The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Doxxing Truck Guy adds a new Twist | 4.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Adam Guillette of Accuracy in Media (the doxxing truck guy) never stopped his tireless work to expose the anti-Semitism on our nation's college campuses. Adam joins the show to share his latest antics at Columbia University and his plans for the neighborhoods of the students' families.

Broadcast on:
24 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. Is there something that NYU is doing? I really don't know. I'm pretty sure that you know what NYU is doing. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. What is wrong with you? You're so much more educated. I'm not either. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Think about the guys you grew up with. You like to get in the corner. Just get in the straight left. Oh, duck guy. I'm not suggesting we hit the president. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Who's your captain? Howie Car. Bomb Tel Aviv. I know the people saying this aren't, you know, white Aryan males with tiki torches, but they have the same message. But the students that are allowing this to go on with the Hamas flags, letting these people on the campus, the professors that are participating in this, it's the same message, which is Jews are not welcome. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42, the cheap bastard deal, the Phillips chocolates are going fast, $50 value for $25, $978 says just dropped by Phillips chocolates last Saturday to use my previously purchased gift cards from the HCRN. They were excellent in the stores, larger than it appears on the website. I'm getting these again today. Thank you. Thank you, $978. They are excellent. Okay, so when October 7th happened, the massacres and the Harvard, Palestinian, pro-Nazi Muslim groups decided to support Hamas and come all out in favor of genocide against the Israeli people, a number of groups stepped in and you know what happened. The president, who was also a plagiarist, got was fired and they lost billions in contributions. And one of the people who was leading the counter protest and they had a truck. The truck was the victim of a hate crime showing some of the leading anti-Semite, some of the leading Muslim students, if you're putting that in quotation marks, who were cheering on the pro-Nazi terrorists. The group was led by Adam Gillette. I think it's pretty, that's how you pronounce it, right? Adam Gillette, Adam Gillette, but I'm open to interpretation. Adam Gillette, and your group is the, again, I'm sorry, I should know the name of it. Accuracy in media, it's been around for a long time. I apologize, Adam. So you guys did a fantastic job, but what have you been doing now? I mean, now this thing has mushroomed. These Harvard type of activities are everywhere and now they've gone back onto the campus at Harvard. What is accuracy in media doing now, Adam? Well, we're putting frowns on the face of anti-Semitic students and educators from coast to coast. We've gone after a lot of these vehemently pro-homos, pro-terror K-12 public school educators in Philadelphia, in New York and Seattle, and we send a mobile billboard to their school and to their home, letting their colleagues, students, and neighbors know exactly the kind of person they live with. In addition, we've been very active at Columbia University, Hamas's favorite university, not only calling out their anti-Semitic students, but their enabler, their president of their university. Yeah, now she is, the New York Post has called for her firing and now a speaker, Johnson, who's trying to, I think he's trying to make amends to his base after the Ukraine vote and no money for the southern border, but he's demanding that she be fired too. He's going to Columbia. Dean, do you think she's going to survive? You know, I really hope not because think about the situation they've got there. These students are paying $70,000 a year for tuition. However, they can't even get on campus. The Jewish and Israeli students were told to leave for their own safety. And when I go and visit, I find out that left and right off campus non-student agitators have no problems sneaking on campus, sometimes even with the help of the administration. So why do we even have to pretend that this is an institution of higher learning when the only thing they're learning there is a way to rhyme how much they hate Jews and how much they hate America. These are vehemently rabid Marxist, wacko people who have no business in polite society, no business spreading their hate, and clearly the president can't get it under control. She's got to get the heck out of there. In fact, we sent her to you all moving trucks last week. Now, you know, I found it rather ironic that the mayor of New York City, a Democrat, they're worse New York City Democrats than him, but he's pretty bad. Eric Adams, he and his police department are blaming outside agitators. Outside agitators. Those of us old enough to remember the civil rights movement in the '60s. The Democrats in the South said we're causing all the civil rights demonstrations. Now, Northern Democrats are calling, are saying it's the fault of outside agitators. It's rather ironic, isn't it? It is. And to be fair, there are some inside agitators. There are some outside agitators. Just like we did for Harvard, we chronicled the list of leading anti-Semites at Columbia. It's at You can also send a message to the trustees calling for their president to be fired. But we are again buying the domains of these radical anti-Semites and setting up profile pages, summarizing what they've done. We work with search engine optimization experts so that if you Google them, ours is one of the first pages that pops up. And starting this week, we're going to be sending probably at least eight mobile billboards to the parents of these vehemently anti-Semitic students across the country, starting with Georgia, so that they have to explain mom and dad have to explain to their neighbors why their kid doesn't like to choose. This is in place like Buckhead, I would assume. You know, so I'm really upscale suburbs of Atlanta. These are wealthy, wealthy, wealthy communities. One is a wealthy Atlanta suburb. One is Savannah. I don't think they're looking for this sort of thing. Perhaps they'll talk to the parents and maybe have them get their kid in line. Now Adam Gillette from Accuracy in Media, how many of these people, and people are speculating about this, how many of these people that are camping out and causing all this trouble chasing Jews across the campus, etcetera, battling with cops, how many of these people do you think are foreign students that have just been admitted in the post-George Floyd post-SAT era at these colleges? Where basically, you know, you can get any, if you're illiterate, if you check the right boxes, if you have the right name. Well, you can get in, if you're illiterate, check the right boxes, have the right name, and become president of the university as we learned at Harvard. But, you know, I would say if a minority of the students, the majority of them are over-indulged, leftist white kids who took these ideas who, from DEI teachings and K-12 education, diversity, equity and inclusion has infiltrated our public schools across the country. It's not just Berkeley or Boulder, it's in red districts in red states. And I could say that because I've been undercover in over 250 school districts across the country, exclusively in red states. And the DEI teachings push these people to push these radical ideas. And that's where it comes from. It's not some of them, it's not that they hate Jews per se, they hate Western civilization. It would be a simpler problem if they merely hated Jews. They hate America, they hate Liberty, they hate you and I. Right, it's like Trump says they're after you, I'm just in the way. They're after us, the Jews are just in the way. And it was like this in Nazi Germany in 1938. I don't think that's an exaggeration. Many Jewish public figures are being criticized for saying that, but I think it's right on target. No, that's exactly the case that we're dealing with. And you could tell because they chant death to Israel and the next sentence, they chant death to America. And the next sentence, they say things all cops are, you know what? These are people who hate Western civilization. And then they say pay our student loans. They say pay our student loans. It's exactly my gosh. And you know, I just was doing, I was doing a call, you know, Katherine Clark, she's the, this blowing Congresswoman from the North Shore of Massachusetts. And you know, her boss or former boss, Nancy Pelosi, just called for Benjamin Netanyahu to resign today. You know, her non-binary child was arrested last year in Boston for anti, anti-cop graffiti on the Boston guard. You know what the graffiti was? ACA B, that's what it was. Of course. AC, all cops are, you know what? I mean, this is, this is the whole key. And how about that woman from the, the, the co-ed from Vermont, who, down at Columbia, who, who killed two people, two elderly people, while she, apparently while she was texting, but her, her father is a big executive at UPS. She paid a $220 fine. Where, where was the justice in that? She's now at Columbia, you know, demanding, you know, an end to the state of Israel. And she's walking around, paying a $220 fine for killing two people in, in Vermont. I guess it's better than if they gave her an internship as a UPS driver, working for her dad, my gosh, get off the road. So are you going to be back at Harvard? Or, I mean, cause, you know, there, there are all these colleges now in Boston. There's, Harvard was, you know, got into fun today with MIT and Tufts and Emerson. You guys get to be back, is, is accuracy in media going to be back in Boston anywhere? Well, remind me again, when's commencement day? We're going to be making a tour of colleges across the country, reminding students on commencement day that there's no statute of limitations for anti-Semitism. We'll visit you that day and we'll visit you at your future employer. You know, in fact, if you go to practice law, your employer is at, on file with the American Bar Association. If you want to apologize for what you've done, no problem. We immediately take down your webpage. We immediately take you off of our billboards. But if not, we're going to make sure that your anti-Semitic legacy haunts you for the remainder of your college time and throughout your career. People deserve to know who the anti-Semites are in their community and in their workplace. So you have Do you have any other ones for colleges in the Boston area? In the Boston area, I think we have Admittedly, it gets hard to keep track of this because I now own over 350 domains. Don't forget Tufts and Emerson, though, Adam. I own, I think. I don't think I own I hope nobody buys that really quick. Don't tip anyone off on that one. I got a gut to goDaddy or right away. But it is, unfortunately, a target-rich environment of truly disgusting radicals. And really, if people care about this, the only solution is to advance universal school choice. Some states have banned DEI in critical race theory. And I've found that these laws aren't worth the paper they're printed on. The only solution is universal school choice. Yeah, no, I agree. Adam Gillette from Accuracy in Media, people want to go to your websites other than the college websites like or Where do they go to learn more about Accuracy in Media, Adam? Our website is We're also active on pretty much every social media channel you can imagine sharing our latest work, showing our videos from visiting these campuses, but it's all also at Have there been any more hate crimes against any of your trucks? So, last week, when I was at Columbia, well, I was filming and trying to interview people. A couple of these thugs tried to wrap up my cameraman. Thankfully, we now travel with security. So they put it into that real fast. Our billboards have been damaged a number of times, but we also now get security for the billboards. I've now been slotted 10 times, 9 times in October and November. And once again, a few weeks ago, after I went after an anti-Semitic public school teacher in Seattle who has since been suspended for the rest of the school year. This is a teacher, by the way, who twice previously had been arrested. So it's no surprise that he was happy to say, "All cops, you know what." I asked him if he said that before, after he got arrested, he didn't have a good answer for that. Was he related to any members of the Democrat leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives? That's it, Joe. All right, Adam Gillette from Accuracy in Media. Thanks for being with us. See you on Commencement Day. Definitely, and I'm going to go buy him for Good. Good. They deserve it. Thank you, Adam Gillette. First thing, when I wake up in the morning, I grab a shot of Balance 7. I like Balance 7 to relieve any lingering heartburn from overnight. It also gives me an immediate boost in energy before my morning walk to the breakers. The other day, I thought I'd run out. I immediately asked the mailroom manager to order some more. Fortunately, she had an extra gallon stashed in the Acondo. I took it out and filled up my 16-ounce bottles that I live in the fridge for easy chugging throughout the day. Here are the seven reasons you need Balance 7. One, more energy. Two, lessening heartburn. Three, helps you with your joint pain. Four, it aids digestion. Five, it balances your pH levels. That's very important. Six, takes away sneezing fits. Seven, helps you sleep better. Have you been that listener who's been thinking of trying Balance 7? Don't wait any longer. Order today and you will make sure you never run out. April is National Stress Awareness Month, and this is a perfect time to try to reduce the stress in your life. Balance 7 is not just a supplement. It's an alkaline concentrate formula designed to restore your body's natural pH balance. We'll be having a Meet the Experts podcast about Balance 7 very shortly. I was talking to the CEO today, and it explains all of these concepts. All you need to know though is it makes you feel a lot better. Just give it three days and you will feel the difference. Order today at Use Code Howie and receive free shipping. That's Code Howie. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr Show from anywhere. Dad, what's not supposed to use this? Go to and click Listen. To start streaming Howie Live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-pack special. Everyone loves the thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-pack special at and use promo code Howie3. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Ivy League school do you most detest? Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, Dartmouth, or Cornell. I'm still voting for Harvard, even though they're not as bad as Columbia this week, but they'll be back up there. 64% say Harvard, 24% say Columbia, and 5% say Yale. People are still giving me grief about feeding Roscoe good food. Arden, though, says, "Howie, I say keep doing what you're doing with Roscoe." When I met him, I thought he looked trim, healthy, and very happy, a very good boy. He is a very good boy, Arden, thank you. Dr. Matt the vet has texted me, and he is concerned for Roscoe's well-being. He'll be discussing that with you Friday. What? Because I gave him a little piece of a sausage? No, it's not the sausage that concerned him, actually. The toast. The to... The buttered sourdough. Oh, man, he loves... If you put a piece of sausage, a piece of chicken, and the sourdough toast with butter on it, he'd go for the sourdough. I told Dr. Matt to come in this Friday with a printout of all of Roscoe's weigh-ins in criminological order. He's barely out of puppyhood. He's a year and a half old. Can't be used against me. 844-542-42. He's a pug, not a pig, says another texter. I didn't come here to be made sport of, and neither did Roscoe. All right, 844-542-42. Speaking of DEI, this was a story in the Wall Street Journal just a couple of days ago. I thought this was a pretty funny story. It didn't get picked up. You're going to see why it didn't get picked up. Reports, these are the annual reports of corporations, public corporations. Reports omit goals for diversity. I wonder why. Spending 1.2 billion with diverse businesses, doubling black and Latino leadership, increasing recruitment from historically black colleges and universities. These diversity goals were highlighted in many companies' annual reports in 2022. A year later, the references were dropped. They were dropped. They dropped this sentence. Diversity is embedded within our organizational planning for the future, with diversity being an area of consideration during succession planning. That's gone. It's no longer in succession planning. GameStop cut mentions of diversity and inclusion. From a list of philosophy tenants for its Human Resources Department, software company UiPath used to define DEI measures as a business priority and a moral imperative. Now they are key to creating an environment where people feel safe to be themselves. And not be accused of being a racist. Is that included in there? Nordstrom removed specific goals around diversity. Workday, see you later. Best buy. Good bye. [Music] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542, we only have a handful of our cheap bastard deals. Phillips, chocolates and Dorchester, they've sold like turtles. Not like hotcakes, they've sold like turtles or heavenly hash. There's only a handful left. Go to Click on store and you can get a $50 gift certificate to Phillips chocolates and Boston Mass for $25 just in time for Mother's Day, just in time for Mother's Day. 844-542, 42-844-542, and again the tragic news of the day. There've been 31 people or 30 people won't be coming down for breakfast at National Panhandle Radio on Commonwealth, WBUR. They've laid off 24 and several others took the buyout. One of the people on the Globe message boards said amongst the chuckling and guffawing said, "The Howweekar Listening audience is out in force today. I hope so. I hope so. Let them get real jobs." George Soros is buying radio stations. Maybe they can be hosts on showville radio. They also ran Sports Station in Boston. No, he owns that station now. He owns all these crappy stations. He's trying to buy more crappy stations. Let him buy WBUR or WGBH, both of them. It's the same radio Moscow crap on two stations. One of them go back to classical, one of them go back to jazz. How about we do it that way? Bring back the blues show. Do they still have a blues show on WGBH? Do they still have Eric in the evening? No, he's dead. Eric in the evening is dead. Do they still have Tony Sonamo jazz on BUR? No, he's dead too. All these guys that you used to listen to are dead, and now the stations are dead. Funny how that works, isn't it? Because they gave you something different. If you want to listen to Adjut prop, you can get it anywhere. Any of these public radio stations in all of the 50 states, that's all they offer on these stations. 844-500-4242-603, those girls at NYU are only there because they heard they could get free nose piercings, tattoos, and hair dye. I heard there's also a good weed emporium in that neighborhood too. I have no idea, but I just said that. Mr. Garcia, Mr. Garcia lost his congressman today. You're there, Mr. Garcia's 29. He also was my councilman in Newark. He wasn't a councilman in Newark. I go for him one time and he came famous because he followed her. He followed her way. Right. Congressman. Right. Donald Payne Jr. I mean, what's going on in New Jersey? You have Robert Menendez, the Crooked Senator, his son becomes a congressman. You have this guy Donald Payne Sr., he dies. His son becomes a congressman. Then you have Governor Murphy, he was briefly trying to run his wife for the Senate. This guy is kind of a hotbed of nepotism in the garden state, Mr. Garcia. Oh, yeah, because Donald Payne was, you know, a deck doc. And I really get surprised. He won. I said because he followed with more popular name. Right. He was, he was, I call him a cemetery because he never, he's very quiet. He never talked. I don't know what the hell he gave in Congressman. I never, I never. Well, Mr. Garcia, I don't know what he did either, but you know what? He's not going to be doing it anymore. Is he? No. And then I want to ask you a question. If the hopefully Donald Payne never going to jail, if he going to jail, you think he's going to be an accused of him and suicide and kill him and jail and write a letter. I think they would like, you know, Mr. Garcia, I don't want to really get into that. But I think they would, they would like to do something. I mean, you saw what Benny Thompson and another corrupt Democrat from a rotten burrow. This one in Mississippi, file legislation to strip any quote unquote convicted felon of his secret service protection. Yeah, they would, they would definitely, they're, they're trying to do anything they can to stop Donald Trump from getting back into office. And, and they will, they will stop at nothing. There's a story in Politico today about how all these law fair people like Eizen and, and Mary, I think his name is Norm Eizen, Mary McCord, all these people. I maybe Mark Elias is involved in it. They're all, they, they all have a zoom conference on Friday, a zoom conference call to discuss law fair and how they're going to try to screw Trump and put him in jail and keep him off the campaign trail. I mean, it's just, it's just really sinister work and they don't have anything on them. That's what makes it bad. Thank you, Mr. Garcia. 844-500-4242. Yeah, his, you know, one thing when we talk about nepotism in New Jersey, one thing we don't have to worry about, Cory Booker's children aren't going to follow him in the politics. Because he has no children. I wonder why. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Yeah. Hey, Howie. Thanks a lot for taking my call. I was listening to the Ed Lambert show this morning and I don't know if you catch much wind on the conversations that go on with Ed, but this one caller called in and he was just had a brilliant idea. And I'm talking about the protesters over at the colleges, Ivy League colleges, for that matter. A great idea that I was listening to was to free up the police that could be out taking care of the real criminals, you know, is simply get the fire department down there, cook up to the fire hydrants, and just give them a rainy day. I mean, that was our poll question yesterday. You know, what's the best way to deal with the protesters? I believe the fire hoses one, didn't they, Taylor? Overwhelmingly, yes. Yeah. What a great idea. Why they're not doing that? I don't know. I mean, they should be on top of that. I would think, you know, that would they would. Can you imagine these people are snowflakes. I mean, they're not, they're not used to being treated badly. I mean, look at Columbia University. They're the protesters are quote unquote negotiating with these nitwits in the administration saying, well, you will leave, but you can't bring in the police and you can't bring in the National Guard and all this. I mean, if they ever turned the fire, I would love to see it. Personally, I voted for the horses in the poll yesterday. I think the horses would be even better. How about the canines? And I don't mean Roscoe either. I mean, real, you know, real police dogs, German shepherds and Dobermans. That kind of dog, big dogs, mean dogs, talented dogs, Roscoe's talented, but in a different way. And I'd like to see him, you know, get get these people, you know, out of there. They shouldn't, they shouldn't be there. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Dennis, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Dennis. Yeah. How about if the police shoot the cell phones out of the hands of protesters? I've got a, you know, you know what, Dennis, don't they, they, when they have demonstrations in totalitarian countries, whether it's Iran or China, don't they, don't they do away with the Wi-Fi? Wouldn't that be great? I mean, that, that would be the, that would end it faster than, than the dogs, horses, and firehoses, and tear gas combined, wouldn't it? If they couldn't watch any more on their cell phones? I'm sure the motive is more narcissism than it has anything to do with Palestine. But I wanted to say that, that the Kafir and the face mask is to 19, 20, 20s America, what the R&B and the Brown shirt were to 1930s Germany. Yeah. No, you're right. You know what they're, you know, one thing, they used to have this thing called the Bund, the German-American Bund, and it was just a pro-Nazi type group, and they were, they were in a lot of, a lot of cities, and like they were in, they were in Yorkville, which was on the east side of Manhattan, that was kind of a German area. And you know, who, you know, who broke up the meetings of the Bund in Yorkville? Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel and Lepky and the Jewish gangster sent people in and they just broke heads. It's unfortunate that Jewish organized crime has been supplanted and they don't have any thugs like Kale Konigsberg or any of those guys to go in there and take care of these people. How are these people any different than the Bund? They're not. That's the whole, that's the question. That's the answer I should say, 844, 542, 42, 413. If you ever need to give a dog a pill, put it in a piece of bread, yeah, I'm going to have a discussion with Dr. Matt about this. You know, it's not like I'm, it's not like I'm giving him a whole piece of sourdough bread because it's so tasty. I want to eat it. You know, I just give, I just give him a little, a little bit of a crust and it's got some butter on it. Make some happy. I want them to be happy. I want them to be a, a, a cheerful, playful pug. Harry, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Harry. Hey, howie, this is, this is my first time on your program. I just wanted to, because people, everybody's taught, you know, about the war and guys are and everything. I just want to enlighten people and everything, how the guys are, that is really hands. They had a war and in that war, they won the guys are stripped. They developed the guys are stripped, right. So it could be bountiful and everything. Then you went and demanded that Israel give back the guys are stripped. So they gave the guys are stripped back in the people that occupied it, ruined it. They bulldozed everything down. Right. And that's, they spent, they spent billions, they spent billions to give them technology like, for instance, greenhouses or concrete to build public housing or housing in some form or another. And they used, they, they toured, when they, when Hamas took over, they tore down the greenhouses. I mean, can you, I mean, how insane is that, Harry, to tear down greenhouses? That's how, that's how Israel has become a major agricultural exporter in the mid east by using this new agricultural technology. They didn't want it because it was Western. It was Zionist, you know, and they took the concrete and they built those damn tunnels that they're now bombing. So all that, all that, that infrastructure that could have been used to make the, make the lives of these people better has been, has been used for terrorist purposes. They have, you know, they're on the Mediterranean, Harry, you know, the Mediterranean, that's where the French Riviera is. It's just another part of the Mediterranean, right? They, they should, they, they're living in what could be a paradise. And instead it's, they gave them it, they gave them the Gaza. It was a paradise, but they bulldozed everything down. Right. And the Jordanians don't want anything to do with them because they, they had a civil war. They tried to take over Jordan. They had a very bloody civil war, Egypt, let, let all some of the men. And what did they do? They tried to start a revolution in Egypt. So the two Arab countries that are, that are next to them don't want to, don't want them anything to do with them because they know their trouble. So you know, who's, who's fault is all this? How is it Israel's fault? Thanks for the call, Harry. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. This is all history. It's history you're not going to, you're not going to hear about on CNN or, or national pan andler radio for that matter. And now you're definitely not going to hear about it from those 30 people that just got fired or let go today at WBOR. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza for a limited time dive into incredible deals like a two pack multi-use MyPillow's or stylish sandals for both men and women or a luxurious six pack towel set. All available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard it right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait. There's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four pack dish towels. You guessed it. Also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making its debut the premium MyPillow's with all new geez of fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code Howie for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code Howie. Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show will be right back. I'll be car is back. 844-542-4844-542. By the way, we just sold out of the Phillips Chocolate's cheap bastard deal. It's a great place in Dorchester. Congratulations, everybody. You've got the $50 gift certificates for $25. However, if you missed out on today's deal, you can still save on your Phillips Chocolate's order, especially for Mother's Day. Go to and use code Howie at checkout to get 10% off your online order. That's right. Go to Use code Howie at checkout to get 10% off your online order. 844-542. When your primary goal is jihad and intifada, is anyone's surprise food independence is a lower priority than building rockets? They're in pursuit of a good time and have little to know concerns about a long time. They want to wipe out the Israelis, but yet they relied on Israel for their electricity, for their clean water, for their indoor plumbing, basically, which is part of the clean water process, for their Wi-Fi, for their food. Who's been mainly delivering the food aid deliveries? There has been some international, but a lot of it's been done by the Israelis. Who's building the tents? Who's just bought 40,000 tents to put all the refugees in so they can wipe out these final Hamas battalions that are left. It's not the Iranians. Let's put it that way. Again, I wouldn't expect the Jordanians or the Egyptians to do it because they've tried to kill. They have killed many Egyptians and Jordanians, but I thought Iran was supporting Hamas. The Hamas is the Iranians' proxies. Where's the aid from Iran to all the starving Gazans? Where are the calls for the ... I mean, this is becoming a cliché, but where are the calls for a ceasefire in Ukraine? 600,000 people dead, Russians and Ukrainians in that war, maybe, maybe 25,000 dead. They said was 30,000 Palestinians dead, now Hamas has cut it down to 22,000 and a handful of people, a relative handful of people on the West Bank in Southern Lebanon. Another textor says Lebanon was a paradise. It was a paradise. It was a multi-ethnic democracy with Arabs and Arab Muslims and Arab Christians, predominantly the Maronites. Then they had a civil war. A lot of the Maronites left, just like a lot of the Palestinian Christians have left. That's one thing about Trump's trial. One of the jurors is a native of Lebanon who left in 1980, that means in all likelihood he's a Maronite Christian who was fleeing the savagery that the Muslims were inflicting on the law-abiding, prosperous, hard-working Christian population, not that some of the Arabs were hard-working in law-abiding as well, but there was a problem with some people called Palestinians. And now we car.