VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier


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24 Apr 2024
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[Music] This is Viewpoint with Attorney and Author Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is a one-hour talk show confronting the issues of America's heart and home. And now with today's edition of Viewpoint, here is Chuck Chris Meyer. As Yogi Bear said, it's deja vu all over again. 1968 is erupting before us friends and with a presidential election coming up and a Democrat primary, excuse me, a Democrat convention coming up in Chicago, the place of the 1968 horrific riots at the Democrat National Convention. It's quite amazing what we're facing here, friends. But that is the least of my concerns. That may be the concern of many Democrats, but that's the least of my concerns. It should be the least of your concerns as well because what we're experiencing now is what I believe to be demonic demonstrations. This is not just free speech. These are demonic demonstrations. A virulent virus is sweeping the world. A virulent violence is sweeping the world. It's a virus. It's a virus of hatred of the Jewish people and raising up a sensible protection of a people that those who are carrying on these so-called demonstrations have no knowledge understanding about. But they have completely abandoned the biblical viewpoint of the Jewish nation. And have completely abandoned, in fact, have no understanding whatsoever with regard to history and the so-called Palestine or Palestinian people. So today on Viewpoint we're going to take a look at the big picture and I'm glad that you joined us. This conversation is always with every increasing conviction, talk that transforms, and there is a reason why. There's a reason why the students now are joining together in a full court press, you could say, a full court press to force every institution in this country to capitulate to their will. But what is their will? You see, that's where the issue comes. What is their will and why is it that they are willing what they will? Because that's where the heart of the matter is. And on this program we always seek to go to the heart of an issue. The heart of the matter is always the heart. God is not just completely, not just concerned about our actions, but He's also concerned about why we do what we do or why we don't do what we don't do. In other words, our attitudes are as important to Him as our actions. The motivations of the heart. And so today on Viewpoint, we're going to be taking a look at a lot of that. I'm glad that you've joined us. And here is the basic scenario that we're looking at. You probably have heard much of this, but there may be some that you have not heard. And so I'm going to give you two reports coming from the Jerusalem Post. The first is called Campuses in Revolt. Campuses in Revolt. And the Jerusalem Post didn't make up that title. That came from one of the leaders of the demonstrations. Campuses in Revolt. Columbia Liking Campus. Emerging at U.S. Universities. And here they are. Anti-Israel protesting campers have emerged on at least 10 American universities. In emulation are modeled after the Columbia University campus occupation. Following National Students for Justice in Palestine. That's the organization National Students for Justice in Palestine. And several other pro-Palestinian groups calling to seize the institution to force the adoption of boycott, divestment, and sanctions last Saturday. In addition to the Columbia encampment that had started on Wednesday, encampments were started in recent days at Emerson College, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the New School, New York University, University of Michigan, University of Pittsburgh, University of Rochester, Seattle University, University of California, Berkeley, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt Vanderbilt University has had an encampment since March 26 and rededicated the protest with the Columbia movement. Now, in addition to that, we have USC, the University of Southern California, that has now joined in the effort and protests have spread beyond the United States and encampments appearing at University of Alberta in Canada and University of Sydney in Australia. An encampment has also established on Friday at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at University of Minnesota Twin Cities, activists attempted to establish an encampment but authorities cleared it. So in a social media post by this organization entitled Campuses in Revolt, the organization promised that more encampments would be established all over the world and throughout the United States. Over the last 72 hours, the students for justice in Palestine and in chapters across the country have erupted in a fierce display of power and pressure targeted at their universities for their endless complicity and profiteering off the genocide on Gaza and the colonization of Palestine, they say, that's a quote. Another quote, "The encampments transform mass mobilization into long-term sustained occupation, leveraging our tangible power as students to give our institutions no other option but to divest." In other words, get rid of Israel. That's the whole purpose. Get rid of Israel. Anything related to Israel. They said, "We will seize control of our institutions campus by campus until Palestine is free." Meaning until Israel is basically eradicated. Because Palestine being free as they see it means that Israel cannot exist because Hamas, which controls the so-called Palestinian people, has dedicated themselves to the absolute and total annihilation of Israel and the United States. That's what just doesn't seem to come out in these so-called encampments and all of the voices that are being raised in a cacophony that is so confused and chaotic that it's a wonder that anybody can make any sense of it. Then the Jerusalem Post also came out with another article concerning Columbia University, extending a protest deadline after students agreed to dismantle some of the tents that were set up there on the campus. An anti-Israel encampments continued to spread to new universities today. Columbia University pushed off its deadline for negotiations with a student-based installment on the campus. The students were given 48 more hours to negotiate, but they said, "We can't negotiate. There's nothing to negotiate with." They either give us what we want or we're going to get what we want no matter what it takes. That's the viewpoint, friends. Where is it going? Is it just about violence or is there something much deeper that's involved here that would cause this broadcaster to call it demonic. We'll be right back. Once upon a time, children could pray and read their Bibles in school. Divorces were practically unknown as was child abuse. In our once great America, virginity and chastity were popular virtues and homosexuality was an abomination. So what happened in just one generation? Hi, I'm Chuck Chris Marr and I urge you to join me daily on viewpoint where we discuss the most challenging issues touching our hearts and homes. Could America's moral slide relate to the fourth commandment? Listen to viewpoint on this radio station or any time at Again, I welcome you back to viewpoint. Today we're talking about the massive demonstrations that are growing across America and now throughout the world. Campuses, major universities and colleges across America and around the world, it's a contagion. It's a virus, a rapidly moving virus moving faster than COVID-19. And perhaps more dangerous. You said, how could that be? We'll let me explain. We're going to talk about that here on viewpoint today because our viewpoint is concerning this determines destiny. Do people have the right of free speech in this country? Yes. Do they have a right to call a fire in a crowded theater when there is no fire? No. So there's a balance. There's a balance about free speech. And that balance is not being found here precisely because of one thing. Do you care to guess what that one thing is that has evaded the promoters of free speech? It's called the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord. Because the fear of the Lord you see was at the foundation of the ten points of our Bill of Rights. How do we know that? Because John Adams, the second president of the United States, said our government was made for a moral and Christian people and is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. The foundation for all Christian people is the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge of the Holy is understanding. And if that's gone, there's nothing else to restrain. No restraint. No moral restraint. And because there's no moral restraint, there's no physical restraint. There is no respect. And therefore, push comes to shove. Violence takes over. And there is no ultimate resolution until the body bags are full. Or something else equally as dangerous or more dangerous takes place. We're going to take a look at that whole picture here today on Viewpoint. And again, you see, we need to understand the whys of what are taking place. It's not just hand-ragging over what is taking place. It's why are these things taking place? We were to go back to the 1968, two years after my wife and I were married. And I had was in my second year of teaching in public school at that time in California. And basically, all hell broke loose in this country. And as one article says by Andy Schlaffly, "Politics repeats itself. Student protests shut down in-person classes at Columbia and disrupted Yale, New York University, and Harvard, sparking many arrests." So the upcoming Democratic National Convention could face worst turmoil in Chicago, the same place where the Democrats held their 1968 convention amid anti-war riots that caused a bad impression with voters. Even Chicago's very tough mayor, Richard Daly, was unable to control the violent protest, which television cameras broadcast nationwide and worldwide. And now today, with the police force having been run down so deeply, and none of the law in order that rural Chicago decades ago, mass arrests like that initiated by New York University on Monday will become necessary and will not play well with young voters. Well, that's true. But this isn't just about an election, friends. This is about a different kind of election. And that's going to unfold as we talk here today on Viewpoint. So, yes, there's entitlement to free speech, but those that are carrying out their so-called free speech rights have abandoned the foundation for that free speech. In other words, every man is doing that which is right in his own eyes and is not walking in the fear of the Lord. The same was true in 1968. In 1968, this country erupted in a national repudiation of faith. That's right, a national repudiation of faith, and it resulted in violence across the country. It was unrestrained. People screaming at each other. Some people would say, well, it was just about somehow bringing about racial equality, or no, it was far more than that. It was a moral and spiritual earthquake that hit this country in 1968. In fact, it didn't just hit this country, it hit the whole world. The entire western world became engulfed in the very same kind of revolt that we're now seeing emanating from Columbia University. And guess what? That's where the 1968 eruption began. History is repeating itself. And it's repeating itself because we have not come to grips with the underlying cause in the hearts of we the people and our children. Now, who do you think are the parents of the kids in these universities today that are supposedly assuming responsibility to pay $60,000 or more a year to go to these universities, these elite universities, and carry on the way they are? And by the way, we haven't even gotten to the issues yet. We will get to the issues underlying all that. But who are the parents? The parents and grandparents are those that were doing the same thing in 1968. The hippie movement, the sexual revolution that began in 1968. The rebellion against all authority in 1968. So these young people today have parents and grandparents who laid the foundation for this kind of godless demonstration that is now taking on, just as in 1968, a very demonic aspect. Look what happened to the country and the western world as a result of what took place in 1968. Whether you want to call it the hate asbury movement, whatever the hippie movement, whatever you want to call it, they're all part of the same virulent virus. It was an anti-Christian, anti-authority, anti-biblical authority. I will do what I want and ain't nobody going to tell me otherwise, including law enforcement or god himself. How do you think the sexual revolution was born? How do you think we've ended up with the practice, first of all, the complete divorce movement began in 1969 in Southern California as a result of what took place in 1968. And the church embraced it. The church embraced it in the 1970s. Divorce became normative. Then remarriage, which God called adultery, when your spouse is still living. Where do you think all these things came from? They came from a spirit of rebellion, friends, that circled this country and put a vice grip on we, the people, and strangled, attempted to strangle the last vestiges of Christian spirituality in this country and biblical authority. And our churches became complicit. Then came the homosexual movement out of the divorce and remarriage. And then, and by the way, all that was precipitated by the God is love movement in our churches in the 1970s as part of the driving force of the church growth movement. You see, all of these things came together at the same time, and they were driven by rebellion against God's authority. All of them, including in our churches and pastors became complicit. They said, "If you can't beat them, join them." And that's what they did. And then came the transgender movement. All of those things came out of the secret sensitive movement, which even dumbed it down even the more so God's authority even in his own house. Now, that's the background. That's the environment, you see. Rebellion cannot occur and take a virulent form such as this without a serious problem in the heart of we, the people. There has to be an environment to do it. And that environment is here right now, just as it was in 1968. If you think that the country was dramatically changed, which it was, it was like a spiritual earthquake, a truth quake that took place in 1968, completely shook America, completely shook the Western world, and brought everybody into conformity to the new social order of rebellion against God's authority and lifting up every man's authority over God's authority so that every man could do that, which was right at his own eyes, and the churches had to bless it because if you can't beat him, you have to join him. All right? You understand now the background of this. And now we move to the specifics concerning this current diabolical, I believe it is a diabolical set of demonstrations that are taking place, demonic, diabolical, virulent, virus sweeping the world. So what is this about? How are we to understand what's going on here? First of all, it begins with serious ignorance. Our young people have absolutely no knowledge of history. They don't even care in our universities and colleges. And yes, even in our high schools, over the past 50 years, they've been inculcated with a spirit anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, and always facing what they perceive to be the underdog no matter what the Bible may say, no matter what history may say, they don't care. They've got to have a cause. Did you hear that? They have to have a cause. And so they have a cause. They've conjured up a cause now, and it's being driven by a pro-Palestinian movement and history tells us there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. If it were, then Jews would be Palestinians, too, because they lived in Palestine. Palestine was the name given to that area, what is now known as Israel, by the Romans. But there's no such thing and never has been such a thing as a Palestinian people. But that's all been created. That's all been created in the imagination, the geopolitical imagination of the Western world for godless purposes. And we'll get to how those are godless purposes in just a few moments. Try to stay with us here. So the ignorance of our young people is so great that when man on the street interviews are done with our college students who are involved in these so-called protests, they cannot even verbalize why they're protesting. And when they say from the river to the sea, they have no idea what the river is or what the sea is. So I'm going to tell you what the river and the sea is. The river is the Euphrates River that runs through... I think it runs through Jordan. It's so far removed off of what currently constitutes Israel, that it's embarrassing for people to even refer to it now. Except for one fact, and that is that God said to Abraham, reverberated through his son Isaac and repeated to Jacob, that God gave them all of that land. Israel, the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, gave them all of the land from the Euphrates over to the sea, which is called the Mediterranean Sea. We'll be back. There is so much more about Chuck Chris Meyer and Save America Ministries. On our website, For example, under the marriage section, God has marriage on his mind. Chuck has some great resources to strengthen your marriage. First off, a fact sheet on the state of the marital union, a fact sheet on the state of ministry, marriage and morals. Marriage, divorce and remarriage. What does the Bible really teach about this? Find all of this at Also, a letter to pastors, the Hosea Project. And many more resources to strengthen your marriage. It's all on Chuck's website, Again, you can listen to Chuck's viewpoint broadcast, live and archived, Save America Ministries website at ♪♪ Are the demonstrations taking place, starting with Columbia University, and now spreading through at least a dozen universities across America at least two or three more around the world, and rapidly proceeding from there. Are they demonic or diabolical or not? I believe they are. And I'm going to show you, if you have not figured it out yet, hopefully by the time we're through here today, you will understand why I believe they are demonic and diabolical. The virulent virus, a spiritual virus that is sweeping the world, and how is it that this virus is able to sweep the world? It's because of the absence of the moral authority and Biblical authority that once governed we the people. So, nature abhors a vacuum. And that vacuum of moral and spiritual authority is going to be filled. And guess who fills it? Satan himself and his henchmen. Therefore, it is demonic and diabolical because it's not in accordance with the Word, the will, and the ways of God is expressed in the Bible. So, if the Bible means anything, then we need to go back to that as authority to guide us as to whether the behavior and the motivations behind it are legitimate or not. Yes, there's a right to free speech, but this free speech has to be self-ertailed to come into alignment with, well, we don't run over other people. And we don't call fire in a field theater. And we have respect for other people. These demonstrations have no respect for anyone other than an agenda. So, what is that agenda? You see, we're gradually getting to that. What is that agenda? That agenda, it would seem if you listen to many, is about feeling sorry for the people, the Gazan people, which they're calling Palestinians. Now, I personally don't have any problem with someone that has compassion for people that are being abused. I don't have any problem with compassion. We should be compassionate towards such people. But are the Gazans those people? The answer is primarily no. How do we know that? Because over 80% of them support Hamas. That's how we know that. They still support Hamas, which means that maybe 20% of those people are the ones that are suffering through no cause of their own. But the majority have prepared themselves for exactly this kind of event with Israel and are celebrating it. Even though they're losing a lot of loved ones and so on as a result. But that doesn't matter to them, you see. Because losing your life for the advance of Allah to take over Israel is considered something to be celebrated. That's their viewpoint. If we do not understand their viewpoint, we don't understand anything that's going on. Because viewpoint always determines destiny. It sets the course of destiny. The viewpoint of the kids back there in 1968 with the sexual revolution and the rebellion against all authority, it wasn't just coming against the Vietnam War. It was a rebellion against all authority. All hell literally broke loose in this country as our young people repudiated the word will and the ways of God and God's authority and said we're going to do it our way. Thank you very much. Frank Sinatra put it right. I'll do it my way. He expressed the sentiments of the age. So here we are now closer to the near edge of the second coming of Jesus Christ and the intensity is building. But this time the focus is different. In 1968 to generations ago, the focus was on repudiating God's authority all moral and spiritual authority and declaring ourselves virtual gods. We'll do it our way. That was the foundation of the sexual revolution. Now the attack goes against a people that God says are His chosen people. Oh, you see the real issue here has relatively little to do with the Gazan people and has everything to do with what the Gazan people and Hamas and these pro-Palestinian engines that are driving these university uprisings are all about. Where do you think this phrase from the river to the sea comes from? And what do you think it means? It's very simple. It means get rid of Israel because Israel stands in the way of so-called Justinians or Gazans occupying the entire territory from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean. So we're entitled to that they say, therefore Israel must be annihilated. Why do you think that Iran then is fomenting unrest through Hamas, financing Hamas, financing Hezbollah in the north, financing Syria to the northeast? Why do you think Iran is doing that? Because Iran is dedicated to destroy Israel and to destroy America. Those two nations encompassing what Iran and what they represent in terms of bringing in the Islamic Messiah or Madi, Israel and America represent the greatest opposition to Iran's objective. Therefore, they must be destroyed. Therefore, Iran will use their henchmen, Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and others even Erdogan there in Turkey, he's not part of Iran, but he is part of the Islamic movement fundamentalist. And he also is participating in all of this anti-Israel movement. That's what really is happening. This is not primarily a movement to protect people from abuse by Israelis, by the Israeli government. This is using that as an excuse to choreograph the leaders of the world, including all of the heads of the institutions including the universities, to capitulate to a new vision, and that is the vision to eradicate Israel from the map. It must be done, they say. If you do not see it that way, you miss the whole point. You miss what's really going on. This is why it's demonic. It's demonic because it's carrying out the devil or Satan's agenda to come against the people that God Himself, the creator of the universe ordained as His anointed. You say, I thought Jesus was His anointed. It's true. Jesus is the anointed one. And by the way, He was Jewish. Hello? He was Jewish. All the disciples were Jewish. They must be eradicated too. The whole spirit of Christianity, the whole foundation of Christianity must be repudiated and destroyed with the destruction of Israel. That's the viewpoint of virulent Islam. And viewpoint determines destiny. That's the motivating factor. That's what's stirring people up. They're using what seems to be an emotional agenda to try to gain the courage, the affection of a large number of people that are ignorant just like these students are concerning the reality of history and a biblical prophecy. But God said it was going to happen. So what's actually happening here through these so-called protests manifested as freedom of speech using the Constitution to actually destroy the underlying basis of the Constitution, which is what they do, that's not the issue at all. The issue is not free speech. The issue is their motivation for using free speech as a vehicle to try to destroy Israel and by definition, Christians ultimately within the Western world and the world as a whole. Now, last you should think that is not the case. This article just came today from the Jerusalem Post. Iran's main goal, destroy the world as we know it and impose Sharia Islam globally upon the world. Iran's leaders want to destroy the world as we know it, to dominate the Middle East, overthrow Western-style democracy, wipe out Israel and impose Shia Islam plus Sharia law on the whole world. That's what this is really about. When we get back, I'm going to take you on a journey to Psalm 2. It will help us perhaps to put this in biblical perspective a little bit more. This is a demonic movement intended to destroy that which God says he anointed. Have you ever considered what the early church was like? Many people are developing a heart longing for a greater fulfillment in our practices as Christians. A recent study showed 53,000 people a week are leaving the back door of America's churches and frustration. What is going on? Why has there not been even a 1% gain among followers of Christ in the last 25 years? Could it be that God is seeking to restore 1st century Christianity for the 21st century? Jesus said, I'll build my church. Is Christ by His Spirit stirring to prepare the church for the 21st century? We hold how they love one another. Incredible. But the same can be found right now. Go to and click sell church. We can revive 1st century Christianity for the 21st century. It's about people, not programs. It's about a body, not a building. That's Click sell church. Again, I welcome you back to viewpoint today. We're taking a look at the rising demonstrations throughout the major universities of America and now spreading virality to other countries, Canada, Australia, and will continue from there. The idea is to engulf the world in this spirit of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, ultimately, and to create such animosity among the leaders of the world that they will, in effect, have surrounded Israel and made life almost unbearable, almost, well, it'll be an existential moment for Israel. That's the ultimate goal. So, I want to take you to Psalm 2 for a moment. In Psalm 2 it says, why do the heathen rage? Why do the nations rage? And the people imagine a vain and foolish thing? That's the question. Why do these people rage? Why is it that this pro-Palestinian group that's driving all of these protests, by the way? It's not being driven by regular people's students. It's being driven by an undercurrent leadership of this violent pro-Palestinian group. You need to understand that. So, why is it that the people are raging? First of all, they have no knowledge of what they're talking about. They have no knowledge of history. These students, the majority of them that are involved in these so-called demonstrations do not know really why they're doing it. They just drunk the Kool-Aid of this pro-Palestinian group, and they want to be part of some cause. No matter what it is, they want to be, they want to feel like they belong. They want to feel like they're part of some cause. Because they've completely abandoned all reason in their own lives. Many of them involved in feminist studies and all kinds of weird kind of majors that are utterly and totally irrelevant to their lives. They're wasting their money. They're wasting their time. And they want to have a cause. That's understandable. They want to have a cause. We all want to have some reason, some rezone death for our lives, don't we? The problem is that they're utterly and totally ignorant of both history and the Bible. And so, if we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it. And that's what exactly is happening here. But it's going to involve more serious consequences for the world through an understanding of biblical prophecy. So here we go. Why do the heathen or the nations rage and the people imagine a vain and foolish thing? That's what these students are doing. They're being choreographed through emotionalism to a vain and foolish agenda. It's not connected with reality. It's not connected with history. It's not even corrected with reality and truth going on in Gaza. Why do the people or the nations imagine a vain and foolish thing? The kings of the earth, the leaders of the world, are carrying on an agenda against the Lord and against His anointed. That's what Psalm 2 says. Against the Lord and against His anointed. Oh, well, who was His anointed? Who was His anointed when Psalm 2 was written? Israel. There are numerous other places in the Old Testament that cannot tell us that Israel was indeed and still is God's anointed. Not the anointed one because there's only one Israelite who is the anointed one and His name is Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Yeshua Hamashiach, who will be king of kings and Lord of lords, the king of Israel. But the kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord. The rulers of the world turn themselves against the Lord and against His anointed Israel saying, let us tear their bands asunder. Whatever it is that keeps them cohesive, whatever it is that keeps them together, makes them strong, enables them to continue to do what they're supposed to do on earth, we're going to tear it apart. That God's going to have a response to that. And here it is. He's going to laugh at them. And He's going to have them in derision. In other words, they're going to go crazy. That's what's happening. This is craziness that's happening. There's no rhyme or reason to it. It's just being choreographed in an emotional state to get young people to serve Satan's purposes. And these are the kids, the children and the grandchildren of the same people who Satan used in the 1960s, '68 and onward to destroy the moral and spiritual foundations of this country. Would you call that demonic? I would. That's what it was. It was spiritual warfare. In a land that supposedly still claimed to be under God in God be trust. So it was a direct assault on God's authority and rulership in this country. This movement is a direct assault on God's authority with regard to Israel itself, whom He declared to be is anointed. What does that say to you? What would you say would be the implications for not only us in America, but for the whole world as a result of this? Well, here's what Psalm 2 goes on to say. The Lord's not, He's going to laugh at them, He's going to have them in derision. And then He declares to all of these foolish people, whether they be pro-Palestinian, whatever they be, He declares to all of them. He said, "Ah, but I've already set my king on my holy hill." No matter what you do, no matter how you try to destroy, no matter all your best efforts to choreograph and destroy my anointed, it ain't going to happen. You're going to make your best effort, but it ain't going to happen. Because I have already decreed and set my king, Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Christ, the anointed one, I've already set him on my holy hill. And you say, "But He's not there." If God has spoken, then it's as good as if He were there, and it's going to happen. Prophecy has shown that what God has said is going to happen and does happen, and it's going to happen again. That is our hope, friends. This is an assault against Israel. God is the hope of Israel. It's called Tikva Israel, the hope of Israel. And you and I, as professing Gentile followers of Jesus Christ, the anointed Israelite of all times, God's anoint ultimately the anointed one, we have the opportunity to be grafted in. Are we living any differently than Israel? They're the Jewish people today? Not much. Are we claimed to believe in Jesus Christ, but aside from that, are we living a righteous and holy life? Not much. Just look. Look at the statistics. So Christians are subject to the very same treatment, the same kind of uprising as are the Jewish people and Israel right now. And if you think that this kind of uprising here will not ultimately be manifested in a similar kind of uprising and persecution against Christians worldwide, you've got another think coming, my friends. That's exactly what's going to happen. Why do you think I wrote the book, "When Persecution Comes?" Do you think it was a game? Do you think it was an exercise in, you know, just wanting to use my hand to write? No. The Lord, the Holy Spirit is seeking to get our attention to prepare us for that which is coming. And when it comes, it ain't going to be pretty. That's why we need to be prepared. That's why moms and dads need to prepare their kids and their grandchildren. That's why pastors need to get serious about preparing their people. Will they? Probably not, but some will. And that's why you have the opportunity to participate in the persecution project. To get that book out when it comes out in August, you're gifted $250 to save American ministries. We'll put 10 books in your hand that you then, as a messenger, a God's hand extended, will be able to give into the lives of people that the Holy Spirit puts on your heart. It would be ready to receive that message, and as many do that, the seed is sown and spread. So, if you want to be part of that, you go to the website,, and you can sign up for that persecution project and become part of God's hand extended to prepare the way for these difficult times that are coming. It's not just the Jewish people, it's not just Israel. This is a precursor. Or you can call us 1-800-SAVE-USA, 1-800-SAVE-USA, or you can write to us at Save America Ministries, P.O. Box 7 0 8 7 9, Richmond, Virginia 2 3 2 5 5, writing a check at $5 for postage. No, you don't have to add $5 because you're, in this instance, you're contributing to $250. Make sure, if you're writing a check, you put persecution project on the checker and a note. We're so grateful for those who have decided to do that, quite a few. We're really quite encouraged, quite encouraged, by the number of those listeners who have seen the vision and want to be participants. In fact, we're excited about being a participant in it. You want to do more than 10 books in $250 increments, $500, there'll be 20 books and so on. Okay, now in addition to that, I want to just bring to your attention to help you understand the bigger picture here. This is a battle to become King of the Mountain. What mountain? The Temple Mount, friends. All of this is a battle where Satan himself is seeking to set the stage to rule and reign over this planet from the Temple Mount. So I wrote a book, "King of the Mountain," the eternal epic and end time battle, for it said that he who rules the Temple Mount rules the world. When you read that book, people who have read the book are utterly blown away. Really? I just the other day read the comments that were being made. I was so blessed by the comments as people were expressing their hearts concerning that book. It's a $20 book, yours for $15 on our website, save, King of the Mountain. You see, that's what this is really all about. Psalm 2 says, "I've set my king on my holy hill." So you guys out there, God says, "You might just want to get your act in order and listen to what I'm telling you. You might want to kiss the son that is Christ, the anointed one, less some pretty serious things happen to you." Go back and read Psalm 2. You'll understand exactly. So what is this all about? Demonic demonstrations. Very unlike fires sweeping the world, friends. I hope you'll respond. Thank God bless you, God bless you. You've been listening to Viewpoint with Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is supported by the faithful gifts of our listeners. Let me urge you to become a partner with Chuck as a voice to the Church declaring vision for the nation. Join us again next time on Viewpoint as we confront the issues of America's heart and hope. [Music] [Music]