@truthhertzradio on Odysee
Napoleon the Jew
Oh, okay, everybody, welcome to part one of this discussion. Napoleon the Jew was Napoleon Jewish. Well, let's first open up with some quotes that point us in that direction. Interesting authoritative quotes. Pretty boy, Benjamin Disraeli, the 19th century Jewish Prime Minister of England, hardcore Zionist Prime Minister of England. He was a Zionist before the term Zionist was coined. Of course, there were Zionists going back thousands of years ago, long before the term was actually coined. Anyway, he certainly implied that Napoleon was, in fact, Jewish in his, and he would have known, wouldn't he? In his fiction book, Tankred, published in 1847, he stated through his narrator, Sidonia, that crypto Jews were everywhere in positions of power as generals, academics, and statesmen. He said that not only was Napoleon the Jew, but that Mozart, Beethoven, and Hayden, Austrian composer, were Jewish as well. I'll talk about Mozart and Beethoven sometime. Anyway, as a Jew, Disraeli would certainly have known who was Jewish and who wasn't, right? In another of his books, Lord George Benting, Disraeli further stated, "The first Jesuits were Jews. That mysterious Russian diplomacy, which so alarms Western Europe, is organized and principally carried on by Jews. Men of Jewish race are found at the head of every one of these communist and socialist groups." He was proud of that, of course. He was boasting. He wasn't exposing this as a truther. Disraeli's admissions were so damning, in fact, that they had to be countered first by George Eliot and later by Hannah Aaron. Eliot's response is especially curious, saying that Disraeli's race politics boiled down to "such windy eloquence as you chubby lace, squabby-nosed Europeans. O your commerce, your arts, your religion to the Hebrews, but my gentile nature kicks most resolutely against any assumption of superiority in the Jews and is almost ready to echo Voltaire's vituperation. I bow to the supremacy of Hebrew poetry, but much of their early mythology and almost all of their history is utterly revolting." Wow, this is no rebuke against his claims. First of all, his argument that Jews to say that Jews hold high positions is implying that they're superior. No, it isn't. That's no argument. Then say they're superior. It just says they're sleazy or they weasily away in as they have always done. So you can toss that argument out. I think he's just playing the part of a gentile who's opposed to Jewish supremacy, but using shit-ass arguments and notice how he's paying lip service here to Hebrew poetry, he's borrowing to it. He's talking about the Bibles, specifically the Psalms. Well, fuck Jewish poetry too. The Psalms are full of shit. What a goddamn, guys, look, it's no different today, right? You got the same shit today. This is like the left and the right going at it when they're both looking Jew-ass. And so that's what was going on here. He's trying to act like someone who's opposing this Jew when in fact he's playing the same game. He's getting you to lick Jew-ass, continue to follow the Bible, pay homage to Jewish poetry. Goddamn. And then he's saying, they're not superior based on the argument that these claims that they're holding high positions of power, that's implying that they're better than us. No, no, we're above that. He's trying to fool people into thinking that people who are genuinely opposed to Jewish power know that Jews don't actually hold high power in government. Oh, the fuck they don't. They always have, guys, these little sleazy bastards. And that's the problem. And so when people come along and try to draw your attention away from that and pretend they're opposed to Jewish supremacism, they're full of shit. So both these quotes were written by lying frickin Jew apologetic bastards, one an open Jew, the other one a crypto or at least a goyam Jew-ass liquor. And by the way, Eliot has been praised by pro-Zionist movers and shakers over the years as a champion who spoke out in favor of the Jewish cause. So there you go. The guy was a frickin fraud. Anyway, in fact, Eliot has a street named after that I say him who it's her. Eliot has a street named after her in Israel right in Jerusalem, in fact. But Eliot's response does serve to tell us how to read Israeli, though. Israeli was not opposed to the Jews in making that statement. You know, he was bragging about it, tongue in cheek fashion. Israeli is also the source for the revelation that one of Napoleon's generals, Messina, was a crypto Jew as well, having changed his name from Manasseh. By Joel's Michellet, the famous 19th century French author, also came right out and stated that Napoleon was, in fact, Jewish. And when the French historian and Napoleon biographer Patrice Guinefei was asked not too long ago, point blank, if Napoleon was Jewish, he didn't deny it. Instead, he said that it's possible. It's possible. Just like how recently guys articles have come out in some Jewish newspapers, Israeli newspapers. Recent scholarship shows that Columbus was Jewish. No shit. Come on now. They're acting like it's some new revelation. They play these games. They deny, deny, deny. And then later when they think it's safe and, you know, people are afraid to say anything against Jews now, you know, they've got their anti-Semitism laws in place. Now they can come out and admit, yeah, yeah, all these people we've put up on pedestals who really weren't heroes at all, but have been made big major figures in history have been Jews. Even the website Jew or not Jew run by Jews, of course, admits that Napoleon called France the homeland of the Jews and that he said, quote, it is my wish that the Jews be treated like brothers as if we were all part of Judaism. Remember that quote? I read that I think in the last video, the one before. He didn't say Jews have become part of France now when we're all one. No, he said, we have become part of Judaism. How do you like that? Only a Jew would say something like that. So need anymore be said on the matter. But as always, to really clinch the case, all you got to do is look at Mr. Napoleon's modus operandi. And that will tell you what tribal affiliation he had. It's admitted that Napoleon overturned old laws restricting Jews to ghettos, as I pointed out before, making them full citizens and granting them all rights of property, worship and work, just like what was done here with the American Revolution, right? Freedom, justice and liberty for all. They didn't necessarily mention Jews in that rhetoric, but they didn't have to. By saying freedom, justice, liberty at all, it was about them. They created this goddamn frickin government guys as I pointed out. The plan to do that was laid out again in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis. Anyway, Napoleon, of course, also convened a council of Jews in 1806 and called it the Great Sanhedrin establishing or reestablishing the frickin Sanhedrin. Because of things like this, Napoleon was praised by Jews all over France, all over Europe. In fact, yeah, they wrote prayers for him in Hebrew and named him Helek Tov. They even named their kids Napoleon or variations of the name Napoleon. In 1799, Napoleon entered Palestine with an army of 12,000 men either to watch over it or liberate it from the Ottomans, depending on who you ask, but he was doing it on behalf of his little tribal buddies, of course, fellow tribal buddies. Back in Paris, it was reported by many journals that he was not only calling for a Jewish homeland, but was taking measures to create it. Some historians now say that these reports were fictional. Yeah, right. But that doesn't change the fact that the journals did, in fact, report this at the time. Could it be that today's Jew-controlled historians simply want Napoleon's Jewishness hidden? Yeah, absolutely. The fact that Napoleon didn't follow up on creating a Jewish state is often cited as the reason for the claim that this whole story isn't true. But that doesn't prove that he never made such a proposal or endeavored to do it, but wasn't able to for whatever reason and backed away. Anyway, what most people don't realize is that Napoleon wasn't even French. He was born on Corsica, and both of his parents had Italian names, Carlo Maria di Bonaparte, and Maria Letizia Ramolino, probably Italian Jews, like the Medicis. Anyway, Napoleon's grandparents were from Genoa. They've rewritten the history books to make you think that Corsica was French in 1769, the year of Napoleon's birth, but it wasn't. Genoa sold Corsica to France in 1768, but since Corsica had been independent of Genoa since 1755, that sale was illegal and unrecognized by Corsica. France battled Corsica throughout 1768 to 69, but didn't the next Corsica until 1770. Therefore, technically, Napoleon was not born in French Corsica, and neither of his parents were French anyway. Interestingly, there was an established Jewish community on Corsica at the time, quite a large one. Of course, the same could be said of Genoa. Jews had been living there since back in the year 500. However, the Jews had been expelled from Genoa many times, the last being in 1737. At the time of Napoleon's birth, the Jewish community in Genoa numbered under 100 because of the expulsion. Notice, though, guys, even when they were expelled, they never fully exit, right? They find some way to weasel around the expulsion, usually by claiming to convert to Catholicism or whatever, you know, or just changing their names. But anyways, where had the Jews gone when they were mostly expelled in 1737? Many of them went nearby to Corsica. So to see Napoleon's family moving from Genoa to Corsica in the mid-1700s is an indication by itself that they were, in fact, Jewish, Italian Jews. Another indication is Napoleon's maternal grandmother, whose maiden name is given as Pietra Santa. This is a clue because many Jews also lived in nearby Pietra Santa. And it looks like that's where the name came from. And at the time they were used as laborers in the marble quarries and as stone-covers, ha-ha, masons. Napoleon's early career was led by Cardinal Joseph Fesch, his maternal uncle. Well, if Napoleon was Jewish, so was Fesch, since Fesch's mother was also a Pietra Santa. Napoleon's grandmother was Fesch's mother. Another prominent Jewish Catholic converso, or Marano, really. Like I said, guys, there's no such thing. Probably never was such a thing as even one converso, which was supposed to be a gender win convert. They were all Marano's all fake. Some would just better at it than others at faking it. But anyway, so there's just no doubt whatsoever about Mr. Napoleon's Jewishness. Empress Josephine's maiden name, as it turns out, was Tasha, which was a common Jewish surname at the time. So even Waifipu, naturally, was Jewish. It would only make sense. He would marry a Jew if he was a Jew. Her family was from Martinique, where they had owned sugar cane plantations, a common Jewish profession at the time. Tasha is actually a Hebrew verb, meaning to try hard or to complete a task. Oh yeah, they had a task to complete, all right. And they tried ever so hard, always have, to ensure that it got completed. Still are. We're told that Napoleon was unable to launch an effective attack on England, allegedly because he was ill-equipped to do so. But this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Napoleon was incredibly ambitious and resourceful. He went all the way to Russia through the snows, and he sailed all the way to Egypt. So England certainly wouldn't have been a challenge to him. Getting across the channel would have been quite the easy task. As always, history feeds us a whole lot of bullshit, just like how miraculous it was that Washington was able to march his troops right through British encampments in the middle of the night and didn't awaken any of them, why it's divine providence. It's Masonic Providence is what it is. Stand down orders. You got to tell me too that everyone in the British camp would have been asleep simultaneously. Really, they wouldn't have guards posted. Get the fuck out of here, man. The history books guys are so full of shit, completely full of shit in so many ways. Anyway, Wikipedia tells us regarding Napoleon's planned invasion of England. When Napoleon ordered a large-scale test of the invasion craft, despite choppy weather and against the advice of his naval commanders, such as Charles René Megon D. Madeen, commander of the flotilla's right wing, they were shown up as ill-designed for their task, and the Napoleon led rescue efforts in person. Many men were lost. If we're to believe this account by tenured historians, then the French in the year 1800 didn't know how to build boats capable of crossing the English Channel. That's really essentially what this is saying. It's complete bullshit. To show how contradictory Wikipedia is, notice what this site says about Napoleon's Egypt campaign, which occurred two years earlier in 1798. After two months of planning, Bonaparte decided that France's naval power was not yet strong enough to confront the Royal Navy. He decided on a military expedition to seize Egypt and thereby undermine Britain's access to its trade interests in India. We already talked about why he really went to Egypt, right? Come on now. That wasn't even a military strategy. That was a Jewish strategy. Anyway, so apparently France did have a navy though, even in 1798, and they did know how to build seaworthy boats, so the previous quote again is full of shit. Since the English campaign was two whole years later, and Napoleon was supposed to be hell-bent on imperialism all that time, you would think that he would have spent that whole time building up his navy so as to be a much greater threat to England, right? But yet Wikipedia makes it look like he did no such thing and basically set his sales for failure. A bunch of garbage. Indeed, you know, maybe he did it deliberately because those were the orders given to him. He wasn't supposed to be successful against England. The whole thing was Zio controlled, right? They didn't want England taken down, but he had to make an effort to look like he tried, you know. Don't forget how Israeli boastfully told us that the European nations were run by Jews or crypto Jews. So yeah, they were calling the shots on all sides. We can see that with the American Revolution, right? Benny Boye, Franklin Steen, was all during the revolution, was going back and forth between the colonies and France and England, hobnobbing with top-notch fellow masons in all three governments and in between attending Hellfire Club parties with orgies and human sacrifices and whatnot. Unbelievable. But you can really see how fake all of this was, right? And how rigged, how jurig the whole thing was. Anyway, so, you know, all of Europe's wars for centuries on end were nothing but theater designed not only to make fat wads of cash, but to reshape the political landscape and wrote to Jewish world domination, you know, the 30 years war. Talked about that. Totally Jew orchestrated. That was the 17th century's version of, you know, World War One, World War Two, the piece of West Folia came out of that. It was an alliance that was an early attempt at a United Europe. They were trying way back then. Hell, they even tried a couple centuries before that. I've talked about that before. They tried it again in the 19th century with the concert of Europe. Every time though, it didn't quite work out the way they planned. It finally paid off though in the 20th century, didn't it? And now here we have the EU, for centuries they were trying to do that guys. Anyway, so Napoleon was never really intent on conquering England. That was never the plan. Again, it was already under the control of the Rothschilds, so that wasn't on the agenda or the least, you know, they created the illusion that it was, but in reality that was never to happen. Anyway, anyway, I mentioned how in addition to giving Jews special rights, Napoleon had declared Judaism an officially recognized religion. He went out of his way bent over backwards for that. He was the Donald Trump of late 18th, early 19th century France. I mentioned how he proposed a homeland for them. During Napoleon's siege of a Cree in 1799, Gazet Nationale, the main French newspaper during the French Revolution, published on May 22nd, 1799, a short statement declaring quote, Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all of the Jews of Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number and their battalions threaten Aleppo. He's armed them. This is what was done by the Brits a century. Well, a century and a half or so later, a century and a quarter or later, you know, through the British mandate, the same thing guys, right, that instead of the French, do we are now the Brits were doing it securing Julian so they could go over and overall the Arab population using British taxpayer money, British military might to set the stage for them to take control of the land that God gave them. Anyway, but all you got to do once again is just look at what this pastor did. Look at what he said. That will tell you how Jewish he was. And of course, being the third factioner that he was, he did exactly what his Jewish overlords wanted his fellow Jewish overlords. He waged war against the two factions, right, that the third faction wanted out of the picture, the royal bloodline and the priestly bloodline. He invaded countries that they didn't have complete control over yet. You know, western Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, to take out any remaining vestige of the royal powers there, you know, the royal bloodline. So the third faction could take control and of, you know, that didn't quite do it. It took staging several wars across the European scene during the ensuing 19th century and that did it with each war came Jewish emancipation and a central bank so that they could, you know, gain control that way. And of course he waged war against the the priestly bloodline as well. No king in all of European history from the early centuries on, since the, you know, establishment of the Vatican, the papal throne, no king ever dared stand up to a pope, not physically anyway. Some had resisted them ideologically and paid a heavy price for it, but nobody dared physically lay a hand on a pope. And yet here was Napoleon doing just that, he sent one of his generals, what was his name, Bartholomew, sent him in to take captive Pope Pius the the the sixth, and he actually later died in captivity. So, you know, this was something that had never been done before. That was quite a blow to El Vatikana. It showed that to the masses that, you know, all the pope isn't as powerful as we thought, you know, God's divine protective arm didn't stop this from happening, you know, that that caused quite a stir stir. Anyway, so he was doing exactly what the third faction wanted. And of course he was a third faction member, wasn't he? High level Freemason, as I mentioned in the last video. Anyway, I was thinking this was going to be in several parts, but actually winds up being not only one part, but a short part, because I was looking through the notes even realizing a lot of this stuff I'm just I'm not going to get into. It's a bunch of extra detail that really isn't necessary. I just wanted to get the point across of his obvious Jewish background, not only Jewish connections, as far as, you know, serving Jewish interests for his Jewish masters, but being obviously Jewish himself. Anyways, so yeah, that pretty much concludes this French Revolution thing and the aftermath thereof. In the next video, guys, I'm going to start getting into, you know, the Native American theme. Going to talk about that quite a bit. Something that, you know, a lot of people have brushed over, haven't paid much attention to, and yet it's a very important part of Jewish supremacist history, very important part of bringing about their Jew world order. The Native American population needed to be crushed out so that they could engage in their expansionism, just like the Palestinians need to be crushed out for their expansionism, taking over the whole Middle East and route to global domination, so that they can follow their playbook, their age-old playbook, the Bible, or the Old Testament anyway. Well, the New Testament's all for it, too, if you read it correctly, even though it pretends to be against the New World Order, that's to suck of the goyum, so they'll join ranks, you know, with their little holy book and be manipulated without even realizing it into supporting something they think they were posed to. That's always been the Jew game, hasn't it? And look how it works with the bulk of Christianity, guys, they're cheering on the Jew world order. Frickin' Unreal. Anyways, so yeah, that's what we'll be getting into in the next, that's going to be a pretty lengthy series, and then from there, we'll be working our way over to the German revolutions, and then, of course, the Civil War, all Jew orchestrated by the same sleazy cast of characters that orchestrated the German communist revolutions, guys, the same forces, at least as far as the North went, they were orchestrating the Civil War. Jews orchestrated the Southern rebellion, too, even though the participants, the ones who fought in the war in the South, had legitimate reasons. That part of the war, that angle was also being manipulated by Southern Jews as well, who had other interests other than what the soldiers had that were fighting the war. Son of a bitch, man, they've rigged everything in our world, guys, this has got to fucking stop. They've rigged everything so that in the end, their agenda gets implemented, and never the people that participate in their phony wars, who sometimes, in fact, very often, enter the fray for the right reason, but it's never what they want. They think they're fighting for something they want that's going to make their life better. In the end, the thing is so completely rigged by these bastards that those who fight never get what they're after. Look at, in the wake of the American Revolution, right, when I talked about the Shays rebellion and the Whiskey rebellion, those were people that fought in the Revolutionary War, and now they're seeing they're getting the shaft, they're getting screwed, right? They're getting taxed into oblivion, they're losing their farms, they're losing their distilleries, and when they stand up, they find that this government that they thought they were fighting for, that was going to be in their interests, sends the military into crush out their rebellion. So were they fighting for something that they thought was in their interests? No, they were deceived into thinking it was for their interests. It's all about what the Jews wanted, what they were setting up, suckering the fighters who had to find out the hard way later on that all that fighting was window dressing. It meant nothing or all the claims to why they were fighting was window dressing. All right guys, so again, thanks for joining me. We'll catch you in the next video. Take care.