Brad and John - Mornings on KISM
funkys hot sauce
Yeah, yeah, it's getting hot in here right now 724 foggy and cloudy today a high of 50 37 right now I got something they'll burn off the fog because Matt Matt is in here from Funky's hot sauce and more and Funky's is in our Christmas stocking and Matt Brad Matt brought in there's like a cart Yeah, he brought in like a wagon a Hot sauce in here. He had his wagon hot sauce with him. All right, so you've got You get what are the winners getting each day in these stockings? The we got 12 bottles of the ghost of Christmas Yeah, when you used to have taste buds I remember the days that I used to have taste buds till I burned them all off with too much hot though Is this you're gonna each person gonna get 12 bottles and this is the super hot that that's on the upper end that is That's it's it's we call it hotter. I mean it borders on Ridiculously hot One that I like putting into my soup. It's a red And I don't it might be this one. I have to look at all. Yeah, the ghost of Christmas is a pretty versatile Yeah, there is a little bit of ghost chili in their course, you know, it's funny though with your stuff, Matt I've taken home a couple bottles of Funky's hot sauce and and And once you get kind of accustomed to it and you get a couple drops and you realize okay I know where I'm at here with this and you're you're you're pallet Adjust to it and you start adding more and well, you need yeah, and you know then you know once you have it You know how much you should yeah, you should have when you're and your threshold will move up a little bit Tolerance or so. Yeah. Oh, there's that now stellar fuzz is the one that I recommend the most Yeah, and liquid sunshine to describe those two the stellar fuzz and liquid sunshine Stellar fuzz is a garlic habanero. It's a little hint of ginger. That's our most popular sauce actually and it's the sauce That was on hot ones. Okay, that was the one. Yeah earlier this year and and then you also in the cart You got trill bees in here. So that's yours now, too, right? Yeah we took over chill bees barbecue about a year and a half ago and Did a little update on the labels kind of modernize the look So we've got some of those in there some barbecue sauces and a few seasonings Mary and Mary Stocking stuffer and we get emails and questions from listeners all the time because they've heard you on our show before Where do you get this? Where do you get it? You're probably in way more places now than you were when we first talked a few years ago, right? If we we are we have 130 or 250 accounts now across the country. Okay, and in Canada and in Europe actually and Australia But in Western Washington Western Washington brick and mortar. What are some of the bigger places? Hey, we got listeners up and down I five. So hey hey Hagan's a great spot. They got trill bees and funkeys Trill bees was out of Hagan for a little bit because when we were redoing everything After purchasing the company we won that huge award the grand world champion a couple years ago Yeah, when we first met and then and then hot ones happened and we were trying to update the label and blah blah blah Anyhow, we finally got that all done and now it is back in Hagan Okay, last two weeks and then and then for our listeners like it's in a home ish County King County out on the peninsula We're double D meets. Oh, yeah. Yeah, great spot. Carry both products. They carry the entire line of both both lines What about online? Online, you can go to the website Order directly from us unkeys hot sauce factory dot com or trill bees dot com and both the lead you to the same place Trill bees hot yeah, calm and funkeys hot sauce factory. Okay, you threw down some the trill bees seasonings for us here, too Yeah, jittery jerk. Nice. All right. Well good. Well, we're glad to have some heat in these in these stockings heat for the holidays Great stuff. Thank you very much, Matt. What do we got there? Oh, that is a that's a brand-new sauce called space madness Bourbon, what I'm trying to read this bourbon infused what do we have maple syrup? Yeah, it's a it's a spicy maple syrup It's like it's kind of like a maple syrup hot sauce hybrid like savory sweet We kind of did that in collab with a local place called sweet is waffles. Oh, yeah Been there really sweet little waffle shop downtown. Yeah, plug that sauce is pretty hot It's got smoked ghost chilies in it a little bit of apricot saffron celery seed It's yummy. It's good. It's delicious. All it is. Yeah, you can put it on pork. It's really good space madness That one is called gotta try any of these hot sauces are great from at funky's hot sauce good to have you guys in The in the stockings again this year and congratulations on all the all the new things and success. Oh, thank you so much All right. Yeah, every stock in folks
Our buddy Matt stopped in today to load up our 12 stockings of Christmas with lots of hot sauces, bbq sauces and rubs!!