Brad and John - Mornings on KISM
top 3 kids show gone bad
are today's top three I kind of like it's it's really interesting I've been reading about about this and how this happened and and what's going to happen here in the next few years you know last year at Halloween there was a Winnie the Pooh horror movie and Winnie the where Winnie the Pooh was like a bad guy buckets of of blood and buckets of honey oh yeah and we were didn't like that that bomb do you or and how you know and at the time people were well how how does that happen how does that how was that allowed wouldn't the Winnie the Pooh people say no we're not well what happens it starts back in the hundred acre wood after 95 years of publication works of art enter the public domain so the Winnie the Pooh books and stories were 95 years plus so Winnie the Pooh entered public domain which means it's it's over for anybody anybody can take it so Winnie the Pooh and now Popeye the sailor man has also been turned into a horror figure there's a movie coming out next year called Popeye the Slayer man and this is where Popeye the story is a curious and Popeye he's evil a curious group of friends that's what spinners does to you a curious group of friends sneak into an abandoned spinach canning factory to film a documentary on the legend of the sailor man who is said to haunt the factory and local docks so there's more in there than just spinach so they go in there and then they find him and there he is and he's ripped i watched the trailer for this thing if you want some chuckles watch the trailer on youtube but brad he is he's he's he is a Brutus or Bluto wouldn't want anything to do with him so he becomes public domain next year Mickey Mouse uh what was Rick Mickey Mouse's predecessor steamboat willy steamboat willy became public domain like a couple of years ago Mickey Mouse himself itself is not yet give me all the money but I pray probably will be so they're going to turn all these things into into horror movie characters so Brad and I came up with for our today's top three our top three beloved kids characters who will take a turn to the dark side okay so Brad do you want to go first and I'll give you my top three you give me your your one two three who do you have well at number one because I think it would be such a shocking turn of events to have this child's character uh become a criminal mastermind would be Dora the explorer because Dora the explorer you know uh she's got help she's got a little swiper and she's got boots and it turns into like a criminal enterprise and stuff and they they they go around traveling to different countries that's how they don't get caught Dora the shop lifter she doesn't have that backpack did that isn't that part of her thing I think yeah she had the backpack yes yes you can hold that up with uh oh she sends boots in there and she sends a little swiper in there and swiper starts stealing everything yeah I'd love to see that uh and that's that's because that's probably more recent for me but number two on my top three list would be fog horn leg horn because he is a rooster and roosters have an evil side oh I can see a roofer ah you're doing it all wrong son I'll say I'll say you're doing it all wrong you know so roosters can get mean and fog horn leg horn is a big-ass rooster yeah he's gonna cause some trouble yeah I could see him like the state puff marshmallow man somehow he gets even bigger and just takes over an entire you know farm land and counties and you know he just starts pecking people and picking them up and eating them and stuff like grains uh uh uh stuff and then uh third I think finally some some revenge for wily coyote he has been kicked in the teeth all these years by that damn roadrunner and and and finally he gets an evil he just snaps yeah and he starts ordering stuff from acme and starts dealing the world some trouble yeah I could see that okay I like that and that one will be coming probably sooner because I would think that the the Warner Brothers stuff is going to be public domain sometime I would think in the next 10 years so they'll be doing that to wily all right I'll give you my top three one two three my first one's pretty easy it's blue from blues clues blue just simply makes a kuzhou like transformation and goes to the dark side he's had enough of Steve number two Oscar the grouch from Sesame Street using his garbage can to hide his criminal enterprise and there could be some gruesome things going on inside that kind of like isn't that I never saw the it but didn't the it the the clown character when he come up from the sewer something like that and hide things in the sewer I could see Oscar the grouch doing that and my third one is uh this is pretty obvious for me that you remember those cereal box characters boobery frankenberry count chocolate oh they were all nice lovable guys let's have them take an evil twist boobery frankenberry chalk count chocula yummy mummy they all go to the bad side so would that make them cereal killers cereal s yes sorry they go from cereal box with the sea to cereal with ns our top three for today
Seeing how Hollywood has made horror movies starring the likes of Winnie the Pooh and Popeye...we have come up with the next wave of kids show characters to go to the dark side!