Jesse Kelly Show


Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024
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This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. We'll dig into a little bit more of this college campus nonsense here really quickly. Joe Biden lies all the time. The religion of domination. We're going to talk about the elites versus the streets a little bit more. Some emails. Oh, that and so much more coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Also the president of the United States of America Joe Biden is the biggest liar to ever occupy the Oval Office and they all lie. And yet no one has done it like just eyes to drive an 18 wheeler. I used to drive an 18 wheeler even CNN is making fun of Joe Biden for that today. At no point, at no point in his life, did Joe Biden drive an 18 wheeler? But like I've said, he's one of those people. The truth isn't in him. He would rather tell a lie than the truth. It's, it's, it's come so natural to him for 80 years that now it's who he is. It is ingrained in him. This is Biden. You're a little back and forth Biden from 2024 about the civil rights movement versus Biden in 1987. I got involved when I was a kid in electoral politics out of the civil rights movement. During the 60s. I was. I started out one more time for you. You heard what he said when I was a kid got involved civil rights. I got involved when I was a kid in electoral politics out of the civil rights movement. Here was Joe Biden on camera like 30 years ago during the 60s. I was in fact, very concerned about the civil rights movement. I was not an activist. I worked at an all black swimming pool in the east side of Wilmington, Delaware. I was involved. I was involved in what, what they were thinking, what they were feeling. I was involved, but I was not out marching. I was not down in Selma. I was not anywhere else. He can help himself. All right, let's, let's move on. I want to talk about something else this. The communist in his mindset and how much I do admire it. I was watching a show. I forget what I forget where I was watching it last night. There was a documentary on last night. I was watching it with the wife shut up. This was a night. It wasn't even an old one. Okay. Shut up, Chris. It was actually a documentary on football. This was on football. Wasn't on any of the World War stuff that I ever do. But this one was on University of Florida football, specifically under Urban Meyer. Maybe you don't like college football. Maybe you don't know college football. He's one of those coaches who's won a bunch of games, national championships. He won one for my Buckeyes. Great coach and then some rough personal stuff, but great coach so on and so forth. But anyway, it's talking about Florida under Urban Meyer and at one point in time, there are people describing Urban Meyer and how for him, every single year, he has to win the national championship or he's unhappy and keep in mind, there are all these different schools. Think of all the incredible schools out there football wise, don't give me wrong. They're horrible universities and they should all burn to the ground. But they're great football schools. Think of the endless football schools out there all over the place. All over the place, but for Urban Meyer, it was championship or misery. There was no in between. No, hey, we kind of, we won the conference title this year. We won the SEC title this year. We won the big 10 title. It was, there was none of that championship or misery. And I'll tell you something. This is going to come back to communism. I'll tell you something. I would never want to be that way actually wife and I were talking about last night while we watched it. You just tell, you could tell even in the interview, this is not a content happy human being. There he was. He's being interviewed and what looks like some gorgeous, who knows how many million dollar beach home right on the water. I'm sure it has the boats and the jet skis and I'm sure it's steak dinners and Swedish bikini models and everyone. I'm sure it's all that stuff, but you can tell he's so unhappy, so unsettled, so unhappy. And that really was his permanent state and is his permanent state. It's everything championship or nothing matters at all. And I was thinking about that as it relates to American communists, actually communists in general and how they think they are miserable all the time. You know that your liberal and Peggy is miserable. The activists you see on TV and the streets on the campuses, everyone else, they're miserable. They're never happy. They're never laughing. They're never smiling. They're always chanting and yelling and screaming. And even when you catch them individually, when you get with your liberal and Peggy at Thanksgiving time, is she pleasant to be around? Just a real joy, just array of sunshine when she walks in or does she walk in and everyone immediately goes, Oh gosh, here we go. She miserable. Isn't she miserable? And that is, that is one of the reasons you should be very grateful that you were not a communist because they are miserable. However, I will say this, there's a good and bad that comes with everything, right? That's the bad part of being a communist. That's the bad part of being liberal and Peggy. She's miserable all the time, but there is a good for the commies. The good is when you have that mentality, that all or nothing mentality, no burn everything down now. I hate everything. Burn it all. Give me power over everything when you have that mentality. You can be very, very, very successful. It does result in championships. You bring urban Meyer into your college. Yeah, you're probably going to have some disciplinary problems. Yeah, he's going to be miserable. Yet all these things are true. You're probably going to win a national title because for urban Meyer and for the American communist, no, I don't think he's a communist, but for the American communist, winning everything is the only option. You want an example? I saw this today. It was just man. This guy's name, his name is Andrew Weisman. He's a legal analyst for MSNBC. Listen to this. Listen to this. What David Tucker said was true. Oh, sorry. I should have set it up. He's referencing the Trump trial going on in New York City. I don't have to give you the background on the ridiculous Trump trials and the legal persecution. And I don't have to go. You know all that. But anyway, that's what he's referencing. What David Tucker said was truly shocking. Let's you step back what he said was that a media outlet, even if it's considered maybe a down market media outlet, was in cahoots with one political candidate. That is what happens in Russia. That is not what is supposed to happen here. He's referencing the national enquirer being kind of on Trump side in the election. Now I know what you're saying. Same thing I'm saying. Are you kidding me? You guys have every media outlet, every single major media outlet, every single one works exclusively for Joe Biden and against Donald Trump, against everything Republican, everything right wing. You have every single media outlet in your pocket and you're complaining that one tabloid rag kind of prefers Donald Trump. What are you ridiculous? It's not that he's ridiculous for the communist. That is egregious. One outlet, even one outlet that doesn't take the company line is the end of the world for the communist. It is a religion of complete and total domination. It is a demonic religion of destruction and domination. You have to understand that about these people. Understand this. You've heard Democrats complain about the media, haven't you? Joe Biden does it all the time. Maybe if you guys report on how good the economy was, Obama was famous for this, always complaining about the media, maybe, maybe your liberal and Peggy complains about the media. I can't believe they let this anti vaccine propaganda on Facebook. Maybe she complains about it. You should understand you, your complaints about the media, they're totally legitimate. It's a vile communist profession, full of apparatrix, and it's as responsible for the destruction of this country as any other institution. But get this, the Democrat in your life who complains about the media, they are just as sincere in their hatred of the media as you are. Why you complain because the media is 99% against you. Your liberal and Peggy complains because the media is 1% against her. For you, 99 to one seems egregious, outrageous. You can't run a country like this for liberal and Peggy. She feels the same way about there being a 1% left out there. She thinks it's egregious. We can't have a country that these people have freedom of speech. Somebody stop them. That's the reality. All right. We're moving on. Talk about elites versus streets after I get to some emails. In fact, I'll get to an email right here, dear Jesse, after 10 years of marriage, two busy careers and an eight year old son, my wife and I cherish every moment we're alone together. This morning, it was one of those moments we both woke a few minutes early to peace and tranquility. At that tender moment, I whispered in her ear, you should try all natural relief factor. They have a three week quick start kid and 70% of those who try it go on to order more. Please go to relief promo code, Jesse. I'm not sure how to interpret the look on her face that followed, but since I've never seen it before, I'm going to say it was gratitude and his name is Dan Dan. It was gratitude. And in fact, I want to invite every husband and wife tomorrow morning. Wake your spouse up with a lovely kiss on the cheek. And once you see them smile and start to stir, that's when you lean down and whisper in their ear, relief factors on natural and it'll relieve your pain. They'll thank you endlessly once they start taking it. Go to relief to order some or call one 800 the number four relief. We'll be back, Jesse is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Don't forget you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. I'm going to get to a bunch of emails before I get to the rear Avril. The elites versus the streets, some more and so many other things. Jesse, I heard you on Tucker's TCN this evening. You were mesmerizing. I was mesmerizing. What Chris mind blowing stole the show. One question from a 71 year old. The anecdote about a woman from Chicago. You quoted one saying, yes, if you come to Chicago, you may get robbed, but you won't get targeted. Sorry. I'm unfamiliar with that word targeted as an assassination. Uh, yeah, that's exactly what she meant. In her mind, in her mind, yeah, Chicago's overrun with criminals. And yes, if you come there, someone may stick a gun in your face and take your wallet from you and maybe beat your wife with a pistol, but they're not going to seek you out specifically so it's really not a big deal that that's a real conversation. That's how sick the mind of the liberal white woman is. Understand that she is the true author of American communism. The American liberal white woman is the author of virtually all of the destruction you see now. All of it. It is why it's not just their own kids who they're busy transing. It's everything they are destroyers at their core. It's a, be a fascinating thing to psychologize. Jesse, I listened to your podcast the next day and in the middle of the phone call the episode ended, then after a segment, you came back, said you got a death threat. Is that what happened last night? Yeah, we are, um, we know I don't take calls, maybe once a week, sometimes it's once every couple weeks, we took some of the other night and you know, we get death threats. It is what it is. Dirty commie scum are what they are. Some guy kept calling and threatening to kill me and then he kept calling back and threatening to kill the phone screener and whatnot. Like it is what it is that remember this. Always remember violence is not what the communist does. It's who he is. It's who he is. My wife, my wife eats healthy and lives healthy to the point it can get crazy sometimes. How crazy? Well, we've had to have revolts in the house before. She'd only buy us natural deodorant. That doesn't work. And we scream. I stink. Okay. So it's that and she's just being wonderful, right? But this is a human being who when she snacks, I'm sitting there, I'm pounding tortilla, tortilla chips into my face and she's over there eating your green beans. This is, this is who she is. She's experimented with all natural organic toilet paper. I'm not making that up. That's a real thing. Being healthy, health conscious is not what she does. She's done this for the entire entirety of her life. She was an elite athlete, as you know, she was a gymnast at the highest levels. Health is who she is now. It's in everything she does. It's built into her. Even if I started working on her right now, which I don't know why I want to, it's great that she's healthy and tries to keep me and the boys alive. But even if I want, let's say I wanted that out of her, I couldn't because it's been woven into her for 40 years. Health is who she is, period for the communist. Now has a famous quote that says all political power comes from the barrel of a gun for the communist violence is built into his nature. And this includes your liberal and Peggy. This isn't just the street animals you see all over the highways and the campuses today. For the communist, because he's an anti human, because for him, there is no God, because for him, the revolution must continue. No matter what, violence has to be part of it. He never shies away from it. It's just natural to them. I've used this example before and I've used it because I know you've seen it before. It doesn't have to be one of the Antifa types. When's the last time you saw a Democrat of any kind, maybe someone you know or you're related to online when they get in an argument with someone or get mad at somebody? What do they say? Hey, someone post his address. You've seen it. Haven't you? Everyone's seen it. They all do it. Why? Well, what are you saying? Someone should reveal where this person lives. So there's a chance somebody might hurt him. Hey, I don't like whatever this guy's saying. Whatever he's doing has angered me to the point that someone should get his address up there. Even your liberal and Peggy will throw that out there. Why? Violence is who the communist is. It's why I've talked all the time about you and me. I'm pointing fingers at me, acquiring more physical skills as we move forward in this society we have here. Being are you getting in better shape or worse shape? I've been lazy lately. I'm not pointing fingers. Better shape or worse shape? What do you do? No matter how old you are, what do you do to improve your self-defense? Do you carry a weapon? Do you practice with it? Beyond a weapon. If you're able to do so, if you have any willingness, when's the last time you threw a punch? When's the last time you learned how to block a punch? It's basic self-defense. No, I'm not telling you you have to turn into a green beret. Physically, are you improving? Are you putting that into your children? I actually had a long talk with one of my sons the other day that I said, "Gee, I think we're going to start doing a little more boxing. We're going to start doing some boxing." It's time to add these skills. The people who run our institutions are inherently violent and they understand, as we've pointed out, they're protected from up on high. Are you actively monitoring these protests? We don't monitor protests, but we do share intelligence about specific threats of violence. What? Straight communists. We're not monitoring those. Learn how to protect yourself. And before we go and move on and talk about the rear admiral, he's out there saying something about cancellation fees. Let's talk about tunnel to towers. Let's talk about doing good. I know that times are tough. I know they are. Everyone knows it now. If we are able, if you are able, we should keep in mind that for gold star families, fallen first responder families, they don't have some special slush funds set up because dad never came home. They're hurting worse than most people are hurting. Without wanting to be their single income homes now, and the main source of income is often the one who's gone. Tunnel to towers is out there helping, helping when we forget, helping when we get selfish, helping when we move on, tunnel to towers remains. And all they ask from you in me is $11 a month. Go to tea, the number two T dot org and give what you can tea to tea dot org. We'll be back. Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. I promised you the rear admiral. He made a major announcement and here is the major announcement. And man, this is absolutely terrible, but it sounds good. Hi, it's secretary Pete Buttigieg with big news, so I should have clarified. He's home from maternity leave. Hi, it's secretary Pete Buttigieg, back from maternity leave. I'm sorry. I hope he's recovering. Hi, it's secretary Pete Buttigieg with big news for anyone who has had a frustrating experience getting your money back after an issue with your flight. The Biden-Harris administration is now going to require airlines to give passengers an automatic cash refund if your flight is canceled or significantly delayed. And you'll get your fee refunded if your bag doesn't arrive in time or if you don't get a service that you paid for like Wi-Fi. No more refund runarounds and no more defaulting to a travel credit that expires. We're also eliminating hidden fees. Passengers should know how much it'll add to your total ticket price to check or carry on a bag or to change or cancel your flight. I wonder if part of the hidden fees they're going to reveal. I wonder if any part of that is airlines adding the government intervention fee that will come from things like this, because this is one of those things that morons love the sound of. This is why morons are amazing recruits to communism, morons hear that and you know what they think. Wow, I don't like, I don't like that my flight got canceled. I wish they could have paid me in cash. I don't like that my flight got delayed for five hours. I should be paid in cash immediately. Wow, that sounds like a good idea. But because they're morons, they don't understand that the airlines, if they're forced to do things like this, they're then going to build in the price of that into the everyone's ticket, everyone's ticket. So air travel, which was already back breaking air travels quickly becoming something that only rich people can do is now going to get even more back breaking and the same morons who were cheering this kind of thing today, they'll be whining about the airline tickets tomorrow. Man, if that isn't where we are speaking of morons, I want to point something out another, just another quick difference between the elite scum and the street scum. Remember the elite scum. They're the ones you should hate the most because they are the liars. They know their liars. They don't believe in any of these causes. They're liars. They know their liars and they know why they're lying. They're lying to manipulate the morons on the bottom. Think of the street communist scum types as being special needs. And I don't mean that as being insulting because special needs people are freaking wonderful, but that really is how you need to think of them mentally. They're not fully developed. Maybe it's low IQ. Maybe it's bad childhood. Maybe it's drugs, but they need, they need extra. These are not fully developed people. So they're extremely susceptible to lies. Have you ever had a really stupid friend? I had a really stupid friend. We paid him $5 to strip naked in the middle of a hotel when we were out of town and run across the hotel lobby, slapping his butt and he did it because he's stupid. That's why he did it because he's stupid. Therefore, he was easy to manipulate. This is Michael Brzezinski. This is her on her television show. Women who need health care are going to find themselves in a bind, to say the least, whether they are pregnant or not, whether they need a DNC or a termination or not. There will be procedures they can't get thanks to Donald Trump. So yes, this is on Trump, you know, between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. You've got a team there that really made a landscape for women that is downright dangerous. And Republican women and the men who love them are going to find themselves having to leave the state just to get basic health care. Thanks to Donald Trump. What state Florida, where does Micah Brzezinski reside with Joe Scarborough? Oh, I know they have a fancy place in the Northeast, but did you know that Micah Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough reside in Jupiter, Florida? In fact, they spend so much time there that MSNBC has built them a studio where they live so they can do the show from Florida. So they love Florida. They prefer to live in Florida. She however will go on camera and spout lies. Why? Because she understands the people out there who need real mental help, whether they need IQ help or just a therapist or whatever they need, the street communist scum. They know Micah Brzezinski's the elites of the world know that the streets will hear those marching orders. They'll believe them and they'll act on them. You want a great example of this? Here's how the here's how the other half lives. I want you to listen. The audio is a little low. So you might have to turn your radio up a little bit. Chris, did you monkey with this NYU protester audio at all? It's a little bit low. But here it is, what you're about to hear. It's a young lady. She's at the NYU protest. You know, kill all the Jews, death through America, that kind of thing. This is where she is. She's being interviewed. I want you to listen to this girl. And I do think. And what would you say is the main goal with tonight's protest? I think the goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stop. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. Is there something that NYU is doing? I really don't. I'm pretty sure there. Do you know what NYU is doing out there? I'm going to stop it there. I'll start it again because I need to explain, which is I'm not really sure the guy asked. He said, what's NYU doing? Well, I'm not really sure. I don't know. She turns to her friend, her girlfriend, who's right beside her. And she says, I don't know. Do you know what NYU is doing? I'll start it from the beginning. And what would you say is the main goal with tonight's protest? I think the goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stop. I honestly don't know all of what NYU is doing. Is there something that NYU is doing? I really don't know. I'm pretty sure there. Do you know what NYU is doing out there? About Israel. Why are we protesting here? I was done. We'll be free. I was more educated. I'm not either. I'll let it keep going. She asks her friend, do you know why are we doing here and her friend, did you hear her answer? I don't know. I wish I was more educated. I'll let it continue. I came from Colombia. I was there all back in Libya and we came down. They said, NYU is beginning to give her support. So I came down. I heard there's lots of cops and people were saying it was getting dangerous. I don't know. I don't even know why I'm here. They told us to come down. They said, some people needed our help. You can make fun of those two idiots all you want and believe me, they deserve your mockery. They really, really do. They deserve to be mocked into the ground until they're so ashamed at their stupidity that they resolve to be better. But this is why 90% of our hatred should be reserved for the elite communist scum, for the ones in the media, for the ones that you want to hear? You want to hear this one? Here's a stat for you. I was talking to somebody today and we were talking about, you know the lake and Riley story. I was noticing those, the lake and Riley story that young college girl beaten to death by an illegal in Georgia. You know the story. Okay. You got it. And he was doing some polling out of Wisconsin. He's polling in the swing state of Wisconsin. And what he found was the people who know about the lake and Riley story, 70% of them are going to vote against Joe Biden in the upcoming election. 70% of them are voting for Donald Trump at the upcoming election. Okay. That's good. You want to hear how evil the media is 50% of the people who live in Wisconsin, however, have never even heard her name. I don't even know who she is. Media covered it up, buried it. Same way they covered the Hunter Biden laptop. Same thing. The hatred are hatred should be reserved for the elites who know their line, taking advantage of the idiots at the bottom. That's a fact. This has been a podcast from WOR.