NFL offensive line in the NFL? Do you need your quarterback to extend and make a play? I would say probably more than probably Seven actually I was gonna say about three to five I don't know if they're just average it's a bit not depends on who you're playing to if they have a Average pass rush average offensive line. What is the what is the average amount five? I think it's somewhere between three and five sounds about right. I think it happened about three to five times yesterday Yeah, I mean, it's it's not unfair But just this is what we obviously spent a lot of time this season talking about the offensive line was and I I do think they've It's been the case since the lions game. I think they've played better I just don't I didn't think it was game ball worthy. Although I I agree with your take that it was more of a Mental thing there from Dimeko to kind of, you know, you know, pat them on the back in a moment where he could but I didn't think they'd necessarily played game ball Where they I agree with you? Yeah, I honestly agree with that. I just think that he hung on to the ball too I think he got so comfortable in a certain like he was he had time to do all of his progressions to where he was hanging on to a Too long on certain in certain situations yesterday, especially there was one play and it was it was I believe us first quarters Definitely first how to field go range. Yes when he took the sack that took them out of field go range I think it's on the second private game and I saw this live. They showed they they highlighted on the replay right after he had Tallton Schultz Wide open in the flat could have easily picked up six seven yards made an easy field goal kick instead He completely ignores them wasn't like Schultz was on the opposite side He's looking the different direction. It was right in his line of sight He completely ignored it hung on to the ball took a sack knocked him out of field I thought that was one point moose Johnson actually made Johnson mates that was accurate and that was sure that he was looking Bigger plays he passed up several dump downs where he could have got there. Yeah. Yeah, I'm I can't I'm looking forward to this film I'm really looking forward to it. I'll break it down for you tomorrow red zone offense You got you got there three times you scored one touchdown Oh that you're not gonna win in the postseason consistently if you're getting into the red zone three times and scoring once and then Jeff Akuta the Texans try to use Kamari Lasseter in in the slot as the nickel corner on third and longs when they went dime and they try to use Akuta's The outside guy. He's not he's unplayable. He's something he's getting beat all he was doing was like trying to get into skirmishes on special teams And that's all I can't go on who's alive Oh, it's Akuta again And he was just trying to get in scraps and things like that but then that I find no use for him on the football field See I like the idea of on third and longs when you go dime to move Lasseter to the to the slot because I think you're a better Coverage team with that mindset. I just don't think you have the personnel to do it No, like if you had another if your third corner was capable. I really like the idea speed, right? The problem is the corners not capable I don't think he is nearly the speed to cover anybody's just I don't know his issue. He's just not a good football player I just don't I lacks the sense. Maybe it's the speed. Maybe it's the quickness. He's not a great coverage guy anything else Yeah, I worry a little bit about juice scrubs athleticism. There was that play where they try to throw the the screen pass to mixin Obviously, he's at the one that they said would have gone a long way. Yeah, like obviously it's sinner I mean, I'm not saying a sinner never pulls but you're less worried about it than obviously guards pulling more often But he was if he makes that block mixin probably houses It at least has a huge game and he just couldn't get out there on the edge and get the block and mixing got tackled for a loss All right, yeah He would he actually grated out really well. I know I was surprised to see Look like he half-assed it. It looked like he bay gave little to no put up little to no fight at all on one of the sacks And I was like and then I saw the PFF numbers. I was like, yeah He was the highest-grade employer. Yeah, he was yeah I like I like little air me done So he did get knocked off his feet whenever Joe mixin scored that touchdown though and no one helped learn me tonsile up What's up with that? What I see why Laramie's not helping up anybody else up now But you're so he's not he he doesn't help anybody else up because he's not getting helped up come on. All right Is this team closer to the Jags or are they closer to the top teams in the AFC 7 1 3 7 8 0 ESPN? It's the bees ESPN 97 5 ESPN 92 5 Your child's first step is a big step towards their future with first step by college invest Every Colorado child born or adopted on or after January 1st 2020 will receive a free $15 contribution to their college invest college savings account plus will match a percentage of your contributions in the coming years helping you save even more in role today and start your child off on the right foot Is it Colorado first step dot org to get started and claim your $115 now? If you're a maintenance supervisor for a commercial property You've had to deal with everything from leaky faucets to flickering light bulbs But nothing's worse than that ancient boiler that's lived in the building since the day it was built 50 years ago It's enough to make anyone lose their cool. 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