
Podcast: Anger as developer asks to remove affordable housing from new development in Deal

Podcast: Anger as developer asks to remove affordable housing from new development in Deal

Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024
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A developer has been criticised for going back on a promise to provide affordable housing in Deal.

100 properties are due be built in Cross Road and 30% were supposed to be affordable. We've been getting reaction from people who live nearby.

Also in the podcast, bosses in Dartford have approved plans to build more than 12 and a half thousand homes over the next 13 years.

The area's seen a 20% population increase in recent years - partly driven by the development of a garden city at Ebbsfleet. Hear from the council leader.

A Gravesend dad with an inoperable brain tumour hopes a fundraiser will help him make memories with his children.

John Rendle received the diagnosis last year, and has undergone treatment for the condition - but is unsure just how much time he has left.

A study by the University of Kent and World Health Organisation has found underage girls are smoking, drinking and vaping more than boys. Lucy Hickmott joins the episode with the details.

A dad whose young son died in a suspected hit and run has revealed he's opening a dessert parlour in Folkestone in his memory.

Seven-year-old William Brown had been going to retrieve a football when it happened in December. William Brown Senior has been telling us about his project.

And in sport, Maidstone United are through to the National League South play-off semi-finals. 

We've got reaction from manager George Elokobi.

Can't online news. News you can trust. This is the Can't online podcast, Nicola Everett. Hello. Hope you're okay. Thanks ever so much for downloading today's podcast. Almost at the end of April already is Thursday, April the 25th. And we're going to start today with a most read story on the website. It's all about house building. First up, a developer has been criticized for going back on a promise to provide affordable housing in deal. Now 100 properties are due to be built in cross road and 30% of those were supposed to be affordable. However, our the developments want to remove that requirement completely following a viability assessment. Our reporter Sam Lennon has spoken to Lynn French who lives nearby. I think it's appalling. It was originally granted permission on the basis that they were going to provide 30% affordable housing. They called it a significant factor in making the ensuring that the application was approved, the planners at DDC. So they need to adhere by that. It was also brought up at the reserve matters application and at the reserve matters application, which was actually Abby doing the application, not Gladman, who were the previous developers. They too said that they were going to run out for 30% affordable housing and now they want to get rid of it. It's all about the money. Why is affordable housing needed here? It is needed here because there are so many people who can't afford a mortgage nowadays, who need to be able to rent property and there's just nowhere in the district where you can actually rent for a reasonable rent. It's just unbelievable. Judy Wilson is also a local resident. I'm absolutely shocked and horrified by the whole thing actually because I feel that it's been done in a really, really unhelpful way really because we haven't received any notification of this at all. We first knew about this planning happening way, way back. We opposed it because it's taken over a lovely, lovely big bit of our countryside at the back. Now what's happened as a result of that, it just seems to have gone on in a really, really unhelpful way where the planning is going ahead but things are being withdrawn bit by bit. So now suddenly we've got a whole load of extra housing and I would add we've got 200 already down this road within a very short walking distance of our house where we didn't have any about five years ago. Does still need affordable housing? It definitely needs affordable housing without any shadow of doubt. What's happening are people are moving in to the area from other areas and we just haven't got any housing for our own people and yet our countryside is being swallowed up. So it really is quite a shocking way that they're doing all of this. Some thoughts there from some local people and in a statement, Dover District Council have said this. We can confirm that 30% of housing at this site needs to be affordable under the existing outline permission section 106 agreement. This new application is seeking to allow the affordable housing to be removed from the scheme. We would stress that no decision has been made on this new application and all relevant planning matters or feedback will be taken fully into consideration. We have also contacted the developer for a comment on this one and you can have a say by leaving a message on the story or indeed on our socials. Elsewhere plans for nearly 100 new homes in a village in Swale have been rejected. Developers wanted to build the new properties in backchild near sittingborn. Council bosses say the development was unsustainable and would fail to protect the countryside. But next bosses in Darford have approved plans to build more than 12,500 homes over the next 13 years. You may not know that the area has seen a 20% population increase in recent years, partly driven by the huge development of a garden city at Ebsliet. Jeremy Keit is the council leader and he's been speaking to the local democracy reporting service. What's important to remember that the local plan isn't just about homes. I mean in the debate tonight you heard lots of people talking about we need more homes, we need more homes, we need more homes. I don't actually agree. I think what we need is more community and we need to make sure the infrastructure is there to meet those homes when we build them. So I have a very, very straightforward view. This isn't about housing number. I know the government might have wanted to be that way and others might want it to be that way. For me this job isn't about building more homes, it's about building communities. And finally it's been confirmed. A development company behind a huge coastal tower block in Folkestone has not gone bust. Work has been on hold at the Lees Pavilion and the lack of progress sparked rumours about the future of the luxury project. Bosses however say work will be back underway soon now that a new sprinkler system has been installed. Kent Online News. We've got some other top stories for you and housing company has been fined after an employee suffered burns to his face while working on a site in Chatham. The man was repairing fences in iron side close in January last year when he struck an underground cable. MHS homes which is based in Medway was ordered to pay more than £520,000 for failing to give their staff proper tools and information. Protesters in Margate have stopped a coach from taking asylum seekers to the controversial barge. 22 men who were staying at a hotel in Cliftonville for seven months were being moved to the vessel, endorsed it. More than 100 people turned up to stop the coach from leaving and the men who are mainly from Afghanistan have been allowed to stay where they are. A man has been sent to prison after police found a sawn off shotgun at his home in Rochester. Police raided the property on Castle Street back in September 2022 and they also found air weapons and ammunition hidden in the loft space. 50 year old Robert Reading pleaded guilty to weapons offenses and was sentenced to six and a half years. Again company has been fined £30,000 for the unsafe removal of asbestos. DoV services based in East Moreland were found to be putting children at risk while removing cement sheets from a school in Essex. The company which trades under the name asbestos gone also removed the substance without a license from a shop in Red Hill. Our graves end at with an inoperable brain tumour hopes a fundraiser will help him make memories with his children. John Rental received the devastating diagnosis last year and has undergone treatment for the condition but is unsure just how much time he has left. He's been speaking to our reporter Keely Greenwood. The radiotherapy was targeted at the side where they removed the tumour so that's to kind of try and kill the cells where it was to stop it coming back and to also attack the bit was left and then the chemo is more just to kind of control what's left there. So there the plan is a year's worth of chemotherapy and trying to stop the harp was there doing anything. They call it put it to sleep basically stop it from doing anything and then after a year of chemotherapy if it's not doing anything I'll go on to a they call it like surveillance so there'd be scans it scans every couple of months or three months to just make sure it's not doing anything and if it does something then it goes back to potential more surgery if the other if that part goes back more radiotherapy or more chemotherapy they're just trying to really control it because they've said to me they can't they can't get rid of it. So it is something I'm going to have for life. Yeah and have they given you a prognosis or can you just live with it? They've said they told me it's life-shortening and they have told me that they're not they haven't they've said they're not putting the timescale or anything like that on it because yeah because at the moment I'm quite quite physically healthy and I'm healthy with it so they're not putting the time frame on it but they have told me it is life-shortening that's best definite and and also the treatment I've had is will wage my brain and told me that as well because it was such a strong it was such a strict but the radiotherapy was six weeks Monday to Friday for six weeks and that and at the highest dose as well and they said that will age your brain. So what does that mean? I think it just means it ages my brain quicker so yeah like things like memory and yeah it can it might affect things like that further down the line. Okay so how are you feeling like how are you feeling like you know like mentally then with the life-shortening thing do you just think I'm just going to get on with it anyway? Yeah I've been the whole process I've been very I've been very positive and I've been very but ease things like that which I do think Christ and then also the mentally it's very tough it's tough mentally because I've got a young family and you know I want to see the kids grow up. The 39-year-old had also been struggling to find extra money to spend on his family after battling with insurance companies for repairs to his house. Now a go fund me has been set up and already raised more than 1100 pounds. Damien Clarkson is John's best friend. I think John and Michelle were and that's wonderful people and they've got a lovely family and obviously the diagnosis has come to a massive shock to them it's the kind of thing no one expects to happen to them and you know as John said the condition he has his life shortening and we don't know how long that will be and you know hopefully the treatment works effectively you know we get a good result of the scan in May and the prognosis looks positive you know but ultimately we don't we don't know and things can change very quickly and so I think it's really important that John and his family get to create these special memories like they've been doing with you know going into Portland, Disneyland you know there's plenty of things that they need to do and like none of us know when our time is up and we still maybe live live with that kind of attitude of doing things you know that we want to do when we can but I think for John and his family it's really important that they just they get as much in now as they can because we don't know what tomorrow tomorrow holds we're very grateful to John for sharing his story and also hearing from his friend Damien you can read that story in full today by heading to the website Kent online reports a sitting-born man's been accused of defrauding people as part of an unauthorized investment scheme cube trading received more than two and a half million pounds from investors between March 2019 and January 2021 a 38 year old has appeared in court in his due to enter a plea next month residents in a block of flats in maids don't say they're scared there'll be a rat problem if issues with bin collections aren't fixed soon so Es has taken over waste management and many people have reported going without rubbish collections for several weeks now people living in blue coach yard in Knight Rider Street say their bin store is piled high with black bags and they're none the wiser about when it might be picked up motorists in wistable say roadworks have made driving around the town a nightmare a contraflow systems currently in place on the new funnet way while urgent repairs have also been taking place on peen hill and rake hill the reconstruction of the a 299 is expected to take until July roads bosses are urging motorists not to divert onto smaller roads that can't cope and a study by the University of Kent and the world health organization has found underage girls are smoking drinking and vaping more than boys Lucy has a detail in one of the largest studies of its kind more than 280 000 children aged 11 13 and 15 from 44 countries were asked about their use the findings show two fifths of girls in England have faped by the age of 15 that's higher than any other country one of the driving factors could be their availability and low cost University of Kent professor Sally Kendall worked on the study she says vaping has clearly replaced smoking as a dangerous recreational activity in our children they also found more than a third of young boys and girls had drunk alcohol by the age of 11 kens online reports a dad whose young son died in a suspected hit and run has revealed he's opening a dessert parlor in folkston in his memory seven-year-old william brown had been going to retrieve a football when it happened in december or william brown's senior has been telling us about the site and what will be served i'm opening the shot because i want to celebrate my son's life i want my son to be remembered and also i'm going through the grieving process and i'm trying to work out what's right to do and what's not right to do but i just feel what's right to do is get stuck in celebrate my son's life and do something positive for folks and where he lived um yeah and just hopefully put some smiles on some faces and then could you talk about all the sort of things that you're going to be serving here yeah so basically everything that we'll like um so from mr. would be ice cream waffles slash puppy um it's going to be a seven foot gumball machine in here which don't quite move up just believe the big the biggest gumball machine in the uk um and yeah just everything that we'll love then add a massive smile on his face on all the photos i've got of him um just everything like that really and um then yeah when are you planning to sort of open up i hope to open on the 27th um the second bank holiday weekend of my um don't hold me to that but we're going to draw our best and then keep everyone posted vet on shepey has issued a warning after two dogs suddenly died following a visit to minster lee's beach it's believed the animals who had the same owner may have ingested something while out walking the council say they're investigating if you follow kentellein on socials you can see the first glimpse of a statue that's going to be installed in cantabri it's of trailblazing author afra ben who was born in starry and was written first ever professional writer it'll eventually take pride of place outside the beanie museum and security guards have rescued a family of ducks that got lost in a shopping center in cantabri a mother and five ducklings was spotted in white fries square yesterday staff managed to put them in a box and take them back to the river do head to the website to see some incredibly cute pictures kentellein sport for bola made stone united a through to the national league south playoff semi-finals they beat avillie to one of the galaga stadium last night substitute mofall scored the winner later on in injury time manager george elikobe has been speaking to stones tv we don't do it the easy way but firstly i'm commissary to um to evly um they've done they've had an unbelievable season and you know this was a dead attempt we know this this was going to be tough tonight and they pushed us all the way and it was a fantastic play of tie but again a group super proud of them super proud of our football club our community um our supporters were all magnificent to the and a group of players have left everything out here today um for the shed and it was the manner of how we went about it um i thought you know from start to finish um we etched it in terms of the chances created um and on another day we could have won it by by more margins um but we have to to be to be very very um happy to to get through to the next to the next stage of um of the playoffs it must have felt at some point very frustrating the first i think it could have been easy to go in half time heads were down they haven't created too many opportunities and they get obviously with the chances we created but again they got reaction out of them second half and now what did you say to him at the break now now i thought the first uh first half was fantastic um you know the key powers in fine form made some brilliant saves we got in areas that we wanted to um in terms of um some of their weaknesses that we we nullified there were some good passages of play and i thought the only thing lacking was a finish and it was only a matter of time um before we get that goal um but it was about staying in the game making sure we don't get frustrated um making sure we have we are relentless um and we are ruthless in front of goal um when we get um an opportunity in the second half and we told the boys to carry on playing but the most important thing is to stay organized behind the ball and make sure we stay patient because like we saw um though dropping really deep in a low block um and we have to be patient in in terms of our our movements in terms of this the switch of play um i like how we how patient we was and we knew um we was gonna have that moment uh and when we do get our first goal it wasn't to sit on it we didn't want to go to extra time we wanted to finish the job um in in inside the 19 minutes and i love how um our boys um you know reacted and especially um the substitutions they are the massive massive impact today they knew the game plan they knew the strategies and they've come on uh mike class is common and um you know gave us that that composure that we needed in mid field and obviously more came came on and his first movement he created a chance and you could see his intent the intention was there um it was about being patient but also um selfless work from matt rush working the ball in a fine outfit good movement from from uh mophiles and rushes inside the picture and you know a great assist um so super proud of of of of the group and made stony united would travel to take on warthing on sunday and finally junior footballers across the county are being warned against wearing mini shinpats the protective pads have been made popular by Manchester city star jack greelish and a little more than the size of a train ticket but the fa has stepped in and says players are at an increased risk of injury if they're not wearing proper equipment that's all from us for today thanks ever so much for listening don't forget you can follow us on facebook x instagram tick tock and threads it can also get details on the top stories direct your email each morning via the briefing to sign up just head to and to our store on the site today don't forget to check out our latest eat my words food review to find out if reporter Oliver Leonard could complete the carolina reaper hot wings challenge at winkings incantibri news you can trust this is the kent online podcast