
Bava Basra Daf 162

Broadcast on:
05 Dec 2024
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(speaks in foreign language) One is required to repeat the basic elements of a star in the last line and not to write any new information. If I'm explains because you can't learn anything from the last line. If I'm explains that Adam usually leaves some space between the text and the signatures which enable someone to add a line into the text, therefore any new information contained in the last line of a star is ignored. If I'm told of an arm that is mercarius from a bracer, here's a case of Adam, (speaks in foreign language) in a south puzzle. If the signatures of the Adam are two lines away from the south, it's puzzle. (speaks in foreign language) The reason the star is puzzle of his two lines is because we're afraid he's gonna add something in those two lines. So in a single line we should also have the same problem. Obviously we don't learn from the sheet right now. Second (speaks in foreign language) with a line and a half of empty space. (speaks in foreign language) If there's a line and a half of space between the text and the (speaks in foreign language) is it kosher because two normal lines can't be written into such a space? Or is it possible because maybe he could squeeze two lines in? If he's right from a bracer, if you're magic to aid them two rows from the Xav, it's puzzle. But if it's less than that, it's kosher. You see any space that's less than two lines, does not puzzle the star. So one and a half lines are still kosher. Third (speaks in foreign language) for a star with extra aid, the more a puzzle is still kosher. The bracer continues that if a star had four or five signatures and one of them is a car of a puzzle, you could use the aidus of the other ones. Even though usually if one aid in a group is puzzle, the entire group is puzzle. Here we assume these aid them only sign to fill the empty space left in the star and not for the purpose of aidus. This bracer is a rioter Scea, who said if you filled up the empty space with craven, it's kosher. And don't ask a question, how signatures that a puzzle could be better than two lines of blank space because we find similarly by a sucker, three (speaks in foreign language) of empty space is puzzle. But if there's still a puzzle there, you need four (speaks in foreign language) So you see empty space is worse than puzzles. (speaks in foreign language) The first (speaks in foreign language) aim (speaks in foreign language) Second (speaks in foreign language) a star with a line and a half of empty space. Third (speaks in foreign language) with extra aid, the more a puzzle, is still kosher. (speaks in foreign language) The silver coin cipher, who used two silver coins to measure if there were two lines of space in the star before the signatures that needed to be filled and determined that the star was kosher. Since there was only a line and a half of space was informed by a rub that if a relative of one of the parties was used to sign in the star to fill up the space, it's kosher. Provided that there were other qualified aid in Woodside. (speaks in foreign language) He used two coins to measure if there were two lines of space in the star, reminds of the first (speaks in foreign language) aim (speaks in foreign language) He determined that the star was kosher since there was only a line and a half, reminds of the second (speaks in foreign language) a star with a line and a half of empty space. He was informed by the rub that if a relative of one of the parties was used to sign in the star to fill up the space. It's kosher provided that while there are kosher aid in reminds of the third (speaks in foreign language) a star with extra aid, the more a puzzle