JR Afternoon with Chris Renwick
The Last Donated Krugerrand
It is turned into a wonderful tradition this time of year when the Salvation Army and the Red Kettlebell Ringers go out and collect donations to help people in our communities. By the way, I will be out ringing bells for the Salvation Army tomorrow, tomorrow morning 10 to 12, Blaine Fowler and I from our sister station, WDVD will be out at the Walmart Novi. So stop by and say hello. But it's become a tradition that every year somewhere, a Krugerand, a very valuable South African coin, pops up in one of the kettles and the tradition continues this year, but there might be a caveat to that. Let's bring in Major David Minks, the officer overseeing the Warrencore Community Center. Major, it's good to have you. Some good news, bad news here. We got another Krugerand, but the tradition might come to an end this year. Good afternoon. Yeah, I kind of get worried about it because we rely so much on our patrons and people to put those quarters, nickel times and sometimes those pieces of gold in the kettle. And we got a note stating that one of the from the donor of the Krugerand, he says, you know, this is the last year. I won't be able to do it anymore. And yeah, you sweat a little bit when you recognize times are tough for many people. Many people. Yeah, but the realities are whoever this generous person is, and whether it's one person, a family or or multiple people year after year, they know how important that donation is to you. Oh, yeah. Yeah. In fact, we see the other side of it where people are needing those coins to get their lives back in order. And that's where the Christmas joy comes in because as a community, we come together and help out those and the greatest need. Well, it certainly and it speaks to the generosity of our community. Of course, we'll be hosting our Salvation Army bed and bread radio with on soon, which is exciting. And and again, I think that we're aware of it. You're aware of it. This is a very giving community. And if this is the last one, if it truly is the last one, it was a heck of a run and they helped a lot of people. And that's the good news. An important joyful news. I got a call just that same week from a Michael Agnello Jewelers. And they said, you got to come check out our kettle. And so we went and picked it up. And we brought it in and we found another gold coin. Oh, that's fantastic news. Well, yeah, it is, because it says to us, it's like, we don't want this to fade away. We want to make sure that we remember this kettle. We remember the fact that there are people in need. You know, we don't want to forget this urgent need. Yeah. And and people don't. And when they're out, you know, doing their holiday shopping, when they're out, you know, getting things for people that they love all the time, people make that donation for for people that they don't know. But but they're doing out of the kindness of their heart. And they know that what the Salvation Army does with that money is very important. And it continues to be an important mission. Major David Minx. Thank you so much for your time. And and we look forward to seeing you down the road. Thank you. Hey, yeah, I want to add, just thank you so much for ringing the bell tomorrow. And I would invite all the people, all your listeners, not only to go out and see you, if you ring, but also to sign up and do just the same as there are so many opportunities to ring the bell. And that's how we make a difference is giving back a little bit. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yep, you got it. No, not a problem. We'll take a break. Come back for more here in J.R. Efforty. [BLANK_AUDIO]
December 6, 2024 ~ Chris talks with Salvation Army Major David Minks about another Krugerrand that's been donated into one of the Salvation Army's Red Kettles. A note attached explained that this is the final Krugerrand that will be donated.