Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 57

Broadcast on:
25 Apr 2024
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'Nun zainam al alaf' seven lines down. First one line is 'Bittila' in the middle line is 'Ribyena'. Let's circle 'Ribyena'. The beginning of the next line will circle 'Ribyere mia' and then let us box 'Ribyena'. So 'Ribyena' says, this is a new issue or somewhat new issue. 'Ribyena' says 'Ahek Deshe' is what we're gonna see 'Ribyochonan' says shortly is going on 'Kotchim', things that you dedicated to the base of 'Ik Deshe'. 'Ribyere mia' says we're gonna see shortly in the name 'Ribyochon' is going on 'Karkhoyz' is going on land. 'Vitra vahum ishme daribyochon'. Both of them are saying what they're saying in the name of 'Ribyochonan'. What are they saying? 'Tra vahum ishme daribyochonan' amru' and this is very important. Some may firebox it, some may double underline it. 'Aenaw ai lahen, but bitzil mekach yishlahen'. So 'Aenaw' is when there is exactly one sixth price discrepancy that there is not. However, bitzil mekach, if there is greater than one sixth price discrepancy, then it would apply. Ribyena will tell you we're talking about 'Hek Deshe' shows. Ribyere mia says we're talking about 'Karkhoyz'. Now, what would each opinion say about the other opinion? 'Manda amar ahek Deshe' shows. The opinion that says that 'Ribyochonan' said his 'Din' on 'Hek Deshe' shows, which would be 'Ribyena'. 'Kolshiken aarkhoyz' would tell you all the more so that it would definitely apply to land. Let's see, Rashi. Rashi is across from here about seven lines down. 'Tibur ma' still, it's abbreviated, 'Kolshiken'. Let's see, the Rashi. 'Kolshiken aarkhoyz nami amar'. For sure, he would say that there is bitzil mekach, meaning greater than one sixth price discrepancy price fraud, if we're talking about land. 'Tibur ma' still means 'The bitzil mekach'. 'La biklaa lai nahu'. I think that's really the main line here. Since we were just told that bitzil mekach, meaning greater than one sixth price discrepancy, is not under the general category of 'Aenaw' of price fraud. 'Mehecha imit' where, how would we know to exclude it? If when you're talking about 'Hektish' called the 'Mekachtos' 'Afa' got the 'Lekachtos' clape schmaya. When you're dealing with 'Hektish', one of the parties is Hashem. Well, Hashem can't be tricked. 'The afilu haqen' even so, I mean, we say, 'Well, if it's greater than one sixth price discrepancy bitzil mekach, comma, then 'Kolshiken' all the more so, 'Tiligabechavre' when it's just 'Bob' and 'Steve' or 'Schlaimi' and 'Yankl' 'De'ikalamei Marta' where, for sure, you could say that one of those two parties kind of made a mistake. It was tricked. 'The adaita dakkil laiachne' but you didn't go into that deal if they would have known the extreme price discrepancy. 'Kolshiken' dahad' or other more so that that would cancel the deal. A deal would have to go back. So back into the 'Gomara'. However, the 'Mondam' or 'Schlaimi' line, this 'Mondam' or this would be 'Ribyrmia' who says that 'Ribyrnans' comment is going on 'Karp' or 'Eis' just on regular land between like 'Bob' and 'Steve' 'Avala' 'Hek Dei' shows low. When it comes to 'Hek Deish' there would not be 'Onal' and there would not be 'Bittelnekach' and that's going along with what 'Schmul' had said. 'Kedishmul' 'Dahmer Schmul' this basic concept that 'Hek Deish shavre' mana. Let's see you have something owned by 'Hek Deish' worth a hundred. 'Sha'il lea shavre pruta' and you're 'Makhalal it' take its 'Kedusha' off onto something worth you know 47 cents. 'Mikolal' that actually would work. Now you might have to make up the rest but that would work and it would take the 'Hole' item and make it unholy or take the 'Kodosh' item and make it no longer 'Kodosh'. So it's not awesome. We have a 'Mishna' over there. This is going to be a question on 'Ribionas' version of 'Ribionas' that there's 'Bittelnekach' for 'Hek Deish'. So we call it 'Mishna' the 'Mishna' goes for about a line and a half and so it's like this 'Im Hayak Khadosh Bahalmum' if the holy thing is 'Bahalmum' now this is really we're picking up in the middle of a of a 'Mishna' there in a few places, a bunch of places, but the 'Mishna' starts out that if a person has a 'Kodosh' animal and declares by bringing another animal and says this one is in the place of that one, this one is 'Tumura' that one, this one is in place of that one, this one is instead of that one, in all those cases the 'Tumura' makes the second animal 'Kodosh' if he uses the term though that this one should be 'Mihleles' on that one, he hasn't said anything, why? Because if the first animal which is 'Kodosh' is blemish free, well you can't be 'Mihleles' it, in other words you can't take his 'Kodosh' away and then we go into this part which is the more quotes 'Im Hayak Khadosh Bahalmum' how if the first 'Kodosh' animal is developed among 'Yatsulahmulen' it goes 'Lachulen' it starts with 'Sarclaasayceliidamim' I dot underlined 'Sarclaasayceliidamim' and clearly so let's say it was worth $1000 and he tried to transfer his holiness under something worth less, it works, it loses its holiness however he has to make up the difference because there's no way that 'Kosh' is just going to lose. Now this is really the beginning of, it's about 10 lines to develop this question so I put a long question marking in the margin starting with the word, starting on the line that has the first word 'aull' until about 12 lines later, first word in line is 'Lahan' let's see what the question is because coming off of this 'Mishnamarabiyokhanan' I would, um, 'Sarclaabiyokhanan' here 'Yatsulahmulen' when we say it goes 'Lachulen' that's 'Dapartar' in a Torah level and when we said 'Vitsarclaasayceliidamim' I double underlined that's 'Midivreham' that is 'Midirabana' that has to make up the difference. On a Torah level it would be enough, he could take something worth say $10,000 transferred onto something worth 15 bucks, it would work, now he has to make up the difference, the difference though, that has to make up is only on a 'Dirabana' level whereas Rachel Akhishiwi circle 'Damar' 'Aafsarclaasayceliidamim' he would say 'No' when he has to make up the difference that's not 'Dirabana' level that's 'Midhatarayi' double under 'Midhatarayi' now we need to figure out what case we're discussing exactly been my asking on colon 'Elema' I would squiggle underlined the 'Elema' and approximately four lines later first one line is 'Ele' I would squiggle underlined the 'Elema' and here we go 'Elema' if you want to say 'Bikhede alina' that the price discrepancy was exactly 1/6th I put a Roman numeral one in the margin and oh approximately four lines before the end of this 'Amud' there's an 'Ebyus' 'Emma' I put a Roman numeral two in the margin this is the first approach so if you want to say we're talking about exactly 1/6th price discrepancy you have to make up the difference on a 'Toril' level really 'Elema' but our 'Mishna' had said and here's a quote from our 'Mishna' goes for just under two lines 'Eleudvar' 'Sha' 'Een' I double underlined the word 'Sha' 'Eemla' 'Emma' 'Een' so here's things that do not have 'Een' we know is 'O' now means 1/6th price discrepancy issue 'Ha' 'Karkos' 'Land' 'Ha' 'Vadim' 'Slaves' 'Ha' 'Starais' documents' and here I double underlined the 'Ha' 'Hakte' 'Shais' so it's pretty clear that when you're dealing with 'Hakte' and exactly 1/6th price discrepancy doesn't apply 'Ele' it must be greater than 1/6th this price is going to see Ella. It's going to end the Ella a la bitl mecha, comma connector. Well, if we're talking about bitl mecha, let's go back to the other approaches to jibiyokhanan. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That would be necessary to make up the difference in money on a Durabano level. (speaking in foreign language) Ahek Deshaes. We started this piece with jibiyokhanan saying it was going on Hek Deshaes, that I put in brackets in the next five words. (speaking in foreign language) Close the brackets. As we really want to just focus on Rabionna. Rabionna is going on Hek Deshaes. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) But I end the line here and this is really the question. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So if we're talking about an exactly 1/6 price discrepancy, it doesn't make sense that it would apply because the mission says it doesn't. If we're talking about greater than 1/6 price discrepancy, it seems like the bibiyokhanan. So there are more answers to that alum. We are talking about bibiyokhanan. And you have to switch the Rabionna and rage lockish opinions that we had approximately 10 lines ago. (speaking in foreign language) That might come with the key. Well then what is the point with which they are arguing about? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) We kind of took that for granted. And Shmul said, and we'll assume that everyone holds of it, if you have something that's Hek Deshaes, and it's worth $10,000. And you're (speaking in foreign language) you attempt to transfer its holiness onto something that's Shavapruta, something that's worth $10, that actually works. (speaking in foreign language) Now, Mar, Islay de Shmul, (speaking in foreign language) that is only a de Rabionna level. He agrees with what Shmul just said, whereas Mar, that would be (speaking in foreign language) who holds that you have to make up the difference that they are Raisa, Laysely de Shmul. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Everyone agrees with Shmul, that it works if you have something worth close to nothing, and your Mahalo is something very valuable that works to take the Kedusha off of the original thing and put onto the new thing, (speaking in foreign language) This is a Mahalo kiss though. Mar-Savar, the opinion that holds its der Raisa, holds (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Yeah, if you did it, like after the fact, it'll work well, (speaking in foreign language) you're not really supposed to. In other words, you want to redeem something from Hector, you should have something of at least the same value or more, whereas Mar-Savar, the opinion that holds its der Ra-Bhanan, would say (speaking in foreign language) you could even have that work, (speaking in foreign language) because it's only der Ra-Bhanan. (speaking in foreign language) This is a whole new approach. The first approach that we had, approximately 17, 18 lines ago, was it can't be exactly a one-six-price discrepancy because we were told that, Hector doesn't have the den of one-six-price discrepancy. The alternative here is he by same, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) No, it's exactly one-six-price discrepancy. (speaking in foreign language) Don't switch (speaking in foreign language) and race-lockish. (speaking in foreign language) What they're arguing about is the pointer of Christus says, (speaking in foreign language) What does it mean in regards to Hector, when we say in our mission, that Hector doesn't have, like, oh, that's the mission, our mission that we quoted here on this page about 14 lines ago, (speaking in foreign language) What it means is it's not (speaking in foreign language) What's (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's sort of drastically different than we had understood up to now. Main line by now means, oh, no. Where you usually say if it's less than one-six-price discrepancy, like the deal stands, oh, no. When you're dealing with heck-dish, whether it's even if it's less than a one-six-price discrepancy, the deal goes back. Okay, (speaking in foreign language) We have a question out here of Christa. The today resource that we're gonna have quoted goes for a line and a word. (speaking in foreign language) There's this concept of interest and price fraud when you're dealing with Bob versus Steve that ain't, and I'm not in the word, ain't, rib is (speaking in foreign language) and I'm not in the word, I know. (speaking in foreign language) Well, when you're dealing with heck-dish, when heck-dish is one of the two parties in some sort of deal, there is no rib is and there is no, oh, no. Now, hmm, that doesn't sound like a fista. The more it turns around and says, well, one second. Is it really such a problem for a fista? Is this price that we just quoted like any stronger than our mission itself? (speaking in foreign language) What do we say when our mission had an issue? (speaking in foreign language) Not really, but (speaking in foreign language) Like the concept of why not doesn't apply. (speaking in foreign language) So too, over here, read the price as follows, not rib is (speaking in foreign language) There's not, but rather ain't rib is (speaking in foreign language) I double it on the word (speaking in foreign language) So rib is (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) We're talking about the (speaking in foreign language) which means actually even less than a one sixth price discrepancy, the deals off. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Safa, well, how are we going to square that off with the fact that the continuation of the snake source, which was on the second line, says as follows, just four words, (speaking in foreign language) And this is the example of, where we're much more (speaking in foreign language) when we're dealing with Bob and Steve having a transaction as opposed to Bob and the base (speaking in foreign language) Really? But then that would actually end up being a (speaking in foreign language) Not the (speaking in foreign language) Well, the (speaking in foreign language) that we're not talking about both the case of rib is (speaking in foreign language) We're only talking about the case of rib is. So rib is, there will be an issue when it's Bob having a deal with Steve, but not Bob with the base (speaking in foreign language) Well, then listening (speaking in foreign language) If that's true, then why don't you say also the other way that yeah, more (speaking in foreign language) and say (speaking in foreign language) and more (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So the more clarifies that that statement actually couldn't make (speaking in foreign language) Hell now, one second. (speaking in foreign language) If we're going to say (speaking in foreign language) I double in on the word (speaking in foreign language) that this is the (speaking in foreign language) how Bob transacting with Steve it applies, but not Bob with the base (speaking in foreign language) this (speaking in foreign language) because that's the only possibility. Ella, however, if you're going to bring in the realm of (speaking in foreign language) to say in regards to (speaking in foreign language) this, which kind of implies this and only this (speaking in foreign language) really this (speaking in foreign language) and there are no others, but that would be totally inaccurate. (speaking in foreign language) Now that I'm gonna ask, (speaking in foreign language) what's the case of interest when dealing with (speaking in foreign language) So how do you have (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) if you wanna say (speaking in foreign language) Pretty simple. You have the temple treasury. You took let's say $100 out from the temple (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) and he's going to have somebody pay back 120. Well, one second. As soon as the temple treasurer took out the hundred from Hekdesh, he was violated (speaking in foreign language) the (speaking in foreign language) And once (speaking in foreign language) take place with holy temple items (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That makes now the (speaking in foreign language) have to have a whole bunch of things he does to take care of this, but the money itself becomes (speaking in foreign language) in which case (speaking in foreign language) that is not Hekdesh's money anymore. Hekdesh's money, we're looking for how Hekdesh has a scenario of (speaking in foreign language) So I'm a (speaking in foreign language) He's number one, five lines later, last one (speaking in foreign language) He's the number two. So (speaking in foreign language) Well, what would you have over here? (speaking in foreign language) What's the case? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) You have a regular person who accepts upon himself (speaking in foreign language) That he's, let's say has a business of fine flour. He's going to supply the base (speaking in foreign language) to supply them with fine flour may arba. He agrees that he's gonna have four saw, let's call it, I don't know, four pounds of flour for every seller that they pay, comma. Afterwards, the market price though, the (speaking in foreign language) it becomes much more expensive. Instead of, for each seller getting four pounds of wheat, you only get three pounds of wheat. Kids it's not, like we have in the following mission. Goes with three lines of quote of this mission. (speaking in foreign language) Sal's says me arba, if you have a business provider, a flour merchant who accepts upon himself to provide a flour, fine flour at four pounds for a, really four saw. We'll call it just four pounds for a seller. And then the market changes and it becomes much more expensive to buy flour. But I'm doing me shalloish. And the market price though, he'd only have to get, only have to provide three to get his seller. Missopic me arba. Well, he's still 'cause his deal was with the temple treasury, still has to provide four. If however, the original deal was me shalloish if I'm doing me arba, the original deal was, he was gonna provide three and get a seller. And now the market price has gone cheaper. You could actually, with the seller get four. He also starts me missing on me arba. In other words, both ways, whether it price goes up or price goes down. Hek dish has the upper hand, she got hek dish al-hah-el-yoina. And a similar scenario by a head you out, would be user. Republic wide circle, this is the second approach. Amar, ha-ha, what we're talking about here is the Avnei Binyon. These are the, I guess, the stones that are used to build the various basic make dish. The things that have to be built, like the walls. Hamis su-royusly gizbar, that are handed over to the gizbaras kinan. Now, how does that help? Because it was something interesting about those stones. Kedis schmold. Amar schmold, he had said, bone in bechail. Those stones were actually specifically kept. And when they were going to be used for holy purposes, they were kept as whole as non-holier consecrated stones. The Akhrat Maktishna, only once they were built in to whatever wall, or they had to be built into, were they sanctified. Which just said, "Ain bechain tanschulme, keifel." Minahani Mili, did Tanirabana, we have a bracelet here. Let's box it off. It goes two, four, six, eight, nine lines, till the two dots. And then, if you skip down three lines, first terminal line is the Tanirabana. There's another bracelet that goes two, four, six, eight, nine lines, till the two dots. Let's box that one off. And then, if you skip down two lines later, first terminal line is the Tanirabana. We have another bracelet that also goes down till the second to last line, till the two dots. They're very similar brices. The first one is going to ask, where do we have a source in the sukkim that there's no tushtulme, keifel, for those four things that's in the mission. There's no double payment. When we get to the second brice, how do we know that if there's a show (speaks in foreign language) those four items, he doesn't have to swear. He's off the hook. And the third brice is going to be, how do you know if he's a paid watcher? He also doesn't have to pay, and here we go. So, first brice saying, (speaks in foreign language) "What do we know this from?" (speaks in foreign language) So the brice says, al-kol-dovar-pe-te-shah. Now, this is the end part of the possek, which is dealing with somebody who claims that it was stolen, or it was the thief himself. So, possek is al-kol-dovar-pe-shah for every matter of sin or iniquity. That's four words in the possek. That is a klala general term for any matter. Then, possek goes on. This is another quote, al-shor, al-kamor, al-sa-al-salma. That's the end of the quote regarding an ox, donkey, sheep, a garment. That's a pratul's or specific items. And then the possek continues for another five words. Quote, al-kol-dovar-se-shah. You're in my regarding any loss item that it has said. And kazure-kol-al. So, you put those three phrases, analyze them together. You get a klala pratul-kol-yat-tad-dan. El-kai-n-ha-prats. They have to be understood in the context of the specific cases. Maha-prat, what's unique about ox, donkey, sheep, garment. Well, before I start, I'll have Metaltel. They're all moveables. We goofy moment and they're intrinsically valuable. Off-coils, so, to everything else, it will include, will include it as long as it is moveable. We goofy moment and it has an intrinsic value. Which would exclude, actually, four categories. Yotsu, indol and karkai's land. Shaina Metaltin, he can't move it. Yotsu, avadim, indol and avadim, the exclusion of slaves. Shihok-shul-karkai's many times. In Halak, what we say applies to land also applies to slaves because there's a scriptural connection between the two. Yotsu, starry's, indol and karry's, comes to exclude a document like an IOU. Shafapu-she, Metaltel, even though those are certainly moveable in goofy moment, they're no intrinsic value. It's basically worth the paper it's on. And finally, Hek-de-shay's, indol and hek-de-shay's. Amar-kra, the post-it there said, re-ahu, your fellow person, which equals re-ahu-vele hek-de-shay's. It's got to be that it's one person who another person, not one person with hek-de-shay. That's the end of the snake source. The mission is said, "Ville-te-shul-me amar-ve-hek-me-shayles don't have a four or five payment." Now, okay, so you don't have a double payment. Why not a four or five if the issue is a cow or a sheep? Well, my time answer 'cause the post-it clearly says that it's a four or five payment. In other words, it's a double payment and then on top of that, ta-shul-me-ar-ve-hek-me-sham-ar-ve-hek-ma-na, but as we just saw in the previous bracelet, double payment doesn't apply. Then this would not be a four or five payment, it would rather be a three or four. And the post-it says, "No, four or five, ville-te-shul-me-shay-shayla-ar-ve-hek-de." The mission continues said, "Shay-me-china-me-ne-nishba." That if you have a person who normally is watching something for free and something happened to it, he claims he'd have to swear. In this case, he doesn't have to swear. Manani-mili, who do you know this from? (speaking in foreign language) And this price is gonna be almost identical in structure to the previous one, can therefore read it a little bit quicker. Based on a posse, posse is talking about by a "Shay-me-china-me" says a posse "ky-te-ne-nish" or a "yoo" end quote when a person gives to his fellow person, that's a college general rule. Quote again, (speaking in foreign language) "Money" or utensils, that's the end of the quote. That's a process, a specific term. The posse continues, "lish-more." I'm gonna use the gears on the outside margin to watch. That's "cause of a call-o," to watch what? Watch anything that's a general term. What do you have, a call-o-par-to-call? (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Just like the part is "muf-ou-rush." What was the product? Money and utensils? Well, just like those are Davar and Metaltzell, they're both movable. The Gu-fai-maman, they're intrinsically valuable. I've called Davar so to anything else on Metaltzell, that's movable, the Gu-fai-maman. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) There is a scriptural connection between the two. (speaking in foreign language) Shavapish and Metaltzell, they're certainly movable, and Gu-fai-maman, they're not intrinsically valuable. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The posse of there as well says, one word quote, (speaking in foreign language) Your fellow man, which we darshan demean it has to be. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) The temple treasury, that's the end of the bracelet, continued the mission and said, no, he's a scar. Another case where a person is a paid watchman. In the case of those four items, he would not a no Michel and Menani, immediately where do you know that from? (speaking in foreign language) And yes, you guess that this price is also gonna be structurally identical to the previous two, here we go. Pazuk says, this is in the context of a person who's taking wages to watch something. (speaking in foreign language) This end quote, when a man gives to his fellow person, that's a clala general term 'cause it doesn't say what he gave. The posse continues and says, quote, (speaking in foreign language) "Donkey, or an ox, or a sheep." End quote, that's a prop, those are specific items. The posse continues, quote, (speaking in foreign language) any animal to guard. What type of animal, any animal, that's a clasavic clala, that's a more general term again. (speaking in foreign language) It's something that is (speaking in foreign language) And intrinsically, it has a value of call, so to anything else that's included, it has to be (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Pazuk says, yes, that's right. This posse goes well. Is in the context of (speaking in foreign language) when it's (speaking in foreign language) And Ed, (speaking in foreign language) to mean Dave and Ed, (speaking in foreign language) and the temple treasury, (speaking in foreign language)