The Howie Carr Radio Network

New York City could use a Job Fair or two | 4.24.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

There's something the illegal aliens and the Ivy League students have in common. Nobody wants to work hard and get a job. Instead, they expect everything to be given to them, whether that's welfare or a list of strange Israeli divestment demands.

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24 Apr 2024
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This is Toby from Cape Gunworks, the Second Amendment is so important, just like all other rights, the best way to keep any of our amendments alive is to come down and experience your right to keep them bare arms. Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. Is there something that NYU is doing? I really don't know, I'm pretty sure that you know what NYU is doing. I don't know. I don't know. What is wrong with you? I'm not either. I'm not either. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Think about the guys you grew up with you like to get in the corner, just get in the straight left. Oh, duck guy. I'm not suggesting we hit the president. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Who's your captain? Howie Guy. Bomb Tel Aviv, I know the people saying this aren't, you know, white, airy, and males with tiki torches, but they have the same message. But the students that are allowing this to go on with the Hamas flags, letting these people on the campus, the professors that are participating in this, it's the same message, which is Jews are not welcome. The swabs, hacks, and moon bats beware, it's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. Donald Trump remains on trial in this kangaroo court in Manhattan while in the same big apple metropolis. Here's the headline on the New York Post this morning, Columbia Surrenders, anti Israel students get slap on wrist. School cancels all in person classes for semester, Columbia Surrenders, Columbia Surrenders. And right now on the front page of the New York Post as the kangaroo court trials, trial continues and the Democrat operative posing as a judge with a Democrat operative 34 years old as his, as his, who's his daughter, he reclaims as a child, she's making a handsome living in a Democrat party, deep state circles. He's pondering whether to find Trump for violating the so-called gag orders. But is that, is that travesty of a mockery of a sham continues, migrants swing bats, belts, and even traffic cones in each other's, at each other in wild brawl outside the New York City hotel. That would be the row hotel on 8th Avenue on the West Side, formerly, formerly very upscale boutique, semi boutique type of hotel. Now it's a flop house. Mobs of rowdy illegal aliens from the third world got into an all-out brawl outside a mid-town hotel, swinging sticks, belts, and even traffic cones during the violent broad daylight melee. At least a dozen third world thugs and goons squared off, I'm changing some of the nouns around, squared off Sunday afternoon, with one out of control illegal scenes swinging a bat menacingly at the mob before one of the combatants is taken to the ground and pummeled by four others. Footage shows, because four on one is illegal alien fun after all. And then they have, they have video of this, and there it's just, it's just another nice day. Made a shocking scene taking place at the dozens of metro hotels, where the illegal aliens are being parked. This police body camp footage captured another wild scuffle between cops and migrants at a Yonkers hotel. In another case, several young men appeared in court after allegedly beating New York City cops during a Times Square brawl. Those were the Venezuelans. Meanwhile, hotels have become a whirlwind of police activity. No kidding. They haven't become a whirlwind of job fairs of people seeking out employment. But you know why? Because no one's seeking out employment. They didn't come here to work. They came here not to work and mission accomplished, mission accomplished, but they're after Donald Trump. They have their priority straight here, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, we have, we have so much to get to today with these Biden cuts. We don't have time for all of them right now, but I just have to, I gotta play just a couple for you. And of course, the big one of the day is when he says, well, play cut 18. Imagine what we can do next, four more years pause, four more years pause. Four more years pause. Now listen to this one. This one always cracks me up. He claims to be a working-class ghetto, as John Lennon would say, a working-class ghetto is something to be. You're all bleeping peasants as far as I can see. That's what he really thinks though. He thinks we're all bleeping peasants. Listen to this. This is the craziest thing. Cut 11. The guy has never worked today in working man's boots. By the way, you gave me a pair of boots as a gift, by the way. I know how to put them on. I still sometimes cut the yard, but the secret service doesn't let me do it anymore. He has worked boots. He has worked boots just because you have a hammer doesn't make you a carpet there. Just because you say you drove an 18-wheeler doesn't mean you ever did. And he said he cut the lawn. That's another lie. A lot of people say they cut the lawn. If you've really cut the lawn, you don't have to tell anybody you cut the lawn. And you know what? I don't care what anybody says, I'm going to say I've lived, owned, rented houses with huge rotten yards, with lots of pine trees in them, which, you know what pine trees mean. That means the needles come down, the grass doesn't grow right, the rocks in the yards. It's no fun. It's no fun. No one who's cut a lot of lawns likes to cut lawns. So this is another B.S. lie, 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, I'm sure you've seen the front page of today's Herald, haven't you, please describe it to the audience? So you're referring to my column where I said let's tax the liberal, let's hold the liberals and I listed all the out of state liberals that I would like to start taxing at the borders. You know what I said? This is a very judgmental column. Is that what you're referring to? You're referring to the other stories on the front page. 844, 542, 42, 781, they say Joe is sharp as a tack, more like soft as a grape. 508 says we need common sits bat control. How about we need some common sense traffic cone control. And again, I thought these illegal aliens were only here to do the jobs that Americans didn't want to do. I didn't know that Americans wanted riots and broad daylight on a major New York City thoroughfare. But you know, hey, it's all part of the fundamental transformation of America. I mean, who doesn't want a fundamental transformation of America? 617, what the hell is he doing with work boots on? He's never worked a day in his life either for four more years of that buffoon and it's all over. God bless America and Donald Trump. I know Donald Trump has worked so much more in his life than Joe Biden. I mean, you know, Donald Trump, he may not have carried a hog or swung an axe or anything like that. But I mean, he's put together projects that have actually gotten something done as one of those prospective jurors said last week at the trial. So, you know, I'm a skater and I'm a fan of the New York Rangers and I want to thank Trump for getting the ice rink built. It's called the Workman Ice rink in Central Park. And the city had tried for a decade and they never could get it together to build a simple ice rink. And the Trump said, I'll take it over and I'll bring it in under budget and on a head up schedule and he did it. And, you know what, it wasn't building the great pyramids. But he knew how to do it, unlike anybody at City Hall in New York, any Democrats, let's put it that way. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 542, 508, I cut the grass, I don't cut the yard. Oh, man, it's, he's really on top of his game today. The great, you know what's ironic, they're trying to keep Trump off the campaign trail and they are to a large degree. He's out on the weekends, but he's stuck in Manhattan during the week. So then they put Joe Biden out and he's just making a fool out of himself day after day, after day. I mean, yesterday it was, you know, he doesn't have to tell us, you know, he doesn't need to tell us how bad we are or something to that effect. And then today, you know, he reads that reads the teleprompter instructions, not, not the, doesn't know enough to just pause rather than he reads pause. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, I'm how we car. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what? There's, this could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Car Radio Network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. The 110 Grill offers 100% of their menu gluten free. Enjoy their patios and don't forget Mav to reserve your mother's day table today. Go to 110 grill dot com and yum, yum, yum, yum. Meet John Deaton, the political outsider and hard-nosed warrior running for Senate in Massachusetts against radical Elizabeth Warren. I grew up in real poverty in a dangerous, violent neighborhood and learned life's lessons. I've worked my way through college and New England School of Law, living in Roxbury, joined the Marines, got married and built the law practice. I fought for the little guy. I am running for US Senate to shake things up to the people who need it most. Take on the drug and insurance companies, take on Washington corruption and work to solve the migrant crisis. I know your dreams and your hopes for you and your family because I share them. I will fight for what is right, no fear, and never give up. Visit John Deaton for Senate dot com. I'm John Deaton, Canada for US Senate and I approve this message. 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Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space. There are no filters to replace. And it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code Howie3. I thought a long and hard about how many colleges to put on this list today, but then I just said, I'm just going to go with all the Ivy League colleges, all of them. I think there's eight of them. I think I got them all. And I didn't say which one irritates you the most today. I wanted to make sure that it was for all time, not just a flash in the pan like Columbia. So, Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which Ivy League school do you most detest? Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, U-Pen, Brown, Dartmouth, or Cornell. I'm still going with Harvard. What the hell? 62% say Harvard. It's 28%. That's the local. That's the, you know, where everybody's going with the local guys. Yeah, what's, what, finish second? Columbia, 28%. Yeah. That's, and see, that's the, that's the news. That's the headline school of the day. Okay. So, there's only 10% left for the other six schools. Who's, who's the third? Four percent for Yale. Yeah, I would, yeah, that would, yeah, that would be the way I would go. This seems to be the voting just the way I would vote. Yeah. You know, don't forget Cornell, you know, that's where Keith Oberman went to college. You know, I, I, these, sometimes Cornell gets overlooked. You know, they have an agricultural school. They have a hotel management school. In other words, they have some schools where they actually teach people skills that might come in handy in real life, other than medical school, and, which a lot of them have, but, you know, it's an Ivy League school, nonetheless. By the way, speaking of Harvard, you know, Harvard was, was lagging behind the other schools in the area, MIT, Tops, even Emerson. But today, a pro-Palestinian encampment has been set up in Harvard Yard. Oh, they're, they're, they're not running behind now. They're, they're, they're up with everybody else. Meanwhile, Boston police warn law enforcement action imminent at Emerson College, where students protest war in Gaza. Immanent. I hate to be a snob, but how many students say Emerson know what the word imminent means? We shall not be moved. This is at Brown University, another, another also ran in the Ivy League despicable poll question of the day. Student protesters launched gaza solidarity encampment on Brown University's main grain. Why don't they just call it a weed smoke in? See, that's what it is. It's not a gaza solidarity encampment. Dave, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, how, you know, a couple of questions come to mind. First of all, it's, I wouldn't have many of those people who are blocking bridges and doing these marches and all this other crap or newcomers, you know. Yeah. No, that is a really good point. You know, Victor Davis-Hanson was raising that. You know, since George Floyd rioting, they've, you know, a lot of them abolished, although they're bringing them back the SATs and the ACTs. So there's no more standardized testing for a number of years, and they, in addition to letting in unqualified American students, they're letting in unqualified foreign students. That's why everybody at Harvard freaked out when they were talking about suspending them and expelling them in October, because they were, you know, they love gaza and they love Hamas terrorists, but they were afraid they were going to have to go back home and they were going to be no jobs. So, you know, why, I don't understand why they don't want to go back anyway, Dave, the all the foreign students, and plus all their American, you know, fellow travelers, why wouldn't they want to go back and fight it out? Yeah. And the other question, which is easy to answer, I wouldn't know how many anti-war protests who were during the Second World War, you know, we didn't tolerate them then. No, no, they were not tolerated then. It's a, it's by the way, I mentioned yesterday they had some really good, really good IDF photo aerial video of blowing up a Hezbollah commander and his aides white car as it was making its way down a, down some road in Lebanon. Then I couldn't find it again. I was going to tweet it out, but I found it again just now and I tweeted it out. You got to see it. It's really good because some of the video they use is not in color and the vehicles are very nondescript. This is a nice looking white vehicle. And all of a sudden, you know, these, you know, Abdullah and Muhammad are chatting it up about, you know, who's, who they're going to be head next and, you know, who they're going to rape next. And then all of a sudden calling paradise, we will be needing 144 or more virgins. That is 72 times two is 144, is it not? Steve, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Steve. Hello, there's Steve. Go ahead. Yes, I am. I'm, I'm Steve. I went to Columbia and I was there the same time Robert Kraft is actually with the same age. Yeah. You know, even, even for 20 years after we left, there was none of the kind of confused relativism that we see in academia now and that produced the people like the current president and many others, even the riots of 68 weren't as bad as these and the total fecklessness of the administration. No, I mean, you look at those old pictures of 68. I mean, everybody's still fairly well dressed and, you know, they're, you know, the guys, the guys at the president's office smoke in the cigar and that's a kind of a semi iconic photograph of the time. But yeah, there was, it was nothing like this and I'll look and you know what? We have a new episode of Meet the Experts. This week I spoke with Michael Walsh, who has written a highly acclaimed series of mystery novels set in a fictionalized version of his hometown, Lynn, Massachusetts. Michael shares what it takes to be an author. The vast amount of research involved, his writing process. Here's a preview of this week's episode of Meet the Experts. This Wicked City is a story powered by its character struggles with love, loyalty, and sacrifice and those values describe the people of Lynn. What do you call it? I mean, I mean, it's a story powered by it, but I think it's a story powered by it. I mean, it's a story. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. I mean, it's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. 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It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. It's a story powered by it. With 20% off on select Liberty Safes and 0% financing for 12 months, now is the time to buy. When only the best will do for you in your home, choose a Liberty Premium Home Safe. This combination gun safe for sale features some top security features. Visit today. You made it through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. Now the longer warmer days are finally on their way. 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The good news is this gives them more time to attend Pro-Hamas, Pro-Nazi, anti-Jewish rallies. -Bye-bye! -Bye-bye, Emerson. They have a choice. They have a choice. They'll have a choice. Now, Emerson, Tufts, MIT, now Harvard, with so many choices for the laid-off WBR employees. Where do you think they'll go first, Grace? -Out of all those places, I don't know. Yeah, a lot of these protests are now taking place across all of these colleges in Massachusetts. I actually heard that -- and I could be wrong on this -- that Boston College, like every single school is getting some sort of protest. That's what I heard this morning from a source, but I can't confirm. -And nothing in the headlines about it yet. I hope not. -Yeah, well, a lot of these encampments have to get, as you know, how they have to be approved. In the case of Columbia -- in the case of Columbia, they say you get 48 more hours because, you know, the negotiations are going well. And then the students are actually not as easily pleased as the administration. They're saying, no, you threaten to bring in the National Guard and the NYPD, and we need it written down that you're not going to bring those people in before we disassemble our text. -This is what they used to call in the '60s -- non-negotiable demands, Grace. Non-negotiable demands. -Yeah, well, now here's another story for you, how a Columbia University professor is speaking out against anti-Israel protesters and calling on police to protect him. The professor, however -- -Yes, I saw this. Yes, he's very much -- he was very much into defund the police. But this guy is the classic, apparently, the conservative definition of a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged or threatened with genocide in this case. -Yeah. On Monday, Columbia Business School Assistant Professor Shai Davidai, who is Jewish, attempted to lead counter-protesters against an anti-Israel demonstration known as the Gaza Solidarity encampment, but was denied access to campus after his ID was deactivated. We talked about that, Howie. But now we find out this professor was also denied access to the university's main campus and that he, at one point, was to defund the police. So this is kind of like Cory Bush, you know? Some people -- some people are defund the police until they feel a little bit threatened and then they want private security. -Yes, and by the way, Elhan Omar's daughter now claims that she's been the victim of a chemical attack. -Yeah, we've been able to confirm that. -I think it's some of that fart spray or something. -Yeah, that was -- I read that it was non-toxic. [ Laughter ] -Again, if her mother had never committed immigration fraud, married her brother who may be her father, what would -- do you think Elhan Omar's daughter would be worried about fart spray in upper Manhattan? I don't think -- I think she'd have bigger problems on her mind back home in Somalia. -Howie, did you see the videos of the Columbia students or the protesters? I know that the big excuse now is, "Oh, no, the protesters don't actually go to Columbia. They're just on the campus at these protests." But they're all like dancing with this red yarn and kind of weaving their bodies in and out of the red yarn. Did you see that? -Yes, I did. Let's play the cut. I think you played it with the Columbia student who doesn't know what she's protesting. Let's play cut 15. -And what would you say is the main goal with tonight's protest? -I think the goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stops. I honestly don't know all of what NYU's doing. -Is there something that NYU's doing? -I really don't know. I'm pretty sure they're -- do you know what NYU's doing out there? -What? -About Israel. Why are we protesting here? -I was done. We'll be free. -I was more educated. -I'm not either. -Wow. -I came from Columbia. I was there all back in Columbia and we came down. They said NYU's community is our support. So I came down. I heard there's lots of cops. Some people are saying it was getting dangerous. -Like I heard there was some good weed down here, man. -It's usually when I hear owners -- -And the beer is cheaper down here in lower Manhattan than it is up town. -Yeah, usually when I hear like, "Oh, there's chaos and there's cop cars and there's, you know, I try to stay as far away from that as possible. I don't go, "Okay, I'm on my way. Wait for me." It's crazy. And then, of course, what a lot of people on social media keep highlighting, which is very important, is we oftentimes are paying for these young people to get degrees at these schools where they're taught to hate America. So this is, you know, pony up. If you're watching this and you're going, "Wow, this is insanity. You're paying for it most of the time." -Death to America. And forgive our student loans. -Well, you're at it. -Well, if we're dead, I mean, how can we forgive your student loans? And someone's got to pay off that money. Someone's going to pay off the debt. Do you really want to kill us before you get your loans taken care of? I mean, you know, where are you going to, if you have to keep paying them off, where are you going to get your next tattoo? -Well-- -But that knows Pearson you've been dreaming of. -Like I didn't really think of it that far. I wish I had more information. I wish I was more educated on this. In other news, how Biden trails Trump in six swing states is 70% say economy is going in the wrong direction. The Bloomberg News Morning Consult Swing State Polls showed Trump leading Biden by 7 percentage points in Arizona, 6 points in Georgia, 8 points in Nevada, and 10 points in North Carolina. -10 points. -Yeah, baby. -Wow. -The Republican also led his Democratic rival by 4 percentage points in Wisconsin just inside the polls margin of error. So, yeah, the economy is the big driver here. And people do not feel that they are better off than they were four years ago. All those damn people looking at the price of eggs. -I'd keep telling him that they are. And Biden must know what he's talking about. He has a pair of work boots, and he used to drive a tractor trailer. Just ask him, Grace. -He'll tell you. He'll be the first one to tell you. Here's a weird story. -And you know what it is? And his family has paid the price. Did you know that his uncle was eaten by cannibals? -I did hear about that. But you know that the cannibal academics in our society are not happy about him throwing that out there. People think that he might not be telling the truth. -The Professor of Cannibalism? -That was Uncle George from Our Gang talking about Uncle Bossy. -How do you say that? -That was Uncle George from Our Gang talking about Uncle Bossy. -This is a weird story. Reggie Bush is going to have the 2005 Heisman Trophy reinstated. -You know, I guess I'm behind the news. I just don't pay as much attention to the sports page as Grace. I didn't know it lost the Heisman Trophy. -Yeah, the only-- -Now he's getting it back. -I didn't know this either. But he had lost it because of NIL, the name image and likeness. Or no, I'm sorry. He's getting it back because of NIL, but he had lost it because he'd received benefits from marketing agents, like he was getting paid, and that wasn't allowed. -Well, that's shocking. He's the first person that ever got those kinds of payoffs in college athletics. -But now that it's allowed because of-- -I think he probably lost it because his last name was Bush, and it was 2005. -Yeah. -In those days, the leading malady was Bush derangement syndrome. -Yes. -I don't think he was a victim of circumstance. But now that the name, image, and likeness compensation applies for college athletes, he's getting it back. So that's just a little update for everyone. And lastly, this is the story I've really been dying to tell you about today. There's a story in the New York Post, and the photo that accompanies it is a giant fat dog sitting on a couch. But I looked at the picture, but I didn't have time to read the story. What are they saying is the bad stuff. What's the bad stuff? But I'll tell you if Roscoe gets it. -Well, hold on a second. First-- I can tell you right now, Roscoe, I'm looking at this stuff. Definitely does get it. But let me just tell people the headline. These popular human foods that could be making your dog fat. First of all, how he lets address the fact that do you care if these human foods are making your dog fat? -Well, he's a pug. And whenever Charlotte comes down, she says he's getting fat. And I say, how do you know he's getting fat? For a pug, he's very trim. -She sizes him up. -He looks like Reggie Bush. He looks like Reggie Bush in his prime running through the offensive line. -Does she weigh him or does Charlotte just size him up and down? -She just always says it. It's one of those things. You know how people say stuff about you? You're looking great, Grace. Or your hair looks fantastic. -That's her go-to with Roscoe. He's looking fat. -That's what she says. She always says that. -Oh, I'm going to have to have a word with Charviv. That feels very hateful. -Yeah. Well, tell me what the -- what the dogs -- -Well, first they say, most of us don't realize how calorie-dense our food can be for our pets. This is especially the case for smaller dogs and breeds which are more obesity-prone such as pugs. For small dogs like these -- -Well, I can't -- no one could dispute the veracity of that statement. -A single sausage can take up almost half of their daily recommended calorie intake. -Yeah, but who gives the dog a whole sausage? I just give him a bite of a sausage. I gave him a bite of a sausage yesterday. -One of the most common treats we feed our dogs is left over meat. -Yeah, of course. Yes. He had some pastrami this morning. -It's going to have almagoutia soon. -If you were to give your dog two pieces -- -Almagoutia, it's coming back. Yes, or we're coming back to almagoutia, yes. -If you were to give your dog just two pieces of bacon -- -Do you give him the candied bacon from almagoutia? -No, I don't get -- I eat that myself. -I don't believe that. -I don't -- no, no. He has some of the steak from almagoutia, but he doesn't have any of the bacon or -- and he also doesn't have some of the Brazilian sauce. -I'm with Charlotte. I like that. -This is a thick dog. -Roast chicken can also take up a lot of our -- -Of course he eats chicken. -You know what he loves even more than chicken? I think I was feeding him some today. -Can't eat bacon? -No, some buttered sourdough toast. He throws himself at -- -This is not just the meat. It's the carbs. -Is he running a marathon? Why are you carboloting him? -Do you think he wants salad? You think he wants a raw mushroom? I don't think so. -Ready how he says, "Just one egg can be 31% of a small dog's calories." -No, but nobody feeds him an egg. I mean, Kathy eats the mailroom manager eats eggs in the morning, but she just feeds him like the leftovers, the burnt stuff from the pan. Nobody's feeding their dogs eggs. -A lot of information's coming out of this. You seem to be very defensive. -Charvive is shaming the dog. Mailroom manager burns breakfast. 508 says Rosco needs a -- needs a sleeve. And in 978, if my kid participated in this, the money would be cut off. Well, Charvive makes her own way, so I can't really do that anymore. -That's it for me, howie. -Okay. You know, again, nobody -- nobody is feeding -- or at least I -- nobody I know would feed their dog a sausage. Even a big dog, you wouldn't feed the dog a sausage. You could just cut him a little slice and throw it down for him. Same with the eggs. That's ridiculous. 844-540 -- I'm glad I didn't read this story now. 844-542-42, and Rosco does not need the sleeve. I'm Howie Carr. -The Howie Carr Show will be right back. -If you're headed to Florida, enjoy lunch or dinner at any of the three Kelly's Roast Beef locations. Open now in Sarasota, South Pasadena, and Naples. 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This means the wait time to get an appointment at Perfect Smiles just got shorter. Perfect Smiles will be my first checkup when I returned to New England in a few weeks. I've had it on the calendar since before I left for Florida. Poor oral health has linked to so many problems, so many diseases. The hygienists at Perfect Smiles are the best. Dr. Houten and his team take the time to take many continuing education classes, so they can remain up to date on all the latest advancements in dentistry. Do not procrastinate. Please make your appointment with Perfect Smiles today. You won't regret it. They are conveniently located in Nashua, New Hampshire, right off Route 3. You can visit them online at and watch my testimonial video. Or you can call them at 603-595-6699. Take a listen to my Meet the Experts podcast with Dr. Houten, Tam, and Sai. I think you will be very interested in what they have to say. Change your smile. Change your life. Close to 50 satisfied how we listeners have allowed JJ Manning auctioneers to sell their valuable real estate assets quickly, contingency free, and for the highest prices the market will pay. You could be the next. Since 1976, JJ Manning's project-based approach of selling real estate has generated positive results for individuals, families, builders, companies, banks, estates, and more. JJ Manning sellers are never left out in the cold, wondering about interest on their properties. Weekly inquiry reports provide measured progress and create a sense of teamwork through the auction process. You set the terms, you sell contingency free, and the buyer pays all commissions. JJ Manning uses their 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of advertising, and 30 days to close. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 805210111 or visit Call Charlie today at 805210111 or go to and get your real estate sold. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr, is back. It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal. Oh yeah. Sounds too good to be true. Oh no, it's real, and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more. When you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. Just in time for Mother's Day, Philips Chocolate, founded in 1925, Philips Chocolate. Chocolate's on Morrissey Boulevard, and Dorchester is pleased to be Boston's oldest chocolate tier. It's a tradition that four generations of families have been proud to uphold. Inspired by a love of fine chocolate, they continue to artfully blend premium fresh ingredients in small batches using their original recipes and methods. And Roscoe doesn't get any of this, I'm telling you. While supplies last, you can purchase a $50 gift card to Philips Chocolates for just $25. Go to and click store to get yours now. Hurry, these will sell out quickly. With us now to tell us more about today's deal is Joe San Martino of Philips Chocolate. Joe, thank you for being with us. And tell us about Philips Chocolate. What's your number one seller as if I didn't know? Chocolate Turtles. Actually, from Mother's Day, we put them in a chocolate basket. The whole basket's made out of chocolate on the mold. We fill the turtles inside the basket. It's quite a treat. You know, I think for a while people were just used to, like a lot of products, people were just used to eating the mass-produced stuff. But now the old style, the handmade, the artisan products, including chocolate have come back. I mean, you guys do it, a small batch. What's the difference between you and a big candy company? Well, we have two candy makers, and they just work all week long. And we use the same recipes that my grandfather developed back in 1925. And we don't skimp on anything. As far as we use the best products we can get, and nuts and ingredients. And we stay true to the recipes. Now, you know, in fudge, are nuts more popular or less popular than they used to be? Or are they about the same? It's probably about the same. You know, if you like nuts, if you like nuts, if not, you don't. But, yeah. Actually, they were experimenting with a strawberry fudge. Strawberry fudge. Strawberry fudge, that's correct, right? So we're just doing a little experimenting with it. And what we do is we'll be passing out samples to our customers when they come in and ask their opinion about what they like. I like maple fudge. Yeah, we have that. Sure. As a matter of fact, I can't think of any fudge. Fudge with nuts, fudge with out nuts, maple fudge, chocolate fudge. I bet I would like strawberry fudge to Joe. Yeah. So what other specials do you have for Mother's Day other than the chocolate basket? Well, you know, they know what they like. They know what they like from us. So we have everything in which, you know, whether it's a assortment or whether it's a bark or a peppermint patties, for example. I'm a very, very popular. And so again, it's, you know, it depends upon what mom likes. Howie, can I just, can I say one thing? My mom. My mom has loved royal hash since she was younger. And we get that all the, it's like her Mother's Day favorite. We actually get it for every holiday, Easter and everything else. But we just had some at the office. And Taylor, I told you, I said, this is the best chocolate you're ever going to have. Was I lying? You were not lying. Wait a second, where was my, where was my chocolate? Sorry. There's like marshmallow in it. It's like rocky road, but with milk chocolate, it's so delicious. And the quality of chocolate is absolutely outstanding. Yeah. It's, I think heavenly hash is like your number two seller, isn't it Joe? It's pretty popular. Yeah. It is. Again, you have turtles. Turtles are number one, as we know. And I'd say that heavenly hash is probably second or third in that vicinity. Yeah. This is great. This is a great deal. This is, and just in time for Mother's Day, although again, it's great set. It's great for any holiday. It's great for any occasion. You can't go wrong with chocolate. So this is go to how we car Click on store and you can get a $50 gift certificate to Phillips, chocolate and Dorchester. For just 25 bucks, just 25 bucks, these are going to go fast. Get them now. I'm now going to chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. Octions are not a fire sale at a discounted price. Rather, auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing. J.J. Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate. Manning's time-tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 by its founder Jerome Manning. In the Manning method, the buyer pays their exclusive P&S and makes a 10% non-refundable deposit that day. In the Manning method, you set the terms which all buyers must follow. J.J. Manning uses their 30-30 marketing plan, 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close. Learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly. Contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-0111 or go to and get your real estate sold. Spring is here in Sowah's allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier 3-pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another 3 with code Howie3. Dave Hinchy has one in every room with the Noss-It-Be-Gent. Dr. Mathew Vets swears by them. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the Thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Not only does it help with pollen in your home,