The Daily Mind

Season 17. Episode 419: The Playstation. 30 Years later.....

On December 3, 1994, Sony would shock the video game industry with the introduction of the Playstation. The Playstation would forever revolutionize video gaming. I go over the history of The Playstation.

1h 38m
Broadcast on:
04 Dec 2024
Audio Format:

(dramatic music) - Hey, what's going on everybody? Welcome to the episode of Day of Night podcast. Yes, I'm wearing glasses. I'll explain in a minute. How's everyone's night going? Hopefully your Tuesday went well. Everything is good and yeah, everything is good. My day was fine up until the end where my job had me going back and forth to work. Pain and ass, this job is, but that's not what this episode's about. I'm not gonna bore you with details about going back and forth with the dumb shit at work. 'Cause I'm pretty sure everybody goes through it. So don't even worry about it. Anyway, welcome to the Daily Mind podcast. Thank you, thank you for showing up, even if it's just for a second, an hour, a minute. Nanosecond doesn't matter. Anyway, I got a good show for you tonight. My day, like I said, went fine, we're done with that. All right, now, last night's episode, I did is there such thing as a stupid question, which had a pretty good turnout. And it was a lot of fun just going over some crazy questions, getting some insight. And for those who are joining and hitting the like button already, I do appreciate it. Thank you very much. As you can tell, well, you may not know, but today's episode, I'm just gonna get right into it. It's a very special episode today. For those who are video game lovers, this is, you may not really know what today is. I mean, if you are a gamer, you really do know what today is. And some of you've been kind of sleeping in the rock. But today is a very special day. And judging on this shirt, you kind of got an idea of what's been going on with PlayStation. So, why the PlayStation shirt and why is today so special? Well, let's go back 30 years ago. On December 3rd, 1994, the PlayStation was born. That's right. Today is the 30th anniversary of the Sony PlayStation. That may not seem like a big deal to some of you guys, but in the history of gaming, it really is from a company that has really never really had a history of video game. Sony's always been to electronics, absolutely. But video games was something that caught the video game world completely off guard. Now, I don't care who you are, everybody in some way, shape or form grew up with a PlayStation, even though your grandmother called it a Nintendo, right? 'Cause all grandmothers back in the day would call any video game console a Nintendo. They don't even call it a fucking VCR in Nintendo, and it's not even a game. But we all grew up with the PlayStation. A lot of us started with Nintendo. I started with Nintendo. I still play Nintendo to this day. And then some of us, depending on when you were born, you were born into the Microsoft era, you were born into the PlayStation era, Sega Saturn, whenever you were born or a Dreamcast, right? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I got some people in the audience that have played Dreamcast in one sort of way or another. Now, today, I'm going over the history of the PlayStation. I even got a little museum below me of PlayStation consoles. That's right, 'cause I'm a big Sony guy. So, of course, I have the consoles to display. Now, the disclaimer, they're not the originals, right? For example, I have a PS1, but it's not the gray OG one. I don't know, I had one a while ago, a long story, but I do have consoles to display. I'm gonna go over the history of the PlayStation, figures, and some of the best games that came out on each of those consoles. Yeah, I got the history pulled up, but before I get into that, right, the PlayStation wasn't really always a Sony thing. I will get into that in a minute because the story behind the PlayStation is stranger than fiction, because the PlayStation came about through a very unlikely ally at the time that is now a rival. So how did the PlayStation come about? But before I get into that, I gotta go back a little bit further in history, okay, because I'm gonna take you guys back to 1983. You guys are probably thinking, "Damn, Enk, you got your glasses on, you look like a fucking nerd, and you're gonna give us a history lesson." If there's one thing you're gonna find out about me is that I love history and I love video games. But 1983 plays a very big role in video games to this day because in 1983, single-handedly, the video game almost ceased to exist. At that year, I'm gonna take you to 1983 to something called the video game crash of 1983. So before Sony, even before Nintendo, at least in the States, video games was a thing back in 1983, arcade was slowly or quickly losing money to home console. Now back in 1972, the very first console to come out was a Magnavox Odyssey. Shortly afterwards, Atari took over the video game world. Now, people found this new media of entertainment at the time and figured, "Damn, how can we come up with something like that?" Just to say and get the same magic as Atari, how can we do it too? So of course, every company started making video games. You know, you had Coleco Vision, you had Activision even make consoles with the Coleco, you had Atari already, you had Apple with Commodore, there were so many consoles, even had consoles from Mattel, the people that make Barbie dolls were making video games. Everybody and their mother wanted to get in on the video game, money and fame. Everybody wanted to get in on it. The problem was, was that when there was too many companies making video games, it left consumers with the hard choice of choosing one out of 12 fucking consoles that was out at the time. I'm just giving a rough estimate, but it was a lot of consoles. It wasn't like what we got now, just three. There had to be at least 10 different video game consoles out during the Golden Age of the video games. When you saturate a market with too many video games, it leaves consumers frustrated and confused. It got to the point where it was too, it was so saturated that people just stopped buying the games, parents just didn't know what to decide, and the people that were making video games were making really shitty ass games because they didn't care about quality, they just cared about quantity. Once 1983 hit, damn near everybody stopped making or buying rather video games. With that being said, a lot of people seen the video game as a fag. It was just a thing and it disappeared. And you know what's crazy? For two years it did that. Video games were damn near just dust in the wind, but that is until 1985, a small Japanese electronic company by the name of Nintendo comes in to save the day and save video games forever. This retail store took a chance with the NES. They did not want to deal with another video game. They, after two years prior with the video game crash, they did not want to deal with the shit at all. Retailers were rejecting left to right, but Toys R Us was one of the retailers that took a chance with Nintendo and accepting the consoles into their stores. When it dropped, I think I believed the summer of 1985, the Nintendo NES was born. It was an instant fucking hit. What made it a hit because at the time it came with a robot came with a little robot called Rob the Robot and it came with Mario Brothers. That game alone helped sell the NES and it gained the confidence of video games once again. Stores were like, we need the NES if they were selling like crazy. Atari was still out at the time, but it was losing hella money to Nintendo and the Japanese. Calico Vision was done. Apple wasn't really doing too much in the world of video games. Atari was just still hanging on and even bought out Sega. So it emerged as a new age in video game. Now that the Nintendo's established, I know you're thinking, what the fuck does that have to do with Sony? Easy, fast forward to 1988. Sony and Nintendo makes a deal to create a console hybrid of cartridge and CD-ROM. The Nintendo PlayStation was drawn up in 1988 and the working prototype was actually built by roughly 1990, 1991. Now I pull up the history on the Nintendo PlayStation. You don't believe me, this thing actually exists. In fact, somebody bought the prototype, right? It's a super Nintendo controller that says PlayStation on it. I kid you not, go look it up. If you think I'm lying, it actually fucking exists. Now, I'm gonna give you a little bit tidbit into the Nintendo PlayStation because this is a very important part in video game history that would create the rival of the Nintendo and Sony. Yeah, I told you there's a lot of glare with these movie 3D glasses. They're not movie 3D glasses, they're just glasses. So I'm just gonna take it off. I'm tired of nerding out for one day. All right, I told you there was a lot of glare that you didn't believe me. Anyway, Sony and Nintendo quietly decides to come up with a video game console. Like shit, you could play Super Nintendo games and play CD-ROM games, right? Way ahead of its time, right? And it seemed like everything was going also well with the Nintendo PlayStation. That is until someone chickened out. So I'm gonna read a little bit into that real quick before I go into the PlayStation, right? Now, check it out. It was the first incarceration of PlayStation called the Nintendo PlayStation. And yeah, you said Xbox needs a portable handheld. There's been talks about a portable handheld for Xbox for a long time. I don't know if they're ever gonna come out with it. But it says Nicknamed the Nintendo PlayStation to the distinguish here from the 1994 console. It was designed as a hybrid console compatible with as Super Nintendo cartridges, as well as CD-ROM based games. Super diss format, I guess they call it. The console ultimately went unreleased. 200 prototypes were built, but only one is known to still exist in the present day. A lot of them have been destroyed, or some of them have been taken by Nintendo executives or Sony executives. They're around there somewhere, but somebody actually did buy a prototype. Now, did it work? I don't know, but there's a picture of the Nintendo PlayStation. You could easily just take a look at it. I'm just gonna go over some tidbits about it 'cause it's gonna set the stage for what we know today as the PlayStation. All right, so, hey, Anna, how's it going? Hopefully you join on another video game episode. It's about the PlayStation. Today is the 30th anniversary of the PlayStation. All right, now it says in 1988, Sony began development of both a CD-based add-on to the Super Nintendo and a hybrid console that supported both cartridges and CDs. The original PlayStation, the two companies in early development were friends and got along very well. Of course, that's how most relationships are. They're always nice and shit in the beginning. Anyway, hundreds of prototypes were made and tested in the future of Sony and Nintendo seem like a bright thing. So here they are, Sony and Nintendo making a console together in hopes that it creates the next best thing. But what many relationships sometimes shit goes flat. So what happened was it says the argument was that Sony wanted to control the licensing for the CD version of the games for Super Nintendo's this format. And then, Nintendo tried to work away around this problem, but of course, Sony refused. So Sony, what happened was, 'cause I've heard many different versions. Sony wanted to, well, let's be honest, like the CD was created by Philip Sony. Sony and Philips at the time, early in the '80s, created the CD-ROM. Sony wanted to capitalize on the CD-ROM for the Super Nintendo. So that would have meant that Sony, all the disc games would have went, the profit would have went to Sony while Nintendo took the profit for all the cartridge-based games. That's not fair, right? Because they both share in the technology. It says Nintendo found out that Sony was planning to backstab them by obtaining most and or all the profits leaving Nintendo with next to nothing with the Nintendo PlayStation. Nintendo's President Yamuchi Hiroshi sent a few higher-ups to Europe with Philips. Philips and Sony has a relationship together because they created the CD. Now, Nintendo and Philips created, I believe a console disc thing too, called the CDI, I believe. Sony's Arch Nemesis at the time. When Philips got the offer from Nintendo, they immediately say yes, and it was Nintendo. So, of course, they say yes. Everybody wanted to work with Nintendo at the time. Nintendo was the biggest household name in video games. At the same time, SEGA was coming about, but this ain't about SEGA. We're not talking about SEGA, all right? The reveal of the PlayStation and Nintendo's beat-tale announcement. To be said, you hopefully Sony fixed the security wall for when HAC has got a hold of people's cards. Now, it's funny you mention that because I got hacked by that in 2010 too. Luckily, I didn't store any credit card, debit card information, but my call of duty ended up getting prestige, but I would even be playing it. And when the hackers did hack Sony, the online play was down for an entire month. So imagine all your Xbox boys sitting there for staging modern warfare, and Yoast can't do it because you got our PlayStation. But if you notice ever since then, that was at a time that Sony's online was actually free. Now you have to pay for it because how else are you gonna pay for the extra security? Can't do it if it's free. All right, so give me a sec. I was just looking for my water. Ah, here it is. All right, so it says in June 1991, now this is where shit goes sour for Sony and Nintendo. Yes, people, the Nintendo PlayStation. Look it up, it's real. It says in June 1991, Sony went to the Consumer Electronics Show to announce their partnership with Nintendo and said that they were developing a new console add-on for the Super Nintendo. Kinda like what Sega did with the Sega CD to the Genesis. The PlayStation, a lot of people really liked the idea. Nintendo had their press conference the next day when journalists and others asked about the PlayStation add-on. Nintendo said that the Super this was being developed by Phillips, not Sony. The president of Sony at the time, Norio Olga was really mad but didn't show it. So Nintendo quietly backed out the deal behind Sony's back when they found out what Sony's diabolical plan was to leave them with no profit. While Sony take the profit, Nintendo went to Phillips in Europe and said, "Hey, let's develop a CD base." They took Sony's idea, went to Phillips and created it. Needless to say, that shit didn't work quite well either. Now it says that's when Sony decided just to make their own console, the PlayStation. And if Nintendo didn't cancel the CD-ROM add-on, the PlayStation we know would probably have never came out. The Nintendo 64 would have been this base. If Sony and Nintendo would have kept their relationship together, the Nintendo 64 could have been this base. But Nintendo held on to the cartridge technology all the way to the 3DS. At least to that point, but consoles like the GameCube came out this base. Now, that's pretty much it in itself. So Sony came up with Project X or PlayStation X, meaning X as in like X-girlfriend, X-boyfriend. That was literally the intent, how they've been betrayed by Nintendo. And they said, "Fuck this." What should we call it? What's his name? The father of the PlayStation, I gotta look him up. But Ken Kuraragi came up with the PlayStation, "Fuck Nintendo, I'm gonna come up with my own PlayStation and we're gonna fuck Nintendo on." To this day, Nintendo and Sony is still competition, but Nintendo is on its own. And Nintendo has always been able to stand on its own. The idea is that Sony is able to stand on its own. So fast forward to 1994. December 3rd, 1994 in Japan, the PlayStation is born. We didn't get it here into the States until 1995. Europe didn't get it till September 29th. Now, the PlayStation 1, now this thing here is not the original. This is actually a mid-life refresh that came out in 2000. This little guy came out on the heels of the PlayStation 2. They cut the cost of the PlayStation. No longer they were doing the gray ones, these were lighter. They didn't change really much in graphics. They still played music CDs and all that other shit, but it was just a very simpler light PlayStation. Typically consoles come out with smaller lighter versions of the existing consoles to cut costs. So it really didn't, they cut costs in the sense, it was essentially just as simple as the gray one. They had the two ports. It was simple, it wasn't even that big of a deal, but this came out in 2000, right before PlayStation 2 and the rest is history. I know PlayStation games went to as far as pretty much a good portion into the 2000, all right? Now, it says do not underestimate the power of the PlayStation. Now, the cool thing about the PlayStation, this one here, full 3D polygon graphics, all right? It produced shit that Nintendo at the time just could not do, and it was possible because they had a CD-ROM based technology. 700 megabytes of storage on a disk meant many possibilities. Actual audio, music, you could play soundtracks in video games. This shit was official, this was ahead of its time. The odd thing about when the first PlayStation came out was that the first controllers didn't even have analog sticks. So Sony changed the game with analog sticks. Sony was one of the first consoles to come out with the analog stick. It made first shooters, first person shooters and racing games so much more easier than using the conventional D-pad, which by the way, Nintendo was the inventor of the D-pad that you see on the controllers today. All right, Suber, you said you think Tron would ever come true or something similar? Yeah, you watch a lot of movies. Who knows? I don't know. I never even understood Tron. I've never seen the movie. I know there was an old version by Disney, and then it was, I believe, a remake of it. I never understood. All I didn't see was bikes doing little weird shit. That's all I remember about it, but, I don't know. You never know what the future can hold. I mean, look, look where we at now from this thing. I mean, you just never know, right? So this thing sold a lot of units. The cool thing I loved about this was I was able to play music on it, but it had this little weird Easter egg hidden where on your CD player, when you play music, you can have a whole light show on your TV. I forgot how it went, but I think it was more prevalent in the older PlayStation. All right, Suber, you said, what do you think about the Mario movie? Now, wait a minute now, there are two of them. It was a live-action one that was just, oh, I heard it was bad. And then the animated one was okay. I did see the animated one, and I seen the live-action one from the 90s, and I think I still like the live-action one. A lot of people probably think like, what the fuck are you crazy, but yeah. All right, now Sony claims on their website. Oh, definitely not the live-action one. So you already know. No, I've seen the animated one. It was okay. I kind of liked it. All right, it says, since launch, the original PlayStation console went over to sell over 102 million units of these little PlayStation. This model, and of course, the old gray OG model. That's a lot, and these figures come from 1994 to 2006. So more than likely, somebody has one of these hidden somewhere in their house, in the attic, in the wall, in the basement. Yeah. All right, Suber, you said, I'm just saying they did something right there. Shouldn't make more movies from Nintendo games. Okay, real quick, this is gonna be a good episode. When it came to the live-action movie, Nintendo gave the directors and producers, whoever did that movie, complete creative control. Nintendo didn't have very much involvement in that movie, which is why it has such a warped look to it. Nothing even was reminiscent of the video game, except the characters Mario and Luigi, that was it. Nintendo was furious when that movie came out, not to mention that the directors and producers of the movie could not get along where, for damn, the actors hated being in the movie. They didn't like it, but it was a paycheck. And Nintendo never licensed anyone else to do a live movie again, which is why the Mario Brothers movie is animated. Never again, when you probably see a live-action, Nintendo movie, although there was a, talks about Zelda becoming a live-action movie, or even a TV show, but that's either here or there. All right, fix, we're not fucking talking about R. Kelly or Diddy. I'm talking about some goddamn PlayStation. I'm not answering that question. You figure it out, at least, but tonight, I'm not answering R. Kelly questions, because last time I checked, R. Kelly can't even play a PlayStation right now, 'cause I'm gonna fucking get in his butt, played with in jail. All right, Super, you said you watched Zelda. I think, I think if Zelda went live-action, absolutely, I think it would be an instant hit. That's depending on who get it of, it's Netflix. It probably won't even last two seasons. Yeah, you said enough with the R. Kelly and Diddy stuff. I agree. This ain't the episode for that shit. I don't wanna talk about no goddamn R. Kelly. Anyway, these games launched during the PlayStation's release, traditional 2D and 3D games. Parapita Rapper, Battle Reno Toshinden, Jumping Flash, I remember these games. Now, this thing here, according to Sony's figures, 32-bit processor, all right? That was double the power that a Super Nintendo had. This thing could, this thing was like a powerhouse back in the day. This thing was also able to produce 16.7 million colors. Nintendo could not do that at the time. And of course, it says here, "Grapical capacity of the 360,000 polygons per second." So this was able to do 3D figures, even though they looked all blocky at the time, but back in the day, it looked real as fuck. We didn't care. It just was a 2D flat game. It produced some real serious power, all right? Also, by using the CD-ROM format, PlayStation games can be much bigger than the cartridge alternative. One thing about cartridges, when you develop on them, sound is going to suffer. It is very hard to produce great quality audio on a cartridge. Sony learned that, and that's why they put all their games on little CD-ROM, 700 megabits, damn near a gig of space. Maha, what's going on? Good evening to you as well. We're talking about video games. Hopefully, I don't know if you're a big gamer, but we're going over the history of the PlayStation. Today is the 30th anniversary of the PlayStation, and I would know that also well, because, well, I've been playing PlayStation since the beginning. All right, so again, this came out in 1990. This one came out in 2000, very slim, and then they came up with a PlayStation classic not too long ago, but it wasn't a distinct, so. And the cool thing was, you can save your video games on the memory cards, and you can even write the name of whatever you saved on it. It was pretty cool. But again, you couldn't save it on a disc, so the memory card thing of eight megabytes was more than enough that you needed to save for the game. All right, now we're going to move on to the PlayStation 2. And again, this was just so innovative. This is the reason why you guys have analog sticks and type of shit, and 3D graphics is because of this shit right here. All right, games like Ridge Racer, Tekken, Wipeout, those games were some of the top games of the PlayStation. Tomb Raider, Parapper, the Rapper, Crash Bandicoot was one of the first 3D platformers, and Crash Bandicoot became Sony's mascot for up until at least somewhere in the 2000s. Then he kind of lost his way. All right, now moving on to the PlayStation 2, right? Now that is 2000, this is just released. It's time to double the power. So the PlayStation is gone. Fast forward to 2000, right? Now 2000, right? We just survived Y2K, right? Everybody thought their computers and shit, we're going to eat them in 2000, right? So in March 4th of 2000, the PlayStation 2 was born. This little fat jack right here was just all power. This was the coolest DVD player you can get. The coolest DVD player that money can buy. This thing I believe at the time was only what? I believe 300 bucks. But just think of what the hell you could get. And yes, Ruby, I just had the PlayStation 1, but I have the remake. I have the little smaller guy, and then I have the PS2 here. The OG fat boy. This shit makes so much noise. Listen, you guys think your PS4 made a lot of noise? No, no, no, no. This thing right here, if you didn't clean it right, made so much noise. Hey, what's going on, Bree? You said you had two PS2s over heat on you. Rest in peace to the best console. Bree, let me tell you, why are your PlayStation 2 overheated, okay? If you have noticed, these vents here are your intakes. This is where your air gets drawn in for this thing to stay cool. Now, I will tell you, my shit used to get clogged online. Once that gets clogged up, your exhaust fans are fucked. Once this shit gets clogged, your PlayStation 2 will guarantee over heat. If you did not clean these vents often, it was a wrap. But now, we are, no, the PlayStation car. People had these in their cars during Pimp My Ride people. I breathe, I blame my dad for not cleaning my PS2. You were like seven, and Donkey Slog, GTA on PS2, this shit will have a fucking meltdown. If you try to play GTA, GTA, anything past, no, anything past San Andreas, you try to play on here, this shit will have a fucking meltdown. Grand Theft Auto 6 on here, you will have to put, you will have to plug like 20 of these to play Grand Theft Auto 6. I'm sorry, it will explode. But, this thing ran on what's called the Emotion Engine, and it was like revolutionary for its time in terms of graphics, power, and everything. Now, 2000 this came out, right? I think it came out, oh, in North America it came out October 26th, in Japan, you know they're gonna get it first, it came out March 4th, and it came out a little bit later in Europe, and yes, there was a slimmer version of this as well, and it ran with less power, there were no vents, no fan, nothing, it was just, it played on lower power, and didn't make any noise or anything. What made this thing cool is these useless ports right here, there's like a USB jack here, it had two USBs, ahead of its time, some other shit that I never plugged into, and then of course in the back, if you open this door, the expansion bay, that's where you can put your fucking, your ethernet shit so you can play online, but not a lot of games I remember having it. All right, who said Maximo was their favorite game during your, Maximo, hold on. Oh, Bree, you said Maximo on the PS2, was your favorite game during your childhood? Honestly, on the PS2, I think one of my favorite games, God damn, it had to been by city. They had the best soundtrack, and the fact that this can play a game and a great soundtrack on the disc, is what made this shit so great. Now, this game, this the PS2, right? One of the biggest, this right here, single-handedly killed Dreamcast. Dreamcast came out one year before the PlayStation 2, and it was one key thing that was missing from that, that this had DVD. Now, if you look, it etched in on the front of the console, what it was capable of playing. Compact disc, DVD video, and DVD ROM. Now, what the hell is DVD ROM? If you remember your PS2 games being on a silver disc, it was on a DVD ROM, which means it was four gigs' worth of gaming. And DVD video was obviously it played movies, and CD ROMs means that it could play blue disc games and music CDs. Now, the blue disc games I will say took forever to load, and it required your PlayStation to work harder, scanning a blue CD. I wish I would have had bought a couple of examples, but I would have to get up, and I don't feel like getting up. But playing a blue disc in this thing was just diabolism. Now, it says the PlayStation 2 generation included a giant step forward and home console gaming. Arguments at reality, online multiplayer gaming, and more ambitious large-scale games on DVD discs. DVD discs is what made games like Grand Theft Auto, and many other big games possible. I mean, again, this thing was an absolute powerhouse. I want to run over real quick to get a couple of games and show you the difference of the disc. Now, the difference of the disc is the blue, and silver disc. I'm going to probably just run over real quick to go get a couple of games. Just give me one second. I've got this. I've got this. All right, so sorry about that. I'm back. All right, I just wanted to stress this out a little bit. So I got two examples. Crash Bandicoot and Def Jam Fight for New York. Yes, people. I paid $50 for a game that's over 15 years old, but it's so worth it. All right. This game is one of the slowest loading games on the police station, right? I counted it myself 50 seconds in between levels to load this game, and this is why. Let me kind of go down here. I've got some new messages, and this is why it takes so long, people. The disc is blue. Again, if the disc was blue on the PlayStation 2, it was put on a CD-ROM, compact disc. This is why they fit this big-ass game into this one disc. That's why it took so long to load. So they had to sacrifice loading time just to get the game on the disc when they could have put it on a DVD. And Def Jam Fight for New York. Oh, see. Oh, shit. I think it's inside my PS2. Oh, shit. But it's on a silver disc. So you know what a DVD looks like. It's on a silver disc. Fuck, it's inside my PS2. It was the last game I played on it. All right, so the PlayStation 2 is released. 160 million PlayStation 2 units were sold ever since. The PlayStation 2 ended production in 2013, which means people were still buying these in 2013. The PS4 has already just came out and people were buying these in 2013. People, this system is nothing to be played with. Your Xbox will never outsell this. Your Nintendo will never outsell this. And one little cool feature, you were able to turn a little thing. So when you wanted to play it flat, PlayStation logo, if you wanted to stand it up, you just turn it and it's back up. All right. So it was just one of those little weird quirks that it had worked. But yeah, ever since 2000, Sony has just now officially said that this thing sold 160 million units, right? Crazy shit. Now, the Grand Review of the PlayStation 2, I remember when I got it, it came in that nice blue box. But no, I got the red. No, I got it with Gran Turismo. So it was a red box. All right. So yeah, it ran on the emotion engine, right? Creating realistic graphics and really cool cut scenes. The DVD age just says by 2000, DVD was the most desirable way to watch movies at home. But dedicated DVD players could be costly at the time. So the PlayStation 2's combination of gaming and DVD playback was hugely attractive. Again, people, this is what killed the Dreamcast. This was the cheapest DVD player you could get. And it did everything. Lager games. It played the entire library of PlayStation 1 games, the entire library. Completely, you ain't going to find a PS5 playing all the PlayStation games, not. You put a PS1 disc in here, it worked. And not to mention, it has been proven that when you put a PS1 game inside of PS2, it does uptake your graphics a little bit. Maybe not with all games, but I've tried it. And it does kind of help the graphics a little bit more with the emotion engine. So it kind of kind of helps your PS1 games a little bit. Because some, you know, playing a PS1 game now is on a flat screen TV is crazy work. Crazy work. This guy right here was the best DVD player that you can buy at the time. And I love this thing. This thing will never leave my fucking sight. There's something about seeing this right here, that color and that green and blue light. When you hear that, it should go right. It's time to go. All right, so it amplified DVD sales. Everybody wanted to play Station 2 because they could play video games and watch movies. So kids didn't have to go downstairs to the TV and watch the family DVD player. No, they had a PS2 they could do with themselves. Not to mention, some people were watching P-O-R-N on here. Yes, people. Before the internet came about, you were able to watch your uncle's, nobody's CDs that he keeps us out of chess. All right, so, let's see. Then they came out with the PlayStation 2 Slim. Again, a smaller, lighter, less drawing power, but still saying graphics and everything, still play DVDs, movies, shit like the MA and play, you know, everything. But it was just Slim. I don't know, I like the OG. So the Slim was released just four years later. It's a thinner, lighter version of the PS2, only a great space saver. I don't care how much space this took up on my dresser, I will never trade this in for a Slim PS2. I'm not doing it, I'm sorry. And then they came out with a Super Slim, shedding another 300 grams. I didn't even know they came out with a Super Slim. Oh, I see it, I see it. So yeah, there was a even slightly lighter PS2 at the time. But this thing right here, monster house. All right, so of course you got the PlayStation Network adapter, but not a lot of games supported it. So I mean, I don't know, I didn't really care for online at the time anyway. Well, some of the best games on there was, I think some of the games that launched, some of the best games was Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, I think was one of the best selling PS2 games of all time. The Boss 95, what's going on? You're in for a special treat. Today is the 30th anniversary of the PlayStation. So I'm going over the history of the PlayStation. You already missed PS1. Now we're on PS2 and soon to be on to the next. All right, it says Tony Hawk's post Pro Skater 3. Oh, Crash Bandicoot, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, I was just going over Crash Bandicoot actually. I was going over this one here, the Wrath of Cortex, which is not one of the most popular ones, but it's good nonetheless. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, the first PlayStation game to be featured with online play. I bet you guys didn't know that shit. It was a revelation as players could challenge friends from around the world. The game also introduced a wealth of moves and gameplay features which earned it phenomenal review score. Side note, and I'm going to do an episode on Tony Hawk. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is the best Tony Hawk game ever created. Fight me, I will die on that hill and I'll stand on that. Now, back with compatibility. Nobody's ever heard of that until this thing came out. This thing, once again, was able to play every single PlayStation 1 game. Every single one you had. It was the best value around for 300 bucks. You got a DVD player. I feel like one of those infomercials where I'm trying to sell a system that is over 20 years old. But nah, you got, you got backwards compatibility. You got DVD movies, DVD ROM games, online connectivity. You had, this shit was it. I'm sorry. And of course, memory card. And I believe if I'm not mistaken, you could put your PlayStation 1 memory cards in here so that you could continue your fucking game. Yes, I still have these, man. I'm like a walking museum. I just love video games, so I keep a lot of shit. I'm still trying to collect, but it's a really mint condition too. And what's funny about this model is that this one model is actually made in Japan before they start a switch of production to China. This one is straight from the Japanese. So if you think I'm getting rid of this, nah, sorry I don't know her buddy. All right, so the PlayStation 2, some of the most iconic games was Eiko Twisted Metal Black, Jack and Daxxer, Sly Cooper, which they need to bring back. Ratchet and Clank. Does the PlayStation blind still spin around on the console? Yes, it does. I just demonstrate it. If you wanted to stand it up, there it is. And then you flip her over. Yes, she is. That's something you couldn't do on the slim though, but yes, it still flips. I like to play it standing up because it gets more airflow. It's like I was explaining to Brie earlier. If you got these clogged up, your PlayStation was gonna play very loud and it wasn't gonna be able to breathe. Or if you didn't clean this exhaust port, you were screwed. So yeah, Ratchet and Clank, Sly Cooper, Tony Hooks Pro Skated 3, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is one of the top selling games on PlayStation 2 of all time. It's the truth. Resident Evil got a war. This, this era of gaming right here, between the PlayStation 2, the Xbox and the GameCube, was by far the best fucking generation of gaming ever. (audience cheering) This, this, this, and even this generation now between the Switch, the PS5 and the Xbox will not hold a candle to the generation that this thing survives. All right, boss, you said that's crazy. The new PS5 is way bigger. Talk about technology. Oh yeah, I'm going through my consoles now. They are getting bigger. All right, now I can talk about PS2 all day, but I gotta move on. All right, now, there's so many other things that came out with this shit too. Now the PSP, it goes over to PSP, right? Now, so many gets into, now I don't have a PSP, unfortunately, I'm seeking one. Hey Percy Jackson, love what's going on. Hi to you as well. All right, so the PSP, all right, it was their foray against the Game Boy. Well, at the time it was now the Nintendo DS, came out in 2004. What made this unique, now handhelds were nothing new. Nintendo dominated the handheld market. They beat Sega at their game. Sega was no longer doing handhelds. It was all about Sony and Nintendo. The cool thing about the PSP though, was that it was on a disc. And not only that, you were able to watch movies. I watched the Chappelle show season one on the PSP with the disc. It was the coolest thing ever. In 2004, it was ahead of its time. It was able to play online with Wi-Fi, which was relatively new at the time. Nintendo DS did the same shit though, but I mean, it's Nintendo. All right, so in North America, it was released on March 24th, 2005. Of course, a little bit later than in Japanese. All right, so the PSP, man, it was a media powerhouse. You were able to listen to music. Now, granted, the iPod was out at the time. It couldn't hold the candle to the iPod, all right? It will never outsell the iPod, but the idea of being able to watch games, play movies, all this shit. It was at a time where video game companies were giving you your bang for your buck. Nowadays, it's not quite like that. It's like, you know, everything's a DLC, everything is separate and all this other shit. It sucks. All right, so yes, they came out with a little disc called the UMD, the Universal Media Disc. It didn't hold a lot, but if they can hold a season of the Chappelle show, that's more than enough for me. It said the smallest size of the PSP system required a new format for its games. On a tiny disc that could hold 1.8 gigs. That is impressive. And it said we could hold a whole damn there, a whole PlayStation 2 game. I'm just saying it can do. It did its job, multimedia playback. You're even able to download music into it, which a memory card. The only thing is it didn't take SD, you have to use Sony's proprietary fucking memory cards, which was annoying. It was fucking annoying. All right. What else? Oh, and even had a little fucking. Oh, thank you very much. I've never seen that one, but the boss, man, I appreciate it. It had one, the only annoying thing about it is that it had this one little analog thing that just was so out of place, but it worked. Wireless online connectivity was a big thing because some of those kids could be watching unnecessarily naughty things on their PSPs, especially when they hooked it up to their family's WiFi. The sky was the limit, all right? If you were watching, you know what, on fucking PSPs, that's diabolical work, honestly. (upbeat music) But at the time you were able to, because well, you have WiFi technology. All right, what else about the PSP? What's up? I mean, I had it, I wish I had it. I wanted it so bad. I wanted to get another one as soon as possible. Games on the go, Ape Escape. Grand Theft Auto was on there, Chinatown Awards. Vice City was on there. It was just amazing. It was just ahead of its time, but now we gotta get back to the Carl Tolls now. After the PlayStation 2, Sony had to go bigger, but when they went bigger, they went more expensive. And it kind of threw people off a little bit. PlayStation 3 was a hard seller. It was a hard system to develop on. Two developers had a really hard time developing games for the PlayStation 3. It was a lot easier on the Xbox. PlayStation had these eight cores. One of them was locked. It's technical shit. But the point was was that game companies had a hard time and they liked the PlayStation 3 too much, but that brings me to this guy, the PlayStation 3. Now, I know this isn't the fat boy. This is the last generation of the PlayStation 3, the PS3 Slim. Very crude, ugly looking thing. I mean, I don't like it, but I got it as a Christmas gift from my wife at the time. It's a little dusty, right? Now, you guys remember the picture of the PlayStation 3, the big fat alien ship looking PS3? Beautiful fucking console. It had like four USB ports. It was able to play PlayStation 1 games, 2 games, 3 games, but it ran into some issues playing the older games that eventually had to redesign the system twice to be not only cheaper, but no longer backwards compatible. This model here, the PS3 Slim is not backwards compatible, not even in the slightest, all right? This is a cheaply crude made PS3 came out during the last leg. In fact, the first two PS3s you were able to put the disc in and it goes in automatically, no, no, no. Buddy, this PS3, you had to put the game on top. Inside, just like that. That's how cheap it was. I haven't played this thing in a while, so you know it's pretty dusty. But look, at the time, HDMI, right? We were just getting into the place of, you know, HDTV, you know, power cord, you know, your standard shit. You were able to still use red, white and yellow wires, and of course, Ethernet port to plug in, but it also played wirelessly too. And of course, some of the things, the features, it played Blu-ray, DVD, compact disc. Now, Sony, when they came out with this, the price was absurd. I believe there was a 20 gig and a 60 gig. One was $3.99, one was $4.99. And they both was just not good. It wasn't good. All right, let me see, I think I got a guest on here. Who's that? Aw, hey, what's up? I'm all right, I'm all right. Hey, not a good time to be on the show right now. I gotta have to let you go, buddy. I thought, I don't know, do you play video games? Let's go. Let's go where? Do you play video games or not? I need to know, 'cause this is about video games. If not, I'm gonna have to just let you go, buddy. Hold on, ah, damn it, I don't even know. Anyway, whatever, anyway, the PlayStation 3. Yeah, I don't think he understands either. No, he does not. All right, boss, you said you remember you have your PS3 and PS4. Oh, okay, well, should you still play those? That's the question. I mean, if you play them or not, I'm not sure. All right, let me know if you do what games you have, what's your favorite game for them. Anyway, this slim boy right here, it's quieter. It doesn't draw as much power, right? And it's crude. Anyway, let's get into some facts about the PlayStation 3 and the PS Vita, which also coincides with it, but that's a whole different story. The Vita, absolute garbage. I'm not a big fan of it at all. All right, give me one second. I'm trying to figure out something here. Oh no, I don't know. How do I give me a second, a second, a second, a second. Anyway, the PlayStation 3, okay, I believe it came on 2006. It came out just about a year after the Xbox 360, which was its direct competitor. All right, so the PlayStation 3 era built on the legacy of previous generations with incredible leaps forward and online gaming and digital services came out in North America on November 7, 2006. Now, again, what turned a lot of people off from this console was that it was super fucking expensive and it just turned a lot of people away. Nobody knew exactly what to do or like what to do with it. I mean, I don't know, just give me a second. I'm just wanna, I gotta put this on the bigger screen because I can't do this if somebody else is born here. Give me one second, folks. I'm trying to figure some shit out. I'm trying to figure something out here. Oh God, damn it. Uh, give me one second. All right, whatever, I'm just gonna go along with the show. All right, I mean, if he wants to sit there and watch and just look at me like I'm crazy, sure, why not? But honestly, it's just really weird. Anyway, so the PlayStation 3 comes out, all right? They sold, I guess they're figures they're saying, they sold about 87 million PlayStation 3s, which is a lot, but it will never outsell its predecessor. Yeah, he is creeping me out. How do I get rid of this guy? Like, I'm not even joking. Like, I wanna, I wanna get rid of him. I wanna get rid of him so bad. I'm not liking this. Give me a second. I'm gonna work on trying to get him up out of here 'cause he is creeping me out. Can somebody give me a clue on how to get rid of him? Because I can't do this. He's creeping me the fuck out. There we go. He's gone, he's gone. Thank fucking God. All right, listen. If you're gonna go onto the show and look at me, like I'm holding a device from space, it's a fucking PlayStation. Get the hell off the show. I don't got time for that shit, all right? Don't just stare at me. I'm not that handsome, believe me. He's a fucking Christ. Anyway, the PlayStation 3 is, oh my God. Anyway, the PlayStation 3 is out. They sold, at least they claimed that they sold about 87 million units, which is impressive. But remember, the Xbox 360, I believe sold more. I think, I know, I gotta go back to the figures. I mean, it was cheaper, but it didn't play DVD. I mean, it didn't play Blu-rays. Now, despite the price, the PS3 was the best value you got for Blu-ray. Sony introduced the Blu-ray, and what better way to do it than in the video game console. Blu-ray disc can hold, ooh, it can hold a substantial amount. You could put some really big games on the Blu-ray disc. In fact, the PS5 still put games on its Blu-ray disc. It's a Sony technology, so it just makes sense. Interestingly enough, though, Microsoft also uses Blu-ray disc. The only thing is they pay licensing the Sony for the games, not to mention they can't put the Blu-ray logo on the Xbox game. That belongs to Sony, the more you know. All right, next, Sony introduces the cross-media bar, which they also had on the PSP. They also came up with HDMI plugins. Again, we were getting into the phase from Plasma to HD TVs. They offer better resolution. Now, there's the PS3 Slim. That's the one, I have the PS3 Super Slim. That's what it's called, I'm sorry. The one before that had the touch buttons and you were able to still put the disc in, just, you know, just throwing in there. This new one, I mean, this Super Slim, you have to like open the tray to put the game in, close it up, but here's the trick. It took me a while to figure this out, but you don't even have to open it up manually. You press this little button here and it opens up on its own. I didn't realize that until like a few years after the fact, which is weird, so I've been like opening up manually the entire time, but it's light though. It's light. I never had the big fat PS3 'cause at the time it was super expensive, I had a Wii at the time. But the PS3 Super Slim, it says it was released in late 2012, with storage options ranging from a lightweight 12 gigabytes of flash memory to a chunky 500 gig hard drive. Just like the previous two models, this so-called Super Slim could be used horizontally or vertically, but replaced earlier system slot loading drives with a sliding disc cover. It was just a way to kind of save money and you couldn't do the, you couldn't like change the logo on this thing either. So it was whatever, it was cool, but it has a lot of memory though, a lot. Now that's when it came out now. I think where they failed at with the PS3 to was the six axis controller. It was a controller that you could play with motion censoring. It was to rival the Nintendo. We nobody was beating the Nintendo Wii when it came to motion controls, no one. Sony tried it with the six axis. Only a few games utilized it. And then most of the games you just kind of played regular, you know, buttons and D pad and all that shit. It just didn't make any sense the six axis. And then they came out the PlayStation move with the little dildo looking wand thing, like it didn't work. They tried to compete against Nintendo, it just didn't quite work. But you got games like GTA, Kung Fu Rider that used the PlayStation move. The PlayStation move was a flop, okay? Just cause they would try to ride on the coattails of Nintendo. But some of the best games on the PS3 were Motorstorm Pacific Rift, Resistance Fallen Man Uncharted. Why do you charge it into it like that? Anyway, my wife is just weird at charging it into it. She must think somebody's in here. All right, little big planet, Assassin's Creed, Infamous. Gran Turismo 5, Granthap Auto 5. You could go on and on and on and on. I'll be careful, I'm sorry, you almost fell. And then the digital age, you were able to stream on the PS3. Digital age at the time was still in this infancy, but you were still able to stream. Not to mention, they had this weird thing called, no, they introduced the PlayStation Store and the PlayStation Network and PlayStation Plus. And this weird social media thing called PlayStation Home, which is really weird. It was like my space put in 3D. All right, boss, you said Uncharted was my favorite possible best game. I played Uncharted before, I don't know, I couldn't quite get into it too tough, but it's not a bad game, it's very cinematic. And I love games with a really good campaign for them. All right, now this next one, this is where Sony dropped the ball when they had the ball. Remember the PSP came out instant panger. They went a step forward, but then fell way the fuck backwards with the PlayStation Vita. So the PlayStation Vita. This thing, right, as you can see, this shit is collecting mucho dust, though. I barely played this motherfucker, and I think I fired this thing up sometime last year. The PS Vita was supposed to be the one all do all. In fact, you were even at some point, if you had, you could even get phone service with this thing and make phone calls on this thing at the time. And of course, it rode all Wi-Fi. So my wife got me this PS Vita at the time. It dropped in 2011, I believe 2012 in the US. Let me see if I can look up the figures. Yes, February 2nd, 2012, right? This thing came to North America, the PlayStation Vita. I'm gonna take off the cover so you guys can actually see this thing because when Sony came out with this, they really did not support this thing. They had little to no support for it. Bam, this is the PlayStation Vita. One of the biggest differences between the PSP and the Vita is that it doesn't have just one. It has two analog sticks. I know this looks kinda weird the way I'm playing with it, but don't know Diddy, but hey, no nipples. But no, it was a bigger screen. Another draw, but another change was that the PS Vita didn't no longer play UMDs. They played proprietary little cartridges. Kinda like what you see on the Nintendo Switch. They play on these. Just bigger games too on a disc card. You were able to squeeze more into it than a UMD. Yes, hun. Thank you so much, yes. My wife got sponges that I was supposed to buy from the store. I was supposed to buy those like days ago. Anyway, I'm gonna see if I can fire this. I don't even know if this shit turned on. Maybe it does. I think I had some juice in it before. Uh, no, I definitely need some juice. But it had a camera in the back. Yes. And it had a camera in the front. So you were able to do some cool shit, put yourself kinda in the game. But it had a camera in the back too. Probably like a one megapixel camera. That wasn't nothing crazy. And this part here about the Vita, this was actually a motion control. You could actually move your sensor and stuff on the screen and choose stuff by simply doing this. I know there's a lot of touching going on with this thing. You had a lot of this and you had a lot of this. It was a lot of finding buttons on this thing. This thing did not sell very well. And it didn't sell well because Sony gave up on it. There wasn't a lot of support after maybe a year or so that this thing was out. So they just said, fuck it. And not a lot of good games came out for it either. At all. And it was so sad because when I got this, I was super excited. And then, you know, you were able to play online. If you pay for 5G, you can make phone calls and text messages depending. I think whoever your cell phone carrier was at the time, you were able to do this on the Vita. But it just fell flat, man. They did not really support this thing. But it came out with some cool things. They had an OLED display and touch screen. Again, this was the competitor to the Nintendo DS. So this was already far more advanced. Very solid construction too is just, I don't know. I don't see nobody ever playing this thing anymore. These things are probably sold and everything. They even had these cool little grips so you didn't slip. I had a rear touchpad. This was the, this whole thing was a touchpad. This whole thing was a touchpad sensor. And remote play. I tried it. You could play PS3 games at the time. With this as your controller, I tried it. It's a little laggy, but it works. So you don't even need your controller. You can use this because it has the shoulder button and it has the knobs, it has the analog, but it's missing another shoulder button up here. Like a PS3 controller, PS4 controller would have. But it was just, it's not very much to talk about with this thing. It was just not good. But Boss 95, Uncharted was on here. I actually have it on here. Even Call of Duty was on there. All right, so now that we're done with the Vita, we're gonna go a little bit bigger. We're gonna move on to 2013. That's right, people. We're gonna move on to the PS4. This wedge shape PS4. This was the most awkward design PS4 ever. Oh, and Ghost Recon, I believe, was on the Vita. I think so. I gotta look into that though. I was never into Tom Clancy. I only played Rainbow Six Ones and I was frustrated. Never played it again. The PlayStation 4. Oh, you say you never played a Vita. 2013 was the year you graduated. Yeah, I don't think a lot of people ever played a Vita. It did not sell very well. In fact, Sony didn't even release how many figures was sold. But I think I revealed it in the last episode that I did. So the PS4 people, Sony took it a step further into the future with the, what? Oh, thank you. My wife got me a, I gotta play those later. So they took it a step further with this wedge Mesopotamian shaped thing. Look at the vents in the back. It was literally like a jet engine. This shit makes so much noise. It's not even funny. It requires so much cooling because this thing runs so loud. No, I do not have a PlayStation 99 or a Nintendo 69. I'm sorry. Oh, my wife bought the good stuff. Thank you. I take it. Okay, I'll take it. But the PlayStation 4 people, I got this in 2014 and you're probably asking, that's my wife up there. And you're probably asking why is my PlayStation 4 white? No racial. This was a Destiny edition of PlayStation 4 at the time. It was bundled with Destiny, the game when it was popular. So that's why my PlayStation 4 is white. But how loud was this thing? There are people that said that this shit was so loud that it could take off nonstop from New York to fucking LA. That's how loud the shit is 'cause it sound like a jet engine. The PS3 didn't even sound that fucking loud, but you got to think the air vents was so, it's so many of them because this thing ran so hot. Anyway, this thing came out in 2013, if I'm not mistaken, in the North American market. In fact, according to Sony, it came out in North America on November 15th, 2013. People, let me give you a quick little thing. When this came out in 2013, Sony was still selling PS2s. Think about that for a second. And yes, Destiny was whack. I played it, I still have it, I never played it again. All right, now it says, arriving into a more connected online world, PlayStation 4 ushered in more social and shareable experiences, thanks to the innovations like DualShock 4, which is one of the best, most comfortable PlayStation controllers I ever played. Dual, the six axis for the PS3 was kind of garbage. It was kind of garbage. All right, now, some of the games that came out on here, the tagline greatness awaits. Yes, Sony. Sony has sold 117 million of these units worldwide. Again, not to mention, I guess that's also including the PlayStation 4 Pro. Now, I've had this thing since 2013, I still play it. This shit, despite the noise and everything, has never given me a problem. Sony builds high quality video game consoles. No red ring of death, no fucking yellow light, Microsoft, I'm talking to you. Sony has built always a stellar fucking product of a console here. Not to mention, it can fly from New York to JFK, nonstop with all the goddamn noise it made. Now, you look up here, ethernet connectivity, of course, HDMI going into the next generation, not sure what the fuck that was, and never really used that. So there's some useless shit on here I never quite used, but it is what it is, it's my PS4. It's not going anywhere. The PS4 is still in production, people. The reason why this console is still in production, number one, COVID. Is one of the reasons why this is in production. Now, let's go back four years, know the fuck you're not stealing this. Let's go back four years. In 2020, COVID was happening. A lot of international comrades and things were just not moving anymore. Shipping was late, backed up product, stores wasn't getting a lot of shit. And PS5s were hard to sell. So PS5, when it came out, like it was really hard to push because not only was the supply chain short because of COVID, but scalpers were taking all the PS5s that were somewhat available. So now that they have to play catch up, they still have to make games for the PS4 to satisfy, which is why you can now get Black Ops 6 on the PS4. People, this shit has been out since 2013. 11 years that this console has been out and it's still going. By now, this thing should not have any more games coming out for it, but they still know that people still play the PS4 'cause they either can't afford the PS5 or at the time they couldn't get one because of COVID and scalpers. So, let's do chicken. All right, Father, let's do shrimp. Let's do shrimp. My wife is asking me what to eat for dinner. Hi, boss, you said I did not know they still make games or produce it. Yes, because they still have to catch up. Once they feel like they got enough people, I predict this though. I think the PS4, hey, fat says, make shrimp. Hey, what's going on, fat? I think PS4, I predict, will end production next year. I don't see this thing going to 2026. There's no way that Sony is gonna keep producing this to 2026, but then again, people, they did keep the PS2 in production for 13 years. So, if history is repeating itself, perhaps we're talking 2026. The latest that I think the PS4, they'll stop producing games for it. All right, now they did come out with a PS4 Pro, which is like another stack on top of this, and it was the closest thing you could get to the PS5 at the time. And yes, I agree, the PS4 has got to go. In fact, I think the PS4 is holding the PS5 back. I think the PS like developers are now tapping into the GPU power of the PS5. But because like, let's say, for example, you got separate developers developing for the PS4 and PS5 for Call of Duty. All the resources have to be split between a console that's old and a console that's new. If this shit was out the picture, I didn't really throw much, so you think I'm crazy. If this shit was out the picture, more resources can go into the PS5 development, which means games can be so much better. But because they still have to develop on this console, it holds shit back. Fat, you say, but let's be real, Xbox is where it's at. My brother, get out of here. We're not doing that. You see today is PlayStation's anniversary. I am going over the history of Sony. Microsoft though, don't get me wrong, I will do a Microsoft episode because Sony, coming into the video game world has a very unique history. Microsoft, when they came out, it was basically on the Revenge of World War II of what the Japanese did. When the Microsoft came out the Xbox, it was called Project Midway, which goes back to a very game-changing battle during World War II in the Pacific. But I'm gonna get into that shit when it comes to the Microsoft episode. But today is Sony's birthday, all right? Now, how much more do I gotta go over with the PS4? Not very much more. Now, it comes to our last and latest console in Sony's history. People, the fucking PS5. This big motherfucker right here is huge. Now, you'd be surprised to know that I actually did get this PS5 when it first came out. Now, you probably asked yourself, how the fuck did you do that? Well, my wife won a raffle. All right, so be Xbox had its 23rd anniversary last month. Let me guess, it was revealed by Bill Gates the 5th. Now, get out of here, Bill Gates. The PS5 people are latest workhorse in the video game world. I got this PS5 November of 2020. I got it the first month it came out. It's still working. I got this through a raffle, but not for a real, not for a free PS5 to the opportunity to buy one. So one day, I was at work. I was overseas at the time. And my wife calls me. She put in a raffle. She put in two raffles, actually, and told me and called me and said, "Yo, we won a PS5." And I was like, "We won the PS5." She's like, "Yeah, but you gotta buy it." I was like, "I don't care how much money I got." Buy the PS5. All right, Fat, you said, the only thing is, the only thing is why do the PS5 consoles overheat? I dust and clean all the time to be shut up. Anyway, so the problem I think was with the motherboard. So with the first round of PS5s like this one, the GPU soldering, I think there was an issue that it was too weak and it caused a lot of PS5s or at least a few isolated ones to overheat. You gotta remember too, this fan, this big ass fan, I think is like roughly 84 millimeter fan. It's huge. It sucks in a lot of air. And sometimes where you think you clean this whole thing out, it's not constantly clean. Not to mention he said, "What do you mean, shut up?" Fat, let me ask you, do you play the PS5 standing up or do you play it sitting down, like laying down? Because can we ourselves upgrade that? I don't know if you can do it yourself, but now they have a slimmer PS5 too. So it should play a lot more cooler than this PS5. Now, I don't know if you can upgrade the motherboard or whatever yourself. I don't know, that could easily break warranty, but I've had this so long authority pass warranty. You have to look that up on YouTube, I believe. Okay, you play it laying down. So the dust issue, it could be your room, like I know I play mines, my PS5 lays down because it's too tall to stand up in my entertainment system. And it gets dusty a lot, but it collects more dust, I believe laying down. Sometimes you can't help it. You have to clean the area around where your console lays down because this is only going to just collect what's around it. So if your area is dusty, you might want to clean it up as much as possible because this big ass 84 millimeter fan will suck any sort of particle in it and it don't care. Sometimes people will be having roaches in their thing. All right, Suva, you said laying down is better, keeps the cooling liquid from gathering from one corner of the freakin' chick on the freakin' chip. Okay, so the cooling liquid, which is what was the problem with this in the first place, which is why some PS5 is overheat. I have always played this thing laying down. I never had an issue with this PS5 with overheating, resetting, anything like that. Even the PS4, my PS4 gets pretty dusty. And to be honest with you, it plays just fine. Again, too, if you look on the back of this bad boy, there's a lot of vents here. Pretty much this whole back portion for the most part is basically like a heat exhaust. I remember when this thing first came out, you know, the jokes on this system was so bad. People compared it to a Wi-Fi router. People compared this to the building in San Francisco. People compared this to a fuckin' I don't know, a fax machine, this thing here is just, so he said, hey, let's just take Asian fusion and design this console because when this came out, it wasn't like your regular run of the mill design. This shit here, think about this one. All right, boss, you said the South Park episode about it was funny. It was, it was. Look at where we've been from PS1 to this shit. Now, come on now. This right here is ridiculous. This little baby thing was the most powerful thing of its time. This big shit right here is just ridiculous. It is huge. Would I trade it in for a slim? Hell no, because the way I got this PS5 is very special. This was one of the first launch consoles at the time. So, of course, I'm not gonna give it away. I'm gonna keep it until it breaks. Say what? Oh my, I got it with the help of my wife. So, of course, I'm not getting rid of it. But just look how far Sony has come from the PS1, right? Also, that's the PS1, the PS2, and this, how far these consoles came. And, of course, the PS3. This is where it's console. I think this is where the consoles were getting stupid big for no goddamn reason. And now we're here with the PS5. So, the PS5 once again had a very slow start, right? And it was because of COVID and scalpers. Now that COVID has dissipated, scalpers are stuck with a bunch of these and they can't fucking sell them. Now, these are available everywhere and they're now smaller. And they're coming in new additions. Like the 30th anniversary, slim is now out, which is pretty cool. Now, I'm gonna go to some figures about the PS5 and where it is so far. I think it's estimated it's so somewhere around 60 million. It's kind of hard to figure that out. Not to mention, I forgot, the PS4 also came out with a slim color. Pretty cool. The controller was actually pretty cool too. It actually lights up. But that's enough about the PS4. Let's go into the PS5. All right, people, if you're just joining the show, this is Sony's anniversary. So, I'm going over the history of PlayStation. All right, boss, you said you would think with technology would get smaller, not bigger. You gotta think though, this is a very powerful machine. So, at the time, I guess they had to go big because well, you didn't want the shit to burn out. All right, you said, I still think the PS4 controller is better than the PS5. I 100% agree with you. The PS4 controller is the most comfortable fucking controller ever made by Sony, by far. All right, now the PS5, figures. All right, let's get to it. PlayStation 5 and beyond, people, this console has just turned four years old on November 15. Four years, the PS5 has been out. And I still feel like with this generation, we're seeing less and less good games. Like, I look at my game collection over there. It goes from like a lot of PS1, PS2, and then it starts to slim down to a little bit of PS3, four, and five. I know there's a lot more development time when it comes to these games, but the quality of games has sunken so far. The PS2 error was the best error in video games. We got quality fucking games for years, which is why it's sold so much. But what is going on with video game development? It's all green. It's all about DLCs and all other types of shit. All right, now, so to answer your question, you want to know how many PS5s were sold. According to Sony, right, since 2020, let's see, they said that they sold, let me see if they get numbers. Yeah, we know it came out November, blah, blah, blah, blah. It says, despite challenging global conditions, the launch of PS5 became not only the biggest ever PlayStation launch, but the biggest global launch in history. Okay, but how many did you sell? That's what I want to know. And fuck all this. All right, look, I'm gonna just find out on my own, how many PS5s? I think they sold somewhere around 60 million so far of these PS5s. If I'm not mistaken, I'll get you an answer right now. It doesn't really reveal it on the PlayStation page, but the figures are out there. PS5 sold. All right, so according to some research, yes, the PS5 has sold a little over 60 million units, but that's after four years, which is impressive, okay? Four years, 60 million units. Now, you gotta think that, wow, that's a lot of fruit cakes. No, the PS, Sony's not a fruit cake. Okay, it is a powerhouse. But you gotta think, if COVID wasn't a thing at the time and people weren't scalping, this could have easily sold in four years, 100 million units. This could potentially be the console that passes the PS2, but let's be real. It has 100 million more to sell, just to reach the PS2 status. PS2 has sold 160 million. This has sold a little bit over 60 million, so 100 more million of these bad boys and it will become the largest selling console of all time. So, Sony, 30 years later, where's Sony going now? So they're already talking about the PS6, all right? Typical lifespan for a Sony console seems to be somewhere now eight to 10 years on average. We might see another Sony console, probably like 20, 28, 20, 30. I know that seems really soon for a lot of people 'cause a lot of people just got this damn thing. So, it just seems like it's too soon, right? Subi said, "But Xbox only sold 3 million." Whoa, no, no, Xbox. Microsoft did not just only sell 3 million Xbox series Xs. There's no fucking way. Hold on, let me find that out. All right, boss, you said you heard that rumors that they may not even come out with another console, but that was just conspiracy. The video game world has changed since the PS2. There has been rumors that consoles after this generation may be very well dead. But if not, there's one thing that's to be true is that disc-based media video games are going to be dead. The only reason they're holding on to this long is because people like me crave tangible media. I like physical disc, but also because not a lot of people have the online capability home Wi-Fi to download games digitally. Believe it or not, there are some people out there still booting up AOL 56K modems, all right? That's another reason why the Dreamcast died as well, because online, it had it, but the services, but not a lot of people had internet at the time. Anyway, that's Dreamcast. But I think they will be another one. You know, believe it or not, when Sony or any console just been released, they're already working on the next one in research and development. So as we speak now, they're working on the PS6 as we speak. When is it gonna come out? Probably 20, 28, 20, 30. Okay, so you said 58 million. Okay, that sounds a lot more reasonable. Both consoles came out about the same time and they both got hit with COVID and supply chain shortages. So like I said, these consoles could have sold a hell of a lot more had it not been for COVID. All right, boss, she said, I agree with you. I think physical copies are the best. I will not buy digital. Because at least with physical copies, you own it. But the thing is with the physical copies, the video games now is that the physical copies is only used to install the game. The game is not really on the disc. It's just, it's on the disc, but you're transferring it onto the hard drive. And you need the disc just to run the game. It's not like on the PS2 where the game is completely on the disc. No, you just need the disc nowadays to load and download the game into the hard drive. So it's really playing off the hard drive and the Blu-ray disc is just spinning really slow just to keep it running. But yeah, 58 million Xbox, I think, is a little bit more plausible than 3 million. Yeah, so again, you don't really need the fucking disc. The disc is just to install the game. You said, what's the point? I guess people just want a disc, I like disc. So I'd rather have a tangible thing. I don't like digital because I feel like at least with the disc, I have it, I own it. Digital, yeah, you own it. But I mean, so much shit can go wrong with the idea of a digital media. You know what I mean? I like to, like, would you like a digital downloaded version of your car or would you rather have the car? Would you rather play your car? Would you rather be driving your car on a video game, right? Digital, or would you rather have an actual car that you're able to drive? You know what I mean? I'd rather have an actual car. All right, people. So, too, you said you need to just put the disc in and boom, you're playing it. Now, that's the way it was up until about the PS3. And then PS4, you have to download it in the same way. It was just the way the games are designed nowadays. Some people call it lazy. Other people just say, hey, that's just, technology's get with it. That's just what it is. I mean, it is what it is, man. I mean, I hate the idea that I have to keep updating my Call of Duty and other games all the time, taking up ridiculous amount of disc space. That shit annoys the hell out of me. Back in the day, you had a Super Nintendo game. You just put the shit in, and that was it. No DLC, you just get what you paid for. You were done with the game. If you wanted to play it again, you just play it again. That's not anymore. But yeah, Sony, Microsoft, they're gonna come out with something. They're working on it as we speak. The Nintendo Switch 2 comes out next year. We just don't know when. All right, Subi said, yeah, gonna have to download your car before you could drive it in the year 2099. You joke about that, but do you know, what Mercedes Benz, you have to download certain features on some of their new electric cars? So if you want, I think BMW or somebody had a option where you download heated seats option. You're joking, but soon one day, you're gonna have to pay to get your headlights cut on. With a DLC, I'm just kidding, it's not a joke. You gotta download the brakes DLC on it. Hell, like the iPhone. You know how like nowadays, you don't even get the charger with the iPhone? The next iPhone to come out, you're not even gonna get the phone. You're just gonna get a box with nothing in it. With the next iPhone 18, it's just a box. You have to buy the phone separately. You pay all the money for the box and then you buy the phone separately. That's the future we're about to enter. Apple used to take care of us, not anymore. All right, boss, you said on God, electric cars. Let's talk about something that used more fossil fuels than actual gas engine. I know we're veering off video games real quick, but yes, electric cars, they're just too much work. And to be honest with you, more car companies now are cutting back on production of electric cars because it's costing them too much God damn money. Too much money, especially when no one is buying it. Nobody has the confidence to wanna drive an electric car. They're afraid of range, anxiety. And now with Donald Trump in office, that shit is dead. So Ford right now has so many F-150 lightnings sitting on production parking lots. They don't know what to do with them. The only electric car that's actually selling is Tesla. And Tesla has a network to a point. Other car companies are just not catching on. Anyway, people, you said they're gonna sell them for 20 bucks. A break? All right, so what did we go over today? We went over to history of the PlayStation for those who missed it. Went over to history of the PlayStation one. We went over to history of the PlayStation two. We went over to history of the PlayStation three. We went over to the history of the PlayStation four. This shit, this gets heavy as I keep picking them up. The PlayStation four. And then we went over to history of the PlayStation five, I think it's heavy. It's heavy. And of course, the little unknown history of the PlayStation Vita. People, let's have a moment of silence for the PlayStation Vita gone. All right, look, we're done, right? Sony, congratulations on your 30 years of entertaining millions and millions of people, including myself. I wear the shirt because I'm a big Sony fan. I'm sorry, if you like Microsoft, I ain't even gonna dig you on it. Microsoft is a great system. It's just what happened with me and my Xbox at the time. I never will play an Xbox. I will never buy an Xbox again. If you buy me one, cool. I'm not buying one. All right, so we said, let you borrow that PS1 with San Andreas. As a matter of fact, hun, can you do me a favor? I still have the original San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City on the PS2. But you will not borrow my PS1 with San Andreas. All right, you said was the PSP the same as the Vita? Fundamentally, yes. The only difference with the Vita and the PSP was that I don't have a physical PSP to compare. Actually, I'm sorry, give me one second. I'll get with you. Let me just make sure I got time. Oh, an hour, 18 minutes. So, oh, actually, never mind. No, I wanted you to get my Grand Theft Auto games, my original ones for the PS2. If you look over there where the PS2 is, it's up there. It's got to say, Grand Theft Auto, you see them all in a row. So, I'm sorry, don't get it. Captain James is going on. Thanks for joining the show. You see what it says, Grand Theft Auto and the PS2? To the right, to the right. Yeah, let me get those real quick. So the PSP and the PS Vita, the PSP played a UMD disc. You have to distrate that kind of flopped up. And, all right, Subi, which one do you want? 'Cause you got Grand Theft Auto. This is the one with the Hot Coffee mod. This is the one with the little inappropriate game that kids ain't supposed to be fucking playing. And then, of course, Grand Theft Auto and then this. I still got the originals. In fact, I even still have the fucking map that came with it. I still got it, all right? Yes, the PS Vita does hold a charge. It does. Now, the thing with the PSP is that it had an actual disc. You wanna get three in San Andreas? That's gonna cost you about $20 a day, Bucko. Yeah, you can raise it a little bit. So the PSP were able to put a disc tray in. It had a disc tray, you put a disc in it, it played. It ran decently for a battery, for a moving part. The PS Vita no longer had a disc tray. It had a cartridge, very similar to the Nintendo Switch. Marvel versus Capcom 3 came out for it. You kinda just stick it in and play. It saves a lot of power because there's no moving parts of the UMD disc tray, all right? The PSP had one analog stick. This had two of them. Had a camera in the front and the back. The PSP didn't have a camera. There's a camera right there. And then it had a camera in the back. Also, touchpad. This had a touchpad. The PSP did not have a touchpad. OLED screen. The PS3 just had a basic LCD screen. Pretty good though for its time. 2004, this came out in 2012. And then of course with this, it came, you had to put a Sony memory card in, which kinda sucked, but you couldn't put a SD card to save games. But you had to put a Sony proprietary fucking thing in there. Shot, what's going on, man? Damn, you missed a lot of this show. We were going over the history of the PlayStation. Today is the, and I'm having a great day, man. Work was kind of a bitch, but I'm having an awesome day. But we were going over the history of the PlayStation. Today is the 30th anniversary of the PlayStation. And I was going over all the consoles that Sony came out with. And I was displaying some of my collection of Sony consoles that I have as well. And of course, the Rare Nintendo PlayStation, which I don't have, but it's actually, it actually do exist. But I'm having a great day. I assume you said you're gonna make a character like Captain James, kind of like that little character he had on his phone earlier, that little cartoon shit. (laughs) I bet that's the only reason he played Grand Theft Auto, so he could fly a plane in it. He don't even do any of the mission. He just goes and steals a plane and just fly around and then gets shot down. All right, folks, listen, I am over my time. I'm so glad to have gone over the history of the PlayStation. Again, congratulations to Sony and 30 years of entertaining us and ultimately changing video games. He seems like the type to stop at red lights in the game. Hey, you make fun of that, but I know when I finished San Andreas or any Grand Theft Auto, I drive regular. I stop at the lights, I run and go get something to eat. I just, I'm bored, I'm done with the game. I'm done, and he's Captain James. (laughs) But no, we're done with the history of the PlayStation, all right, I will do an episode on Microsoft, okay? Because Microsoft is one that just kind of just took everybody by storm. You know, they were already doing gaming in a sense with Windows PC platform, Windows 95, Windows 98, PC CD-ROM, but consoles, consoles. And I think what helped, you'd be surprised, one little console, I think, helped Microsoft get into the video game business. In fact, I'll give you guys a guess. I'll let you guys guess what you think is the console that helped Microsoft get into the gaming business. The answer is going as a fucking surprise you, but no, it wasn't Atari, but it is influence, nonetheless, it is a video game. But try to take a guess on what you think is the one console that helped get Xbox on the road to success. It is a very unlikely console though, that helped. All right, boss, you said the 360, that is the wrong answer. Wrong answer, it was the 360 they were already established. I'm talking about the console, no, it wasn't the Game Boy that helped get Microsoft into the console wars. Take a guess, no, it wasn't the first Xbox. I'll take one more guess and I'll let you know what... Not an etch-a-sketch, what the fuck? My wife said etch-a-sketch is the reason that the Xbox, oh, you Microsoft always got to be pissed. All right, Xbox did come out in 2001, it wasn't that. It was a console before the Xbox that helped get Microsoft into the gaming world. The answer is gonna shock the fuck out of you and I'll explain why is that the answer. I'll take one more guess, it's not an etch-a-sketch, hun. I can think of things you can get on the tip of your tongue, hun. All right, all right, the computer. All right, I'll take that, but it wasn't. The console that helped Microsoft get into the console world was the Sega Dreamcast. The Sega Dreamcast was the influence to getting Microsoft on there. The reason being is because when it came to the online, the Dreamcast ran on Windows CE. Microsoft at the time took Dreamcast failure and took the idea of taking the gaming console and putting it on full-fledged online gameplay. The Dreamcast at the time was the benchmark to it. Dreamcast ran on Windows CE. Microsoft took it and boom, the Xbox was born. They learned from the Dreamcast, studied the Dreamcast and studied what made the Dreamcast fail. What made the Dreamcast fail was not only the lack of support for online play, but it was also at the time not everybody had decent internet. People were still using the free AOL disk and broadband. 56K, Wi-Fi was not a thing yet, but even when the Xbox came out, Wi-Fi was not a thing, but they had a more established online model to play the game. Well, as you said, every time I hear Dreamcast or Gamecast, I think of Malibu's most wanted, I don't know why, because that was the funniest show I heard a Gamecast because he couldn't afford a GameCube or a Dreamcast, so he probably went to like family dollar and shit and bought a Gamecast. And instead of playing Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Scooter or some shit, whether you're just doing missions on bikes and scooters, I don't know, but that was like one of the funniest lines in Malibu's most wanted. And that wasn't even like a really funny movie. It was just, that was the funniest shit. I think when it comes to remembering that movie, that's the line everybody remembers. Grocery shopping at family dollar. Hey, don't knock it till you try it. All right, I do buy some groceries from Dollar General. All right, don't knock it till you try it. But yes, people shout out to the Sega Dreamcast, go on too soon. That console only lasted two fucking years, but the Dreamcast helped the PS2. Well, they didn't even help the PS2, because the PS2 was going to outsell the Dreamcast, re-fucking garland. Sega just had really bad timing when it came to the Dreamcast. Very bad timing. Had they just came out maybe a year or so before their initial release, they probably could have done a little better, but at the same time, they didn't have a DVD player. That's what fucked the Dreamcast up. They weren't caring about video games like DVDs. They weren't caring more about the games itself. Like the GameCube, the GameCube was supposed to have a DVD player. They went back and said, "No, we're going to come out with the Panasonic disc to prevent piracy." That didn't help very much either, but it helped in some cases. All right, people, thanks for joining this very educational Daily Mind podcast, celebrating the PlayStation's 30th anniversary. And again, I'm going to shout out some names. Appreciate it, appreciate it. Subi Snack, one of my top executive producers, and now moderator of the show. All right, we got moderators on here now because we had some initials last week. We had to kind of get corrected, all right? I also want to give a shout out to the Boss 95. Absolutely, you're one of my biggest fans on the show. Thank you so much for joining, and I'm glad to fill you in on some very nerdy, knowledgeable things about video games, 'cause my wife will tell you, I got like a museum of video games, and I'm still sort of kind of collecting. I have an N64 that's in there. I'm still trying to get a Super Nintendo, a GameCube. I'm still trying to pick up. But there's one console that I will not buy, and it's a Nintendo Wii U, and I think I've expressed that in the last one. 'Cause the Wii is old. It's old, they're not producing any more games, no more, that's it. No, it's crazy. And again, I would show you all my games, but it would have to require me to get up and go do it. I'll probably get a picture of my game collection. It's not really big, but it goes from Nintendo 64, to the PS1, the GameCube, PS1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Vita and Nintendo Switch and Wii. It's a decent collection. All right, buddy, you said you got an Xbox. All right, cool man, do you have a Xbox One, Xbox Series X, S360? Yes, absolutely, have a great night. And again, before I wrap it up, I gotta shout out some names. One and lonely drape. I will show you the video game collection some other time, Boss 95, Buddy DL. Sooby-snack, back, of course you, and then many others that I've seen up here, I'm trying to get the names, but it was just so many people that came through. But everybody that was on the show, I appreciate it, thank you very much. And again, oh, of course, happy holidays. Oh, okay, one and only drape. Do I like the Nintendo Switch? And drape the Shiestie Goodnight to you as well, man. Have a good one, brother. Do I like the Nintendo Switch? I do. I'll be honest, it's not one of my favorite Nintendo consoles. I do like the Switch for its versatility because they combine two mediums, handheld and console and one. And that was something they learned from the Wii U 'cause the Wii U was a commercial flop for Nintendo. It was one of the worst consoles that ever come out for Nintendo. And one thing that they learned 'cause the Wii had the idea of remote play, it's just that you couldn't take the Wii remote and go play remotely anywhere else. It had to rely on the connectivity of the Wii U. Nintendo said, well, fuck, why did we do that in the first place? Let's make a console that is a handheld and you could play it anywhere. And you could put it on this little dock and you could play it on a TV. So, therefore, Nintendo Switch. Nintendo Switch is an awesome system, okay? It's so quite a bit, okay? I think it's one of the best systems produced, I think, since the game came. Absolutely. I like the Switch. I absolutely like the Switch. But the Nintendo Switch too should be coming out next year, people. So, looking forward to that. It's not very much details. Nintendo has been very sort of quiet, you know what I mean? They haven't really like, you know, really told too much. An Xbox car. Xbox car. So, imagine Microsoft making the SUV and it comes with an Xbox. Imagine that shit. I don't know. I remember Apple used to be very big in gaming too. There was a lot of games coming out for the Mac platform. I think Apple pulled out a gaming. I don't even know if you could game on the Mac anymore. Unless it's on Steam or whatever, but they used to come out with games just like the PC. The PC obviously is a more stable platform. Tubi, you said you get the Xbox, but the car is the DLC. I believe it. I believe it. (audience cheers) The car is the DLC. Like I said, the iPhone 18 is gonna come with an empty box. I'll thank you later and you gotta buy the phone separately. Why? I promise you, 'cause Apple keep taking shit away from all of you. Each will is the DLC. Imagine when you go to a dealership, you have the option to either buy the whole car or you can buy piece by piece every time you get paid, all right, hey, sir, you wanna buy these four wheels? All right, you're off to a good start now. What's the next thing you wanna buy? Oh yeah, brakes, come back next time. We'll have a payment plan for you to get the stupid shit. Yeah, like a Lego set. You imagine you go to a dealership, you go to build a car workshop. Fuck, build a bear, go to build a car. You can build whatever car you want. Thank God shit is not like that. That's what it got. That'd be the dumbest shit ever. Lego cars. Somebody's gonna do it one day. Lego is gonna get into the auto industry and they're gonna build cars out of revolutionary Lego block technology. Not gonna really, I mean, you gotta think, stepping on a Lego is crazy on itself. But crashing into a Lego car, your car is fucked. Your Mercedes Benz is fucked. Just imagine that. Lego station five. (laughing) What the fuck? A Lego station five, yo, that'd be dope. In fact, I'm gonna look up and see if somebody built a PS5 out of Legos. PS5 out of Legos. Lego station five. Lego soft Xbox. Leg Tendo Wii. I mean, let's go all day. For real, a leg Tendo, yo, if I find a Nintendo Switch or a Super Nintendo made out of Legos, I'm buying it. And if it's actually operational, I would buy it in a heartbeat. 360 Lego set. Now, I wouldn't even want that shit my overheat. And melt my Lego blocks. Jesus Christ. No, I think one of the next episodes I'm gonna do, just to be fair, because I'm a big video game guy due to the history of the Xbox. To include the Red Ring of Death because, man, when the Red Ring of Death happened, so many fucking Xboxes had to be recalled. And what it really was, it was due to a cheap motherboard in the soldering. Was the cause to why these Xboxes would fail. Again, I'm gonna go over that and everything about Microsoft sometime in the near future could be tomorrow's episode. It was a Lego motherboard. It's possible. The Lego has nothing to do with Microsoft being a shitty console at the time. Microsoft has come a long way, okay? I'll admit, when I, at first Xbox came out in that big-ass controller, the Duke, as they called it, came out, I was like, the Xbox controller, the first one, was the most uncomfortable controller ever used. I thought the Dreamcast was crazy. But the Duke Xbox controller, you had to have hands to play that shit. You couldn't have no bitch hands. You had to have big hands to play the original Xbox controller. All right, X-W-Y-Z, alphabet man. You said, what do you prefer? PlayStation or Xbox or Nintendo? I prefer PlayStation at this point, man. PlayStation is outselling Nintendo, well, the Switch, man. But outselling Microsoft, definitely. Subi said, wait, what about the GameCube controller? That was weird. Oh, man. When the GameCube came out, that controller layout was all over the place. It made no sense. A lot of people said that the controller was designed by kids for kids. Because when you look at the GameController layout, that shit was just, what the fuck was that little yellow stick, the C-stick? That shit was the most awkward shit, the most awkward place now. So I had a D-pad, one analog, and a little, a little, pretty yellow thing that you just, damn, they're useless. And then the colors, the buttons itself, the B, the X, I love the GameCube. It's a comfortable controller, but the shit sucked. It just was not it. It was comfortable, but the button layout was just weird. Like even playing Tony Hawk 3 on it is really strange. Playing it on the PS2 is the most balanced Tony Hawk ever. The controller size and layout is perfect. Playing it on the GameCube is a whole mess, but it works though. I can still fuck with it on the GameCube. All right, I'll take one more question and other than I'm gonna wrap it up, I already gave my shout outs, and also to X-W-Y-Z, alphabet man. Thanks for that question, man. You know, again, the fanboy thing is ever gonna be a thing. I say this, you play with, whatever the fuck you wanna play. If you play PlayStation, your Microsoft fanboys are gonna be like, oh, PlayStation sucks. Or if you play Microsoft, Sony's gonna be like, oh, you guys suck. You play with the fuck you wanna play, all right? I'm not into that whole fanboy shit. You understand what I'm saying? Like I said, I just won't buy an Xbox because of what happened to my first Xbox. It was pretty traumatizing. And I just couldn't stomach the idea to play another, or I'm sorry, to buy out of pocket another Xbox console ever, all right? I will give you guys that story again on the Microsoft Xbox episode whenever that may come. Everybody else have a good night. I'm about to go enjoy dinner with the Mrs. Get a good night's sleep 'cause Subi knows it's been a fucking day today. Or at least the end of the day has been a day. It's just awkward times I'm living in. All right, this show has went to an hour and 36 minutes. 90 minute show, I love it. Unfortunately, you're right. It's gonna get worse, but there's always a silver lining. It's gotta get better at some point. How long is that gonna take? I can't even tell you, but by the time I'll probably be long gone before the shit even gets better, but we'll see. We'll see. Some people, the right pieces, will come at the right moment. All right, yeah, one and only Dre, absolutely. Hey, I'm gonna actually post a picture of my video game collection in one of the posts I'm gonna do after this just so you can see it. It's not a basket lecture now, but it's something. I'm still getting games as I go along. Just trying to find the right classic game stores to go to 'cause some of them will rip you the fuck off and try to sell you some crazy shit for a crazy price. Like right now, this, I paid $54 out of store in Alaska, Def Jam, Fight for New York. This game came out, I think, back in 2004. I got it for 50 bucks. Do you know how much this fucking game go for? Everywhere else? You can find this game, $100, $150, $200 for Def Jam, one of the best fighting games ever to grace the PS2. Get it when you can 'cause I'm telling you, I was lucky with that in Alaska, and we're talking like at least 10 years ago. $54 for that game. It cost $50 when it first came out. So it was actually a steal, man. So get it when you can, get it when you can. I will get you that picture, all right? Have a good night, everybody. We will do this again next time. Thank you everyone for the gifts. Oh, I never played 50 cents game, not even the first one or Blood on the Sand. Blood on the Sand was the PS3 one. The one that came out for the PS2, I never played it. Never played it, but I've heard Blood on the Sand was actually pretty good. Eminem is actually in the first 50 cent game too. He's in the cut scene and whatnot, I guess. All right, folks, I'm really done though. I'm out. I got you on that picture, don't worry about it. Have a good night. Stay tuned also. If you missed this episode, it is on Spotify. This podcast does get distributed among many of the podcast platforms, but I do a live one for you guys, all right? All right, so we have a good one. Have a good night. Peace out. We'll do it again tomorrow. (dramatic music) (crickets chirping) (dramatic music) (crickets chirping) [MUSIC PLAYING]

On December 3, 1994, Sony would shock the video game industry with the introduction of the Playstation. The Playstation would forever revolutionize video gaming. I go over the history of The Playstation.