Turley Talks

Ep. 2521 The Supreme Court Is About To Change EVERYTHING!!!

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2024
Audio Format:

Everything is about to change! What happened today at the Supreme Court is literally about to change everything.

And the woke leftists are admitting it! Wait until you hear the amount of liberal tears on the internet tonight. They are sobbing! They are literally wailing!


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*(Note: This episode is from our Thursday livestream.)

Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turley. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges. And together, learn to live in the present in life of even better things to come. This is Turley Talks. I'm here because I was forced to be here. I'm glad I was because it was a very interesting day in a certain way. But the U.S. Supreme Court had a monumental hearing on immunity and the immunity having to do with presidential immunity. And I think it was made clear, I hope it was made clear that a president has to have immunity, you don't have a president, or most you can say it would be a ceremonial president. That's not what the founders had in mind. And I'm talking about ceremonial. We want presidents to get things done and bring people together. So I heard the meeting was quite amazing, quite amazing. And the justices were on that game. So let's see how that all turns out. But again, I say presidential immunity, very powerful. Presidential immunity is imperative. Or you practically won't have a country anymore. Thank you very much. Thank you. Again, describe what happened today. Strap yourselves in, gang. Everything is about to change for 2024. What happened today at the Supreme Court is literally about to change everything. And the woke leftists are admitting it. Wait until you see the amount of liberal tears on the Internet tonight. They are sobbing. They are weeping. They are gnashing their teeth. They are literally wailing as we speak. You're going to absolutely love this. Greetings everyone. It is I, Dr. Steve, your Patriot professor here with a special livestream Thursday night. A very happy Thursday night to all of you. And boy, if you're not in a good mood now, you sure will be by the end of this livestream. So come on in. One and all. Great to see you guys. If you're with us for our livestreams, the last two nights, you'll know we've been rolling out our brand new Turley Talks app. Look at this puppy. It is beautiful. Our very own digital platform that can never, ever, ever be counseled. We built this private platform in response to the unfortunate news that we received that YouTube is once again demonetized us for a second time in a row. We complied with everything they required of us in the first demonization. And unfortunately, when we reapplied, they moved the goalposts and came up with an entirely new infraction to keep us completely demonetized for the foreseeable future. According to Google and YouTube, our channel now features quote harmful content. Our videos are now deemed harmful to YouTube's audience. And we have been cut off from any and all monetization for the foreseeable future. But what the international woke police did not realize when they were canceling us is that we've been busy preparing for a moment just like this for the last several months, actually, for the last year and a half. And we are unveiling this week what we are calling our arc, our brand new Turley Talks app. Oh, I love it. Every time I see it, I get goosebumps. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful personal app that you can download completely free as well as join one of our levels of support to help us financially during this difficult time. Just click on the link below or go to You see it right there, Those are all the levels of support that you can, if you are so led, that you can choose from to help us offset this blow, financial blow to us. We have over 30 staff members here that help build this app. And so we very much appreciate however you can support us. But after you make an account, just check your inbox. You're going to get a special email, a special welcome, where you can read and sign our declaration of restoration. That's the petition, the big tech that you can sign, put your name on it that informs these tech tyrants that a new day has dawned. They are no longer in control and we are taking our nation back. I'm so excited to announce that after two nights now, we are ranked inside the top 200 on Apple Entertainment Apps. In just two nights, we are ranked in the top 200 on Apple Entertainment Apps. And we are now at 4,994 downloads. Come on guys, click on that link below and hit us above the 5,000 mark. I'm sure we're going to hit that in just no time at all. I mean, it's just unbelievable. This is our third night rolling it out. We're already at 5,000 downloads. It's absolutely incredible. And like the last two nights, we got some free giveaways for you guys. We're so appreciative of you coming to our rescue here and downloading this app. We got a free giveaway. We're calling it Office Hours with Dr. Steve. One of you will be selected. We got this really cool spinning digitalized randomizer here. One of you be selected to have a virtual call with Moa, one on one with me. But you got to stick around. For your name is Cole when I take attendance to claim your prize, as it were. So download that app right now. Again, it's a completely free download. You don't even need a smartphone, right? It works on your computer, works on your iPad, whatever electronic device you got. You can click on the link below or go into That is Make your free account by just filling out your login information and boom. You've got immediate access to the app. And we're going to draw from the names of those of you who downloaded the app tonight to have a one on one virtual call with me, your patron professor. Also, you may have noticed this beautiful, lovely Freedom Bell, this Liberty Bell that we have beside me. We had this specially made for the launch of our app this week. The bell is an ancient biblical symbol of freedom. It's the sound of freedom and independence. And for those of you who sign up for one of our levels of support tonight at the end here, I'm going to give you a big shout. I'm going to announce your name and I'm going to ring this bell on your behalf and honor of you coming to our rescue and standing in defiance of tech tyranny. All right, gang, let's dive right in. As you know, lawyers for both Trump and Jack Smith argued before the Supreme Court today over whether the president of the United States has immunity from criminal prosecution for his conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. Presidential immunity, the presidential immunity that Trump's team is arguing for simply states that criminal prosecution of a former president must be predicated on impeachment and conviction and impeachment in the house, conviction in the Senate. That is the constitutionally prescribed procedure for holding a president accountable for his actions while in office. Otherwise, what? What's going to happen otherwise? If criminal prosecution is now not based on congressional impeachment and conviction, then what? Then every single subsequent president will now be swamped with indictments after he leaves office. The law will now be permanently weaponized against every single president like it is in the banana republics. I mean, for gosh sake, Nancy Pelosi already weaponized impeachment. That was my namesake, Jonathan Turley's problem with the two impeachments she followed through with. He went out and testified, went to Capitol Hill to testify, don't do this. Don't weaponize this tool. Because once you do that, now everyone is going to be subject to this, except if you have republicans in Congress, because there are a bunch of freaking wimps like Mike Johnson. So don't do this. Don't weaponize impeachment. Well, look, they've even done that. But at thus far, at least it stalls in the Senate. They haven't been able to weaponize conviction yet. But the notion is, so without that objective standard of prior congressional impeachment and conviction, post presidential prosecution will be the norm. It will be used as a weapon against every subsequent president from here on and basically destroy the presidency. Every president from now on will be sued multiple, more countless times after they leave office. Well, as it turns out, the questions that Jack Smith's counsel got from a number of the Supremes today sounded very much like that is exactly what they're concerned about. Here's Justice Thomas asking why other presidents haven't been prosecuted for even worse crimes. And not so distant past the presidents or certain presidents have engaged in various activity coups or operations like operation mongoose when I was a teenager. And yet there were no prosecutions. Why? If what you're saying is right, it would seem that that would have been right. For criminal prosecution of someone. So Justice Thomas, I think this is a central question. The reason why there have not been prior criminal prosecutions is that there were not crime. Don't worry about that. It cuts off naturally where we got the paper. He just ends up BSing his way through it. You'll see why they actually call him out on in a sec. By the way, operation mongoose was where JFK authorized the CIA to basically carry out terrorist attacks against Cuban civilians, right? Have it all actually went on to bring up Obama? Well, President Obama's drone strikes. So the Office of Legal Counsel looked at this very carefully and determined that number one, the federal murder statute does apply to the executive branch. The president wasn't personally carrying out the strike. But the aiding and abetting laws are broad. And it determined that a public authority exception that's built into statutes and that applied particularly to the murder statute because it talks about unlawful killing did not apply to the drone strike. So this is actually the way that the system should function. The Department of Justice takes criminal law very seriously. It runs it through the analysis very carefully with established principles. It documents them, it explains them, and then the president can go forward in accordance with it. And there is no risk of prosecution for that course of activity. Thank you for your. What an absolute loser. What a sad little man. Here I'll sum up his answer for you, right? Why was Obama not subject to prosecution? Well because his lawyer told him it was okay. Because lawyers told him it was okay. That's how the system is supposed to work. Lawyers told him it was all right. Now of course lawyers told Trump that what he was doing was okay and they're all being freaking indicted and prosecuted. Georgia and now Arizona right as of yesterday, what kind of nutty answer was that? His lawyer said it was fine. His lawyer said it was my, oh good, we'll hang the lawyer too. You see, Trump's lawyer brought this very argument up. He pointed out that Bush lied to Congress to induce war with Iraq, that Obama literally ordered the drone killing of US citizens abroad, right? US citizens who went rogue in Middle East territories that are now considered terrorists. And Biden was deliberate, Biden is deliberately abdicated his law enforcement responsibility by literally flying illegals into the United States. Why are they not being criminally prosecuted? Because their lawyers told him it was okay. Yeah, right, right. This guy is so freaking self unaware of the very weaponized legalism he's engaged in. Once you've weaponized the law, there are no controls. There's Sam Alito ripping that argument to shreds. >> I briefly review the layers of protection that you think exists, and I'm going to start with what the DC Circuit said. So the first layer of protection is that attorneys general and other Justice Department attorneys can be trusted to act in a professional and ethical manner, right? >> Yes. >> How robust is that protection? >> Most of the vast majority of attorneys general and Justice Department attorneys, and we both served in the Justice Department for a long time, are honorable people, and they take their professional ethical responsibilities seriously. But there had been exceptions, right? Both among attorneys general and among federal prosecutors. >> There have been rare exceptions, Justice Alito. >> So as for attorneys general, there have been two who were convicted of criminal offenses while in office. There were others, a Mitchell Palmer's one that comes to mind, who is widely regarded as having abused the power of his office. Would you agree with that? >> I would, but they are to officials in a long line of attorneys general who did not, and in departments of Justice that are staffed by multiple people who do adhere to their office. >> So moving on to the second level of protection that the DC Circuit cited, federal grand juries will shield former presidents from unwarranted indictments. How much protection is that? >> Well, it affords two levels of protection. One is the probable cause finding requires evidence. I think some of the fears about groundless prosecutions aren't supported by evidence, and they're not going to get out of the starting game. >> I mean, there's the old saw about indicting a ham sandwich. >> Yes, but I think Justice Alito, you had a lot of experience in the Justice Department. But you come across a lot of cases where the US Attorney or another federal prosecutor really wanted to indict a case in the grand jury refused to do so. >> It's just brilliant, especially in light of what this grand jury in Arizona just did yesterday. Legal counsels, attorney generals, grand juries, they're all corrupt or better, better, more generous, they're all corruptible. That's why you have to have an objective standard, an objective procedure. This lawyer for Jack Smith is just so, I mean, if he's not just a flippant liar, then he is just a useful idiot. What a pathetic pawn in the very law fair that he doesn't even realize he's engaged in, and Alito is basically calling him out on it. We got Neil Gorsuch, he weighed in as well on how this is emphatically not an objective standard for criminally indicting a president. But first, I got news, we just surpassed 5,000 downloads, you guys did it, that was quick. If you're just joining us, gang, we've been making the announcement all this week, YouTube has unfortunately once again demonetized our channel for a second time in a row. We complied with everything they required from us from back in November. And unfortunately, when we reapplied, they moved the goalposts. They came up with an entirely new infraction to slap us with. They've demonetized us for the foreseeable future precisely because they said, now we are guilty of harmful content. Now we're guilty of harmful content. That's what our channel apparently is now for Google. Now again, and fairness, I don't know if this is humans behind this. It could be an overzealous AI, I don't know, I don't know what's behind it. But regardless, we were prepared for precisely something like this. We unveiled on Tuesday night what we are calling our ARK, our brand new Turley Talks app, our very own platform that no one could ever ever counsel. We think that's so important because you never know what they're going to try to do to Twitter. You never know what they're going to try to do to rumble. So we wanted to make sure we had our own private Turley Talks platform that can never ever be canceled. It's a beautiful personal app that you can download completely free as well as join one of our levels of support to help us out financially during this time. We have taken a big hit and we can really use your help. There's some levels of support, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, sapphire, diamond, whoever signs up on one of those levels tonight. I'm going to give a big shout out to your naming and a ring this bell, this sound of freedom and independence. Also, if you want to ask me a question tonight because super chats have been disabled, just click on the link below and go to, choose any tier you want, any level of monthly support, you will automatically be enrolled in our Insiders Club and that's where you can have access to our backstage virtual platform and that's where you can ask me all the questions you want. I'll be happy to answer them for you tonight. Also, for those of you who sign up for one of our levels of support gang, again, I'm going to give you a huge shout out at the end, sound out your name and I'm going to sound out your name. Yeah, Mary, I'm going to read out your name and I'm going to ring the bell in your honor. Let us know in the chat if you successfully downloaded the app again. It's for Android, it's for iPhone, it's for laptop, desktop, iPad. You name it, whatever electronic device, it's available in all the app stores under Turley Talks. We're now in the top 200 on Apple's iStore, so let us know if you successfully download it in the chat. It looks like we surpassed over 5,000 downloads, yes, we did and it's absolutely incredibly exciting gang. Also, for those of you who download the app tonight, just downloading the app, you're going to be entered into a special free giveaway, we're calling it Office Hours with Dr. Steve. Why don't you be selected at random to have a one-on-one virtual call with me, your Patreon professor will actually do two drawings tonight, well, I have two of you guys come out to my office as it were virtually, but you got to stick around for your name is called to claim your prize. I'm calling attendance. Got to be around there, so download that app right now again, it's completely, totally free download. Just click on the link below or go to and we'll be drawing our first name in near moments here as promised is Neil Gorsuch. >> Just course. Can I try one more? >> Well, let me just spin this out just a second, right? And it didn't matter what the president's motives were, we're not going to look behind it. >> Right. >> And same thing in Nixon, we said, gosh, in Nixon versus Fitzgerald, that's something courts shouldn't get engaged in because presidents have all manner of motives. And again, I'm not concerned about this case, but I am concerned about future uses of the criminal law to target political opponents based on accusations about their motives, whether it's re-election or who knows what corrupt means in 1512, right? We don't know what that means, maybe we'll find out sometime soon. But the dangerousness of accusing your political opponent of having bad motives, and if that's enough to overcome your core powers or any other limits, the reaction's thoughts. >> Yeah, so I think that you're raising a very difficult question about- >> That's the idea, right? >> That is the idea. >> Testing, testing the limits of both sides arguments. >> And I'm going to say something that I don't normally say, which is that's really not involved in this case, but we don't have bad political motive in that sense. >> I understand that. >> I appreciate that, but you also appreciate that we're writing a rule for the ages. >> Yes, and I- >> Yeah, I mean, they're laughing at them, Jack. I mean, they literally were laughing at Jack Smith's lawyer. Of course, it's a difficult question. It's one you can't answer. A president's motives, regardless of what he wanted to do, that's the key. Remember, this is almost impossible for Jack Smith to prove in his J6 case against Trump that Trump was motivated that he wanted to overturn the election. How is a president's motives grounds for criminal prosecution? A president's motives? What do you want it to do? I mean, you can make this stuff up. So it does appear that the Supremes are going to side with Trump, okay? Now, here is how legal expert Mike Davis summarized it. I'm going to read this out for you in full, quote, after listening to the arguments at the Supreme Court. It's clear that the justices will narrowly hold the president of the United States. Any president is immune from criminal prosecution for official, not personal acts. Additionally, or alternatively, the court will reaffirm criminal statutes do not apply to the president unless they are explicit. The court will remand Jack Smith's January 6 case to D.C., Obama judge, Tanya Chukken, for an evidentiary hearing. That's what they're going to do after this. Her decision, no matter what it is, is immediately appealable to the D.C. circuit. And the Supreme Court could take the case again before trial. In other words, in other words, no matter what happens, this court case is not happening before November. That's exactly what he just said there, no matter what Chukken decides, any appeal on Trump's part guarantees this case will not happen before November, period. He goes on. The court's likely holding will also substantially affect Fanny Willis' January 6 case and may affect Jack Smith's presidential records case. And the Supreme Court's Fisher decision on obstruction will likely destroy two of Jack Smith's four January 6 charges against Trump. The 20% of Jack Smith's January 6 case will remain. The case will not get tried before the election. Bottom line. This will become a historic win for President Trump and the presidency and our country. This is a big step toward undoing the Democrats' Republic ending law fair, an election interference against President Trump. This is a monumental win for Trump, a men and a men gang. If this legal analyst is correct, what happened today literally changes everything, everything. All of the federal cases against Trump literally implode and Bragg's case in Manhattan is becoming more and more of a laughing stock joke every single day. And all you've got to do is see what the woke left is doing tonight, they are absolutely unhinged. You're going to love this. But again, one more time, the downloads keep coming. You guys are absolutely amazing. I'm getting a list of all of you have downloaded. What do I got? Annette, 1967, Gavin Hot Wheels, Bill Shainer, 82. My poor eyes. Is it Bill? Yes. It's a 720 Russell Walker, Dyrta Fan, 21, Chip Shot 2000, R. Raspour, A. LaZone Software, Viscount 55, Rock Doctor UK, Chief Compact, Sam Wearing, Cicero, Cactus Jimmy, Bob 2024 and a host and host and host of tons more. I'll try to give some shout outs as we go along. But gang, thank you so much for clicking on the link below, downloading our brand new app. We've been rolling it out all week. We're now in the top 200 apps on the app store. This is our response to YouTube's demonetizing us for the second time in a row. It's our answer to big text tyranny that seeks to separate us from one another, that seeks to cancel us, can sign us all into our own digital solitary confinement in order to dishearten us and make us despair and we will not let them. As it turns out, we were preparing for something just like this to happen, so we've unveiled this week what we're calling our arc, our brand new Turley Talks app, our very own platform that can never ever be canceled. It's a beautiful personal app that you can download completely free as well as join one of our levels on multiple levels of support to help us out financially to offset the blow. We just got a second time in a row from Google. By the way, that's how you can ask me questions tonight as well, since our super chats have been disabled, just click on the link below or go to, join any tier you want, any level of monthly support you will be automatically enrolled in our Insider's Club, which you're going to love, and that's where you have access to me. In backstage virtual platform, you can ask me any question you like, I'll be happy to answer that tonight in your honor. Also for those of you who sign up for one of our levels of support, at the end here, I'll be giving you a huge shout out by saying your name and ringing this bell as you are a supporter for Liberty on our behalf. Let us know in the chat if you successfully downloaded the app. Again, it's for Android, iPhone, laptop, desktop, iPad, you name it, whatever your electronic device is. It's available in all the app stores under Turley Talks, not Turkey, Turley Talks. Let us know if you successfully downloaded it in the chat, and let us know what you think. It's still someone in beta mode, beta testing, so any kind of, I mean, you can help shape this ad and make it even better. Any suggestions you have, we'd love to hear it. If you're having issues trying to download it, just go to, support at, and someone will be there to help you download it. We are now surpassed 5,000 downloads, incredibly exciting. Also, we've got a free giveaway for all of you who are downloading the app tonight. You're going to be entered in a special free giveaway, or calling it office hours with Dr. Steve, one of you would be selected at random to have a one-on-one virtual call with me, your patron professor. We're going to have office hours together and chat about whatever you like, but you've got to stick around for when your name is called to claim your prize, so download that app right now. It's completely free download. Click on the link, or go to, just click on that link below, or go to, and we'll be drawing our first name in mere moments. All right, look at this headline from Vox. Now, that is Vox, as you can see above, not Fox with an F, Vox with a V, the ultra-left Vox. Look at that headline. Donald Trump had a fantastic day in the Supreme Court today. You know that had to hurt to write as a headline. You know it. That's the last headline that the ultra-woke leftist at Vox would ever, ever have wanted to write. Donald Trump had a fantastic day in the Supreme Court today, and the byline is even better. It's unclear if the court will explicitly hold that Trump could commit crimes with impunity, or if they'll just delay his trial so long that it doesn't matter. I mean, this guy, this legal, this legal correspondent for Vox, I mean, he's just so petty. Did you catch that? It's so bizarre reading these pieces by so-called legal analysts or legal experts when they've already tried and convicted Trump, which is the exact opposite of the fundamental premise of our justice system, to presume someone innocent to prove and guilty. These guys are just, they're clowns, they're absolute and utter clowns. I mean, think about these are legal, and you see this all the time on MSNBC, these are legal analysts who are supposed to be experts in a system where you are supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and they give you analysis assuming he's already guilty. It's surreal to read these guys. That's so bizarre. I mean, I don't even know what to say. I mean, again, it's post-normal times, right? That's what we call it. That's the technical term for post-normal times. Anything that was normal in the past no longer allows you to make sense of the present because of the insanity that we're experiencing today. But this guy does recognize that his dreams, his warped fantasies, as of today, one way or the other have officially collapsed. The Supreme Court will largely side with President Trump. It's just how much, really, at this point, or at the very least, like this guy said, and he didn't even realize what he actually said, or they're going to delay the Jack Smith J6 trial to be on November when—do you notice what he said?—when what? The court will delay the trial until November when whatever they decide won't matter, none of it will matter. Talk about a careless confession and inadvertent admission. The case only matters if it takes place before November as far as this guy is concerned over at Vox. And I wonder why. Why is that? That doesn't make sense. What happens in November? Thanksgiving? Does this impact Thanksgiving? Does this impact presidents' day? Why? Why does this case have to happen before November? Wonder why. Why would that be? Why does—what's the significance of a felony getting wrapped up by November? I don't know. Why does it have to have an expiration? We all know why because it's inextricably linked to the election. It is the very definition of election interference. Liberals are admittedly attempting to thwart the democratic integrity of a presidential election. They say it again. I'll say it. They're trying to do it again. They're trying to do it again. But it looks like the Supreme Court has very, very different plans for them. God bless the Supreme Court. God saved the Supreme Court as they always pray, ironically, against the backdrop of the Ten Commandments and then expel Bible reading and prayer out of schools. Very interesting. Here's a senior writer for the ultra-left having his own temper tantrum, quote, "The male conservative justice is…" Stop! The male? You're throwing identity politics into this? The male, the patriarchal, evil, conservative justices lined up to declare that the real threat to democracy, God, if I hear that again, is a little about democracy. Democracy! Ah, we can't let Trump run. We can't. We got to save democracy by locking him up. He's… He's clowned. Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. The all-male conservative justices lined up to declare that the real threat to democracy wasn't Trump's attempt to steal the 2020 election, but the Justice Department's effort to hold him accountable. They were entirely worried, these male, patriarchal, evil people. They were entirely worried about the prosecution, not the alleged crime, whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm sensing a little cognitive dissonance there. Is that one of the symptoms of TDS, Trump's arrangement syndrome? Attaching contradictory statements? Which is it? Did Trump attempt to steal the 2020 election? You stated that as a fact? Did Trump attempt to steal the 2020 election? Or is it merely alleged that that's what he tried to do? Again, which is it? Are you going to convict him of it beforehand? Or are you going to presume he's innocent? Which is it? Did he do it? Or did he allegedly do it? In the first case, you've already tried and convicted him, which is the opposite of our justice system. In the second case, if he's alleged to have done it, it is precisely the prosecution's allegation that is under scrutiny. You freakin' idiot! You can't have it both ways. Either he did it or he's alleged to have done it. If he did it, you've tried and convicted him before any court has, and if he's alleged to do it, then it is the nature of the case to have that allegation itself scrutinized. Who are these? How do they end up as commentators? I'm just- I'm gobsmacked as you say across the pond. I am. I'm gobsmacked that these guys are even remotely taken seriously. I don't take slate that seriously. I don't take vox that seriously. But that they take these guys seriously, "Oh, man, I'm just- I'm blown away." They're falling apart, gang. They're falling apart. They recognize the inevitable here. I think that's what's going on. They're recognizing the inevitable. It's slowly dawning in them that every single case against Trump, the two prosecutions of Jack Smith and the one in Fulton County prosecuted by Fulton Fanny, they're recognized that those three cases are about to implode. They are literally going to implode. Again, at the very least, they're not going to be tried until after November, at the very least. And then that, of course, towards their whole purpose. Then at the same time, you got this Alvin Bragg push money comedy where they're trying to get Trump on something he supposedly did before he was elected. Bragg's case is literally becoming a legal laughing stock in front of the entire nation. It's being laughed at by legal experts all over the place. As much as the legacy media is trying to take it seriously and present it like it's really important. "Oh, this is a big case. This is a very serious case. It is a patently absurd case. I mean, it literally could not possibly be more patently absurd." And so even if the jury convicts him, it will almost certainly be overturned on appeal. And I think Trump would get a very, very quick appeal and it will only end up working in his favor. These woke lives are slowly coming to the realization of what just happened today. Bumble and Biden, who is literally plunging in the polls, pause. Bumble and Biden, who's plunging in the polls, pause, is going to have to face a very fierce and a very free Donald Trump in 2024. All right, let's do our first drawing here tonight, shall we? Again, gang, we've been drawing. We're drawing names tonight from those of you who downloaded our free app. If I call your name, you're going to have a private one-on-one virtual call with me or your patron professor. We're calling it our office hours with Dr. Steve and my first student who will be having office hours with me is Joe W-9157, Joe W-9157, it will be an honor to meet you, Joe. Just contact us at, that is To claim your prize and I cannot wait to meet you online, I'm going to turn it over to your questions. You might have some questions for me tonight and whatever you want to talk about. Remember, if you join any tier level, any tier level at all, any support tier, you'll automatically be enrolled in our Insiders Club where we have a virtual platform that you can ask me any question on. Also, our two top tiers are Sapphire and Diamond. We are giving away to our supporters of Sapphire and Diamond this beautiful antique brass bell that we had specially made for you guys. It's absolutely beautiful. It's got faith, family, and freedom on it. This is going to be sent to you as a tangible reminder of what the bell represents. The bell represents a symbol of freedom. The bell represents a symbol of independence, of liberty. It actually goes back to the biblical command to put bells on the Israeli high priest's vestments when he would go and serve in the holy of holies, the most holy place for the Hebrews. It was so holy he could die. The bells, when they were ringing through his ritualized gestures, bringing about atonement for the people and therefore freedom because the real tyranny was sin death in the devil. As long as they heard the bells ringing inside the holy of holies, they couldn't see because there was a veil up there. As long as they heard the bells ringing, they knew that their sins were being atoned for and they were finding freedom in God. When Christ came as the great high priest, bells then started getting mounted on top of churches, that became the symbol par excellence, the sound par excellence that Christ has taken away, the sins of the world and we've found true freedom. That's why we have the Liberty bell. It has Leviticus 25 proclaim or declare liberty to the captives on liberty. Throughout the land, it was on the Liberty bell. It was a scripture passage regarding the year of Jubilee where all the slaves were set free in Israel according to biblical laws. We want to send this to you as our gift, as our memento honoring you as a freedom fighter for liberty and so just sign up for one of those top tiers, Sapphire, Diamond, and this is going to be sent to you. It's going to be our honor. All right, guys. What do we have? Any questions, anything you want to chat about? Bring them over. We're going to get to the next five to twenty twenty four, can we boots on the ground or get boots on the ground in Pennsylvania, get more people registered both in walk in and early voting? Absolutely. Definitely. So contact Scott Pressler, P-R-E-S, one S-L-E-R on Twitter or you can contact e-v-a dot org, if I recall. It's earlyvoteaction dot org. That's who Scott works with. They are huge in Pennsylvania and offer your services and then see what you can do with them to get more boots on the ground so we get massive mail-in voting advantage in Pennsylvania. If we're ahead in mail-in votes come November, first, if we're ahead, or even just head to head, neck and neck with Biden in the mail-in ballots, we're going to crush them on election day. There's no doubt. And they know that. They know that. That's why they freak out with Florida when we're even beating them in Florida, beating them in Texas with the mail-in ballots. They know they have no chance of winning. There's no fraud they can defer to at that point. So definitely get in touch with Fallen Templar. I love it. Fallen Templar. Thoughts on the Pennsylvania primary, aside from the mainstream media coke about Haley. I love it. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, I did that. I think I gave a full briefing last night. It was brilliant. Trump got more votes than any non-incumbent president or candidate, I should say, in Pennsylvania history. So he said another record as he keeps doing. He got what? About 83% of the vote. Haley got the rest. 40% of her vote was mail-in and it came in weeks and weeks and weeks ago. But the same pattern holds as it did in Iowa, in New Hampshire, South Carolina, Michigan. The vast majority of her vote was Democrat. They tried to contaminate the results. They would have no gumption whatsoever to vote for her, no intention to vote for whatsoever in November had she even gotten the nomination. She'd be down by 10 points right now. It would just be a disaster if she got it. So what the real story of the night was is Biden, I believe, is the first incumbent not to break 90%. He got 88% or so and he was running unopposed. But Trump got 83, Biden got 88, Trump almost got the same as the incumbent candidate. So this is really, really bad news for Biden. And again, another message just tie in with what we saw in the earlier question, 52% I believe of Biden's vote was mail-in. So Democrats are going to be a mail, they are a ballot-based party right now. Only 15% of Trump's vote was mail-in. So we are going to have to get that number up to just, it's going to be, have to be on par in terms of real numbers with Biden. It will always be less because Republican voters are high propensity voters. They come out on election day. We see it all the time. That's why they tried to thwart us in Fulton County in 2022 in the midterms. So that's what we can't rely on election day because they're going to engage in shenanigans. We know that. There are going to be frustrations. So what we've got to do is we've got it. And you'll always notice those, the machines always break down in heavily Republican areas. Isn't that interesting? They always do just fine in Democratic. I don't know why that is. So anyway, we've got it up our game when it comes to mail-in ballots and ballot harvesting, which is allowed 50 days before the election in Pennsylvania. That's just the way it is. And if we do that, we've got Scott Pressley there, we've got early voter action, we should be able to do it. If we do that, we're going to crush it on election day. We're going to absolutely crush it. That turnout for Trump was absolutely massive on Tuesday. So there you go. Thank you for following the template. And thank you for your support, guys. Big gris. When these implode, what will be the next move by the left, which Ace actually at this point our entire government, which Ace actually at this point, did you get a, is there a symbol in there that I don't? Which is actually at this point our entire. Owns, you have owns, which owns are actually at this point our entire government. Okay, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it, all right, great. So I don't know. I don't know if the left has a backup to this. They must have, and I just don't know what it is. They do own the entire government. I'm glad you're recognizing that. We'll have to see, they may be in their, their, their last days of the Politburo moment, their Chausheshkou moments, we'll have to see, we'll have to see if they're just basically running out of, running out of ideas, running out of schemes to try to thwart democracy in the name of democracy, pathetic, thanks, big gris. Jesse 9960, Dr. Turley, what are your thoughts on Jesse Kelly and Tucker interview last week? All the comments about the border coalition, et cetera. You know, I did not get to see that. I love Jesse Kelly. Jesse Kelly does amazing work, follower on Twitter, but I didn't get to see it. So I don't know. I'm sure I would, I'm sure I would love it. Border coalition, I just, without seeing it, I can't really answer. I'm sorry, Jesse. Rock dog. Dr. Steve, since the law fair will fail, do you think the swamp will try to assassin? It's so funny. You brought that up. I didn't, I didn't want to say it. See we're, we're simpatico here. I didn't want to say it, but that's exactly speaking up. That's what Tucker brought up to Trump in their, in their amazing interview, right? That got basically, you know, a billion views. That's the obvious concern. They're trying to take them out. That's what law fair is about. They're trying to take them out. They're trying to socially assassinate him by getting him removed from society in some way, shape or form. Are they going to do the real thing? I don't know, you know, pray for him. That's a keep him, keep him safe under the, under bathed and shielded in your prayers. Question, and as a historian, do you fall into the group or believe the US is following the pattern in the fall of Rome? That's Spangler. Yeah. Oswald Spangler, um, well, I, I think, I think, uh, I think there are patterns to regime fall and we are exemplifying those patterns. So it's not just Rome. It's any regime. It's the middle kingdom of Egypt. You name it, um, and we are exemplifying that. We're exemplifying it at a couple of levels. I think it starts at the frontier, generally speaking that we saw this most recently with the Soviet Union, it first involved the collapse of Eastern Europe, right? 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, then two years later in 1991, the domestic collapse. So first, there's the international frontier collapse in an empire where it's, it's, uh, where it's stretched out to its farther, farthest, most frontiers. Those begin to collapse. Those erode and remember, allery, you bring up Rome, allera came from the frontiers. He was a barbarian who didn't get paid and he was mad. And so, uh, the, he basically took his soldiers, his frontier soldiers, he was a mercenary, and then they marched into Rome and sacked the place. So what we saw in Afghanistan, uh, what we're seeing in, uh, the total ineptitude, the total inability of Biden to even be listened to internationally today, whether by Xi, Putin, Netanyahu, uh, Mohammed bin Salman and Saudi Arabia doesn't even take his calls anymore. So I think we're seeing the American empires that were beginning to recede in the frontiers. And then that's just a matter of time before it begins to implode internally. And I think we're starting to see that to a certain extent. Um, I'm sorry, uh, this is, by the way, this question is from Lolly, L-O-L-L-I, sorry, Lolly, it's, it's not there. And I think we're starting to see that we're seeing it, um, morally, uh, uh, Rome in many ways, keeled over morally, they, they morally fell apart. That's why the Christians took over, which is what's happening, I think, again, they keeled over politically, um, and I think we're seeing that. And I think we're, uh, keeling over institutionally, we're seeing in our college campuses, we're seeing it at the border. Oh, and, and invasion is another big thing as well. As nations that tend to implode our, our nations that are invaded, um, hence the, you know, the, the frontiers, they have to fall first and then eventually, uh, foreign forces come in in some way, shape or form. Uh, the good news though, is that they're, um, what this really is, is what a paterum sorghain would argue is the secular outworking of our nation, what he would call the "sensate outworking" collapsing. And for sorghain, the "sensate" or secular is a tangible material expression of a much deeper and eternal sacred foundation. All civilizations are rooted in the sacred, they're rooted in the religious. And so they go from the sacred to the secular, right? Because the sacred is the, the absolute, the eternal, uh, frames of reference that give us constantly renewing eternal, um, uh, life, uh, that remakes and reshapes and revivifies our society. But we all have to be secular, we got to pay our taxes, we got to drive on the roads, we got to, we got to figure out how we're going to make a living and all this kind of stuff. And the idea is that you have the sacred and the secular balanced out so that the secular always sees itself in relation to the sacred and the sacred is always revivifying the secular elements of life. But eventually the secular takes on a life of its own. Every society does it, again, he calls it "sensate" as opposed to secular. Every society does it, it forgets about its sacred roots, it turns its back on God. Think of the, the cycles of Israel, right, your book of judges, men no longer are calling on God anymore, and everyone's doing what's right in their own eyes, and the whole thing implodes. And when it implodes, what happens is it turns into a compost that revivifies the sacred again. And I think that's what we're seeing. And we certainly saw that in Russia, when the Soviet Union fell, the Russian Orthodox world rose like it hasn't risen since the days of the Tsars. And we're seeing it, and of course, in Eastern Europe as well, Central Europe, Hungary with Viktor Orban creating a Christian democracy, the rise of the law and justice party in Poland. We're seeing it all over. Europe as a whole is now saying we're a Christian civilization. And it's their argument, even the most secular places like Sweden and France and the Netherlands are coming out and saying overtly we are a Christian civilization, therefore we do not allow burkas, we do not allow minarets in our architecture and so on and so forth. Very, very fascinating return to the sacred. So that's what I think is happening here. And of course, that's what happened to Rome in and of becoming a Christian empire as a result. Bill, similar with the Insider's Club chats on Monday and Friday be on the existing email platform, or we'll be moved to the new app, nope, existing, you could do it either one. If you're already in the Insider's Club, they'll be on, yeah, I'm getting confirmation, they'll be in both places. If you're in the Insider's Club, you don't have to do a thing just other than just download the app and enjoy it. Everything, you know, the way we've contacted you and so forth, nothing changes, nothing whatsoever. Just the app is there as sort of our, that's our access now around which all the different social media platforms that were a part of just kind of revolves, that's a meeting place that will never go down for us. That's the good news. Uh, Lully, do you think America could fix this? There are so many issues and so many bizarre new laws and so-called police. Can we really put this genie back in the bottle? Yeah. Believe it or not, we can. It happens all the time. There is spiritual renewal and when we get that spiritual renewal, a lot fixes itself. It takes time. There's no question. It's not going to be something happens tomorrow. But no, once, once, I mean, you had all kinds of insanity in Rome, all kinds of insane. I mean, you could literally go to a Colosseum and watch human beings get slaughtered in front of you. That was their blood porn. They loved it. Christians came in and got rid of it. And nobody missed it. Nobody missed it. So no, you can see societal revolution and it's stunning in extraordinary ways. So we can do it. No, no, no question, but boy, is it a mess. I mean, what's happening is the secular society, a society that has no sacred foundation and therefore it has no, it does not have the resources for eternal renewal, right? That's what religion provides. religion provides the sacred resources for eternal renewal, right? Religions really are eternal. They don't die. They are in touch with the sacred in some very, very powerful way. I believe they all ultimately go to the Logos, Jesus Christ. But regardless, they are all in touch with the eternal in some way, shape, or form. So when a society becomes totally sensate, totally secularized, it has no basis for societal renewal. So it just inevitably implodes. It inevitably is secular society entails its own demise. And that's exactly what I think is happening here. So it's a mess. Everything is falling apart because it is. Everything is falling apart, and I would just say, pray and expect that in this process of falling apart, more and more of the population is going to go back as they always do. Go back to sacred roots to find some semblance of order again. At the very least, we're just going to go there demographically, since secular liberals aren't having kids anymore. So and even the population we're importing are generally conservative Catholic and who are now more and more voting Republican. So we're all going to move back and the country is going to be significantly more Christian, significantly more moral, far more sacred. And by God's grace, we'll stay together through that. That's the one thing I'm worried about is more again, the frontiers, as it were, the Pacific Northwest, the Northeast, the coastal region sort of collapsing into blue insanity. And we just more or less having to create a big red state, mega state, 27, 28, 30 red state barriers between ourselves and this, this dilapidating liberalism. So hopefully that doesn't happen. We'll see. Just a couple of more here, fast to land. Should we attempt to push the illegals into sure or nearly sure blue states keep the electoral college as clean as possible? Yeah, you know, I mean, that's ironically there. They're using that to their advantage. Elon's talked about that there, their increase. You're not allowed constitutionally according to the Supreme Court. You're not allowed to ask if somebody is here legally or illegally, so they can count these illegal aliens and keep their electoral college inflated. Again, I think they're just bringing in a Trojan horse. This population tends to be very religious, very socially conservative. They're not woke and they're only going to end. This is exactly what's been happening in Western Europe with the Northern African and Middle Eastern massive migration in there. The cities in Europe are some of the most religious places on the whole continent because you're just seeing mosques everywhere. You're seeing, if they're coming from Eastern Europe, you're seeing Orthodox churches set up everywhere. Again, in warehouses and so forth, but they're becoming incredibly religiously dense areas. The African populations coming in is very evangelical. So, ironically, they're just secular liberals are just basically breeding themselves out of existence either through actual fertility or through their immigration policies. But Steve, do you think the left will try to let something organized before the election that would affect the election, especially if they don't think it's going their way as we're finding right now? Oh, yeah, they're going to try. So the way to look at this is they cannot let Trump be president. Somebody brought this up in a Q&A last night. They cannot let Trump be president. They cannot let Trump be president. It is an existential threat to them. They cannot let Trump win. If he wins, they are definitely, they are seriously scared he's going to round him up. So, they're going to do everything they can to stomp him. It's our job to make sure that whatever they pull, it's not enough. Whatever they try, it's not enough. Our fervency, our determination to get Trump over the finish line is stronger and more massive and more effective than their attempt to stop him. They'll try anything and we just can't let him. Lolly, how far do you think this chaos will go? If heaven forbid Biden wins, right? Will we end up being governed by the UN? I don't think so. Again, the Supreme Court has been extremely impressive here. They really have refused to allow themselves to be compromised by this insanity. So they are really the only sane institution right now. And thank God, President Trump appointed three of those, three of those nine. Yeah, Biden, again, make sure you guys steal yourselves, resolve yourselves. Biden may win this. They're going to do everything they can to steal it. That's why I shouldn't even say win. They may take it. All right. They may take it. Whatever you're going to do. I think then, Lolly, we're going to go in the direction of sanctuary red states, red state sanctuary states, and I don't know if it's going to be a full-blown tech set, a vote of independence to leave a sinking ship as it were, but I think instead what you're going to see is your 2728, 30 solid red states all band together. They're literally all together in a big landmass. And we're already seeing it. We're seeing it in their anti-trans laws. We're seeing it in their election integrity laws. We're seeing it in, you know, all kind. We're seeing Second Amendment sanctuaries. We're seeing it at the border with Abbott and the Texas National Guard down there as well as their own Texas military. They're basically telling Washington to go screw itself, even if the Supreme Court rules against them. They're just saying screw yourself. We're not listening to you anymore. And so they're going to set up administrative legal walls of separation between red states and blue states. That's what's going to happen. And they're going to become arcs, as it were. So if you're in a blue state, as I am, I, we may have to move. If Biden wins, we may have to move to a red state so that we can stay protected from the rot, the societal rot of blue states. Because red states are flourishing right now, generally speaking. They're flourishing economically. They're flourishing culturally. They're flourishing demographically. They have a significant fertility advantage over blue states. I mean, red states are rock the tallest building in the country is about to be built in Oklahoma. I mean, all of American life is basically going to red states. And red states are very, very protective. They're guarding the cultural conservatism that makes red states so special. Lolly, I worry Trump tries to fix this, but he is one man. Do we have anyone after? Oh, yeah. No, there's there's going to be a whole new maga generation, whether it's Matt Gates or Marjorie Taylor Greene or yeah, there's going to be, there's going to be, I mean, even Tucker Tucker is just becoming quite the personality. And then you've got the RFK leftist populist movement. No, we're in good hands. The person who replaces Trump has yet to surface. That's my, my opinion. We don't know who that is, but I think we're going to be looking outside of the political class for someone again, like, like Trump, who was, who was an entrepreneur and an entertainer the celebrity, a big gris. How can we change our education system for the masses that basically indoctrinates the youth? So I'm a big advocate, big gris of the classical school model. It may involve privatizing schooling. That may be what red states have to do. Ron DeSantis is a huge fan of replacing as much as possible the education system in Florida with the classical model. You're seeing it in charter schools, you're seeing in private schools, seeing in homeschooling. And so this is an education that is the, the very education of our founding fathers. It goes back to Latin. It goes back to theology is the queen of sciences that holds all the subjects together. It goes to the liberal arts, liberal in a good way, a true liberating arts of the Trivium and the Quadraviums, so you have grammar, dialectic and rhetoric. And then you have that mat geometry, music and astronomy. Those are sort of your main, your main subjects. And they go back to the Logos, to Christ who holds the world together. The Logos for the ancient Greeks was both a word, right, John one in the beginning was the word and word was with God, the word was God. So you learn your grammar, but it was also a, it was a form of measurement. It ordered the world, God speaks order into the world. So that's why we get the word logistics from the Logos. So, and that's why our tests tend to focus on, you know, language, on words and on numbers, on mathematics. And so that kind of education has been the norm for 2,500 years in the West. We replaced it with this rot we call modern education or contemporary education. And if we go back to classical education, we go back to a kind of education that believes you're not truly educated, if you're not virtuous. Education is ultimately about virtue formation. And civic virtue was the principle, the characteristic for free people according to our founding fathers because free people don't need to be ruled. We have a natural moral barometer in place. So more, more on that as we, as we continue to just rock and roll and our app and on all there are Monday nights together, we can talk tons about classical education. Mary, Ellen, do you think the Dems would be successful to take strip Trump of his Secret Service? No, I don't think so. I don't think, I don't think, again, I don't think in any way, shape or form that could pass the muster of the Supreme Court. So no. Let's do it. Let's do a quick, another giveaway. We've got our second drawing for the night. Again, remember, we've been drawing names, so we draw our first name from those of you who downloaded our free app. We're calling, we're calling this our office hours with Dr. Steve and we're going to call out your name through a randomizer. And if your name is cold, you're getting a private one-on-one virtual call with me and my second student, who has office hours with me, is, slowing down, slowing down, it is. S Jacobs 2024, S Jacobs 2024, S Jacobs, it is going to be an honor to have office hours with you, just contact us at to claim your prize. That is to claim your prize. I cannot wait to meet you online. Shall we ring the bell? Is it right? Bell ringing time? Let me know, gang. I'm looking at my getting my instructions from my team. Sure, they're saying, sure, all right. So gang, if you're just joining us, what we're doing here is I'm about to ring this bell of freedom for those of you who've signed up for one of our support levels. Any monthly support level that you can give is so appreciated. I want to honor you tonight and acknowledge all of you who've become our monthly supporters either in our bronze, silver, gold, platinum sapphire or diamond levels. Remember, if you do sign up for a sapphire or diamond level, I am going to send you this beautiful antique brass bell as a reminder of what how a bell symbolizes liberty and freedom. The bell is the sound that we have been set free ultimately from sin death in the devil. And every time you ring this bell, it's a reminder of how much we appreciate you being a defender of freedom on our behalf tonight. All right. So let's ring some bells. Let's see who supported us tonight. The chattel gold, our gold member. Thank you, D chattel. Thank you so much for blessing us tonight. KW sign up for our silver plait, our silver level. That's for you. KW. Thank you so much. Caufer is signed up on our bronze level. I hope you can hear it. Everyone's saying can to certainly hear the bell. I'm going to give you another big loud one. Yeah. That's it. Caufer. Thank you for your bronze support. Randall JS signed up for our bronze level. Thank you, Randall. Robert B is signed up for platinum. Thank you, Robert B. Rick B is signed up for silver. Thank you, Rick B. Very, very appreciated. Jake Barris is signed up for our bronze. Thanks, Jake. Thank you so much, guys. Jill S is signed up for silver. Thank you, Jill. Very appreciated. RJ signed up for bronze. Thanks RJ. Very appreciated. Turley talker is signed up for gold. Does that mean did I sign up? Thank you, Turley talker. You're awesome. FD. Signed up with platinum. Thank you, FD. Thank you so much. Pat Kay. Signed up on our silver. Can thank you, Pat Kay. Thank you so much. Dor dust. He's signed up for our gold level. Thank you, sawdust. Clark signed up for our silver. Thank you, Clark. Very appreciated. MH Cox signed up for our silver. Thank you so much MH Cox. Thank you, guys, for all of the support you're giving to us. Thank you so much. Salstrom. You are now bronze. Thank you for signing up on our bronze level. Thank you, Salstrom. Lauren C. You signed up for silver. Silver you are, Lawrence. Thank you. Holly H. Signing up on our platinum level. Thank you so much, Holly. Thank you for signing up for our platinum level. Thank you, FD. Lots of platinum tonight. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Patriot 1776 Silver, didn't we already do this? Am I going crazy? Excellent. I don't care. I'm calling ya. Patriot 1776. There you go. That's our 7th. Thank you, guys, so much for downloading the app and joining one of these tiers. Joining one of those support levels, gang, means so much, just go to, sign up for any monthly support level. It is so appreciated. Which one is our, just so you guys know, which one is our scotch with Steve? Is that the platinum? I'm forgetting which one. Let me know, guys, in the notes. What is our scotch with Steve? Everything a monthly virtual group call it is. If you sign up on our platinum, that's the first one on the bottom left, we're going to do a monthly online meeting together. It's more exclusive. It's only going to be about 50 of us or so. It's not like the hundreds we have on our Monday night Q&A's. And we're just going to be able to chat. We're going to have direct access to each other via Zoom. And we're calling it scotch with Steve. You know, if you want to bring a scotch, if you want to bring a beer, if you want to bring a soda, I don't care, whatever you want, just sit back. We're going to have a great night of discussion every month, especially leading up to November. And also, I'll be very curious to get your ideas of what videos you want to see, what video topics you want me to pursue, what guests you want me to interview and like. You're going to have a say in how we roll out the channel. So platinum, that's the platinum level there, very, very special for you. Don't forget the sapphire and diamond. You do get this wonderful commemorative bell to remind you of what liberty ultimately means. And that is freedom from sin, death and the devil. And it's just there to honor you as a freedom fighter on our behalf, standing up in defiance of tech tyranny. Gang, you are so wonderful. I just cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for us during this time. It's my honor to just serve you extra this week as we roll out this app for you. It is really a platform. It works on your computer, your iPad, whatever you got. You don't even have to have a smartphone, but I just can't thank you enough for supporting us during this time. I think, yes, we have hit. Do we have a number of how many app downloads we've had thus far just in the last hour? We'll have to add it because we're just under five thousand. What do we got? Gang. We got five thousand four hundred forty seven. Well, we had almost five hundred downloads since we started gang. You got. Yeah, we've had basically five hundred downloads, right? Basically where we started. So gang, thank you from the bottom of my heart, please send this URL, to all friends and families, to all the patriots that you know, the more people who download this app and become part of our community here, the stronger we are. I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement, for your kind words, for your support during this. Yeah, this difficult time, but it's adversity that makes us rise to the occasion. That's where we get the greatest, best and most wonderful, innovative things in the midst of adversity and we're facing it head on. It means everything to us. So just again, click on that link below if you haven't already done so. We'd very much appreciate if you sign up for one of the levels of support and enjoy the freedom of an app that is completely protected from cancel culture. Thanks so much for listening. This episode of the Turley Talks Podcast, don't forget to subscribe, leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. (upbeat music) You