The Howie Carr Radio Network

A Summons and a Slap on the Wrist for Trespassing Campus Terrorists | 4.23.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Thank goodness the students at NYU and Barnard will still be able to go to law school and become LGBT community organizers or whatever their heart desires. They won't have a criminal record, even after the unrest they've caused on their college campuses.

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23 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Howie, can you please save free pals down one time? Why did you kill that lady? Yes, well when I see five weirdos dressed in poker stabbing a guy in the middle of the park and full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's my parlor. That was a Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar you moron. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Very fine people on both sides. When I heard that, I knew I could no longer sit in the sidelines because the President of the United States had just drawn a moral equivalency if he knows who stood for hate, and those who stood against him. I can damn it, I should never protest, that's why I've set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the Palestinians. Nobody can in any way support what Hamas did, yet these kids are yelling, "I am Hamas." Swabs, hacks and moon bats beware, it's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. If you'd like to join us, 844-542-844-542-4242. Just got a text from high above the Sunshine State from 508. I'm flying into Tampa right now stuck in a holding pattern because Brandon is landing there in about 10 minutes. It's always good to be inconvenienced anywhere anytime by a President or especially a Democrat. Whether it's I remember being inconvenienced by Al Gore, by Hillary Clinton and now this poor guy is inconvenienced by Brandon. And by the way, Brandon wants to go to Syracuse on Thursday. They begged him not to go to Syracuse where two cops were shot and killed over the weekend. And by a suspect who's now dead, but Brandon wants to go. As soon as I heard that, I said, "I'm guessing the suspect must have been white." I don't think he'd be going if it was a black guy shooting white cops or a black guy being shot by white cops, which is what happened. But the guy's name is Chris Murphy, so the dead per who shot the two cops. So I'm guessing that made it safe for him to be pro-cop. All right, 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. So the media today continues their total obsession with Donald Trump's phony baloney. Kangaroo court star chamber trial in Manhattan. Well, the country is falling apart and all these college campuses are being trashed. And these classes are being shut down. They're over for the year at Columbia University in New York. They're done for the week, I believe, in Harvard. They may be doing the Zoom classes, but nobody's going to actually going to class. They're having all these other encampments that are being set up. And of course, I've been going today. That's what people have been talking about. There's no idea what about this, but these pampered pukes. I mean, it's an amazing thing. They go around chanting death to America. But at the same time, they want the people who make America that they want to kill. They want their student loans paid off by the people they want to kill. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever does it? But none of these people make sense. Now it turns out, this is a breaking story right now in the New York Post. Most of the nearly 230 protesters that arrested Columbia and NYU anti-Israel demonstrations let go will not have a criminal record. Not a shock, but still, they were making a big deal. Oh, we're cracking down. They're being arrested. Last night, they had a march with torches on the police headquarters. They call it one police plaza in New York City. Most of the nearly 230 people busted during anti-Israel protests. What do we call them? Pro-Nazi protests at Columbia and NYU in the past week were let go with slaps on the wrist. Despite reports that their actions are making others feel unsafe on campus. Well, you know what? All the people, illegal aliens who actually commit violence, who commit property crimes, who punch women in the face, who sucker punch them as they're walking down the street. They're all let go. Why shouldn't the hippies be let go? 116 people arrested at NYU last night were hit with summonses. Oh, oh, a summons for trespassing. While the remaining four got desk appearance tickets for obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest, neither of which results in a criminal record. Oh, thank goodness. They'll still be able to go to law school and become community advocates for the LGBTQ and the homeless and the illegal alien communities. Less than one week earlier, 108 individuals, including Ilhan Omar's shipless daughter, Urs Ezra Hershey, were arrested at the Gaza Solidarity encampment at Columbia and let off with summonses for trespassing. But they were undeterred by the police intervention. The diehard activists, the diehard hippies. What if I want to set up a tent, one NYU graduate student scoffed to the post during a walkout? Was it a walkout or was it a, was it a smokeout in Washington Square Park? NYU called the cops on their own, on their own students. She added just like Columbia and Yale. Oh, okay, well, that's the closest they're ever going to get to comparing NYU to Columbia and Yale. Not the Columbia and Yale, mean a damn anymore, but that's the big, that's what the big thing is about it. Another protest was, protestor was overheard bragging about being at this Monday night demonstration for hours and brandished. A freshly dented purple Stanley Cup's proof. Bro, look at my cup. I was banging that cup so hard on the barricade for Palestine, dude. One, why don't they go to Palestine? Why don't they fight for Hamas? There was a great, there was a great video today posted on the Israeli newspapers. This Hezbollah terrorist and a white car was cruising along with another savage. And down this road and all of a sudden, all of a sudden, paradise is paging 144 virgins. They just blew up. You know, the thing about it was it was in color. It was, and it was a white car too. It wasn't just one of these standard gray cars in a, in a black and white shot. It was a nice photo. I should, I should tweet it out just for her. So everyone could have a nice, a nice heartwarming moment here as we discuss the issues of the day. I saw children being treated very poorly by the police. Said an NYU student in refugee named Gabriella, a refugee. In other words, she's here on the, on the arm. She's living on you and me. Now she's, now she's protesting for Nazis in Palestine, dude, who want to kill Americans. Children, they were children. Children be. I'll bet how Moss would take them as volunteers if the children wanted to go over there. Here's a sign from Palestine to Mexico. All the walls have got to go. Well, they are gone in Mexico. They're just not around in Palestine. They were only chanting and singing, Gabriella added. I wish there was more I could do. Go to Palestine. Go to the West Bank. Hezbollah needs your help in southern Lebanon. If you want to go with the Shiites or go with the Houthis. In Yemen, there are plenty of options for a radical, chic radical. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542. Is it trespassing? Isn't that what the January 6 people were doing? Yes. Yes, indeed it is, but they were doing it for another party. I've got a great story to read from the New York Times too about the Catholic, the Catholic infiltration the FBI was doing out of the Richmond office and other offices as well. The New York Times has cleared the FBI of any wrongdoing. 844, 542, 42. I was reading one of my old columns today for a project I was working on. I found a quote I'd forgotten all about this quote from John F. Kennedy. He said, "The three most overrated things in life are home cooking, married sex and the Federal Bureau of Investigation." I thought, you know, say what you will about JFK, but he had some good lines like that. 844, 500, 42, 42. First thing, when I wake up in the morning, I gulp a shot of balance seven. I like balance seven to relieve any lingering heartburn from overnight. It also gives me an immediate boost in energy before my morning walk to the breakers. The other day I thought I'd run out. I immediately asked the mailroom manager to order some more. Fortunately she had an extra gallant stashed. I took it out and filled up my 16-ounce bottles that I live in the fridge for easy chugging throughout the day. Here are the seven reasons you need balance seven. Number one, more energy. Two, it lessons heartburn. Number three, helps with joint pains. Four, AIDS digestion. Fifth, balances your pH level. Sixth, takes away sneezing fits. Seven, helps you sleep better. Have you been that listener who's been thinking of trying balance seven? Don't wait any longer. Order today and you will make sure you never run out. April is National Stress Awareness Month and this is a perfect time to try to reduce the stress in your life. Balance seven is not just a supplement, it's an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. Just give it three days and you will feel the difference. Order today at Use code HOWE and receive free shipping. That's code HOWE. I'm HOWE Car. Leave a message for the big guy. Call the chumpline. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. Press two and leave your message. Then listen every weekday at five to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. The HOWE Car Show is back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Eden Rafferty, an attorney's at law. To see what happened to my leg while having cryo performed that restore hyper wellness, go to It's not pretty, as I always say. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Viewer discretion is advised. Today's poll question, which you can vote in at the HOWE Car, is what's the best way for cops to route Nazi hippie riots on college campuses? Tear gas, fire hoses, police canines, or mounted units. We talked about the mounted units yesterday. The old T.P.F., the tactical patrol force embossed. A guy texted me. I didn't get around to reading it, but he said that I was saying that they would really route them when they drag them through. He said it was even more effective. Before they put them in the vans to take them to the hippie riots, they would let them drink at the trough as long as they want it. Then they wouldn't relieve themselves in the van for obvious reasons. They didn't want to step in it. Once they got outside, he said they would start going like a fire hose. The hippies would just start screaming and yelling. He said that was even more effective than number two. Again, as someone who was entertained by the horses and the hippies back in the late '70s and the '80s, I'm voting for the horse units. Twenty-two percent say mounted units, police canines and tear gas all at twenty-two percent right now. Thirty-five percent say fire hoses. Wow, that's close. Every deterrent device apparently has got its supporters. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two. John, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, John. Hi, highway, how are you? Hi, good. Hey, I was just thinking, you know, what do they think they're fighting for? These transgender, gay, lesbian, regular women, black people, all of that. If you're not with them, you're an infidel. You are nothing. Right, no, yeah. I mean, you could be with them on most issues, but if you go against them on any of the issues, they will throw you under the bus. And that goes for the Democrat Party in Hamas. It's basically just variations of the same leftist phenomenon. I was talking to a guy today who's gay, and he got thrown off a board, and he was replaced by a straight woman. Because apparently he wasn't gay enough. I think he ran as a Republican one. So, Marahili threw him off the board, not an unpaid position where he was a subject he was interested in. And he wanted to be on the board. He asked for a reappointment. She said diversity and equity and inclusion are the only things we care about. And then she said, "You're fired, gay guy." Because he wasn't on the team. Clarence Thomas could tell the guy the same story, you know? Or anybody, you got to tow the line totally with this crowd. Thanks for the call, John. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Oh, these people that are calling the people against the protest nachis. You know, the Hamas is for female genital mutilation acid in the face of women. I mean, I think of that poor Jewish girl, Naima Levy. I think you said it. I think her name is Naima Levy. She was the girl who was the back of the black jeep. And she's blood coming from her backside, from her face and from her arms. And she was pulled by the hair. You know, I don't know if people... They have to know the history. Otto Skorzani was the one who trained the PLO and Yahsa Arafat. They have a direct connection. Hamas is a direct connection to the Nazis. And these students have a direct connection to Nazis. This is Otto Skorzani. He's, they call them scophage. He trained Yahsa Arafat and the techniques of terrorism and torture and all this... this ambush and everything else that they're doing. They have a direct... David, didn't the guy that was running the Arabs or the Palestinians in the British Mandate? I think it was the Grand Muffty or something. I think he went to Berlin to actually visit and meet with Adolf Hitler. He did how he absolutely did. He met Hitler directly involved. And you can look it on the history trail. There's multiple programs about it. He definitely met Hitler. And that's why they were spreading the Nazi techniques to the PLO and to the Middle East. It was Otto Skorzani who trained all these terrorists. Look up in the sky. That's the history of it. These students are supporting Nazi... And they were cheering... They were cheering when Iran was bombing Israel. I mean, do they understand that Iran will not only kill gay people, but they've stoned women to death or beaten women for not wearing the face coverings. And they execute adulterers. Heterosexual adulterers can be executed in Iran. What the mullahs have claimed or some of them have claimed that the adultery causes earthquakes. I mean, do you... How long would any of these people last in these savage stone age theocracies, David? It wouldn't last long. Just the adultering women, though, hobby. Howie, just the adult. That poor girl named Olivia is 19 years old. Yeah. And she's bleeding everywhere. How they treat her like a dog. She's still in captivity if she's still alive. Howie, you know, that's why Israel must go to keep going and get go after them and get these terrorists who hide behind civilians in the ground. They don't have a choice, Howie. Right. I don't think they do either. I don't think they do either. They, you know, and they're like termites. They're going back to northern Gaza. The Israelis just announced, you know, the civilians have to clear back out of northern Gaza so they can re-clear the whole area of Hamas terrorists. They've just got to wipe them all out. Get rid of all of them. And you know what? It's not only going to be good for the Israelis. It's going to be good for all the innocent people that live in Gaza, which is, which, you know, it's still most of them, you know. There were a lot of people before October 7th, Gaza citizens who were going up to Israel to work because there's no work in Gaza because it's run by a shiftless Muslim Nazi savages. Now they, now they have nowhere to go. They have nowhere to work. Thanks for the call, David. I'm Howie Carr. ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4248-444542. Now it's time for Grace with the nose. ♪♪ What's happening, Grace? Hi, Howie. I'm going to start with a story where the audio is in your opening so people probably have heard about it by now. But just to give you a little bit more detail, Alec Baldwin, who always seems to be involved in these controversies or chaos. He's tussling with an anti-Israel rabble rouser at a New York City coffee shop. Footage obtained by Page Six shows the former 30 Rockstar asking a male staffer at Maman on University Place to call the police as the woman known online as crackhead Barney. Why does he hang out at Lower Manhattan? He's got all the money in the world. Why does he hang out at Hell Hall? He likes to be seen. He likes to be in hotspots. Obviously. Yeah. There's a problem though. If you're Alec Baldwin though, when you're seen, people are going to crackhead barbie or whatever. Barney. Barney is going to come after you and hassle you. Yeah, but he's a very, very strange world we're living in where one day I can't stand Alec Baldwin, and then I see this video, and I think, ugh, I'm on his side. Like he's always dealing with these crazy protesters. The woman who was yelling free Palestine, Alec, just one time, just say it and I'll leave you alone, I swear. She added bleep, Israel bleep, Zionism. He managed to keep us cool. We've seen him how he freaked out before when he's fighting with people over parking spots and getting into arguments, leaving voicemails on his daughter's phone. He can be a hothead, but in this case, I think he was summoning all the tranquility he possibly could to quell his anger. If she'd been hassling him over a parking space, it might have been a different story, you know? Yeah, yeah, that's probably true. Another big story today, this is from Red State, get to the back of the line. California bill aims to ban expedited airport screening in the name of equity. This is another brilliant idea. So this is going to be equity for terrorists, in other words. So this is state Senator Josh Newman. His legislation would target companies like Clear. So a lot of people have TSA, some people have Clear. Clear is good. It allows members to bypass TSA security checkpoints. According to Newman, this is unfair and allows people with more money to get ahead. Wait a second. Wait a second. To get clear, you've got to go somewhere. Somewhere up on Route 128, you've got to go there on a Saturday if you work and maybe spend a half hour an hour there. I'm not saying it's the end of the world. I'm just saying it requires effort. I don't think you have clear how you have TSA pre-check. No, I do have Clear. I have Clear. Oh, I thought you had TSA pre-check. Clear charges their members $189 per year for this service and is in use in over $50. I'm pretty sure I have Clear. I think I have Clear. I can go through very quickly now. What's the difference? I think there's- It's the only choice for somebody like me. I think- I don't want to deal with the hassle. I'm sorry. I have no- It's the only way to fly. No, the only way to fly is private. But I'm not going private. Next Tuesday, I'm flying up with the mailroom manager and a dog named Roscoe. He's going to be in the middle between us. On a commercial flight, JetBlue. He gets his own seat. Yeah. Well, he's in a great- Beautiful dog. A talented dog. He's in a crate, but he'll be in the- The crate sits on a seat. Does he get snacks? Do you know who I am? What? Do you give him snacks through the bars? They don't really hit. You know, mailroom manager doesn't like the kind of snacks they have, you know, which is like salty, salty Cheetos or, you know, mini chocolate chip cookies. I don't think he's getting any snacks. You don't mind the snacks. I've been on a plane with you where you've asked for multiple bags, which I've never seen. I've never seen anyone do that before. To ask, like, "Hey, while you're going by me again, can I get more?" No, usually I just say, "Just give me two." Just give me two. Give me three. And I get this dog Roscoe here. Roscoe's hungry too. So I'll take four. When Howie does that, everybody else on the plane is like, "Oh, I didn't know that was an option. Can I have two as well?" It starts to catch on like wildfire. I'm sorry if they don't know how to take advantage of the American dream. That's not my fault. Well, speaking of flying, President Biden put out a tweet or whoever runs the Twitter account at this point, put out a tweet today that said, "Anyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future." I thought that was kind of an interesting way of putting it, especially considering he's flying private to go, you know, a few hundred miles every single day. He's always taking his plane to travel like right across state lines. Right. It's 2,000 miles, but still. It's a grift. Yes, indeed. Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass, where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy, personalized, and moves at your own pace. Truck buying the way you want it to be. At TuxTrucks, that's TuxTrucks RFK Jr. says Anthony Fauci is not in jail because Joe Biden is president. In a podcast interview with Blaze media CEO Glenn Beck, Kennedy heaped vitriol on the longtime head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, it was released Saturday, but it's really only picking up traction now. He said he's not in jail because Joe Biden is president and because, you know, unfortunately Donald Trump colluded with or was run over by him, said the son of the late attorney general and senator from New York, Robert F. Kennedy. So this is really an issue that he has felt strongly about, and I think it's, you know, one of his top three. I think it resonates with the American people, you know, whether they're going to vote for him or not. I think a huge percentage of the American people totally agree with him. I know I certainly do. And Fauci's been very quietly how we have you noticed that? I know he's retired technically, but it feels like he's been very quiet as of late. Don't you think he's kind of worn out as welcome, even with the nuts? Yes. Yes. I would agree with that. How he surveys says that nearly 38% of US renters do not believe they will ever be homeowners. So a red fin article reveals, I want to read you these numbers. It says nearly half of renters who don't believe they'll buy a home in the near future said it's because available homes are too expensive. The next most common obstacles, ability to save for a down payment, ability to afford mortgage payments and high mortgage rates. Isn't, isn't, I mean, isn't this always the case with a huge percentage of people? I mean, I know that's before I bought my house. I never, I, I was afraid I'd never be able to buy a house. Weren't you afraid? Yeah, I will say that the rates right now are so, so crazy that I think that a lot of people... I've seen them worse, Grace. That's true. That's true. I've seen twice as high. Yeah, but houses when you were shopping for them cost like a nickel. They did, but you know what I was making? I was making two mills a year in pay. So a nickel was big money back then. Who was laughing there in the background? Was that Matt? I, I don't know, no, I don't think I'd spray it. Yeah, no, I, I get what you're saying, but I, I do think that a lot of, well, there's also people who just like to rent. That was part of the, the poll as well. There's a certain, I think it's 14% of people aren't interested in owning a home and would just prefer to rent. Right. Howie, you've been talking about these anti-Israel protests and now a lot of colleges, a lot of these esteemed institutions are having to rethink the graduation plans because they're afraid that when grandma and grandpa show up to see their grandkid graduate from Columbia, they're going to be, you know, trampled by a bunch of protesters and a bunch of crazy people with signs chanting death to America. And these, these graduations are already, I mean, are they going to, are they going to like pass out signs like half the people are going to be holding death to America signs and the other half are going to be saying, we want to go to college for free on your dime. So we can chant that to America. Before we kill you. Yeah, the University of Michigan, which will hold its commencement ceremony on May 4th is setting up designated areas for protests outside venues at many of its ceremonies. According to an update posted to the school's website, I just don't know howie. So you're the school, right? You set up these designated areas for protests. Do you really think that the protesters are going to abide by said, you know, guidelines? If I were the president, I'd say we're going to have a, if I'm the president of Harvard. Okay. Here's what I'm going to say. Okay. We, after, after due consideration with the city authorities and the board of overseers, we've come up with a designated protest area for everyone who wants to take part in demonstrations at the commencement. It's called the jail. It's in central square. Perhaps you're familiar with it. You've driven past that. That will be, that will be the designated area where we're going to send all the protesters. How about that? And if we run out of space, we've talked with the high sheriff of Middlesex County. He is willing to make a certain location in Bill Ricka known as the Middlesex House of Correction available. How about that? Yeah. You think that would get their attention, Grace? I do. I do. I definitely do. It's amazing to me how these protesters have such a knack for finding things that bring people like good old fashioned joy or good old fashioned, you know, American, like, oh, I'm, I'm going to feel so proud whether it's going to the theater or going to a Catholic Mass or going to a graduation or just things that maybe people are proud of their family members. They're going out for a nice day. They're going out to enjoy their lives. And these activists can like drill down on those things and go, that's what I'm going to ruin next. Someone's trying to get to work today. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to put the screws to them. They really do for every single aspect of life right now. They've found a way. And this is just the latest again, it comes back to this. If Hamas took over the city of Cambridge and Harvard and MIT, how long would these people be alive? Not very long. Yeah, or if all these people went to Gaza to protest, you could say the same thing. Right. Right. When, when is the, when are the queers for Palestine going to show up and help ISIS out? Again, ISIS is an operation again, very small geographical area compared to what they use to control before Trump, but they, they are in operation. Why don't they go and see, see if, see if ISIS wants any queers for Palestine? Howie, did you see the story at a California about that state university where they were having protests? And then the website said some of the protesters went to the local courthouse to show solidarity with the other activists who were arrested earlier in the day. And they had these signs and it said, help us please. They are going to attack. They want to cut our Wi-Fi. There are more of you than them and push them out. In the wake of a near riot, officials at the school announced that the campus would be closed. I keep seeing these stories, whether it's NYU, Columbia in California, it's these students and they, they cause these riots and then they get kicked out and they're like, put my meal plan on my meal plan. It's like, listen, yeah. Right. That's what Elhan Omar's thought or said. Right. You know, it's that expression. It's complaining about a meal plan. I, I'm what, I want to see, you know, the, the NYU was saying, we're doing just what Columbia and Yale did. I want to see, I want to see NYU start the demonstration and then see if Columbia and Yale want to follow, follow in footsteps. Well, yeah. It's a, it's a, it looks to me like it's some kind of, you know, prestige thing to be involved in this at this point. Oh, yeah. Everyone's hopping on the bandwagon. They're like, Oh, did you hear NYU's doing it? We have to shut down the cafeteria, tell all the professors to link up arm in arm, but it's place to be games, win stupid prizes. If you're going to protest and if you're going to, you know, come in with flare guns or whatever they're doing and chant death to America, then when your meal plan gets rescinded, at least pretend that, you know, it's worth it for the cause, you know, like, I don't care. Take away my meals. But instead they go to social media and they say, I don't have, I don't know what to do. My plan. And the hunger strike. Put your money. We're going to be on the hunger strike till brunch on Sunday. I love those waffles. That's a reunion. All right. Eight four, I need to be such a cynic about it, but, you know, come on eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine seven eight says, I'm trying to wait until DJT is elected before buying a house. I think that's a pretty wise strategy, actually, you know, I mean, you don't know what's going to happen. If Biden's reelected, you know, I who knows who know, it's not, it's not going to be good news though. That's for sure. Everything is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code highway three. He uses them both in his home and his office and he buys them also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchi has one in every room at the Nossett beach end. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Finally, does it help with pollen in your home? But with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your car or your home, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money for pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and so much more. You need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. Back in stock now, order now at Use code highway three. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code highway three. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car show returns after this. He's Howie Car and he's back. Story from the Jerusalem Post, Jewish French woman allegedly raped kidnapped to, quote, "Avenge Palestine," unquote. Oh, didn't that nice? I'm going to hold a fundraiser for him at Columbia and NYU, Yale, MIT, Tufts, Emerson, 844-540, but they have bail in Paris, that's a guess. John, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, John. Howie, I want to tell you in Rhode Island about a gentleman that was on Channel 10 last night, advocating for changing all of the zoning laws in Rhode Island for affordable housing and calling all the local officials in the smaller towns, bigots, and he really did, you know, if they don't want to do it. And I looked him up and what was amazing to me is he's a visiting fellow at Brown University. He used to be a writer for Salon magazine and a slate. He spent time writing, he wrote a book and it says his name is Daniel Denver and he's a opponent of immigration enforcement of any kind. He wrote a book called All American Nativism, How the Bipartisan War on Immigrants Explains Politics as we know it. So here's a guy that is, he spent time in France pushing for open borders in his career before he got to Rhode Island. He came from New York before he got here two years ago and they're interviewing him as he's the main guy that's going to tell Rhode Islanders how we have to build multi-family housing in every town for immigrants which he's actively bringing into the country and telling anybody that they're a bigot. Are these teas? He's calling out town officials in Rhode Island as a bigot. Right. Well, they're doing the same thing in Massachusetts. Mara Healy is threatening to sue all these, she is suing all these towns that say, you know what, we don't, we don't want to have our towns overrun with, with illegal aliens. And if first it was Milton, then then today it's Marshfield doing the same thing. And the fact that they were in the state of New York where I used to live is, you know, they wanted to, they wanted to put up a affordable housing which would increase the size of the population in Acton, which is west of the city by 20%, 20%. John, they got one of the best high schools in the state and I act in Boxborough. If suddenly you had 20%, third world illiterate welfare collecting thugs moving into the high school, do you still think it'd be one of the top high schools in the state? Exactly. But what I guess my point is these universities who bring in these professors from outside, they don't have any connection to our towns or cities and all of a sudden he's working with our local state houses to force towns to create this. And I'll finish with this, influence watch has him listed, listen to this, this is how they describe this guy and, and General Ten's interviewing him as if he's the authority on this. So, Denial Denver, he's a left-wing podcaster journalist, he's certainly host of the big partners. You said slave salon, that's all, that's all I needed to know, John, and he teaches at Brown University and I, you know what, John, I'm gonna make a guess that he doesn't own any property in the, in the state of Rhode Island. Let alone in the nicer counties down there, in the nicer places down there in the south county, you know, where people have, you know, spent a lot of time and, and money building up the towns. Thanks for the call, John, I'm Howie Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING]