Brad and John - Mornings on KISM

ICBN 12324 p

A man got busted shoplifting during a "Shop with a cop" night at Walmart...a middle school administrator accidentally read the "active shooter" warning instead of the test announcement...and cops finally caught up with a woman with several warrants!
Broadcast on:
02 Dec 2024
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We interrupt this program to bring you a special report. I can't believe this news. Here's Brad and John. Ah, John, the holidays are upon us. And some traditions just endure. They come back every year. And this may seem like a repeat story from in the past, but it's happened again. They're having their shop with a cop event at a Virginia Walmart and dozens of police officers were in there helping the kids pick out some presents and everything. And who is helping themselves? Oh, yeah, this was a 32-year-old man named. He was 32-year-old Hector D. Velasquez Maldonado of Chesterfield County. And they said, despite the store being packed with cops, someone in the Walmart staff came up and said, hey, somebody stealing something in the store. The guy that wanted the police detector said, we had 50 uniform personnel in the store. And officers were ready. They hit all the doors and stuff to cover. Canvas, the place. They said they caught up with the 32-year-old. They all went on to say, we had 30 to 40 marked patrol cars in the parking lot when we found his vehicle. It was facing where our cars were parked, so he would have had to see them. It was easy to find. His vehicle was like the only one that was in a marked police car. It seems it just didn't matter to him. He's now facing a felony charge of grand larceny and attempted to steal nearly $1,400 worth of items. Every year, that happens. At one of those school emergency training drills went all wrong last week. This is a middle school in Tennessee. After an administrator used the wrong words in the announcement, this was, and they have these at school now, that this was an active shooter drill. And the administrator mistakenly said, this is not a drill. There's an active shooter in the cafeteria. I don't know how that gets-- I don't know how that gets said, right? It's not like it was a recording. This was the person read it wrong. As a result, one class and its teacher evacuated to a nearby neighborhood. They just got out of there. Yeah, police help those kids get back inside the school, telling him, insisting, no, no, it's OK. That it was just a screw up. No, but we heard him say, no, I know. But he read the wrong script. There have been several times we have gone on to the mic with not knowing exactly what we are going to say. What do you think in that situation? You'd have it down pretty good. Afterward, the middle school put out a statement reading, this morning we had a pre-planned intruder drill that we do quarterly. During the drill, an administrator used the incorrect script to activate the drill. This certainly caused concern for everyone. We deeply apologize for this mistake and the concerns it caused. This should have been a routine drill, but the script used was for an actual emergency, not a drill. We will ensure this never happens again during a drill. Thank you for your understanding and support. Yeah. Yeah, I think it will. You just ensure that by that guy doesn't get to read the scripts anymore. Nope. Take the mic from him. And tomorrow is warrant quash Wednesday. And you can have your warrants quashed at the Bellingham courthouse, or whatever the police station, or wherever you said it was. It's in the news. The Wacom Court House. There you go. A woman in Snoqualmie could have used that offer. Police officers in Snoqualmie arrested a woman with outstanding warrants on Saturday morning after they spotted her at a gas station. Listen to this crazy scene, John. 9 o'clock in the morning, 76 station in Snoqualmie. They see the woman sitting inside the vehicle. She had run from officers a couple weeks ago. So they knew what she looked like and everything. And because of this history of her eluding the police, officers placed a terminator device behind her tires before approaching the car. I don't know, maybe a terminator device. That's what the lingo they're using. You got a big spike, huh? Yeah. And I don't know. She must have been nodding out or something there in the front seat, because how do you not see somebody come up and put spikes under your tire? But they rattle her cage. She fires up the vehicle, drives off, and oh, yeah. They pops one of her tires. It pops one of her tires, but she keeps going. And then she heads eastbound down Falls Avenue. And another officer, ahead of her, sets up another set of strips. That takes out the other three tires. All four tires are flat, but she keeps going. She makes it a little farther, and they have to use a pit maneuver to get her to stop. The officers say then she got out of the car and tried to run again. But they caught up and arrested her. She was booked in King County Jail for felony eluding had she only had a warrant quash when he did. Yeah. Few days away there, huh? Our 930 knucklehead nominees coming next. K-I-S-M.
A man got busted shoplifting during a "Shop with a cop" night at Walmart...a middle school administrator accidentally read the "active shooter" warning instead of the test announcement...and cops finally caught up with a woman with several warrants!