Apostolic Lighthouse

The Covenant of God Cannot be Broken. - Bro. Eddie Jones

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02 Dec 2024
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kind of adopted through the years what Brother Richard Hancock would usually say. He would say anything could happen and probably will. Amen. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Second Corinthians 3 and 17, the Apostle said, now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. There is freedom. There is victory. There is deliverance. We're feeling it right here tonight. I don't have to do a certain thing tonight. I just, we have an option, the Bible said, from the Holy One. And we can follow the Holy Ghost and God can speak to us, but how many needs are in the house that God would meet if folks would just get hungry enough to reach out and take a hold of it. Amen. I was at a meeting last year sometime and got to the meeting just a little bit late and church hadn't started yet, but you know, the preachers had began to get up on the platform. And so I told Brother Putman, I said, I'm gonna, he's back to the men's room. And he said that he talked about us. It's all the same, you know, it's the only thing that is different is about 50 years and plus. And so while I was in the restroom, that got all the preachers up and I came out. There was another brother with us and he said, why don't you go on up? And I told him, I said, well, you know, I'm gonna sit right here. You don't just invite yourself up, you know, you just, so I sat there and service went on, had a great service. God began to move and, and they got ready to dismiss the service and they said, oh, by the way, we're glad to have Brother Jones with us tonight. He's retired and it is, it is so good that he made this service tonight. And I got to thinking about that. And I said, you know what, I might be retired from pastoring the Gilmer church and give it to a young man with strength and vigor and, you know, can just carry the load. But I got, I began to think and I said, I didn't retire from preaching. I mean, I didn't retire just to sit down. As far as I know, got the calling of God is without repentance. And so, the devil is a liar. The devil is a liar. I can't quite do it like some of y'all can do it, but I can still do it. I can still do it. Amen. God is good to us and I, I just, you know, I just, we just keep going on. Mama, you want to sing? You don't want to sing? We'll give them some old-fashioned songs. Hallelujah. Praise God. I like what I'm feeling here tonight. God is working in this place and God is doing a great work. We got to sing it about God bringing us out and, and Sister Samson was singing and shouting and, and carrying on acting like she's about 25 or 30 years old. I need some of that to get on me right now, I'll tell you. After this morning, I don't, I don't have just the, the go ye maybe that I need, but the Lord will help me through it here in a little while. He'll help me through it. And I still got that same drive, that same desire that I had when God filled me with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Over, over 56 years ago, God filled me with the Holy Ghost and my, my old friends used to come around 18 years old was a young man got in the church and I loved it then. I still love it today and they would pull up outside and hunk the horn and, and I would go out and talk to them and they would say, "Come on, Jones, go with us tonight." And they would blow cigarette smoke out the window and they would pop that can of coars and, and come on, come on. We, let's go party tonight. And I said, "Boys, I got the Holy Ghost just a few nights ago. God filled me with the Holy Ghost." They said, "Oh, that's just, that's just something that you're going through. It won't last very long." And they came by like that several times trying to get me to do and go and be like I was before I got the Holy Ghost. That's been a long time ago, over 56 years ago. And I'm still got it and still going on today. Thank God for His presence. Thank God for deliverance. Can somebody say praise the Lord? Well, I thought y'all would shout it down and I would be, it would be easy, you know, for me to just kind of move out of the way a little bit. But we're going to go. We love brother and sister Samson very much. We've been knowing these folks for many, many years and talked about brother and sister triplet and all of the elders that we know have gone on. When I was a young man, I was just looking up to them and listening to them preach and teach and brother and sister triplet is gone and brother and sister Dawson is gone and brother and sister Riley is gone. Brother sister Henson is gone. Both both Hancock's that we fellowship and their families. Brother and sister Hancock, Richard Hancock are gone and Steve Hancock and his wife are gone and and on and on and on and on brother Riley are gone and it's just now we have lived and time has went by and here I am where they are, where they were and so what what are we gonna do? We gonna press right on through. We're gonna do it till it comes time for us to step on over and meet God and God is a good God and so I know that we get used to hearing some of these young preachers and thank God for the young men today but we're gonna we're gonna try to do our very best here tonight for just a few minutes. We're not gonna be long mainly because of me. It's not that I don't want to do some things but sometimes you just kind of get a little bit wore out but we love God and we thank God for what he wants to do in this service. I almost prayed for some folks a while ago and you know there's nothing wrong where are the prayer lines they used to have. You know I mean I don't I don't necessarily have to preach we had a prayer line today but I'm telling you when I got in a man you didn't have to say but one time is there a need in the house and they feel the front up. They came hungry and they came looking and I'm expecting that to happen here tonight. God still moves today. He's still a deliverer. I'm gonna preach about it. I'm gonna talk about it. Psalms 89-34 very familiar scripture tonight. Psalms 89 and verse 34 we could quote it you could quote it but we want to read a few scriptures. Thank you again for the meal today for the room for the for all the food that was in the basket and just to be truthful with you I I weighed too much catfist today. I cheated. I cheated. I've tried to eat light and but thank you so much we've we've enjoyed being here and we're not gone yet. Praise God. Psalms 89-34 I'm gonna read this verse and then going to read a couple of more verses but I'll read the first verse and let you be seated. My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. You can be seated but follow along with me. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure forever his throne as the sun before me. It shall be established forever as the moon and as a fateful witness in heaven. Sela. He said I will not alter my covenant. I will not break my covenant. It hasn't been but just if I mentioned it today but I'm gonna talk about it just a little bit more tonight. If you've been with the the media they they're talking about what's broken with the world and just coming up here you I jotted down just a few things. There's a there's a man that's on the radio and his name is Wilkow. I don't know if anybody listens to him or not. If I'm traveling I listen to him and he is a very conservative voice and he has this saying and I jotted it down the other day and he says the words that are spoken on this program cannot be broken. He'll say the arguments that are made on this program on this radio show cannot be broken. So I got a thought and I said wow he is so positive of what he's saying that that it's right that it cannot be broken. So I jotted it down Psalms 89-34 I've quoted it for years God said my covenant well I not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. I want to talk for just a few minutes tonight and try to obey the Holy Ghost. The covenant of God cannot be broken. The word of God cannot be broken. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie on to David. God's word will not lie. Numbers 23-19 the Bible said God is not a man that he should lie and neither the Son of man that he should repent. Have he said and shall he not do it? Have he spoken and shall he not make it good. Hebrew 16 and 18 said that by two immutable things in which it is impossible for God to lie. Titus 1 and 2 said God can not lie. If God said it it's gonna happen exactly like he said. His word cannot be broken. It's something that you can get a whole to. In this hour everything is broke. If you listen if you listen to the news everything is broke. I heard it coming up here. Amen. It's a what that what's right is wrong and what's wrong is right. I mean they're saying that on the radio. Commentators are talking about how sick and how broken this country has become. They said America is broken. She's lost her way. The rule of law doesn't matter anymore. The Constitution doesn't matter anymore. We are looked upon as a weak nation with no respect from the other nations. Our military is broken and no longer a world power. Our FBI is broken and used against the people. It's own people. The schools are broken. They're teaching sex education, taking the Bible and prayer out of the schools and they're talking about teaching about transgenders and it's okay to do these things without parental consent. I'm telling you that everything you you turn it on you want to turn it off. It's broken. It's broken but I come to tell you tonight there is one thing that can not be broken. There is one thing that is not broke and it is the unadulterated Word of God and God will do it. Can you shout yes somebody? Can you shout yes? Clap your hands and shout yes. Clap your hands and shout yes. My Lord I'm talking about the Word of God. The Word of God the brother that came up here before he said it the Word of God is still true today. Someone 1989 said forever oh Lord thy word is settled in heaven. I say of forty and eight the grass withers and the flower faded away but the Word of our God shall stand forever. Matthew 24 and 35 heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will not pass away. First Peter 125 the Word of the Lord endured forever and this is the Word which by the gospel is preached unto you. Malachi 3 and 6 I am the Lord and I change not. Hebrews 13 and 8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever what God was he is and what God is he wants to manifest himself in this service tonight. He will work. He will move. It's not broken. Can you shout yes? Amen. Amen. Amen. My covenant will I not break nor alter the thing which is gone out of my lips. Literally I will not pollute or defile or profane. God said that he will not do in any regard to the covenant as they had done. They had broken their covenant with him in verse 31. The promise which I have made God said I will not make it a different thing. I will not modify its conditions. I will not withdraw it. It shall stand precisely as it was when I uttered it. What God promised he will be. Amen. It will exactly be performed just like he said. The greatest thing about David and and this was talking about David you know and he's talking about the seed of David and he said as the sun and the moon you can't do anything with it. As long as it stand he said so is my covenant. You can look up in the sky have you ever stepped out at night and just looked into the heavens and behold the stars and the galaxies and and the big dipper and the little dipper and see the moon. I do it all the time. God I say you are awesome God. You are a great God and God said my word is gonna stand forever. It's just like amen. I'm gonna be with David and his seed just like the sun is setting right there. Just like the moon is in the sky. It's gonna be forever. Can you say praise the Lord. But the greatest thing about David was that David loved God and was a worshiper of God. God chose David because he was after his own heart. The promised king, the deliverer, the son of God was to come through David's lineage and that's exactly what happened. I feel like that we can expect God to work and to move and do anything right here tonight in this service. I will not break my covenant. He said this is what the heathen is said in Psalms chapter 2 and verse 1. Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves and rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against the anointed saying. Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. Verse 4, 2 and 4, "He that siteth in the heaven shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure." Verse 6, "Yet have I set my king upon my holy heel in Zion. I will declare the decree. The Lord had said unto me, Thou art my son. This day have I begotten thee. Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession." Verse 9, "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron. Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." God said, "I'm going to laugh." He did come. They thought they destroyed him, but he triumphed over them in it. God said, "I will break them. You're not going to break this. This cannot be broken. What I'm preaching about tonight, you cannot break this." Psalm 124 and verse 1, "Had it not been for the Lord who was on my side, now may Israel say, 'Had it not been for the Lord who was on my side, men rose up against us. Then they had swallowed us up quick when their wrath was kindled against us. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fallors. The snare is broken and we are escaped." I'm going to say right now, "Had it not been for the Lord who was on my side, he broke the snare. He set me free. He moved in my life and he changed my life. And I give him praise for it. Can somebody shout yes? I have broken the covenant. Amen. I have failed. I live for God. Amen. There are things I've got a little slack. I'm not going to get up here and tell you that I've just been a perfect man all my life. Amen. The devil talked to me just like he talks to you and he'll tell you this happens and that happens. And sometimes we get a little bit slack but we just have to look the devil in the face and say, "But you're a liar. You're going to the lake of fire and I'm not going there with you." We talked about today. Man breaks his covenant but God keeps his word. The process of time man loses his conviction and breaks his commitment to God. As time goes on they begin to feel like that they can do things that they couldn't do years ago. God is the same. Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. I thought about Samson. God called him to be a Nazarite and he had gave him power to deliver his people. And the Bible said in verse 16 of 16th chapter it came to pass. We all know the story of Samson when she pressed him daily with her words and urged him so that his soul was fixed unto death. That he told her all his heart and said unto her there had not come a razor upon my head for I have been a Nazarite of God from my mother's womb. If I be shaven then shall my strength be gone from me and I shall become weak and be like any other man. Samson fooled around in the lap of Delilah and he lied and he broke his commandment and he was put to the to the grinding at the meal and they left and marked and made fun of him. But God came back in his life. I'm going to tell you we are seeing a time in our day when Pentecost, apostolic folks have just come to be like other denominations. It's not a denomination. Apostolic folks is not like other Pentecostal churches. We come to meet with God tonight. We come to have church here tonight and if God said I will meet with you and I will not change my covenant. I will not break my word. Then it's going to happen. Can you shout? Yes, but I'll tell you here's what's happened. Don't get worried but I'm hot again. Jeremiah 2 and 13 said for my people have committed to evils. They have forsaken me the fountain of living water and whom them out sisters, broken sisters, that can hold no water. They've allowed what God gave them. They broke it. Amen and the Spirit is gone. Where did the Spirit go? It's because they're carnal. It's because they're doing things in carnality and following the world. Love not the world and these are the things that are in the world. If any man should love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Jeremiah 6 and 16 stand ye in the way and see and ask for the old paths and walk there in and you shall find rest for your soul. But they said we will not walk there in. I'm going to walk in it. I'm going to keep what God has given me. I want the devil to listen to me. You can't break me. You can't break this word tonight. You may be breaking a lot of things but you can't break me tonight. The Word of God is true. Isaiah 54 and 17 said no weapon that is formed against the shall prosper. Every every tongue in judgment that will rise up against you, you're going to judge them. This is the heritage of the servant of the Lord God. We can make it. The Bible said in 1 John 3 and 8, "He that commit the sin is of the devil for the devil sin it from the beginning and for this purpose was the Son of God manifest that He might destroy the works of the devil. He destroyed the works of the devil and He overcome the devil and I have overcome the devil. He destroyed that. He bruised real quick. I'm just going through. He bruised 214 for as much as the children were partakers of flesh and blood. He also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him who have the power of death that is the devil and to deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. I may have had a fear. I may have used to be fearful of certain things but God delivered me. He broke the trap. We sing the song. He set me free. Yes, he set me free. He broke the bonds of prison for me. I'm glory bound by Jesus to see. Glory to God. He set me free. Can somebody shout yes? Shout yes. This cannot be broken. Word of God is forever settled in heaven. Amen. Matthew 7 and 24. Therefore, whosoever hearth the sayings of mine, I'm going to show you to whom he is like. He's like a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it failed not for it was founded upon a rock. You cannot shake this. Amen. The devil can't shake this. He can't break this. Everyone that heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it failed and great was the fall of it. I came to address Mr. Sandman tonight. If you're building on the sand and you're not building upon the Lord Jesus Christ, if you're breaking your covenant, you're gonna fall and you're gonna be lost. But God's people who have built upon the rock. Amen. We're in this all the way through. You can't shake it devil. You can't shake it. We got it and God's gonna move and He is moving for us. Amen. You look at the book of Acts and the Apostles got to preach in and teaching and Amen. They will work in miracles and the Bible said in Acts chapter 5 in verse 28 they field the city with their doctrine. In verse 38 he said and now I say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this counsel or if this work be of men it will come to note. But if it be of God you cannot overthrow it lest happily you be found even to fight against God. If it's of God you cannot break it. If it's of God there's nothing you can do about it. If God came to bless us tonight and He's in this service right now there is nothing that the devil can do about it. Come on now we may have shouted a while ago but we gonna shout just a little bit right now for a few more minutes. You cannot break the word of God. Hallelujah. Acts 17 verse 6 they got to looking for the Apostles and the Bible said and when they found them not they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city crying. These have turned the world upside down or come hither also. They're shaking the world. They're shaking our cities. They're turning the world upside down and they could not stop it. They could not break it. There was nothing they could do about it. Psalms 11 and verse 3 if the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do but the foundation cannot be destroyed. Second Timothy 2 19 said nevertheless the foundation of God's standards sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that nameeth the name of Christ depart from a nichthy. Iniquity I got the victory. I got the Lord and that's enough. That's enough. That's enough. The Apostle Paul was preaching to the church at Corinth in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 7. He said but we have this treasure in an earthen vessel that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of our self. We have this treasure in an earthen vessel. We have the Holy Ghost. Amen. Every day when we we ought to pray and meet with God and renew our experience. It ought to be a joy. Amen. We ought to we ought to just look forward to the time of prayer when we get with God. And he was saying he put this in a vessel of clay. We have it in this earthen vessel but then he said we are troubled on every side yet not distressed. We are perplexed but not in despair. We are persecuted but not forsaken. We are cast down but not destroyed. I like this version and I'm gonna read it. We are pressed on every side by troubles but not crushed and broken. We are perplexed because we don't know why things happen as they do but we don't give up. We don't quit. We are hunted down but God never abandons us. We get knocked down but we get up. We get up and we keep on going. I'm gonna tell the devil I got power over you. I got victory over you. You may have you may have taken a bow or two but I'm coming out the winner. Shout yeah somebody. Shout yeah somebody. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. He said we are perplexed. We are troubled. We are cast down but we are not crushed. We are not broken. You know four years ago amen. I just I went to have just a general checkup and the doctor said well you know it's been a long time since you've had a PSA test and you really need to have one and so I you know I pretty much talked myself out of it but I went ahead and went and so when I did it was really high. The PSA test was really high and they said we need to do a biopsy because when it's when it's like that its chances are you have cancer and so I gave in and I let them take a biopsy of it and and they came at me with the news that you are advanced your prostate it's advanced cancer it's all through your prostate and we're gonna have to do this and we're gonna have to do that and so I listened to that doctor and I I was hearing what he was saying and he was pretty much saying that that I'm broken and that you're gonna do this if you're gonna live we're just trying to get you three to five years if if you'll do what we say I told that doctor I said I don't believe a word that you're saying I'm not looking to you and and he wouldn't acknowledge God he wouldn't look to God and so I walked out on him and didn't go back to him anymore the next doctor wouldn't acknowledge God and I walked out on him also we went to MD Anderson and I told the doctor there I said this is what happened one two three and I said number one I'm a preacher and a pastor and God has called me to preach I look to him foremost and first I trust God I look to God God has the final say if I'm gonna live or if I'm gonna die number two I feel like there's some things that I can do for myself I can look after this temple this temple that we are of the Holy Ghost I know some things I can do to help myself and number three thank God for your schooling and for college and for all the bookwork that you've done and everything that y'all do is doctors thank God for that amen and that's that's the way it is he looked at me and he said you know what preacher I believe in everything that you said I believe it just like that I went back just a few weeks ago and that you know they want to put me on this stuff and and it's there's so many side effects from it and you can probably I told my wife I said I just don't know sometimes the side effects is worse than the cure and you know you you get hot flashes and you sweat and then you get it thickens the arteries and then you have to fight you know heart problems and all that kind of stuff and then it they said it can fog the mind I mean it can fog you're thinking just a little bit and my wife said my my brain was already fogged but and if you get to chase in a rabbit you know sometimes you you forget exactly where you're at sometimes and and I believe it's from from some of the stuff that that I take that doctor told me he said well we're gonna have to put you back on this again because this went way up it's gone way up again and what was it brother Wilson amen and I said well I really don't like that stuff and he said well us we're gonna try something else and we're gonna put you on this and we're gonna do a little bit different type of a hormone peel and so he taught me into it we we did it we've been doing it for a while and he said now this is gonna work maybe I got a good report a few weeks a couple of months ago I go back next next month actually it's this month I go back the fifth and he said when it quits working we're gonna have to do something else and then finally it's gonna play out and I said I don't believe that I got his attention I said I don't believe that thank you for what you're doing amen but my prayer my faith is in God and I feel like God is gonna he has healed me I'm claiming my healing I don't feel like it has to be something else come on come on now it ain't broke the word of God's not broke he still works today it's still working today that doctor looked at me and he said well you know what I'm gonna pray with you hallelujah amen I don't care what the devil's told you tonight you can be healed I don't know what you come with tonight but you can be delivered you can be set free I feel like I'm healed I can still lead for joy I may not run as fast as you but I can still run just a little bit I can still do it I can still do it what I'm preaching can't be broke what I'm preaching works what I'm preaching God will do exactly what he said he would do when you shout yes amen one preacher said I don't know and and some things get get off with me said I you know I don't I'd just like to watch brother Jones preach probably he was talking you know a few years ago and he said I just like to watch him preach he said and I got the thing about it I said watch me preach it ain't just watching it's what I'm saying I'm telling you it's not broke it works God still gives you the victory Exodus I'm forget the notes I got a couple more pages but I tell you I feel like laying hands on folks here tonight Exodus 15 and 26 said if that will diligently harken unto the voice of the Lord thy God and will do what's right in his sight and give ear to his command and keep all of his statues I will put none of these diseases up on thee that I put up on the Egyptians for I am the Lord that he let thee numbers 23 and 25 I will take sickness away from the midst of thee I'm gonna bless thy bread and thy water amen the Bible said it I say of 53 and five he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his strike we are healed first Peter 2 24 who him own self bear our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by who stripes we were healed God wants to touch you from the head to the feet God wants to bless y'all and give you strength and heal your body he told me something already said he had to get his ears I know all about getting old I mean 75 old I don't know but you know it's just look at me and brother Simpson sitting across the table and we're doing this right here and we're trying to hear and then they're trying to tell us what the conversation was you know and all that we I know that we're kind of getting on up in the years but but I'm telling you that God I know some of that God can touch you tonight God can heal you tonight God can bless y'all and bless this work in the name of Jesus Christ does anybody believe it with me