
Bava Basra Daf 163

Broadcast on:
06 Dec 2024
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[SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] The first [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] the gap of two lines means [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] further defined in the gap size. The Camaro asked of the two-line gap, which puzzles a star includes the space between the lines. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] that it includes the space between, because he also can't write two normal lines. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] says the gap is the size of [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] which is larger than the size of a normal safer, because a person doesn't go to a safer to him is a fished star. If it's a mental other says, the gap has to be large enough for La Jolla La Jolla written above each other, which is two lines and four spaces. Ula requires enough space for alignment in the top line and the half and the bottom line, which is three spaces. Above all, only requires enough space for [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] which is one line and two spaces. Second, so you're going to dive for [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] a gap between the [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] and Bezden's [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] is kosher, even multiple lines. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] that a two-line gap only puzzles a star where the gap is between the text and the [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] but between the [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] even more than that is kosher. The gamma explains that you have to put ink in that space, so nothing can be written there. But that wouldn't work before they ate them because people could say that they ate them were signing on the ink. And this is not a concern by Bezden because Bezden is not mikai in an ink. The gamma asked maybe he'll cut off the entire text and the signatures, erase the ink and write whatever he wants, because it's already a chem. The gamma answers are a star that's written on an erased space, has to be reclaimed by the [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] not by the chem of Bezden. Third, so you're going to dive for Bezden and says, a star whose text and signatures are on a single line is kosher. Bezden disagrees with what Evan says if space is left between the signature and Bezden's chem, even one line is puzzle. The reason is because he may cut off the top of the star and write whatever he wants on a single line and a Bezden holds a star that has the text and the signatures on a single line is kosher. But you can't do this on the single line between the text and the [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] by cutting off the text and writing whatever he wants on that line, because a Bezden holds that a star whose text is on one line and they eat them on the next is puzzle, even though he can write whatever he wants and add signatures on that line and claim he wanted to increase the number of signatures, a Bezden holds such a star has to be McLean from the upper signatures, not the lower signatures. [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] The first thing in the dive, the gap of two lines means [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] for defining the gap size. Second, so you're going to dive for half holds. A gap between [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] and Bezden's chem is kosher, even multiple lines. Third, so you're going to dive for Bezden holds a star whose text and signatures are on a single line is kosher. This infamous [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] is a coast guard. The coast guard searching for the safer who wrote a puzzle a star, leaving a three-space gap with a llama to the top line and an [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] in the bottom line found a valid star in a battle floating in the water that had a multiple gap line between the aid them and Bezden's chem and a sack and a second battle that passed him to the star with even a space of a single line between them is puzzle. Coast guard reminds of [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] The puzzle a star that had a three-space gap with a llama to the top line and an [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] in the bottom line reminds the first signal in the dive. The gap of two lines means [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] further defined the gap size. He found the kosherish star in a battle that had a multiple line gap between the aid them and Bezden reminds of the second [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] Raav's [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] a gap between the aid them and Bezden's chem is kosher even multiple lines. And in the second battle he found a sack that passed him that a star with even a single line between them is puzzle reminds of the third [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] [SPEAKING PORTUGUESE] a star whose text and signatures are on a single line is kosher.