The Left Wing Back Podcast

Former Carlow Hurling Manager Michael Walsh chats: His time with Carlow - Leinster SHC - Future for Carlow Hurling - Punditry

In terms of Hurling there is very little that Michael Walsh hasn't seen or done.
He has won the All Ireland with Kilkenny as a Player, Managed his county at underage level, Managed Carlow Senior Hurlers and also has worked as a pundit for KCLR for the best part of 20 years.
Michael joins us for a great discussion not just on the above, but many other important facets of the game not just in Carlow but even further beyond.
We also bring you up to speed with Ladies Football & Camogie Results and Fixtures.

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Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024
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In terms of Hurling there is very little that Michael Walsh hasn't seen or done.
He has won the All Ireland with Kilkenny as a Player, Managed his county at underage level, Managed Carlow Senior Hurlers and also has worked as a pundit for KCLR for the best part of 20 years.
Michael joins us for a great discussion not just on the above, but many other important facets of the game not just in Carlow but even further beyond.
We also bring you up to speed with Ladies Football & Camogie Results and Fixtures.

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[Music] Hello and welcome along once more to the latest edition of the left wing by podcast. As always in association with our kind partners Poreto Motors, Tabo Hotel and Carlo, Corus Borks, Ray Wheel and Limited, Maurice Barre and Bala Morphe, Pata Horn Photography, Archspas and PFT Travel. If you'd like to email us to get in touch with us in relation to advertising or content or anything at all, you can do so or you can send us a DM on social media @theleftwingback on Twitter, Facebook and on Instagram. So coming up on today's program we have a very interesting and very insightful conversation with Michael Walsh, former Carlo Senior Harling Manager, current KCLR, Harling Analyst and has been for quite some time for a period of 20 years. All early medal winner Whitley Kenny back in the 90s as well and the list goes on, very insightful character, notice Harling side out and gives us his thoughts on Carlo Horn and where it's at and maybe where it can get to. Speaking of Carlo Horn in the put up a very commendable display against Galway on Sunday losing out in the end by 11 points but it could have been a lot closer to John Nolan in the crossbar, lots of moments like that. Check out Leon Magoff's article on the game and indeed the talk on points on The Carlo 120 Horner is about out to Westmead last weekend after a challenging display must be said but they did put up a good score line in the end and Brendan Hayden and his crew have put in a lot of effort with the guys as have Simon Ray and his crew with 120 footballers they also lost out to Westmead on Tuesday evening in the semi-final of the Andrew Corden Cup. So lots of good work going in and okay there's also going to always be there but definitely players of real quality and caliber starting to emerge and hopefully they break on to the senior fold in and off to this in the future. In ladies football Carlo got off to a good start in the Landstrider temperature put a win over loud last weekend. They have long for this common weekend. Again check out for Mattropors there and thanks to making kin the PRO of the Carlo Ladies Gelly Football Association for keeping us in touch and up to date with all things Carlo Ladies football. The all early minor kamogi semi-final Carlo losing out in that one so a hard look to share more than his charges there. Losing out to Arma on the day in the Parliament stage there but again more if you work going in and this weekend look very busy across both codes and check out and check out and the LGFA website for all the fixtures as well. You won't miss a beat because you know these things do tend to change the time recording and we would want to be responsible for giving out any misinformation. So those are the places to be checking up on all the fixtures. But I suppose the the big one this weekend has to be Carlo Senior Horner's and it's one of three games in the Landstrider Round Robin series this particular weekend. Earlier on the day a three o'clock on Saturday you have Andrew and Borsus Wexford that game is on GA going on. Unfortunately Carlo hadn't been selected for GA go treatment this particular weekend but the game which again will be on GA go I believe in a couple of weeks time. Sunday game coverage not hectic has to be said hopefully there's an improvement with that and the amount of air time they get because this game against Dublin should be a very good one. As you said the Arsenal isn't open there is a hank on that Carlo can do well. The other fixture course in Landstrider this weekend is on Sunday with the Kenny traveling to Pier stadium take on Galway as two o'clock. So that's where we're at. As we said check out for our articles and all the relevant websites of different organisations for fixtures. The leagues are still ongoing in Auckland more are flying in Division 1 and they're to take on Erog on Friday but again check out CarloJ.E for all the fixtures information. Coming up next is the voice of Michael Walsh as you said a familiar one two listeners of KCLR and we had a really really good chat wide range and stuff and definitely stuff to take away from it. We do hope you enjoy. Now joining us on the left wing back podcast is a familiar voice to listeners in the Carlo Kenny region he's been with KCLR for Jesus for as long as I can remember probably since God was a young fella. He's a man who right has the pleasure and privilege of sharing a commentary box with on numerous occasions and I bought steak on a store one day in Salt Hill and didn't even expense a back to KCLR he robbed me blind Mickey Welsh. How's things lad? I'm going Kevin and yourself good to see and hear from you again. Ah so we're not going to bad we're not going to bad. You're busy away I make it's a while since we spoke and it's good to catch up with a course post just to give our listeners a bit of charity of course that game we were talking about up in Salt Hill was if it's given call finally I think a family serves me right and I have to say yeah that's right is all you ever had in broadcasting even if even if you didn't buy the dessert afterwards. We had a great day yeah it was great to share the journey it's a long journey up there I had to go there again on Sunday but no it was a great day we had a great day out result didn't go probably the way we wanted to but look we had a very very good day and it was a very good game as well. How long are you covering against KCLR? I'm covering since 2005 would you believe just happened to be sitting in a 2005 earlier 2005 just had to be sitting in the stand one day watching a match and was asked to go up and help out and I've been there ever since and really enjoyed every minute of it to be honest with all the different people. That's Sarah Gorna would you run a bit of radio if anything before that? No I never did that before funny enough when I was growing up I had an ambition to be a journalist or a commentator that was my initial thing early early on when I was 15, 16, 17 and then I suppose at that time I suppose I felt that maybe if I did I wouldn't be able to pursue career in sport and I kind of wanted to do that too so that's kind of what put me off to be honest so I suppose it was a late call into what you know something I would have always loved to do but I always have had an interest in over the years as well. Yeah and it's might the way it happens so organically and then that little stroke of luck has you where you have 20 years later still like or 30 years remember this 20 years yeah not that old yeah. No no and you know I am as I said here look I just would love to help out on the day and just I stayed in it and ever since and look we've had some unbelievable days like it's been so lucky and such a privilege to be able to do all this stuff you know I'll be very very grateful to for it to be honest that we've been very very lucky as a county you know to all those golden years and you know even the not so good times are still great to be able to go up to Crow Park and and be able to live your dream and enjoy and match a sitting up in the country box with the best seat in the house so I would be regardless if I was very lucky to be involved. Yeah for sure it's fantastic and how do you find look at the values for this stage now? Well initially how did you find being in the public are you supposed to in the public year and maybe the backlash that will come with that and how does it kind of compare to now is it mostly positive or how do you react when you do get the albeit a flag open down? Yeah I look at as I said here it's a it's a hobby for me it's a labor of love if you like and I suppose I'm like everything at like it's times have changed as you know yourself when you started out there wasn't a whole amount of social media now it's it's absolutely rampant I just tend to turn a blind eye to everything everybody's not going to be happy with what you say and the one thing I would have done though obviously when you're doing local radio and it's nice to be a little bit biased but I suppose some of the best things I would have heard as regardless the best compliments if you like would be some people many people from outside like Andy would have said to me the one thing they do like about about it is the fact that which I would try to be very fair or I try to be very fair in anything I do or say like I would be a real Holland man as regards you know other counties I understand what they have or what they haven't and I would be in the mirror of that so but try to be as fair as possible obviously obviously you're always hoping your own will win and you're always hoping that they'll do very well and that's the one thing and this was the second thing then is having played the thing and I look this might be the right thing to do or whatever but haven't played the thing for so many years and being in the public eyes regards playing and stuff like that I would be careful about being very critical of any player as regards you know hound and don't that would never do anything like that I'd be very fair in what you know if they're having enough data having enough day but it's not a personal thing it would never be and I think if you're trying to do those things right you're doing okay you'll always get the people that are going to have not not good to say but you have to turn to turn to blind now but as I said to you before and you know better than I know when I started out and now the social media thing is huge so I try to tend to stay away from I'm not on that many platforms anyway so it's grand it's right here below a profile on the social side but yeah but also on the on the world this is the fella said but look that's the that's the way the landscape is moving I guess and it's given a platform for well for all kinds of people I suppose and then there's the positive side of which is you know the fact that I kind of rely on it to get the message out from this particular platform and stuff so like just pros and cons I guess everything but the one thing to go after the point about you know whether you're calling something fair and all that and you should call a fair I mean that's that's what we're here to do with the end of the day and have an opinion and be honest about it but the thing that struck me was empathy and you have a lot of empathy having been there not just a player but obviously in a coaching capacity and a management point of view we know there's a lot of things going on and at the end of the day it is a game and we're there to enjoy it and treat it as a bit of fun and it's important for people to remember that make them a right or wrong and say that yeah I couldn't agree with you more but I think it's gone to a stage now where it's gone nearly more than that it's gone so furious and again I would put it down to the shift in life and lifestyle if you like over the last 10 15 years more so you just summed it up perfectly there but I think it's gone way more serious than that it's it's it's discussed everywhere and it was always discussed everywhere but not to the same level as it is now and I do feel a bit sorry for present day players particularly if they're struggling and you know as well like that leads to other problems in life that have become prevalent over over the last number of years as well and I do really feel sorry for for people now you know if things don't go their way they tend to get you know very very heavily criticized so I'd be very very wary at that dealing with that in lots of different ways whether it be true playing whether it be true managing or coaching and you know I would have I would have you know you would have you would hear certain things and you would be very careful to make sure that you're available to have an ear to listen to these young people because it isn't easy and for instance the club game now I would say is everybody has as good or as definitely as important as it ever has ever been it's really really strong there's you know there's more coverage of it the split season has ensured that and you know young guys they're under pressure and you have to you have to you know know when to let go and you have to know when to tell them you know as you said and you rightly said and I like I'd be I'd be the worst in the world for this myself but you learn lessons as you go on even at my age you still learn in lessons the whole time that you know it's it's not the most important thing in the world either and as you said there we spoke with this our affair you know congratulations to yourself in your good way if you've had a recent arrival and I don't at my stage I'm at a different stage than I put in the last year and a half I've been looking off to have been blessed with the grants on and these things do actually make a think hey there's more important things going on yeah for sure and like it was something so simple as I was chatting to uh Steve and Bamric a good friend of the podcast a bit earlier I think you might have had him on a county panel for a little while but um some bit of an episode might have occurred not that you were at fall for quite a while but I come to that maybe a little bit later right but I was really chatting about sitting down there last Sunday obviously currently got too far to mentally on my golf cupboard carol versus Galway but just sitting down with him for that and looking at the game and not looking at it from a deep depth analysis point of view just looking at it kind of mindlessly and appreciating what the game is all about and what time is on about what life is on about and oh sounds a bit deep now whatever but like it does kind of bring you back to what it should be about like at the end of the day if you're looking at the game and you're not trying to be obsessed with the boat you'll see who's standing out you'll go back to enjoying the game for what it is and like I think sometimes you get too confident I certainly used to anyway and now it's just about dynamically like you know yeah no and that's that's absolutely and that's a little bit it's very hard not to end it like it is a serious it is a serious business but you know it's really it's really gone gone way more serious than it used to be as I said like I heard intercounty in the 90s and I would see the club team has even gone further in that now obviously I am in the previous position of being able to be in charge of me on top at the moment and the amount of effort that goes into that and for everybody involved is is it's class alike and it's it's it's it's still you know between Jim and Trent and like that you're working five or six nights or five or six different days a week and there has to be that little bit of let go time as well I know you see there with the rugby that it's often mooted that they're able to have the few drinks after a match or you know whereas in the GA maybe you're there's a Montlang booze band or six Montlang booze bands or whatever and I think there has to be a little bit of giving all that sort of stuff and as have to be able to let go particularly in the present day I think it's hugely important that that little bit more enjoyment comes into it because I think you'll probably get better results for that as well yeah is it more stressful or less stressful with your own make because we often hear this thing you're about disabling your own land and you're obviously cherished in your land right but with that becomes uh I'm not saying you wouldn't care less but obviously you're going to really only love one club but you're in love one club and have the strength is secure and stuff for that but can that be a danger at times as well that we don't lose run over so as a let it take over yeah that your your spot on with that look I've been in the first position of I've been involved with different people but obviously there is one love and you know like I've been a really lucky position that you know I have been involved with my own club from I would have said I've covered every age group over a span of it on a many years sometimes twice around from under 12 up to now senior or whatever and there's no doubt about that you know which are own it's hugely different thing and it's hugely personal and there's no question or doubt about that like but where I would also pride myself in that wherever I would be it would be a hundred and ten percent commitment and I think but I do good or bad or make stupid mistakes which everybody does and I certainly do it would never be for lack of commitment but obviously there's a huge difference when you're when you're involved with your own club let's take a back just if you don't mind for a moment when you got the carriage up so I think that was in around the turn yeah many of us how did that come about yeah I was I was actually not long I would play in too long and I got a call one night from Eddie Byrne and they met him in in the new car hotel actually Eddie Byrne was the chairman at the time and I met him in the hotel with Tommy O'Neill got to go to Tommy and we chatted it out there and for there then I took over Harlow and had four years there and you know it was it was a mixed bag if I've been honest I it was really it was my I had trained regular manner before that and I could probably before speaking in the county job if you like and times were different then it wasn't it wasn't simple at times yet there was so so many really good enjoyable moments and so many good people to work with the one mistake I made was by the by the end of the torch here I felt I had it in a really good place not I had it but we had it as a management group and players I think we had really turned corners we went up to meet and now there was a story about that we went up to meet and there was there was a little bit of controversy before it sucked her mat on the week before and some of the lads that played it so I was under pressure kind of to leave them off so we kind of did and you know some of them were the best lads I would have dealt with over the years and Michael Dignon was over me at the time and they were going really well and we went up and we were taught a little bit like two points and it's a day like you remember those days because it felt so good after I really felt you know we had turned the corner and you know for the day we went down and we got into a bit of an hour and series and Kerry who were also very strong at the time used to have great matches with those teams and they they knocked us out and that was the end of the torch here and I remember coming out of the toilet is top and tidy and I said to him I'm up for bringing this as far as I can I'm really happy with where it is I think I should leave it and he was sent to me please go home and think about it and blah blah blah blah blah so I decided to go again and that was a mistake I genuinely think to this day that's you know we all make mistakes and the following year I remember we played Kerry in Carolo in a home match and they absolutely hammered us and remember my wife was actually shopping in the fair green shopping center and they went down to meet her after the match and I felt like I was walking in space I just felt so bad and I knew it was beginning at the end and I and I we played mayo then the week after and day hammered as well so I knew it was up then and it's just a regression I have it I don't have too many requests thank god but that is one and as I said I felt at the end of the torch here it was in a really good position with her introduce an awful lot of young young fellas at the time young fellas and it was just a pity that I didn't I didn't see sense and I'm not blaming anyone it was my own fault I should I should have just saw sense and and left to that but I have to say I used to really go along with with Eddie he was he was a brilliant chairman and look he's gone on to do great things sense and he still is but you know we had a great relationship and he's the fella was a really fond of you would have finished up about or three or four roughly was it yeah yeah around that time yeah yeah yeah I suppose maybe the unfortunate sequence of events was that some really good underage talent had started to come true probably probably two or three onwards but certainly obviously as we got to know we're not other than bees and got the lens from mine or a final property and all that and probably a little bit misfortune from that point of view but the other thing of course you know and a lot of these problems make I'm not going to say whether it's fortunate or unfortunate or wherever the way it is maybe it's just a sequence of events but a lot of our best horrors are our best footballers and that time you probably could afford to a certain extent accommodate a jewel player now we can't well here we are 20 years down the road and I wonder and it's a lot of the reason why you wanted to have a chat with you as well where do you kind of see carola now I think you'd have pretty good skin in the game still maybe not quite as much as when you were over the county of course naturally right but would you think from the outside in that we still face the same challenges and where do you think we're hurling as Coleman what's next for us like yeah well first of all I'm not really sure about the challenges as as you said I actually got back to that meet meet game it's amazing and this is something that happened quite a bit at that time we were traveling home on the bus and it was absolutely how he's a client like it was a big story at the time like RTE we're on and everything it was a really great win you know and the following Wednesday night we were training and there was about it that's missing because they were playing football and that was a problem then now you just can't you can't really do it whether and I'm not sure what way it goes on down there but so I don't know about that part but I do know obviously I've kept a huge eye on it all the year since and like Carol have some brilliant orders now and they also have a really good manager and a really good setup in place as far as I can see from the outside I know they have a good manager I don't have to see that I know what he does and I know what he's done down there and wherever he's been and I'm sure he has a really good background team I know Christie very well and Christie goes wherever Tom goes and and they have a really great partnership they have some individuals that are as good as you'd see anywhere like I was at Fitzgibben cock-match down in Water this year in Chris Nolan like he possibly was the best player on the pitch for laughing and he had some great orders on the pitch that night so he just holds his own and any company obviously Marty and others and I've had the privilege of having a good few lads involved but I did the shinty for a number of years and I had a good few Carol lads involved in that and you know like Carol are in a very good place like there I think there they're probably at the top you know of we say outside the elite counties they're very close to being the top I know they got a setback against leash a while ago but it's not easy I'd say like I mean Tom Malali will answer that question I don't know what way it works down there but it was always good holding people even when I was there now obviously it football is the main sport down there has been and same with Westmead I'd been there as well but when you have good holding people I always say this people aren't to be about the you know the weaker counties I don't refer to them as that but that's what they refer to the health but I always feel it has to start in your own county and I would hold up Carol and I certainly would hold up Westmead when I was there there's some great holding people there and when you have good holding people you have a chance you know so I would say Carol are in a good position I would really think there's some great holding people in the county they're they're rocking off small budgets and they're rocking off small clubs numbers of clubs but they really I heard an interview during the night with Pat Murphy and he was saying about punching and they do punch above their waist but I'd say that Tom Malali wouldn't like to say that I'd say that he he's an ambitious man and I think that like he's doing a wonderful job down there and you'd be you'd be just hoping and praying that could pull a scalp in this championship and it would be no more than they deserve because as I said they looked they have a good structure in place whether they have enough whether they have that 21-22 that you probably need in this setup and whether they're developed physically enough that's another issue I don't know that but we'll we'll find that out over the couple of weeks like what I'm saying is we'll last on the take a huge amount out of them like if Carol are playing Dublin in one-off next Saturday night after three weeks break I give them every opportunity but how much is the effort of last Sunday going to take out them and that's what I'm coming at the physical side of the condition and things so we'll see we'll see on Saturday night hopefully hopefully there'll be an in good shape yeah it's mad I would say and suggest and hope I'm not offending anyone um inside of me on county where he's saying this but with your time going back whenever what 20 years ago as we're saying you had maybe a journey never in a shame cabinet a pack horde yeah Robbie Hawley yeah possibly in all these guys right and all those have yeah of of their time like they are incredible the holy candle to anyone is boss and then I look at the forwards then in particular so Robbie Hawley and Des Morphy so uh effective on the edge of the square and our quarter of our time was vacant and cabbage type holders would lump in how you bought in around the square they'll catch a turn and you know buried whatever yeah and I was actually I was actually very unlucky with the two of them uh you're dead right there but Robbie in particular Robbie who I got angry at with to this day he he actually had he had serious injuries around that time and but he didn't hurt at all for one or two of the years because of injury and then I had a thank god I had them for another bit of time but when you had them when you had all them you were as good as anyone but unfortunately he suffered desperately with injuries around that time Nevin was just a war horse like he he like he was brilliant he was just like he just you know you just knew every day what you're going to get over him had Cody you know was good or harder as in any county ever like you know and I was looking to have them but I didn't have Robbie all the time I reckon if I had Robbie all the time you could stay there for a long time I just didn't have them because of injury but uh another there were there four of them you mentioned right they're just warriors like and then I had the umberlads coming to like like James Hickey was starting off another fella that just just left everything he had on the pitch shank having it was really the only same at that time and shank shank was some player as well like you know there were some great players there yeah absolutely and then the modern forward the most in the Chris Nolan is very different uh today's morphe and and Robbie Foley and I'm not doing the older lads at this service they're just a different type of player you know but they're serious for come there I mean for for the modern for like as you said the holy kind of Daniel wouldn't that the most in the James Dennis and the Chris and all these absolutely but it's a different kind of a game now uh as well you know that's when you were talking about the lads back the game was completely different than it is now and these fellas are triving in the modern game like the modern game now is all about position playing the bar tutor lines using the bar and pace pace is huge and like they like no they're very but they I also say that good horrors could play in any time and you'll always find a way to to make sure that as well you know but more cabinet and Nolan are absolutely fantastic horrors like I mean as I said yeah saw Chris earlier this year Marty just goes without saying his records over years are incredible but this Nolan is serious stuff as well he like you know they don't today you know you don't know what for like as I said in that it's given he was absolutely brilliant like in a in a star so the lineup he he looks he looked better than anybody right so I'll bring it to the present day and I want to go to most more your time right but I'm looking at obviously this weekend and the Dublin game has come around and there's an undercurrent this is this is not come from from the camp by the way but there is an undercurrent that while everyone is talking about the answer game is the one to win that there is a possibility of a scarlet with the Dublin or extra game there was no one ever talking about for a Galway or any game and probably rightly saw that regard but there's a there's a hankering that there could be a scar there to be taken now I listen to James Skell with Will O'Kallen and Paul Morphy on the Harlem pod fantastic probably by the way and Skell kind of confirmed what a lot of suspicions were inside the county and it stepped and that's probably why you know I was kind of informed of what was on about earlier in has that changed over the 20-year period he had said four to fifty or fifty five minutes or whatever was that carol match gala but next thing income is kind of wailing and incomes flailing and they have a fork while these boys and we just don't have that and is that do you think where we are likely to be kind of handicapped for some time or do you think would there ever be a day where even if we have a law population best that we could find a bit of that big like is it is a crystal ball kind of find this guy question or no it's a good question it's a really good question there's something like you said earlier there you know about you know maybe have remember I said about 2021 you need them like you need like you take the intensity of this thing that's going on at the moment it's week on week right and you have got away who are to be fair there'd be there'd be a good step ahead of carol in the in the way they're physically strengthened condition all that sort of stuff and but in fair is Tom Malalia I've been watching him over the last number of years and he's trying to create that debt by playing lads like he's definitely trying to create it as best he possibly can but you have to be realistic about things it's like anything like there's what mounted clubs in Galway there's what mounted clubs in parallel like you're picking from huge different bases for the start you know you have all that traditional stuff which is it is kind of important as well and that's why we spoke about the overachievement of things like that and there's something that could catch them like this is what I also said earlier how was last Sunday going to impact on both teams physically yes was Dublin played Wexford, Carla, babe Galway that's huge coming into this weekend particularly when it's a tough game and it is a tough game and all the games I suppose are tough but you know this is it I would as I said to you if this match was on a two or three weeks time on a standalone fixture like Carla have proven in their home ground against against these counties they can do they can do really really well and I know it'd be a bit a fear of these counties going down there but I'm just wondering how they can recover so quick from last Sunday because that I Pat Murphy's interview the night was very good he said it took them 35 minutes to get the grips with this the standard been so raised from from from what they had played in earlier and he said then they then they they found their way and as you said then just Galway were able to bring on the cavalry and you know but in fairness to Malawi he's trying to he's trying to introduce new players and I know a number of them played some some as a matter of doubt he I think it was the eight or nine that's played our fourth century championship match car in the past the other day and that's fair of own that's absolutely fair of one because it's not it's not simple so you'd have to admire them for the weather they're definitely trying to develop that they know that and they want to stay compete at Lee McCarthy and I think that's hugely important it's brilliant to win the Joe McDonough it was one of the best all the matches of the year last year if not the best but they want to know and I love the ambition of that I I love the ambition of it's like playing Ryan B and Ryan A you want to be in Ryan A and you want to be learning and in fairness to Carlo they're absolutely trying to do that they're trying to stay like I like that interview there and I say and we want to stay in the Lee McCarthy and that's the ambition it should be planning as a top learning all the time getting better all the time and Tom Malawi knows to do that he needs to develop more players and in fairness to him and his management team they're trying to do that so it is never going to happen I think it can happen I think it definitely can happen because you know they're obviously walking to a good standard in there and yeah and you do need it and they will need it of the course of this championship yeah I suppose it's the million dollar thing and I don't like referring to teams as your your teams but they can mean in essence Carlo Antrim, Wesmies, Kerry, Leish kind of have been your own up and down and you're looking for that modern day what awfully were back in the day that will sustain it and push on and challenge and like for the best part of I don't know what we look at now is the 20 or 30 years have we seen an example of of that probably not so like it's probably the biggest question out there in Harlan structures at the minute and this is just talking from maybe as you said the companies are just below the lead into that it also tiptoes and ladders accordingly the whole way down to Lowery Maronique your actor to such it's just it's a curious one if you could crack that particular one Harlan will be on a real winner like it's very difficult isn't it like it's very difficult and you're dead right if you look at the records of all those divisions it's the same teams that are kind of going up and down and up the whole time and that's that's exactly what what you know what's that path was eluding to do the nice this is what day someone needs to set the example and why not let that be Carlo someone needs to set the example of you know what we're going to stay in this lame karti for as long as we possibly can we're going we're not going to be that yo-yo team and this is what i think that was eluding to unfortunately as i said to you like it's Carlo and Antram this year they're coming from that lower base that Antram are really struggling at the minute like you know Antram last four or five players throughout the league they're better players they came back about four weeks ago but in all in power class Sunday you knew that those four or five players they didn't last the 70 minutes and their class players their absolute class players and they've darren has done a brilliant job up there but you'd be warned i was just thinking of my own situation you'd be just wondering and i hope for his sake it's not the case because he's done he's a brilliant man he's done a brilliant job and you'd be wondering like can you guys erect it now and next week is a big week for them but that's that's another story as it was but that's the key like he's been trying to build that open Antram as well and i i admire him and i admire him because i think they're doing fantastic work and they just you know do their work to stay in the background and they're trying to get their teams to be and i you know in some ways that's huge and that's nearly even better for them than maybe even win another because they know they're that that's not going to happen but my god if Carlo were still in the McCarthy Cup three or four years down the road what a job they've done yeah i'm on a job and maybe what i'm not going to affect them we have in under-air squads i saw um click any's point of view then i suppose let's let's move on to that so well very quickly and Carlo take a scalp outside of Antram are they capable of taking a scalp yes they are they are yeah they are if they get a robot of green if they keep injury free they're definitely and and look what that's to be fair is probably the two matches we spoke about uh they're the ones that'll be targeted and they're you know they can get one of them out of that they're certainly capable yeah uh can you then very quickly before you finish up right i mean yeah you mentioned you there with the with the Antram game the ruthlessness there right they did not let up like and you see the people as they were losing throughout the game what they were bringing in the depth it had and lads looking to make an air for themselves wall with a couple of goals and that's just one off top me head now right but yeah you know can you obviously there's an element of heart there over the past couple of years and i really like what i'm seeing with them i like what dirty because about to i mean that was an unenviable and impossible task in many ways to actually go into that particular position and roll consider who come beforehand but dirty comes across his own man i like i like what he's about he seems very fair he comes across good in interviews i don't know what he's making address them obviously i don't know what the vibe is like you used to hear all sorts of things about kori um what do you call it and i don't offer some more factor of fiction or whatever but um he's he's bringing true players he's developing guys he's giving them an opportunity you know wall that i mentioned malay coming in um more feeder from them more not on obviously they're like saying all these guys coming through make like are they still are they the best equipped do you think still at the minute to take out right honors or did you see enough and karen as you again to set yourself jesus all on here now here's you know yeah i i find the whole thing i don't know i'm i'm using the word funny it's very hard to make it all out the first thing i say you're swallowing about derrick derrick is is a very sounds individual who who he has his own mind though i know derrick very well and like he's his own man and and and you know that will that will come true yeah he walked under brine for many years so obviously he has a loady it's like anyone that's worked on their manager goes into the job he has a load of traits that would probably be similar and bit by bit they are introduced in players i like well and seeing this year and the click any underage teams as well so far which is good but to go back to your question i i the best equipped um first of all limerick still have a bit approved to me as regards this year i think they're one of the greatest teams i ever lived the way they wound that suddenly just proved that again um i already slipped a bit it's hard to know why did claire lose i don't know but do claire have the full belief in themselves i don't know either but to be honest about it click any certainly in the last two all around final so you'll have to say they're very well equipped what are gallway going to come to my point is that if if take out limerick and all those counties played one another i just don't know who would win that's the best that's the best way i can put it i absolutely have no idea on a given day if click any play of gallway or click any play of claire or claire play of gallway i have no idea when i'd wake up that marron hood windows games i think they're all pretty even and it will evolve over time but if limerick have compacted the pack a bit um anyone anyone could win it and that includes click any and as you say like i would be judging a whole lot and last Sunday if i've been very fair because answering were just gone and awful they were really were poor on the day just so they will tell a bit more again there'll be a certain amount of whatever shadow boxing because everyone expects for instant final to be click any and gallway and the pressure if it is will be all and gallway because they need they need to win a trophy i believe this year so it'll be very interesting to see but to answer your question like yes we can either very well equipped and but so are many others and it's very hard to know of who can come true this i do believe click any and gallway have an advantage i'll be fair about that i think that they will be fresher going into another in series than the others now i know they've both suffered at limerick hands over the last couple of years particularly godly they've they've met him in semi-finals and we've met him in finals push um it's it's it'll be a toss-up as who can win the other than this year someone at lekenny said it might take 10 years maybe it will i don't see that though i think that lekenny are coming strong enough and i think there's a lot of young let's come in underneath that will be strong as well mmm coronavirus would you take and to go to the job with your offer that it's the worst the voice of ting in kennie i don't know if you're not free of robert of what you know yourself yeah i i think i think if the job was if the job was appetizing enough and like i mean in your obviously i like what was henry to do you know i'll wait around uh he decided that he wanted to go and the best looked on with that he's a very honorable fella um i've i've had the pleasure of maybe talking to a monster twice not a whole lot well he's a very honorable fella and i think you know that's that's the key i would find in that hmm you know i talk a handshake this weekend only i think the boys are really not well you see yeah just amazing it's amazing if this was two years ago now it to be if this was two years ago now we'd be getting all hung up about you know i look at i just felt a lot of that was anyway if it was it happened and it it's it's done but there won't be that much so but i i'll tell you at all in fairness it mightn't be over handshakes but i'll certainly tell you that you know the the rivalry will still be the same dare you condemn your all good friends and you know with good friends when you're on the side and against each other they certainly don't want to lose to each other so the rivalry won't change that the handshakes might but our rivalry won't close off make a pleasure as always great to catch up and great to see you and we just have all right thank you very much take care of having time it's good to stop you