The Howie Carr Radio Network

"A Fall River Fifty-Five": Turtleboy Joins the Show | 4.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show to update Howie's listeners on the Karen Read trial, where jury selection has taken longer than it did in President Trump's Manhattan trial. Aidan calls the trial "must-see theater," a display that will put O.J. Simpson's trial to shame.

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24 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. Is there something NYU is doing? I really don't know. I'm pretty sure there... Do you know what NYU is doing? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you? You're so much more educated. I'm not either. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Think about the guys you grew up with. You like to get in the corner and just get in the straight left. Oh! Duck guy! I'm not suggesting we hit the president. Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! Who's your captain? Howie Car! Bomb Tel Aviv. I know the people saying this aren't, you know, white Aryan males with tiki torches, but they have the same message. But the students that are allowing this to go on with the Hamas flags, letting these people on the campus, the professors that are participating in this, it's the same message, which is Jews are not welcome. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car! 844-542-42. Joining us now on the line is Aiden Kearney, aka Turtleboy. He's the blogger who's been writing about the Karen Reeve case. Now he's facing charges of his own, but the jury selection was completed today as my understanding, and the final motions heard tomorrow. Then Friday is a day off, and on Monday it's scheduled to begin, the trial is scheduled to begin with opening arguments. Is that right, Aiden? Do they have 20 jurors or 19? That's what I'm unclear about. I heard they got 19. I heard they got rid of five today and then added five more, because there was, like, kind of a lot. People probably looked at their schedules and said, "I can't afford to take eight weeks off. I mean, who can?" Are we up to eight weeks now? Eight weeks? I mean, I think that's what we're looking at when we're all sitting on, so I would say seven weeks at least, but you never know. Yeah, so let me ask you about your trial first. One of the reasons I wanted to call you today is I saw the picture of Mellow, the special prosecutor, who's going after you. And he's got the oxygen that tubes in his nostrils. I haven't seen anything like that in court since Larry Zenino was being sentenced for being a mobster back in the 1980s. It's a weird thing. He gets really sick whenever we need discovery or something like that. Luckily, he gets really better when there's a chance to send me back to jail, like on March 14th. He was spry. He kind of waltzed into the courtroom on March 14th. He was miraculously better, but then yesterday he couldn't breathe without those tubes in his nose, so I just hope he's okay. And you know, Larry Zenino, at least they made him come to court. I mean, he had the paramedic and the wheelchair and the tubes up his nostrils, but he was in court. This guy, Mellow can't even make it to court. He's an easy one. They wheeled his ass in the court, but Mellow just couldn't do it. It's too much. He also doesn't drive. He doesn't have a license, so he gets dropped off the court by someone in a red truck. So we don't, maybe his ride couldn't, didn't want to pay for it. The trip from Fall River to that. Who knows? But it just seems like he's lost his fastball a little bit. He's not as into this as he was back in the day. Once he realized he had to do actual work, you know, to go forward with this man, it's actually a pretty daunting task that he's trying to, you know, how old is he, by the way? Oh, yeah, he's like a hard Fall River 55, I would guess. I'm not sure. He looks rugged, but, you know, I don't want to judge him. I don't think he takes too good care of himself, just by the looks of him. He's got the Morrissey kind of framed to him, but I don't know about his work ethic. All those complaints, all those complaints to the board of bar overseas will really take it out of you, I think. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, they're not sending their best. They're not sending their best. And I just feel like they've lost their steam a little bit. And I think they're just waiting for the read trial to end. And I think eventually man, I'm going to get dropped because they can't go forward with this. Yeah, so what's the latest on that? You know, he could go back to this, this proffer that was offered to the federal agent. I mean, have we learned anything more about what this involves and what he is going to testify or not testify to and what kind of deal the feds have offered him? I mean, I know we don't know the actual, you know, official outlines, but what are the, what are the, what are your sources telling you about what he's going to say? I mean, we don't know anything. You know, we don't, we know nothing, like because, you know, the feds don't, they don't tell anyone anything what they're doing. Even Karen Reed's attorneys are kind of left in the dark about what the feds are investigating. So, I mean, your guess is as good as mine. He said there's a federal proffer, I'll take him at his court that that exists. That's obviously a serious thing for Brian Higgins. And, you know, I mean, these people get the next few weeks, you're going to be wildly at your team. That's one thing I can guarantee. You're going to see things in the courtroom that you've never seen before. All the prosecution gets to go first. They said they're going to take four weeks. Everyone on their list has to get cross-examine. That includes all the McAlberts. And they're not going to do so well. These are people who aren't used to being challenged, who have been hiding from, you know, from the spotlight this entire time. Again, though, you know, we've talked about this before, just because someone's on a witness list, that doesn't mean they're going to be, they're going to be called. I mean, do you think they're going to call, like, say, Colin Albert as the prosecution's going to call him as a witness? I can't imagine it. They'd have to call Jennifer McCabe. They're going to have to call her because she's the star witness. And she is extremely arrogant. And most of these people have been kind of laying low a little bit. I've never seen Brian Albert or Colin Albert or Brian Higgins because they smartly just, you know, don't go out. They're like, you know, but Jennifer McCabe insists on living life as if nothing has changed. And so she goes out. She's how long to die and cold, right? That's how long to die and cold. That's correct. So obviously she's going to be asked how long to die and cold about her tweet at 227. I mean, and there's no way the judge can entertain or sustain a motion to deny the defense the right to ask that question. I mean, I would think the prosecution would want to ask that question. You know, you want to put the bad stuff out there before you introduce your witness, right? But on the other hand, I mean, I can't really imagine that they're going to ask that question. They're going to ask her to explain what she meant by how long to die and cold to Google that. Yeah. And she'll, of course, say I didn't do that. And then the prosecution will come in and try to save her and say we have some, you know, actually she did it at 624, which nobody disputes. Everybody agrees she did it later on. We, you know, the defense content, she did that to mask the earlier one. But I mean, into a juror, the juror is going to hear all this and at best, at best, the commonwealth is going to get jurors to say, well, I don't know who's telling the truth, which means we have reasonable doubt, like at best. That is what they can hope to get out of this, is that like, I don't know what happens, which means they're not going to convict her. Yeah. Now, another thing that I keep wondering about is Michael Morrissey. Now, I know he's not a prosecution witness. Obviously, this is the district attorney who made this, this, this crazy video type last summer and just put it out there and it's just been shot full of holes since then. But again, I would think that this is, this is a ways down the road when the defense has its chance to call witnesses. But, you know, damn well that the prosecution, Lally, the assistant DA, is going to say, well, you know, your honor, this is, this, this is, there's no reason to call the district attorney in this case. But, but again, I mean, I don't know how, how can she deny it after, after he made this idiotic statement. Yeah. I mean, they've already made that argument. She has not made a ruling on it. It's my understanding that tomorrow she'll decide on that. I mean, but you're right. I mean, he, he voluntarily vouched for the witnesses. He didn't have to do that. He made himself part of this case. This victim witness advocate, Steve Nelson, is going to meetings with witnesses the day before they're supposed to testify in front of the federal grand jury, which is not thing for a, I mean, why is he even meeting with the algorithm of the caves? They're not victims of anything. He's supposed to escort the family and the okay family and, and he's meeting with Jennifer McCabe, the day before she's supposed to testify in front of the federal grand jury, like the coaching them up, what to say. So, yeah, I mean, I mean, a fair judge would, would certainly allow more see to be questioned, but this is empty bed, so you never know what you're going to get. So they, I mean, they're going to, is, and again, I, I know they're, you probably don't have the answers to this, but this is what people are asking is, are the, are the feds going to step, try to step into this? I would think not, but I didn't think they would go as far as they have. So what do you, which? There's a lot, there's a lot, there's a lot of people that think that their theory is that they're going to give the prosecution the rope to hang themselves. Like they, they know things that the Commonwealth knows or, you know, and they want to see like, is the Commonwealth ballsy enough to present evidence in court that the feds know that the Commonwealth knows is, is an accurate error. Yeah, there's phony. Like, will they present it? So a lot of people think that, you know, they're giving them the rope to hang themselves and that there might be intervention halfway, there might be indictments that come halfway, you know, into this. Who knows? That's what I mean by the next two months, you're going to be entertained by a court trial in ways that you've never been entertained before. You're just going to blow O.J. Simpson out of the water. The amount of, like, must see theater you're going to see in this courtroom in debt. But you know what it's going to be though, a turtle boy would be, my thought is there going to be a lot of these endless sidebar conferences. Objection, your honor. Oh, no, you know, let's, I mean, I'd like to meet the council at the, at the sidebar. And then there'll be like a 20, 30 minute break. And, you know, they don't have mics on the sidebar conference, right? Nope. Nope. And it's all going to be over like what gets admitted to evidence, what you're allowed to ask, all that stuff. Because the process, the last thing the prosecution wants is the defense asking questions of these witnesses, making them look stupid, which they're going to do. And they're going to, you know, they're going to be like, I guarantee there will be a situation where they have a sidebar. Like if they ask her about the Google Surgeon 227, they're going to ask her a sidebar and discuss whether or not. Can he ask that? Can he ask that? They don't want them. Again, these people have nothing to hide, but they also can't answer any questions. It's the oddest thing. Right. Well, if let's say Proctor is the first witness, you know, the, the state police investigator from the DA's office who is under investigation and he has his own damning texts with some of the quote unquote witnesses. The first question is going to be, are you under the first defense question is going to be, are you, if the prosecution doesn't answer it? And again, I'm used to trials in the federal court where they, where they put out all the dirt on their witnesses, but I don't think that's going to happen here. I don't, I don't think they're going to, they're going to play by the traditional, you know, rules where you try to protect yourself because they have so much dirt to hide. I think you're right about that. Yeah, I mean, I mean, if I was Michael Proctor, I wouldn't want, I wouldn't be looking forward to this trial. If I was Jennifer McCabe, I wouldn't be looking forward to this trial. Nothing good can come of this, you know, for them. They're going to be, they've probably been fearing this for so long. There was an evidentiary hearing scheduled for May 24th of last year that was set in stone. They canceled it the day before it was supposed to happen because the defense wanted to question Proctor Brian Albert and Jennifer McCabe. So these people don't, they, they, I guarantee this, they're fear in this. They don't want to go in. Yeah, true, true Proctor. Are you under investigation and eternal affairs investigation by the state police? Objection, your honor. Me can't beat parties at the side, at the sidebar for a sidebar conference. Like, did you lie to a state grand jury? You know, I mean, Objection, your honor. There's so many questions to ask her. Why didn't, when she called 911 from outside the house, why didn't she tell the dispatcher she was outside her sister's house? The dispatcher tells her to get blankets and she says she doesn't have any. She fails to mention, "Oh yeah, I'm outside of my sister's house." And her, and her husband needs a cop. So maybe I should go in there and wake up the first responder, but they don't do that. They never came outside of us. The jurors are going to hear this and they're going to have the same visceral reaction that I did and every other unbiased person did when they heard about this. At best, they're going to get reasonable doubt. At worst, these people are just going to look, the jurors are going to look at them and say, "We know what's happening here. We're not stupid. We know that Karen Reid didn't do this. We know the people inside theirs did. Some weren't. One of you did it. We don't know which one he did it. But somebody must because he died and he didn't end up there on accident. So who did it? I still want to know where Chloe is. That's a million dollar question. But, oh, by the way, things were blowing up outside in the buffer zone today. It's kind of backfired. What happened? Yeah, this guy that showed up yesterday, he's like a convicted felon named Jonathan Lee Richards or something. I've never heard of him before. And he showed up and he started yelling at me and telling me I'm going to prison and all this stuff. And he did the same to Karen today inside the buffer zone. And so after court, the police were short of like kind of cracked down on it. And there's this one kind of McAlbert friendly reporter is Wendy Murphy's Idiot son, Grant Smith. Oh, that guy. Yeah, you had a phone off with him. Yeah. Right, a phone off. Yeah. So he starts asking, like, grilling Karen about super questions or whatever. And the state police kind of just pushed him away. You're not allowed to do that. You're not allowed to do that. And, you know, those are the people that were cheering on censorship, you know, a couple of weeks ago. But then when it happens to them, it's all of a sudden bad. We've got to take a break, Turtle Boy. Can you come back for a couple of minutes more? A couple of minutes till the bottom of the hour. We'll be right back on Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. The Howie Carr Show is back. With us for a few more minutes is Aiden Kearney, a.k.a. Turtle Boy. And he's the blogger and he's covering the Karen Reed trial. He's broken so many of the stories. He's got his own legal problems now, although they'll probably go away when the when the Karen Reed trial is over. Certainly hope so. And again, I don't anticipate having yawn before the opening arguments, but, you know, you never know with this case. I mean, there could be some more bombshells coming out of the motions tomorrow, right? Yeah, he never know. There's never a dull moment in the Karen Reed hearings, for sure. Yeah. So, so you told me that the state police that are supposedly enforcing the buffer zone right away from the courthouse 200, 200 feet. They didn't do anything with this guy that was hassling you yesterday and Karen Reed that defended today. Oh, yeah. No, that guy. No, no, no. And then he came to my house today, Howie. All my, like, where my kids live, right? He came to you. He came to your house. Yeah, I found out because somebody sent me the YouTube video. He streamed outside of my house, right? And not that I, you know, it's like when I do that, by the way, it's intimidating a witness. Right. They have a witness in a couple of other cases, like, you're not, I'm a protected class of people in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You can't protest me, right? But when I do it, it's a felony, right? When someone else does it, it's, it's just, you know, legally protected. Well, you're, I guess you're in the, look on, look on the bright side. I guess you're in the same class with Brett Kavanaugh. You know, some transgender comes to his house with knives and ropes and guns and nothing happens to him, right? Brett Kavanaugh. Yeah, it'd be, I mean, that's just him, though, the whole Supreme Court had that happen to him last year, at least the conservative ones did. And we were told that this is all, you know, just the American spirit of First Amendment protected speech. You could protest outside people's homes. You know, then I do it to Jennifer McCabe and all of a sudden it becomes felony witness intimidation. Well, it took, in fact, it took three months. I did it in July. It became a felony witness in, you know, about felony witness intimidation, about three months later. So there were no witnesses, but you, you were, you engaged in felony witness intimidation. I've never understood that one, but there's a lot about this trial. I don't understand. Where can people follow you, Turtle Boy? They can follow me on or on Twitter at Dr. Turtle Boy, because if Joe Biden's a doctor, then so am I. And in this trial, people are asking, is this trial going to be on TV? Of course it is, right? You can get it. You're going to be able to get this trial anywhere, right? Yeah, on YouTube, I mean, multiple, all the major networks, I think, will stream it on YouTube. I'm not sure if it'll be on like network TV, but certainly on YouTube, it'll be everywhere. Yeah, it's, you know, and again, there are going to be these lengthy sidebar conference, but the actual, there will be a lot of fireworks, I'm sure. This is going to be a very interesting trial. Yeah, get your popcorn ready. It's going to be like nothing you've ever seen before. If you thought Mark Furman was a bad witness, wait until you meet Michael Proctor. I want him to ask Higgins about the proffer. You know, people are going to learn a lot of, a lot of people don't know, didn't know what a proffer was until the last couple of weeks. They're learning fast. This is a, this is a lesson for in legal, legal tactics, criminology. Thank you, Turtle Boy. ♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code Howie3, promo code Howie3. And Taylor is working on some special projects, our new Meet the Experts podcast, which is coming up with the CEO of Balance 7. So Emma is filling in on the board. Emma, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question is which Ivy League school do you most detest? Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, U-Pen, Brown, Dartmouth, or Cornell? As a former resident of the People's Republic of Cambridge, as a former property owner in the district, there's a former renter to Harvard professors and one-time teacher of a group for five mere weeks who had to cross a picket line against himself to get to his class. I'm voting for the local school, Harvard. Harvard is in the lead with 65 percent. In second place is Columbia with 22 percent, and in third is Yale with 5 percent. All right, and you can still vote in that poll question all night. Go to, and it's right there at the side of the page. Who would you vote for, Emma? Pen's close to home where I'm from. You always got to go with the local school. Yeah, yeah. But Pen has kind of fallen out of the headlines lately, hasn't it? They've redeemed themselves slightly, slightly. Slightly, yeah. But they could always fall off the wagon. These are all recidivist schools when it comes to radicalism. There's no question about it. Michael, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Michael. Hey, Howie. Yes. How are you doing today? Good. Good. Good. Good to hear. Well, I have a rebuttal to Turtle Boy. You know, he is right about one thing, about getting the popcorn ready. Because in this trial, because in this trial, sir, if or when physical evidence shows that Colin Albert was gone before John and Karen arrived, yes, Turtle Boy, I will have my popcorn ready. If that possibility of service is pretty soon, and then I'm going to want to know what he's going to say then. Okay. There will still be a lot of other people in the house that they'll have to talk about. They'll have to talk about that 227 Google search. They'll have to talk about the proper from the feds. They'll have to talk about the internal investigation of Michael Proctor by the state police. They'll have to talk about the fact that the defense has said that three of these witnesses proctor the state cop, the federal cop, Higgins, and a local cop have all admitted that they lied to the grand jury. So all of that is going to be coming out in the wash as time goes on, Michael. And where is Chloe? Where is Chloe, the dog, the wonder dog? Thanks for the call, Michael. 844-500-4242. Donald Trump, his campaign just sent out a truth social and an email about another horrific crime involving an illegal alien. This one in Michigan, another illegal alien crime in Michigan, the illegal alien from Mexico killed a woman a few weeks ago on the highway. Now, this is another illegal alien from Mexico, charged after home invasion and sexual assault of two young girls, two young girls. Miguel Hernandez Ruiz, he's being held with out bond. He was in the country on a temporary work visa that expired in December 2021. Deputies were called to a mobile home park in Sturgis, Michigan in response to a call for a break-in. Two girls under the age of 13 were allegedly sexually molested by the savage fiend from the third world. The sisters say the man threatened to kill them if they tried to scream or escape. The girls claim he used his hands to assault them while exposing himself. The cops tracked the suspect down to Indiana. That's where the gun fled. I don't believe this person will follow any of the rules of bond if he doesn't get a bond. I think he meant the prosecutor said he doesn't follow any other laws. Why would he follow the rules of a release on bond? He explained that Hernandez Ruiz's permit only allowed him to be in the U.S. from late August through the end of the summer to work agricultural jobs. But he hasn't been following these rules. He's on welfare. They're all on welfare. Why would they go home to Mexico where they would have to go back to work when they could stay in Michigan and get away with raping young girls and driving drunk and committing every other kind of crime? They had the New York Post has pictures of these thugs outside one of the flop houses that used to be a nice hotel on 8th Avenue and they're battling in broad daylight with baseball bats. These are illegal aliens. They've had other brawls in Yonkers. They've had rapes in the Ten City in Nyan Brooklyn at that airfield. What a thank you, thank you Joe Biden. And he's worried, "Oh, we're going to have peace in Ukraine." Because all the troops were in the trenches and they were watching the vote on TV. Really? You don't say Joe. Anyway, this was also at Columbia today. Representative Michael Waller is one of the two New York reps in New York Congressman who filed legislation to strip Columbia of all of its federal funding and to get rid of all the students, all the illegal aliens who have been, excuse me, the legal aliens who have gotten visas, but now we're taking part in all these riots involving the Nazi hippies on the college campuses and shouting death to America. They're all in here on a free ride. The American students have trust funds or demanding that their student loans be paid off eventually. But at the same time they're chanting death to Israel and then the follow-up chant is death to America. It's like Tehran on a Friday night. Death to the little Satan, death to the great Satan. We've recreated Tehran in Morningside Heights and on the banks of the Charles River at MIT and in Medford at Tufts and in the Bang Bay at Emerson. That's just in our area. So this is Representative Michael Waller of New York who's calling for a defunding Columbia University. He was with Speaker Johnson today. And again, he's in a tough fight. They're trying to redistrict all these newly elected Republican congressmen. But I think this is a winning issue. I mean, who wants to see this BS go on with all these pampered pukes? Many of whom aren't even Americans. Cut 21. Michael Waller at Columbia, New York. Well, thank you, Mr. Speaker, for being here in New York. I want Palestinians to be free, too, from their oppressor Hamas and every single one of you students that support Hamas are an absolute abomination. It is shameful, shameful that you would support a terrorist organization that butchered and beheaded and burned innocent women, children and babies. I went to Israel a month after the attack on October 7th, and I watched a 21 minute unedited video, raw footage of the attack. I watched exactly what Hamas did. And sadly, sadly here in America, we have students endorsing the butchering and brutality of a terrorist organization. If you want a ceasefire, the fastest way for a ceasefire to occur is for Hamas to surrender and to release the hostages. And if you can't call for that, you are a pathetic embarrassment to this institution and to students everywhere. You know, there used to be normal students at Columbia University. I don't think there are many anymore. I mean, I guess Barack Obama went there in the 70s. No one ever saw him, but he claims he went there and he got a degree. KJP went there, obviously. She didn't learn much. I don't know if they had a GED program or what, but they used to have normal people there. Ted Kennedy made a speech there in 1980 when he was running for president losing. And he had to drive by Fraternity Row at Columbia University. And one of the frat houses put out some stereo speakers. And as Ted Kennedy was driving by, they were playing their favorite, Simon and Garfunkel song. I guess you know where the story's headed. As Ted Kennedy drove by, he heard bridge over troubled waters. Those were when Americans went to Columbia University. Americans with a sense of humor. Americans who didn't want to kill all the Jews. It's when you had, I guess, I don't know who the president was, but he wasn't born in Egypt and he wasn't a Muslim, unlike the current president. This is Jared Moskowitz. I mean, he's a lib. He's from Broward County, nearby where I'm broadcasting for a few more days. But he's pro-Israel. And he was talking about how ridiculous it is that what these student demonstrations and about how are they any different from the people that Biden is always denouncing. The people who marched out of the woods in Charlottesville, Virginia, cut nine. Let's just look at what's happening. We were mad years ago when we saw Charlottesville and Jews will not replace us. Donald Trump sent good people on both sides or Mexicans or rapists, right? But somehow we don't have the same anger of go back to Poland. My grandfather's entire family was killed in Poland. He was the sole survivor, right? All Zionists should be killed, bomb Tel Aviv. I know the people saying this aren't, you know, white, Aryan males with tiki torches, but they have the same message. These students that are participating in this, and it's not all of them, but the students that are allowing this to go on with the Hamas flags, letting these people on the campus, the professors that are participating in this, it's the same message, which is Jews are not welcome. By the way, Trump wasn't pandering to the people that came out of the woods in Charlottesville the way Biden was pandering to these hippie Nazis. And these just flat out Muslim Nazis who are joining with the hippie Nazis and these riots on college campuses. 844-542-442-844-542-442. I'm Howie Carr. Adding your two cents is easier than ever. Call Howie at 844-542-442 or text the word Howie, followed by your message to 617-213-1066. 844-542-442. Limerick Guy Sandy Kofax went the Columbia back when we lived in America. I didn't know that. Sandy Kofax was Jewish from Brooklyn. He wouldn't pitch on Yom Kippur. That was the first time that ever happened. This was in the World Series. He was great. He had to retire early, but he was the dominant pitcher of his era, even more so than Juan Marishel or Don Drysdale. 844-542-442. Someone else also says, "Third world males know that you can't have more fun than me or reprobate human being committing crimes against women as far as they're concerned. That's some kind of fun." It certainly seems to be some kind of fun. Moscow was complaining that Trump said that there were a lot of Mexican rapists. Well, this guy is a Mexican, and he seems to be a rapist. The guy who killed a woman on the highway in Michigan, he was a Mexican. They just shot her in the head, pulled her out of the car. 844-542-442. This is Scott Galloway. He was a professor at NYU, and he was talking about how there was this attendance. You can't say that all of the hippies are Nazis. You have to have some nuance. They're not all saying this. This guy, Scott Galloway, I doubt he's a Trump voter, but he makes a really good point here. Cut three. And I do think there is a double standard. I had walked by NYU last night when I saw this peaceful protest, but I can tell you if I went into the NYU Square with a wide hood on and said, "Linch the blacks or burn the gays, my ID would be shut off by that night." And I would never work in academia again. There would be no need for the words context or nuance. I wouldn't be protected by terms like First Amendment or free speech. I would be out of the world of academia. It seems like we have a double standard when it comes to hate speech as long as it's against Jews. Yeah, they keep saying that, "Oh, they're not all like this. This is just a handful of people." There were no distinctions made between the people at Charlottesville and the neo-Nazis. There were no distinctions made between the FBI agents provocateur, who I'm talking about. On January 6, all the people who were just there to express their outrage about what had happened in the 2020 election. There were no distinctions. There were no nuances made there. And here's the Columbia students. We've played this earlier, but we have to play it again. These are some co-eds, I guess, from Barnard and who didn't get suspended, but boy, they're down for the struggle. 15. And what would you say is the main goal with tonight's protest? I think the goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stuff. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. I really don't know. I'm pretty sure they're, you know what NYU is doing now, but about Israel, why are we protesting here? I was done! We're having a Calgary, man. I'm not either. I came from Columbia. I was there all back from Nigeria and came down. It's good. NYU's commitment to our support. So I came down. I heard there's lots of cops and people were saying it was getting dangerous. We had the word. They had some PJ at the Omani Patma House. And so we came down from Morningside Heights, dude. It's really groovy. Again, they're down for the struggle. They're really into it. Ask them who the leader of Israel is. Ask them who the leader of Syria is. Jordan, Egypt, any of these countries. Ask them who the head terrorist is. His first name is the same as a Rolling Stones live album from 1971. Yeah, yeah. See you tomorrow. And how we talk. (upbeat music)