The Howie Carr Radio Network

Voter Rolls and Rich Kid Riots | 4.23.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Is he a Gloomy Gus or just a Candid Carr? In the hour prior to this one, Howie breaks the unfortunate news that the November election may not be as secure as he thought. It's important that Republicans make sure the margin is "too big to rig," he says.

Broadcast on:
23 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Howie, can you please save me pastan one time. Why did you kill that lady? Yes, well when I see five weirdos dressed in poker stabbing a guy in the middle of the park and full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's my parlor. That was a Shakespeare in the park production of Julius Caesar you moron. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Very fine people on both sides. When I heard that, I knew I could no longer sit in the sidelines because the President of the United States had just drawn a moral equivalency if he knows who stood for hate and those who stood against him. I condemn the innocent of the protest, that's why I set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians. Nobody could in any way support what Hamas did, yet these kids are yelling, I am Hamas. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. I don't think the Democrats think they have it in the bag or they wouldn't be putting out people like the Nang Dick Blumenthal today. They don't like Blumenthal to demand that Sonia Sotomayor resign, retire from the Supreme Court so they can be sure to have a new, younger, more healthy appointee by Biden before the end of the term. Still, I just think that they've got so much more skill at stealing or manipulating or shenanigans, whatever word you want to use, they seem to be light years ahead of the Republicans. The thing about this guy from North Carolina lately, and I think he's an improvement over Ron and McDaniel, but when Trump had reduced him as the successor last month after Super Tuesday, he said he brought in all these lawyers into the North Carolina system. Lawyers are good in certain situations, but I don't think this is one of those situations. When the lawyers get involved here, look at Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and all the rest of them after 2020. I mean, they were too little too late. It was the same thing in 2016. I knew one of the guys that was working at the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue, and people were calling them all day long, and this guy was a total Trump guy, and he did what he could and he did a great job. But I think the biggest thing he did was he went down and he took a walk at noon down to St. Patrick's Cathedral and said a few prayers. I mean, that was the biggest thing a lawyer could do at that point. You know, they were they caught the Democrats flat footed. That was the whole thing. That's why they that's why they won. And they can't count on that ever happening again. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two two two two two three says step one, burn that conversation on CD, then make three copies, then listen to make sure they work, then hand them to Trump directly. He's not going to listen to a tape like that. You got to get someone who's got his ear, and I mean totally got his ear, not someone who's just seasoned with Mar-a-Lago or, or you know, has him on his for an interview. I mean, somebody and Mar-a-Lago and Mar-a-Lago, by the way, is, you know, this closing for the season on Mother's Day. It's not, it's not going to be around for much longer for the season. It's it's it's a seasonal place. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let's take a couple of calls and we've still got the Biden cuts and we got a lot more cuts to get to here today. Steve, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, the worst way to win an election is to spread cynicism and defeatism among Trump supporters. Now, I know what Jay Valentine says sounds very persuasive. I'm not sure he's perfectly accurate, but even if he is accurate, we have got to get out the vote no matter what. And yes, we do. The more cynicism you spread. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not trying to spread Steve. I'm not trying to spread cynicism. That's one thing. I, I try to be realistic, but I don't try to spread doom and gloom. Steve, I don't, but I don't want people coming to me in November in mid November and saying, why didn't you tell us that they were planning to do the same thing that they did in 2020? I want, I want to give people a heads up here. What's going on? What may be going on? What seems to be going on? Well, I know that when Trump went down to Georgia for the midterm elections, rather than boost the possibility of electing two Republican senators in Georgia, he just complained about how the previous election was stolen. And then we lost two Senate seats. So we might have won. Yes. I, what's your point? I'm saying, get out the vote. Don't keep harping on how the Democrats are cheating. Well, I'd like to stop the, I'd like to stop the Democrats from cheating or at least like to get some different states involved in, you know, stopping it from going. I mean, like New Hampshire, for instance, where we have a presence in New Hampshire. I mean, we, you know, we have to keep the governorship in New Hampshire. I mean, just, just for the fact that people need a place to flee to for Massachusetts and not everybody can move to Florida or Tennessee or Texas or North Carolina. So, you know, I want to, I want people to understand that what we're up against. That's all. I'm not, I'm not trying to be a gloomy Gus here, Steve. I, the last, the last thing, as a talk show listener, I don't listen to people who depress me. And I'm not going to, and I'm not trying to depress anybody else. Believe me. Thanks for the call, Steve. 844, 542, 4271, very depressed. I'm sorry it was depressing. I, I, again, I, I want to try to get everybody's attention here and tell you what's, what's going on. And, and again, I just, I, I just, I'm not a technical expert on elections. But I, I do know that if something hasn't worked in the past, you don't keep going with it. You, you try to change it. You try to change it around in whatever endeavor you're in, right? 844, 542, 42, Michael, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Michael. How are we? Aren't you able to talk to Trump personally? Excuse me? Aren't you able at some time to talk to Trump personally? No, I mean, I can't like sit down and schedule anything. I see, I see him at Mar-a-Lago and I say, hi, how you doing? And you're doing a great job and that, that judge sucks. And I, I mean, I have, I have, I have casual conversations with him, Michael. Yeah, we got it better than that. This is very frustrating, how we're very angry. The Democrats are Marxist, they're scum, and they're growth fighters, Republicans are golfers, you know what I mean? And they're idiots. Can you get to Donald Trump Jr? Can you get to DJT Trump Jr? This kid's a fighter and he's smart. Can you ever get to him? Yeah, well, I mean, he, he will, I think, yeah, I, I have a better chance of getting to him, but I, you know, again, he, he will defer to his, to his sister-in-law, Lara. And you know, Lara, Lara, I, you know, I think Lara's doing the best she can, but I'm not sure Lara understands what she's up against here, Michael. We have to 2020. How can you, how can you understand? How can you understand? I know, if you and I understand, they should, they should understand as well. And, you know, this, this is a very, this is a very serious situation we're in now. I mean, if it, if I thought it was, if it was on the level, the election was on the level, I would say Trump's gonna, Trump has got it in the bag, wouldn't you? That's exactly, yes, yes. But it's not on the level. No, it's not. So, I don't know, I don't know. We'll, we'll try to, we'll try to get him, get him some more information and, you know, try to make sure that this, this gets through to him. But I mean, it sounds like Jay is talking to, talking to some of the people in the, at the top of the campaign. If, if, if I were, you know, one of the guys, and these guys that are, that are raising the big box form, this is basically what their, their full time job is. And, you know, again, they're multi millionaires or billionaires. So they, it's not like they're gonna go hungry if they keep working, but you want to be working for a, for something that's going to succeed, an effort that will prevail in the end. And there's no, there's no point in, you know, raising money if it's just gonna, if it's just gonna be pissed away on 30 second spots on, on, you know, prime time TV in November. You know, that's, that's not the way you win an election anymore. I'm not sure that's the way you ever won an election, but it certainly isn't been for the last 20, 30 years. 844, 542, 42. George, you're next with how we car go ahead, George. I think you summed it up best after the November election, and that being voter crime, voter fraud is, is, is an easy crime. There's no consequences for any of this. And, you know, honestly, I, you know, like most of the guys are listening to show, I listen to a lot of shows and do some of that up the best. And, you know, Google's, Google, Google search e-word, you know, what are the consequences for voter fraud? Nothing. Yeah. So, I mean, you know, until we address that issue, and I don't know how you exploited, I'm not a. Yeah. No, I, you know, you're fading, you're fading out, George, but that's the, that's the thing. I mean, it has this, this issue has to, has to be addressed. And, you know, you've got to, you've got to shame them. And, you know, you got to go into court. And as he says, as Jay has said in the past, you can't go in and try to strike people off the rolls. They're going to claim racism all the law fair people, the lawyers with goatees on the other side are going to come in. But if you can show that they're registering dozens, scores, hundreds, thousands of people out of these addresses where nothing exists, then you might have a chance to strike, strike some of these, some of these fake voters off the rolls. That's, that's the only chance we got, though. 844-542-442-844-542-442. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. Howie Carr is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, Attorneys at Law, to see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed that restore hyper wellness. Go to That's not going to be a thing of hard, as I've been saying all afternoon. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the best way for cops to rout Nazi hippie riots on college campuses? Tier gas, firehoses, police canines, or mounted units. I'm still voting with the mounted units. I've seen it with my own eyes. 22% say tear gas, 23% say mounted units, 18% say please canines, and 37% say fire hoses. All right. 844 500, 42, 42, 844 500, 42, 42, and that's how they got Hamas out of the tunnels and Gaza, right? They flooded them. But they haven't gotten them out, have they? They haven't really those the flooding hasn't worked, has it? I'm just speaking on principle. I'm just saying use the same tactic. 844 500, 42, 42. Okay, I want to play a couple of these Biden cuts. We got full lines here. People want to talk about the voting. So but but I want to play a couple of these Biden cuts. Here's a this is a this is a classic. This one cut sex in Tampa. In a sense, I don't know why he said we're surprised by Trump. How many times he had to prove we can't be trusted? How many times do we have to prove we can't be trusted? I'm I'm convinced. How many times does he have to prove we can't be trusted? Let me hear that one again. In a sense, I don't know why he said we're surprised by Trump. How many times he had to prove we can't be trusted? How many? Yeah, you're right. How many times he have to? That's ungrammatical. How many times he have to prove we can't be trusted? I think he's proven it. And he'll continue to do so. With help from you guys with help from you guys cut eight. When you do that, we'll teach Donald Trump and extreme migrant Republicans a valuable lesson. Don't mess with the movement of America. Don't mess with the Memon of America. Whatever else you do, don't screw around with Memon or Mammon. That's money. Cut three. Florida is one of the twenty friend one states in America. Florida is one of the twenty one states in America. Is that what he said? Twenty-five is one states. Florida is one of the twenty friend one states in America. Okay, cut five. Not only that, I believe voters are going to hold Trump accountable and his migrants extreme as friends. Maybe. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Jen, you're next with how we car go ahead, Jen. Hi, Howie. Hi. This is my first time calling. Thank you. Thanks. Go ahead. Okay, I just I just heard your your gentleman Jay Valentine for omega for Yes. And I you know, I've been waiting for something like this. Like this is something that we really need to move on. Um, as a, you know, and I I just want to implore you. He sounded exasperated. I want to implore you to like, you know, give him get the word out about this. I'm going to look into it myself, but we've all been waiting for it. How do we fix the elections? We all know what's going on. We see it. You know, that's my that's all. That's what I'm saying. I know. It's like it's like seeing a, you know, a car out of curdling towards you and you can't do anything about it, you know, or you are you just wonder you're you're you're frozen. You're transfixed as you try to figure out whether to try to jump on the hood or dive in the bush or or what you can do. And we're all we're all perplexed because we don't want it to happen again because it's just it's too it's too important. Thanks for the call, Jen. I appreciate it. Rob, you're next with how we car go ahead, Rob. Hi, how are we? Hi, I've listened to you since the day you first one on Jerry Williams with Bob Anderson. I've enjoyed you. I've read all your books. I met you in Quincy at the stop and shop one time. Yes. We had a short conversation and I'm happy to say that twice I got the you said to me you're a good caller call back and I felt honored actually to tell you the truth because I used to I used to call back in the day and talk to Gene Burns and Avi Nelson. Well, what's what's our Rob? We got to be we had a lot of callers here. What's your little I want to tell my telling point do we my question is do we have a country or not because if we have a country my question is where are the powers the people that are in power that the judges and the people that should be monitoring this thing this isn't that disgrace a disgrace when I think I mean I'm like a amateur historian and I read you know I'm almost an expert on the American Revolution. My friends tell me oh Rob you're an expert on almost everything you should go in jeopardy and I said I can't get by the telephone thing because I flub up the telephone thing if I can just give me a minute please. Thanks for the call Rob. 844 542 42 844 542 42 you know the thing is someone says you were absolutely right about needing to hold New Hampshire. It's I mean it's it's true the it's Massachusetts is headed toward raising the income and sales taxes after the election the people need an escape that allows them to stay hold close to family and job and industry remote jobs have mostly disappeared and you can't really move to Florida or Tennessee or SC if you're under 60 or even 50. It's yeah I mean New Hampshire is crucial crucial. Now they're saying another they're they're saying they're running out of money for the illegal aliens again in Massachusetts. Stop me if you've heard this one before them. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844 542 42 listen to this listen to this from Brandon Cut Toe. You know if I have my way in the next four years I'm going to make community college free. I don't grow the economy. It won't cost the taxpayer. It won't cost the taxpayers. He's going to grow the economy by community college. Yeah, you'll learn a lot of community college don't you? Oh cut seven. Elector Democratic Congress Kamala and I will make Roe Wade the law the land again. Did he say Roe Wade again? Elector Democratic Congress Kamala and I will make Roe Wade the law the land again. Roe Wade Roe Wade or as Al Sharpton says resist we much. Roe Wade cut nine. Organize your community. Register voters get them out to vote. Old-fashioned way. Pick them up on a next day call. Do you need a ride to the polls? Let's yeah I'd like to go back to those days but I don't think that's what he's really counting on. Well we wait. Roe Wade Roe Wade. 844-542-42. You know the governor of Massachusetts Marahili lives in Arlington, Massachusetts. Next door in Wuburn the schools and the town is being overwhelmed with the hordes of illegal alien third world criminals but not in Arlington not in Arlington. Arlington remains a pristine middle-class community but they have a special town meeting coming up on May 8th and I have the warrant in my hand for the town meeting. Article 5 again they won't take in any illegal aliens but Article 5 is addressing the major problem facing the the people's republic of Monotomy to use the Indian name. To see if the resolution for a ceasefire proclamation. To see if the town will vote to adopt a proclamation in favor of an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine and Israel. I thought they had one on October the sixth. Who broke the ceasefire of October the sixth? The release of all hostages the immediate provision of life-saving aid. Why did the Israelis have to provide the life-saving aid? They provide the electricity they provided the water clean water they provided most of the food. Why didn't the residents of Gaza provide themselves with everything they needed to survive? And a diplomatic resolution for Palestinians and Israelis based upon values of dignity, equity, and justice or take any action related there. They won't take any illegal aliens into the town but they but they're going to have peace in the Middle East. Inserted at the request of Chadi Salomon and 100 registered voters. You know what they are doing? They're narrowing Massachusetts Avenue. It's not enough to put bike lanes in. Now they want to narrow the street. You know they put in these berms or whatever you call them on on on Mass Ave so that the cars get all crushed in and people hate this as you might expect. Of course they hate it. It makes it even more difficult to drive after the putting in the bike lanes. But so they went and I think they had a they had a voted another town meeting or a referendum something like that and they said stop it. Stop the nonsense and the town council the town selectment whatever they call themselves nowadays. Said we know better than you. Screw it. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, 978, Southern 603 here. How we I live in New Hampshire 20 years. Taxes are soaring through the roof. Our southern our southern border has been wide open and we have been overrun with many bleepity bleeps from Massachusetts and and we're now on life support too. 339 isn't Rachel Rollins at the Roxbury Community College Graft? Yes. Yes she is. $80,000. We the Herald called up you know we got this credit card and she ran up $19,000 and apparently inappropriate bills meals which she wasn't allowed to run up on this what's called a pea card. The can't reach her for comment and Roxbury Community College was called and they said we're not answering any inquiries about Rachel Rollins. We're just paying her $80,000 a year for a part-time job. So you know what's a part-time job at a community college? What's a I'd say a full-time job is probably what most of us would call a part-time job a barely part-time job. So what is a part-time job? It's it's welfare is what it is. 844, 542, 508, P Town has plenty of temporary housing available. How many new arrivals is the Healy administration settling there? I'm sure they'll settle right in with all the locals embracing diversity. I'm sure they would. They could settle in Arlington. They can settle in Prophetstown. They could settle in Northampton. They can settle in the South End if you know what I mean. All these different places that sell Jamaica Plain celebrates diversity. 844, 542, 42, Robert, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Robert. Hello? Yeah, you there. Go ahead. Hey, how are you? Good. I'm calling from Somerville your favorite city in Mass and some of those long gone long gone. You know, some of the things that you see you've pointed out like lanes in Arlington not taking them and all these things it just goes on and on and on and so it's who who decides to make these decisions that we spent $71 a day feeding people that aren't even supposed to be in this country and you know that the only way that's going to change is with the election. My uncle had pointed something out to me a few weeks back that you had actually commented on ways that we could go to local Town Hall and question where they're sending these ballots to full like hotels and say Wohlberg when they're, you know, trying to stuff the ballots with illegals and these aren't permanent residents. So you can question where they're being sent. I believe it was something along those lines. I mean, there's tons of people out there willing to just hit the pavement. I'm so fed up of, you know, just sitting back and doing nothing. All I'm looking for is some direction and I'm. Yeah, I wish I could I wish I could give you some direction, Robert. I mean, it's this this is going to be a and I don't even think it's so much knocking on doors or anything like that. I think it's just it's just getting to these NGOs or these law fair groups and and, you know, go to go to their us. I go to with Jay substactored to read up on this stuff. What's going on? And they're and they're flush with cash from from all these foreign entities these and this is the this is the deep state. These are the same. And you know, I think, you know, you look at this and you say Trump's handling these trials well and all this, but it's got to be taken a lot out of him to deal with this this idiotic judge and these crazy people. And you know, thinking that at least eight to 10 people on the jury are insane and they want to put them in jail for for a crime that that was at best a misdemeanor and probably wasn't a crime to begin with. And now they've morphed it into a federal felony and it's being tried in a state court. It's just insane. And it's got to be, you know, it would it would be taking up all of the energy of Superman and he's he's in his 70s. He he can't handle everything. And I just wish he had some help on this this election fraud issue because I think this is a very winnable election. But you know, not if the Democrats are allowed to do what they did in 2020. Thanks for the call. 844 542 42 71 is the new transportation not going to put tolls on bike lanes. Oddly, that did not come up at her address to the walk conference in Cambridge. The walk conference. Joe, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Joe. Mr. Joe, I'm afraid to say I'm from Arlington. So forget it. Anyway, anyway, how is I've seen the the drop offs where some person would come up with 200 or 300 ballots and stuff them in. I remember when they came in after the oppose were closed with suitcases. I'm not I don't understand. I haven't drilled down beyond that. So are they fabricating names? That's one question. Are they comparing to the roles in each town to see if they're fabricating? I think they're fabricating names, Joe. I think what that I think that's that's what Valentine's say Jay Valentine's is this happening that they're they're just creating creating names out of thin air, sending out the ballots, grabbing the ballots and returning the ballots. And you know, he says that the election can be stolen months before. And it doesn't matter if the last minute rallies or the exit polls or anything like that because the Democrats will have stolen the election before then. That's the problem. Will said they're flying in people to register. So do they need a human being? This is where I'm getting a little confused. No, I don't know the Joe. I don't know the answer to that question. I don't. But I think that in many cases, they're just creating creating these names out of out of thin air. And and and no one is no one is doing anything about it. 844. I mean, I think there's this shenanigans going on with the mail and ballots and the harvesting and all that, you know, grabbing grabbing ballots. But I don't think I think it's more sophisticated even than that. Thanks for the call, Joe. 844.542. So apparently this Alec Baldwin thing is even more ridiculous than than it seems like this woman, this crazy woman, crackhead Barney telling him that she wants him to, you know, say, you know, say nice things about Palestine. The the scuffle, the New York Post has now got pictures. It spilled out. This was in Greenwich Village. He it spilled out onto the street and he had a scuffle with this this basic this rather large woman out on the street outside of New York City coffee shop. Just it's ridiculous. 844 542 42. Oh, God. Lawyers can't overturn an election. Why keep hiring them? Well, that's why I keep saying it frustrates me when they they pretend that this is the this is the solution. Let's play cut 16 about this is from Jonathan Turley about the case in New York that's going on right now. Cut that 16. What is clear is in this case, Trump is right. I mean, this is an embarrassment. I mean, the fact that we are actually talking about this case being presented in a New York courtroom leaves me in utter disbelief. I mean, the arguments today did in fact capture all the problems here. You know, you had this misdemeanor under state law where that had run out. This is going back to related to the 2016 election and they zapped it back into life by alleging that there was a campaign finance violation under the federal laws that doesn't exist. The Department of Justice doesn't view it this way. It's Rico. I again, I've been doing a lot of research on Gerry Andrew, the mom guy. He always was talking about Rico and this is like the worst example of Rico. They've just like taken this. It's supposed to be used against organized crime, drug dealers, real criminals. And they're taking it to to to politically persecute their enemy. 844, 542, 42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. 844, 542, 42. 508 says they're fabricating names because they can't pump in massive amounts of fake ballots against the old registered voter rolls. They can't have 120% voter turnout in every city without making it look obvious. Yeah, right. I mean, it's it's got to be stopped. It just has to be. And this is a there are ways to do it. I think I think 844, 542. You forgot them trying to pass laws to take secret service away from Trump. Yeah, that's Benny Thompson, the chairman of the the fake July, January, say July, I'm going to do like sound like Biden, the January 6th committee with no which had no real Republicans on it. That was it. And then they destroyed all their evidence so they couldn't so it couldn't be used against them later on. In a in a criminal trial, you call that obstruction of justice destroying evidence, especially sculptory evidence for the other side. But hey, you know, hey, he checks all the boxes. He checks all the boxes. 844, 542, 42. 802. It's not just embarrassing. It's criminal. What the deep state is trying to do to what Donald J. Trump, senior, it has to stop somehow. 844, 542, 42 Dennis, you're next with how we go ahead, Dennis. Oh, he says so many dumb things under pressure and otherwise if Joe Biden were confronted by a Nazi activist at a Dunkin Donuts, how long do you think he could resist the pressure to maybe in a slight Indian accent, chant free Palestine? Oh, they they would never let him go near anything like that because he I mean, he he has almost agreed with him in the past, hasn't he, Dennis? But especially when leftists are involved. Hey, he's in Florida today, driving the anti-reproductive freedom issue and minds know the scientific poll. But most women I speak to every day I think that the number one issue is that their grocery store shopping carts are only about half as full as they used to be when they were spending Trump, you know, dollars. I agree, Dennis. That's that's that's that seems like it's the big issue, but the the Democrats are going to try to make abortion the big issue because they got nothing else. It's like they're trying to make the Trump the Trump trial the big issue because they don't want to talk about the riots going on on the college campuses with all the rich kids and all the the pampered pukes from the mid east who were in here on full scholarships and no SATs because they're too too ignorant and too bigoted and too to compete on a on a scale. So they just they just go crazy and talk about how much they hate the Jews. I mean, this is this is really bad what's going on in the universities. Someone's saying to it's not getting rid of the president of Columbia. It's getting rid of Columbia University. And I tend to think that that's probably true of all the universities. Thanks for the call, Dennis. Tim, you're next with how we car go ahead, Tim. Hey, how are we? Good afternoon. Hi, I've been I'm an election official here in the state of Massachusetts, and I've been running elections for almost 20 years. And earlier in the segment, you were talking about what consequences are for voter fraud. And I have a sad story and I just want to share it with you. Recently, we had received a vote by mail card back in the last 2020 election. And it was discovered through various means that the the person who received the card received one for themselves in their deceased spouse. Dench both of them back, signed, forged the spouse's name, signed their name, ballots were mailed to them. And this person mailed both ballots back. Here's the problem, Howie. When it was discovered, we went to the judicial system and the clerk magistrate said, don't do it again. I told you that story repeated 10 million times. That's that's one of the problems. I'm Howie Carr.