The Howie Carr Radio Network

New World Order in the Court with Dan Schneider plus FBI lets themselves off easy | 4.23.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie welcomes the Vice President of Free Speech America Daniel Schneider to the show to discuss something awfully peculiar his team at Media Research Center noticed about President Trump's jury. Then, you'll never believe what the FBI said about the investigation into that whole "Radical Traditional Catholic" thing.

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23 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Howie, can you please save me past that one time? Why did you kill that lady? Yes, well when I see five weirdos dressed in poker stabbing a guy in the middle of the park and full view of a hundred people I shoot the bastards, that's my parlor. That was a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar you moron. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Very fine people on both sides. When I heard that I knew I could no longer sit in the sidelines because the President of the United States had just drawn a moral equivalency if he knows who stood for hate, those who stood against him. Nobody could in any way support what Hamas did yet these kids are yelling "I am Hamas". Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. The number if you'd like to join us, 844-542-442-844-542-442. It's like there's two realities in America right now. There are multiple realities but the two that seem to be engaging people's time and energy are on the one hand the riots, the ongoing riots and demonstrations on college campuses on behalf of the totalitarian, pro-Nazi, genocidal regime in Gaza, Hamas and their supporters, the mullahs in Iran, etc. To me that's what people seem to be most interested in, what I find. The other thing is what the media seems to be most interested in is this ridiculous kangaroo court trial. And this morning I just went over to, I mean I'm still in Florida and they went over to the newsstand at the supermarket across the street from where I live to get the New York Post. So I looked at all the newspapers, all the New York papers and all the South Florida papers. And there was one paper that didn't lead with Trump and that was the New York Post. They were leading with the riots saying they got to fire the Muslim, Egyptian-born president of Columbia University which I think they should. The rest of the newspapers were treating it like the Nuremberg trials had just opened up. That this was the end of World War II rather than just some scam trial. It really is amazing the way they've decided to use it. It's like what it must have been in the old days of the Soviet Union except in the Soviet Union. I think you just had two national newspapers, Prabda and his Vestia. Here you got all these soon to be defunct papers in Florida and in New York. And everywhere else, all they're doing is promoting this Trump trial. So we want to talk about this from a media perspective and joining us now is Dan Schneider. He's the Executive Vice President of the Media Research Center. That's Brent Pozzell's group. They have the website which I recommend to everybody to check out every day. No one, none of us can stand to watch CNN or MSNBC or any of these newspapers. But will do it for you. Dan, am I right about the way this is being played out in the media of the US right now? These two dueling stories, one of which is getting the lion's share of the attention? You're exactly right about it. And let me draw a connection between these two stories. And this may be a fine detail. But I am a graduate of Columbia University Law School. And to see what's going on on that campus, it just pears me apart. But here's what's going on, Howie. This judge in the Get Trump trial never let anybody vote for Trump again trial. He set a really weird trial schedule. And I used to practice law in the New York court. I know where you're going with this. I've talked about this to get Orthodox Jews off the Jerry, right? Yes. Explain to people who haven't heard us talk about this. Explain to us how that works. Yeah. Okay. So typically in the New York courts, trials are scheduled Monday through Thursday, not Friday, Saturday, Sunday. That's for a variety of reasons. The fact that Orthodox Jews are not able to serve on a jury and at least any jury. Some Orthodox Jews believe that they can't work on Friday at all. Others will say, "Well, I'll work until I can no longer." But there's a lot of preparation that goes into being an observant Jew before sundown. So typically, when I practice law in the New York courts and in the New York law firm, the observant Jews by about noon were leaving the law firm. And if they weren't out of the law firm by 3 p.m., they were freaking out. Yeah. Because they weren't going to be able to get to the temple and everything they had to do well before sundown. This judge, this extremely biased judge, who as your listeners know, his daughter is a left-wing activist who's making money on this trial. His child? His child? This is trial, Dan. That's what he calls it. She's 34 years old. Right. This middle-aged child, right, is a left-wing activist making money on this trial. The judge himself donated to Joe Biden, et cetera. You've covered this repeatedly. He set a really weird trial schedule. He's going to -- he's going ahead and having trial dates include Fridays, but not Wednesdays. He has made it impossible for Donald Trump's biggest supporters in Manhattan, the observant Jewish community, to be able to serve on this trial. On the very first day of jury selection, there were a number of potential jurors who said, "Sorry, I have scheduling problems. I will not be able to serve on this jury." Now, these people are anonymous. I don't know who they are, but I would love to find out how many of them were observant Jews who knew that they would not be able to celebrate Passover. They would not be able to celebrate the weekly Shabbat dinners on Fridays, which, by the way, those dinners, that is the core of Judaism. It's the holiest thing that a Jew can do, celebrate Friday night dinners, Shabbat dinners. And the judge has made it impossible for observant Jews to do so. And then we go back to Columbia Law School, or rather, the whole campus, where we see the university president who is just called before Congress. Say whatever you will about that ridiculous president, Harvard, Claudine Gay, who is a plagiarist and all that. At least she didn't claim she didn't have any warning in advance, but this Columbia University president, she was called before Congress last week, and they told her, "Get your act but do not allow your campus to turn into an anti-Semite warfield." But that's exactly what she's done. This president at Columbia University has got to go. She is the problem. She is feeding the problem. I'm holding up the newspaper I bought this morning in spite of all those other papers. This is the New York Post, the headline, "You have to go." And it's a picture of this woman. Safik, the Egyptian-born Muslim. And if they're going to use identity politics, Dan, I think I have the right to say who this woman is. Yeah. Look, Donald Trump negotiated the Abrahamic court. There are now a number of Muslim Arab states that will die to defend Israel today. They are siding with Israel over Iran. So there are plenty of Muslims all over the world who would make much better presidents at Columbia University than this one. If the issue is not that she's a Muslim, the issue is that she's an anti-Semite. Yeah. And they also hit her on the other crazy stuff that's going on at Columbia. Stefano, representative Stefano Kaster said, "I'm looking at some of your literature and you're talking about folks, but it's spelled F-O-L-X. What are folks, F-O-L-X?" And she claims she didn't know. I mean, this is your alma mater, Dan. Folks, F-O-L-X. Yes. Well, the left loves to create new terms and new ways of spelling things and new meanings for everything. What we all know is that all of this stuff is designed to upend America. We actually understood what freedom meant. My father was shot 13 times in combat to defend this great nation. We know what freedom is about. We're the ones who invented the whole concept of it. The first time people came together to form a country where they would govern themselves was ancient Athens. The second time it happened was here, 1776. This is a precious thing, a commodity. A gift is given by God. And if our duty to defend it, respect it, and we've got more people now trying to upend America, to upend freedoms than ever before, we've got to take our country back. You know, Texas just said, if Jews are being kept off the jury deliberately in New York City, in Manhattan, why are they voting for Democrats? Well, I've talked about observant Jews. And there are different kinds of observant Jews. They're the hessitic Jews that people I think of who have black hats and have pears or curls coming down. But that's the minority of observant Jews. Your typical observant Jew in New York City is where anyomica and doesn't use a razor to shave, and so you might see some more stubble out of things. These are the people who are Donald Trump's biggest supporters in all of Manhattan. The jury pool, but this judge has eliminated that jury pool. If you're a woman and you're an Orthodox observant Jew, there is no way that you could serve on a jury that meets on Friday. That alone should be grounds for appeal, shouldn't it? I mean, I assume he doesn't get the hung jury that I think he's going to get. Well, as everybody listening to your show knows, it is illegal to discriminate against people based on religion, race, etc. That includes jurors. Jurors have the same rights not to be discriminated against. And it's my belief that the reason this judge created a very, very odd trial schedule. It was to exclude Donald Trump's biggest supporter because 12 person jury has got to be unanimous. You get one open-minded juror who doesn't hate Donald Trump. And suddenly, don't get a conviction with just one juror. This judge, I believe, made it impossible for an observant Jew to get on that jury because an observant Jew might actually be open to the idea that this ridiculous, insane trial against Donald Trump is just a political concoction to keep him off the ballot. We're talking to Daniel Schneider, the executive vice president of the Media Research Center. That's the media watchdog group founded by Brent Bozel. We're going to have to move here quickly, Daniel. But we've discussed this. Other talk shows have discussed this issue of banning, basically banning Orthodox Jews from the jury. Have any of the networks talked about this? Mentioned it in the slightest? No, of course not. The network, 527 minutes devoted to attacking Donald Trump within a single week when he was first indicted, that week was the exact same time that the Joe Biden bribery scandal broke. 527 minutes devoted to attacking Trump. Zero seconds devoted to exposing the Joe Biden and the crime syndicate that he had. The ABC, NBC, CBS, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, NPR, PBS, they're all in the same boat together, get Donald Trump. Yeah, I know. You know what? The Wall Street Journal, which is a newspaper that's better than almost all of the others, they had a bigger picture of Donald Trump on the front page than any of the other newspapers, any of the super left wing papers. Of course, your audience is super smart. So they know that the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal is entirely different from the so-called news side of it, which is the bulk of the Wall Street Journal. News side, and I put air quotes on news side, those reporters are just as left wing as the New York Times and the Washington Post reporters. It's the same thing at the Wall Street Journal as anywhere else. Yeah, it's unfortunate. Okay, where can people go to read That's where you go, right? The mothership is Media Research Center that's I'm the Vice President of Free Speech America. You can go to, and then the is sort of the news side that holds all of the information for us. Yeah, Dan Schneider, thanks for being with us here on The How We Car Show. We appreciate it. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow's or stylish sandals for both men and women, or a luxurious six-pack towel set, all available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard that right, just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait, there's more. 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What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what's the best way for cops to rout Nazi hippie riots on college campuses? Tier gas, firehoses, police canines or mounted units? I'm sticking with mounted units in the memory of the T.P.F., the tactical patrol force. Twenty-two percent say mounted units, seventeen percent for canines, twenty-three percent for tier gas, thirty-eight percent say firehoses. All right, eight, four, four, five hundred, anything, though, anything to rout them. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Frank, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Frank. Hi, Howie. In the 1960s in Kent State and other universities, there were communist agitators. The Palestinians have a very strong communist party in their government. There's also a strong communist party in the Israel government that are anti-Zionists. And I think this is a lot more about communism. I don't know that the Israelis are communist. I mean, they are far left wing. You're right about that. How will they have a strong communist party? I don't think they call themselves communist, though, Frank. I mean, I'm not sure they go all the way. I mean, communists want to abolish elections. I don't know that there's any faction in Israel that wants to abolish elections. I just do that. They said there was a strong communist party in the government. Well, it's not -- I don't think they're in the government. I don't think they're in the war cabinet. I don't think there's a communist that's sitting next to Netanyahu when they're making the big decisions. Thanks for the call, though, Frank. I wouldn't be the first to suggest the Billy Club when I, 2-0 says 2-0-7. We're going for things that might pass -- what passes for constitutional muster today, 2-0-7. I don't think -- I don't think a Billy Club would pass the muster, just like those guns that they used to use with the pellet guns. They used to use them in the city of Boston until they had a -- until they were putting out a riot after a World Series game about 15, 20 years ago. And it had, I think, a Northeastern student, a female in the eye and killed her. And that was the end of those pellet guns. And I don't see a Billy Club in the mix. Maybe a Billy Club, you know, in a bar fight or something like that, but then I got to -- then I got to wade into a demonstration with a Billy Club. I thought about -- I thought about putting the Billy Club on the list of options, but I thought better of it, just because it didn't seem realistic. 844-542-42, I'm how we are. We have a new episode of Meet the Experts. This week I spoke with Michael Walsh, who has written a highly acclaimed series of mystery novels set in a fictionalized version of his hometown, Lynn, Massachusetts. Michael shares what it takes to be an author. The vast amount of research involved, his writing process. Here's a preview of this week's episode of Meet the Experts. This Wicked City is a story powered by its character's struggles with love, loyalty, and sacrifice, and those values describe the people of Lynn. What do you call it, Ocean Park? Lynn has an infamous poem which goes back over a hundred years. Lynn, Lynn, the city have said, where you never go out the way you came in. So in 1997, the Lynn City solicitor suggested that they rename the city Ocean Park, and they were mocked at you today. By everybody. By everybody, they're mocked. Meet the Experts with How We Car. Featuring this week's guest, Michael Walsh is available now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your How We Car Show podcasts. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-426170s. Brats need the rabbit-in treatment. Nothing to see here. That's when the T.P.F. went in on the Saturday night into this bucket of blood on Dorchester Strait in South Boston. They've been throwing rocks at the police horses and then running back inside the bar during the week, and the cop just went in with black patches over their badges and beat the crap out of everybody in the bar. There was no more problems from the rabbit-in. 617, another 617, if they use fire hoses, they need to give the Nazi sympathizers bars of soap. It's the only way they'll get a bath. That's a dapro-neal thing. He said, "If I'm elected mayor, all of you hippies on the common will be getting a bath." And he said, "Then he throws soap at him from his flatbed truck on Tremont Street. He throws soap at the hippies." And then he'd say, "And you're going to get a shave, too." 844-542-442-844-542-864-542-866. So I'm disgusted by the anti-Semitism like you, but your guest said something about God backing or sanctifying the U.S. I don't think this is the kind of talk that makes your sights on like a bunch of fruit. I don't think he said that. He just said that traditionally it's been a God-faring republic. I mean, words to that effect. And they're just trying to remove anything about religion from this trial. And not because they're atheists per se, although they're not religious, obviously, but they just want to hurt Donald Trump. That's what this is all about. 844-542-442. Here's a truth social that President Trump put out a few hours ago, all caps. Highly conflicted to put it mildly, Judge Juan Merchant has taken away my constitutional right to free speech. Everybody is allowed to talk and lie about me, but I am not allowed to defend myself. This is a kangaroo court, and the judge should recuse himself. Exactly. 844-542-442-844-542-442. I want to read you this story. If anybody still read the New York Times, we would have had this story five days ago, but nobody reads the New York Times. So just have to wait for somebody you listen to or follow online to find out that this story exists. But you know how last year it turned out an FBI whistleblower released a memo from the Richmond office of the FBI about how they were tracking Catholics who went to Latin masses. It was pretty shocking stuff. Again, they don't care about terrorists per se. They just give a pass. The Boston bombers, the San Bernardino shooters, the Parkland High School shooter, they went after this guy who went to what, Latin masses. They thought he was a security risk, right? So there was a big dispute over it, and Christopher Ray pronounced himself appalled, appalled that this was outside of the norms of the FBI wink, wink, wink, hug. So they've now issued a report, and I know this will shock you, but they've exonerated themselves. The FBI has exonerated itself through Michael Horowitz, the inspector general of the Justice Department. Here's that New York Times headline, "No bias found in FBI report on Catholic extremists." Well, number one, can we put the extremists in quotation marks like they would if you said Muslim extremists? They wouldn't put, they wouldn't let Muslim extremists go into the paper without a lot of quotation marks. Republicans, the subhead, Republicans claim the bureau's memo was evidence of an anti-conservative strain among FBI ranks, but an internal investigation failed to uncover any, quote, malicious intent, unquote. Like a parody, a memo by the, this is the lead, a memo by the FBI warning of possible threats posed by, quote, "radical traditionalist Catholics," unquote, violated professional standards but showed, quote, "no evidence of malicious intent." So you can call Catholics radical traditionalists for wanting to go to a Latin mass, but that's not malicious intent. According to an internal Justice Department inquiry made public on Thursday, again, five days ago and we didn't hear about it because none of us read the New York Times because why would we? Republicans have seized, they seized and they pounced and they weaponized on the 11-page memo which was leaked early last year as a talking point. They have suggested to the document to sharply criticize the bureau and suggested without evidence. It's always without evidence that it was part of a broader campaign by the Biden administration to persecute Catholics and conservatives over their beliefs. It turns out that they were doing this in a number of different bureau offices, but it's still without evidence. Even though it wasn't just enrichment, it was across the country they were doing this. The memo was quickly withdrawn after being leaked and top law enforcement officials have repeatedly distanced themselves from it like mission impossible. The bureau will disavow any knowledge of your activities if you're captured. If there's no evidence, why was the memo quickly withdrawn after it was leaked if there's no evidence? The assessment found that agents in the Richmond, Virginia office improperly conflated the religious beliefs of activists with the likelihood they would engage in domestic terrorism, making it appear that they were being targeted for their faith. Why were they being targeted if they weren't being targeted for going to Latin masses? It made it appear as if they were being, maybe it made it appear they were being targeted for their faith because they were being targeted for their faith. The review found no evidence that, quote, anyone ordered or directed anyone to investigate Catholics because of their religion. They just happened to pick these Catholics. No one told them to do this. It just, it was a direct, it was almost like the directive came down from God and God didn't put out a memo. He didn't put out an email or a text or a white paper. It just happened. This is what the report says. This is the statement from the FBI. The FBI has said numerous times as if that makes it more real. The FBI has lied numerous times. Let me, let me correct it. The intelligence product did not meet our exacting standards. In other words, it was leaked. You're not supposed to, you're supposed to write this stuff on the, you know, on that paper like they used to do the, the bets on for bookies, you know, so you just throw a match on it and everything burns up like, like mission impossible to come to think of it. And it was quickly removed from FBI systems. Oh, well, so obviously there was nothing wrong when they took it out as soon as it was leaked. We have also said that there was no intent or actions taken to investigate Catholics or anyone else based on religion. Well, just the FBI said that. So it must be true. It must be true that the FBI didn't do it. They, they didn't. I would never lie. The FBI memo cited potential threats from self-identified Catholic extremists and quote far right white nationalists in the run up to the 2024 elections. They compared it to what, to what, they called the memo to an awareness product, an awareness product, so called. And they said the same type of thing was drafted after Virginia legalized online sports betting to determine its effect on money laundering and other criminal activity. Well, sports betting can lead to money laundering and other criminal activity like trying to fix athletic events, like they just banned the guy for life from the NBA. How does going to a church service, how does that rise to the level of needing a, an awareness product about whether there's going to be terrorism? This is what the IG wrote, although there was no evidence of malicious intent or an improper purpose. Hey, let's go get those Catholics. There's nothing malicious about this. How about if they'd said, hey, let's go get those Muslims. You think they find that there was no evidence of malicious intent or an improper purpose? The memo failed to analytic, to adhere to analytic trade craft standards and events to errors in professional judgment. Oh man, God, it's so bad. Uh, Mike, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Mike. Hi, Howie, how are you? Hi. Good. Good. Um, talking about the tactical force. I don't know if you remember in Halloween, 1972, when Spiro Agnew was scheduled to appear at the Commonwealth Army, Armory, for the committee to reelect the president. Yeah. I don't, I don't recall that that. Give me the, the, the place on calm app there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And they closed down calm app. And one side of the fence that separated the, the, um, the tracks for the trolley was the tactical force in the horses. And on the other side was the protesters and the partiers and, um, you know, everybody just getting whacked for Halloween and, you know, with the people on the roof, uh, the attack the horse on the roof and, uh, eventually things got a little crazy and they just let the horses loose. And that straightened it right out, didn't it, Mike? I had left before that. I knew something. I knew it wasn't going to be a good situation. So I just happened to turn the news on that night to see if anything came of it. And, uh, yeah, they kind of tried to disperse the, uh, partiers and the protesters and, um, you know, the, the tactical force. God bless them. I don't think there was a guy. I mean, they all looked like they could have played a line for the NFL and they had their helmets on and their arms crossed and their, uh, their clubs in front of them. And it was just an experience. And it was like, you know, it was like before they knew they were going to go out against, uh, you know, a bunch of hippies or, uh, you know, whoever, it was like they didn't shave for a couple of days. So they, they all looked like they were just spoiling for a fight and it just, you know, rolled out of bed at the pine street end, you know, I mean, they, they just, they were all really tough looking guys. I remember from the night of the Rolling Stones concert in 1972 and the Rolling Stones were, you know, they were, they were arrested down in Rhode Island. They were hours late and they had man out on Causeway street at the garden, they had the dogs that night. I don't think they had room for the horses, you know, with the, uh, the L, the elevated line and all that. And they didn't want to screw around with the horses. So, but they had, they had some mean dogs too, Mike. Oh yeah. I can imagine. But you know, you couldn't see these guys faces because they had the shields and the helmets. And they were even, even some guys on the roof, like of what it used to be, I guess it was a Tamey and Ford, whatnot down that neck of the wood. And like I said, I, I saw half the people were, were, uh, protesting and half the people were just in Halloween and, uh, you know, a lot, a lot of them were all whacked out and it was a, it was a whole scene. They closed both sides of comment. And I guess a spiro never showed up, but, uh, Kate Smith, I believe did sing God Bless America for him. Yeah. Thanks for the call, Mike. I, you know, when, uh, when Marty Walsh was in the top fight for, uh, for election, I think 2013 against John Connolly, you know, I, there were, he was, you know, they were both Irish Catholics going for the conservative vote and, uh, and, and Walts said, I'm going to bring back the horses. I'm going to bring them back and you know, he got, I think he got some votes. I don't know if he won the election, but he got some votes with saying he was going to bring back the horses because it's not just the people had nostalgia. They, the, the mounted units got the job done and we all, we all saw it. And as soon as he got in, oh, I can't bring back the horses. Oh, they, yeah, people are scared of them. It's, uh, we, we need to reach out and, and to the community and the horses don't help. So another broken promise by Marty Walsh, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty two. I'm how we car looking for the perfect gift for the how we car fan in your life. Or maybe you're looking for a great deal on a local restaurant or entertainment venue. We've got them all go to and click store. You're listening to the Howie Car Show. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. We have some, uh, Brandon cuts today and then the one just moved. He was at a campaign event and he again claimed to have driven an 18 wheeler. He signs eyes to drive an 18 wheeler, you know what I did? That's exactly right. No, no, he didn't, but where's the fact checkers? I love them gear jamming greats, breaker, breaker one nine, Brandon's line again. Hello, I'm a truck. Alan, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead, Alan. Hi, Howie, thanks for taking my, thanks for taking my call. I just, uh, I just want to call and say, you know, Biden, he made it look pretty good when he first came out and he said he was pretty upset with the, uh, with the white supremacist, you know, carrying the tiki torches and all this and that. But, uh, you know, after, after the dust has settled, we see that he has more of a problem with tiki torches than he does with anti-Semitism. And it's pretty, it's pretty outrageous too when he has his pit bull, uh, Merrick Garland out there going after parents who are concerned about the children being molested and being groomed by teachers and being, and being, being stared at by transgenderism, I mean, by transgender in their own, uh, you know, let's, you know, let's move on from the Catholics. How about the fact that they had FBI agents in parking lots in the, the beltway area around D.C. writing down license plate numbers of anybody who, any parents who came to a school board meetings to complain about the CRT or the transgender educations? You know, are they, when, when is that report coming out denying that they had any kind of, uh, any kind of political agenda doing that, Alan? Well, we're not going to see that because at the same time, how we, the borders wide open, we know there's Iranian terrorists coming in. We have, we have, we have, we have Chinese nationalists in the state of Maine doing things and making money and sending to Iran to cause more chaos in the Middle East. I mean, it's obvious these people want chaos so they can drive more laws down our throats that we don't need. All we're asking, all Americans are asking is just follow the laws that are on the books today. You know, when, when the man became in, in office, he whipped out his pen and it was more sanctions. There was more things he did with that pen, just like Obama did with his special little pen. Like I've said, we, this, there's 40 sanctions against Iran. I mean, the 40. No, he did. One of the first things he did, one of the first things he did was lift the sanctions against the Houthis and the Houthis got, got money from Iran when we lifted the sanctions against them. Then they started bombing the shipping going through the, through the Red Sea and he had to put the sanctions back on him and they've had to put modified sanctions on, on Iran again now that they've kind of let the, the horse out of the barn and then he, then we're giving all this money to Ukraine to supposedly fight the evil Russians. Well, we've said you can't, you can't use the, the weapons to go after the oil refineries. Well, I mean, what kind of, what kind of system is this, Alan? If you, if you give people weapons and money to defend themselves and then you tell them they can't use it because it might raise the oil prices in the United States. I mean, this is insanity. Sanctions work, Howie, Russia was, Russia was poor before Biden got in office. Iran was dirt poor, oil was down to $25 a barrel people. Trump had him where they, which Trump is a businessman. We didn't, we didn't vote in a pope, we voted in a businessman. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Nobody was looking for a religious leader and we're looking for protection. That was, that was Tucker Carlson's expression in 2016. He was right then. He's right now. Thanks for the call.