The Howie Carr Radio Network

Chaos on the Quad | 4.25.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie and Taylor tag-team the final hour of this wild news day, where students are taking over college campuses across the United States.

Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Can you explain why you did it? Cocaine is a hell of a drug. Yes! Do you see the damage that Allie did to me? Do you see the damage? Look at my arms! Look at my legs! My legs don't walk! Look at that! Try it! I'll do you for that! What? Come here! What are you going to do? Bleed on me? I'm invincible! You're a loony. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. [MUSIC PLAYING] You say, "Joey, your belt buckle to shoe show union." What's your message to Joe Biden? Um, my message to Joe Biden, I haven't seen you anywhere. I hope New York turns red because we're not voting for you. What's your message to Joe Biden? Joe Biden? Give it up. What's it like seeing so many Republicans in Manhattan, so many Trump supporters in Manhattan? Is that a surprise? No. Not at all. It's turning down. Trump's turn again. What's your message to Joe Biden? [BLEEP] you. Rump swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... [MUSIC PLAYING] How a car. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHTER] Going down to 34 degrees, for a late tomorrow. Frustrated sprinklers. And then, of course, four sprinkled in Harvard Square. It's the new Crosby Stills National. It's their follow-up to their great 1970s. 70 hit. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ten hippies and Brandon coming this summer. I hear the drumming. Four sprinkled in Harvard Yard. [MUSIC PLAYING] 844, 542, 42. Other news to get to here. By the way, I'm going to be out the door at 6.30 tonight. I got to go to Mar-a-Lago one more time for dinner. Mar-a-Lago one more time. Yes, yes. It's a hastily planned dinner. But I'm out of here, buddy. At 6.30. At 6.30. I'll be here till then. There are other stories in the news. This is taking the heat off the Healy administration, at least for a day or so, about the illegal alien flop house crisis. And this morning, the Globe had a story. Yesterday, I had a story about how wonderful it is for the illegal aliens to be in Massachusetts. There are more illegal aliens coming in on a per capita basis in the Massachusetts than any other state in the Union. And the Globe's very happy about that, because people who work in the state, law-abiding American citizens who work and pay taxes are leaving in record numbers. But they're being replaced by illegal alien criminals, unskilled, who don't work. So it's why. Everything's totally solid, right? So the Globe, though, that was yesterday's story. But today, the story comes out. They have a poll. And here was the headline on the poll. It kind of surprised me, especially after the yesterday story. Massachusetts residents blame federal government, not state leaders, for strained shelter system poll shows. Blame? Blame? I thought this was a good thing. How dare you? I'm just saying, telling you what I read. Massachusetts residents blame federal government for strains shelter system. So that was at about 6.30, 7 o'clock. I read that in the Globe. So I decided to pull it later in the day, but not long, maybe a couple hours later. I'm looking for the blame headline, and it's gone. It's vanished. Here's the new headline. Amid migrant crisis, number one, I didn't think it was a crisis. I thought it was a wonderful thing. I thought it was a celebration of diversity. Massachusetts voters support right the shelter law with reservations. New poll shows. Wait, so the old headline, the main verb was blame in the revised headline. The main verb is support from blame to support. It's really weird. However, you go to the lead, and the lead remains the same. The written copy lead remains the same. They're blaming. Massachusetts voters are blaming the leaders, and I'll have more on this as the days go by. I'm learning more about what's going on in the flop houses, and it's just getting worse and worse and worse and worse. Meanwhile, there were rulings today on some of the final motions before the opening arguments begin in the Karen Reid murder trial in Datham on Monday. Lawyers for Karen Reid cannot tell jurors about a federal investigation into local law enforcement's handling of the case at a upcoming murder trial and cannot say in opening statements that the lead state police investigator is the subject of an internal affairs investigation, the presiding judge ruled Thursday. Do they have to pretend everything's been on the level? I'm not sure about that. It doesn't seem like it's that big of a deal if Proctor, I assume, is going to be one of the first witnesses. This is the state trooper who was soliciting a gift from one of the people who's been named as a suspect by the defense, and the feds have the text of this guy saying the woman would want to give you a gift for how well you've handled the case, i.e. arresting Karen Reid rather than us, and he responds, "It'd be better if you gave it to my wife." I guess it's okay if you don't mention that in the opening arguments, if you can bring it up on cross-examination because he's obviously going to be a witness. How can the judge stop that from going in as a question in cross-examination? That's what I don't understand. She also allowed a motion by prosecutors to bar any direct reference to the federal investigation by acting U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy's office. Levy hasn't commented on the probe, and no one has been charged federally in connection with the case. The motion stated that should either side seek to challenge a witness's testimony with the federal material, reference should be made only to prior testimony. They got three potential cop witnesses, federal cop, a state cop, proctor, and a local cop from Canton, and according to the defense team, the feds, they were all hauled before a federal grand jury that's investigating this, and they all admitted that they had lied to a state grand jury, that in the state grand jury that indicted Karen Reid. Reference should only be made to prior testimony, so I guess you could still say to Higgins, say the federal ATF agent who allegedly told two different stories to two different grand juries. Have you told a different story to a different grand jury? Objection, Your Honor, and you could always say prior testimony. After this happens for about the hundredth time, you would think the jury is going to begin to suspect that perhaps there's a reasonable doubt here, are they going to be allowed to ask Higgins if they call Higgins, because again, the defense attorney said that he has a federal proffer, and a federal proffer means that he's negotiating or has agreed to what he's going to testify in a federal case in return for consideration, shall we say, by the feds, if he's indicted or brought as a witness or whatever. Federal proffer is a pretty big deal, and it should be brought up. I would think at the trial. I think they'll figure out a way. I hope they'll figure out a way around it. 844-542-4242-6003, I heard the protesters at Harvard have now broken into the cheese shop that Granny Warren frequents. There's nothing left now, but debris. barbaric. That's a little obscure, but I like it, I like it. Get it? Debris. 844-542-4242-781, have they announced yet that when MCI Concord is emptied at the end of May that is going to be turned into migrant housing? If people in Concord don't realize that, they're not really paying attention, are they? I think most people in Concord understand that. By the way, the people in neighboring Acton have said that they don't want anything to do with any of this public housing. They want to increase the population of Acton, which has one of the best public high schools in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Acton-Boxborough High School. They want to increase the population 20%. How are these increases in the migrant populations in the public schools working out? One thing I hear, as I'm making inquiries into what's going on in these public housing, in these flop houses and the communities they're in, a lot of the teachers in the flop house communities are desperately seeking new employment. There's only one question they have, am I moving to a district with no flop houses in it? Because you have one of these flop houses in it. The school system's shot, I mean, it's as simple as that. I know it's politically incorrect to say it, but what are you going to do? You're bringing in all these, and there's no discipline with these because their parents have no discipline because they know nothing can happen to them. They're out of control in the flop houses, their kids are out of control when they go to the schools, and they don't learn any discipline from their parents because they don't see it. The parents don't have any discipline. They're not working, they're just grabbing welfare, and they know nothing can happen to them. What could possibly go wrong? And we're just bringing more and more of them in. 844-500-4242, I'm how we car. The Howie car show will be right back. He's how we car, and he's back. I'm glad we put them back in the mix with the passing of thicky beds. Is it the Almond Brothers? Taylor says it's the Atlanta Rhythm section. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? I must issue an apology. You are correct. I should never question your musical knowledge. That was the Almond Brothers. I mislabeled it. I was pretty sure about that one, Taylor. I didn't know what you were talking about. I had it mislabeled in the system. Anyway, today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is when will Columbia University President Mnoush Shafik be fired by the end of next week, by the end of the summer, or she won't be fired? I think by the end of the summer, this is really a disaster. This is worse than Harvard. 8% say by the end of the summer, 17% say by the end of next week, 75% say she won't be fired. All right. 844-542, again, I'll be out of here at 630. I'll be back tomorrow. Dr. Matt will be with us tomorrow night, by the way. Is he really want to lecture me about giving Roscoe Sauer the bread toast with butter? He expressed concern about it. He really? Wow. I thought maybe you were giving me the needle or something. It's so delicious, and he throws himself at the wall when he sees me eating himself. He wants to get my attention. He throws himself at the wall? Yeah. I'm standing by the toaster, where the kitchen cabinets are. It's basically the wall, and so if he can't get to my legs, he just throws himself into the cabinets, trying to get my attention. He doesn't do that for chicken. He's not going to have a metal plate in his head or something? I don't know. I love the stuff too. That's the thing. I'm not going to give up sourdough bread and toasting it and slathering it with butter, just because how can it be bad for him? It's wheat and it's multigrain wheat, so it's healthy, man. It's like eating sprouts and tofu, dude. You're going to bring some to the yard tonight for us, man. When Kramer was a puppy, we discovered he had a wheat allergy or something along those lines, so he can't have bread or popcorn or anything like that. I even noticed Roscoe becoming ill after he gets a couple of bites, and it's not like I'm giving him a whole piece. I've given him a couple of hunks of crust, not even hunks, many hunks of crust, but I'll take it up with Dr. Matt tomorrow. 844-542-42. David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Good evening, Mr. Carr, Howie. Before you go, I just want to run by three quick things. First of all, the illegal immigrants, some of them are in someone in Cambridge already, so they're around, and second, they might, a few of them. They haven't taken over any hotels over there, though, haven't I? I'm pretty sure. I don't think so. Okay, but what they probably did is they're occupying abandoned buildings that are being remodeled. All right, well, I know they've got the half of the old probate courthouse in East Cambridge. I know they've got that. Oh, no. I mean, say somebody takes that. They do a gut renovations in a building. They put a red X on it. Yeah. Okay. They might be few of them hiding in there every now and then. But more importantly, you mentioned anchor babies. I think something people overlook is the fact that some migrants, and they might be doing this already. If they marry a U.S. citizen, they get a green card, and that's illegal to do if they want it just to get a green card. In some cases-- Yeah, I think more of them are just having the, you know, I mean, the green card thing is not a big deal anymore, because they're just bringing them in, and they all go on welfare automatically. I don't think they're worried about it. An anchor baby is good for them, but they don't need to be married anymore. I don't think that's a big deal unless you want to do things the illegal way, and none of these people-- And they want to move around like a country. None of these people want to give a damn about being legal. They just want to stay on welfare forever. Thanks for the call, David. Another David, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, David. Hi, Howie. This is David from Lowell. Hi. Hey, so with Karen Reed's lawyers, they can always do the questioning to these police officers of the highest integrity to get them on record about their-- The grand juries. Right. Yeah. And then this leads open to, again, them being on record so that the feds can come back in and indict these other people, and then get her conviction thrown out. Yeah. Someone says, why can't the defense just ask, have you ever lied to a grand jury? But you know, damn well, the prosecution would go up. Objection, your honor. That is an argumentative question. That is a leading question. That's prohibited by your rules before the-- I mean, they're never going to get to ask a question that direct. They've got to figure out a way to sort of slide it in. But they've got plenty of time to think about it, and I'm sure they're already thinking about it. All right. I'm out of here. Taylor's going to take over for the last half hour. He's going to talk about how much he loves the Allman Brothers and Howie Carr. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show. Welcome back. Today, Howie is off to fine dining on the southern side of the island, and he'll be back tomorrow for the regularly scheduled program 844-542-42. Joe, you're next on the Howie Carr Show. Go ahead, Joe. So talk to me for a second. First of all, I'm the guy that-- I told you I wanted to buy a mixer, and you sent me your email with the mixer that you had. Yeah, yeah. Remember that? Mm-hmm. Okay. What'd you end up with? For what? A mixer? Yeah. Oh, I have a built in it. I have a Yamaha one speaker stand. It's an all-inclusive kind of thing, so. Okay. Okay. So my question to you is, do you not like the Allman Brothers? No, I like the Allman Brothers, but I grew up on different stuff. I get it. So very, very quick story that will clarify my stupidity on southern kind of rebel rock is when Greg Allman died in 2017, and I had to look it up when he died, but I was fascinated to learn that it wasn't the Allman Brothers, it was the Allman Brothers, A-L-L-M-A-N, that I admittedly thought it was Allman, my entire life up until that point, but go ahead, Joe. I'm sorry, what was that we missed you? You like jazz. Yeah, I do. Okay. So the Allman Brothers, the-- on the Fillmore East, the album, the Fillmore East, they do a song called "Whippin' Post," and it's in five. Like Dave Brubeck's "Take Five." Well, it is, but it is. It's about five times. 'Cause it's more-- it's southern rock, but it's-- and by the way, that's new country. Southern rock is definitely new country, but it's one and two and three and four and five and one and two and three and four and five and one and two and three and four and five and one and two. You know? Yeah, it's unconventional. It's very interesting stuff and then it changes and then it goes back. I like-- I like the innovators in most music and it-- you know, Frank Sinatra was an innovator, but not really because he was pushed ahead by all that-- Yeah, I mean, he had copied a lot of people like Bing Crosby and several others before him. But he used different techniques he learned from Harry James. He translated that into his singing voice and he used the microphone as an instrument rather than just a thing in a set place. He would use it to his advantage, moving it-- I mean, it was-- somebody was going to figure out, hey, move the microphone away from your face if you want to pretend you're fading out your voice, but yeah, it's-- there's always going to be somebody-- I mean, what they're doing the way people sing nowadays is completely different from the way they used to sing even two decades ago. It changes with every generation. I'm not going to keep this whole segment about the music show, but thanks very much for the call. 844-500-42-42. I do want to get into a couple things, especially with the stuff that's going on in the college campuses, by the way, the University of South Carolina has canceled their main stage commencement ceremonies. 65,000 people were expected to descend upon their campus in order to watch their loved ones go across the stage, but they won't be able to do that now because of all the unrest and the protests going on there for needless reasons, but I'm very befuddled, by the way. When Black Lives Matter was going on, or even Occupy Wall Street, I can kind of understand why people were taking up space on college campuses or Wall Street, for instance, because it was a domestic issue, it was something that could be changed here at home. We're talking right now about something that's going on half a world away, and not one thing that you do here is going to influence anything that's going to happen overseas, and I want you to listen to this. I don't think we played this cut today, this is representative Ilhan Omar, of course her daughter was suspended from Columbia University, as we know, for her actions and her behavior and what she's been saying at the protest grounds on Columbia University's campus. This is her on MSNBC, Ilhan Omar, her mom, talking about how history is going to remember this moment. This is something that Joe Biden says, you know, history is going to remember this moment be on the right side of history, the left loves to be on the right side of history, which history is written by the victors, as we all know, so it's just a stupid sentiment that means nothing. This is Ilhan Omar on MSNBC cut 11. They don't want their tax dollars to be complacent, and for the member who said, like, don't waste your parents' money, they don't want their parents' money to go in supporting a genocide that they oppose. And so I do believe that history is going to be on their side, and these members who think this is a political opportunity to turn the world against these people who are standing for a morally just right cause are going to be looked at and marked in history. By the way, whose parents' money is going towards what's happening in Gaza or in Israel? How is that being funded through your college campus? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but history is going to be on the right side of the protesters, you know what happened today, you know what happened, you know, we're supposed to be supplying, this was part of the conditions of the ceasefire, that there was going to be a peer built in Gaza, that was going, we were going to have ships that go over to this peer and unload humanitarian aid, okay, and it's being put together as we speak. This is out of the military times it has been confirmed by the Defense Department, I believe. An under construction peer for a US-led project to bring aid into the Gaza Strip came under fire Wednesday, forcing UN officials to take shelter there, Israeli and UN officials said. No militant group immediately claimed responsibility for the assault, which the Israeli described as a mortar shell attack. The attack marks a shaky start to the construction of the peer, a project that the US is spearheading to surge humanitarian aid into Gaza, a Hamas official told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the military group will resist any foreign military presence involved with the port project. Well, that has been confirmed today that it has been Palestinian terrorists that fired mortar shells at the pier. This is US personnel, UN personnel that are constructing this peer trying to bring aid to Palestinians, you know, the people that your kids at college are chanting for, really they're chanting for Hamas, the terrorist group, not the Palestinians. That's another thing, I know it's been discussed to death, but it's the media that's really covering for these student protests. The student protests are making no bones about who they are and who they support. There are, I've got images here, I can't show them to the camera and obviously this is radio, but there are images that are circulating around, one that George Washington University appears to be an older man on campus, which is creepy enough in itself that has joined this protest at George Washington, he's carrying around a Palestinian flag in a sign that says final solution, which is, as you know, eliminate Israel altogether. Princeton has built a flags being proudly shown in a circle of flags that they're raising, especially with the guitar and typical Crosby Stills National hippie style with a Hezbollah flag sprawled out on the lawn, right in front of them, as they sing give piece of chance, I'm sure. The Ayatollah of Iran put out a statement earlier this week saying Western governments say the resistance front is terrorism. This comes at a time when people flew Hezbollah's flag in the street in the US, the people of the world are supporting the resistance front because they are resisting and because they are against oppression. The Ayatollah is pro-US because we have students who are protesting in the streets and he shared a picture of the Hezbollah flag being flown on Wall Street being paraded about. Ilhan Omar, by the way, did go to a Columbia University earlier today with her daughter, who I thought was banned from campus for the time being because she's been suspended. You're not supposed to be on the school grounds, as I understand it, Ilhan Omar went around shaking hands with all of the soy boys who have larger breasts than the women on the campus. I'm sorry to say it's true. Look at the video and captioned it saying, "I had the honor of seeing the Columbia University anti-war encampment firsthand contrary to right-wing attacks, attacks." These students are joyfully protesting for peace and an end to the genocide taking place in Gaza. They want to transfer, first of all, no genocide, there's no genocide going on in Gaza, but they want to transfer this imaginary genocide into a real genocide in Israel. Let's listen to the chance that they're sending up on these campuses. Cut six, this is a Columbia University. Cut six. [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] [Applause] [Cheering] [Applause] a traditional call for genocide from the river to the sea. How about over at seven? Harvard. At seven. [MUSIC] In Tafada calling for a war. Let's travel over to Princeton. Cut eight. [MUSIC] We will not stop. We will not rest in schools. We will not stop. We will not rest in schools. We will not rest in schools. And Emerson, a little closer to home, cut five. With liberation. With occupation. With liberation. No, no. With occupation. No, no. With liberation. No, no. With occupation. No, no. With liberation. No, no. With occupation. All calls for genocide. All calls for death to Jewish people. And I really feel for people that were looking forward to attend. I don't think any of these commencement ceremonies are going to take place as they were originally planned. Like the USC, they canceled their main commencement on the main stage. I think a lot of these colleges, they're going to be canceling theirs as well or really transforming the way they look or moving them to zoom. I really do feel for those families. I'm not one for graduation ceremonies myself. I think they're a waste of time. I think you've wasted enough time at college. Why emphasize that with another waste of time? But it's important to some people, especially families that have a first-time college graduate that's going to be walking across the stage or somebody that's really been working in earnest to attain their degree and make life a lot better for themselves and their future families. Imagine that some of these campuses do go on with their regular ceremonies. What these families are going to have to put up with. Many of them Jewish. Or many of them not wanting to be a part of politics or foreign policy whatsoever. They're sitting there and they're going to have to see people pull out flags, Hezbollah flags, Palestine flags, Hamas flags, making chats, being subjected to these hateful vitriolic things while this is supposed to be a proud day. I imagine a lot of these schools are going to be losing a lot of private funding. Imagine you're trying to call up in 10, 20 years some of the more successful alma mater asking them for donations. What kind of response are they going to receive from their more successful students, their graduates? 844-542-42. And by the way, if Trump was president right now, I don't think any of this would be going on. I think he would have, maybe a couple of days, okay, they've had enough, they've had their fundage time to threaten public funding and we're going to threaten public funding and take it away. I think that's what he would have done. He would have threatened to turn off the spigot of government grants to these schools. And these schools would have, in turn, said to their students that are protesting and saying hateful things to their peers. We got to stop. We got to clear this, by the way. And if you're still here, we're going to pull any student aid that you have. We're going to basically blackball you from campus because you violated so many rules here. We can't risk, you've got to hit them where it hurts. And the Biden administration has refused to do that so far. 844-542-42. We'll be right back. I'm Taylor Cormier. This is The Howie Cars Show. Got a great cop story? Email it to and listen to Police Plotter Facts Friday every Friday at 5.30. Your story could win you a great prize from The Howie Cars Show Store. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Car, is back. Welcome back to The Howie Cars Show. We just have a couple of minutes left. 844-542-42. Joe, you're next on The Howie Cars Show. Go ahead, Joe. Hey, Taylor. Joe, long time listener, first time caller, how are you doing, sir? Doing well. Thanks. Hey, listen. I just wanted to know, and this may take up more time than you have, but do you know the history of Zionism? Admittedly, no. I'm not an expert. Okay. So, you're not familiar with Theodore Herzl and the late 1800s movement of Zionism at all? Not really, no. Okay. And so, you've never heard of the Stern Gang or the Bergen? What's your point, Joe? My point is that the Middle East conflict is a product of the foundation of Israel. It was built on terrorism, and if you don't know those things, that's sad for you. You can look it up. It's all right there. I mean, and it's continuing to this day. I mean, we have illegal occupation, the number of-- Joe, come on. Does that justify what's happening here at home, these college campuses? Yes, it does. Yeah. How so? Yeah, we paid $21 billion to support Israel, just in this last congressional budget approach. So, what do the college campuses have to do with that? What is throwing the bottles of Yarnet police officers? They don't like supporting illegal-- And tell them to run for Congress. And a part guy. Well, okay. You can tell them to run for Congress, but it gives them the right to protest. It doesn't give them the right to hurl hurtful insults at their peers, to spit on them, to support the genocide, the uncalled for attacks of Palestine. I mean, these are Nazi sympathizers, Joe. These are people that swooped down from the sky and shot indiscriminately at people that were at a party. People of multiple ethnicities, by the way, not just Jewish people, get out of here with your nonsense. It's just about all the time we have for today, unfortunately. I'm so sorry. I know you're all very, very displeased. But Howie is back tomorrow at his regularly scheduled time. Dr. Matt will be in at six o'clock tomorrow for all of your pet questions as well. I'm Taylor Kormir. This is The Howie Car Show. Have a great night. [MUSIC PLAYING]